Remaking Cinema4D animations in Blender

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what's up everybody what I've got for you today is not much of a tutorial but really more similar to a live stream you can kind of think of that like it was a live stream but no one showed up and I just set alone making it in my underwear which I did sit alone making it in my underwear but that's beside the point basically I found this guy Perry Cooper on Instagram and he had just posted his cool milk animation I got to thinking how I would make it Houston before tea but it looked like a really fun project to tackle in blender I don't want this to come off as some sort of a blender versus you know for anything both a good software that allow people to create and creating things is a good thing so yeah this video is pretty unedited you're not going to find a lot of the polished process you see in my other tutorials but it is kind of the point it's just a raw look into kind of how I think about and solve some of the problems that I run to on a daily basis in blender so yeah sit back relax see how I do and enjoy what's up everyone its Derek Eliot here jerk comm couldn't sleep tonight it's about 3 a.m. and I was browsing Instagram and saw this really cool post by this guy Perry Cooper oh I have had not been falling and I'm just thought hey that'd be kind of cool like when I saw it I was thinking yeah but I could make that in blender and I was kind of thinking about how how I would do it which of course did not help me fall asleep that made it worse so I was just thinking about blender which I which I am too often so I'm I set up a new little folder here basically what I'm going to do today or tonight is find out where I have that darn thing saved yes so um so here's the post it was kind of like this it's actually animated which I suppose I should probably show you on the which I had to download OBS cuz I'm on my new computer it's the first time I'm recording yeah that's the UH that's the post pretty cool if you ask me but yeah I was just like oh I wonder you know some displacement or something and someone actually commented like how to do it and he yeah he said that he he had a video showing how to do a similar one in a post heated for 36 days to type which while I was still in bed I kind of glanced at that post in the video just to see what he did it was about what I expected of course he's using cinema 4d so it's a little bit um a little bit different rendering some sofas by the way I check that out so is this is going to be kind of like a pretty informal some early tutorial I just um yeah I just wanted to kind of make this video you guys can see me just kind of trying to trying to make something see I have not done this yet and normally when I'm recording a tutorial I will do it many many times to kind of get the the idea right before I actually try to you know make it a tutorial on it but for this one I'm just gonna I just yeah I thought that'd be cool to try to make it so that's what I'm doing I'll kind of talk my way through it maybe my thought process hopefully that can be via that value you get from this would be my my process here just figuring things out as I go then what's been too much time on this I might try to get back to bed but uh at least gotta figure out how to figure out how to work at Miramonte of fire there we go why was that not working oh exit so it's confusing anyways um just trying clicking here see I think what I'm gonna do is I'm just gonna first make this shape and then what I will do after that is um everything else yeah so only how is this gonna work let's uh I think I need to extrude this actually um secondly sense yeah I think that I can just GG move that over gonna have some triangles there but that'll be alright so I think this is gonna end up happening with a smooth modifier most so you get the shape Elise let's try smoothing this out which I think this smooth only works with the geometry you give it yeah so basically I need to get this milk shape first and I'm actually I think my dad has an orange juice box just because I want to be different it will fully credit parry Cooper here but yeah so let's try I'm just gonna go ahead and apply that mere pug didn't really need to even have one let's get rid of this smooth actually smooth to smooth down there so the remesh it's just to give it give it like some actual geometry you can work with and then yeah and then we're gonna see if the smooth modifier can't kind of get us that that smooth down shape which I believe he did something similar in his video for the 7 which this smooth let's see should I be using a remesh here maybe a subdivision surface I could also just do a bevel the thing is with this being animated I'm worried about a bevel breaking because we'll do like a boolean where you know I think the smooth works better here I don't wanna when I get the smooth-looking right first I'm not really I like don't know how the smooth modifier works at all it just does oh no I'm not like him kind of want my shape to be more like his I think Perry is a guy I guess um yeah I think I saw my problem at all mmm okay this is raw and uncut Derek figuring stuff out which I think I think you just like that right also I'm not trying to be ASMR voice it's just that a lady and the dog are sleeping and I do not want to wake them I'm just delaying the figuring out how to smooth modifier works here by adjusting this shape some more okay does that look a should be a little bit thicker hmm you know it's the triangles part the best thing here and whatever okay from using a rematch it shouldn't matter well there we go if I use a less remesh mm-hmm we just need changes factor did yes he does smooths it's just like I just don't like EFT I guess this random amount to smooth it may be the will tell you less on the remesh here shade smooth oh wait for some reason you have to click that okay so this shape is decent hmm you know what it could be better maybe what we do memories will use some more traditional smoothing on this and then we'll try to duplicate this just to have a copy um maybe we will add a bevel modifier to get that and let's just for the sake of making that curve a little nicer there we go little details um because you have bevels giving me much more of the shape I want but a petal doesn't know I like that let's um let's go back to Mir in this thing and then no idea how long this is gonna be or if I'll upload it I'll probably embarrassed about how I did something then not upload it but if you listening to it let's go say uh what was I gonna do but you know let's um let's do like a why am I trying to salvage this let's just get rid of that Thanks purchases are you serious not this expertise okay let's Turkey why and then I think I want face there I said now it's all quads as we speak and then I need to get like mind I'm doing exactly just it I want this but now I want I kind of want like this I think let's just drag that up there enter and then we be able to hmm maybe then we do this right now we're gonna need a hole over there eventually I just I guess it doesn't have to actually be a hole X let's try to solve this edge okay so quads quads quads I think this is more like what I want but some I know I could just mirror it on the other axis but sometimes you gotta save some work for yourself okay let's delete that edge oops X dissolve others oh wait I forgot to do this little guy don't didn't you enter you next dissolve edges one two three four okay that is a quad I was like geez oh my god what'd I do okay so now I finish I'm recording yeah 11 minutes hey look at that making progress right okay so let's extrude this back in well you may be new both these oh yeah he's kind of looks like there might be a straight edge there let's extrude that in I just need to go basically I don't know like that or something and now let's bring this back pressing G twice to do that oh gosh I better start speaking my hotkeys otherwise I'm gonna spend hours and premier trying to write them all out for you guys okay this needs to come out I think so on SX cheesy little boy we're getting some nasty geometry here oh if this is just have to come down to fix that oh I think my dog woke up I failed my challenge was to finish this before she walked out okay um I think that looks pretty decent for the shape let's maybe make this come up with that little flare okay okay so we've got a bad shade in there because the bevel needs a limit method and we can't add probably in there segment here and then maybe we'll have a subdivision surface why do I get these bandages it's the bevel the docks okay I'll be right back okay so I took the dog out where were we we were trying to figure out my geometry so bad I think there's an issue where the bevel is not applying properly subdivision hmm comes after the bevel at the mirror clipping [Music] all right so we have yeah we've just got some got some bad geometry wait what is this why do we have that extra line and clearly also I was doing what the heck is is all about I hate this it's something with that oh wait no I didn't fix it [Music] see if we make a bit smaller that'll go it's just a damn Twitter doubles No it's like this is just too tight or something geez what do I have here why is everything all screwed up this is like a really basic object well this uh this video is getting less interesting very quickly okay I think oh oh I think I was just getting a bad a bad bevel let's turn this ankle and my method up a little bit so maybe it just gets like okay maybe we'll go to doing a weight method of your bevel weight so want this whole outside to get it so right down I'll do pillow weight one except not you little jerk oh wait I think we will need it there bevel weight one [Music] [Music] the Holy One ee one I want this whole thing to get it right uh bleep okay okay now in here I want that to get it duffle weight one and we have a problem right back we have two mini segments it's getting too tight did this is uh this is absurd I know I've had this exact problem for two which is more absurd that I don't have to fix it okay that's what it is [Music] when you have these are just coming together like it needs so this bevel is giving a segment so that I need Slyke neat an edge with that same amount of segments so even though I don't technically want a bevel like right here I have to have it because I have these other edges with it okay direct troubleshooting of it now we are looking like a his shape I think but um maybe bring these in just a little bit and they bring it all up okay I thought this was gonna be all time spent on ol technique but apparently it small a damn milk carton oh okay I just press ctrl s to save which I'll go to my folder that I named hojae then we'll go ahead and make it a new folder called 3d and it will call this one I've been real creative with Maya naming systems lately she's naming everything one two three someone's track version of mine okay screw you get out of there okay we're gonna duplicate this one move it to our trash collection which if we need it later isn't gonna be the track collection as I always say okay so we have about home with one segment what's to look like two is too sharp one is nice let's make it bigger - maybe not let's not make it bigger see if this stuff is all a little bit fatter could make it a little bit bigger let's turn off the clamp up I think we have our problem up here you can we do about the weight but you know better um mmm that's the trash collection he's now that's the good one which where's my object name [Music] oh my god such a small change okay that's that one let's just move this above our oh my god is it seriously gone [Music] shift d fine move collection okay they're trash that's good good good good okay now can we get back to what we were doing what were we doing it's so focused on that okay let's make let's try to make at home actually we don't need to make it because we can just make it on top you don't actually see the hole um-hmm what's Derrick's take on that let's see if we can apply the mirror fell this delete the face it's all it's all it's a home extry out this way come on give me some normal action here yep such a big that's pretty good okay let's just treat it you know resolve it and then I think we'll just make the cap a separate shape let's just stay like this for now don't fill it in save okay now I'm gonna start thinking about this wavy thing so his was just a regular like a wave which honestly looks really good musha's duplicate that is he it's easy to loop if you do that I was thinking it might be cool to have it just be like a displacement though I don't have an idea of how I would do that I'm where a circle here let's bring this up to about where that would be I'm gonna use a circle so I can loop this animation so I just need that slice all the way through and then these need to be roughly square shaped displacement thingies would you talk entities the edge rings but then they don'tthey stand on squares and bothers me I don't know why I did that oh whatever okay let's add a displacement modifier we're just gonna try to get out yeah somebody you need to shape here clouds texture now is where we control how much it's actually going to add in our sub D yeah probably after the displacement I think it's gonna be fine okay let's make this how much waves do we want I mean not much waves so yeah the reason I was making a circle so that I can I can loop it just by spinning this 360 whereas if I use like a plane or something you can well you could use a plane you it's like an array or something but okay I want this to be stronger though so I'll turn up the strings um let's add some more sub D now that's pretty good that's pretty good that good now what I will do check this out as I didn't think about this I didn't think about much about what I was gonna do ahead of time but I did think of this little thing here okay I want to go wait I thought you controlled direction okay here we can go Z mmm wait maybe if I put de solidified to the top so fine then this place doesn't mean well that's fine we can have that that's not gonna be alright let's go ahead and get this semi animation let's say this is gonna be um 6 seconds 6 times 31 a heat okay um so frame 0 I'll have that rotation you see ro I'm 180 we'll have it be 360 insert keyframe let's make these linear okay so that's gonna be what our way it looks like pretty much I think that looks pretty good is it too much let me get a little bit higher let me check my car's to make sure our solidifying covers us okay okay so that's good and then when I want to do the top part is that gonna work let's see lil shiftee this and then go the other way yeah this should overlap properly what we're going to do is with these boolean's but now one bullying will be um okay let's go ahead and let's get some viewports play action go on yeah let's display this as wire for now and then you can should click this and then uh-uh wire anywhere I was gonna try to explain something cool there but I got confused so I'm not going to sorry I'll just listen to something about copying to selected okay so that's our two things there all we need to find out if the smooth thing is gonna work out if it doesn't then I'm screwed let's um let's hide this for now and then let's set up our let's do a displacement for the trash cuz I'm gonna apply these modifiers I think do we need to play the bell all and pace should we do and then there's also my subdivision no maybe we should save the subdivision let's try not applying the subdivision yet and also this doesn't need to be as detailed now that I'm thinking about it because the detail is gonna be applied to this object which actually means this can probably be like really low we can actually probably get rid of the subversion as long as it matches the top am I right about that I think I'm right about that yeah okay let's let's give boolean going I'll get em off our boolean to this guy okay so yeah that's doing exactly what I wanted to do cha-ching I'll wait except oh wait I guess I could use the same object let's duplicate this except have the boolean B intersect oh yeah okay I thought it's gonna need two objects let's get rid of you yeah dia yeah that's right one is just intersecting ones difference so now let's see if we can and all the stripping is before that oh yeah look at that look at that it's working I'm figuring out new ways to do this is not how I had a planned oh yeah dude look at that no it is gonna be shanky though let's try adding asados into this hmm I don't think that is gonna solve it but I do think we just need to avoid that like constant flickering when the mesh changes let's see if we can see in his if there's any artifacts I think is it's pretty smooth I think you I think it has a 12 thing he was doing some some remesh Inge I'll pay Cooper um let's try to let's do a I think go into a rematch here I can find the darn thing Ramesh we need to do that after everything yes let's it's smooth turn up our opt treat depth shoot smooth it I just gonna place you first uh okay we need to have it's getting rounded way too much because of the subdivision surface so that means mm-hmm like it subscribe if you like listening to me ponder so the subdivision needs to happen maybe we just what happens if we hide it I'm kind of sad actually maybe that's what we want and then let's add the sutlers you back on this one let's try that okay now we ducking now we're talking so let's shade that's dang it - why why is this need a checkbox machine Smith why doesn't need that so it's gonna be a little artifact II but but if I have higher resolution image and I could probably see similar artifact in his okay I'm liking that I am liking that let's let's see if we can get away with a little bit less remesh in there okay so that is live rameshan oh that's gonna screw us up up here though we will come up with an alternate solution for that actually what I do is let's oh wait - leave them both on right yeah yeah yeah yeah no I mean this is gonna be moving but I'm not gonna want this is all moving yeah the remix just getting some getting some other stuff there we don't want it to get we could like cut it off right here where it's actually two separate objects so the top stays nice and static that might be it we need to do it yes yeah I don't want this all happen I wonder let's go back to house see if we can see anything nope smooth could be blunder okay let's um I know I do want to add a smooth which can someone please explain in the comments what the different smooths are there's like four of them I don't know what they do laplacian I could probably Google it right now but I'll let you do that no no actually yeah you google it and then tell me in the comments how smooth do we smooth [Music] yeah it's giving us some some bad stuff there ma'am maybe that's why this works better it's a little more predictable or what if we turn this down so it didn't come up so I let's trim strength down to like a 1.6 don't know why I thought that would solve anything what if we put an edge loop here SC see will that do anything no come on hmm I got something okay so the problem is happening with the remesh don't think that would do anything can you a rematch up for a text group don't think so hmm well that's um let's just go ahead and try to copy and modifiers to this one which is now going to be freakin invisible cuz we do the opposite intersect now let's try this hein this guy okay so I'm feeling like we pretty much have it there but except for a few all issues hmm you know what though --if which i think it is you like crank a lot of stuff I'm really high which is gonna give me slow you poor playback but okay more subdued eat isn't gonna help I don't think what if we try moving that back down no that's not going to do it hmm maybe we should try I'm flying the subdivision that no that's not do anything that's also wait I think we need it to constantly remesh actually maybe not from your bravery rush so the remesh shop solves that issue yes see if I just China's up higher it's like working pretty good and it's not as visible which may just be the thing to do it's gonna give me crap viewport playback that okay let's um let's copies modifiers ctrl alt my fires and then whatever one needs to be the opposite intersect just be able to spread that out a little more maybe we drop this back to seven drop that back to seven a little bit more smoothing three 300 in that thing what if we repeat it one last time three and four I'm just trying to make these the same so they get similar details okay I think that's pretty good yeah that's freaking okay um and what's next maybe just check some lighting and then maybe they'll ah he's artifacts can't even see him for the sake of copyin let's try to mimic his background camera will even try to get the angle the same just to be pure pure copy cans what aspect ratio do you think he used just K I'll do minus a square let's do twelve hundred and twelve hundred because that sounds good I feel like you have to try it come on spin on otherwise people are gonna be like usually bitter it looks great the pigeon was always the best that's why I haven't seen anybody make any cooler cooler than mine Racing animations come on guys step it up this is a battle don't you know now what I am doing to make mine a little bit different is using I always get myself into trouble when I rotate the plane [Music] this is very good and strong all right I'll probably never attend any cycles because I can let's get things set up in uh I guess I'm in cycles might as well stay there let's do some materials and tea okay first of all lighting a little bit uh but the rim light slightly to the right it's at in a light point let's make that thing powerful powerful red lights make it powerful furnace size up a little bit let's go ahead and get a material on this top guy let's give you a shader new we're gonna make this top I will add the text to in a minute now let's make this a white with a little bit roughness on too much roughness now for my backdrop I'm so much gonna be orange juice so I think top white bottom orange backdrop white I don't know what would look good on my Instagram you perfect changed it literally tonight while I was having trouble sleeping get a little blue theme going on here oh it had some green I don't actually look nice aren't you screen let's do that okay so green new name that one fit over my green make it less saturated a little less valuable let's give ourselves some more light area GZ I'm not good to do that from the top for you oh my god these always happened there's that error when you try use the handles and then like and then I wasn't getting the error for a long time so I started using it again you know what's that all about what's that trace back what's a trace back business alright looks like he's got definitely not late from the top which my colors are different so it's gonna look a little bit a little bit different um let's make this kind of behind a little bit more he's got that nice highlight [Music] maybe this little smaller you think her maybe pull it further over here maybe just just with an iron I like shifty r2 it'll take I think that's gonna be better and then should we even like this from the back yeah might as well I don't know what it is you might just not have that actually if we just trap some some moral strength actually I can just use let's use like a sky texture here just so we got a little bit of a bit of a blue this is really just lighting my backdrop now this point light so I can make it a little bit bigger even power up you need this background skill over the lighter he's central that's fine I'll see the core material the OJ oh let's make it orange juice color now let's see what the Eevee sub search looks like oh sorry yeah subsurface scattering it was suppressed flax knowing most soaps that are food [Music] mm-hmm I don't care and they do cycles [Music] okay so first soaps first we're just gonna try copying this color over no orange juice what's one cheese look like little bit little bit deeper a little bit more orange I never really fully understand subservice color versus the color of the actual object you know if this a little more orange I usually make this up sort of color like really saturated I feel like that's a thing see like if subservice all the way up it like doesn't matter what this car is it's not like orange is enough I think so I like so this light back over here a little bit this one comes and cliff run just a little bit let's give this like thousand you give this one the like [Music] let's try it some nice little gradients going on there you can see it's got this dark edge kind of trying to get that in there looks pretty good let's tighten this shot up a little bit I dig it now I'm going to do for the actual oj text is a little trick from my old tutorials for your path and up here are X 90 um alright 90 there we go yeah I'm gonna make I was like what font with oj be it would be dirt custom font I probably need to not he's had a write in cursive they're gone I don't know what I care so J it looks like I honestly I don't Oh check this out I said I don't even know what the letters are so excuse me uh he leading is that from a now this is uh okay I like that one like how do you do that though how do you get to there from the ho [Music] let's just go with that okay we can change it if we need to I'll look at that would y'all look at that now I need to put some caps on the end which I wonder if they ever changed it I haven't done this literally since I made that I said well let's try to I want caps but you have to do a ding object for her she's gone okay I'll make a circle which is what this already is double object now I can feel calves I thought dude does it have to be a ten I do a circle curve I thought I did yeah yeah well that's the tape around you level object oh there we go okay now go you fill caps did you're kidding me [Music] she said what a mess I'll wait I had to she's okay now let's try spitting this bad boy out trees remesh you know that's a horrible idea mmm let's go over this to mesh Shh boy that's right that it's not good that's ex faces then let's try film and blow it hey look at that now this is also very messy [Music] hey Jamie this is awful let's try select Matias shift G Co pointer X faces strike at that ring come on please there we go tell that one to not feel be like just as I should Dennis earlier I think we can do connected there we go hmm what I put down really liked back on all that [Music] fortunately hitting is great by the way I should have done this haul and it's still curved but we need to do that so what are you gonna do that Alright organdy geometry and always something that makes it Derick happy fortunately geometry is a good way to just kind of Center up your origin you can a little bit nicer now be cool if that was remesh into this object so that it like smoothly aligned to it but yeah I don't think I got time for that not today um let's give that the curtain material top click on mom how's that look pretty good we flatten it all of it that might look nice make it look a little more a part of it all right my own shoes you should always be looking at reference orangish why did it type ones J come on orange news okay so hmm you can see the subsurf so it's yeah it's pretty pretty yellow so maybe we let's make this yeah like a lighter yellow let's make it not subsurf all away and then for radius I think this is RGB so yellow would be a lot of red and maybe some more green how do you make yellow wait I think it's a primary color oh wait he no I get it I could check this one and green no blue sofa subsurface radius turn blue down and turn the green up a little bit I think that's how that works I really don't know subservice color that's more what I want what would you end this value down no debe don't the saturation down [Music] definitely not like that let me get even orange a yellow were orange er I think or injure roughness let's turn that down so it's nice and shiny oh I almost forgot a part little drips at the bottom let's see if we can add that how are we gonna do that let's just into the same object let's add in a mesh circle and since this against so divided so many times she like 12 and then once I have easy [Music] let's join that and see if that works oh boy didn't work I don't know her has something to do with overlapping stuff boolean and then Ramesh what if we do it the other way around No [Music] [Music] maybe iced tea with double geometry nope let's see how could we do that we could just model it directly in I think that's the problem is that this needs to all be able to make one object so let's just like okay there's no have a bevel anymore so those blue lines the blue lines bother me what sound mush just do this I'm going to move a subsurf no II don't so that means if I do this that's kind of an art let's see if we can't just like fake it here secondly my one blob and they should do like a remesh first make this a different object yeah let's just let's just kind of go with this not on the wine if that this will actually help here let's uh let's move this over just kind of transmitted that shape out so doesn't look so ridiculous ah male friend proportional editing will help here [Music] [Music] [Music] just make it some blobbies Oh what the heck freakin Donnell's mmm why did that do that come on dude just I'm just gonna read it it's gonna be such a pain in the ass to try to fix it II not normal G control V control B beveling things here some good stuff another trip maybe a drip over here I'll get you the like and subscribe Derek's famous steal like an artist a new show this is not not good geometry it's gonna be messed anyways alright I think that's like working I think it's working pretty good let's maybe a shift G coplanar No oh my god dude okay here's how it looks it first what you selected try get this whole damn ring here period the 3d cursor SZ 0 cursor to selected sc0 cursor to select it as C 0 and C 0 they're freaking bixton coplanar okay come on coke liner there we go make these down a little bit more a little more drippy mmm and then this was also God can you add shape keys the boolean objects this was moving try and duplicate it you know check out my likes see if he commented back I commented on I was like hey I'm gonna try to do some blender thinking I'll never do that but of course here I am say yeah a little bit of movement there let's see if we can do that with a shape key we will use our famed proportional editing period meeting point we're just gonna make this kinda like coming out a little bit like it was kind of spilling ours I think that's working so let's get back to animation here let's have that be start at one then and there as well just for good measure let's put that on zero and have it halfway through about keyframe just looks like our hojae's may be a little too high too low all right yeah I think it's all working not too shabby okay let's just do the cap well look at that it's nicely selected for me already let's do okay so that's the carton will do the cap green there is some orange juice brand I know I am copying here oh gosh why don't we just made it would be called cube there okay there it is now I need to get rid of like all these my fire sign let's get rid of the bullying get rid of the me mesh and get rid of these smooth yeah and actually yeah another doll that I think I wanna hmm actually no we can no I can't rip it down just fear that some I'll subdivide this sometimes so do i smooth [Music] okay I'm gonna check her deselect f3 checker and deselect and then do that I got a face extrude on the normal and then let's subdivide and then add some adverbs [Music] that's how I made my caps [Music] let's all just move that bad boy okay so could be bigger a little bit the lights change that down here maybe [Music] mmm miss could be bad yeah let's do it anyways oh it's actually movies in shift all passes to a sphere which is a nice commander now let's turn the hottest move I'm gonna get rid of that banding they're gonna pop that out new that's not doing it oh wait that's not flat how can I make it flat I think I use the loop tools flatten ah there we go that's nice now I say that's pretty close cap you just can come down I have one to keep it flat move the whole thing a little bit and there was also on his hey I make these things it's good there was a lot of ring they're lined up [Music] it's true scaling trough proportional editing it's an extrovert slight there okay so that looks not great I need more of a more of a that I'm not completely ruin my geometry down you know what I can do and subtract some here Ariel screwed myself up there a little bit not too bad Oh why is this I'm smooth this whole thing back out smooth [Music] we're all centered up there oh and then he had this rotating gosh that's gonna give me problems it's rotated in object mode hoo-boy origin to geometry rotated on the Y and then we can no we can't mmm-hmm thinks because I use an empty there he's an empty to rotate it [Music] hmm crusher cheese elected selection to cursor parent object rotate it now I can rotate this okay yeah yeah I gotta kiss they got it sharpen that up of it maybe down here maybe not at all I just don't want to quite see that whole gap that I was getting that's better okay let's add in a new material let's just copy the floor material I guess I could just all be green mm or maybe maybe this will get the cart material no let's do that that material and this cart in the jar oh okay so we can just have that do a full rotation I think a little bit janky that's all right and insert keyframe 360 his kind of went back and forth which maybe that looks better [Music] as if I'm actually gonna be able to see this in real time okay that loops which is good all right I don't know so pretty close if we're not all the way there this could use a little bit of a material of the roughness variation texture and noise texture to murder color nap nothing like the bomb the bomb time Tom Tom Tom Tom object that scale something like that just kind of like fingerprints or something you know can I tell where is the light I can use to check it we got remesh not looking better out there now if we up that what was that gonna do it's gonna screw us up not too bad let's actually do that yeah it doesn't make that gap is noticeable but but hey all right I think I want my okay bigger and then I'm just gonna move this thing down [Music] so as long as it's because the highest point is right about there and I think we're clear of that let's make sure this is off for the render [Music] let's say let's try let's try a little render we'll render render now so service scattering is tricky on the timing [Music] you know what I think Knox pretty fine let's um move to practice on the floor up a little bit [Music] let's value down I think we need we need more light you know more from the world mmm his letters he's kind of like kind of come from the from the top over there maybe I need that a little bit more should make this carton a different color yes I can use the red to check the texture yeah the red does really look a lot better [Music] hmmm a little bit of gray slate gray I think it's fine yeah I like that let's uh we're done and I'm I think I'm cool with that see where we're at when we render it up I put that be a video I'll render it out on the old faithful render Street um let me know if you guys like this I was just gonna meet Josh but I try to get to bed looks like I spent about an hour and a half in total which included some time to take the dog out so not too long a little bit fun yeah so it's in a really a tutorial obviously if it was a tutorial hopefully it would be a little bit faster but you get to see me solve some things troubleshoot yeah one when you've been used in blender for a long time like me and you put stuff out there people think that you are just a genius thank you very much I am I'm just kidding I have to do troubleshooting things like all time it's not it's not all fun games when you're pro blender user you still have to Google a lot of stuff like what a cursive J looks like apparently so yeah hopefully this was just kind of an interesting thing to see me you know I just this is really cool I really like it thanks Perry hope you approve yeah I'm just kind of fun to fun to try to replicate something especially if it's on another software and you don't so I know exactly how to do it or maybe not have the exact same tools I'm just kind of thinking about how you would do something so anyways yeah this isn't this isn't perfect but um I'll probably post it and then I'll try also upload this video which you know like I said if you're if you're listening to this obviously I uploaded it but anyways have a good evening oh good night a good day morning whatever you watching this let me know what you thought about this like and subscribe thanks for thanks for being here chillin with me just kind of a chill a late night in blender session and he might talk to you later see ya
Channel: Derek Elliott
Views: 169,092
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: blender tutorial, blender, b3d tutorial, blender 3d, derek elliott, derrk, blender animation, easy animation, blender 2.8, b3d, blender 2.8 animation, fun animation blender, blender 2.8 animate, blender 2.8 tutorials, blender 2.8 tutorial, blender tutorials, blender materials, blender principled, 3d animation, learn3d, how to 3d, blender project, project breakdown, perry cooper, c4d, cinema4d, cinema4d in blender, asmr, blender full process
Id: SDr7ZR0o0_4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 87min 21sec (5241 seconds)
Published: Fri May 22 2020
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