Remain in the Serenity of Your Own Awakening

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[Music] Oh namaste welcome everyone to this meeting today and um please forgive us being a bit late we have been rushing around a bit for some things we have to do and is it a good idea that I sit here it's as good no because it feels better for me but I wonder if people at the back are able to to feel I thought it would bring us a bit closer but then I don't know if be free to come more more you know if you want to come work more closely you can you can do this and put the instruments may be under platform No so if you can't see me I can't see you so it's okay it's fine - also very good thank you for coming today those of you came yesterday you slept okay last night I know but since the summer has just been so much like breakdowns like these three Sangha through your grace like breakdowns and I see that these things needed to be seen but it's been really strong but somehow there's a right there's a rising up each time and then it's it's all seen that whatever is whatever is moving like the falling the rising it's all seen yesterday like since hearing you were coming here was it was really beautiful actually just very very serene inside and then sort of coming coming yesterday it just started this this turbulence I suppose but it was even to talk about it just seems like it's kind of gone okay but because yeah I just I just wish to put it at your feet whatever whatever's left a grouchy and whatever's what is important you know is that whatever comes up and everyone everyone experiences some kind of cathartic reactions can come especially when you are when you are so much having the sense that you are approaching so much is falling away and then of course stuff is going to come up like that but I would hope that you know what you have discovered in terms of the seeing that has taken place is infinitely greater than whatever it is that that the the beingness has to burp up you know and the more the eyes changed their focus from what is coming up to what is not moving then it is as though whatever it is that's being wrapped up becomes lighter and lighter for you the appreciation the grace the love the space you see that you are discovering sometimes I say as the recovering consciousness you're discovering this this the immensity of being and then these other things become very small they don't have that impact and if there is an impact on whom is it impacting you see you must really look at that you see from the place of the isness itself you understand now when I spawn I use the terms like isness it's only a you know a pointer no to that which is actually wordless itself and I'm happy if I can use terms like this and you don't feel lost now it's somehow it resonates within your being but I say from the place of the isness what is the trouble you see just some little remnants of identity and so on is still you know flapping in the wind of the mind the mind and so on and each day there should be lessening in their intensity hmm this this is the thing because most of the time it is and it feels around Sangha something sort of knows it's coming to see you and something is like it's almost like it's just a knee-jerk reaction which is watched and and yesterday it felt fine and then and then it's just it dissipates it's it's beautiful to see that you know it's there but it's going and with it with the invitation the inquiry as well as being used to really see who is it yeah yes and nothing's been found like each time it's time it's looked for there's nothing here yeah so I don't know in some ways when you say things should be getting less it is yes and then it well it gets lessened by your decreasing interest towards them nothing is really happening at some point they won't really leave any footprints in the consciousness at all you see because these energies they love you talking about them so there it goes again it's gradually these so-called a task they they have to be weakening and falling away and naturally even even unforced they follow away as you come into a farmer and deeper recognition of what is true and really new you see as the as the isness faded since yesterday as it dropped some 20% or something if you have this itch that somehow you need to know and need to find out what's happening what's happening then this itself is stirring up more trivia to come to the surface and it's good if they come to the surface and they pop and vanished and this fine but I would not give so much importance to them actually whatever we see on experience it is just like clouds passing actually hmm when we identify strongly with the sense of the person who is suffering them they appear to be coming back actually no cloud that passes comes back maybe another one that resembled it to come they're gone but our interest in them and the persistence and loyalty to personal identity you know somehow opens the door for these energies to keep playing did you have your hand up before that's coming here it was kind of like linked with what you were talking about and I had a real profound sense of returning yesterday and I found it incredibly moving because I felt lost and disconnected and then suddenly the connection was back and I felt that I returned today I had to go to an important meeting and I had a sense it popped up again this I had a sense of not belonging I've it's just a thought of being an imposter in this really really important meeting and then I remembered and then so yeah that's all I wanted to say it was just in connection with words as I mentioned yesterday that like a kind of reflex the attention goes back to the old mentality the old perspective or the whole regime of identity hmm but this is more easily detected though from this from the space of the isness or the beingness you see you're you are now able to watch the play of identity and is functioning without getting pulled into the noise of the Mayan dinner you're able to do it you're from the place of the isness you see I want to just be clear as to whether when we speak of this business is another kind of like is a kind of psychological escape space or something or whether as I pointed yesterday and asked you to confirm can it fluctuate can it go away or can it fade can it can you exist independent of it actually Missy and as you confirm these things experientially your power again comes back because when you speak from the place of personhood already the energy drops and you're in a position of weakness which is not true of yourself but the habit of identifying will will give this feeling that oh yes now I've got to go to a meeting and this I couldn't do something what happened if I and what is it there's nothing at all gradually you're going to come to accept more and more to appreciate more and more what you have discovered you see but for a while there may be this oscillation from the mind again to the sense of being and in this oscillation and you'll identify with it and you'll feel caught up in this pendulum but gradually you're going to see that also this moving this swinging pendulum is also observed from a deeper space when I say the space of the isness you see oh it's just habit enough to identify personally that brings in all this noise you see hmm nothing has changed at the play at the place of the is less nothing has changed from the beginning of time nothing has changed for that but for the body-mind functioning every day is change everything is moving you see and in that realm we have identified ourselves so even the idea we have of our self is constantly changing nothing we can do about that ideas come and go what is perceiving they're coming and going it's just a habit to give too much attention to the mind play to the flow of thought their thought activity you see and because we give so much importance to it it becomes important to you but as you pay more attention to to that which is unchanging within you that which is unchanging but yet it is never stale it is never stagnant the mind cannot grasp it you see and that is the constant field that I was pointing someone gave me a book today where you got the bag I thought what is you and what is your name again Diane Diana yes I thought she just as I was waiting at the back and I was flicking through the pages actually it's a the DA teaching the Dow by lot so something and I just flicked it open it says here merged in the Dow look deeply into emptiness observe its steady silence the myriad of beings appear completely merged notice their return all Matta and all beings returned together to their origin return to one's origin is quietude it is return to one's destiny returns to one's natural state of infinite interbeing recognizing the natural state is seeing clearly not recognizing the natural state is ignorance the cause of one zones aware of the natural state all are held equally in universal love the supreme ruler the way of heaven and of the town forever merged in the dow no danger what is this dog it is what I refer to as distance what the read is about what about you now you know for any page the gift of understanding the soft and supple easily overwhelms the hard and rigid infinite none being permeates all being none doings richness the master asks quietly without agenda so that all may see silent understanding unparalleled anywhere you want look it's only pointing to that if it points to some phenomenon then it will not be reliable tomorrow will read again it will feel differently because even if the words don't change your moods will change you see from the place of the isness both the words the reading of them the mood of them the reader of them are all perceived as a movement clouds passing in the unchanging an immense beingness can it be lost to see for so long it appeared to be lost now we point again to first seeing hmm it cannot even be called new nor old the ways of the mind are ancient but yourself is timeless in any scripture from any religion from any place hmm you'll find something of what I say maybe the thing most missed missing what is obvious here in the microphone yet whoa yes I wake you Guruji yeah as I say here yes they talk of leaving the mind outside and he went and sat okay I say yeah he went and sat he went outside on his chair yes and as I sit here with you I'm always surprised by how much he wants to take all of this everything that is on offer through the grace the love the people in this room the victory he wants it and I can see that he can't really cross the shore he doesn't want to know that really part of him does part of him does part of him is devoted take me take me take me but not really not when he finds out that he is gonna drop and even as I say this it's shaky yeah so it's like 50% joy 50% terror yeah and I see what is able to see 50% joy 50% err what percentage is looking at 50% joy 50% I don't know but there is an awareness isn't it in which the sense of okay there is even the mind also seems to have an aspiration somehow half of it wants to come in to be pulled in into the heart but a half is outside shaking mmm what perceives this let's stop for a moment and look that space in which this assessment is perceived in hmm what does it want what really is there in this place but you say yeah yeah I know I know I know but still the mind won't it just won't calm down it's really shuffled up now and it seems as though the mind feeling shuffled up creates a disturbance inside you and sometimes I would say this is the one baby when it cries don't pick him up it's crying for attention but it's a fake cry and the power it will get is in [Music] succeeding in convincing you to become a person all troubles in the world are person based you see because when you're identified as pressin this voice feels tangible it feels real it seems it seems to matter it seems to be speaking some sense and everything so it's it can only be corresponding to the sense of the person I've said before that the psychological nature of the mind cannot intimidate the pure self it can only intimidate the idea you have of who you are not the truth of who you are in order to do this it must try to remind you of your person when you're in the state of personhood then its influence is heightened you see if not is not even noticed it's not that in the case of an awakened being that suddenly oh these things just don't arise anymore what really happens is that you lose all interest in it and when all interest is lost these impressions that don't register in your being just like you're never you can only be disturbed by something that has meaningful it has no meaning for you then it will not be recorded in in the being it will not be you know sort of be of any significance like that I'm lost in this scene is it better to even as I say better I know it's neither but is it better to invite that person in or to shut him out the person meaning what the mind yeah the mind yeah so losing interest in that person because it's not real the mind cannot live by itself it can only live through a relationship but does it belong in the house do you know what I mean by this yes yes yes it Springs from the same source so it's okay to let in as long as we don't confuse if you think of letting him in it implies he's already out in a sense now because it's not you're trying to get to him he's trying to get to us yes as it should be we can all live without the psychological mind you can transcend that but it cannot exist without you the German Church which is the greater what happens is that we are still susceptible to mmm we're still meeting from the place of personhood actually mind in this form is very very useful because it would test what you say you know you see it is necessary up to a point when you transcend its influence and then it will be no more trouble for you now we speak in the mind and the mind comes mind is so strong and this one so but it was so impede it even this thing you're not there come a time you'll not even be able to say such things anymore because they will not be true for you anymore mind is in its aspect us [Music] recognising of the manifest world it is fine like this but the interpretation based upon personhood because you the selflessness in your manifestation in the manifestation as life take on or you paint we paint a portrait of ourselves not deliberately we are compelled somehow into identifying first personally with the body and with the conditioning and that arises within as the scent that's where the person really is born before the person comes into the play the pure being the isness is already there and even throughout the duration of the life of the person the beingness or the isness remains untouched this is what I wanted to demonstrate with you so that you could experience and see that deep within your heart without even thinking about it you could confirm the truth of this you know did I ask how can we reconcile this seeming difference between the purity of the isness and the busyness of the person where do they mean it you see and I said don't give too much thought to this for now you have crossed over on to save sure just be there and marinate in it meaning keep your attention here just in the sense of being right here at that point the mind is going to try everything to try and somehow seduce your attention to come back into personal good with the things that you need to do the responsibilities you have and then the responsibilities you are ignoring in order to experience this is less thing and all of these stuff will you fall for a tizzy and in some case as I say a jutsu habit you find yourself again in that position but grace is with you and you're gonna find at a certain point oh is this you can throw it off and that that movement that's swinging from personhood to presence will continue for some time but gradually the pendulum will come more into presence and the sense of person will will become thinner and thinner one more thing the UM the sneakiest part of my mind seems is there's a part of my person that seems to be able to masquerade as the isness it tries to take on that shape what is it that knows is only masquerading whatever he is known you may say in the intelligence from the beingness can detect very easily that it's only pretending it's only trying or attempting to change something but it's only a play it's cannot be real that's why you use the word masquerading and why I say also to stay in the place of the of justice Ness because you see it's the mind itself that wants to have this conversation you know yeah so tell me about the isness when I come to say no just stay here like a newborn child it just suckles in Nice tears say you know in the lap of God you cannot send a one year old one day old child go out and get the newspapers and you know I'm gonna sign up for some life insurance or whatever you know your time now it's just to be in there marinating in this state not thinking but simply just it's indescribable and I would also encourage that you don't talk about it with anybody and just something has happened hmm something is began to flower within you don't write a story about it just be present with that flowering and gradually unexpectedly some waves of illumination we started to come in your mind some clarity that is not coming from torturous thinking but from grace a luminous the mind say thank you and I painted you a picture you did that okay if I give it to you okay open our smell but I always find it difficult I don't like to do it not to rip things I don't know oh says please leave your mind outside signed the isness it is not easy to to really ain't comprehend what it means I would have to leave for my Northside hmm therefore I said what it simply meant meant is just to not engage while we're sitting together and especially during the core for the course of the can I put this up frequency or some place that thank you so much to hear that what I really mean here when I say leave the mind outside was simply for the duration of the guidance which is only ten minutes or fifteen minutes or so hmm let's not talk about the past okay and I said like this if it is the the prayer in your heart the longing inside is for what I would call the greatest discovery in the human Kingdom just simply to recognize to come to know who you are and then I said okay then for this I said playfully then come into the space come into my room of being but leave your shoes outside and then one more thing I say please leave also mind outside and the response come but how to leave my mind outside can is it possible so I say it's simply means don't talk about the past and what kind of person you are and what you've done and then how much meditation you will just leave all these things and any idea you may have about you know your person or about life how life should be or what you'd like the world you'd kind of like to live in in the future all these things just please just leave all these things for now and whatever desires you may have or even memories and don't talk about it from home let's just leave them just for a moment and I say I'm going to ask you to do this just for the short duration of our talk after we finish of course you can take all your things back but like let us just continue like that just become empty so you're not collecting and you're not a container of concepts and ideas and projections or any spiritual fantasy none of these things just leave them aside for them and you can do it in fact you're going to see that it is a beautiful relief to just drop everything who tells you to do such things leave everything for now no tools no techniques simply abandon these things for a moment so you're completely zero empty empty empty empty don't pick up any new ideas I also ask that you don't hold on to any projections or any expectations even for enlightenment I say just leave everything be so empty beyond even the concept of emptiness you can do if everything that you can perceive your thoughts feelings Maj ination learning lineage everything if you leave all these things everything you've taken out until there's nothing left to take out something remains that cannot be touched cannot be taken out or put in just be here then I just started to ask you some simple questions I said it was very important to ask you to come to this stage just be empty even your belief systems just suspend for a moment there's nothing for you to become nothing to change nothing to keep nothing to fix nothing to give nothing to take empty then I ask you this is this that remain is it an object that which is simply here when everything that you can think of everything you can imagine hmm it's been left aside what remain can that be can it be photographed or captured in some way that which is here was it created does it belong to some people and not to others does it belong to anybody at all can it become sick or depressed did it come from somewhere can it leave can it belong to any religion or any institution doesn't have any expectations does it judge anyone can it be shared does it require belief in order to exist can it fade does it accept or reject anything or anyone can it be manipulated does it have desire or judgment our Lord is it does it no inside or outside if there were other species of being can they exist outside of it does it have a boundary beyond which it is not did you create it was it bar can it end don't fall asleep don't miss your chance then finally I asked how far away from you is it can you reach it does it have a form or shape or size or color or weight if it has no form if it is not an object how are you perceiving it what gave you the power to know that it is uncreated and that you could respond so so smoothly if there is no distance between yourself and and this is Nisour what is then it must be the same as you can this be true is it the product of your imagination all that we see or imagine or taste or think of one day will be gone everything that appears in the mind are like clouds passing you are like the infinite sky from the core of your own self you notice all this everything is passing except you one day this very body will also pass what difference will it make to this of what value is such a discovery and to whom you yourself are timeless one we're in the mask of time and change of names and forms but unlike time you're not passing is this true what is the goal of all seeking is it not to discover this knowing which discovering which one crosses over from death to immortality even the term immortality means nothing for it what us the isness practice and yet all that we see and experience emanates out of it exists in it dissolves in it yet nothing can add to it or take anything away from it to whom do I speak and woman who speak for a time we were not attracted to these things what brought you to this some urge arising in your being is calling a power within you call your attention look here find me and you find yourself to love me is to love yourself it says it is I who give life to life it is Hitler says I am the one who became many but only apparently who will be left out it is from the isness it is it to says I will never leave you and have you ever known such peace or love or joy it isn't one who says bring your greatest minds together try to reach me by study and you will never find me but if you love me and warriors a great sage his name many of you know sri nisargadatta maharaj he said this thing he says I am that principal that witness the dissolution of the entire universe yet I remain untouched can you find a space within yourself where you can verify his words in you and discovering this where can problems exist in you a veil of ignorance came over this entire manifestation and in one instant all this was forgotten now you're more than remembering who are you to lose it with what can it be compared but something wants you to forget this in order to perpetuate a life of ignorance there are so many things we can talk about there's so many questions they're almost unending but by grace you've been brought to the quintessential understanding when we count we count work one two three four but this understanding is at zero no one counts zero one you stay at zero that's greater than everything and don't talk about it marinating it mean be one with it stay here in the place of your recognition outwardly move in the world as is your nature but inside remain in the serenity of your own awakening and from here observe the greatness of God not a god that is created out of the mind of man but that which is true pure was given birth to all of this that we can taste the diversity of the manifest and yet not be conquered by the senses of the mind so let this be your golden age and incomparable recognition in describing rule and yet distance less to you now I want to know have I gone too far in speaking of these things grateful team so again I asked you because you're in the perfect place to say can this fade you're recognizing this now but where's it been all this time and also that you suspended for a time what you conceived of and perceived to be your mind and your person and your thoughts the memories desires assessments beliefs which you can have back anytime you want yes my love my love my heart feels like it's about to explode I'm so happy no I think I'm going to explode into the ceiling you know I've been waiting for this to see if it really happens I think they've so many promises actually you're imploding every day if we live in it up every day I just can't express how much gratitude I have and how much I love you and my family and my children and my husband and I in the beginning I hated everything I hated all of them there are but they are all the same except the change in me is just incredible I love everything and it's because of you because of what you've given to me and you've given this to my family to my street my neighbourhoods my beautiful Sangha group oh how can I ever thank you I stay like you are it was very wonderful to hear you I don't feel that the world needs you no more teachings and more decently snow I feel really what it that the teachings have always been here the truth is always been here if anything I feel will be good is to meet more beings whose life is the evidence of the truth they don't have to be preaching they don't have to be teaching just be see because your life changing in the way it has your mind living inside your heart is the greatest gift you can give in this life I don't think anything can bring greater joy hmm it doesn't matter how challenging how painful your life has been this is your refresh button I feel everyone consciously or unconsciously are searching for this a place of unchanging peace in itself when we go back into the role of person then somehow it's not going to fit so well now and it's a good thing it's a good thing when something in you is not able to tolerate the ego anymore and it's a natural Tran transitions and natural transcending also and graces with you of course you know mind attacks me through them but nothing can overwhelm the S Ness I said oh no mistake Ricci below I'd like to report something mm-hmm just thank you so much for everything girly and it's been so amazing my life and let's be unfolding very beautifully externally I have nothing but inside you know it's been deepening so much and mountain Arunachala keeps calling me especially during Shivratri so I've been doing every past two years I go around the Gila venom and each time I do something falls away come back it takes away and especially the housing you know I have no home and then it keeps moving the last year I moved six times and I just bring about but inside so much happiness I can't even explain that yes and this time again is calling me there's no money at our Nutella I have no money how can they come and then it gives me money yes so but eventually like when I do my prayers in the morning and I do not genocide you come and stay with me so I'm going for two weeks in February but I'm going to make arrangements to go back and live there just need your blessings I'm so happy to know that you're coming you come here I was not sure they'll be able to see you again physical presence when I came to know you're here I was so happy thank you so much for the Qureshi's guidance when when this happened few years ago you know I asked for my truth and it happened very fast I didn't know what this was and I didn't know what was happening in me and I said I need some guidance and you just appeared your link appear on Facebook and from that tone you know I got all the message through you right time you came you know in the first video I saw of yours can this perceiver be perceived that was the first no how do you know what's happening in me that was the first thought came you know said and then I realized you know and then things like you literally cut my hand you walked me home through weii internet you know so beautiful thank you so much thank you thank you thank you myself also I had my own little resistances to internet and all these things and so on bit of a caveman you know but I have to say that I had to change my mind about it when I saw that it was possible you know that beings could begin to wake up to the truth and it through this service so I'm very happy for that you have a little song I want to sing I'm not a Christian but I just can I sing this song yes Lord Ganesha it is yeah yeah it is bad with me I'm not a single she Canaanite Cindy Lou go doing that Sokka uh goody birthday nah lungo tada Let Go me Kara ambassador I'm a demeanor see that child and now you can sa Vita [Music] CDV logic then I'm gonna oh are we going to have some tea did we do something well maybe people can relax a little bit and see if there's some tea and I'll be here for another a few minutes and I need to go and rest my eyes after that some can come and say hello or something it's good like this thank you so much ah for everything should I sell you a gift that me and Marlo when they give to good Ajitha baobab fruit powder tell me something about it is good very good yes see this from Angola cha-cha it will help me to lose some weight as well it's teeth like you make powder you didn't tear or smoothie you can make into a smoothie many virtues can put into soups you like this this some this Baba I'll practice my mouth you like it make a square it makes ice cream with the you really saw in the TV we saw you in the teeth this is all the TV very happy to see what is your name you only go picture from or you through my house you've only made a picture for me you know how okay so I would see it sometime you're going to come and see me well [Music] [Music] cheater [Music] [Music] see time see time JJ see time Sita Sita Sita [Music] see time see time Sita [Music] [Music] see time Sita [Music] she died see time [Music] [Music] beautiful everything that is good for you like that I just wanted to say Mooji um yesterday was my first satsang and I just want to express my gratitude more what an honor it's been to be everything different here a wonderful wonderful look at that first satsang and already something these this must come from your heart to say that first satsang this is a wonderful that we can have for sharing like this and it doesn't have to be just some strenuous mental things and then just so easily this sharing which I sometimes called the mirror of God you know that somehow bypassing you know I used to say we have to become like the cow to jump over the moon no and what we meant it's well I grew up with these little Nursery Rhymes and things like this mmm the the the mind is in this case the moon to jump over the mind rather than try to work through the mind to get to the self and jump over him you see in one go and just like this in short time you already come more and more into the deep recognition of what is timeless and imperishable within your own self you know and from here with something will continue to stabilize to deepen to become more powerful more spontaneity more freshness like that so I'm very happy very happy that you came thank you so much very good Kevin give me a like LEL it very good you don't want to go and have some tea all right yes yes come on [Music] yes the them come fresh they're coming [Music] yeah they ask how many said they asked to come here family of seven thank you thank you they have been asking when gorgey is coming to London and we also went to Portugal but we didn't manage to go to Monte sahaja and they still asking and when I told them that gorgey in London he had they all wanted to come so they didn't go to school today there were a bit shy to come they decided to come back to stand up from the chairs they were like hesitating but finally thanks very much I am very happy thank you thank you good can I ask you something would you like to come and see me sometime all of you would like you to come yes so happy to meet you we waited for the moment for this moment so we're so happy we hoped I think this will continue this alone will continue yeah everything come and go but this thing sure okay thank you so happy so happy thank you for coming today and I think it's okay to get off school for today Oh will I get into trouble for saying so we have an under state or you will come now yes and we say about this okay thank you really begin to look at that together thank you so much wonderful wonderful something just watch the tape way it's too much love here it's too much yeah I've been arrogant and proud no and on the flip side I just folks that are talking find you know something now like having spoken aliens just feel so bad like seeing without love and the gratitude and something just brings you brings to my mind again like this thing it's like but it's I do struggle with it you know sometimes you know I'm just read the invitation with the invitation and everything is for this there's only two one there's only two one quoted by whatever name we just wanted to one and we are we are sourced in it it is our own source and self just wanted one I come with you and you stay with you
Channel: Moojiji
Views: 110,712
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: freedom, mantra, prophet, love, guru, peace, yoga, ego, Satsang, God, awakening, seeker, sahaja, surrender, Shiva, meditation, enlightenment, self, Mooji, spirit, self-inquiry, Monte Sahaja, bliss, divine, maya, sacred, wisdom, non-duality, Krishna, truth, I Am, time, Papaji, Self-realization, Liberation, Jesus Christ, awareness, Portugal, devotion, spirituality, philosophy, Buddha, nirvana, contemplation, duality, soul, eternal, supreme, presence, Ramana, reality, being
Id: Oy7D9KYCcA0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 94min 20sec (5660 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 08 2018
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