Releasing the Blessing Pt. 3 | Dr. Bill Winston - Believer's Walk of Faith

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ANNOUNCER: The Believers Walk of Faith is paid for by Bill Winston Ministries partners and viewers. BILL: Whatever you need, if it's in the earth, if you need it personally, if you need it for your ministry, if you need it for your business, it's yours. It's yours. Now ask God and He will get angels dispatched. Now, He ain't going give you what to say. He might tell you to march around it three times. He might tell you to just lift your hands and shout. He might tell you to turn around four times. Whatever He tells you to do, it's not going be hard to do. All you got to do is do it and you are going to see the transfer. (cheering) BILL: Hello, I'm Bill Winston and welcome to another program. The program that you're watching is called The Believer's Walk of Faith where we walk by faith and not by sight. Well we're continuing on this dynamic series called Releasing the Blessing. In today's message, I'm bringing out a few points. One, angels will help you get your inheritance. God has an inheritance for you, and usually it's big. Praise God. Well, we have assistance of angels that will help us get our inheritance. Number two, fight the good fight of faith. Now, the way faith is usually fought is through confession of the word of God. In other words, once we release our faith, we do it, and the confession of our word is the thing that causes faith to work for our lives. Number three, give God's word a voice. A lot of times, what happens, is people read God's word but they don't declare God's word or decree God's word. Well, angels are waiting on the declaration of the word of God. You've got to decree a thing, you've got to say it, say by this time tomorrow I'll have this or in Jesus' name I believe that I am healed, that I'm gonna get that job is mine, Jesus, you know, just decree that thing. Now a lot of the times people say well, I don't see how God's gonna do this, that's not your job to figure it out. The blessing knows what to do. You just release it and let the blessing go to work, praise God. Well, today's teaching is called Releasing the Blessing. Get your Bibles and pencils and papers ready. Take some good notes, now let's go into it. Releasing the Blessing. BILL: A price had to be paid for that inheritance. For God to get you back and to get your stuff back it had to be paid. A price had to be paid. Let's look at it in the pawn shop. So God had to get something out of the pawn shop which you and me and our goods, and He got us out through the sacrifice of the lamb. Now, the lamb is His son, Jesus Christ. So He gave His son to get us back. Now what was one of the things that He got back? He got back the blessing. Now, over in Ephesians, and what I said, if you talk my blessing, now, make sure you make a capital B with blessing. A blessing means an empowerment for your success. An empowerment for your success, all right, now. It's not only in you, but it's on you. Say, "I have the blessing." AUDIENCE: I have the blessing. BILL: Now, let's look at Ephesians chapter one. Because this talks about the inheritance that he has and that's gotten back for you. Ephesians chapter one and starting reading at verse three. Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ. Who had blessed thee with all spiritual blessings in heavenly places in Christ. According as He has chosen us in Him before the foundation of the world. So, you are blessed. Now, with all what? Spiritual blessings. Now you have an inheritance on the earth, too. Don't think it's all invisible. But it's on the earth, too, but whatever the case may be, Paul is saying for you to get it, you're gonna have to have a revelation of it. And so he starts talking about that revelation, look, when he says, I'll start here, since I'm in Ephesians, I'll start with Ephesians. Verse 16, "I cease not to give thanks for you making mention of you in my prayers, that the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the father of glory, may give unto you the spirit of wisdom" and what? "Revelation in the knowledge of Him." "The eyes of your" what? "Understanding," being what? "Enlightened that you may" what? "Know what is the hope of His calling and what of the riches of the glory of His inheritance in the saints." Now let's take that and put that verse 18 up there in the amplified translation. Now look what he says here. "By having the eyes of your heart flooded with light so that you can know and understand the hope to which He has called you and how rich is His glorious inheritance in the saints?" He said of part one. All right, now notice he says, "In the saints." All right? Put something right there, I'm coming back to in the saints, but let's just go to First Corinthians chapter two verse nine. "But as it is written, the eye has not seen." Natural eye. "Nor ear heard," natural hearing, "nor ended into the heart of man," that natural part of you, "the things which God has prepared for them that love Him." "But, God has revealed them to us by His spirit. For the spirit searcheth had all things yea to deep things of God." But "for what man knoweth the things of a man say the spirit of a man that's in him, even so the things of God knoweth no man but the spirit of God." "Now we have received not the spirit of the world but the spirit which is of God, that we might know the things that are" underline it, "freely given to us of God." See, because when He shows you something, and He shows you that building that belongs to you, the first thing you're gonna say is wait a minute, I don't have enough money for that, that building costs 80 million dollars. No, no, no, no. Faith is the only currency God will accept. He's not asking you to come up with cash. He's asking you to believe what He said and then follow His instructions to carry it out. And that's when He said that if you hark diligently to my commandments, He said, and do what I say, then all these, what, blessings are gonna come on you and overtake you. Are y'all with me here? All right, let's, an example of that is Joshua. And Joshua chapter six. And "Jericho is now straightly shut up because of the children of Israel. None went out and none came in. And the Lord said unto Joshua, see I've given to thy hand, Jericho, and the king thereof, and the mighty men of valour." Now, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. Where was Joshua when He told him that? He was not in Jericho. He was somewhere distant from Jericho. But God said see, I have what? Given unto your hand, Jericho and the king. All that land. So He was giving him here, a city. Well, that's what He said in Deuteronomy, we'll get there. I'm giving you cities. So He's giving him here, a city, but He said see. And Genesis chapter 13, just track me now, coming back to this. Genesis 13 in verse 14 He said, and "God said unto Abraham, Abraham as far as you can lift up now your eyes from the place where you are, northward, southward, eastward, and westward, for all the land that you see, to thee will I give it and to thy seed forever." What does He mean seed? He's not talking about natural lives. Talking about with odds of your spirit. So what you gonna do is get in the word, get the word in you, we start meditating that word, and you're gonna see something. Because the Holy Ghost gonna teach you what belongs to you and that it's free. It's not free exactly, it's free because Jesus paid for it when He was the lamb of God that got your inheritance for you and He's made it so that all you need is faith. What, what are we doing now? We're transferring the whole Earth back. Let's keep going, let's go to Joshua chapter three. "And you shall compass a city, you men of war," all the men of war, "go around about the city once. Thus shall you do six days." "And it shall come to pass that when they make a blast with a ram's horn, that when you hear the sound of the trumpet all people, all the people shall shout with a great shout." And the wall of the city shall fall down flat. And the people shall ascend up every man straight before him. Now what were they to do to get that city? They go, wait a minute, they go march around it first. Now, can't you see the people up on the wall in the city. What they doing down there? Joe, yo, look, look what they're doing. And then that last day all of a sudden, Joe, Joe something is shaking, Joe. Now, my point to you is, look at each time you get your inheritance, He gives you instructions on how to receive it. Got it? Now, in Jericho, something happened. So we're gonna come back to Ephesians chapter one but let's go to Hebrews, in Hebrews chapter one and verse 14. "Are they not all ministering spirits sent forth to minister for them who shall be" what? Say heirs. "Heirs of salvation." The word salvation is a word satoria in the Greek. It means wholeness. Means soundness. It means health. It means preservation. But it doesn't mean Heaven. Okay, it means a condition of you right here. Got it? Heirs of salvation. Heirs of salvation. Why would He say heirs of salvation? The angels job, one of the main jobs of the angels, put it up there again, please. Hebrews chapter 11 verse one, one verse 14. He said and they, are they not all ministering spirits. Sent forth to minister for them who shall be heirs, let's just stop right there. Shall be heirs. What is an heir? Somebody that what? Inherits something. Well, we just read you your inheritance. And the angel's been sent forth to make sure you get that. To minister for those who shall be heirs. Heirs, everything God has He gave it back to you. Everything He got in his, Adam had everything. Adam lost everything. Jesus came back and bought everything. Now God wants you to enforce what Jesus did and take back everything. (clapping) Who's gonna help you do it? Angels. They're gonna be heirs here ministering spirits to make sure you get your inheritance. Who do you think pulled down the wall? The angels pulled it down. All they did was shout. Notice how God has taken all the toil out of your life. Man, that's something when all you've got to do is go up somewhere and shout. And it come into your hands. I'll take that deal. (clapping) See, when you don't have a revelation, now you're trying to figure out how can I pay for this. And that's what turned him back when they went out and spied out the land, came back and they gave an evil report. They said there are giants in the land, the cities are walled up to heaven, so for the, we can't take it. God is leading you into a place you can't take it. He's leading you into a fight you can't win. He's leading you into a property you can't afford. He's leading because He's gonna distinguish you with a blessing. Is it the right bunch I'm talking to? No, He said buy that shopping mall. Whoa. Man, do you know what God's like? Coming out of 3,000 square feet? That's where we were up there at the Madison Street. And we were having services over here at the Cha Roux, by that mall. I sent some people over here, I said go over there and look at it, God telling me that we should buy that. And they came back and this is what they said. One of them's in construction. They came back and said Pastor, we can buy that little area on the East end right down here. I said East end? God said buy the whole mall. Whole mall? Pastor, the whole mall? Hey, see he thought he had to pay for it. (clapping) He's gonna take you somewhere that will distinguish you as having the blessing. (applauding) Now, first Timothy six and verse 12. He says "fight," come on now, "the good fight of faith." What's He talking about here? What is the main thing that you're gonna have to fight with? Faith, all right, I know it's faith. But what I'm getting at is gonna be your confession. You ain't gonna pull a gun out on nobody. You're not gonna, your words are the most powerful thing that God has given you to work with in this earth. They are so powerful though, God Himself said death and life are the power of your tongue. Not in the power of the devil. Now what you're gonna have to do, in the face of adversity, you're gonna have to hold fast. Over in James chapter one, and starting at verse five, "if any of you like wisdom, let him ask of God, that giveth to all men liberally and of great is not, and it shall be given to him." "But let him ask in faith, nothing wavering, for He that waivers that's like a wave in the sea, driven with the wind and tossed." Check it out. "For let that man not think that he shall receive anything of the Lord," keep going, for "double minded man who's unstable, in all of his ways" and that's where Satan wants you. He wants you to take it back. He wants you to be too proud to say it in the face of somebody. I'm coming where you live today. Look at James chapter three. Over in James chapter three, He said behold, in verse three, "we put bits in horses mouths, that they may obey us and we turn about their whole body." Now watch what He's saying. So he got a horse and you put the bridle on the horse and the bit goes in his mouth. And if you ever see anything about a bit in that horses mouth that when you pull that rein, if you are wanting to turn him, you pull that side. And notice what it does. If you sit and watch the horse up close, his tongue starts to kind of stick out, why? 'Cause you're putting pressure on his tongue. So the word can put pressure on your tongue. Look at the next verse. He said this, "behold also the ships, which they be so great, and are driven with fierce winds, yet are they turned about with a very small helm, whether soever the governor listen." Now, what is he saying here? He is saying that I've got a ship, and I want to turn it. Well, to turn it, I've gotta turn the rudder. So, here's the ship. I'm gonna turn it, but I've got a little thing down here in the back of the ship that I use to turn it with. And I'm the governor. So wherever I wanna turn it, as the governor, I turn the rudder, the rudder starts plowing water, and I'm turning. Now, wait a minute, I don't just whip around. I'm turning, so I'm confessing. Everyday. Now my ship is turning. I may not notice it because it's turning easy. Come on somebody. But I'm turning. Next verse. And then he says, "even so the tongue is a little member, but it boasts great things. Behold, how great a matter a little fire kindle" at that verse, he says "and the tongue is a fire. A world of inequity. So is the tongue among our members, that it defiled the whole body and setteth on fire the course of nature and is set on fire of hell." So isn't that interesting how this tongue can actually start a fire? The tongue is a kindling. And even though it be so small, it will start a big fire. In most people's lives, if you look at where they are right now, you can trace it back to their words. Or words that have been spoken over them. Next verse. And he says "for every kind of beast, and of birds, and of serpents, and of things in the sea, is tamed." "And has been tamed of mankind." Every animal can be tamed. "But the tongue can no man tame. It is an unruly evil and full of deadly poison," the only thing that can tame the tongue is the Holy Ghost. (applauding) You can take people and you put enough pressure on their life, they'll say stuff they never intended to say. But you get that Holy Ghost and be like the three Hebrews when he said I'm gonna throw you in the fire, the God that I serve. He will deliver me. And they wouldn't change it. Your fight is gonna be the good fight of faith and it's gonna be seen in your speech. Now if this ain't the word of God you ain't never heard it. (applauding) All right, so, now, these angels are gonna hark into your voice. But the voice has got to be in line with the word. And look what he said in Psalm 103, and verse 20. "Blessed the Lord gives angels that excel in strength that do His commandments," what are they gonna hark into? "The voice of His word." All right, see this Bible here? Let me put it up here to this microphone and see if it says anything, just a minute. Let's just wait, maybe it's-- No, no, who gives it voice? You do. Now, the angels are waiting on it. Don't think you just got one, that's religion. You've got a bunch of them. As a matter of fact, you got however many are needed for you to get your inheritance. (clapping) Now what is some of your inheritance? Let's look at some of it. Look at Psalm chapter 50 please? Five, zero. Psalm 50. 'Cause this is what God got back for you. "For every beast of the forest is mine," this is God talking. "The cattle upon 1,000 hills," keep going, and "I know all of the fowls of the air, pardon me, fowls of the mountains, and the wild beast of the field are mine." "If I were hungry I would not tell you for the world is mine and the fullness thereof." All right, now he is saying all the cattle belong to him. Let's go over to Haggai chapter two please, and verse six. In Haggai two, six, He says, "for thus sayeth the Lord of host, yet once in a little while, and I will shake the heavens and the earth and the sea and the dry land, and I will shake all nations, and the desire of all nations shall come." Now what is He talking about, the desire of all nations will come? It means what heathen desire is gonna come to you? All right, "and I will fill this house with what? Glory said the Lord of host." Now, He's not talking about whoo glory, no. He's gonna tell you what the glory is. The silver is mine, come on, and the gold is mine, sayeth the Lord of host. Are you following what I'm saying? I mean, He owns the earth from the surface down to the core, He owns every oil well, He owns every, everything is His. Satan has taken it, put it in his kingdom of darkness, and claimed that it's his, but God said not so. He said it is mine. And what Jesus did, he paid the price to get it all back. He's not bringing you back without the stuff. He wants you to come back with everything that belongs to you. Acts 10:34, look what he said. Peter opened his mouth and said of a truth, come on, I perceive that God has what? No respect of person. He don't care what color you are. If you are just conforming to the blessing, you gonna multiply. And anybody that has the blessing in their life and adheres to what he says and his commandments, you will multiply. See, whatever you need, if it's in the earth, if you need it personally, if you need it for your ministry, if you need it for your business, it's yours. It's yours. Now ask God and He will get angels dispatched. Now He ain't gonna give you what to say, He might tell you to march around it three times. He might tell you to just lift your hands and shout. He might tell you to turn around four times. Whatever He tells you to do it's not gonna be hard to do. All you got to do is do it, and you gonna see the transfer. ANNOUNCER: Learn how to experience the fullness of God's glory and power in your life with Dr. Winston's powerful series, Releasing the Blessing. To order your copy of this life changing message on CD or MP3 on DVD or MP4, contact us online at You can also call us at 1-800-711-9327. SAMUEL RODRIGUEZ: And so that's why I'm not drinking the Kool-aid so everything you're hearing around you, now we're going to hell in a handbasket, everything you're hearing, that the church is old or everything that you're hearing that in Christianity in America is in decline, well let me prophecy to you in the name of Jesus, we're about to see the greatest awakening we have seen in this nation, ever. Let me tell you, we're about to see a revival in our nation like we've never seen before. We are about to see God show up in Chicago. In Los Angeles, in New York, all over the nation. BILL WINSTON: Satan can fool you in a New York minute. I'm telling you, the only thing that can beat Satan is Jesus and Jesus is in you. Come on, the Holy Ghost is your teacher. He's gonna be the one that can tell you what to do and then you release the faith and God will take care of your situation. ANNOUNCER: This year don't miss six power packed newly added day sessions along with powerful night sessions with limitless, reach your destiny and ensure sweat-less victories by living the life of faith. ANNOUNCER: The Believer's Walk of Faith is paid for by Bill Winston Ministries partners and viewers.
Channel: Bill Winston Ministries
Views: 64,096
Rating: 4.8294716 out of 5
Keywords: bw14452, Dr. Bill Winston, Bill Winston Ministries, Believer's Walk of Faith
Id: Bz2fLLnyUf8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 30sec (1710 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 20 2016
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