"Releasing The Apostolic Anointing" - Pastor Jerry Dean

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[Music] become your house your place becomes your you're late we come over here for your house your place [Music] please for you you're [Music] you're [Music] can you come in sing a song [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] we bless your name Jesus bless you [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] yes [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh you're going [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] come on thank you see just clap your hands one more time wheat-bread crazy Jesus be praised [Music] [Applause] [Music] I love you [Applause] merci and all my I've been held in your until a [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] No [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] god [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] am i right next Sunday is wrong next Sunday we're going to take it all in Spanish Street has made a difference in a lot of places [Music] wata mama we bought a vehicle for an Emer where we built the novel school [Music] [Applause] get a lot of great things I wish I could get about 50 em to give $100 every time you invest and this is one of the wonderful art we don't make a lot of pushes for offerings here you want to invest some something to you maybe a couple of you now maybe somebody bit him now he's gotta say something this morning about our Bible Christine all your Bible Quiz your stand down they had a statewide tournament yesterday and Alexandra and they place 4th and 5th [Music] which qualified him to go to the national tournament and armed $2,100 oh yeah you all tournament team members can keep staying at Kenan and Nikolas maybe all tournament team and I think they deserve a great [Music] [Applause] helping and those that help her and all you that are helping these kids memorize scriptures it's possible I may mention it again when I preach today but this week God has called us to a week of Prayer so the man will come Monday Wednesday and Friday women in thirsty we're gonna have a great week I'm gonna say more about them in just a moment but if at all possible I want you to come becoming your work clothes you can wear your flip-flops I guess I don't care are you have some shoes on just in case Scots balloons I have one request when you come pray I want you to put your passion [Music] I want you to pray in the Holy Ghost because this is God ordained did half a bite so that it was a plan in a staff meeting team how the Prairie I'll preach about it today our muscles are coming we're not going to take an offer stand in the back of the front we'll continue to worship God then move on with this service so just reminder we still are a face one to be no service tonight so a word phase two I'm sorry and we know service tonight in the hurry today it's like God you ready are you ready Anthony and Kelly record here with their baby and he's given himself to education the finest young man I know and we love getting to ladies I'd say that [Music] father this is your day special working the Holy Ghost it's going to be done we need your favor upon our lives ministry our churches over diverse body of believers of God position never be a part of the greatest harvest this churches into we need you to direct this latest god bless I promise everybody said Jesus all right they're going to keep singing and you've march to the front and give your offering or in the bathroom [Music] break down the walls push back the tar [Music] moving a heart [Music] [Music] [Music] No [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] accent ah [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] honestly this morning releasing the Apostolic anointing Father I pray you'd bless your word today and I'll pray are all of our hearts each of our hearts will be open to receive the word the soil of our soul there see the seed of the word of God that produces harvest trade for our nation today we pray for a great revival across the land [Music] ocean to the Atlantic Ocean the Gulf of Mexico all the way to the Canadian border [Music] release your APIs men and women of God across our land we pray Jesus everybody said a min you may be seated while I was good to see Katrina back on the keyboard this morning what brand smoke if you ever better this your baby to the church you can steal the baby for grandpa stand up y'all hear that [Music] congratulations we love you and we're happy for you it's been a baby season that grow the church my text is found in acts 19 verse 11 through 20 it's a little longer reading than I normally do but I felt it was imperative that I read all this God brought special miracles somebody say special miracles by the hands of Paul so they're from his body were brought into the sick handkerchiefs and aprons and the disease is departed from them and the evil spirits went out for them then certain of the Vagabond Jews exorcists took upon them to call over them which had evil spirits the name of the Lord Jesus saying we juror you by Jesus and Paul preached it then there were seven sons of sceva as you and chief of the priests which did so and the evil spirit answered and said Jesus I know and Paul I know but who are you and the man in whom the evil spirit was leaped on them and overcame them and prevailed somebody say prevailed against them so that they fled out of the house naked and wounded that was a bad devil our Devils it just says an evil spirit and this was known to all the Jews and Greeks also dwelling at Ephesus and fear fell on him all and the name of the Lord Jesus was magnified fear fell on them all in the name of the Lord Jesus was magnified and many of that believed came and confessed and showed their needs many of them also which used curious arts brought their books together and burn them before all men and they counted the price of them and found it fifty thousand pieces of silver so mightily grew the word and prevailed so the evil spirit first prevailed but now the word prevailed verse 17 said fear fell on them all and the name of the Lord Jesus was magnified the fear of the Lord something that appears to be missing even among many Christians today caused the name of the Lord to be magnified as a result of this fear of the Lord and the name of Jesus being magnified as a result of this two verses later we read so modely grew the word and prevailed when we start magnifying his name the word will grow in us and prevail Strong's definition of the word grow tells us it means to increase or to become greater so the implication is as the word grows the word becomes greater in our life until we have a return of the fear of God the Word of God will never prevail I don't want Fox News CNN news cbn ABC CBS NBC Annie you can't believe I knew all that that's not who I want to increase in my life I want this to increase in my life and then he's ready for the word of God to grow and prevail [Music] in our lives the last words of Jesus to his disciples is recorded by Matthew Mark and Luke different expressions but the same message it was this preach the gospel to every nation now for us in the day of air travel and social media and the internet that doesn't seem like such a tall task right but Jesus is speaking this command to a group of men who may not have ever traveled more than fifty or a hundred miles from their homes and yet Jesus is saying I want you to preach the gospel to the whole world now Matthew said in Matthew 28 the promise was from Jesus lo I am with you always even to the end of the world in Mark's Gospel the Lord said to them and these signs shall follow them that believe go preach the gospel to every nation these signs shall follow them that believe [Music] both stress the importance of preaching the gospel Paul said the gospel is the death the burial and the resurrection of Jesus Christ that's in Romans that's the gospel the gospel means good news so Jesus is telling 12 men maybe at that time 11 he's telling these men now I want you to preach this to the whole world and they've probably never been more than 100 miles from their home maybe only in a handful of nations but here's the promise number one I'm going with you number two I'm gonna empowering you these signs you see Matthew focuses on the fact of Jesus presence hello I'm with you always mark zeroed in on the evidence of God's presence these signs shall follow them that believe it's always been interesting for me to note that the first evidence the first sign promised to a believer was thou shall cast out devils implicates to me Jesus is saying the enemy is gonna fight you every step of the way but here's the first evidence that I'm with you you're going to take authority in my name and you're gonna cast out Devils somebody shout Amen in acts 1 and 8 Luke again writing some of the last words of Jesus when he said go wait in Jerusalem he said you shall receive power somebody shall power after the Holy Ghost is come upon you and you shall be witnesses unto me both in Jerusalem and in all Judea and in Samaria and unto the uttermost part of the earth there are two shells in this verse number 1 you shall receive power number two you shall be witnesses hear me look up here at me just a minute these two shells have to go together one will be out the other is not completely he's given us power so we can be a witness and one is meaningless without the other if we only have power so we can preach to one another that's not why he gave us power when he gave us the Holy Ghost it was to be a witness I noted that Jesus didn't say I'm gonna give you wisdom or I'm gonna give you knowledge he said I'm going to give you shout it out power because jesus knew telling these men to go preach to the whole world jesus knew this was an impossible task without the power amen so let me make an announcement to you today and if you a note-taker write it down Pentecost was not an afterthought with God joel 2:28 through 30 said it shall come to pass afterward that i will pour out my spirit upon all flesh your sons and your daughters shall prophesy your old men shall dream dreams got any old man here your young men shall see visions upon the servants and the hand maidens in those days I will pour out of my spirit and I will show wonders in heavens and in the earth blood and fire and pillars of smoke look at verse 32 and it shall come to pass that whosoever shall call on the name of the Lord called a what when the name of the Lord is magnified the word prevails and grows in us whosoever shall call on the name of the Lord shall be delivered so it's easy for us to look at these verses with understanding knowing that without the power of Pentecost we will fall short we'll miss the mark the church will become stagnant will start leaning on our own formulas and our own planning and our own schemes based on human reasonings let me emphatically and boldly say right now we've got to keep having Pentecost Paul wasn't intellectual he was educated he was brilliant but when he wrote his letter to Corinth he emphasized something in Corinthians the second chapter he said when I came to you I determined I'd already made up my mind when I walked into that city of Corinth that was full of idolatry and the wisdom of the Greeks I'd already made up my mind that I'll had one subject that's Christ and him crucified I didn't come to tell you what I learned at the feet of Gamaliel I didn't come to tell you what I learned in the schools of Education I came to preach Christ and him crucified and I have no other message and we have no other message to preach to a lost world other than the gospel of Jesus Christ we have the name and we have the blood we've got to have the power the power that came Opena calls can I get a resounding amen Paul said I did not come with enticing words of man's wisdom but I came in a demonstration of the Spirit and the power of God that's why I'm calling a week of Prayer this week that's why Pastor felt inspired impress directed by God to say let's go back to our knees again let's all have our own personal Pentecost this week let's do it all again let's have an axe for that's why I'm calling on you to pray with some passion that's why I'm calling on you to pray in the Holy Ghost amen we have two choices we can focus on the wisdom of men we can put our faith in the wisdom of men or we can put our faith in the power of God amen we're not here to focus on the gifts we're here to focus on the giver of the gifts we're not here to focus on the power we're here to focus on the source of the power you don't have to come in here praying God I want to give to the spirit you come in here praying saying father I won't you you don't pray I want the power you pray father I will you feel me up be not drunk with wine wherein is excess but be filled with the Spirit of God whatever we do let's magnify the name of the Lord Jesus let us have that kind of revival let us have that kind of a move of the Spirit that will magnify somebody help me now that will magnify the name of Jesus that means when you walk out of the building after an explosive demonstration of the Spirit and power you're talking about the name of Jesus Christ the subject at the dinner table is not about what's going on in America the subject at the supper table is what a mighty God we serve what a name what a name what a name what a name the name of Jesus whew I wish you'd take about 30 seconds and magnify the name Jesus oh yeah what a name and we have the name we pray in the name we preach in the name we baptize in the name of Jesus he said the name of the Lord Jesus was magnified brother Watson baptized his sister yesterday in the name of Jesus I'm glad we're a Jesus name Church see anybody's happened to be a Jesus name sure let the name of the Lord Jesus be magnified and Paul wrote in 2nd Timothy 3 opening verses he said in the last days perilous times are going to come and then he outlines a list of things that would be evident we're not going to read down he gets down to verse 5 and these people and it's not a nice list it's a bad list these people that he's writing about he says will have a form of godliness they will deny the power thereof somebody shout Amen 2nd Timothy 2 in nineteen pol said let everyone that nameth the name of Christ depart from iniquity iniquity means lawlessness no restraint so Paul said it's not that there's not going to be a church it's not that there will not be if I could use this term loosely organized religion he said they're going to have a form that word means a semblance of godliness but they will deny the power he didn't say they won't have any power he said they'll deny the power that word means to reject or refuse do you aught that tells me there's going to be a church in the last days that's saying we don't need the power we can have a form of godliness but we don't have to have a demonstration of the Spirit and the power and when that happens it'll lead to a lack of the fear of God and there'll be no one preaching if you're going to name in the name of Christ depart from iniquity we can have church without the power we can have church and deny the power but we're not going to do what God wants us to do we're not going to reach a lost world by denying the power we need the power that's that's why we're going to be praying this week we need the power we need a demonstration of the Spirit and the power of God I don't think you're hearing me today we need to connect to the glory of God we're not gonna get it done ladies and gentlemen without the power and it starts with a fear of God I'm gonna learn to pray in this spirit I always thought it was interesting that the most educated man who wrote scripture was no doubt the Apostle Paul but the Apostle Paul said in Romans 8 sometimes I don't know what to pray for and sometimes I don't know how to pray but he said the spirit that's not his human spirit that's the Holy Spirit he said the Holy Spirit comes only with groanings which cannot be uttered he said the Holy Ghost knows what I need to pray for the Holy Ghost knows what I need to intercede for so he said that's the most educated man in the Bible he said Simon asked you a question how long has it been since you prayed until you were groaning in the spirit boy that's a lost art isn't it until you groan in the spirit until you groan in the spirit because you're on the floor and you say I don't know what to pray for I don't know how to pray but here comes the power he said I'm gonna give you power [Applause] no wonder Paul said I want to thank God then I speak with tongues more than you all see playing in the spirit does it make sense to the natural mind praying in the spirit connects us with a glory of God because there's no limitation to praying in the spirit because when you pray in the spirit in the spirit you tap into the limitless mind of a God who knows everything who knows a word before it's on your tongue who knows a thought before it's in your mind before you ever verbalized it we need to fire a Pentecost to come again we need the wind and we need the fire Jude said in 1 and 20 but evil of building up yourselves on your most holy faith praying in the Holy Ghost John chapter 20 and verse 22 after the resurrection says and when he had said this he breathed on them speaking of Jesus he breathed on them saith unto them we see the Holy Ghost it was a prophetic utterance because it would fall on them in a few days on the day of Pentecost somebody say we need to fire then it cost Edwin and Pentecost Empire amen we're not gonna win this battle without the wind and without the fire oh my feel something coming on me this morning we got to have the wind I want him to breathe on me I want the turtle spirit to breathe on me I want God to breathe on me I want the wind to come but I want the fire - I want that demonstration of fire to come on me am I by myself today all right let me hasten own Ezekiel 35 ons are you listening to me please listen to me today he said does himself the Lord under these bones behold I will cross breath to enter into you and you shall live if you've read a few verses earlier this is what Ezekiel said about those bones they were very dry they weren't just dry they were very dry that means they've been laying there a long time the Sun had been beating down on them a long time so long that the bones were not even connected anymore are you with me so long that the leg bone had fallen off the hip bone and the toes had fallen off the foot they were very dry but the Prophet said I'm going to cause breath to come in you let me make a resounding statement this morning it doesn't matter how dry the church is when the wind comes when the breath of God comes it'll matter if all you have is a skeleton that's a form of godliness when the wind comes whoa that hip bones going to find the leg bones when the wind comes say I've been out of there too long I've been away too long not when the wind blows we don't have enough but now when the wind blows I don't have this I know you got a farm you got a substance you got a semblance but oh when the wind falls that's why we're having prayer meeting this week because when you have a skeleton all you have the form changes it from an outline to a breathing Church a church that's alive I'm not interested in having a church service without a demonstration are you are you listening Sardis in Revelation Jesus said to them you got a name at you you're alive but you're dead you're not alive they might have a lot of hopping around I don't know God knows I love hopping around but I want more hopping around go ahead and job run around the church jump as high as you can jump but when you land you better have a fear of God and you need to depart from iniquity that means stop watching the field coming out of Hollywood that hates everything we stand for well you didn't know I was gonna go there he said if you don't name the name of Christ if you don't call on the name of Christ you depart from iniquity we need a revisitation of conviction in the body of Christ and we need a fear of God [Applause] so we got to have the win and when that wind starts blowing whoa he said when those bones came together it was a mighty army whoo don't worry - God can I have a few more minutes I'm gonna take it whether you give it to me or not because this came from God came from the whole you feel that don't you you know I'm preaching a word to you from God you know that right you know that's why we're having prayer meeting tonight I want his name to be magnified or this week I want his name to be magnified God have mercy on us second in first Kings 18 and 24 they have another situation Elisha requested a meeting with the prophets of bale 450 prophets of Bale and 400 prophets of the groves all out of worshippers Bale was not one God he was many gods iva said all 850 of them ate their breakfast and supper at Jezebel's table you see that Jezebel spirit captivates men and women and sometimes unbeknown to them and I've seen that Jezebel spirit get in a church it's a spirit of control it's a spirit of Dominion and power to take our lives she kept them at our table so she could influence them not only wicked nut who names their daughter Jezebel you named your big old black mongrel Jezebel but you don't name your kid Jezebel because she stands for everything that's Antichrist I'm fixing to get off my notes here a minute no I'm not going to do that would you beg me to Pentecostal suppose you get rid of Hollywood get rid of all this nasty adultery and junk coming out of Hollywood they're trying to prefer their mind I done I done I'm serious about what I'm saying I got a hurry I just asked for a few more minutes that's all I'm gonna that stall the trailer won't chase on that rabbit that's it I see your post I see what you're watching I see the comedians that are entertaining some of our young people and probably some of our dogs but our ducks have just matured enough to know enough to post that on the Internet shh don't say him in right now you'd be guilty we need to win and when he fire you lied you didn't ask for a debate hadn't rained in three and a half years and they're trying to find him a gonna kill him finally God made him reveal himself to a help he didn't ask for his day in court he didn't say let me stand before my accusers and argue my case he didn't say give me a chance to be heard he said let's meet at Karma are you ready in first Kings 1824 he said you call on the name of your God and I will call on the name of the Lord and the God that answers by fire let him be God oh yeah so you're saying it's one against 850 I'd rather have one apostolic intercessor then 850 prayer warriors looking at your telephone I'm going to say that again it wasn't one against 850 well yeah wants to it just wasn't me Elijah it was God it was one it was one God against 850 false prophets and they went from 612 the Bible said Elijah taunted him and they prophesied unto the evening sacrifice but there was no voice there was none that regarded any lies you mocked them and he made fun of them and he said pray a little harder maybe your gods off on the trip maybe your gods taking it out I don't want a form of godliness I want the wind and the fire you're not listening to me this morning I'm I don't know if you're listening to me or not but it's about the time of the evening sacrifice the Bible said here we go that Elijah repaired the altar he took 12 stones are you listening please listen Israel hadn't been a 12 tribe nation for generations but Elijah went back to the stop he went back to the original and he got 12 stones representing the 12 tribes of Israel you're not hearing me because that's what I want to do this week I want to go back to the original I want to go back to Acts chapter 2 in Acts chapter 4 and except for 6 and I want to go back to the stop I don't think you know what I'm talking about I'm talking about repairing that altar and he said about the time of the evening sacrifice whew he said he repaired the altar he said bring me some water they brought water he pulled it on the altar he dug a trench around it bring me more water three times and he bowed down on his face oh yeah he bowed down on his face and this is what he prayed today this is what he prayed let it be known this day that thou art God at the name of the Lord be magnified when the name of the Lord is magnified are you hearing me that's when the words going to prevail quit seeking the gifts and start seeking the giver quit asking for the power and start praying to have the source of the power because when you get the giver you'll get the gifts Eliezer wasn't interested anybody knowing his name he wanted the name of the Lord God to be magnified when you come pray this week fall on your face because when he prayed that sixty-six word prayer the Bible said the fire fails somebody shouted the fire failed somebody shouted loud the fire fail somebody shouted loud oh you're not shouting loud enough the fire fail I want the wind and I want the fire to fall at the Pentecostals of Bossier so what are you going to do just wish for it no we're gonna repair an altar many of us cried and mourn over the seemingly ineffectiveness of our prayer life when it comes to seeing results our enemy's not going to give up without a fight we got to start having warfare prayer somebody shot warfare prayer top that in on the screen and put it up there for me somebody shot warfare prayer strong those are not going to be destroyed without an apostolic anointing and there's some worldviews prevailing in America today that's only going to come down with warfare prayer it's a fortress a castle it's demonic influence as of this morning I'm going to tell you how many followers I have on Twitter and if you think I give a rip I don't have nine thousand nine hundred and eight people follow me on Twitter if any of you got that many people follow me on Twitter I had a preacher called me one day and he said hey brother Dean would you would you retweet some of my tweets I'm trying to pick up a few more followers I said certainly and I did I'm not gonna change anything on Twitter I have spewed out a little wisdom on Twitter don't nobody care they put you a little heart and say I like this sometimes they retweet it but they're thinking of what they're going to tweet amen I ain't getting on that nobody this morning you're not gonna change this world with Twitter it's only getting worse with Twitter or Instagram our Facebook I don't care if you do all of them and ten more it's a little difference to me Jesus closed 12 men he picked seven he sent him out by twos the day of Pentecost that were 120 in the Upper Room he chose one man somebody say one somebody shot one he took one man Paul and said you're gonna be my missionary to the Gentile world and with one man he started with 12 he picked 70 and sent him out by twos then he had 120 and then he got Paul to go to the world and the Bible said when Paul and Barnabas went into a city the word on the streets was these are the men that have turned the world upside down without social media without television without broadcasting without any of the neat things without air travel without any of that these band the believers because God told them when you get the Holy Ghost I'm going to give you power and I'm gonna make you a witness he didn't say maybe he said you shall be I was considering all of this this week and I just picked up my phone and I called a brother in this city of a different color I hadn't talked to him in maybe two or three years he answered a phone he said pastor Dean it's so good to talk to you I said I just felt like me and you needed to reconnect we need to get back together if you change the world you're probably not going to change what's going on in Atlanta or Miami or New York but I'll tell you where you can start you can start in our neighborhood by building a bridge you said only you can clap your hands you can look on me like I got mustard on my cheeks but I'm telling you that's the way we're going to make a difference in Bossier City not by what we post on and you post anything you won't I don't care I get three or four days behind get on my Instagram and my OCD kicks in and I can't get off until it says you're caught up hmm weapons of our warfare are not carnal but mighty through God to the pulling down of the strongholds I want to make an announcement to you you can freak out do what you want to do the largest congregation meeting together to worship in this city today is a multiracial Church one of their members told me there about half and half black and white I don't even like to use the word black and white anymore I don't even like that but they're reaching out to every nationality don't you get quite on me now I'm gonna come out there amongst you I'm gonna bring my little Mike out there and make you testify right here in the house of God amen you know what's happening in our world today there's only one answer that's a prayer meeting that's to repair the altar we need the fire and we need the win you know what you can't shut down you can't shut down and move of God you can kill James you can arrest Peter you can stone Paul but you can't stop the wind and you can't stop where's my firemen today amen you know how you keep a fire burning you put some fuel on it and you get it some oxygen oh we need some wildfire you ready I got a quick our enemy won't give up without a fight we got to have warfare crap I said we got to have warfare prayer that's why I'm asking I'm pleading with you I'm begging you when you come to pray when you come to pray don't look around Sue's here don't seek the gifts seek to give her hey man don't come in here saying I want to be somebody special come here sell Jesus get on your face feel that your puse walk around on can you get ahold of God and say I want your name to be back I want to have a fear to hunt in my heart I want to have a fear of God I want his word to throw at me I want my prayer to be effective [Applause] come back at 1 in 5 when the hall you know Munda heathen and regard and wonder marvelously I will work to work in your day that would be told when I close my eyes I see a security team out in the market waving cars telling the water park I see another parking not behind boys and girls riding it can it he said I don't work the work in your bag and you saw somebody told you it's gonna happen you would believe I'm telling him in hey man many years ago a missionary by the name of Asheville Larson went to Columbia an apostolic preacher to a country that had no apostolic presence along after a wiving in Colombia he lost his precious wife in childbirth she was delivering their baby this unknown man built his own caste it buried his wife alone but today one out of every 60 people in Colombia or apostolic Pentecostal Jesus name baptized over a million Atmos Collinson Club you're not hearing me today you know what he did but the Larson that I never had the opportunity to meet he died many years ago it is said that they built that revival around the bones of his wife around her burial site they raised up an apostolic Holy Ghost revival I got on my little calculator and figured it up in the United States had one out of every 60 people or actually was 50 people today the Apostolic Pentecostals in North America would be 6 and 1/2 million people one out of every 50 people you pass by in Walmart Home Depot and at the fried chicken house and it's straw at one out of 50 would be an apostolic Jesus name baptized Pentecostal we gonna have a prayer meeting this week are you ready I don't want any we pray and I'm asking I'm begging you I know some of you don't be worked and do everything you can do to get here get ready seen Cesar's standing your feet Apostolic clap your hands to the Lord and start praying for the wind and the fire find somebody you failed a bridge with we need the Holy Ghost upon the Apostolic anointing upon the Pentecostals approach and you've reached a long time the sport is faster my lord frere I know we're not holding hands and all that but I want us to pray right and there would be an unleashing we don't want a farm of God's siblings or now we're fixing to have Laramie there's some people that need God in this building right now there's some people just waiting to get baptized with Jesus thing I'm gonna tell you we're ready to baptize you in that name I won't the Lord God I'm asking his name to be back to back so right man throw your hands up to heaven and I want you to start a prayer meeting right back that'll pick up Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday throw your hands in the air and burn right now and for the fire would you pray that the name we'll be magnified would you print it come on would you pray right now would you seek the giver what you seek the source of the power come on Cobra let your name with my heart we needed a park in your name I pray Oh over here [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] when [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] 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Channel: The Pentecostals of Bossier City
Views: 639
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: pentecostals of bossier city, pobc, pobc live, pastor jerry dean, jerry dean preaching, pentecostal, pentecostal preaching, pentecostal church, pentecostal worship, releasing the apostolic anointing, inhabit leeland lyrics, echo in jesus name, echo in jesus name people and songs, goodness of god bethel, goodness of god bethel lyrics, flood the earth jesus culture, flood the earth jesus culture lyrics
Id: t1Hoa1d6FJA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 97min 1sec (5821 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 14 2020
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