Bishop Jack Cunningham preaching “Inside/Out”

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[Applause] are you I like what I feel in this house you're a guest here and don't know it gods in this place right now every child of God recognizes the beautiful presence of the Lord that's in this house would you live both of your hands to heaven and lift up your voice and magnify the Lord with me father we love you today we worship you we adore you God we magnify you we lift you up we lift up your name we thank you for your presence thank you for the power of the Holy Ghost that's in this house o God we give you praise come on Church I know it's what you want to do I've been watching you go ahead and just loving just forget everything else right now but just love him magnify the Lord with me hallelujah glory to God glory to God glory to God glory to God glory to God glory to God glory to God somebody ought to start saying hallelujah that's the highest praise you can give him somebody ought to be saying I love you Jesus Oh hallelujah hallelujah glory to God glory to God you know the Bible says that God inhabits the praises of his people can I tell you if there was no other reason to praise God that's enough the fact that we know that when we praise Him he's going to show up he's going to be here he's going to come into our midst the Bible said where the Spirit of the Lord is there is Liberty I feel that Liberty here today the Bible wants us to know that when we praise God our praise unleashes anointing our praise unleashes power our praise unleashes signs wonders and miracles whatever you need from God you can get it while you're praising God whatever you need today in your family in your finances in your home in your marriage in your mind in your butt whatever you need I've come to tell you you can get it why you worshiping God your worship this morning's got me all stirred up I like what I feel when I get into the presence of the Lord I like what I feel in this house this morning does anybody here love the Lord is anybody here loving with all your heart all your mind all your soul and all your strength then I want you to give him the greatest praise that you've given in all of 2019 go ahead that's all right giving the greatest praise you've given all year long I want you to do better than you've done all year loan at Magnus fine Jesus hallelujah to the lamb of God hallelujah to the lamb of God hallelujah to the lamb of God hallelujah to the lamb of God hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah you may be sitting here thinking preacher you can sit down if you want to that's fine you may be here thinking preacher did you just see that dude running around this building did you see those two ladies over there start dancing before the Lord you know every now and then it's alright to just give God crazy praise every now and then it's okay to clap your hands and stomp your feet and wave your arms and lift up your voice and magnify the Lord yeah go ahead friend whoa hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah I know Donald Trump's been to this church don't you dare get more excited about a man being here than God being here don't you sit there and act like you don't know he's in this house Oh somebody ought to hear what I'm saying today because if you magnify the Lord if you get into the presence of God you're gonna leave here different then you came somebody shout yes come on yes that means amen amen means yes the Book of Psalms there's nine ways to praise God three involve your hands clap your hands lift your hands play skillfully three involve your mouth but I was Ted televisions sing about him and the Bible says to lift up your voice and magnify the Lord three of them involve the whole body and here comes our runners and dancers because in songs it talks about running and leaping in the Book of Psalms it talks about dancing before the Lord in the Book of Psalms it talks about laying prostrate on the floor before God I don't care what you do I don't care if you use your hands your mouthing a whole body but when we come into the presence of God we ought to be doing something we ought to be doing something when we feel his presence I've heard enough a lot about first church my first time to be here but I'm telling you I like what I feel here if I were you and I live within 50 miles of this place I'd make sure I was here every Sunday to feel what I'm feeling right now in the house of God I feel like there's a Holy Ghost explosion about to take place in this house I feel like healings and miracles and deliverance are about to visit this house sit down just for a second there were 10 lepers along the road when Jesus came by and they're crying out Jesus son of David have mercy on us Jesus turned to the ten and said what would you have me to do they said Lord that you would cleanse our leprosy he reaches all the way back brother Gurley into the Old Testament and grabs an Old Testament law if you please and pulls it forward and says go show yourself to the priest you see in the Old Testament it says that if a man or woman have leprosy and it creates open sores on their body and their skin turns red and infection sits in and all the signs of leprosy are there the Old Testament says if that leprosy dries up if the infection goes away the redness goes away the sores close up that an individual can go show themselves to the priest and the priest will observe them for 14 days and if in that 14 days there's no swelling there's no redness there's no infection there's no open source if for 14 days they're clean they can go back home they can go back to mom and the kids they can go back to the community they can be restored in every area of their life and the Bible said Jesus said to the 10 go show yourself to the priest they knew exactly what that meant hear me I've been to Thailand 33 times this year we still preach the lepers in Thailand it's a hideous disease I preach to people that their faces are all twisted up because leprosy affects the appendages of your body first your fingers get cut off your fingers fall off the disease affects your toes your toes fall off even the front of the foot falls off their faces all disfigured they lose lips they lose nose they lose ears and so all the appendages of your body is affected and Jesus tells ten men like that go show yourself to the priest some of them probably were walking on stumps I see it all the time in Thailand they walk in on the stumps of their legs because the front of their foot and their toes are going they'll reach their hands out and it'll just be a nub for you to take hold of to try to pray with them or to shake their hand and that's the way these guys go they go off no fingers no toes no lip no nose no ears and Jesus says go show yourself to the priest and while 10 of them brother girly are running down the road one of them said hold on fellows I forgot something they hold no no John come on we got to go we'll go show ourselves to the priest in just 14 days from now we're gonna be back home in our own house our own bed with our own family in our own community John said you fellas go ahead there's something I've got to do there's something I forgot there's something I've got to go back and do y'all just go on without me and the Bible said one returned and he threw himself down at the feet of Jesus and the Bible said he began to glorify the Lord he began to glow five God Jesus said wasn't there ten of you where's the other nine he said but because you returned we skip over so much and so much good stuff in the Bible this is good he said because you've returned he said go thy way thy faith hath made thee whole he's talking to the creator of the universe all things were made by him and for him and by him all things consist what did he mean when he said go thy way thy faith hath made thee whole where the fingers were missing that old boy got fingers back if an owes her an ear or a lip was gone God said I'm gonna make you a hole and honey I've come to tell somebody today that happened because he came back to worship God no matter what he was going through no matter what he was dealing with no matter what was happening in his life he said I'm putting all that on hold I'm going to the house of God first church and I'm gonna worship God today I feel then of the Holy Ghost to tell somebody God may have begin a miracle in your life you may already have felt the beginning process of the touch of God you may already have had a work of the Lord going on taking place in your life you may be can say today well I'm not healed but boy I feel a lot better than I used to the pains not all gone but you know most of it's gone you might be able to save my marriage in right but it's better than it was my kids still aren't living like they ought to but they're doing a little better than they did maybe the only thing God's waiting on you take it to the bank the nine of those guys that win the show themselves to the priests they didn't die of leprosy they may have lived without fingers they may have lived without a nose they may have got to sleep in their bed they may have got to hug their kids again but they were never home the only one that was HOH is the one that went back the one that said I'm gonna worship I'm not whole yet I don't have it all yet it's not finished yet but I'm going to go back and worship I'm gonna worship no matter how I feel no matter what I'm going through answer in your own mind and in your own heart what has God started in your life what has God begun in you that you would like to see finished you might be just one prays away from the greatest miracle you ever seen in your lifetime I took note of the fact that the Bible doesn't say clap your hands some of you the Bible doesn't say lift up your hands some of you but after many of those commandments to praise it says all ye people clap your hands all you people it don't matter what you're going through if you can muster up enough faith to just put your hands to here magnify the Lord you want to know how powerful praise is I want you to think about this they preach you you don't know what I'm going through preacher you don't know what I'm dealing with you know you don't know what's going on my family you don't know what's going on my marriage you don't know what's going on my kids you don't know what's going on with my finances you don't know what the doctor told me this week you don't know what the lawyer said this week I know I don't know the specifics but I do know God and he can do anything folks there's nothing too big for him there's nothing beyond his ability or beyond his control I'll get back to the story I was going to tell in just a moment this just happened those of you that wasn't North American youth Congress on Thursday night when 37,000 young people begin to worship God there's no preacher in the pulpit nobody's speaking a word of faith nobody said now's the time for you to be healed but when those young people begin to worship God I sitting on the front row in the end David Bernard our general superintendent right beside me the youth president beside him and a man come down front and he said we were just setting up in the balcony and we want you guys to know that when the young people begin to pray our senior pastors up there and he had a cancerous tumor hanging on his ear and when the young people just begin to worship that's all that happened they just begin to worship he said that tumor fell off is here under the floor that tumor is gone and the only thing that changed was a bunch of young people had come ready to worship God now let me tell you how powerful praise is you may be looking death right square in the eye it might be a physical death and emotional death a spiritual death a marital death of financial death I don't know but you might be looking death in the eye God spoke to Isaiah I want you to go tell King Hezekiah get your house in order you're gonna die now that's a message no preachers wanna preach but Isaiah obedient to God went to the king's house went into the palace went into the Kings bedroom found Hezekiah on his deathbed and Isaiah didn't come to say you're going to be healed I say it didn't say you're gonna get up he said King I love you but I got a message from God God said get your house in order you're gonna die and the Bible said that Oh Hezekiah began to cry he began to weep before the Lord but God wouldn't move by his weeping and the Bible said that he said I've been faithful to God all these years and God wouldn't move by his faithfulness and he said I've always been a man of truth and righteousness and God didn't change his mind it's your house and order you're gonna die and after he makes three or four proclamations that don't move God Isaiah Pat's him on the shoulder and says I love you buddy we've been good friends but I've delivered the message now I'm out of here and the Bible said he walks out of the bedroom of the king he walks out of the palace he walks out into the outer courts he goes all the way to the gate of the city and God said turn around and go back and telling that I'm gonna give him 15 more years now hold on what happened between Isaiah leaving and between God's saying Isaiah go back I changed my mind Oh Hezekiah brother Gurley turned his face to the wall and he said God the dead can't praise You God if I die but I I can't praise you no more if I die I can't worship if I die I can't lift you up and God said hold on he's gonna praise me he's gonna worship me go back why don't you ignore this morning whatever proclamation you think you've been handed why don't you ignore what the doctor says [Applause] hallelujah [Applause] [Music] [Applause] now here's the good news of that story I don't even know if you're ready for this but I'm gonna say what I believe you can change the mind of God through your worship hold on it wasn't Isaiah saying you're gonna die God said it when God says something honey that's the way it is it's his spoken word that created everything we see and hear and feel he spoke it into existence he didn't hand make nothing it was this word it's so powerful that when it come out of his mouth it took physical form and that God that created the universe said get your house in order you're gonna die and some of you may be thinking that what's going on in your life is inevitable and I've come to tell you today quit worrying about what the person on either side of you is doing quit worrying about what anybody on your row is doing and get yourself a miracle today worship God with all your heart mind soul and strength he'll Amanda Yamaha kaya I'm telling you folks it's risin like this in here we're fixin to come to a critical mass we're fixin to come to a place where God's going to open the very portals of heaven and pour out his spirit on this house I'm telling you miracles signs and wonders are in the house of the Lord today some of you came in one way you're going to go out another way yes yes yes [Applause] bah-bah-bah hyah there is only there is only one place in your Bible one place in your whole Bible that says enter into his gates there's only one place in your home Bible that says enter into his courts and that same place tells us how to do it enter into his gates with Thanksgiving enter into his courts with praise you know what a gate is a gate is an opening in a wall and walls and gates are for protection walls and gates are for safety walls and gates are to keep you apart from the enemy and God said if your life's in a mess if you need safety if you need protection if you need to get away from your enemy let me tell you how to do it you enter into his gates with Thanksgiving you get on the other side of the gate in the wall with Thanksgiving he said enter into his courts with praise the court is where the king's throne is the court is where the king meets with fellowships with special people you got to be special to get into the court of a king to be able to stand before the throne of a king to be in the presence of a king and if there's anybody here today that that really wants what that song said today that the only thing I want us to see him the only thing I want us to feel him the only thing I want us to know him can I tell you we enter into his courts with praise now here's what I want you to do I want you again we've already done it once but we're gonna really do it now I want you to raise both hands to heaven I want you to close your eyes forget about who's around you in fact if somebody's standing a little too close to you you may want to elbow him and say give me some room I'm fixing to give God some crazy praise I'm fixing to give God some crazy praise come on somebody now let's do it lift up your voice lift up your heart magnify him glorify the Lord [Applause] yeah that's it it's okay to dance it's okay to jump it's okay to clap your hands it's okay to lift up holy hands hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah there's a breakthrough taking place in this house there is a breakthrough there is a breakthrough [Music] [Applause] yeah yeah yeah that that [Applause] I want every Minister that's here today I want you to start moving through this halter area and be led by the Lord God's going to give you a word for somebody you're going to lay hands on somebody and speak the Word of Faith and God's gonna heal him I want every minister to step out and be used of God right now father by the authority of the word of God and the power that is in the name Jesus yes yes yes hahaha Oh [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] don't stop worshipping him don't stop come on ha ha ha ha dejado in the name of Jesus raise your hands and God begin to speak through you pray in the spirit pray in the spirit Yamaha Yamaha God's given you a miracle right now receive it in Jesus name [Applause] yes yes yes yes yes he da da da da Venda Yamaha hiya he called on Ibaka taya by the authority of the word of God and by the power that is in the name Jesus I take authority I take spiritual authority over this situation right now in normal Sheikh Mohammed area near Mahatma in the name of Jesus [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] let me know I take authority right I'd like to invite everybody in this building one more time raise both your hands to heaven and I want you to give him the greatest shout of praise that you've ever given in your lifetime would you praise God give him the greatest shout of page that you can give right now [Music] [Music] hallelujah listen carefully listen to me I want everybody in here to find one other person at least to pray with would you do that find one other person at least it don't matter if there's three or four but I don't want anybody by themselves find at least one other person to pray with and you're going to pray for them hold on a minute fellas listen carefully listen carefully you're fixing to pray a prayer that's going to change the person's life that you're about to pray for God asked the devil it's kind of a mystery we don't understand but God asked the devil have you considered my servant job we don't hardly know how to understand God throw in one of these men out there have you considered my servant job you know what the devil's answer was to God the devil said to God God you know I can't touch you you got a hedge around me think about what that verse means [Music] the devil said I can't touch you because you got a hedge around him for about two years everywhere I go every place I go before I leave the pulpit I tell the people of God lay hands on one another and pray that hedge around your brother your sister your neighbors your friends your family your spouse so I want you to lay your hands on them in faith would you do that come on put your hand on them in faith and I want you to pray God put a hedge around them put a hedge around them that no evil spirit can penetrate God put a hedge around them that no human being with evil intentions can influence God put a hedge around them today that's the enemy can't get in Adam [Music] [Music] that's it pray pray pray in the Holy Ghost over in the Holy Ghost ha ha Jesus Jesus [Music] [Applause] [Music] da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da Bondi honorable kotodama hiya every parent right now ought to be prayer in a hedge around their children every spouse right now ought to be praying a hedge around your spouse come on pray it God put a hedge around them [Music] yes yes yes oh yes [Applause] [Music] would everybody in here now clap your hands to the Lord with all your might would you lift up the voice and the sound of victory in this house come on lift up your voices are you people make a joyful noise unto the Lord your God [Applause] thank you for letting me be with you today thank you - you're great pastors pastor girly and pastor wailing all their families and staff I have loved to be here with you today somebody needs to go home today with the miracle that God has promised you I believe there's a bunch of people here I believe there's a bunch of people here let me tell you something I just got word of sorry for the pastor I just got word of this at North American youth Congress after we prayed for everybody that was sick to be healed we asked how many of you believe you just got a miracle I told them and I'll tell you you don't gotta lie about God to make him look good he's good already and there were thousands no joke tens of thousands of hands that went up said they just got a miracle they all got to worship Him and I wanted to stop them from worshiping because I wanted to pray for people to get the Holy Ghost I'm happy to tell you that that night more than 1,000 received the baptism of the Holy Ghost in that service the hold on while I was trying to stop so I could give directions for people to get the holy ghost I said let me have your attention please they kept on worshipping getting Apostolic Stu quit worshiping when they're enjoying it like nailing jello to a tree it's just is hard to do I said it 10 times could I have your attention please could I have your attention please would everybody stop and there's about 30 or 40 over here on this side now it's out of 37,000 but there's about 30 or 40 that wouldn't stop I walked right over in front of them said could I have everybody's attention and there's 30 or 4 just juking and jiving and jumping and stomping and crying and squealing and shouting and dancing I finally just ignored him went ahead and gave directions on how to pray for the Holy Ghost and again God filled a thousand with the Holy Ghost I just got a phone call from the pastor of that 30 or so that was over there brother Gurley he said that was my kids it didn't stop and he said I'm not going to apologize to you I said don't worry about it he said no let me tell you why he said one of our girls was born deaf she's 15 years old and while everybody was worshiping God she started going oh oh oh oh I can hear I can hear I can hear I'm telling you first Church there was not one else but the power of dog there that's not here right now you
Channel: Azusa Street 1906
Views: 2,731
Rating: 4.8400002 out of 5
Keywords: jack cunningham, jack cunningham preaching, upci, upc preaching, apostolic preaching, pentecostal preaching, billy cole preaching, billy cole, oneness pentecostals, how to receive the holy ghost, lee stoneking, jeff arnold, anthony mangun, mark morgan preaching, united pentecostal church, miracles signs and wonders, miracle of healing, apostolic doctrine, pentecostal church
Id: 4p3YYxiDXvs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 42min 31sec (2551 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 12 2020
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