The Anointing Destroys the Yoke - Pastor Raymond Woodward

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in Bible times a yoke looked very similar to what you see on the screens it was a device made out of wood and some primitive metal that joined together a pair of animals especially oxen but yoke over the centuries came to have other uses and even other meanings a yoke became a frame that fitted the neck and the shoulders not of an oxen not of a beasts of burden but a person when they wanted to carry two buckets of water perhaps and they would have a yoke that went across their shoulders it was became symbolic of carrying a burden eventually the yoke took a very sinister turn and it became a symbol of slavery because the Romans called the archways in their cities under which prisoners were marched they called those a yoke and they would walk through those archway symbolizing that they were now bound they were now captive sometimes in machinery those of you that are very mechanical you'll understand that a yoke is a vice-like piece that grips two parts and holds them firmly together so yoke has come to mean something that binds together something that is a burden it is a weight and so over the centuries yoke even became a verb it means to join or to couple to harness to link to unite or to attach and I didn't come here to give you a little lecture on the mechanics of a physical yoke but I came to do what the Bible tells us when Paul writes and he said stand fast in the Liberty that Christ has given to us Christ has made us free don't be entangled again in the yoke of bondage you were in bondage don't go back there and join yourself to those things again in second Corinthians the dating scripture he said don't be unequally yoked it doesn't work equal it doesn't work the way you think you know we we really try to stress to our young people that we don't believe in flirt to convert around here because there's always this negative influences pulls down but I didn't even come to talk about those things in particular I came to talk about your yoke something that in your life you're joined to something that in your life it's a weight a bondage something that in your life it's dragging you down and you feel the weight of it every day something that in your life it's been around for a long time and it chafes your shoulders spiritually speaking and it boughs your neck and your head spiritually speaking and you're joined to something and you feel like you can't get free and I'm working blind today because I don't know what your yoke is maybe it's something somebody said about you when you were a child or a teenager and they're cruel cutting words messed you up and you've borne that yoke for all of these years you've carried it it's in your psyche when you think about yourself when you see yourself in a mirror you still hear those words that somebody spoke to you unfortunate words or maybe cruel words maybe your yoke is worse than that maybe it's not something they said at all maybe it's something they did to you maybe it was hurtful maybe it was abusive maybe it was downright evil and sinister and you've born that you keep it well hidden as you go to work you keep it well buried as you go about your daily routine but you feel it all the time it's a yoke it's a burden it's like you're tied to something that happened in your past that you've never been able to get by it's like you're joined to something that you wish you could get rid of you wish you could be loose off but it's not worked yet for you and every once in a while when you're alone when you're tired when you're angry it comes back and it's right there as if it happened yesterday and you can't get free maybe your yoke is a personal failure it's not something somebody did to you something you did to yourself and the devil takes every opportunity he is a sinister evil unethical cruel foe and he reminds you every chance that he gets every day of your failure what you did that hurt you what you did that messed you up what you did that crippled your future and what you did that's so embarrassing that you really try to keep it hidden but you feel it every day and every day that cruel devil tries to remind you he reminds you when you come to church the pastor says lift your hands and everybody around you lifts your hands and your hands stay at your sides and it's not that you're rebellious it's not that you're disobeying it's not that you wouldn't it's that you feel like you're not worthy to worship God there's no bigger lie told to church people then that lie right there because we don't worship God because we're worthy we worship Jesus because he's worthy we don't worship Him because we're so good we worship Him because he's so good we don't worship Him because we're perfect we worship Him because when we look at him he's perfect but there's a yoke it holds your hands down it keeps your heart down it keeps your spirit down and the devil reminds you every day maybe your yoke has been with you so long that it has actually distorted your personality maybe even your spiritual life maybe you live in fear every day it's tangible it's palpable and little triggers set you off and your pair annoyed and you're fearful maybe your yoke is something that you cannot remember not having in your life you've always felt this way you've always thought this way you've always considered yourself this way you've always been depressed it's not true but you feel that way you've always been fearful it's not true but you feel that way you've never had joy it's not true but you feel that way never lived in victory not true but you feel that way I never have been an overcomer that's not true but you feel that way because the devil has this unerring capacity to drag us kicking and screaming back to our past to our worst moments our most shameful hours our days of defeat and our weeks of wilderness and he likes to grind your face in that he is a cruel foe but he is not the lord of me he is not the boss of me his voice means less than nothing in my life and the voice of Jesus means everything in my life maybe your yoke is something that hinders your movement and your mobility spiritually maybe your yoke ties you up and binds you and hold you down trips you makes you fall can I tell you that in the image of the Bible there was nothing wrong with the the oxen they weren't the burden the yoke was the burden there's nothing wrong with you that hasn't happened to every other human being who's ever lived it's not you it's the yoke you owe it to yourself to get that yoke off your neck so you can stand up right free have joy and be everything that God intended you to be but here's the most amazing and frustrating thing God's people put up with so much that they don't have to put up with God's people allow so many things in their lives that they don't have - but the devil has lied to them and said you cannot get free of this yoke years after the Exodus Moses gives this word from God to the people in Leviticus 26 they've long been out of Egypt they've long been away from the control of Pharaoh they're no longer building the pyramids but they're still thinking and acting and living like slaves and God speaks and says I am the Lord your God I brought you forth out of the land of Egypt I brought you out so you wouldn't be their bond man and look at this and I have broken the bands of your yoke and made you go up right so the message of God to those people who were free but didn't realize they were free who were free but didn't act like they were free who were free but didn't inherit everything God had for them as if they were free his message to them was stand up because you don't have to go around with a yoke of bondage on your life anymore every once in a while just to please God bless you and frustrate the devil every once in a while you just need to say I don't have to take this any more that is your right that is your inheritance as a child of God stand for sand fast therefore in the Liberty that Jesus Christ has given you and don't be entangled with the yoke of bondage I'm not asking you to raise your fist that would be kind of weird but in your spirit I'm asking you to clench your spiritual fists and I'd like you to lift up your voice one more time and I'd like you to get ready for what God is going to do in the next few moments in this service pastor's not going to preach a long sermon this morning I just came with a word for you pastors doesn't have a lot of good illustrations and all of that I just have a little message for you so in your spirit I'm asking you to clench your fist as if you were gonna punch somebody especially the devil and I'm gonna ask you to get your voice in the air and I'm gonna ask you to look beyond your circumstances and look beyond what you're feeling today and look beyond what you've heard or seen this week and I'm gonna ask you to get a little bit of resistance in your spirit and push back [Applause] I'm a child of the Living God the devil doesn't control me he doesn't have the final say over my life what a ridiculous proposition God says to me stand up you're free stand up you're not a slave stand up you're not battle anymore stand up it's in you you can do this you can stand up if you could hook honor with my faith we probably wouldn't even need to go any further in the sermon somebody here you can this is your day to stand up straighten your back put your neck in the air lift up your head and rejoice because God has broken the yoke that is holding you down and keeping you back and bind in your spirit and wreck in your life you don't have to put up with that anymore I have broken the bands of your yoke God said I made you go upright so just stand up and love it stand up and rejoice in it stand up and take it stand up hasta la boca rom Bob at Okayama Mendo la belleza dhola mikeraboy yoshi asa be a Toro balachandra beaucoup de ba ba cannabis esse bitola Bosco samehada [Applause] Basava Arevalo sandela boasts a de yojoa and the Lobo says Sabbath or Ibaka yeah I worship you Jesus I worship You Jesus music come back if you would 1 Matt last Scripture one last scripture sickness we're physical beings we understand that but can I just give you a little piece of Revelation you are not a physical being having a spiritual experience two-thirds of you is spirit your soul and your spirit we can't even see them they're invisible that's the part of you that's got to live forever somewhere and so you're not a physical being having a spiritual experience a couple times a week you are a spiritual being having a physical experience while you're here on earth you're two-thirds invisible you're two-thirds spirit but the devil works through the physical sickness is physical crippling paranoia that you're gonna die that's spiritual depression can have chemical components we understand that our doctors have helped us understand that but depression that goes forever and forever and forever and cripples your spiritual life and makes you want to give up that's not just physical anymore that's a spiritual attack of the enemy disease in opposition in circumstances at home that's in the physical realm but when it's messing you up and messing up your marriage I'm messing up your family and messing up your kids that's no longer just in the physical realm the devil's trying to use the physical to get to the most important part of you the spiritual the good news about this jesus is he can break any yoke in the physical and the spiritual he can break it in your mind he can break it in your heart he can break it in your home he can break it in your marriage he can break a yoke that's over your kids different men of God different great men of God have differing opinions on this some people believe that there are generational curses that go down through a family tree because of something somebody did personally I don't believe that because the Bible says if any man be in Christ he's a new creature old things are passed away all things are become new but if you want to believe that that's your prerogative and there are great men of God that have a differing opinion I'm not gonna argue with them but I would say this Jesus can break any generational curse even if it's real even if it's existing even if it's over your family I don't care because Jesus can step in and those men those good men they'd have a different opinion but they believe the same as me right there Jesus can shatter and the yoke last scripture Isaiah spoke to the children of Israel who are still now centuries later living like slaves and it shall come to pass in that day that his burdens shall be taken from off thy shoulder and the yoke of your oppressor and your captive and your opposition will be pulled off your neck but here's what God said you notice the wording here the anointing that God's gonna put on you it's not just gonna break the yoke and leave it laying around your feet so you can trip over it it's gonna destroy the yoke it's gonna obliterate the yoke it's gonna pull the yoke sky-high and then there won't be anything left to torment you I'd like everybody to stand right now because the anointing of God is in this room and it's not in this room because pastors hollering it's not in this room because we sang the right song the anointing of God is in this room because we are in this room and we are the people of God and I know that I know that I know that there are people in this room that you've got a physical situation but the devil is using it to hit you over the head spiritually every day of your life with a crowbar and it could be a physical sickness but it's manifesting in a discouraged spirit that's all crippled up and all bowed over and you don't need that what you need to do today is you need to stand up straight throw off that yoke and let the anointing change your life [Applause] [Music] would you lift up your hands I need you to get those fists clenched in your spirit one more time if I could get somebody mad enough at the devil to walk out of their slavery today I'd be really happy if I could get somebody frustrated enough with the devil to say I'm done with this foolishness I'd be really happy if I can get somebody to get so mad and hell and so happy about heaven that they changed their mind and obey God's promise if you've never received the baptism of the Holy Ghost that's the ultimate yoke breaker that's the ultimate chain breaker that's the ultimate bondage breaker and you can receive the baptism of the Holy Ghost here this morning in this altar so Church right now pastor really really really really needs everybody if you'd forget about who's coming first and if everybody could just step out of the pew and move toward the front some of you in the very back I saw you got connected with you a minute ago and you need to make your way through don't get to the back of the altar get to the front of the altar come on everybody come on come on come on come on so Dolabella devasya samba de la cara Baja mando la belleza ya boyo Dora Vasya terrible Chasseur mandola bus yes on the love I got about Yoshi ASA and they both local a bus yeah when you get your position here at the altar I want you to live both your hands right now pastor wants to speak a word over you it's not my word that's gonna fix you not my word that's gonna help you not my word that's gonna deliver you it's gonna be the Word of God because the anointing destroys the yoke the yoke shall be destroyed because of the anointing the anointing is not here because of the sermon or the song the anointing is here because you're here and you've got the Holy Ghost in you [Music] right now Jesus I stand here as a pastor in this church I stand here as the man who had the privilege of delivering your word this morning I stand here in your authority not mine and your anointing not mine in your strength not mine and your will not mine and I speak over these people and I speak under their spirit and I say to them stand up get up cast off the yoke of bondage
Channel: Capital Community Church
Views: 13,200
Rating: 4.8136644 out of 5
Keywords: the, anointing, destroys, yoke, pastor, raymond, woodward, preaching, preach, sermon, ccc, capital, community, church, fredericton, nb, new, brunswick, canada, upc, upci, united, pentecostal, international, apostolic, christian
Id: 68B9gtxcErc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 19sec (1279 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 25 2019
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