"Releasing God To Be What He Is" Jeff Arnold BOTT 1988

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brothers and sisters ladies and gentlemen fellow countrymen a man of God who loves the Lord a man that I just soon hear preach as any body loving to death in Gainesville Florida but soon to be transferred to the new jerusalem by rapture of the Church of the Living God for the Jeff Arnold oh please and the hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah we're just about put didn't want to ruin my image praise God thank you for the honor and privilege to be a part of something greater than I am thank you for letting me come to this great church in conference and thank you for letting me speak to you listen to all the stories and references of folks who've had family that raised him in the church and I've heard the other side of the spectrum where they lived in the world such as myself my emotions have been up and down in and out suffered four or five minor coronary arrests in the last three days I found myself a great Saint and a horrible backslider and I won't belabor the point it's five after nine and if you would just indulge me for just a little while I have preached with every preacher that's been here I have worshiped with every singer that has sung I have yearned and longed and and it's not an easy thing to be the cleanup hitter it's the bottom of the ninth it's two-out bases are loaded and everyone's saying hit it out of here honey almost swing at it you have your Bibles and very quickly without trying to get you all hyped up Exodus 3 and then I'll go to Ephesians 1 praise God you know I know this folks nobody needs to tell me you have to write any letters I know I'm not a class act okay now no wait a minute I'm I don't have the class and the polish which I think a lot of us have and you know and they're needful and they're good but you won't find anybody there's any more honest tonight I really do love God and I just want to do right and be safe and if somehow in this few closing moments God would help me to impact you wait wait it impact you not impress you if I could impact you with what has just recently impacted me then the icing will be on the cake and the candle will be lit and no hell can blow it out and will go home and the whole thing will make sense in the next 40 minutes Exodus 3 verse 13 Moses said unto God behold when I come unto the children of Israel and shall say unto them the god of your father's has sent me unto you and they shall say to me what is his name what shall I say unto them God said unto Moses I am that I am he said thou shalt thou say unto the children of Israel I am have sent me God said moreover Moses thou shalt say unto the children of Israel the Lord God of your father's the God of Abraham the god of Isaac in the God of Jacob had sent me unto you this is my name forever and this is my memorial unto all generations Ephesians 1 verse 17 praise God seasons 1 verse 17 that the god of our Lord Jesus Christ the father of glory may give unto you the spirit of wisdom and revelation in the knowledge of him the eyes of your understanding being enlightened that you may know what is the hope of his calling and what the riches of the glory of his inheritance in the Saints Paul is praying for the church and he is simply praying out loud and he says my prayer for you is not success and my prayer for you is not a great church and my prayer for you is not great sermons tell you what I like for my dad to give you the father of glory I'd like for him to give you a spirit of Revelation that you might have knowledge of him I want to talk to you just for a few minutes and my message is simply releasing God to become what he already is releasing God to become what he already is father what else can we ask we prayed for anointing it's been here every message we've prayed for blessing and we're intoxicated with it we've asked you for strength and you've granted it now one last service one last time this thing that you have impacted my heart and mind with help me not just to speak words but power spirit of Revelation to descend into this auditorium ha while I speak Lord spirit of Revelation to come to us understanding to liberate us knowledge of the holy to empower us in Jesus name everybody said in Jesus name god bless you and you may be seated praise God I know nobody's really taking the jacket off I'm gonna you have to give me ten minutes to talk and then I'll preach God is a God of Revelation that really wowed you I'm not going to try to be offensive but I'll just be me you cannot learn God you discover yourself by God revealing himself you can't go to school and learn God you can't buy tapes and read books and learn God God is a self revealing God he has high revelation to impart to this body tonight five sermons you have heard in the last two days have been peppered and full of these men speaking about God trying to show us and God trying to reveal to us and every time they say something my spirit would just move in me because I knew I'd heard from God for this last moment stay with me God can only give us revelation as we are capable of receiving Jesus said to his disciples I have many things to say unto you but you're not able to receive them howbeit when he the spirit of truth is come he shall bring to your minds everything I've told you we quote so many times that scripture eyes not seen ears not heard neither ant in the heart of man the things which God has prepared for him and we stop that's a misquote the next verse explains it but God hath revealed them unto us by his Spirit that's why it's the height of ignorance for anybody to say they're Christian and don't believe in the baptism of the Holy Ghost the Holy Ghost is the revealer of God to us yes now you stay with me because God is absolute total complete wisdom knowledge and power and we in our best are puny it requires of God to take diminutive steps to allow us to catch up that we might climb up so we can wise up I will say a couple of things that that'll be different I'm different now watch this worship is our response to divine revelation yeah we have 4000 people sit here I got five people now you ready for this I'm not trying to hurt you baby listen uncle J you can praise without God but you can't worship without revelation because raise declares to God what he is but worship declares to God your concept of him your love for him and his love for you and unless you've got a revelation you cannot be a worshipper that's why Paul asked for a spirit of Revelation ladies and gentlemen he was talking to people who had the Holy Ghost talking in tongues they had been baptized in Jesus name they knew the gift ministry they had apostolic power but he's praying for them I wouldn't my father the father of glory would give unto you the spirit of wisdom and revelation in the knowledge of him oh boy listen to me there are two reasons for Revelation just two one is to allow worship to is that through worship God is released to become for us what he already is to himself our worship of God is totally dependent on our revelation God cannot be for us what he is to himself unless we see him like that the scripture says that shepherds were abiding in the fields watching over their flocks and angels came what's this what did the Angels do gave revelation brought to you is born in the City of David a saviour which is Christ the Lord you shall find this child wrapped in swaddling clothes lying your dementia revelation precedes worship there are four steps to the victory they had revelation secondly they responded let us go when they saw the child the scripture says they glorified God exalted God praise God they rejoiced oops is going to hurt a little just hold on some of our rejoicing is not from revelation it's from beat it is alright I'm gonna tell you sweet parking son I come out of honky tonks I'm an ex yep the bishop called me a gambler you don't know how truth there was I used to make lots of money running 8-ball 9-ball Chicago and straight pool that's what I did I was a hustler long before Paul Newman made the movie and I'm no say this kind as a can sometimes when I close my eyes and I hear and folks are going not much better than a bunch of idiots in Africa bang got no revelation they just got be but if you ever get a revelation of who he is your son wants a pen and you'll release him to become the great I am do you feel this this is not praised this is worship and when you worship anything's possible I am that I am that's my name forever sit down I got ahold of some not baba said it was revealed they responded they rejoiced now watch this is exactly where he is we're going to get Revit revelation right now we're going to respond we're going to rejoice you ready step for 30 minutes the conference is over we'll do what the Shepherd's did they reported it if you get into a good so-called praise and worship service and it doesn't alter your lifestyle or open your mouth you ain't got in worship because you can't get in his presence for just a few minutes that you won't walk out of there and want to share with somebody and tell somebody jesus is alive Jesus is the healer Jesus is the Baptizer Jesus is the Lord of glory is the great I am ah I'm telling you God is trying to give us a spirit a revelation Dean reverence with now I'm gonna show see I still got four minutes in his teaching before stop preaching our fathers worshiped in this mountain more prettier protein look stupid I'm stupid and you say that I will Jesus are sitting in a well talking to a much married lady this lady's got the morals of a roach I'm going to tell you some money we live in a generation it's filled with lust and called it love lust is not Liberty lust is bondage love and discipline and Commandments and purity and righteousness if you love me keep my Commandments and my commandments are not Grievous unto you I'm not leaving the church I'm not going out to go honky-tonkin this is the greatest thing that ever came to this planet I'm not looking for anything but the coming of the Lord I wish we can leave this thing held to go they're saying these words because we live in a world that constantly eating their fingernails sucking their thumb saying oh my god my god what's this world coming to Baga we only this conference say let me tell you what came to this world they'll night what this world's coming to the Christian or Telus world what came to this world now watch this Jesus is talking this lady I've always thought Jesus was very economic in his way of doing things he gathered the little extra pieces of fish and bread but it was always strange to me Reverend that he would send 12 guys to buy lunch 12 God how big of a lunch you gonna pick up he sent 12 guys to buy lunch they'll stay with me you know why you know why because contrary the way I am and possibly some of you are Jesus will go to the utmost extreme not to humiliate or embarrass a problem person that's before he can give this woman a revelation of his deity he must bring her to the turf called honesty sometimes a person finds it hard to be honest when there's peer pressure around he didn't want her humiliated so he just made the whole scene naked sent 12 guys to buy lunch so he could have this lady get honest now watch Jesus is talking to this lady and this lady is blowing off saying I'm religious not my Murrells religious power my uncle Pete's religious whole Samaritan race religion so we got this mountain here dedicated to religion and I watch what she says we worship we just back up my father's worship in this man you know what Jesus said to that lady when she said that now you find that in between the lines that's interpretation according to Arnie now you think I'm Kenyan this lady is so fooled that she thinks her religion is worship and her ceremony and her responding and her music and her doctrine is worship what Jesus talked to her read and you say that in Jerusalem is the place where men ought to worship yeah geography feed Bri jesus said unto her woman watch this watch this how to win friends and influence people what's this state woman believe me the hour cometh and now is when ye shall neither in this mountain nor yet at Jerusalem worship the fun watch ye worship ye know not what but we know lady you don't know beans because unless you have a revelation of the object you worship your worship is foolishness the theme of this conference for the Ewing is that we may know him if we can know him we can worship just finish read just stay with me please just stay we don't don't Yan don't don't leave stay with me please we know what we worship we know and we worship for salvation is of the Jews because Jesus is a Jew he's God manifest in the flesh salvation is of the Jews we know what we worship we have a revelation of God so our worship is correct you idiots who put labels on your church you don't know beans you just have ceremony you have songs without the object worship is meaningless now wait a minute I don't want to get this lopsided I'm not preaching about worship I'm talk about revelation revelations gives you a response called worship once you worship worship releases the object you worship to become what you saw him as he is already that before you get the revelation but it is your worship that lets him be come to you what you behold him as read on elder but the hour cometh there is and now is when the true worshipers shall worship the father yes in spirit it's true spirit and in truth for the father seeketh such to worship Him right keep going God is a spirit this lady's getting a revelation lesson God is a spirit and they that worship Him their worship him must worship Him in spirit and in truth and unless you understand that God is a spirit you cannot worship Him in spirit and in truth watch this read on Romans unto him I know that Messiah cometh which is called Christ when he has come he would tell us all things she's fixin to get her socks knocked off right now watch Messiah say something now jesus saith unto her I that speak unto thee am he he just released that woman to enter into worship did she worship yes how do you know she left her waterpot her waterpot was her source of life but she has a revelation this guy's talking about oh well I've got a water pot he just told me he is the savior what do I need to dump bucket for I'm going to get the well Oh sit down second we don't have time to go through all this if you read the rest of the story she witnessed watch same theory revelation respond rejoice reported hey I just met a fella told me everything I brought up ain't that Jesus the Christ the Messiah ain't that him you know what she did she won her city that's worship from Revelation that gives birth to worship and worship gives birth to release and release gives birth dancers stay with me it's impossible to worship God without revelation revelation is God's royal release you cannot exalt what is unknown you cannot magnify what you do not see in your mind and you cannot love that which is unrevealed she used a revelation to witness to her city they received her revelation and then turned around and got their own revelation and traded hers in and said we heard you we've come out to see him but now we believe because we've heard him for ourselves and believe that this is the Christ why was Paul so powerfully moved when he was in Athens Greece when he went by Mars Hill and he said I beheld the way you folks worship and I saw one of your altars to the unknown God what's what he said him that you worship on him that you ignorantly worship I'm gonna explain him to you cuz until you get a revelation of who he is you can't release him to become what he is already point number 2 I'm almost in of ousted worship true worship requires God's presence you may praise long-distance you cannot worship long-distance worship is an interaction between two parties I love you I love you praises you're swell you're great your long suffering your magnificent yeah long distance but when you get in the proximity of the Savior you're everything to me you're everything to me I love you I love you embrace trained me when I got a long way to go hold on second as a fella the Bible says that the Holy Ghost by revelation has told him you're not going to die until you see the Lord's Christ his name is Simeon he's a man of the temple he's appraiser he's a blessing of God but the Holy Ghost has revealed to him that he shall not die until he sees the Lord's Christ and he comes the Bible said and the Holy Ghost is on him and he comes into the temple by revelation and here comes his little Hebrew chick with this little Bambino and the kids cry and the Holy Ghost says uh-huh uh-huh uh-huh and I see that old man going here what am I trying to tell you great theologians you'll never hold Jesus Christ to your bosom until you get a revelation that he's there you see the old man go over and pick that baby up out of that little Hebrew girl and said let me hold God a while and when he holds this little bug Allah he worships God coz he said and he blessed the Lord God of heaven and said I'd die now honey you better not die do you get a hold of him come let the servant depart in peace for you fulfilled your word to me watch me now just one more point I will studies almost over I told you the worship of God requires not only revelation but his presence the wise men come from the east you will be hard-pressed great theologians to find one verse subscription that ever said the wise men worship during the search they rejoiced when they saw the star but they didn't worship until they saw the baby now what's this they come walking into Jerusalem where is he what's the revelation that's born King of the Jews we've seen a star got the scratch in my little of theological man one day I said what's the deal that they thought that that the king of Jews would be told that he arrived by a star and I got to read in the Book of Numbers that old Gentile jerk Balaam well God used a donkey he can use a jerk I know lots of jerks he uses watch this sister Mangan listen to this how did they know that that the star indicated the king of Jews was born a medallion Balaam prophesied a star shall rise out of Israel the Gentiles were stargazers they were used to studying the heavens they had a Gentile prophecy that the ruler of Israel would be marked in birth by the appearance of a star God did not use stars to deal with the Hebrews angels came to them because they had been conversing with angels God usually will reveal himself to us in the dimension an area in which we are accustomed to function they come looking to worship but they cannot worship until they can find the object of their worship he's not in the palace he's not in the temple they're just playing Church we've come to worship Him our worship depends on our revelation of him and the proximity of his presence the scripture said when they found the child they fell down and worshiped him wait a minute he receives the worship they receive his kingship he is king of Jews he is not king of Gentiles king of Jews but they are worshipping prophetic Allah for he will shortly be the answer to the Gentile dilemma when they worship by revelation they released him to become for them what he already was to himself here's what I'm trying to tell you I hope I'm not losing when we worship Him like we see him we literally release him to become to us what we see him as now if I'm wooing you I'll bring it down to Street language what you see is what you get Jesus Christ came to reveal to us the father thus provoking us to worship thus releasing the father to become our daddy he is father of creation by natural birth he is father of recreation by spiritual revelation and birth that's why when people look at you say well we all got the same father no we don't the devil some people's father why didn't hair 'add worship Jesus because his revelation of Jesus was he is a threat and whatever you see him as that's what he becomes to you that's why some folks don't live close to God the closer you get the more you gotta get your hind carcass off your little kingdom throne but have you ever see him as he is you'll gladly get off the throne and let him get on the phone if you ever see him like he has ah stay with me I'm not just some people saw Jesus as a rebel some saw Jesus as a troublemaker some sort Jesus as a disrupter some saw him and labeled him you glutton and wine-bibber some saw him you cast out Devils by B's LaBeouf you got a devil in you you don't want to hear some powerful whatever you see him as is an indicator of what you are jesus said be careful how you hear because it is a direct revelation of what you are all more pasta right now for 30 seconds I don't know how else to hit you with this I will tell you something I am so humiliated and insulted when a preacher in a restaurant will have the gall to tell me a slightly off-color risque story a joke it is saying to me that's what he thinks I am there are some people in the body of Christ you wouldn't dare tell an off-colored story - why because what they are speak volumes to you be careful what you see him as be careful what you hear it is a revelation of yourself when they looked at him and said you're a devil they were Devils when they looked at him said you lie and dog they were lying dogs the revelation is not just of him it is of ourselves okay just stay with me their blindness and their bias and their prejudice restricted him some saw the carpenter's son and missed God son some saw a free meal ticket and missed the Messiah some saw the healer of their body but not the Holy One of Israel who would heal their souls our concepts of Christ become James or channels restrictions or releases all right the Bible says Jesus Christ has absolute wisdom knowledge power strength and glory but without a revelation of him being that he cannot be that to us Jeremiah said my eye effective my heart and just stay with me I talk to you we've heard the term so many times this week about the great apostolic s-- let me present a great epistatic his name is Thomas we've seen the Lord Tombo and tombow says below he now watch this no no please hear what I'm trying to tell you this man has cast out Devils he was sent out by Jesus Christ with a special anointed ministry to heal the sick raise the dead cleanse lepers he was one that came back and said all Master I'm rejoicing because Devils are subject unto me through your name he participated in the miracle of the fishes and the loaves he was one of the worshipers in the boat when Jesus walked on the water he is the promissory recipient of the promised Holy Ghost his fellow disciples say to him we've seen the Lord he's resurrected he said I will not believe unless I see him and touch him for myself is it possible to have deep spiritual experiences with Jesus Christ and yet possess no revelation Allu yes you know what Thomas asked what some of us have sense faith sense faith I will not believe until I can touch taste feel smell bowdabra stalling powerhouse apostolic Gaston out Devils praying for the sick but he doesn't see Jesus as a resurrection he sees Jesus as a big yesterday in his life just a few more minutes the light of the body is the odd the light of the body is the eye therefore when the eye is single when your eye sees real good the whole body also is full of light the whole body's full light but when the eye is evil when your eye is evil my body also is full of darkness you got full of darkness take heed therefore take heed watch out be careful that the light which is in thee be not darkness be not darkness if thy whole body therefore be full of light of light having no part dark yes the whole shall be full of light as when the bright shining of a candle minuta give thee light sure sit down second please thank you when a lamp is smoky in a room everything that you look at is distorted when you are colorblind you cannot pick up the redness of a rose when you are nearsighted you cannot see your daughter or son on the faraway Hill waving to you and if you are in the position of having cataracts on your eyes even though your sweet wife is sitting next to you she is nothing but a blur God is trying in his last few moments closing this conference to bring to us a spirit of illumination and enlightenment that he will become for us what every one of these sermons this week has told us he is he already is that but unless we get a revelation and worship to that he will not be back to us Thank You 8 almost there no snoring no snoring you remember the story sister Deborah found the story when Jesus put his hand on the blind man and he says how'd it work if you okay and the blind man said I see men as trees walking bad vision breeds fear there's no such thing as men that are trees walking what kind of monster is vision does the dude have wait a minute now moan knock your theologian socks over here light comes before total revelation when the light of this world touched the darkness of the man's eyes the man saw light but not clearly but a second touch how you see now everything's clear and I'm no longer afraid I have to believe brother Anthony the first thing the man saw after he touched in the second time was Jesus how you see oh I see great I see super I see fantastic oh praise God you can have light and not have revelation a Polish was a mighty man eloquent in the scriptures but knowing only the baptism of John he had like.he and revelation no just like just seal just righteousness but here comes Aquila and Priscilla they've got revelation they share revelation with a man that's got life guess what happens he gets baptized in Jesus name he gets the baptism of the Holy Ghost I know he didn't the Bible said he was listed with Cephas be appalled and a palace in the Carribean my god he's in with the big three honey you ain't runnin with Simon Peter and Apostle Paul and you just believe in Jesus them do to talking him tongues like a Chinese laundry day and night you ain't gonna go around talking in English them dudes raise the dead walk on the water and cast out Devils you can't sign Billy Graham's card except Jesus it will work honey when they got a quill in Priscilla's river when they got them the revelation he stepped into a new dimension and he saw God in the fullness of his light and his revelation sit down just one woman God God Father Lord God it's Dothan it's Elijah the enemies here the kids scared all he can see is the enemy open his eyes give him a revelation he opens his eyes and he sees the mountains full of horses chariots man when did they arrive they were there about three weeks before God don't know in a time he don't own a Timex doc he don't break out a sweat he ain't gonna run to your rescue your rescue is ever-present you just need to see it I've always loved that story folks it said that the mountains were full of horses and chariots it's a reason why it's recorded that way the valley was full of the problem the hills were full of the answer in order to see the answer you got to get your eyes off the problem I will lift up mine eyes unto the hills from whence cometh my help my help coming from the Lord that made heaven and made earth this help in the hills there's trouble in the valley I'm telling you get your eyes off your problem lift up your eyes and see him cause he's high and he's lifted up and he's everything you need now one woman Soloff toss this come on let's have a quiz mother Spears let's have a quiz Salih tosses before he meets Jesus he loves God doesn't he he loves God Steven he loves God he read worships Yahweh Jehovah he worships the god of israel as best he knows how he loves God he's not a devil that's God he thinks this Jesus stuff is a Cub just put a commercial for for a lot of this junk lately it's kind of making me puke a little I wish you folks that get off these guys that we interviewed on TV and we ended up looking kind of cruddy a junkie so wat we didn't have all the answers big deal name of God here all this junk about people calling us a cult so what what's the big deal they call Jesus a devil you didn't see him backslide going to coronary arrest you didn't lay down for three years he said I don't believe in you I'll find somebody that believes in me we don't believe you're the Messiah I could care less I'm going to Calvary anyway we don't believe in your work I don't care what you say I'm gonna raise Lazarus anyway I don't care what the world says I could kill it I could care less about this world's opinion there's only one opinion that matters thus saith the Lord sit down second I don't I don't mean to be rude I'm really doing I just I think it's time to cut the baloney I god forget that junk ain't you never talked to somebody and you dropped the ball flesh have you never talked to some dingbat that's trying to tie you up in knots and somehow your explanation just wasn't quite up to par and he walked out of your office and you kind of said and I didn't do good on that one that dude almost persuaded me you don't see me been the burnt offering sacrifice burning my license oh god I failed I didn't give a good answer man I get the praying and faster than studied I'll get a better answer next time but I ain't going to give myself an excedrin headache worried about a bunch of junk while people think friend I've got the truth I've got the truth I've got the truth I've got the truth and the truth stopped me and the truths got me and the truths got me I've got the truth and the truth got me and I my washer fire cuz I see him as he is sit down sir my god I wish I had some room to run listen to me saul of tarsus became a worshipper of Jesus on Damascus Road when Jesus gave him a prophet revelation a 15 minute theological discourse on who is who is you is Jesus you got trouble now what's this have I saved me he going to hurt us now but he's going to help us in a minute be careful Pentecostals be careful Jeffrey Wayne Arnold do you know the only thing that came out of Paul's vision was he got blind did you hear me you read it the Bible said he opened his eyes and saw no man is it possible that we folks who've been given the greatest revelation this side of eternity become blinded to everybody else and the last thing we saw was our experience the scripture said everybody saw the light only Paul heard the voice God's given light all across this planet but you better be tuned into the voice because the voice gives direction the light just addressed your attention go in a city it'll be told you what to do through obedience he gets his eyes open gets baptized in Jesus name and gets the Holy Ghost in one day he goes from a warrior to a worshiper I want you to read something for me wherever Matthew 16 I'm sorry I told you the wrong verse um please forgive me I'm not trying to take advantage of this good situation but this thing is on fire 860 I won 16 Matthew 16:16 watch this and Simon Peter answered and said oh wait back up a verse he saith unto them but whom say ye that I am he said who do men say that I am so oh you're you're Elijah you're Jeremiah you're one of the prophets you might be John the Baptist raised from the dead man there's all kinds of rumors going on about you now what's this it is very very important we've only got about 12 minutes well it's very very important that we leave this conference knowing who he is because if we don't know who he is then all these fabulous messages we heard ain't worth beans and we'll just buy a bunch of dates and scribble a bunch of notes and going up office and tell everybody what God showed us we didn't come here to get sermons doc we come per revelation we need to discover who we are and who he is it is extremely important to Jesus Christ that we know who he is they said whom the men say I am when he went through all that stuff he just kind of smiled and said great you see Jesus had had angels telling folks who he was Jesus had John the Baptist telling folks who he was even at his baptism at Jordan the father said who he was and if that weren't enough he went found demon-possessed folks and devils shouted who he was but none of those declarations were important to him because they never released him to become that to people people need their own revelation so that he can become what they behold folks say you're Elijah Jeremiah John the Baptist one the prophets what's this but whom say ye that I am now we're going $64,000 question and Simon Peter answered and said and old Pete jumps up there are the cries ha you're the Son of the Living God what's this and jesus answered unto him blessed art thou simon barjona for flesh and blood has not revealed this unto you but my father but my father which is in women but my father but my father the miracles don't reveal it the walking on the water didn't reveal it me raising the dead did reveal it God is a God of Revelation and he has sent a spirit nation into your heart Peter my father has revealed this to you do you hear what the Spirit is saying sit down second just to the few moment read read and I say unto thee watch this father which is in heaven now watch this and I say also unto thee hahaha what that thou art Peter and and upon this rock yea I will build my church if the revelation comes promise wait a minute now we're going to go you can breathe I will build my church and the gates of Hell shall not prevail against it is there any more than that sounds good yeah we're doing pretty good and I will give unto thee wait a minute and after revelation comes gifts then I will give unto thee the keys of the kingdom of heaven and what sweetly misquote that we misquote that he'd never said I will give you the keys to the kingdom he set up you can have the keys to the front door but you may not have the keys to the whole hotel jesus said I'll give you the keys of the whole kingdom you can open any door any door any door any door you can open any door I'll give it at ease of the kingdom you got the same keys you've got the same keys you got him you got him you got up breed I will give unto thee the keys of the kingdom kingdom of heaven watch and whatsoever thou shalt bind and after I give you I give you guess I'll give you authority every message in this conference has been driving us to a place of Revelation for tonight God has been trying to take us to the high plane that we could finally see him once in our lives and we're talking about gift ministries and healing casting out Devils and all that jazz you know we're doing we're attribute chasers God has no character you should never say God has character God doesn't have character character is that which must be developed with time and chance God can't get developed he came full-grown he don't get better with time he don't get stronger with years he doesn't get wiser a million years from now he's all wise right now he's all knowledge right now he's all power right now he's all glory right now sit down just a few more minutes see what we do we pick out an attribute that God has wisdom knowledge glory power holiness righteousness whatever and we long for that attribute and we reach for it it is possible to get a hold of an attribute of God and not have God but the writer of Colossians said in whom are hidden Allah jand wisdom if we can get Jesus we can get all his attributes I'm telling you I'm confessing to this conference I'll probably do a little bit more if I get a few more minutes I'm confessing to you I have fasted and prayed and agonized and went and sought the face of God because I want God to use me to loose people who are sick who are hurting who are bruised I've asked God for Supernatural healing ministry for the gift of faith I have asked God to somehow have the power of the Spirit to take dominion over forces and things not so you get my picture my best photograph doesn't look good not pictures not real good it doesn't do anything for anybody but that somehow people who hurting could somehow be loose somehow people who are wandering in oblivious darkness somehow could come to light and God has so dealt with me about this very thought Jeffrey you're seeking the wrong thing like so many of my people are you're wanting quote one of the nine gifts of the Spirit you're wanting this or you're wanting that why don't you just want me and if I can get him I get wisdom and I get knowledge and I get authority and I got power and I get glory and I kept victory and I get everything that he has okay we're gonna finish we're gonna finish I I'm not done we're gonna finish it's enough Peters revelation of Jesus watch this released Peter to become a worshipper in that aspect of his deity now at the Christ at the same time his worship now releases Jesus to become the very thing that Peter sees him as my savior I've heard a lot of dear tonight last night the night elder stone King about healing healing healing healing healing God talked to me four o'clock this morning in my motel Webb cried prayed doctor dunks what's matter with us we do list you can a jumping hanger from the roof Garrett Anya how come we're still sick how come we're still sick how come we're still sick how come we're still sick you know God said to me now if I'm a liar I'll meet that in the judgment seat of Christ I'll find out if I was lying but God said to me my people don't see me as a healer now oh they see me as a healer in the maybe land I wish I had time to teach you about the will of God if it's not the will of God for you to be well why do you go to a doctor why do you take medicine why don't we burn Abe why don't we burn the hospitals down and arrest the doctors and the nurses if we believe is the will of God for us to be sick how stupid are we that we who are parents would give our children tuberculosis or polio or muscular dystrophy or emphysema or cancer so we could quote teach them a lesson are we stupid do we think our God is a devil that he just gets a big kick out of watching us rib and pain and be tortured in agony you think every time I walk out of a airport and I see some little kid with braces walking like this my spirit I look at that and I said God you can't do that that is not your will that is the work of the devil the devil is a liar but you came to decide the works of the demo you came to put him to fly God wants us well but we must have a revelation that it is the will of God for us to be home I'm not going to get on that cuz it's a long road we're almost finished and you're tired you've been so sweet listen to this I'm gonna quickly run through this in Matthew 8 the Bible said a leper runs up to Jesus and worships him saying what I tell you you can't worship long distance it's got to be close worship that Savior if thou wilt thou canst make me hold that's where we are tonight ladies and gentlemen of the jury we are right there we do believe that God is able to heal we don't know whether it is his will to heal and that's why the leper couldn't get healed until not Jesus touched him uh-uh until Jesus spoke to him because faith cometh by hearing and hearing by the Word of God Jesus looked at the leper and said I will the minute he realized that he was the will of God to behold the leper could now release his faith to the object on his faith and he was instantly made whole it's not the will of God relic he'll go for us to be well then Jesus Christ violated his own father's will goes 16 times and the Gospels it says he healed all if it ain't the will of God for us to be whole we better put the bus ministry thing lucky number seats in here whoever sits on number 85 tonight in 16 and 35 you get your healing tonight how can we ever pray the prayer of faith listen to me you cannot have faith without knowledge you cannot exercise faith beyond what you know we label things faith that are not faith their hope hope is later brother Mitchell faith is right now it's the evidence of things hopeful it's the substance of things it's your title deed it's what you got in the bank He healed him he will saw him finally as his healer he not saw him as his own hill till they got the words from him I will then he worships him in that capacity it releases Jesus to become to him what he already was to himself he's the absolute healer a few verses later the center income says my servant said he lied at the point of death come on lay a hand on him and just make him whole he said I will come and heal him what's this the minute Jesus releases words of authority and faith I will come and heal him the Centurion picks up on it why he's a man of authority he understands how authority works he says I don't need your body just give me a word he's I'm a man to Authority I understand how authority works I tell this guy golden sky stay this guy go to school I understand it just speak the word only and my servant as well he says you got it you're gonna tell me what Oh stupid brother hey Barone stupid Jeff Arnold that God would do more for a heathen before Calvary and he would for his own children you mean brother tinny he healed all that was sick during his humiliation now during his glorification he stop we need to work are here Coco he's healer he's my here is my healer I see him as my healer he's my healer I don't care about that pain I see him as my healer and I release him to become what I see him as this service can't go any further till we realize what I'm telling you is the truth from God there is nothing beyond God's ability to do you perceive that you were by the things that you do when actually you are virtually yourself yourself my power when you see me my spirit that's crazy huh do you see him has the Baptizer of the Holy Ghost do you see him as your exceeding great and reward you see your exceeding great at Hightower do you have a vision of him as your provider stand stand there's no need to go any further I'll give you a homework assignment my sermon is not over my time is gone read the woman with the issue of blood her healing came because she had a revelation if I touch him I'm well her touch was an act of worship it released him to be her healer Jarius had a revelation come lay your hand on my dead daughter and she shall live she's dying right now she's just about dead listen to me folks even walking with God you can get bad news on his way to Jairus his house the bad news comes and says forget it don't bother the master the kids dead before he could ever open his mouth in doubt the word which Jesus was spun on his heels and said fear not when we believe she shall live Jarius destroyed death by his silence he had sold words of faith and would not dig them up with the Spade of doubt how does the thief on the cross get saved he has a revelation this isn't a man he's a king he's a God reward and when he says Lord remember me he released Jesus to become his it's Mary sitting at the sepulchre sister Mangan sitting at the Sepulcher weeping weeping and she sees Jesus as the gardener where have you taken him where is he and she gets a revelation when he says Harry and she says he went from the gardener to God in one minute she went from weeping to worshipping in one minute I am that I am tell my people that is my name to all generations why didn't Joe nough want to go to nineveh two reasons hated the Assyrians and had a revelation of Jehovah were not these my words while I was yet in my country that thou art a merciful God gracious long-suffering and repenteth yourself of evil that you do he didn't want to share with the heathen what he knew God was like would you give me one last I'm very sorry for keeping John 3 John 3 the Holy Ghost I stand before God God was stripped me naked at the judgment seat before you all if I lie God in the Holy Ghost power spoke to me a question what made the product Oh returned home the spirit speak to me and said his revelation of his father don't you first John three thank you for coming go home and read Isaiah would you chapter six read Isaiah chapter six was it until use iodide he saw the Lord High and lifted up he got a personal revelation when he had the revelation he was in a full-blown worship service that John was caught in a few thousand years late in the book of Revelation same worship service going on worship is so powerful when revelation is with it that it put it put Isaiah under conviction nobody dammed him nobody condemned him nobody called him a dirty slime-bucket nobody called him a devil in a backslider the power of revelation and worship put him on his face I'm undone the minute he was under conviction he confessed the minute he confessed he was cleansed the minute he was cleansed he what's this he heard also the voice of the Lord there's no record in Isaiah SiC he ever heard the voice of God until he was cleansed and after he heard the voice he was commissioned God read Reverend and behold what manner of love the father has bestowed upon us that we should be called the sons of God therefore the world knoweth us not because it knew him not him beloved now are we the sons of God it does not yet appear watch this we shall be but we know that when he shall appear we shall be like him for we shall see him as he is folks my last thought I'm gon love you thank you you should have been with me for a clock was a good time for me this morning the Lord spoke to me again my people use this verse of scripture to vindicate their rapture theology we know that when he shall appear we shall be like him but we shall see him as he is the Lord instructed me to tell you you could be like him right now if you could see him as he is you
Channel: Because of the Times
Views: 107,857
Rating: 4.765306 out of 5
Keywords: Because of the Times, BOTT, Jeff Arnold
Id: JczDtsYbDsE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 81min 48sec (4908 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 25 2015
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