"The Removal Of Humiliation" J. T. Pugh BOTT 1988

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let us give the Lord thanks tears all over again praise the Lord for His goodness and his blessing thank the Lord for His mercy thank God for his graciousness we appreciate you O Lord so much today thank you Jesus thank you Jesus praise God praise God you remain standing here just for a moment before we read the good word of God I am so overwhelmed with the spirit in so full today of the emotions that are growth in their root and purpose outflow and so thankful to be here to be a part of our family and of our heritage praise God we are rich people today yes we're rich and I'm so thankful to be a part of the this body of believers that is so unique and so different and cut with the scissors of God's purpose from the cloth of his will praise God and I appreciate it so much thank God I thank the Lord for this meeting because of the times appreciate so much this church and my dear friends the man guns in the hand of God that is upon brother Anthony I appreciate what I see in the lives of many of our younger preachers that some of them are so hungry and sincere some of them already have come past some problems that I had and did not work my way through until I was older in age some already know what true values are and what true priorities are and know that as brother brother schumake preached today what really counts and I'm thankful for that now they can get on with it and I'm very thankful for that all that matters is Jesus praise God he's all that matters all it matters to know him thank God is to have life eternal praise God and we want to look full in his wonderful face praise the Lord and I appreciate so much the drive the hunger that is rising like a irresistible tide across our fellowship and the meetings that are held about our fellowship are accenting that and we are less and less preaching and exiting prejudices and things of this nature but we are more and more lifting up Jesus and we are being gathered to him and around him and I'm bare thankful for that and I don't believe that for one moment that we will we will compromise doctrine nor a holiness standard praise God and a principle but that we are finding the centered in Jesus Christ and we are grateful for that very very grateful for that we appreciate it so much and I am hoping and trusting that never again but we have another General Conference that are like so many used to be I am trusting that we will always have the early morning prayer and that we will reach for God that as brother tinny has said we will make the main thing the main thing a man and this is our reason for being and for the purpose that Jesus Christ died and I am thankful that we are getting our eyes open to that and I have so much ly appreciated the feeling of evangelism and I have felt that so deep within me and the men that are still on their feet now that had their beginning at the time that myself the man goons the DS the brother the urchins and and so on at the beginning were men that believed in evangelism the loafers and whatnot are not here anymore not the ones that started when we started only the fellows that press the collar only the ones that gave it their best consistently are still on their feet and still around today you can't loaf and survive there's no way to do it a man it is always continuously pouring pouring yourself out and all the thrill of it all praise God praise God I remember leaving a old PAP JC conference in Milford that was the year that brother hush was elected brother Blankenship was was not elected and I left there in went with brother Cullen haman back to Louisiana brother Heyman was my first superintendent and district superintendent I preached a revival for brother Heyman and that he had just opened the church on Drexel Street in Shreveport church was still very young and I didn't know anything about knocking doors but in prayer I felt like I should I went out to knock doors and remember so well stepping over a fence and man was picking potato bugs off of his potatoes and dropping them in and tomato can that had cold oil in it some of you folks don't know what coal all is but the the that took care of the potato bugs so I walked over to invite him out to church he never grunted never said a word to me never spoke to me not one word did he speak but a big dog underneath the house gave me an adequate reception he came storming out from there and I saw him coming I extended my hand to him as a gesture of friendship and he obligingly took it and kept it for a while and when I got it back it was covered with his saliva and with blood and I dried it off with my handkerchief and then again I accident in my my invitation to the man to come out to the revival he never said a word he just still after those bugs and but those were the days it's not like that anymore old time Pentecost and things of this nature I know something about some of it and where I am now I like better praise God a man God still the same the doctrine is still the same the separation is still the same thank God but we thank the Lord I know Jesus better now than I knew and then thank you Jesus and I'm so thankful for that praise the Lord all praise the Lord I'm going today to speak from I'm going to address the need to this present in this congregation not be a little different from the trend of thought this morning but nevertheless it's what God wants for now and it has to do with rejection it has to do with problems that some here in this congregation face now and my subject is the removal of humiliation the removal of humiliation and Satan takes various things to beat us down and destroy us and our retreat that just finished lately I some of the Brethren suggested that they put hands on me and pray for me and I was so glad they did I have been more or less independent and my activity and I have taken care of my own self and have been a kind of a loner in some situations but things in life come along sometimes and they make you appreciate the real things of God more and as these men came and laid their hands upon me I appreciated it so much much more than I would have some time ago and I crying out to God and I said God I received this I receive the love that is flowing toward me because I need that love so badly I received the strength that is moving from them toward me God because I need it so badly and I need it now and I'm going to need it tomorrow I felt somewhat the same kind of spirit while ago when several of we brethren join hands and we prayed together and we helped one understand some length of time now I feel actually awkward holding a man's hand I don't really care for it too much and but I just I held on to those fellas hands while ago because that I felt the need of that and and I felt so such a need and I told them and I told several later I said I promise you that I will never talk about you and I will never tear you down that every time I have a chance I'm going to build you up and I'm going to help you and I'm going to be a friend to you and I have entered into covenant several around here already that you can count on me as your friend and you can count on me for a good word and I'll say good things about you and I'll never say anything bad about you praise God praise God let's pray praise God glory to God thank you Jesus thank you Jesus thank you Jesus glory to God glory to God glory to God glory to God thank you Jesus thank you Jesus thank you Jesus thank you Jesus thank you Jesus oh we love you God we blow refer you so much Lord it glorify you so much thank you Jesus such wonderful things are happening in our fellowship we have the heads the district superintendents on this platform and they're in the congregation they love revival they are far the move of God they want to know more about Jesus things are changing so much I can remember when we used to be so tremendously impressed by an office and this just overwhelmed us it's not so much that way we are making the main thing the main thing praise God hallelujah you might come up on General Board members now at comforts talking there is a very good chance that if you walked up you would find them talking about God and about their service and about the work of God and the move of God praise God and I am so grateful for that I appreciate so much the message from brother tinny and from brother shoe made and so on and I'm grateful for that I know that brother teeny wants a move of God I know that he loves a revival I know that and I'm grateful for that and I see that in other places of our fellowship I will read here today from second Samuel chapter 14 verse 14 I would quote Isaiah 1:18 come let us reason together Oh your sins be as scarlet I will make them white as snow though they be red like crimson I will make them white his will fourteenth verse of chapter 14 2nd Samuel for we must needs die and are as water spilt on the ground which cannot be gathered up again neither does any God neither duck God respect any person yet he duck devise means that his Bennish be not expelled from him or we must needs die and are his water spilt on the ground which cannot be gathered up again neither doth God respect any person yet doubly devise means that his banish be not expelled from him you may be seated praise God the removal of humiliation some time ago I read a book that was written by a man that's been much time in the Middle East and as a result of that he put together this book a very good book about the Middle East anyone being an authority on this because of experience affinity I would I would accept him as such and he spoke about the solution to the Middle East crisis and the bottom line of it simply was this that there will be no solution to the Middle East crisis until there comes the removal of humiliation till there comes the removal of humiliation this is the key to the solution of almost any problem whether it be something that is a storm raging in your bosom or whether it be a problem that exists between people in this world no problem can be solved lastingly effectively and really as long as there is humiliation which is not taken care of and where restoration has not Trulli have been accomplished I think we are learning that more and more all the time the humiliation which is a part of the cauldron of death and despair in the Middle East today of course had its beginning with the that that was fostered upon Hagar and her son a cruse of water and a little bread get out of my house leave and don't come back and taking the boy she went into the wilderness and thus of their respond and borne the problem that is still with us today according to the expert that has no solution without the removal of humiliation the answer to the Middle East of course is not more death because that has gone on for some length of time and yet it is not solved anything the answer to the Jewish problem is not more humiliation Hitler tried that he drugged them down he he broke them or tried to he humiliated them to the nth degree and still that remains in the belly of the nations the Jewish problem which is not resolved the only solution for any problem area of course is the removal of humiliation the root cause of humiliation always comes from rejection and also from failure a person being rejected or an individual feeling like that they have failed or perhaps that they have actually failed and so this is the reason for the despair and for the hate and the anger and frustration that drives people in the Middle East to death and to carnage that particular motivation they have the first five books of the Bible and that's all there is no place for forgiveness there is no Calvary no Gethsemane no soft words gently spoken Father forgive them for they know not what they do this is not a part of their heritage they have books of judgment and only five and consequently there is no way out of the jungle of their trouble they've been back upon themselves they are inverted in every respect and they travel the same path of hate again and again if you won't wish today to know the city that has the most suicides per captain in the entire United States you would go to the most religious city of America someone a city that puts up the biggest pride a city that seems to be the most religious that city is salt lake say this the group of people that claim to have the most perfect home life and so on have more of their young people killing themselves and destroying themselves and other people killing themselves why it's simply because that there is pressed upon them a standard and a system which when they try to live up to without the baptism of the holy ghost they fail to live up to it and moreover beyond that they see in the lives of their bishops and elders discrepancies as they grow on up that just just don't come together it don't pan out they are filled with tremendous frustration they have a great sense of failure and thus they they take their lives because there seems to be no other answer they live in a climate of failure and of humiliation the very system itself tends to humiliate and they they react by taking their own life I've seen in homes children that were constantly pressured by expectations that they could not fulfill and finally getting to the police that they gave up on it and retired into a shell and to an attitude of sullenness and resentment and etc I witnessed that in my life and perhaps you have too and as it's been said here already it is a devil's business to put us down to humiliate us and to take us and shove our face in the mud and keep it there and I really appreciated that scripture brother tini from Isaiah where that people could be made of regular Road for the devil to run on and so on this is exactly what Satan wants he attempts to humiliate the man of God raw is a good example of that I suppose that he was intellectual that he had a lot of things going for him but in time he ends up in the tombs he ends up in the caves he ends up in the most despicable unholy place of all the country and that's where he lived hating himself to the point that he tried to destruct and to cut himself he despised his body he was naked he was filthy he was stinking his spill oh hang in his beard he was an evil man his lonely cry ripped the knight and startled the fishermen that were near the the coast close enough to here and there he was running and racing he is a very animal of a man until in some of his most lucid moments and rational times that came from him that lonely wish o God helped me and that ear that is attuned to hear the cry of the lonely herd just a mere whisper beyond the hills and the sea and came quickly across the waters to find him there this man is an example of satanic humiliation and that goes on and on it's been quite a few years ago we had quite a gathering in Memphis and my wife and myself walking back from the convention that night downtown we turned a corner by a park on our way to our room and a woman was sitting on a park bench it was around midnight she was an older woman her hair head was tied with a scarf and beside her was a brown bag which I soon held her liquor she was already a very very drunk the gray hair showed out from under her scarf she had a shabby coat own which was button and she drew around her and she could barely sit up erect and as we came by she relieved herself and this ran down and splattered upon the ground and I looked at that woman somebody's mother somebody's grandmother and there she said the the shame of it all and there she was this is an example also of how that Satan likes to take people and humiliate them put them down make an animal out of them push their face in the mud and do all that he can to discredit them and Satan takes entire masses of people and humiliates them behind the Iron Curtain there are rulers that hold millions in captivity that turned them into two oceans of despair where they prey upon one another and the suspicions that are engendered in them are not easily dropped even when they come into a free democratic society they are still filled with their suspicions and grave misgivings and have no use for an authority figure because they have been put down and humiliated so much and so it goes people are humiliated by circumstances over which they have no control things that you can't help things that you didn't bring about and things that you didn't want and I am speaking today to people in this congregation that have known in your lifetime a certain measure of rejection a certain measure of humiliation this is the road that Satan likes the wall this is the door he tries to come through to get into me and to you and to cause you to be less a person than what God wants you to be and what you could be in him and I speak here this morning too out of my heart up to people that I can relate to because that I know what I'm talking about because I have been there myself and also I am superintendent of a district that I have seen say - come - very good men in our district and to put them down I grieve so much over little struggling churches over a wide geographical area that have never known victory that have known nothing but despair in defeat and I pray and I pray so much for every preacher and for every one of those churches for I know it is not God's will that his churches be forever cast down it is not God's will that his ministers know defeat ever and always it is not God's will that you always are driven into some corner of dark despair and wade through the the the oceans of dark despond that is not God's will no it's not God's will the devil is a dirty devil he will take every opportunity he can to put you down and to human humiliate you and that is his business and he's very very happy to do it in the year of 10 of 1053 David live in Hebron and was in war with the house of Saul and during that time he took himself a woman by the name of the mayor Kai she was the daughter of the tale Maya and tell Maya was the king of get sure David was in the vicinity and he married tell Maya and to that marriage there were two children that were born they only had two children one was named uh Absalom and the other was named Tamar and when Absalom was twenty-one years of age and Tamar was 18 that was a very shameful thing that happened in their life now this was a prince and a princess and they had their own house to themselves and they had enough assignment to take make them comfortable and everything was alright with them and everything was fine but during that time of course Eman lusted after this beautiful girl this was two of the perhaps the most handsome and beautiful people in Israel Tamar and Absalom they stood out they were stately and they were beautiful and so Eman lusted after Tamar and of course you knew the know the device that he used to get her into his apartment and there he raped her this beautiful girl this young eighteen year old girl left his apartment her her clothes - Ebel perhaps torn she pulled her cloth up over her head she was in shame she was in shock and and she stumbled back toward their own house and when she came stumbling in that day into the presence of her brother Absalom and of course she spelled out to him what had happened to her now she would be forever mark she would never have a home like other women she would never be given in marriage like another woman would be given the curtain fell in a meaningful way upon her that day and much of the good that ever 101 now was snatched away it would never be forthcoming again and so she poured this story out and you could imagine Absalom being in a rage at this particular thing a young man 21 years of age and yet he was the member of a princely of kingly family and he had his limitations and there was something very little he could do maybe he had faith in dad dad will take steps and he'll correct it and it's going to be all right but he waited anyway and nothing happened nothing was done and he saw his sister lose weight he saw the ravages of despair encase her he saw all of this happened to this beautiful woman and her turn being turned into an old stumbling crow even in her her youthfulness and her beauty was taken away and there was anger that grew up and up and up in sight of that man until finally there was the bloody party in which he saw that Eman was killed and he himself fled the country and went back to the home of his grandfather in Gesher and there he stayed there was nothing for him to do he and his just stayed there in three years passed by and time drug up on him and the sore festered and hate grew and grew and grew and finally Joab saw that David really wanted his son back and so he got a woman up to court to come a wise woman living nine Roman miles from Bethlehem in the wilderness he brought her to the king's palace and she came in robed in black in sackcloth and fell before the king and she said I need help I my husband is dead I only had two children both of them were sons and they got in a fight there was nobody to part them one of the boys killed the other and now the rest of the family has risen up and they're demanding the life of the survivor of this encounter and if they take his life that means that there is no heritage level of my husband my deceased husband and I don't want that the king said bring him home nothing will happen and she got out of that king a very great binding promised that not one hair of that man's head would be touched and when she got that she said this you are at fault because you would bring home my son and yet you will not take care of your own son we must all needs die and we are as water spilt upon the ground and yet God does Devine devise means whereby his banished be not expelled from him forever this is one of the greatest Masonic predictions of the Old Testament praise God and so Joab saw to it that Epson was brought back happy ending no it wasn't because there is no ending without the removal of humiliation so Absalom comes back it's one thing to be in the city it's another thing one thing to be in a house but it's another thing to be in real fellowship he was not in fellowship that's right and so the King didn't even say how to do to him he didn't say it and two more years drug by and he didn't even see the face of his daddy and so it was that joy I have again there was a interaction between Absalom and Joab and Joe ever brought saw to it that that he was brought into the presence of his father it didn't mean very much it was never really truly fixed it wasn't and so a total of seven years of humiliation was put on the top of the handsome head of this man now he is 28 years old he is a man in his own right but some way or another there was something that was went wrong in his young life that was not addressed in a good sound solid of Christian way and we see the result of it was the death of forty thousand men a war that scarred Israel until this very day until this very day yes sir Jesus knew something about that it was only a huff that he saw on the woman's side of the partition and the synagogue that stay as he taught the men were up on one side and the women were up on the other as the custom was on the women's side there was a little space that seemed unoccupied but looking back he saw only a mound of the flesh and he recognized it as the bent back of someone that could not straighten themselves he stopped his teaching and asked her to come forward this woman was discriminated against in as much as she was a part of the foot down that belonged to women at that day and time also she was discriminated against by the circumstance of life she was so built and she only saw the waste and the filth and the trash of the city she never saw a bird take its flight she never saw the rising of the Sun she never saw the sunset she looked at the dirty street into the feet - filthy feet of people and because she could not straighten herself out and so it was she followed the beckoning of a voice because she had never seen the face of Jesus and was never predicted to see his face but she came until she stood and looked upon his feet and it was then that he touched her her bent back he felt the the tense muscles he felt the misshapen bone structure he felt that and then he did something he addressed himself to the root of the matter and he said the spirit of infirmity come out of her he knew that there was a reason why her face was only about one foot from the ground he knew there was a reason why that no sunshine came into her life and no beauty was the help by her eyes he knew that and I don't know how it started it must have started far back in her life with some seed some axe some deed of humiliation that was never fixed and never addressed and it grew and this was a tool that the devil took to heatin humiliation of fun humiliation and drive her down down down until she was so shamed and bent until she could not straighten herself it was a spirit certainly it was don't tell me the psychosis and the spirit and an individual has no effect upon their physical how many of us sitting here today know that there's couples after couples that wanted a baby and couldn't have a baby not until they adopted a baby and when they brought this baby into their home in the love that was there and the certain relaxing of anxiety and so on it also affected their their physical and they were able to produce children yes sir we are whole people my friend we are whole people and I have news you today Jesus Christ came that everybody is sitting in this building could be made every whit hole praise God hallelujah the prayer the puzzle poll says may the God of peace sanctify you wholly both body and soul and spirit praise God the Lord want you to stand strong and in confidence a whole person a total person praise God that is confident and sure in your faith in God and the calling that he has given to you praise the Lord yes he does yes he does praise God Isaiah 53 said he took our infirmities yes he did how whatever infirmed situation might be in my life or your life rest assured that the Lord stepped forward to take that and assume that he did we are humiliated by the actions of other people not only circumstance over which we have no control but we are humiliate some eighty some times with the action of other people in the fourth chapter of 2nd Samuel you will find the account of the wounding of a individual that they never recovered from the the falling of the Jonathan's grandson and so that his legs were broken both of those legs were broken it was to been a tremendous fall he and the nurse were running and the record has it that he fell down and both of his legs were broken and in the process of time of course they grew back but there was no way of splitting they didn't know that I can see that fella as his legs were twisted and they were pained and they they swelled and it looked like that he was going to die or he's going to lose them gangrene or something the screams the screams the screams of those broken legs and finally somehow or other the bone takes hold 10 grows back in such a crooked - grotesque way and he is very very ugly and for sixteen years he puts up with that the pain of it and the humiliation of it and the ugliness of it and he live like that now he had nothing to do with the war between the house of Saul house of dated it was a circumstance that over which he had no control and it was because of someone else and so on but whatever has happened to you my friend I preached about a Christ that can relate to what to that in he knows he understands he hung naked we see him modestly with a loincloth dropped there draped about him but evidently it was not so they hung him up with nothing and Jesus was modest he was righteous he was good he went about doing good he hung in shame he hung with every violation of his values being violated the cup was sour he tasted the dregs of betrayal and all of these shame and ignominy that could be brought to the lips and the being of human it was pressed into his mouth and into his life he took the cup yes he did he took it he was humiliated he was drastically humiliated yes he was yes he was praise God you know Satan has a way of coming to us in such insidious devious ways sometimes and to take our faith away if a heart condemn us not we have confidence toward God out the devil don't care what he condemns you with it could be a lie or or truth that doesn't matter just so he condemned you and he if he can get guilt into you he has destroyed your faith because you can have faith and have guilt at the same time and so he goes about to do that a good time before I came to know the meaning of the justification and the righteousness of Jesus Christ the grace of God did wonderful heritage that we so much enjoy Satan took advantage of my failures I have so very very many failures so many failures and he would condemn me by that and because of that and one of the things that he would bring to me at times that I just couldn't cope with was something that that it was the worst thing that he could have put in my mind now I love my mother very much and I just really truly did I never left the house I was going somewhere the town what not without kissing her I came home I kissed my mother I think that's a great thing for all children to love their mother praise God and my teaching my children I have took the position I don't know that you'll ever love me and that's not for me to worry about my place in the home is to have parter and to see that you respect your mother and you respect certain things about this house and I'm not too worried about whether you love me or not later on when you get older you will love me when you get to where that you can rightly evaluate things but you must love your mother and I have observed that boys that love their mother never wonder very far praise God if they truly love their mother praise God hallelujah could we say praise the Lord thank you Jesus thank you Jesus and so I remember the cemetery so vividly in in noble Louisiana that cemetery hasn't changed so little in the last 60 years it is just it's like it was the I remember when they pull my dad through there when I was four years old and my dad was buried when my mom came along later and she was buried there same cemetery same lettering but the gate was there when they buried my dad the same cedar tree is just to the left of the gate that was there when they buried my dad and there it is same old cemetery so little so little chain now my mom and dad is buried too in the corner Cemetery just to the right he should go in the gate and that is the old that's the family plot there and but there used to be times that the devil in my nighttime would put a dream into my mind that would would just shame me and bother me I would dream that I was in the noble cemetery and there was a cluster of people about 6:00 and there would be digging a grave and uncovering a grave same number of people same place it wasn't in the corner but it was over to the left just past the cedar tree and here they would be uncovering that grave I would be on the periphery I would look and I would say and after what I'd say what is happening here what's going on and then someone would volunteer to me they're uncovering this grave they're digging up this corpse what will what why because that they believe that this woman that was buried here was killed by her son and they are digging her up and to verify it and well who is the woman and then they would say that woman is Lucy Pugh and then it would come to me I killed my mother and the impression would come you killed your mother and all the shame and the guilt that would come down over me that would just take sleep from my eyes and it would bother me the guilt nameless Gill guilty about what man I couldn't think of anything I put it all under the blood I didn't have but it didn't Jesus said the devil is a liar and that he was a liar from the beginning holy ghost witnesses to me right now I preach to somebody here the devil is on your trail to humiliate you to push you down to lie to you and to take from you the highest and the best that God has for you praise God I want you to know that I feel within my heart today is such great compassion for you I feel in my heart today such love and that love is not moving just this way there is love that moves laterally across this building here today praise God did you know that some of the blessings of God just can't come perpendicular and just my relationship with God the Bible speaks about the members of God's body being joined together by bands and joints and that's of course our relationships we are joined by our relationships and the Bible said that nourishment is brought to that member because of the bands and the joints of course between the end of our finger and our shoulder there are several bands and joints that find that in length that finger onto the hand and every one of those relationships is imparted if that member is to survive so it is sometimes my good people I cannot receive from God what I ought to receive unless it be emulated and demonstrated through the flesh of his body and soul sometimes blessing has got to flow this way back and forth through the body sometimes I feel the spirit this way and sometimes I feel it coming this way and this way and moving through me to somebody else and there is a cleansing in it and there is a strength in it praise God yes there is rejection is a common lot of individuals and it is a way of life someone says I've been rejected friend joined the club who hasn't and if you haven't you're going to be a mad because in school that when some were chosen and some not chosen for the Sandlot ball team and so on you begin to learn something about rejection then and that's going to go on it's just the process of life and it's not the fact you have it or don't have it it's how you meet it and how you cope with it praise God I went to meet a man the other day and I knew this man hated me I knew he hated me and so he didn't have any reason to hate me but but I knew that he did I received enough feedback from other sources to his remarks and all to know that he did and so I prayed before I went and I said Lord fill me up with your love o God fill me with your love flow through me O Lord with the love of God praise God so when I came into that man's office he wasn't he was a tough guy he provided he prided himself in his physical ability I could take one look at him and know that he was he would been a fearful man to encounter either in karate or wrestling or boxing or whatnot and there he Sept and he's the fella that took he's just kind of sick insight on that thing and and there he likes the glare people down so I came into his office he didn't rise from his chair and he glared at me and he turned the hate valves on and he ran out to a good stream of hate there just sit there you know and run out his hate and then I turned the love out on and praise God hey I love him and I smiled at him praise God and I just loved him and I felt love pouring through me across that desk I felt love flowing toward him praise God praise God I thought to myself Oh buddy you're going to get a whippin today praise God hallelujah hallelujah because love is stronger than hate and all of those lies and all of that crud that the devil has spared me all of my life you know about rejection and so on I came across a scripture one time that in the first chapter of Ephesians and it told me something and I never have forgotten it and I remind myself it said simply that that you are accepted in the beloved praise God men don't try to reject me I'm accepted praise God no way and that's in heaven and you can't do nothing about that praise God I am an accepted man not thought about that I looked across that to that fellow I thought to myself you poor fella you're trying to reject me here and men I was accepted in the beloved before the foundation of the world and nothing you can do about it man I'm an accepted man praise God praise God praise God thank you Jesus thank you Jesus thank you Jesus hallelujah hallelujah sometimes we are humiliated by our own actions and of course the fallen state the man is utter it is so absolute and it's awful and there's no way that you can describe how utter it is I know that I'm incapable of any sin that anybody else is now I tell you what friend I'm I'm tired of the judgment seat I'm tired of that I don't have any I don't have any place there there are some things that I have to do and all I that some things I've got to do in district work and that I don't enjoy but I tell you I can say of a truth that I love I truly love praise God and I like it that way praise God let's worship the Lord flora praise Oh hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah I would like first to turn in our Bibles and I'd like for you to turn to the 28th chapter of Deuteronomy good romani chapter 28 now in the 28th chapter beuter Romani there are there are two divisions one part of dude Roman has to do with the blessings that comes to people if they obey the law and when you read it it sounds so good and it is good and I would like to be absolutely included in all of that I won't have time to read that entire chapter it is a long chapter it has it has a total of 68 verses in it but he starts off he said in it should come to pass that if and let's all say if ill thou shalt hearken diligently unto the voice of the LORD thy God to observe all let's say all oh if and all that's important you do them all and if you do if you do and he starts listing I'll set you in high places verse 1 and that's the first blessing second blessing and all these blessings shall come on thee and overtake thee if thou shalt hearken under the voice of the LORD thy God verse 3 is the third blessing blessed shalt thou be in the city and blessed shalt thou be in the field and run on down 4 and 5 less it shall be the fruit of thy body blessed shall that be thy basket in my store blessed shalt thou be when thou comest and blessed shalt thou be when thou goest out the the eleventh blessing verse 7 the Lord shall caused I'm any mr. eyes up against thee to be smitten before thy face terrific and then coming on down to the ninth verse if you will keep the law these things will happen and then the twelfth blessing in the tenth verse and the thirteenth blessing in the twelfth verse you're going to get all the rain you need and finally the 14th blessing in the thirteenth verse and the Lord shall make thee the head and not the tail and thou shalt be above only and thou shalt not be beneath yep thou shalt hearken unto the commandment and so on now that that's great great great great but then he drops down to the fifteenth verse and there is that that shocking arresting conjunction but it shall come to pass if thou wilt not hearken unto the voice of the LORD thy God to observe to do all his Commandments and his statutes that I command thee this day that all these curses now here comes that word all again it was all blessings now it's all curses shall come to you contingent on you doing all these things and then he starts a ticking off the curses 16th verses the first curse 7 17th is a third curse and therefore 18th is a fourth curse and the 5th curse in the 16th curse is in the 18th verse in the 19th verse has the seventh curse and they twentieth verse has the eighth curse in the 21st verse the night curse in the 22nd verse that the 10th curse in the 23rd verse the eleventh person the 24th verse the 12th curse and 25th verse the thirteenth cursed verse 26 the 14th curse the verse 17 the fifteenth curse verse 28 the sixteenth occurs and the the 29th verses 17 curse the eighteenth curses in the 30th verse 19 curses also in the 30th verse the twentieth curses in the 30th verse the 21st curses in the 31st verse 22nd curses in the 31st verse 23rd curses in the tree the 31st verse 24 three curse in the 32nd verse dear God drop down to the 40 set first you find the 32nd curse and then in the 42nd verse that the 33rd curse in the 43rd birthday 34th curse let's go to the 53rd first there you'll find the 38th purse and then finally in the 54th verse the 39th curse the 40th curse in the 56 verse the 41st curse in the sixth verse the 44th curse in the 64th verse and finally the 45th purse in the 65th verse there were 15 blessings and 45 curses there were three curses for every blessing and that's the place that I lived when I got three for why that's right and I was under the law and if you keep them on your get these you'll get one blessing if you disobey it you're going to get three curses you're gonna get it you're gonna get and free and I cannot stand here today and tell you that jtq is Lillywhite and that I have kept the law consequently what happened I lived in a state of humiliation of defeat to failure a put-down I had a road right into my life that Satan walked freely coming in with his cup loads of guilt to double me and saying you did it you did it you did it and I'd have to say yes I did yes I did I'm a failure I'm a failure I'm a failure I'm a failure on the failure and I live like that I live like that praise God I'd like for us to turn to the third chapter of Galatians let the Bible speak praise God and let every man be a liar praise the Lord let us take our position in the scripture let us take our place at the foot of Calvary let us be accepted in the beloved if God be for us who can be against us praise God praise God third chapter of Galatians verse 10 for as many as are of the works of the law under the curse and that's where it was that's where it was and I was there even after I've received the Holy Ghost because I just simply didn't know any better and they didn't teach me that and they didn't preach that to me then and it would be and we were it was inferred that if you get good enough you'll go to heaven if you get good enough you'll get the Holy Ghost if you don't get it's because of something wrong with you you haven't repented off yet and so on and so we we were under condemnation constantly same doctrine same standard as far as salvation is concerned no compromise let's all say no compromise my friend it's all in Jesus let's say Jesus Jesus let's say it again Jesus let's say it again Jesus to read some of the good word again for it is written cursed is everyone that continued not in all things which are in there's that word all again all things written in the book of the Lord Bri and I didn't continue in all of them but that no man is justified by the law and I never wise and I never did feel like I was good enough to go to heaven and I'm not good enough now to go to heaven my face stands in my relationship with Jesus Christ praise God all of the ground is sinking sand all of the ground is sinking sad Gloria for the just shall live by faith and the law is not a faith no it isn't you know what faith half a comes faith worketh by love that scripture faith doesn't work by law faith works beloved the man that doeth them shall live in them Christ hath redeemed us from the curse of the law cost us redeemed us from the curse of the law hey Christ has redeemed us from the curse of the law Christ every day does from the curse of the law hooray have accepted for him don't try to reject me I'm accepted glory I'm accepted glory hey man hallelujah or it is written cursed is every one that hangeth upon a tree the only way to get from under the law is not by breaking by not breaking the law but by coming to Jesus and He will lift you above the law and you'll keep the law better than you ever kept the law when you were under the law praise God praise God you'll never solve your problems by looking at it but look to the solution which is Jesus Christ he is a solution thank God he was made a curse for me praise God our problem is not to defeat Satan he's already been defeated praise God you don't have to keep on paying for something that's already been paid for hooray thank you Jesus thank you Jesus thank you Jesus praise God I was associated with the church one time was a small church I'll say this in closing they people knew each one each other real well too well and they was a lot of pluses and a lot of minuses and situation like that and one family and another family were very close together they walked back home from church together this is in the country not even alight you kind of looked up through the trees and you mapped your way according to the skyline and the trees and then they remember when the action came out on cars they thought they really had something but we knew the action back then we'd step off in holes and we knew how to compensate and that we just would just keep going here's something fall down and hopes they went home that way and it was a long way home and when they got to the first family's house they would stop and they'd drop a good cold bucket of whale water and get him a drink and sit out on the porch a little bit and then they'd pick up the kids if they had any sleep at that time and get on down to the next place and home and one night you're in the process of getting home carrying the children dragging the others well uh it was alleged that that one of the boys had raped a girl at the other family I don't know whether it was so don't know what anyway there was horrible situation it was a court situation and that boy was sent to the penitentiary and he stayed in there and it was a horrible breach came in that church and I have the folks that on one side they are half on they're the ones that were sympathetic to whatnot in there applause so the work of God for that little scimitar came to a screeching halt and it that way hos often and that went on for years and the boy came home he was determined to have his head up and everything's going to be alright and he came back home and remember so well and he came things were tight tight and he was a handsome fella he was a good he was a good man he was a good man and he met hostility and he meant reality and just bruised improved him bruised him and been out of the penitentiary for a while until he paralyzed from somewhere up around the shoulders the rest of his body paralyzed and so the family had to take care of him and people said there was nothing wrong with him they made the remarks and and they laughed and they built him out a little house because he nights and days mixed up and he put him in the corner of the yard in that little house so that he have his own schedule and they said that it was really nothing wrong with him but there's a big storm came up one day and blew that house away tumbled him across the yard piled him up against the fence on the other side partially covered him with hail he never helped himself he just couldn't he was paralyzed dragging out of there and him cleaned up and so on pretty well convinced people that he was paralyzed and that continued until one night one of the mothers one family across no-man's land that aisle here in the process of service walked over across the other eye and came to the woman that used to be a very dear friend and put her arms around her and said I accept blame and I'm sorry when it back like it used to be and please forgive and so on they're moved through the congregation laterally love now this is this is why the the body needs to be healthy because there needs to be this flow sometimes because people can't help themselves and so it was such a time of rejoicing and then it wasn't a bit a matter of a few weeks after that mom in the kitchen making up the biscuit dough you ever see a big wooden dough pan and you ever hear a woman make up a lot of biscuit and you could hear wawk wawk wawk wawk wawk wawk and not dry flour on the outside and then after all you start pinching those biscuits off and putting them in me well she was busy with that she heard a step behind her when she turned there stood that son of hers on his feet smiling hi mom I'm walking in he was not paralyzed anymore because of the removal of humiliation priests come praise God praise go praised the BH McCoy pastors a church that I passed it for 17 years in Port Arthur he's done a good job the aged macaw is a good man he has a tremendous amount ability as a good education he told me he said he was talking one day he just opened himself up he said I've always had a problem with weight and I don't eat all that much but I battled weight since as far back as I can remember and I was made fun of in school we lived he said way out in the country that it was any one road to our house when you got to the end of a particular Lane you looked over the ridge and you could see the top of our house and there was actually a fence and we had to put our groceries to defense and walk through another man's cornfield and pack her stuff over to her house he said I battled with a lot of that finally he said when I got my first job and it was selling feed to chicken houses and East Texas and I was so beat down and so shy and cowed and my weight and everything until he said I remember one particular farm that had quite a few chickens it would mean a lot to be able to get their order said I drove my car back and forth across the front of that Lane there and I just didn't have courage to get my foot on the brake and slow it down turn that car into that Lane because I was so loud so I have run somebody's bail right there you said I would like to go meet so and so I would like to do this and I would like to do that and the other but the old devil keeps running a big wagon load or something right into your life over and over again pay my brother you are accepted I've got news for you you are accepted please I said brother my car you've done so much for God in you you just got a good head and all of that and I said how have you managed all of that now listen to his reply listen to his reply he said I faced all of my realities in Jesus Christ I faced all of my realities in Jesus Christ friend if he's not the answer there is no answer he's been a friend to me never leave you never forsake you praise God praise God praise God let's worship him oh thank you Jesus thank you Jesus oh thank you Jesus thank you Jesus oh thank you Jesus praise God praise God praise God praise God Laurita
Channel: Because of the Times
Views: 8,923
Rating: 4.9223299 out of 5
Keywords: Because of the Times, BOTT, J. T. Pugh
Id: TSk30QsZVE4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 68min 36sec (4116 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 24 2015
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