REINVENT YOURSELF | Powerful Motivational Speeches

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Marcus aelius once said it's not death that men should fear but he should fear never beginning to live and so there's the obvious question what does it mean to truly live to live one's life to the fullest I don't think that's a a onesize fits-all question I think we all want different things I think an ideal reality is different for every single one of us but I do believe across the board everyone should be looking around and reflecting and asking what matters to me and am I living in a way conducive to that am I positioning myself for that life or conversely have I built walls am I doing things just to do them have I confined myself to a world of limitation right that is the question on a recent podcast Ryan holiday said something on the topic that I thought was pretty profound he said amateurs are obsessed with tools referring to productivity stuff he was chatting with productivity YouTuber and it's like okay well why is that concerning right to be obsessed with tools and it's concerning as he explains because they are seeking to optimize the things that they're not even doing which is great way to never get there you know he kind of elaborated that obsessing about productivity is a form of procrastination we worry too much about constructing that perfect path right there is no perfect path and that friction that resistance or procrastination is just fear in Disguise the journey is the marble from which you chip away at Excellence you don't need a perfect path you need to go you need to point the compass in a general direction and begin the crazy chaotic unpredictable variables of Life are what we use to build I think Mike Tyson nailed it when he said everyone has a plan until they get punched in the mouth right life is unpredictable it's messy it's not a Perfection game it's an adjustment game in the ones who can get hit and bounce back will move exponentially further than the ones seeking to create some Perfection before they leave their front door and so the question is do you have that strength to Simply push into the night because as counterintuitive as it may seem on the other side exists the dawn as Marcus aelius suggests that life we are meant to live exists beyond the haze now two things can obviously be true at once I'm not saying preparation is the enemy here preparation is certainly a huge Factor when determining something's outcome or success but there comes a time where you have to be honest with yourself you have to realize you can't plan your way to Greatness right you're worried to walk into the chaos that's all you're worried about skinning your knees because let's be real it's way easier to sit inside on a couch and plan how to trudge through the mud than to actually go out and do it and as it turns out it is the lad piece that makes all the difference right the latter piece is life the trudging the pushing the finding a way it may seem unnecessary or or avoidable even from the confines of that living room looking out at the world through your window but the courage to go is the cost of admission it's the Thinker versus the doer metaphor right by the time the Thinker has acted the doer is long gone 1,000 ft ahead they've made their mistakes they've learned they've collected data they're planning in real time as their feet move that's life as it was meant to be lived and believe it or not that's the rubric by which we'll actually judge ourselves that I have the courage to do the things that mattered you know those situations we all come across them where you're kind of kicking yourself for not doing something that was just a little uncomfortable your heart your soul was trying to push you there but you couldn't bring yourself to do it maybe speaking in class proposing something at work asking someone out submitting something online whatever it may be the ship came and it went and you were there from the dock watching it Sail Away annoyed because you know in your gut you wanted to do it you should have done it you were called to do it well take that feeling and bottle it up multiply it by whatever number you think is sufficient for someone at the end of life in their 80s or '90s looking back back at all those times they didn't act reflecting back on all those ships that they had to watch sail away why because they were waiting for perfect they waited so long and so desperately for Perfection that life slipped away that's a pain I never want to feel that moment is the true Grim Reaper it's not death we are running from it is the possibility that we were given all of this and we let it slip away so Point your compass and go you won't feel ready it certainly won't feel perfect but it will position you for growth it will give you something and something is the beginning of [Music] everything one of my favorite ideas by legendary author and speaker Jim ran was it's not that it costs too much it's that you can't afford it and wo what a flipping of the script it doesn't cost too much much to someone else out there there are people who can afford it you're just not one of them at least not right now why is this had such an impact on me well it's my reminder first and foremost to take that finger pointing out at the world turn it around and point it directly at my chest it says maybe the variable here in need of Change Is Me Maybe if they can afford it so can I maybe it's not the price that needs to come down maybe it's that my value in the marketplace my skill set my abilities need to rise that's not too expensive I just need to level up there's nothing like taking what would be a gripe with the world and transforming it into the very reason you're going to be better because really we always have that choice we can project out and complain about the ones who scratched and clawed their way to the top who have more than us or we can join them option one keeps you down on your back looking up at the sky option two places the world in the palm of your hand so given the choice don't complain about the price become someone who can pay don't envy their success drive yourself to stand a top a Podium of your own making don't throw stones stack them and make them your foundation life is a game of bettering yourself especially when it's not easy to you know how much easier it is in the short term to put your feet up and list off all the people who slided you along the way refer to them as the problem you know how easy it is to find reasons you can't to paint worst case scenarios into the sky incredibly easy it's temporary weight off your shoulders it's oh I can't get to the moon so hey no need to build that rocket ship what's for dinner yeah that's what we call the easy way out and while it may feel good in the short term it doesn't bridge that gap between the cost of what you want and what you can afford to pay what it does is justify and rationalize not enough because when you fight for your limitations as the saying goes you get to keep them and in a world where victimhood is becoming currency the more and more people are falling for the illusion of short-term gratification the temporary peace of mind we get when we deflect when you call yourself a victim it's not your fault but when it's not your fault it's not yours to fix and there lies the issue the name of the game is betterment it's progress that's not too expensive I just need to increase my worth I need to put myself in a position where I scoff at what was once considered too expensive I need to build myself up not wish the world around me was pulled down now and when this switch occurs life changes you realize the fluidity of things that everything is relative you can't change the price but you can change you and you can do so in a massively substantial way you can build yourself up so high that the old you becomes unrecognizable but the first step is realizing that person agency opens the door accountability and dedication push you through it that's where the magic is becoming so valuable that the externalities are Minor Details observers of your Ascent it's time to take the ideal and ship away at it like an axe to a tree it's time to look at the world less from a lens of what am I allowed to do and more from the perspective perspective of it's all mine if I find the courage to grow into my potential to capture and cash in on my value every day you choose to become more valuable and skilled every time you do the hard thing today for a greater you tomorrow expensive means less and less the price tag is fixed your potential your greatness is not so rise to the occasion tap into you 2.0 and prove just how relative cost really is there are two kinds of Crossroads first the external the crossroads at life beyond your control places before you the abrupt changes the sudden twists the tragedies even the occurrences we don't quite understand and so chalk them up as fate and then there are the internal the crossroads that you manufacture the on that are self created self-induced the you know what I've had enough of this Crossroads the I deserve better Crossroads the there's more out there and today I'm going to find it Crossroads and I don't think the two are mutually exclusive in fact I think sometimes when we wait too long to manufacture our own Crossroads lifesty steps in gives us a little nudge the universe pushes us towards that change like a wind at our back doesn't quite make things black and white doesn't always put a catastrophe in front of us sometimes it's the mere Whispering that hey you're accepting more pain more friction than you should be it reminds us to take accountability to take control of Life something that we seemingly for get more often than we should one of my favorite stories is Jim Ron's famous Epiphany or light bulb moment the point where you know he basically realizes enough's enough right I'm creating a Crossroads here and going down the road that I've known for a long time I should have walked down and it all starts with a knock at his door it's a girl Scout right trying to sell him cookies he walks up opens the door and just desperately with all of his being wishes he could buy cookies from this girl scout but he can't because he's broke he doesn't have the money to buy a box and so to sa face he tells her you know I'm sorry but another girl scout was just here you know you just missed her and I bought a box of cookies from her and she smiles says thanks walks away he closes the door and you know upon closing it says never again never again will I have to turn a Girl Scout away because I cannot afford the cookies never again will I be in this place of lack never again right that's the beginning of a transformation he points to that moment is the day that changed his life he built a Crossroads and changed Direction in real time now is this an oversimplification sure right massive Transformations are complex no doubt they require a a reworking of many things but they all start with a decision a decision to manufacture that change in your life to take the road you are not currently taking to walk down A New Path these decisions can hurt they force you to become something you've never been to do things you've never done that's no Cakewalk but it's a a different kind of hurt it's the short-term discomfort pushing against friction it's the building of muscle which is way different than the the psychological hurt of knowing that you're out of alignment knowing deep down there's more in you and that it's fading away with each passing day that's hurt and we all know in some capacity that life doesn't always create circumstances that move us right life waits for us to move ourselves it waits for the I've had enough moment it waits for us to see the present not as all the is but rather a doorway to the next thing there are two kinds of Cross Roads and I'm a believer that a meaningful existence means not waiting for the external to push you but allowing the internal to drive you it's the classic stands or the stage where do you want to be you can sit and watch clap when you're happy boo when you're mad But ultimately not be in control or you can choose to perform to be on stage to narrate to choose your ending elevate your character become the hero of your story and I say this to someone who at points has you know simply waited too long looking around right praying for the gust of wind that would Propel me to the place that I needed to be essentially you know not understanding that life was waiting for me to Greenlight my own Journey life is about the turns we take at the crossroads before [Music] us and so never underestimate your ability to create that intersection most true to you and never underestimate your courage to take the turn that you know when your soul needs to be [Music] taken I woke up this morning with two thoughts one you can make today whatever you want to make it and two one of my usual reminders life is not that serious now why is this important why is it the framing I so often need well to put it simply I put a lot of pressure on myself right as many of us do these deadlines and these goals they hover over me they guide my decisionmaking and you know while that allows me to operate at a high level there's also a flip side from time to time it makes me feel like I'm navigating a maze and I slip into this tunnel vision that uh makes life seem almost procedural and every so often the freedom and the beauty slip away I forget they're there so to be reminded of life's abundance uh its breath is healing it's like step outside your daytoday try something new lose yourself in something undergo that audit that cuts away the things that have made their way way into your life that add no value the day is yours and no one else's life's not grading you on a 1 to 10 scale so give yourself permission to explore green lights to make mistakes to Adventure right for the soul sake of the ride and it's not even a me thing when I live with an abundance mindset I'm able to be a better version of myself which means I can better help others it means I can show up the right way for the people in my life see we need to remember that we are Freer than we think and why we need to be perpetually reminded of this I'm not sure but we do it's incredibly easy to fall in line and turn autopilot on right then the the situation becomes mundane even counterproductive and we just submit to it we say oh this is life no it's not life and in fact by adopting that mindset you're forfeiting the greatness within yourself and the greatness that surrounds you you're ignoring the very reason you are here bowing to the dictator that is safety and monotony are you personally growing progressing are you challenging yourself are you finding the courage to step outside the box the walls you've built around yourself are you spending time with the people who matter are you seeking out Peak experiences because you not only can do those things you should and every morning that sun coming up should be a reminder that all of this in life is available to you the caveat being no one gives you permission to pursue it as the saying goes no one comes along and saves you it's up to you to look out your window and see not confinement but possibility to inject yourself into the meaning that is available to you today is yours so long as you find the courage to make it so when I first started my podcast and at that point it wasn't technically a podcast it was uh only YouTube videos at the time I would sit down I would open my notes and start planning that particular video and sometimes things would come to me sometimes they wouldn't and when they did you know I would turn on the mic and I would go and when they didn't I would shut down the computer and say uh well some other day then right not today and in theory there's nothing wrong with this I've always considered myself an artist and while you can't force art or can you because there is most definitely a shift that occurs when you look at this situation from a different angle it's not about quote unquote feeling it today as much as it's about getting done which you have to get done in tight Windows because sometimes that's all life gives you a narrow window of opportunity to go or not go to start or not start to create or not create there's an idea that's uh admittedly a tad cliche here but it says you practice how you play and I've spoken about this before I think there's a ton of truth to it cuz those big picture values they're hard to flip on and flip off most likely you either do them all the time or you don't they're either indicative of who you are or they're not right if your house and car and closet are a disaster probably accurate to say that your Google or Apple calendar if you even have one probably isn't pristine it's most likely in in in disarray mirroring everything else in your life I'm not saying it's impossible but it's not likely right saying thing with health when I'm not eating healthy and trust me I've gone through periods where I've just mailed that in right I give a little less on my workouts place a little less emphasis on my sleep it's snowballs right you get the idea it's all related and that's why I can honestly say in my personal and in my work life how I do one thing is generally how I do all things and this brings me back full Circle to those writing and recording sessions if I can close my laptop and go eh not today the Muse as Steven pressfield calls it just isn't flowing through me maybe tomorrow it's setting a precedent for everything if you train your mind to create off ramps it will gladly take them CU oh how our minds love offre in this reality it highlights the power of shutting down that possibility altogether stopping it in its tracks making it simple this is a window of opportunity to execute so execute and will it be the best thing you've ever done maybe not but maybe the reality is you condition your mind to show up for yourself there's a shift that occurs when one looks at the task in front of them and asks not can this be done today but rather it will be done how do I execute to the best of my ability not I hope I have it this morning but rather good ideas flow through me so sit down and string a few of those ideas together the expectation that you will produce something valuable it has a way of ensuring you do exactly that my personal best for a half marathon was run with the flu and I could have closed that metaphorical laptop and said some other time I don't feel well but I repositioned the question to how do I find a way to execute in this window of opportunity before me lo and behold it was the right move I've gone to events where I had a million other things happening in my world right I wasn't particularly thrilled about going but I did because I committed met some people that changed my life right small window EX when there is a task before you and you have committed to it when leaving or turning around isn't even an option that is a superpower now obviously there's a line reaching that sunk cost fallacy I'm not advocating you continuously hit your head against the wall you know when Uh something's bad for you or you should be doing something different I'm talking about those things we know we should be doing right the ones we're better off for but life has presented friction in one form or another it's very easy to identify that friction as an enemy as a reason you can't it's tempting to say you'll wait until things are better or easier or perfect but life doesn't provide those situations it gives Windows to execute so train your mind to identify and capitalize in those moment understanding that well technically yeah you could walk away that option is no longer available to you some people do what they feel like they do what they want to and others do what must be done and it's it's the ladder that creates meaningful sustainable progress in life as far as I'm concerned it's the ladder that brings about contentment you could have waited for a perfect moment but instead you said yes consistently sat down and in the meantime chipped away at something more important some something real and that real thing is exponential growth exponential growth waits for you to capitalize it waits for you to commit it waits for you to sit down and execute it doesn't wait though for you to feel ready
Channel: Eddie Pinero
Views: 17,097
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: live inspired, motivation, your world within, Eddie Pinero, inspiration, running motivation, motivational speech, motivational video, stoic wisdom, stoic philosophy, stoic mindset, motivational videos compilation, reinvent yourself like a stoic, listen every day, powerful motivational speeches, best motivational speeches compilation, motivational speeches 2024, best motivational speeches
Id: XAjULHddy6I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 9sec (1929 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 16 2024
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