Focus On Yourself, Not Others | Powerful Motivational Speeches | Listen Every Day

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be you always and you might hear that and think well that's obvious that's simple that's easy not if the world has something to say about it right in fact Emerson is quoted as saying to be yourself in a world that's constantly trying to make you someone else is the greatest accomplishment it's not always obvious but rather the subtle erosion of ourselves perhaps not intentionally deciding to wear a mask it's never taking the time to examine the reflection in the mirror and ask the right questions losing our intentionality means we end up wherever the wind blows us and that could very well be a destination we aren't too happy with now this next part will seem a little trivial and insignificant but bear with me right because sometimes the most important lessons are small but they become a portal or a gateway to understand the bigger things right so for me this started with a black T-shirt walking into a group meeting with some amazing people from all over the country and world doing different things and helping people in various ways and all of them as I entered the conference room happen to be wearing business casual which is great except I haven't worn a caller in a pretty long time I've been doing my podcast recording videos building my businesses in a black T-shirt and so that's how I walked into the room and I found it interesting that almost immediately this selft talk emerged it's like you stand out right now they're going to think less of you is this disrespectful is this showing that perhaps I don't care right all of these things and so I left that day and I sat with the thoughts they bothered me so I wanted to spend some time with them and here's where I landed taking those same points one by one number one if they think less of me for being me then that would be on them and not me right I'd gladly fight that uphill battle to earn people's respect in my authenticity number two it's not disrespectful because I am am happy to be there proud to be there I do take pride in my appearance I just do it in my way and number three be you always right how you show up is what matters Having the courage to live in a way that aligns with who you are and what's important to you and why do I say this because if we can grasp this idea with something as trivial and as small as a black T-shirt in a conference room perhaps we can then push it into other areas of life the bigger things the more important things like who's in that room to begin with right who are we surrounding ourselves with how do we spend our time right there's two ingredients to this recipe one who Am i/ what matters and two how can I position myself so that that is the arena I'm operating in sometimes we don't do it because we're scared but sometimes we don't do it because we never ask the right questions when you can find and hold your authenticity you feel it and so will others the question transforms from how can I blend in and not disrupt to how can I use the abundance that surrounds me to live a life that's meaningful so a lot of us metaphorically walking around in collored shirts when they're not what we're meant to be wearing right a lot of us asking how do I not screw this up instead of asking how do I go get what's mine and do it in a way that matters to me be you always and the closer you are to that the more powerful you will be means understanding who in your life adds to that and who in your life detracts from it it means looking around and asking asking am I doing this for me or for others it's that old airplane Mantra that you have to put your mask on first before assisting others or no one gets saved no one gets the value in a way life is a beautiful pursuit of Simplicity of really distilling your world down to what matters and pushing away the rest because like moths to a flame the complexity and unnecessary minutia finds us it latches on and becomes what we carry around I better not let go says the lizard brain this is how things are supposed to be this is what everyone is doing but when you find that Clarity truly capture it yeah you earn the respect of others around you in that metaphorical conference room but most importantly you earn your own respect you to a greater extent appreciate that face staring back at you in the mirror right think about it this way they do not build statues for those who Blended in the best who conformed right no we build statues for those who had the courage to live in their authenticity to do things their way because we understand how unique how powerful how difficult that is be you always there's nothing more powerful than [Music] that I woke up put my coffee on the desk opened my laptop stared at a blank screen and a little button popped up in the top right corner check for [Music] updates nope ask me again later why why not now I don't know I don't necessarily care about the improvements I guess it's just inconvenient it can wait and that's kind of it let's face it the laptop doesn't matter the update in this scenario is not important but bear with me because I think what it stands for when you apply it to the big picture does matter our proclivity to take less because less is convenient our predisposition to sell ourselves short because it's safer to leave so much of our ourselves on the Shelf because well things don't break when they're on the Shelf but you can't be both Flawless and live your life because life comes with wear and tear the value is the experience and a Flawless existence is void of experience of stories of Adventure there's a little parable about two seeds being planted and one of them just wants to grow wants to feel what the sun is like wants to see how high she can get experience the breeze the cool air and so she grew and sure she dealt with hard days she had her difficult times But ultimately grew to live her best life the other seed worried worried about leaving her home the world that was the ground around her worried about damaging her Roots worried about what could be waiting for her in the dark about the sun being too hot and the breeze too strong and ultimately stayed right where she was playing it safe until one morning a chicken came wandering by and ate the seed off the ground and see This spells out a few things one we can at any moment decide to step into that next level evolve into that next chapter but also not doing so comes with a cost sometimes a hidden [Music] cost there's a tendency to think that preserving the status quo because it's safe is valuable but understand something you are not a collector's item you weren't made for preservation you were made for growth to expand to reach out towards the heavens and feel that sun that breeze and sure upgrading means vulnerability it means accepting that the unknown is bigger than you but also contains within it everything you need whether it was people things money resources I used to think like that seed right how can I hold on to what I have contain play small I can't lose this I've come too far I've worked too hard what if everything goes wrong I can't upgrade now maybe later maybe someday when the time is right when it won't hurt or require that I step outside of this little world I've created but guess what growth always asks of us that we leave the comfort of now it always offers us the world in exchange for the courage to see the Unseen and Trust ourselves to bring it to life and when I realized this I saw how the act of trying to perpetually maintain the status quo is debilitating it's looking at life through a lens of scarcity it's only when you start to grasp how Abundant Life Is That You Realize by simply stepping into that person you are destined to be you'll attract what matters some things will go you'll leave them behind but those things no longer serve you they played their part they added their value and are now merely Stepping Stones As you move to something greater and that's just it sometimes living means wishing you did things differently looking back and acknowledging that you need to be better sometimes living means losing the wrong people in your life to make space for the right ones sometimes it means spending days months even years wandering down the wrong path so that you can get a glimpse of so that you can realize what the right path looks like sometimes it means no reward no validation until that compounding finally takes place finally you see just how powerful those small steps were and will always be it means seeing yourself as the person you know you can be maybe not necessarily the one you are today but betting on yourself when when no one else would there's an idea that people are neither good nor evil but they have both within them they choose through their day-to-day action how they'll live who they'll be and sure this is a tad oversimplified but I think the Duality is useful right because in a different context for everything that occurs in your life you can find a reason to celebrate or a reason to grieve a reason to grow or a reason to hide it all comes down to what one chooses to see how they choose to look at the world I'll never forget when Peterson talked about curtains right with tears or holes in them same world on the other side but the opening that you choose to look through paints an entirely different picture right contributes to an entirely different understanding and the look I'm a pragmatist I just am I'd never ask people to close their eyes and pretend everything's perfect to wander down the path before you expecting everything to be easy no but what I am saying is that the path before you is where you'll uncover the meaning in life and meaning requires that we are from time to time uncomfortable to go where we most want to go we must leave something behind and the reality is that while it's scary while it can be alarming and even painful it is always worth it that what's on the other side is what makes life worth living I want you to know that you don't need to be walking into the same rooms talking to the same people doing the same things no not if you've outgrown that reality not if you're ready for the next chapter so let's make a pack to view life not as an obligation but as an opportunity something challenging but beautiful mysterious but plentiful let's view the challenges along the way not as something going wrong or some kind of alarm but rather an indication that you are doing something right that you're stepping into the Controlled Chaos of your day-to-day finding the courage to meet new people try new things take risks evolve this is what life is about and if you can find it within yourself to see it that way to be grateful for the discomfort that makes its way in and out of our Lives you'll know that you are evolving reaching towards that Sky because the danger as far as I'm concerned is never what happens along the way it's what doesn't happen because we never let ourselves accept what the world had to offer and so on that note I think today is the perfect day to [Music] upgrade [Music] the miracle isn't that I finished the miracle is that I had the courage to start John Bingham we all share commonality the runner on the starting blocks the one at work the one studying the one trying to create the best life possible for their family see we are all at a beginning looking up at an idea nothing given nothing to adjust or react to no just an idea an ideas when we are at the bottom looking up they're deceptive in nature their size their weight their breadth they like to present themselves as much more than they actually are and so to turn ideas into things one need see themselves not as some descendant of Mount Olympus tasked with lifting that 2,000 ton Boulder before them but as one armed with an understanding the awareness that the 2,000 t Boulder before them can be broken down piece by piece that it is nothing more than a facade and while it may stop most in their tracks you are simply not most not because the world treats you differently but because you see the world differently by knowing you are bigger than the sum of its parts you have defanged this wolf you have put yourself in position to do that which makes the world tremble that which causes even the most confident to doubt you have put yourself in position to begin see there is a time to look at the top of the mountain breaking through the clouds powerful and Majestic and then there is a time to look at your feet and right now is the ladder you're not con concerned with the big things no not right now your job is to move forward into this Haze to not see but adapt to not know but trust things will materialize and you know that but at the same time you can't control the future your battle is right now and it's with the space immediately in front of you it's with the thoughts attempting to deceive you it's with the things the outside world will tell you but Forward Motion is the antidote to all of that and so forward you must go the beginning is always the hardest because our thoughts are a mightier foe than life's obstacles thoughts take on lives of their own they become monsters demons dead ends obstacles on the other hand just ask that we adjust there is no obstacle that can't be addressed by stepping in into it and so while the Temptation is to sit thinking speculating about how challenging the road ahead this is where you think less and move more harness the world as it comes because the truth is nothing is as big as it appears to be life is incredibly solvable every problem has a solution every bad chapter ends every setback is a chance to be more than you've ever been but how would you know that if you bow down to the mountains in your head how would you know that if you never began so let today be the dotted line you sign with your future self a promise to be aware that the Mountaintop peers over you but to not be distracted by its shadow to take the climb one rock one step one second at a time let it be an acknowledgement that nothing like life throws at you can't be broken down and conquered so long as you don't get in your own way gone are the days of being held captive behind steel bars of self-doubt and fear that road ahead is not the problem it never was refusing to give yourself permission to travel down it was the problem so without constraints meet life head on let the trials and tribulations emerge because they will but know that you will rise to meet them let the unknown highlight all that you don't know you can't see fine the one thing you are sure of is that you will one by one transform the Unseen into strength and when those thoughts emerge telling you that you've gone too far that you're in over your head that this isn't meant for you know them not as truth but as the only obstacle that can derail and distract you don't have time for make believe monsters no not today so onward you go to map the unknown to tame the Untamed to live your life the way it was meant to be [Music] lived [Music] was sitting in my office dimly lit head in my hands disappointed mostly in myself for letting the opportunity Escape because I had it I could have held on instead I watched it slip away and in frustration leaned back in my chair looked up notice a little rectangle of light subtly bouncing around on the wall it had made its way from a small Gap in the curtains completely breaking the uniformity of Darkness its presence signaling just how much exists outside our periphery during those tough moments reminding me how much our darkest days only remain so long as we refuse to let light light in and how periods of longing are unavoidable but whether we lay down because of them or stack and stand upon them is up to us now I don't know why what we need is hardest to grasp during our times of greatest vulnerability but I do know that we are capable of standing up of lighting a match amidst the shadows of life I do know we are strong enough to take the curveballs and the complexity and not just exist with them but transform them into our Stepping Stones so often the endings we didn't think we wanted become the beginning we didn't know we needed it's not about being perf perfect it's about getting up when your soul feels heavy and your body is weak making your way to the window opening the curtains and letting the light in and the key to maintaining perspective to never relinquishing your control or composure is to understand that there is value in this seemingly valueless that when we most want to hang our heads and Retreat to a place of Sorrow we must hold on to the fact that somewhere Underneath It All is the reason you will not only move on but emerge Victorious Rise From the Ashes of Despair stronger than you ever were when life turns out the light and shakes your world at the foundation it isn't to check your progress but to remind you that you can be the light you can withstand the rumbling underneath you that we will never completely mitigate adversity but we were given perhaps the greatest gift of all the power to decide what will become of it what's the difference between simple and easy well simple is straightforward uncomplicated easy on the other hand means achieved without great effort the difference between those two words is subtle but essential to understand one One deals with the complexity of an outcome the other your will and determination to achieve that outcome becoming who you most want to be is simple but becoming who you most want to be is not easy just like walking is simple yet hiking up a mountain is not easy the procedure didn't change the context did so let's talk about context let's talk about this cyclical nature of growth because it's not that most people can't it's that most people won't it's not that most people don't get how it's that they don't have a strong enough why the path is laid out before you you just have to be willing to walk down it will you step one realize there's more out there it's not that what you're doing now isn't amazing it's just that yesterday's Act of Courage is now today's status quo what was the spectacular is now the mundane what was once the ceiling you had to jump to touch is now the floor you walk on so at the very least it prompts you to ask well what's next next simple not easy step two the acquisition of Courage yesterday's courage was a fight took a lot out of you and it's ultimately what got you here but it dropped you with the curb it waved goodbye and went on its merry way and here you are you can stay here a lot of people do you can reminisce of the Glory Days the old path yesterday's triumphs or you can do that perpetually uncomfortable exercise of vulnerability stepping into tomorrow's unknown reminding yourself that life's greatest rewards have a hefty price tag and that price is discomfort but I've already played this game one might think no what you did was learn the rules now it's time to to apply them to a new setting and around goes the merry go round it might seem like a replication from the horizontal but here's the secret you can't see the vertical you have yet to look down and see your Ascent see what you're becoming just by staying on holding tight just by believing in yourself enough to begin again you are Fanning those tiny flames of courage in your soul that wait to be spread like a wildfire simple but not easy step three mistakes now of course it's not the mistakes themselves you fear it's what you think those mistakes will mean ridicule embarrassment lack of direction or identity losing what you have but here's the catch when you you realize the upside is greater than the downside you liberate yourself when you realize there's more to gain than to lose your potential for greatness is born how does one act on this Mistakes by making mistakes by injecting yourself into the turbulence of progress our biology has not yet learned that the uncomfortable thing is the right thing and that's why you get resistance that's why it it hurts and it's why few people will accomplish what you will when it comes to your Climb Every day is opposite day when they run out you're running in when they play safe you play for the victory to become who you might be you must learn how to get there mistakes are your curriculum simple but not easy step four trust yourself okay sure no problem easy well yeah it's easy when you're getting what you want but evolution takes time and there's nothing quite like giving and giving and giving and not getting there's nothing quite like stepping up to the plate again and again and again and bringing no Runners home so how does one find the strength to continue walking up to to the Batters box well growth is exponential and those swings and misses matter the infield singles matter everything matters because it's all chiseling your future self out of stone nothing is dependent on the next at bat as much as all at bats in the aggregate that's why success is so often considered to be sheer will dependent not on the home run but on the discipline the self-belief to keep walking up to the plate repetition and adjustment repetition and adjustment repeat and refine repeat refine those are the materials from which all things are made simple but not easy and then we have the finale the ending step five celebrate and adjust at some point you'll be able to look over your shoulder and notice something that perhaps you hadn't before space space between where you are and where you started it's not sudden but gradual and undoubtedly with enough persistence it will emerge these moments they are precious they are times to acknowledge what you've accomplish the sacrifices you have made they are life's way of reminding you what you are building and who you are becoming it's a time of Celebration every little win means something every small victory matter so Relish in it and then transform it normalize it recognize that that Mountaintop is your foundation now your starting point has changed and so have you which means so have your expectations with an increase in ability comes an upgrade to what's possible what's expected and look at that we have arrived at a new step one realize there is more this is the process for capturing that which life has to offer if you can fall in love with that appreciate it respect it while simultaneously understanding it's not scary it's dependent entirely on your ability to push forward if you can understand that there is nothing you can't do nowhere you can't go simple yes easy no but you're not in this for easy you're in it for the journey the growth the adventure you're in it because it's not easy you'll see in time as will the world that this decision to endure was simply the best one you ever [Music] made sometimes success is merely hanging on when others would let go not doing anything spectacular or out of the ordinary not leaping a mile or jumping over a mountain but simply carrying on Thomas Edison has a famous quote that's really stuck with me over the years he says many of life's failures are people who did not realize how close they were to success when they gave up right how close they were to the Finish Line when they turned their back and said it wasn't worth it it's really an interesting thing to grasp right success is seeing what others can't it's believing when others don't it's taking the abstract those Visions those pictures in your head to make believe and finding the courage to make them real bring them to life it's this constantly evolving process and it grows a little bit every single day sometimes we feel that progress we feel the momentum we do something big and it's exciting and sometimes the progress feels small and then there are times when we get knocked down and we don't see it at all we feel like because we weren't validated that we lost that we failed that it wasn't enough we forget that's part of the process that progress is a journey [Music] and it goes when you go and it stops when you stop just like that famous Dolly Lama quote right the only way to fail is to quit period no one ever stops because they can't they stop because they decide to they stop because they see that huge mountain and they think that's impossible they forget it's only made of little rocks they stop because they get so disheartened by the distance of the finish line that they forget it only takes a collection of little steps to get there you don't have to LEAP the entire distance you know I've been there right it's this is me speaking from experience it took me years to figure it out and even now life is rapidly evolving I've poured my heart into things that let's be honest no one cared about I've invested in opportunities that fell apart right in front of me and each time it felt like the end of the world I've been lost I've been unsure gotten up after things didn't go as planned and and felt like a loser I had to look myself in the mirror and pick myself back up off the floor but there's one thing that I kept doing that I never thought twice about and that's continuing on whether life lifted me up or it beat me down my plan for tomorrow was always the same get up and try again keep going and as I sat down this morning with my pen and a piece of paper I thought what's the one thing I would want to be told if I started out again what's the one thing that people need to hear most and it's to Simply keep going keep taking steps cuz one day the world will start to make sense and you'll look around and you will be thankful for one thing that when most would have stopped you didn't when the world said no you said yes there is nothing so powerful as a soul that refuses to back down [Music] see persistence is not an important thing or an essential thing it's everything so live as to see not what can be lost but what will be gained find that light in darkness even if it's a a flicker even if it's a spark see every loss makes you a little tougher and every instant of sadness uncovers Something Beautiful every moment of fear teaches you to be a little braver every broken heart opens the door to a new connection instead of doubting yourself feeling inadequate in life's darkest moments know that you need what you are going through you are uncovering the little victories hidden in plain view so when the World feels like too much and your patience is thin be stronger than that voice in your head begging you to think small stand on every experience the good and the bad let it elevate you to a beautiful tomorrow that morning as I looked out the window I could feel my increased heart rate a sense of both excitement and anxiety that you can only really understand if you've lived it was worried about what people might think what I might lose what life might have in store for [Music] me because that was all I knew to focus on I'd programmed myself to do one thing worry and when your one thing is worrying it's inevitable that you see life through a lens of scarcity your setting is on maintain meaning you protect the little you have as opposed to seeking more you play defense to keep the world out as opposed to the offense required to bring the world in so that it may be reshaped that morning cold wet gray I was numb but deep down completely oblivious to me there was a little fire burning too small to recognize a spark of courage in its infancy see at that moment if someone asked asked me can you even be scared and courageous at the same time I would have said those two words do not go together right we're talking night and day fire and water black and white but time's job is to reveal and it has shown that there is no courage without fear there is no fire no matter matter how bright or powerful that doesn't by default bring about those mysterious shapes dancing in the shadows if you want fire great but you must learn to dance with what hides in the periphery you must learn to go where your impulse begs you not to and so that morning I went to dance with my demons what if the one thing holding you back in your life was [Music] you and look I know the world is a complex multivariable unfair sometimes even cryptic place I've never said anything to the contrary but what humans do so well sometimes for good and sometimes to our detriment is see life through stories ideas whether you know it or not you are playing by a set of rules right now as you take this in you have defined a set of parameters and deemed them acceptable decided they are what you deserve you've allowed for yourself a certain level of growth a certain amount of Happiness a certain amount of time to do what you love a certain expectation around the role of work in your life a certain window of income you've identified as reasonable overall a certain feeling you get when you look in the the mirror and my objective is not to tell you that any of the above is good or [Music] bad it's to remind you that they are all stories our current state is not etched in stone it's clumsily drawn on a dry erase board clumsily because how could we know everything right we learn along the way in a dry erase board because there's never a moment in time in which you cannot begin again think about that never good bad or in between there is never a situation from which you can't emerge as something different from which you can't choose to take a different path change the narrative around you your relationships your job your goals but like the elephant tied to the chair with the Rope one must learn that it is not the chair holding them back but their perception their understanding of a supposed role in life so as I drove away that morning I wasn't leaving leing a physical place but a mental constraint turning my back on a manufactured idea about who I was and what life would allow not in a snap no not all at once but an adventure that would begin pulling back the curtains one by one on all that I'd walked right by see the first step to getting more is understanding you've been accepting less that is where New Roads present themselves and it is that new road that I want for you that understanding that so much will be given to those with the courage to ask so as you stand now examine what you've been asking of life my hunch is that perhaps it's not enough perhaps there's more perhaps a new chapter is waiting to begin and right now is when that first page gets turned Joseph Campbell says that the cave you fear holds the treasure you seek why because to face the dancing Shadows is to gain power over them it shows our mind that reality is far less scary than our perception of reality that no chain or lock or wall can be more debilitating than the mental constraints we create by ourselves in our heads it shows that the man guarding the door can just as easily be the one who unlocks it and so what better a time than Now to turn that key to step out and in front what was once nothing more than a vast emptiness jump into the cold water of opportunity that shocks us at first creates pins and needles and discomfort But ultimately provides a chance to acclimate to and navigate a foreign world you you just need to jump and not a mountain but a foot enough to start earning that confidence creating that self-trust believing in yourself so drive away to the understanding that there is always another level if you want it to the belief that nothing is outside the realm of possibility those boundaries can be redrawn to the idea that no one tells you who you are or what you're capable of the world doesn't give orders it reacts to who you decide to be to the awareness that possible victories always outweigh in magnitude the possible defeat to the realization that who you were yesterday is in no way related to who you can be tomorrow all chapters end and you decide when that happens everything else Bel bels in the rear view success is knowing this it's believing it holding on when others would let go be reassured by the incremental nature of what's ahead zero Miracles just the courage to begin just push the ball down the hill give life a chance to help you create momentum no more thinking worrying procrastinating just go it's incredible how fast things change when we Grant ourselves that freedom when we see all of the world is open to us but will you open your mind to that opportunity I've said this before and I'll say it again nothing is sure in life but you are guaranteed to lose if you don't go it's to let falsehoods and debilitating stories guide your way so stop letting these narratives tell you who you are and create reality with your feet why because you can because you were meant for more and because more Starts [Music] Now [Music] [Music] there's a quote attributed to Lincoln says be sure to put your feet in the right place then stand firm the other day I was listening to Dan Carlin's podcast called Hardcore History which side note is uh an incredible podcast guy's a brilliant Storyteller and as I was listening um there's a a specific idea that I wanted to dive into an idea that I believe if we make an effort to understand and fully commit to is capable of changing our lives but first some quick context right so Dan starts off this episode called King of Kings talking about the Battle of thermop in the year 480 BC in ancient Greece it's that famous story that a lot of us know where King leonitis leads that small army uh which includes 300 Spartans against this massive Persian military Force that's invading and the quick version is essentially Xerxes who's the king of the Persian Empire and in charge of that massive Army tells the much smaller Spartan force that if they lay down their weapons if they submit to him and let you know the the Persians pass no harm will be inflicted upon them they'll be free to go go about their lives and here's the famous line in response to the Persian command to lay down their weapons the Spartans respond Milan la which means come and take them it's a Spartan's way of saying look the only way we're laying these weapons down is if you rip them from our cold dead hands right with everything on the line the odds stacked against them the ground beneath them basically shaking from the march of a far superior fighting force moving directly towards their location they would not let go of their principles they were fighting for something bigger than them and I couldn't stop thinking about this idea long after I hit pause on the episode I guess I was a struck by the power power of living life with that type of conviction because I know in my soul that's a North star I should be gravitating towards we all should the strength to be unrelenting with regard to that which we care about the affir menion quote from Lincoln about finding the right place for our feet and then holding steady with everything you have all that you are holding firm I just couldn't get that out of my head but then it came to me that that invading Force represents so much in our personal lives so many things one example being the difficult or adverse circumstances are trying times when you're most likely to concede that perhaps you're no bigger than that world around you maybe life is a movie and I'm merely the audience my job is to clap laugh gasp or cry am a cog in a wheel a line in a script powerless in which case you should be reminded of Victor frankl's famous observation that everything can be taken from a man but one thing the last of the human freedoms to choose one attitude in any given set of circumstances to choose One's Own Way in other words the outside world may change it may evolve but it will never have power over how you choose to internalize and view what's happening that's innately yours so when the circumstances feel like they demand more than you can give when they suggest justest you leave your interpretation of Life Behind the correct response is as the Spartans defiant said come and take it that Army could represent a push back against your values the pillars of your individual Foundation that you feel amidst all the pressure tempted to let go of after all it's easier to retreat than stand to to Toe with others it's easier to abandon than it is to defend at least in the short term but as Victor Hugo writes you have enemies good that means you've stood up for something sometime in your life the enemies obviously not being the point I'm a Believer in the conservation of enemy approach to life allies just prag atically get you a lot further but here's the reality anyone who stands for something will undoubtedly create divide they'll be criticized and condemned and when one feels the pressure of that criticism they must understand that it does not invalidate who they are or their worldview that is yours you are the only one who can give up or relinquish that control so so as the Spartans said come and take it and then lastly my thoughts went the little things that make us who we are those tiny pieces of ourselves that we little by little one by one over time give away the concessions that fade into the background as we evolve to fit in so that we don't stand out as Emerson beautifully put it to be yourself in a world that is constantly trying to make you something else is the greatest accomplishment and so that attacking Army just might be the universe attempting to mold you to it perhaps not all at once but more like that frog placed in water and put on the stove with the heat increasing so slowly over time that he doesn't realize that heat will soon overtake him externalities do not dictate they are objects in need of meaning and you are the architect here if it means something to you it's worth holding on to during the difficult times and the easy time when it's popular and when it's not there is value within you specific to you a value that must be nurtured in order to expand others can't and won't see that the world around you may even with all its complexity seek to suppress it but that flame is there it's there and it's yours and to anyone or anything looking to extinguish its light come and take it after all what is a life if not one lived on your own terms the goal is not to Simply exist but to define the plane on which you'll evolve to devise your own parameters be yourself as that world looks to make you something else so here's the digging deep to finding within yourself the courage to stand up to the great armies of chaos conflict adversity and their Perpetual Conquest to remember how strong you are how much control you have as you navigate the unknowns and redefine the right [Music] nows don't let your strength be the thing you give away don't let your heart be what gets left behind don't let your thoughts become illusions of what could have been if only you'd held on and look I'm not saying it's easy in fact I know that the meaningful Road will necessarily be the one that requires the most of us that makes us question who we are and where we're going it will ask that when our minds race with doubt in our knees shake with fear we find a way to stand regardless to walk to our demons look them Square in the eye and Proclaim that whatever it takes we are willing to give that we will fight until there's nothing left go until we can go no further and hold with conviction all that matters most so the next time light demands that you fall back or bow down the next time chaos emerges in the distance and asks only that you lay down your arms here's to being strong enough certain enough current courageous enough to say one thing and one thing only come and take [Music] [Music] [Music] them
Channel: Eddie Pinero
Views: 70,147
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Keywords: live inspired, motivation, your world within, Eddie Pinero, inspiration, running motivation, motivational speech, motivational video, morning motivation, best motivational speech, best motivational video, motivation to start your day, morning motivational video, listen when you wake up, listen every day, start your day right, motivational speeches compilation, motivation 2024, best motivational speeches
Id: j9tg4FpcB2I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 63min 1sec (3781 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 14 2024
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