PUSH YOURSELF EVERYDAY - Motivational Speech

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the other day I was on a podcast with Evan carmichel who's a a YouTuber and entrepreneur and we were talking with Shaquille who was the host about uh the mental side of the entrepreneurial Journey how we set goals uh but also prepare ourselves for the inevitable adversity associated with growth and one question Shaquille asked us was uh where do we see ourselves in 5 years okay so side note I have a unique relationship with this question as someone who was unsure and experimenting with their career right for much of their adult life uh I never quite knew how to answer it you know it's like two things can be true at once it's a very reasonable question uh but I also uh didn't like answering it right hated it to my core you could even say I could never really articulate why it just made me uneasy right like 5 years is a lifetime how am I supposed to know and again no knock on the host at all it's a very uh common practical question I'm I'm glad he asked it because it uh opened the door to a pretty cool conversation so anyway he asked the question and uh I'm thinking oh man like how am I going to approach this and before I said a word Evan blurts out look if you know exactly what you're going to be doing in 5 years you're thinking too small in that comment to say it made me happy was an understatement it was like thank you for saying what my mind has been trying to piece together for a decade and a half you know if you know exactly where you're going to be of course you're limiting yourself there's just too much predictability too much routine process and not enough experimentation not enough life why because growth is unpredictable it takes us places we didn't expect shows us things we didn't anticipate it unveils truths and minor miracles about ourselves that we let's face it never would have seen had we been dismissive of all life's variability in Opportunity now does this mean we don't move with conviction in a general direction does it mean we don't have goals or Ambitions no I certainly don't think it does right you can't hit targets you don't aim for that will always be true it merely means life is not about being perfect and bringing about a particular result it's about making adjustments throughout your pursuit of meaning if you feel closer to your purpose when you change the medium then change the medium if it means you know your heart tells you left is where the value lies and not right then go left right to me it's essentially reminding us that life is not a a black and white yes or no checklist or test it's a game and you have to Grant yourself the freedom to play you have to give yourself permission to grow I think about how much time 5 years is and how 5 years ago I wasn't even thinking about creating media the way I do now with the amazing team of people uh that helped me I wasn't speaking on stages I hadn't crafted my creative style I didn't know uh the people I know now who introduced me to not only new people but new ideas these are characters they're stories they're opportunities that present themselves only as you immerse yourself in the journey and I was okay not knowing exactly but merely moving towards a general direction the most important decisions were you know looking back not what I said yes to but what I said no to as I moveed move through life experimenting learning growing I was able to craft something that worked for me not other people not what's in books there's no road map no it's an experiment and this is more of the reassurance I would have wanted during those years from an older version of myself like it's okay to not know exactly where you'll be just promise yourself this if it matters to you you'll find a way to move to it with it towards it and if it doesn't then let it go surround yourself with people that lift you up and if they don't let them go you'll hear a lot of talk about the right way to do things especially in this information age those ideas and decisions may have in fact been right but they also may be wrong for you try test it out and if not let it go the experiment that is your life is the reward it's a luxury it's such a beautiful ride you know don't box yourself in because of some madeup theoretical plan don't avoid the path to a new world world because I I checked my list and this doesn't line up with where I said I'll be February 23rd 2028 n Go live your life do your best to exist in that place the intersection of what you love and what adds value let it Bend let it transform let it teach you things about yourself and the world there aren't correct ways to live but I think there certainly are some some wrong ways and that's time spent out of obligation adhering to a story that means nothing to [Music] you push see what life gives back your Footsteps in the aggregate will reveal truths and tell stories you could never have even dreamed up it's in going that your book is written and just a friendly reminder people don't read books for the last page the ending no they read them for that stuff in the middle right the journey so next time I'm asked what my 5-year plan is I'll probably say same as my 10 20 and 30e plan I don't know but I can tell you I won't lose sight of that North Star the one that calls my name but at the same time I won't be afraid to wander into the night dance in the Moonlight even get lost in the shadows from time to time growth is directly correlated to one's willingness to push forward into the dark and well into that Darkness we shall go I was in Arizona last week got a chance to interview Joe polish best-selling author and founder of the genius Network as I was sort of making my way around the uh genius Network office with my coffee that morning I noticed in one of the meeting rooms there were some quotes hanging on the wall one of them was Joe's it said be willing to destroy anything in your life that isn't excellent that's certainly a big statement I started thinking about my little corner of the universe running through all the things that might not meet that standard of Excellence in my life a few certainly came to mind it was freeing to think about but could Excellence really be a standard for everything I mean that's a high bar and so I wrote it down little reminder to bring it up later during the interview few hours go by Mike's are rolling and I asked the question so be willing to destroy anything in your life that isn't excellent beautiful quote but how and uh Joe smiled kind of paused for a sec says willing right the key word there is willing and I'm paraphrasing but his point was essentially it's an acceptance of what is and a will willness to be rigorously honest with yourself because look there's not an athlete entrepreneur parent or student who didn't have to at some point Play Broken we all do but to live like that that's not a life well- lived that's learned helplessness and that quote on the wall is about taking a stand it's the moment you say I want a new standard for my life life I'm going to be more assertive more caring more aware Excellence is not a requirement per se because human beings can't be excellent all the time we are flawed we are trying we are growing but what you can do is look around you and start moving towards that version of yourself start cutting away the metaphorical chains around your ankles in his book what's in it for them Joe highlights British Olympic rower Ben Hunt Davis who had one standard for the men in his boat one question that would be asked every time they were confronted with the decision the question was will this make the boat go faster if no then it's not for them and then this framework guided their Journey this contributed to their success this Clarity this line of sight it's an awareness we can all learn from understanding that we're not Shackled to yesterday we're not tied to the old Stories the old relationships the old ways of living no our paths are not dictated by what was but rather our willingness to be aware to ask the questions that position us towards our North Star and is the Sation was winding down Joe pointed to a quote from the movie Vanilla Sky States every passing minute is another chance to turn it all around change doesn't happen without the understanding that more is possible that perhaps you'd been conceding too much while asking too little of yourself perhaps you'd been been surrounding yourself with inadequate resources maybe you've been building walls that without your knowing it became self-induced limitation and yeah excellence in every single aspect of life is unobtainable but what a beautiful standard what a journey to Embark upon a horizon to chase down and the point is not to recklessly destroy your current reality but to build a bridge connecting what is to what can be it's loving the reflection in the mirror enough to know you are better you can be better you will obtain better you need not be perfect or Flawless but you must be willing willing to destroy anything in your life that is an excellent [Music] I was thinking about something recently something we've probably all heard before and in some cases already know but that's why it warrants a little bit of discussion it's not about knowing it's about executing which are two very different things things and so I'll start here with the idea that everything is relative right someone who runs 5 miles a day and then starts hanging out with people who all Run 10 miles a day is more than likely going to at least ask themselves the question could I be running more should I right that's just human nature one's perception of normality shifts when they're around people or circumstances that stretch it and as far as I can tell this can be applied to anything I remember a friend of mine probably about 5 years ago now asked me what my monthly Revenue goal was and I remember telling him and he paused and look kind of puzzled and asks you know why only that and I thought only that right that's a that's a big number I was reaching there uh but that encounter I still remember it rocked my worldview it's like okay wow I need to you know move some things around I need to aim higher is an important convo for me uh and I think you know there's often a negative connotation we apply to this concept right comparison being uh the the thief of Joy they're always being more to acquire it's a tool and may not utilize the right way or internalize the right way can be unhealthy but there's also when utilized correctly something not only healthy but incredibly powerful and advantageous about it we need to be reminded that we're capable of more otherwise our worldview can't stretch we're able to extend far beyond the reality we find ourselves in but that fact alone does us no good we have to position ourselves to see to feel to believe the more a good friend of mine and I started reporting to each other daily the workouts we do now tce twice a day and the funny thing is it didn't start out twice a day but just you know the nature of not wanting to be the guy who does less you know we've been friends for a while we're all about helping each other be better in business and fitness and and you name it and you can bet when I've been running around working all day and I'm tired and the little voice in my head starts Whispering well you already got a a workout in earlier just go really hard tomorrow and stay said you'll be fine but then my phone buzzes and it's a screenshot of his workout stat it's like nope have to find time to do it he's tired he has a job and a family he wants to crack a beer or grab a burger but he didn't right and the fact that he reached for more makes me realize hey so can I makes me ask what are my targets are they big enough right and that's been incredibly effective prompting you know this conversation making me realize you know there's something to this how can I position myself so that I have line of sight to that precious abundance in the other areas of my life that I deem important how can I nurture the relationships I have that serve as a reminder that there's always another level how can I keep at the Forefront of my mind that there are online creators helping millions of people a day there are business owners making millions of dollars a month and it's not that I'm not proud and grateful I'm both of those things instead I love the journey I love the challenge of seeing what I can become and know that our default is to get so consumed by the current way of things we start thinking hey maybe that's all there is right we forget to keep our eyes up and so a few things I plan on doing I'll share them and and maybe they'll prompt some ideas uh in your head for whatever your values are whatever you're trying to improve recently I set up a mastermind quarterly with some buddies I have that are investors and business owners um simple to report growth Revenue future plans um is someone who just loves to write and create it's easy for me to put all that stuff second uh so this is going to hold me accountable Fitness I already mentioned um this one's new I have a few friends that I started meeting up with just to get out to unwind do nothing business related at all which is just as critical as work right I have to make time to soak in the world around me and there are others as well but you get the idea right it's teaming up with those people in my life where our values overlap and we can help each other win the saying goes you're the average of The Five People You spend the most time with but now imagine taking that a step further reaching out to those people and teaming up to help position each other to succeed you get the accountability the camaraderie you become a team looking to get the most of your time on this planet I've stated many times that my belief is the pieces exist around us to do so many things incredible things Monumental things but how we mix match and utilize those pieces the world around us determines that so let's ask the question what is a life well-lived to me and how can I tangibly position myself to obtain it how can I help those I care about obtain it those are some powerful questions and will ultimately lead to some incredible growth how much did you care what do you mean I didn't understand the question at first in that room how much did you care what they thought of you like if zero is not at all and 10 is you cared a lot how much did you care H eight I said probably around an eight out of 10 and that is the problem because if you care you are not free I've been working my whole life to obtain that word in its truest sense freedom and I made progress the world around us is tough to change but most things worth changing are tough I've uprooted and walked away from people that brought brought me down plenty of times I've walked away from places that just weren't me I've committed to carving out a path that I deem meaningful in my life see but you can always turn your back and walk away from people from places from situations here's a little caveat no one seems to tell you about though you have to take yourself with you there's no destination to which you can arrive without your thoughts there's no place you can show up without your narratives or your view of the world and the more I navigate this floating Rock we're on the more I'm convinced that weather is determined by the onlooker not the atmosphere some people simply choose to see Sun some people choose rain our forecasts are internal I've referenced this book often because it's one of the few cheap codes not to any subset of reality but to life in general that allows us to reverse engineer true contentment it's called the top five regrets of the Dying by bronnie wear where she speaks with mostly older people during their final days asks them what they would do differently if they could do it all over again regret number one and we can actually stop right there is I wish I'd had the courage to live a life true to myself not the one others expected of me meaning the number one thing people wish they did differently was careless they wished they'd lived in their authenticity put more weight on their goals and their dreams than those of strangers that pass like ships in the night every time we repress who we are our future selves shed a tear and I know that's not pretty or uplifting to think about right a future you looking down and wishing you'd sought out that freedom in its truest form the freedom to live fully but look sometimes carving meaning out of life just isn't pretty sometimes what's necessary is not pretty see Everything's Relative and perhaps understanding that it's not others who are the judge but it's instead that older version of you sitting on the bedside reflecting back on this one roller coaster ride maybe that's who we're living for that's the Well from which our courage should be drawn we are guests passing through a miracle with Minds that falsely and irresponsibly Whisper we have all the time in the world trying to convince us that the trip lasts forever but it doesn't your life is a raindrop in the thunderstorm it will be over as fast as it arrived and how you choose to live it will be everything see there will always in some capacity exist that voice asking you to dial it down there will from time to time be sweaty palms and shaking knees you know those human things but when you find yourself standing on the edge of that door looking out at a world that you know calls your name let your voice be louder than all of it let the beating of your heart be stronger than your fear and if you can't do it for you then please do it for that version of you years from now looking out the window smiling about how you almost said no you almost boxed yourself in you almost let what matters pass you by but instead you captured life like a child chasing down a firefly that in a world of constraint you allowed yourself to be free Jack Welch has said control your own destiny or someone else will and I'm passing this along today as I believe it's uh one of the most important things to understand not a once andone thing but a reoccurring question where have I relinquished control how can I recapture what matters most as the world around us shifts slips and slides so does our grasp on it which is why I find this continuous self-reflection so powerful I have a flight this afternoon which means I have a hard deadline and a lot I need to do before I head down to the Miami Airport been traveling a lot recently which means I've been finding myself in this situation a lot recently and here's what's become abundantly clear to me as I work through the logistics on travel days I'm exponentially more productive than on my typical quote unquote work day I wake up with a an urgency and sense of control over my time that apparently is lacking on say you're typical Tuesday and I'm shot out of a cannon today for example I've worked out written and recorded two speeches counting this one recorded short video content sent to my editors planned next week's topics might even have time to go live and hang out for a few minutes and I'm sitting here thinking you know dude if I had a flight at noon every day I'd be worth $500 million by June what is the difference between today and every other day simple my Approach towards it how I utilize and control the resources at my disposal this is a powerful powerful thing to realize you know beg the question how can this urgency be manufactured cuz that's what it's about right setting up the parameters so that they are most conducive to Our Success another life-changing quote I came across a few years ago was you are your own experiment meaning life is about testing things trying different methods exploring different approaches and also having the discipline to observe their outcomes why so that you can can use that information to position yourself for Success that info is as good as gold one understanding and two implementing so that you know we're not pushed back and forth by external factors like leaves in the wind but are instead creating our own ideal circumstances these let's just call them travel days have help me realize how much power energy control I relinquish on a typical day and most importantly how I can change that you know time for a new experiment let's try approaching every day like there's a hard cut off at noon how I'm not sure yet I'll test and explore until something clicks but there's definitely some information worth noting I've picked up my phone zero times today which is obviously valuable I've second guessed my messaging and communication a lot less don't have time to waste on the small things nope not when you fly out at noon this is information I'll take with me little nuggets of wisdom uh that I've been able to collect and so I'll finish with an important reminder that this is not so much about efficiency as it is about awareness and a willingness to adapt right like becoming a robot is not the goal here um but the discipline to step outside yourself and and look at how you're spending your time so that you can make it more valuable and meaningful is we let the outside world dictate far too much and then we don't even realize we just sort of move through it we relinquished control because we had no idea it was ours to take we are very often unaware of the power that we have over ourselves our circumstances and our lives in totality we're unaware of just how much value we walk right by the opportunity is not days weeks or months away it lives with you now every breath every step every decision you just have to open your eyes and invite it in [Music] you belong here this was something that was said to the class uh during yoga the other day as I've said before yoga is something I'm I'm really turning to is both a mental and physical approach to a lot of the injuries and imbalances I've been dealing with with for a very long time and part of that you know starting something new is obviously not knowing what you're doing it's a willingness to play the fool to be this student it's signing up to be you know at times the worst in the room and so I hear the instructor say this line you belong here and then kind of repeat it again for emphasis it hit me hard you know and and I'll never know uh if this was prompted by me flailing around in the back trying to do Crow pose or she just felt like you know it needed to be expressed in the moment I'm not sure but what I do know is that it was exactly what I needed to hear and in fact it's what I've needed to hear throughout many stages of my life which is why I think it hits so hard and I want to unpack it for a second when I moved to Massachusetts after spending the vast majority of my childhood in the Los Angeles area uh I used to joke around with my friends back in La I'm like this is so different that it feels like a culture shock right it seem so little of the world why do these guys uh not wear Dickies or Spike their hair everyone has cargo shorts and New Balances what's happening here right um you know but all jokes aside when you're a freshman in high school that's a big deal the differences were many and it took a while you know but I acclimated I made friends I did the thing but persistently in the back of my head I felt like an outsider making my home somewhere that wasn't really mine like I didn't really belong there then came College I went to a small private school where uh most of the students I knew came from prep schools and I had somewhat of a more rigorous academic background than I did and I decided to be a political science major basically living in my professor's offices during their hours when they would spend extra time helping me uh write showing me how to organize my thoughts and put together analytical papers it was a long and stressful learning curve and just like before I figured it out did fine academically but again never really felt like I belonged there there were some of the same sentiments with you know walking on to the rowing team where many of the recruits uh had been doing it all their lives same thing in the corporate world felt a little out of place it was a feeling that yeah never prevented me from starting you know I'd dive in I'd figure it out but there was always this lingering Fish Out of Water feeling that I couldn't shake I'm kind of a tangent but this is you know one of the funniest moments for me looking back uh in my early 20s I was at an interview uh at some insurance company in b Boston and the guy interviewing me is sitting on one end of a desk I'm with the other he's holding a physical copy of my uh resume and cover letter not saying a word just kind of scanning them up and down uh then he slowly kind of drops them on the desk and goes so Eddie tell me more about and pauses looks back down at my cover letter back up at me back down at my cover letter then he traces the first line of the cover letter quoting it as his finger moves across the paper he goes tell me more about how quote your lifelong dream is to become a data analyst and I was like oh my God this guy sees right through me Eddie what are you doing man like this ain't it you know and I crack myself up every time my mind goes back there it's the epitome of of square peg round hole and I would consistently find myself in that position right but you know I digress the point is me feeling like I'm on the outside looking in has been somewhat of a theme even in the areas of my life where I was Finding success like I couldn't totally be there like find the things that are important to me and commit to them fully and I'd be lying if I said it it didn't still exist today right I've worked like a madman for 10 years to build this company and this brand and certainly I've seen some progress in this industry I've gotten to surround myself with some incredible people and every time I walk into a room uh with folks that I've looked up to for years I'm grateful which is good but sometimes too grateful which is my entire point right at some point you have to transform from looking up to into being one of to give yourself permission to believe along and yes you need to do the work and yes confidence is earned but if you don't give yourself permission to do a thing not kind of or sort of but to fully with all your heart and soul be that thing I think you'll always be leaving part of yourself on the Shelf it feels like uh to me a lingering defense mechanism you can't be great if you're not Allin and part of growth has been reflecting and asking hey you say you're all in but are you are you immersed and that's what I want I think to some extent that's what we all want to not just do it but be it in a million years I don't think my yoga teacher would uh expected a words prompt at a 10-minute rant starting with my childhood on the west coast but man and did that comment create a light bulb moment for me it set the stage for such a beautiful Epiphany it's like you've been doing the thing for 10 years you've grown in so many areas but have you given yourself permission to become what you're seeking not kind of but pour yourself into it it's who you are the environment the people the variables the ups and the Downs all of it is who you are just imagine imagine what that freedom would allow go be the thing more more more fully all you have to give so yoga class this morning showed up and even though I suck even though I'm learning decided hey little little symbolism here no more hiding in the back of the room step into those neon green lights move towards the front you no longer do things even the little things to Simply scrape by or exist do it to be it if you're going to do anything do it to be it you belong here help me realize what being it really is that maybe I'd let my uh definition slip maybe my understanding wasn't wide or all-encompassing enough and yeah there's a line we need to walk no question we must be on the path to acquiring competency in something before we can make it our own but the beauty of podcasts and Audible and books all our media Outlets is that other people's growth and understanding can FastTrack our own I learn from this EXP experience life is too short to always feel like you are on the outside looking in it just is if you earned a chair at the table be at the table if you were let into the room work the room if you're spending time and energy doing something be that thing don't deprive yourself of that precious alignment because it's such a beautiful thing when we allow ourselves to feel it and obtain it but like so many things it starts with you giving you permission it starts with a simple understanding you may be new you may be struggling unsure you might have a hell of a mountain to climb a journey to travel you might have extra work to do you might have to add some things and cut away others you might have to ask yourself the tough questions and accept the difficult answers but you do my friend belong here what's the difference between paying a fee and paying a fine the answer to this question question may not be as small or insignificant as we're inclined to believe I recently picked up the book the psychology of money by Morgan howel it lays out some uh valuable Concepts and ideas about investing and managing our finances growing our wealth but there's one idea that I wanted to share because yeah from an investing standpoint it's important critical even but it's relevant to so much more and I I think an understanding of it will help us in many aspects of life so first let's start with the financial piece and then we'll sort of grow the metaphor right because housel talks about how we should look at investing in the market and one of the hardest things for us to deal with is the Market's volatility right it's difficult for us to invest our hard-earned money and then see the market go let's say for example down 20% like seeing that huge dip in our investment that's not fun right everyone knows that that can be nerve-wracking and it dissuades a lot of people from investing or keeping their money in when they should It ultimately uh keeps them from getting the returns available to them right but here's the point he makes he says those people who see that volatility as a fee and not a fine are more inclined to win in the long term understanding that market returns are never free they demand a price and that price is the roller coaster ride that we all have to deal with that is the market it's the ups and downs and highs and lows that volatility is the cost of admission and if you understand that you're more inclined to stay calm keep your long-term Vision you're more than likely to come out on top on the other hand if when that turbulence arrives you know the sudden crashes the ups and downs and you see it as a fine as this terrible thing that's happening to a punishment you're more likely to act emotionally to be reactive and make decisions that aren't in your best interest to drive the point home he mentions Disneyland for example the fee is $100 and people will gladly pay that fee because you know they get that uh great experience with their family their kids that they'll have for the rest of their lives that $100 isn't a fine it's not a punishment it's a intentional deliberate trade of one thing for another and if you were to look at it as a fine you'd never get to enjoy that experience if you thought that $100 was a punishment uh it just wouldn't be the same right and so why do I bring all this up cuz I'm a firm believer that the best things in life all come with that price or a as household States but I also think we sometimes have a tendency to look at that cost that very same cost of admission as a fine as a problem when really no it's just trading some turbulence now for a reward a little bit uh down the road sometimes the right thing is the hard thing the uncomfortable thing with dividends it will pay so long as we understand that it's opening the door to something [Music] greater leaving a situation you know is not good for you hurts right we've all been there we all know this in some capacity but it's not a punishment or even a bad thing right that discomfort associated with walking away is a fee that will enable you to live a more aligned life in the very near future or let's say You're Building something meaningful something you care deeply about but it's it's just you you and the idea there is no validation certainly no external reward not yet and continuing forward in those moments is hard it's taxing emotionally draining even but this feeling again isn't a punishment it's not a fine it's the fee it's the cost of admission to bring something into life that wasn't there life's greatest moments are expensive it's just are you going to pay the fee to bring it about or the cost of regret at a different time and you get the point right you can take this and apply it to so many things falling down criticism feeling lost having to start from the bottom these things are not fines they are fees they are price tags and so often the initial price is a bargain compared to what we'll get back we just need to stop perceiving their mere existence is the world working against us no these are opportunities in Disguise it's easy to walk by the important things to dismiss the uncomfortable things the harsh truth is that our greatest opportunities are often intertwined in our distress that's why so many people walk away from the things that will make their lives better that's why so many people pull their money from the market uh when it takes a dive so many people people walk away from a project or idea when things get challenging or conversely it's why so many people do nothing at all they stay in situations they aren't happy with and know they need to change because the fee to get from point A to point B feels too steep but I think the value is in comparing the discomfort the cost the fee to what it's going to bring you down the road because often it's a bar we need to remember that what it will ultimately provide has life-changing potential understand that resistance is not a fine it is not the world telling you know it's life asking you hey do you really want this because if you do it's yours so long as you sign the dotted line and pay the price most people will be dissuaded by this most people will turn and walk away but most people also leave a hell of a lot on the table and I don't want that for you you don't want that for you the world we live in is one of abundance so when life pushes back understand that it's merely positioning you to move beyond your limits to redefine your worldview and while admission is isn't free it's well worth the price the world reflects back at us what we currently are like a giant mirror projecting the movie that's playing in our heads we lay on the horn in traic not when we're at peace with ourselves but when we're in duress we gravitate towards the negative not when we're living in abundance but when we're living in scarcity we quit Retreat contract not when we're confident in the road ahead but when we're doubtful alarmed in other words we find out in the world what already lives within us life and many ways is not absolute it's evidence it's evidence that we'll use to justify the things we already believe Wayne Dyer used to use the metaphor of an orange it can be squeezed and squeezed and squeezed but there will never be grapefruit juice pouring out of an orange no grapefruit juice doesn't live there you can only find on the outside what lives in the inside you can only extract from the orange orange juice recently a good friend of mine said to me that they'd like to change their financial situation to which my response was perfect you most certainly can right like anything yeah it'll take work and some planning and some restructuring all that good stuff but you most definitely can and his response was sure that's what all you motivational people say Okay smart guy now you're an example on a podcast episode congrat why because you want the people around you to realize how much is possible for themselves right it's not sorcery or witchcraft to believe something better is possible in fact if one doesn't believe it's possible they're effectively cementing their feet to the ground at least with regard to that particular Pursuit let's face it you don't begin Journeys that are not possible we don't allow ourselves to do that and so to not believe in an outcome and somehow still wish for that outcome well that's essentially our orange metaphor right can't squeeze Financial Freedom out of a mindset that only sees monetary constraint believing it's possible starts the journey see there's so much pragmatism in growth you know people talk a lot about the law of attraction and yeah I get it right it it sets targets but the picture of let's say a a dream housee on your wall is not why you'll eventually have the Dreamhouse the picture of the Dreamhouse on the wall reminds you it helps you believe that you're someone capable of someday acquiring that house obtaining that type of success which results in you wait for it doing things that help bring them to life it is the doing but that doing must be connected to belief mid 20s I was unhappy wanted more but didn't really believe myself capable of obtaining more right that was the issue back to the old orange expecting grapefruit jees can't get results in an area not conducive to their creation right it wasn't until I said you know what maybe not definitely but maybe it could happen maybe I can take control here the odds have to be greater than 0% right it's Jim Carry and Dumb and Dumber so you're saying there's a chance yeah it's like starting out that's all you need a chance the door cracked in the beginning I just needed to convince myself something different was possible the beginning of transformation and that internal change prompted how I interacted with the external world you do things differently when you believe differently or if you want to phrase it another way believing that you can bring something to life doesn't guarantee that you actually do but believing you can't guarantees that you won't and why not stack the odds in your favor I often juggle back and forth between the philosophical and the tangible or the Tactical right three ways to do X life hacked to change y yeah of course life does in so many ways come down to the tactics to the how to the steps but does that even matter if you don't believe in the pursuit does it matter what Google Maps says if you never step out your front door you have to convince you you have to create an environment in your world where change isn't crazy more isn't absurd it might be challenging but it's possible and possible is enough it is enough to begin enough to step out enough to see the trivialities as tools and the resistance as part of a beautiful game remember that the world is a mirror reflecting back at us our world view we find what we look for so give yourself permission to look for things that make life beautiful give yourself the gift of believing change is possible the other day I was sitting in Miami traffic looking out the window and it dawned on me how interesting that human beings haven't solved for this like this is a major annoying in a lot of people's lives now we put human beings on a rocket ship we've navigated them beyond the Earth's atmosphere we've landed them on the moon but still are unable to effectively get around between 4:00 and 7:00 p.m. on weekdays it's just kind of interesting to realize now there are very practical reasons for this sure not to mention people studying and invested in the problem and I think most noteworthy I'm not even saying one is more valuable than another this is merely a thought experiment we get the results where we place our attention we valued going to the Moon because of this humans walked on the literal Moon and we're so used to this having happened uh that it shock value isn't quite there right but for a species who 100 years ago was traveling by horse and buggy it's pretty impressive and I just think it's a a cool reminder that where we place our focus is where we'll get our positive results we can change everything if we place a spotlight on it that begs the question where are you placing your Spotlight as John Maxwell said nobody ever uh went up a hill on accident there was intentionality which gave life to focus and action planning growth we only evolve where we shine that Spotlight or as I've said in previous episodes or videos What you water grows I've certainly spent my fair share of time angry uh annoyed by things that have by no coincidence given zero effort to fixing now when when you do nothing to solve a problem all you can cling to is the ability to complain about it if you're not putting energy and resources there you most likely won't win some of the best advice I got from a friend a few years back was uh to highlight the things that matter to you and measure them because this allows you to be aware to be intentional with your action it's deciding which handful of things are going to be your quote unquote moon landing and then watching over them like they are precious you know let's say a goal of yours is to increase your net worth if you're looking at your bank account every day you're much more likely to make better monetary decisions than someone who keeps their finances in the dark because they hate thinking about it there are deliberate actions that must take place to bring about that change when I look at say YouTube I tend to know a substantial amount about my metrics cuz I really care about the channel and its growth and its impact I watch it and I monitor it things dip I need to know why if they took a sudden uh upswing and they're great I need to know why if success on a platform is my metaphorical moon landing I'm locked into every up and down I have to understand what's going on so I can make the necessary adjustments to grow and then when the growth happens after time has elapsed I can think in my own little world that was space travel I was driving that metaphorical horse and buggy not all that long ago but I stayed locked in and this may seems simple and it is but for what it's worth my biggest breakthroughs always tend to be I've exhausted a lot of energy and in some cases even paid uh you know a decent amount of money to learn the simple things nothing is that complicated we just think it is which is why we do nothing and then complain about the Delta between the real and the ideal but I'm here to tell you that if you decide on a few things that matter to you and then measure their progress allocate the energy to moving along with them where you'll be in months or years from now will Astound you it will be breathtaking but you have to be willing to peel back the curtain and immerse yourself in it prove to yourself that sure it might feel big and complex but once you give something that time and attention it becomes clear pretty quickly how simple it all is what's one thing you can do every day and each meaningful category in your life that will get you closer to where you want to be if you watch over that process and you adjust along the way the amount of opportunity available the amount of change you'll create is unbelievable and someday to others on the outside looking in your progress will seem out of this world Larger than Life it will appear a moon landing but you'll know it wasn't the miraculous it was just a simple decision to give it to time and attention you watered it and so it grew [Music]
Channel: Eddie Pinero
Views: 65,898
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: live inspired, motivation, your world within, Eddie Pinero, inspiration, running motivation, motivational speech, motivational video, mindset, greatness, wisdom, perspective, podcast, life, morning motivation, goals, dreams, change, growth
Id: 521Cn0t2GSk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 60min 50sec (3650 seconds)
Published: Fri May 10 2024
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