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[Music] I wrote almost three full Pages before coming across the sentence or the the message that I was looking for and that message was walk in there like God sent you a message someone shared with me recently before I gave a speech at a conference I guess it was hanging out in my subconscious waiting to be brought back to the surface and explored and I think it's fitting that it took so long for me to arrive there to realize its value why well to put it bluntly I think it's because life contains more wrong terms than right ones it's just that the right ones when discovered unlock some of the most beautiful things imaginable and while we look while we Wade through the streams Not Meant For Us the Temptation or instinct is to get mad frustrated right what a waste of time screams the pragmatic brain three full pages of wasted words three months with the wrong person three years doing the wrong things when what we yet to understand is that they weren't wrong at all they brought us to exactly where we need to be our yeses are very often buried under 1,000 NOS that's not punishment that's just life it's often referen as a reminder that in baseball hitting 300 or getting a hit three out of every tenant bats essentially makes you an All-Star three successes out of every 10 attempts well life I believe is harder than baseball sometimes its loss is more numerous its rules more convoluted but its wins unparalleled see life is not a game of getting it right life is a game of showing up again and again when you get it wrong when you swing and miss when things don't go the way you want them to showing up being bold enough to fail spectacularly life is a journey and me you sure I've been scared to fail scared to try scared to risk what I had many times in fact I often still am I just know enough now to question that resistance and hesitation in my head walking up to the mirror and asking Eddie are you not going because you have more important things to do or are you not going because it's going to be challenging are you not going because it's going to bring you to a state of vulnerability that makes you uncomfortable and oh how those conversations leave you feeling exposed right nothing is more difficult than the convos you have with yourself but those are the conversations that contain the answers the wrong things become the story the characters push the hero forward the chaos sharpens his skill and strengthens his resolve it's all happening for you the now is always a value always so walk through every door door that opens like God sent you see it for the miracle that it is pieces of a puzzle coming together the story of a lifetime where the only way to lose is to not go is to dance around the flame that is your hopes and dreams until that flame burns out no go right through wherever you are you're there because there's value to be extracted there are no wasted moments just opportunities yet to have evolved so when you fall know that you will be wiser once back on your feet and when you're lost know that you will soon know the way at a depth you never thought possible and when you're hurt know that you will soon be in position to love harder than you have ever loved when angry know you'll soon be able to empathize like never before when unsure know that you're building confidence in real time pulling back the layers of the quote unquote wrong things to discover with each unveiling what it means to truly live see it's all you so be there walk through the doors as I was reminded like God sent you like you belong there because you do in the journey that is your life every second matters every moment a rocket ship taking you to the next iteration every variable a piece of you coming together so walk through those doors like they are bringing you exactly where you need to be and you'll see in time that that is exactly what occurred when the water rises it sink or swim we pick up certain truths as we make our way through life realizations little Awakenings patterns that allow us to map the things around us so that we can navigate this crazy place and here's one such realization for my own Journey when you pursue your best you live your best life your best is a North star to guide you a bar line or Benchmark that's always moving a reminder that you can always do more and be more a reminder that life tomorrow can always be different than life today to pursue your best in my opinion is synonymous with capturing all that is good in this world capitalizing on potential is is to utilize those resources in need of an architect that pen in need of a poet brush in need of a painter story in need of a writer or populace in need of a leader it's a Pursuit that not only supplements our existence here on Earth now I believe it is in and of itself why we are here on Earth but like every ideal pragmatism seems to get in the way meaning well life is more difficult in execution than it looks on paper we can't be our quote unquote best every day we sometimes fall short of that Mark our outcomes don't always align with our expectations the Perpetual journey to One's best is neither straight nor without discomfort it's more like the navigating of a new world without a map or Compass a world that we're by default ill equipped to take on when we begin and I believe that 99% of success is Reliant upon the willingness to move into that great unknown and allowing adversity to shape us but that remaining 1% is a little bit different that 1% is when we see what we've never seen do what we've never done it's uncovering our best in those moments we feel our worst climbing the highest when we're at our lowest when the water rises it's finding a way to swim see the majority of Life calls for tiny adjustment it's observing and learning and moving on but rarely do we talk about the darkest moments when we feel as though we are up to our neck in the trials and tribulations of life life when the world doesn't relay messages of Hope or Prosperity no the only incoming message is despair you're essentially David looking up at Goliath perhaps a Goliath of your making perhaps not but a Goliath nonetheless so why here why are these dark moments different than the 99% why is a stage provided at the very time when the Limelight feels further Out Of Reach than it ever has because this this moment is when you prove to yourself who you are you think you've dug deep in the past you think you've given your all back then no you have no idea what you're capable of the world provides a stage in our darkest moments so that you can pull back the curtains and illuminate your strength it floods your world with adversity so that you can trust yourself to navigate the waters and if you can find a way here when the walls are closing clock is ticking and water is rising what can't you do have you ever asked yourself that question those moments show us what we can be and that is why the 1% is everything why is it that Rock Bottom becomes a bridge to so many new tomorrows or the losses we dread most become the change we need most the answer is simple because in those moments we find within ourselves the keys to [Music] transformation see you didn't know that you can leap that far and you didn't know because you've never been pushed so close to the edge running at so fast a speed but in those moments you learn that you can take flight you learn you have the power to stand again so while the vast majority of life is saying yes when most would say no it's how we choose to act while immersed in our lowest Lowes that provides the framework and the opportunity I believe that the tears and indicative of Despair streaming down your face look a lot like the tears that emerge during our happiest moments they are the same one just precedes the other see despair gives you a chance to look at life differently look at yourself differently to look in the mirror and understand that the reflection looking back is capable of leading a revolution in your soul and I get how hard that is how detached from reality it might seem but isn't that what tomorrow is a Detachment from the reality the parameters and the rules of today it's not until that seed is buried beneath the Earth that it plants roots that it takes aim at the sky and when you are stuck beneath the chaos of life you have to know that this is where you too transform so forget yesterday's Shoreline this is where you build tomorrow's destination don't fixate on what is gone when you can dream of all that is to come and don't dwell on who you were when you can celebrate all you will be when the water rises [Music] swim [Music] sometimes it's what we don't say that Echoes the the loudest what we don't do that has the greatest consequences where we don't go but ultimately gets us lost I remember as a teenager applying to college I was working on the admissions essay was brainstorming with my grandmother um talking over possible topics and approaches and she read me this quote that sometimes a Ed to Mark Twain uh but that's beside the point the quote States 20 years from now you'll be more disappointed by the things you didn't do than by the ones you did do so throw off the bow lines sail away from the Safe Harbor catch the trade winds in your sales explore dream discover I thought this was the perfect bridge to the next chapter in my life the latest Horizon the newest Adventure I thought it was incredible and it was it was exactly what I needed and so onto that next adventure I went but here's the thing as life unfolded this equation somehow transformed from exploration and dreaming and Discovery into the question well what am I supposed to do somehow without my paying attention life turned into a checklist a question I couldn't get wrong a test I needed to make sure I didn't fail it's amazing how quickly we forget the infinite breath of life because we're focusing on the dotted line before us the one we're supposed to walk sometimes we're so fixated on what the expectation is that we don't ask ourselves where these expectations are coming from who is so significant and wise that they know what's best for you to a greater extent than you do see how that's an important question and also one you can lose in your periphery as You Follow That dotted line before you when you have a destination in mind hopes dreams Ambitions well that's an adventure when someone else has a destination in mind for you whether this Authority is imaginary or not that's obedience and sometimes the greatest disservice we can do to ourselves is to not stop and think to not stop and ask ourselves where we're going and why do you remember when you were a child and you got into trouble right sometimes you'd get sent to your room and for me this was Agony when it was punishment I wanted to be anywhere but confined within those walls I hated being sent to my room and then finally the door would open my parents would say Eddie you can come out now I'd go outside play basketball for a little bit and then often times I'd find myself right back in my room Happ be you know playing with my toys whatever I was doing not a care in the world and it's like what changed nothing but the context same me same room same toys same whatever I was doing it was however no longer a punishment and I think this realization is worth exploring we may not realize we may not even be able to articulate but I think we long for control over Our Lives we long to walk our own path and in this situation the path led me right back to where I was sometimes though the path leads us in the opposite direction far away to Distant Worlds the end destination is not as important as the fact that we chose it that we asked ourselves why and that we believe in the answer and immerse ourselves in its execution so when Mark Twain talks about the things that we don't do holding more weight in our hearts it's because those things we tend to skip over are often the very things that breathe life into our souls we'll go to school to get good grades to get a 9 to-5 to get a promotion to get a mortgage on a home but the audacity to open that photography studio the nerve to think you could rent a van and travel the country the delusion to think you could start that routine that will get you in the physical shape you've always dreamed of see we're lucky and fortunate to have the things that we have the quality of life we lead now far exceeds those that came before us life is convenient incredibly convenient but what is convenience if it comes at the expense of purpose of meaning in life because that's what steers the ship a crisis of meaning ultimately mitigates everything else there is no exploration without meaning and without exploration tomorrow becomes a repetition of today not an evolution of today and what's incredible truly incredible is that our purpose can be rediscovered our path paths redefined how by having a long conversation with you guessed it yourself by putting the phone in another room by disconnecting the Wi-Fi and spending time with you something along the lines of dear self what matters to me in this world where am I going right now is where I'm going right now aligned with what matters to me in this world and sometimes the answer is yes sometimes no great but what we have now is a foundation to work off of an awareness that should be celebrated that you created it's so easy to walk through life and never have that conversation it's so easy to sleepwalk to the tune of someone else's song the beat of other people's drums but when you open your eyes you see the correlation between your thoughts and your actions your actions and your reality you realize that when you wake up that tendency to ask yourself what you have to do today to reflect on your problems those questions you assumed were normal that you never gave much thought to well now you'll see you can dismantle that notion now you'll see that if you can ask yourself what you have have to do you can just as easily ask yourself what you want to do what you get to do what life is inviting you to do if you can reflect on your problems you are just as capable of reflecting on the opportunity at your fingertips if you can spend time dwelling on whether you're walking the obligatory dotted line that's been laid out in front of you you're just as capable of redrawing that line and allowing it to pull you into a new dimension listen again 20 years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn't do than by the ones you did do so throw off the bow lines sail away from the Safe Harbor catch the trade winds in your sales explore dream discover explore but for you wander down those paths that have for so long pequ your curiosity try things you once felt like other people were entitled to but you'd never given yourself permission be that for yourself because no one will come up to you and randomly give you that green light dream because without building your Castles in the Air as thorough calls them you live your entire life on the ground you'll never hit targets that you don't create and sure there'll be a time that only you see the destination great that's life but with each step forward as it becomes more real for you it will make sense to others as well trust each step like it is in and of itself a miracle and you'll find in time that that's exactly what each step was and lastly discover discover who you are what you're capable of becoming as Emerson said to be yourself in a world that is constantly trying to make you something else is the greatest accomplishment to forge your own path build your own life stay true to your own heart is courage so sail away because you have the ability because you are strong enough and because the story you're about to write doesn't continue on until you turn the page on today's [Music] chapter there's a quote from George Elliot that stated it's never too late to be what you might have been and see that ability to separate the stories of yesterday from the stories of right now will always be what determine your tomorrow I'm still searching for the best way to really articulate this message to emphasize just how precious this moment right now could be if only we decided to make it so if only we recognize the power in choosing to begin again now I understand the power of habits how they Define Us and how practically speaking change isn't as easy as saying you're going to be something and then just becoming that thing no you have to build habits your actions they become your life and there are plenty of resources on habit building James Clear being one of my favorites and someone I point to often one of his best quotes he says the task of building a good habit is like cultivating a delicate flower one day at a time right meaning little actions over time create big results but before any of that before any steps before any habits before any action we have to know that once a page is turned it's gone it becomes data to guide your next decision and that's all it's understanding that yesterday is not you only a resource for you to look back on as you reflect on what worked and what didn't what you loved and what you didn't love where you went and why it mattered but you're not yesterday's losses or mistakes or tragedies just like today's weather is ultimately independent from yesterday's sure they may follow the same pattern same rules same guidelines and that's great that's how we get the data that allows us to look back and calculate what's best for us but ultimately today is a new day a day with the potential IAL the capability of becoming something extraordinarily beautiful and we may think okay right I get it sure I can become something new all right let's go the question is do you really believe it do you really understand how malleable you are how you can bend and fold and shape yourself into something new because a second you get that quick blast of motivation right that tiny bit of courage and dip your toe in the water what happens life says not so fast your mind presses play on a giant projector showing the film of who you used to be right not who you want to be social media displays a seemingly perfect collage of everyone around you pretending to live Problem free lives and prompting you to think oh this must mean I'm doing something wrong right TV news media politicians tell you that life is too hard you're too oppressed to find your way out of it of course not without their help so why try one might think friends may disappear or Worse criticize the fact that you've changed as if that wasn't the point of life in its entirety and my message is this yes change comes from Habits and yes habits are small daily decisions but also creating that mental space to welcome in those new habits to understand you're worthy of more to understand right now is a beginning that is both the greatest Challenge and greatest accomplishment giving yourself permission amidst an endless array of adversaries that's what makes or breaks you not how close you keep your running shoes to the door so that you see them and it triggers those am workout sessions no that stuff's important but does it matter if you don't see yourself is someone who's going to use those shoes as a tool to change into something new to put them on when you don't want to when you feel tired when you're busy who are you going to choose to be and can you hold on to that idea see I obviously enjoy motivation right I consume a video or an audio almost every morning I feel like it gets me in the right head space and then I get on with my work right and for the most part it does a great job of communicating to us what we need for that moment it's like believe in yourself work hard don't you dare give up amen but where it sometimes drops the ball in my opinion is the why why believe believe in myself why work hard why not give up and the answer is because we are these incredibly gifted beings with the ability to change and adapt and grow but are confronted with the world that wants to tell you no change is immediately met with resistance as if it prefers life at rest it begs for stagnation and you even thinking that you can rearrange the order of things shakes life at its foundation and when we feel that there's a default uncertainty a mini panic how can something be right when it just feels like every move forward is a right hook to the face like we're constantly pushing into the headwind I'll never forget it was almost 2 years into my journey as a speech writer a YouTuber a content creator right 2 years since I left my job and I felt guilty taking an afternoon jog it felt like a luxury I wasn't entitled to something that minimal it took time for me to stop thinking about that and enjoy it that's how crazy it was something so tin tiny and insignificant now imagine the weight of the big things with change the hard thing is the right thing that's a that's a tough idea to to to put our hands around to hold to embrace what we least want to do is so often what we need but as Campbell says the cave We Fear holds the treasure we seek as Peterson says the dragon protects the gold Jim ran the winters of Life give way to the springs and the Summers n said there's no beautiful surface without a terrible depth to become who we might be hurts and I'm not sure why it has to be this way perhaps a test to weed out those who don't really want it or maybe it's what we learn when we leave the pieces of ourselves we no longer want behind or maybe it's because because without that fight without that suffering Evolution just wouldn't mean as much but the climb it creates the view regardless the reason I hope the point comes through when it comes through loud and clear and not just now as your alarm clock goes off and you're looking for that extra push to get up but tomorrow in the morning after that when things become a little bit harder and the Finish Line feels a little less less real a little less visible the person you hope to become is as real as the present moment it's as real when you're excited and motivated as it is when you're discouraged and down but look around you and understand that as counterintuitive as crazy as frustrating as it might be the discomfort and uncertainty does not mean you are lost or you've wandered too far it means you're right where you need to be it's the little price to be paid every day for Monumental change so as you look out your front door know that more does exist know that it will demand more of you than you've ever given and know that you are capable of not only meeting but exceeding those demands and that it will be the most rewarding incredible meaningful Journey of your [Music] [Music] life
Channel: Eddie Pinero
Views: 30,482
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: live inspired, motivation, your world within, Eddie Pinero, inspiration, running motivation, motivational speech, motivational video, best motivational speech, best speeches, motivational speech for success in life, powerful speeches, best motivational speeches 2024, listen every day, listen when you wake up, motivational speeches for success, best motivation, morning motivational speeches
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 34min 48sec (2088 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 22 2024
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