How To Reduce Diastolic Blood Pressure (Fast and Naturally)

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hey that my friend welcome to today's video my name is dr. Anthony Balducci I'm the founder at the fit father project and the fit mother project in today's video we're gonna cover how to lower your diastolic blood pressure naturally quickly with some research proven tips but today we're gonna actually give you some exact advice on the stuff to eat what to do with your alcohol intake how to sleep better to lower your diastolic pressure and some proven research supplements that actually do work I know you're gonna learn a ton so get a your pen and paper take some notes and let's dive on in [Music] alright so let's get in today's video on how to lower your diastolic blood pressure quickly safely and naturally and before we get into the research proven tips a half of you in today's video I first wanted to find what diastolic blood pressure is and why that's different from systolic blood pressure because you've been to a doctor's office before you've gotten your blood pressure reading and you got a top number which is your systolic over a bottom number which is your diastolic so essentially how the heart works is your heart is a pump and when it contracts it shoots blood throughout all your arteries to give oxygen and nutrients to all your vital tissues so your systolic that top number is the peak pressure that's recorded as your hearts contracting and any jex that blood out what is the biggest pressure in those key arteries and when your heart relaxes in refills and blood what is the resting pressure that's the diastolic blood pressure so when your heart is between beats and it's filling with blood and it's relaxed the pressure that's recorded at that moment is your diastolic so if you have a high diastolic blood pressure what essentially that means is there's high pressure in those arteries all the time between heart beats and the reason that's a problem is because we don't want constant high pressure running through those arteries imagine that you had a hose that's like your key arteries and if you constantly through lots of water through there it's eventually going to wear and tear and damage and cause inflammation to those key arteries so what we do want is a diastolic blood pressure reading below 80 and so 120 over 80 is that gold standard blood pressure 120 systolic 80 diastolic when that diastolic number gets above 90 that's when we stay you add diastolic hypertension which is high blood pressure and things only get worse as that number creeps up so we want both a healthy dalek and healthy diastolic and the things we're gonna cover in this video are gonna lower your die stock we'll also help with a systolic number as well so let's get into the tips the first place we need to start when anyone comes to us and they're like I want to improve my blood pressure dr. a is we need to clean up your nutrition eating processed foods high in sodium that are high in trans fats and bad fats is one of the fastest ways to actually increase your diastolic blood pressure so naturally when we clean up nutrition and we unprocess healthy foods we can lower that diastolic pressure and very quickly in fact and so a quick example that we like to teach her the fit father project the family project is the idea of building perfect plates when you eat throughout the day your plates of food should look something like this half of your plate should be filled with some kind of veggie you love preferably green a lot of these green veggies are research proven to help lower your blood pressure and then also a quarter of your plate should be filled with some kind of protein you love higher protein intakes also help lower diastolic blood pressure and then the final quarter can be carbs or healthy fats healthy carbs are healthy fats I'm not saying have soda or sugar or stuff like that but there's a little bit of a quinoa some brown rice some sweet potatoes you can still enjoy some healthy non processed carbs and lower your diastolic blood pressure and the reason we like to talk about perfect plates as opposed to how many proteins calories and fats you need is because it makes it a lot more simple and the idea here is eat healthy foods that don't come in boxes or cans and aren't super process and have good portion guidelines where you're eating proteins veggies and some non processed carbs and healthy fats and we have full resources here at the fit file abroad you can fit another project when you scroll below in the description we a full meal plan will send straight your email we were a fit father meal plan and our fit mother meal plan all those are linked below in the description so if you want access and some better tips and some deeper dive stuff on nutrition that is there for you but we want to go through this video because there's some other important tips so we're going to cover number two is a lot of people believe when they need to lower their blood pressure they need to go do a lot of vigorous exercise and that's simply not the case one of the best things you can do to lower your diastolic blood pressure is to do a 30 minute walk every single day in fact the matter is so many of us are just not active enough and our bodies are actually built to move and we're sitting on our butts all day that can actually increase our blood pressure and so one thing we want to do is get a thirty minute walk ideally in the morning or after one of your big meals and it's going to get your circulation system pumping notice this is not vigorous exercise 30 minute walking is enough to lower your blood pressure reliably and this is research proven and as a bonus and you can also accumulate 90 minutes of more vigorous exercise throughout the week it lowers your blood pressure even further but I want to bring up this 30 minute daily walk thing because a lot of people feel like oh man I really really don't feel like exercising I don't have the time a simple relaxing walk with your family whether it's walking your dog in the morning walking your spouse after dinner it can really really help improve your blood pressure readings especially when paired with the better nutrition guidelines third thing here is alcohol intake we want to get that lower than three drinks per week ideally if you're very serious about your blood pressure getting it down to zero or one drinks will be beneficial the alcohol industry has done a lot of good marketing to you know convince us the alcohol is a heart-healthy food and certainly at low intakes of alcohol you know it's not necessarily gonna be super damaging to your health but I think there's benefits of even getting it rid of it altogether we do know the alcohol negatively impacts your sleep which can increase your blood pressure if you're not sleeping well we're gonna talk about that in just a second and additionally you've seen you know people who are chronic alcoholics who have that red flushed hypertension kind of face because lots of alcohol continuously does raise our blood pressure that's something to consider so I don't care if it's you know a low sugar wine or if it's a bunch of beer cut down your alcohol intake will reliably improve your blood pressure the fourth thing is smoking if you're currently a smoker this is probably the most reliable way to increase your blood pressure both systolic and diastolic so if you did one if you're smoking and the one thing you do on this list is work on reducing that if not eliminating that completely that will probably make the biggest bang for your buck along the nutrition to your blood pressure so just know that if someone your family is smoking that's one of the worst things you can do for your heart we know the research is pretty clear at this point number five more quality sleep if you want to raise your blood pressure get yourself stressed out and don't sleep enough because when we lack sleep and we're not getting quality sleep our hormone cortisol which is one of our body's main stress hormone goes up I want to cortisols meaning jobs in addition to releasing blood sugar into our bloodstream is to increase blood pressure so naturally your diastolic blood pressure goes up because your body's in this tense fight-or-flight state so if you are not getting seven hours of quality sleep then your blood pressure is artificially elevated and this effect can happen as soon as one day after bad sleep let alone continuous weeks months if not years of poor sleep sleep is one of the keys to your blood pressure and that's why I think it's essential that we talk about this in this video and we have links below in the description on deep dive guides on how to sleep better and wake up refreshed how to get your circadian rhythm synced up and how to actually feel energetic in the morning without coffee there are strategies of this I want to keep this on the big picture here for the purpose of this video the next thing is to lose some weight and this is really great all the stuff we talked about number one through five all is helpful for losing weight and the cool thing is that if you lose 20 pounds what the research shows is that can reliably reduce your diastolic blood pressure by anywhere from 10 to 20 points and the points is millimeters of mercury is what we measure that in sir you lose 20 pounds you could be 10 to 20 drops on your diastolic blood pressure that could get you back into healthy normal range just by losing 20 pounds and guess how you lose 20 pounds you get your nutrition on point by eating you know non-processed foods higher in protein higher in veggies you walk for 30 minutes a day and you get better quality sleeping you don't drink too much alcohol that is the recipe for losing weight so numbers 1 through 4 essentially is getting us to this weight loss but focusing on losing weight is going to lower your blood pressure in fact we have program members on both the fit father project program and the fit mother project program that have lost 50 to 100 pounds and completely got off their blood pressure medications just by losing the weight alone by doing these things and these in even changes as low as 20 pounds I want to say here can get that blood pressure down and the final thing I want to talk about is there are some natural supplements that work a lot of people believe that they have to go on prescription medications when their blood pressure is high and that's like almost like a band-aid fix it's very easy for your doctor to give you some kind of blood pressure lowering drug because hey it's a lot harder to coach you on the things like nutrition and sleep so let's just give you that drug and that's going to get you to keep your blood pressure under control but it's really being math by the fact that these lifestyle things are not dialed in so this is why I want to bring up number seven there are some natural things that we can add into your diet that actually will help and the first one is some cacao this is dark chocolate powder this is the dark chocolate without the sugar this actually has some polyphenols that helps open up those arteries and reliably lowers blood pressure as much as ten to twenty millimeters mercury also we have hibiscus tea this is that red tea it's absolutely amazing it's probably the best research proven tea for actually lowering blood pressure so something you can do if you do have high dis diastolic blood pressure you just get some organic hibiscus tea brew it in the morning drink it throughout the day I recommend if you do you drink it with a straw hibiscus tea is a little acidic and you don't want that necessarily sitting on your teeth all day but seriously one of the most powerful natural things to actually lower your blood pressure third thing is some whey protein whey protein is not just a muscle building supplement or a meal replacement it can help lower your blood pressure that's what the research actually shows and a good thing to do is instead of the normal breakfast that you might be having there might be unhealthy foods make yourself a protein shake you know get the protein throw some almond milk in there throw some greens in there throw some cacao powder we have shakes that we include in our fit father and fit my other project programs that thousands of our program members use and guess what they have whey protein cacao and some of these things in there so every morning they're getting the things that are naturally lower in their blood pressure and they're avoiding having the sugars and the processed carbs and a lot of the crappy stuff so many of us can get in the trap of them eating for breakfast so that's why I love very protein particularly in the morning as a nice shake in breakfast replacement also fish oil you've probably heard this is incredibly hard healthy it is and it does lower blood pressure and improve your cholesterol levels and there's links below in the description with the article associate of this video on the proper dosing and some good brands a trust you don't want to just buy any good old any fish oil off of that's not tested fish oil can spoil these precious fats are really sensitive to heat so you want to make sure you're buying from a reputable company that knows how to keep their fish oil stable because believe it or not if you're taking the wrong fish oil where those fish oils have gotten rancid from heat it can actually be worse for your body than if you didn't take fish oil at all so quality doesn't matter when it comes to fish oil supplements our links in the description below with the article associated this video where we talk about some of the best brands that are actually tested and they're safe next thing is magnesium magnesium is one of the best minerals for relaxing your body fighting stress and actually opening up those arteries what magnesium is is a smooth muscle relaxer what that means is it relaxes those arteries opens them up and lowers your blood pressure if you've heard of people taking those relaxing Act Epsom salt baths those are magnesium salts turns out you can also take magnesium orally particularly at night it'll help you sleep better get you better quality sleep which will lower your blood pressure and also generally you get an effective lowering blood pressure effort for taking it orally there's links below in the article associated this video to the recommended products and the final supplement is one that not a lot of people know about incredibly effective is aged garlic extract garlic extract and garlic in general is a very very heart-healthy food it reliably lowers cholesterol raises good cholesterol the HDL lowers the LDL cholesterol the quote unquote bad cholesterol and it actually lowers your blood pressure so this would be a basic supplement starter stack what I would personally do to kind of put this all together is one I'd make sure I download our free one-day weight loss meal plan for fit fathers or if it mother's so I got my nutrition check - I would get up in the morning I would rehydrate out Brousseau my hibiscus tea and go for a 30-minute walk three I would make sure that my alcohol intake is really just only on one day on the weekend Friday or Saturday if at all and I would make sure that I cut down if not completely eliminated my smoking I'm talking big picture general here five I would make sure that I'm getting quality sleep I would take magnesium right before bed to help improve my sleep and I would also take with dinner meal I would probably take my fish oil my aged garlic aged garlic extract and in the morning when I wake up I'd get my whey protein shake wicked cow so I hope you're starting to see that we can really build these principles into a practical routine that will really work for you and a lot of stuff I just covered quickly I miss stuff that we actually give you in our exact battle plans inside our fit follow 30 X program and our fit mother for the X program we can tell you more about that when you download one of our free meal plans and free workouts and stuff like that all that's linked in the description point is you can get your blood pressure back on track and you can do it naturally and you you can get off prescription medications like the 10,000 men we've helped with our programs but you got to actually put the stuff into practice with simple and sustainable habits that work for you but once you have these things in place you can see real results so hope you found this valuable my friend if you did give us a thumbs up subscribe to our Channel we literally have hundreds of videos across the fit father and fit my other project channels on stuff like how to improve your heart health and lower blood pressure the best workouts to boost your metabolism when you're in your 40s 50s and 60s how to get your family healthy the best form guys for exercise all that's covered in the channel you subscribe you're getting instant access to all those videos and you get notified when we publish new videos around one per week on both channels and drop us down below let us know if you found this valuable we love hearing from you and talking to you as a part of our amazing YouTube community thanks for being my friend again my name is dr. Anthony Balducci those resources are below and we can help you get your blood pressure on check I'll talk to you very soon
Channel: The Fit Mother Project - Fitness For Busy Moms
Views: 274,554
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: how to reduce diastolic blood pressure, suffering from high blood pressure, lowering blood pressure without medicine, lowering blood pressure fast, top blood pressure number, bottom blood pressure number, Diastolic Blood Pressure
Id: K07_mZVQW4k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 12sec (852 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 30 2019
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