Ignite your Glutes for buns of steel

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weak glutes can cause many problems including low back pain so this workout will Target these underused muscles to get Rock Solid Buns of Steel hi everyone and welcome to exercise for health I'm Richard and today I have a workout to fire up your glutes and strengthen them if you're new to this channel we offer tips advice and exercises to help you manage your health condition with physical activity so go ahead and tap the Subscribe button below and the bell icon if you want to be notified of when we upload a new video so last week I provided signs and symptoms for weak glutes these are the muscles around your buttocks that extend the hip abduct the hip rotate the hip as well as provide stability to the pelvis in this workout we will perform exercises without the need for any additional equipment that Target this muscle group and even the warm-up exercises will be activating them there are eight exercises including four in a standing position and four on the floor so have a comfortable mat ready if you think you'll need one this won't be cardiovascular in nature however it will be a butt burner so expect some muscle soreness a day or two after you've come completed this okay let's get started right let's do a quick warm-up for the glutes then before we go into the main exercises let's start with a walk on the spot just to get the body moving get the hips moving a bit okay what we're going to do is go into a side step so from there I just want to take a step to the left step to the right so we're not actually bringing the feet too close together and really focus on driving off the foot to push that foot away from you which is gonna they're really working to the side of the hip so you start to fire up these muscles around the side to really push drive yourself off if you want I can go it can go wider go wider good so the next one we're going to do is turn that side step into more of a hop so you can either just do it so you're not putting the other foot on the floor or you can make it more of a jump in action if you feel that you can so it just creates a little bit of stability for the muscles around the hip as you land on the foot and then drive off again good if that's too much impact you can just do it as a step without putting the other foot on the floor that's not so much of a jump good right the next one is we're going to abduct the hip with a straight leg raise out to the side as we do that we'll do it with the arms as well so legs straight just lift it out to the side not too fast with this one again we're just trying to fire up those muscles around the side of the hip as you raise the leg out to the side depending on your Mobility will depend on how high you can get your leg but you don't need to get it that high if you can get it to about 45 degrees fantastic that should be high enough good and then the next one we're going to do is we're going to do a hip extension so this is where we're keeping the legs straight and we're going to take it back behind you at the same time we're going to raise the arms up to the front so keep your legs straight at the knees you do this one don't allow your body to go forwards because that won't extend the hip so keep the body upright up nice and tall if you want to add a little bit of rotation into the hip you can so turning the toes outwards as the leg goes back behind you and you'll really start to feel that into the gluteus maximus this main muscle around the back of your bottom good okay next one we're going to do is a bit of a dynamic stretch for the glutes so we're going to bring the knee up and across the body so we're introducing a little bit of a stretch to that muscle if you want to you can have your hands there as a guide so think about lifting the knee up towards the opposite shoulder get up as high as you can really drive that knee up good okay we're going to do one more which is similar to this one but this time we're going to rotate the hip so I have your hands down low for this one and we're going to bring the foot up towards the opposite hand so adding in this rotation of the hip again just so you'll feel that around the side of your bottom a little bit good okay right just hand feet by shoulders wide hands on your hips just circle the hips around a little bit just to loosen off those muscles and the other way okay right you should be ready now for the main exercises so let's start with the first one which is reverse lunges so with a reverse lunge what I want you to do is start off with your feet about shoulder width wide imagine you've got your feet on a set of train tracks because as you take one foot back which is the reverse lunge action I want you to make sure you keep it on the same side of the track so you're not going to bring it across the body and have it in line with the other foot so you've got to keep the width of your stance but essentially you're going to take a step back so the back foot's on the ball of the foot allow this front knee to bend and also allow your body to hip hinge a little bit so as I then start to bend and go forwards I'm going to allow my torso just to go forwards but making sure that I'm not actually bending my spine over making sure that I'm bending at the hip so think about trying to get your belly button towards your front knee as you go down and then what we'll do is we'll bring that foot forwards again and we'll do the same side so we're just going to work on 10 on one side slowly and then we'll switch over and we'll do 10 on the other side so get yourself set up feet your shoulder with wide hands you can put wherever you want ready off we go so take a step back as you lunge lean the Torso forward slightly and then push back same side again step back lunge good nice and controlled descent on the way down so we're keeping controls so you should feel the glute muscles fire up on this side on this side that you've got the foot forwards so I've got my left foot forward so I can feel that in the left hip make sure you're keeping that weight through predominantly through the heel of that front foot so you can then make sure you're working that posterior chain working the glute muscles six we've got four more step back lunge just lean that torso forward remember I said about thinking about pushing the belly button towards your thigh as you go down and that will just allow a little bit more hip flexion two more slow and controlled good last one on this side good right should have felt that on that front leg around the bottom let's do the other leg so I'm on my right foot now so I'm going to take my left foot back off we go so take a step back as you lunge hip hinge a little bit pushing the belly button forwards bring the foot back and again step back lunge come forwards and again step back lunge so real slow and controlled because we're only using the body weight we haven't got any additional weights with this one I mean if you've got some you can use them if you want to just hold on to the set of dumbbells or something but we want to try and slow the movement down so we can really start to work harder into this muscle group that's five we're going to do five more so step back remember the hip hinge lean the Torso forwards just a little bit but keep that lower back neutral so don't bend the spine over good three more step back controlled fill the weight through that front heel last two good one more nice and steady you might throw this in your quads a little bit as well good okay brilliant right let's go on to the next one which is the hip hinge okay the next one is the hip hitch this is quite a technical one and the movement's very very small but it isolates the glute medius the muscle right on the outside of the hip on the foot that you're standing on so essentially what you'll do is you might need to use the support for this so I'm going to do this near the wall because we don't want to work on your balance so you can hold on to something for a support but essentially from there I'm going to lift this leg off the floor by getting the pelvis to tilt so I'm lifting this one up which is driving this hip in so I can activate that glute medius muscle we're going to hold for a count of three lower back down and then lift up again so it's quite a small subtle movement but it's just getting that pelvis to tilt and that will isolate this muscle on this side so get yourself set up nearest support like a wall if you need it and then if you're going to do it near the wall just the foot that's on the one that's closest to the wall is the one that you're going to work on so get yourself ready off we go so we're going to hip hinge lift that leg up hold for a count of three and then lower and again lift hold and lower straight away as soon as you lift at the top you'll feel that fire up the muscle deep in that hip and then lower three and again lift hold and lower good lift hold and lower and again squeeze it up really think about trying to push that hip in to lift this side up lower back down again lift hold and lower good and again squeeze It Up Lift lift lift hold it in lower back down three more lift and hold good two more squeeze it up push that hip in fire up that muscle around the side of the hip last one lift and hold and lower right should have felt that one around the side of your hip let's turn around so you can do the same on the other side again if you're using the support so make sure you're nice and steady on that foot and then we're going to lift this side up ready off we go so lift push that hip in on the leg that you're standing on hold for a few seconds lower back down and again lift and hold squeeze it in and down lift hold it there so we're just using that isometric contraction at the top just to really start to fire up that muscle that's four and again lift hold and lower so we're not thinking about trying to lift this leg at this hip this one's just dangling as you drive through that other leg to lift the pelvis up which is what's lifting the leg up so you're not trying to force the leg up by lifting the knee it should a little bit just be from the tilt of the pelvis lower back down let's do three more lift and hold should be feeling that now around the side of your hip on that support leg two more lift and hold lower one more lift up squeeze in and lower okay good right should have found that around the side of the hip next one we're going to do is go on to the curtsy squat right moving on to the curtsy squat then again this is another technical one so you need to make sure you do the technique properly if you start with your feet are shoulder width wide I'm going to start working on my left foot so what I want you to do is then pivot on that left foot so you're turning the pelvis out to the right okay so it's the left leg that we're working what that's done is now externally rotated this hip so it's already started to fire up the muscles around the side of that hip when I've tilted the pelvis round Twisted it I'm then going to take a step straight back from that direction now you might need to use something for a support so I've got the use of the sofa here and then make sure you keep the weight through the heel of this front foot and what's really important is that this knee doesn't come inwards because that's going to put stress on the knee so I want to make sure that we continually excellently rotate this hip which means driving that knee outwards as you then drop down into this courtesy squat position and then push yourself back up to standing okay so you're really going to feel this around this side so set yourself up use the support if you need it make sure the back of this up on the ball of the foot we're going to do 10 and then what we'll do is we'll switch sides so off we go nice and steady as you go down you can lean the Torso forwards a little bit like when we did the reverse lunge push through the heel drive yourself back up and then back down again drive yourself up so straight away you'll feel that around the side of the hip push as three four five six four more seven eight last two nine keep this knee out one more and ten good oh like nearly gave away then right let's switch over and do the same on the right foot so again I'm gonna start off putting the weight on the right foot turn my pelvis to the left slightly and then from there take that left foot straight back making sure that I've got the most of the weight through that front heel this knee goes outwards use the support if you need it keep the body relatively appropriate and lean forwards a little bit on the way down off you go one two keep that knee out three four five good keep forcing that in the outwards six seven make sure the weights through that front heel eight last two nine one more and ten good excellent right we're gonna do one more standing exercise which is the single leg remaining deadlift right moving on to our last standing exercise which is the single leg RDL so what a way to do for this one again because we're on one leg you might want to hold on to something for a support if you think you're going to need it but we're gonna start off the face off on my left leg it's basically a hip hinge so the important bit with this is as you hit pinch allowing the hip to flex allow the other leg to go up behind you but the important bit is to make sure that this lower back stays in a neutral spine position so what we don't want to do is we don't want to get so far and then start to collapse The Spine down so to help that keep the head and the chest up as you're hinging at this hip if you feel this in your hamstrings on the back of the leg too much then just allow this support leg knee just to bend a little bit more so we can then work more into the glute rather than the hamstring but you're probably going to fill this in the hamstring in the quad a little bit as well so get yourself set up near your support if you need it ready off we go so hinge go down as low as you can and then drive that hip up and forwards to bring you back to standing and then go again slow and then drive back up as two keep that knee bent just to take a little bit of pressure off the hamstring three four good remember to keep the head and the chest up so your spine stays neutral that's five five more and then we'll swap sides six seven last three should be feeling that now on the back eight two more nine last one and ten good right let's switch over to the other leg do the same thing again use the support if you need it so up onto that one foot keep a slight Bend in that support leg in the knee and then hip hinge from there keeping the head and the chest up as you go down and then drive the hip forwards squeeze the glutes at the top and then back down again two three good four if you're feeling that more in the hamstring just bend the knee more as you go down five six should be feeling that all the way down the back seven keeping that going nice and steady eight last two nine one more and ten good work okay right we're gonna go down to the floor next so get you to get your mat ready if you think you're gonna need it right now we're down on the floor we're going to start with a glute Bridge so what I want you to do is have your feet about hip distance wide light yourself back down and then you want to try and get the heels of your feet as close as you can to your bottom as well so that would just take a bit of pressure off the hamstrings we're not going to do this as a standard glute bridge where we're just raising the hips up and down what we're going to do is we're going to push through both feet to drive the hips up we're then going to take one foot off the floor and then we're going to use the other leg just to lower down slowly so working through what's known as The Eccentric contraction to really start to help to strengthen up those glutes so we're going to work alternating between the two legs and we're going to do 20 in total so it'd be 10 on each leg so get yourself set up hands you can put on the floor for a bit of support if you need it so keep the feet close to your bottom before you start off we go so let's raise up hips up as high as you can squeeze those glutes lift one foot off the floor just an inch and then slowly lower back down Good Foot back down so both to drive up let's do the opposite side this time for off slowly lower back down two and again both feet to drive up foot off slowly lower down three drive up foot off slowly down four good throw your feet down so drive up with both feet hips up as high as you can really hold the pelvis at the top before you lower down five left hold slowly lower six lift hold ing lower seven eight if you're feeling this more in the hamstrings as soon as you take the foot off the floor think about pushing the foot that's on the floor forwards so that would just like trying to slide it forwards away from you squeeze lift lower okay we're about halfway through I think that's ten I've got a tendency to lose count slowly down eleven both feet to drive up as high as you can hold slowly lower 12 good eight more drive up lift the foot slowly down so we're trying to keep that pelvis stable when you lift the foot up off the floor hold it stable before you begin to lower good drive up foot off slowly down and again drive up both feet up as high as you can as the glutes begin to Tire you might find you can't get your hips up quite as high so really focus on lifting up squeezing those glutes together before you lower down good let's do five more squeeze up foot off slowly down four more drive up foot off lower good squeeze lower and again lift hold slowly down good let's do two more lift hold slow down last one drive up as high as you can squeeze it foot off slowly down good well done right let's go on to the next one which is the abductor routine okay we're going to move on to a mini routine where we're going to line one side and we're going to put a little bit of focus onto the glute muscles right on the side of the hip so we're going to lay yourself down on one side make sure that you've got your hips stacked one on top of the other and then we're going to be working purely on this top leg to start off with so the first one is where we're going to actually do some kicks so we're going to be driving the knee up towards you and then as we push the leg out straight we're also going to think about trying to take it backwards slightly we're going to do that five times then we're going to do five leg raises where we're just keeping the legs straight raising it up and down then we're going to keep it raised and do five circles just purely focusing around the hip circling around one way and then we'll do five circles the other way then we're going to do five Arc movements that's where we're going to again keep the legs straight taking the toes to the front of the leg and then taking the toes to the back so we're going one in front one behind so we're making an arc shape and then we'll finish off with the final set of five kicks before we then swap sides side set yourself up ready make sure you've got your hips Stokes one on top of the other let's start off with the kicks first so we're going to raise the leg up bring the knee in towards you and then push the leg out straight trying to take it back behind you slightly that's one two three four one more five good keep that leg straight and then we're gonna lower it back down and then raise it straight up for five one two three should be feeling that here already four one more five right keep the leg up we're gonna make circles going around in One Direction one two three four five then go the opposite direction One two three four five good now we're gonna make that Arc shape so let the toes drop down in front of you to the floor then we're going to take it up and back behind you toes drop down behind and then back to the front so that's one behind then in front that's two behind front three make sure your hips stays stable that's four one more foreign right it should be burning by now last lot of five kicks so bring that knee in and then push it out really squeeze one two three four last one and five good okay should have felt that on the top of the hip right let's switch over onto the opposite side so we do the opposite leg same sort of routine again so make sure you've got your hips stacked one on top of the other okay let's start off with the kicks so raise the leg up and then bring that knee in towards you and then drive it back out one two three four five now we're going into the leg raise so keep the legs straight lift it straight up and down one don't bring it too far in front of you two so trying to keep the leg back three four five hold up Circle and run one way one two three four five opposite way one two three four five good making that Arc shape now so drop the toes down in front and then take the toes behind the opposite leg so behind and then in front one two three four should be burning now here five okay last slot with the five kicks so bring that knee in drive the leg out one two three should be burning four last one and five and relax oh I hope you felt that one like I did right we're going to go on to all fours now for the next one okay for the next one we're going to do a hip extension but we're going to be on all fours to start off with so make sure your hands are directly underneath your shoulders and your knees are directly underneath the hips and then to start off with with one leg you're just going to straighten that leg out behind you so you've got the toes on the floor and the movement is to extend the hip by trying to lift that leg straight up towards the ceiling and if you can you can put a little bit of excess on a rotation into the hip joint which basically means my toes will start to turn outwards slightly what you've got to be careful of though is to make sure that your lower back doesn't Arch so what you don't want to try and do is raise it up so high that you end up then having this arch in your lower part of your back so pull your tummy in nice and tight just to try and limit any pelvic movement so set yourself up ready on all fours start off with your one leg out straight behind you so the toes are on the floor and then when we lift at the top we're going to hold it for a few seconds before we lower so lift that leg up rotate outwards slightly keep control lower back down and again lift straight back up make sure the pelvis stays still hold it for a couple of seconds and down and again lift hold and lower good lift hold make sure you're keeping that lower back stable and again squeeze that glute and down five more lift really feel that work into the glutes around the bottom down four more lift and hold keep pulling the tummy in so you're not get generating any pelvic movement three more hold and down last two good one more on this side squeeze that glute and down right good bring that knee back in let's do the same on the opposite side so straighten out the leg first of all make sure everything's Square and then from there we're going to lift straight up so lift rotate outwards a little bit if you can pull the tummy in tight so you're limiting the movement of the pelvis and then down and again lift rotate squeeze that glute and down lift hold and lower good lift hold brilliant that's four again squeeze at the top last five make sure you're keeping everything else on the body still just getting that extension of the hip as you raise up squeeze four more left hold last three good two more hold it at the top for a few seconds last one should be feeling that right in the back of your bottom now and down good bring that knee in and relax and we're going to lie down on your back for the last one okay the last exercise then is going to be a frog Bridge so this is a slight variation of the glute Bridge we did earlier so you're going to be led down on your back your feet are going to be closer together this time rather being a hip distance wide and you're going to let the knees just drop out to the side so we're going to do a similar sort of movement to the bridge where we're lifting the actual hips up off the floor but for the 10 reps that we're going to do we're going to add some pulses in at the top and we're going to increase or add one on on each repetition so essentially what happened is your tilt the pelvis backwards flatten the lower back into the floor lift your hips up as high as you can lower back down and then on the next one we'll go up drop a little bit and then try and do another squeeze so we'll do a secondary squeeze and then down and then on the third rep we'll do three squeezes at the top so get yourself ready feet quite close together let the knees drop out to the side hands on the floor so tilt your pelvis backwards trying to flatten the lower back into the floor lift the hips up as high as you can squeeze and then down good next one we're going to do it for two so lift squeeze the top lower a bit squeeze again and then back down okay now for three so lift second pulse two squeeze third one squeeze then back down now we're going up for four lift two three four good and then back down now for five so lift pulse at the top two three four five good keep the knees out to the side there's time for six lift two three four five six should be starting to feel that in your glutes now and again this time for seven so lift squeeze two three only lowering a little bit four every post just a couple of inches five six seven and down go this time for eight so pelvic tilt back lift two three four five six seven eight good lower back down just got two more reps to do so this one for nine so lift the tailbone up and then squeeze up one two three four five six seven eight nine good last one for ten here we go pelvic tilt back flatten that back out and then lift the hips up keep the knees out one two push the knees outwards three four as you push the hips up five six seven eight nine last one ten good and relax okay that finishes off your exercises let's do a few stretches just to cool down right let's do a couple of relaxed stretches just to finish off just to stretch out those muscles around your hip so to start off with I want you to light yourself down on your back and then I want you to bring one foot up and across onto the opposite knee so we're creating like this triangle shape between your legs there should be a gap now triangular Gap I want you to put your hand through so you can grab hold of the leg that's currently on the floor and then just think about trying to pull that leg towards you so that's going to start to pull this foot towards you towards your face and then that should generate a little bit of a stretch here around the side of the hip so just gently put it in when you feel the stretch hold it there relax your breathing if the stretch begins to dissipate a little bit then you can try and just pull it in just a little bit more good okay release that one let's switch over so opposite foot across onto the knee where you've got that triangular Gap place your hand through grab hold of the other leg and start to bring it up towards you to get the stretch around the side of the hip if you're more flexible which probably most of you are than I am you probably had to get this leg to go further back so again relax while you're in that position focus on your breathing just to feel that stretch around the side of the hip good okay and release right and the last stretch we're going to do is we're going to go over onto your front so this is where we want one need to go up underneath you like this so the foot of this leg is going to be kind of like underneath the hip place your hands on the floor and what I want to think about is imagine you're trying to move your body across if I've got I've got my left knee underneath me so I'm going to try and move my hips across to the left so the idea is I'm just keeping my hips Square I want to try and keep this hip from falling backwards that way I want to try and drive that right hip down to the floor to get more of a stretch on the left side of the hip but just move yourself across and if you want to increase it you can take the elbows down to the floor but keep this hip pushed down towards the floor towards that foot and as that rotates the hip slightly you should feel a nice deep stretch for now around the outside of that hip so keep your hips Square to the floor if anything you're trying to move your turn your pelvis in towards that leg that's on the floor in towards the knee and in towards the thigh should breathe in as you hold the stretch again if it begins to dissipate a little bit and you want to move deeper into the stretch you can do that foreign let's switch over so bring the leg up nice and tight up underneath you so the foot of this leg is underneath the opposite hip remember to keep the pelvis Square we're going to shift across towards that side drop the elbows down if you want to just until you can feel that stretch so keep twisting in towards that leg that's on the floor Move Yourself further across if you feel that you can good okay slowly bring yourself out of the stretch okay hopefully that will alleviate some of the pain that you might get over the next few days so the good thing is you might want to do some of those stretches as well over the next few days if you feel a little bit tight but well done you're all finished I hope you can still stand after that workout if you enjoyed it be sure to give it a like by clicking the Thumbs Up Button below thank you so much for watching and remember to stay active keep moving and I'll see you next week thank you for watching if you enjoyed this video today please give it a thumbs up you can also click here to subscribe to this Channel or click here to watch a recent video see you soon
Channel: Exercise For Health
Views: 5,184
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Exercise For Health, Glute workout, Weak Glutes, Glute Strength, Posterior chain exercises, Butt burner, Gluteal muscle exercises, Hip strength
Id: cpC8uApuvD8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 37min 47sec (2267 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 17 2023
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