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hi everyone and welcome back to my YouTube channel oh my goodness it feels so so weird to sit down here and film a video it's been such a long time since I have um but I've had a baby she's not here currently because she is napping um but when she wakes up I will bring her into the video so you guys can meet her um but I want to sit down while I have a spare 20 minutes or so while she is asleep to tell you about my birth story um because I've had quite a lot of people asking if I'm going to share and I really want to share because I had a really positive experience I think it's so important that those um like positive birth stories are out there for people because I know it is so so scary going into um birth or like the kind of weeks leading up to it right so I'm talking a little bit quietly as well because she's just in the Next Room sleeping um but let's begin I've written it down because I feel like if I don't write it down I'll miss things out and stuff like that I just think it's easier if I write it down I mean it's quite long so yeah right so first of all I went to 41 weeks pregnant and then I was actually induced so I had heard all the horror stories about being induced and I really didn't want an induction I've had a couple friends that have had inductions and not had the best um sort of stories with it um and yeah I was just a little bit like reluctant to be introduced however I had reduced movement so the consultant recommended that I was induced at 41 weeks so anyway I decided to go obviously it is at the end of the day your decision but I decided to go with what the consultant thought um because yeah the reduced movements were worrying and stuff like that so I just decided to go with that so yes I went in for my induction so the induction was scheduled for 10 in the morning so I went in and it's so weird like knowing your being induced because that you go into the hospital knowing that this is it like you go to bed that night and then the next day you're going to be induced in that morning like I was saying bye to Rafi and getting really emotional and me and Sam did like one last walk with Raph and it's just so weird that no that I guess it's kind of the same as a plan C-section but you know your life is going to change forever like at a particular time of day so it's very strange but anyway I went in for the induction at 10 I had the gel put in me at 11. um and I was very much prepared for it to take like a few days because I've had friends that have had inductions and it's taken quite a long time and I thought right I'm gonna be here for like three days so I was fully prepared sorry this chair is really squeaky um so yeah I was fully prepared to be there for a long time anyway so I had the gel put in at 11. so before I had the gel put in me I did have an examination and I was only just one centimeter dilated oh also I should note that I had three sweeps before this um just because the Midwife offered me them and I just thought yeah why not so I had three sweeps before um the induction and yeah they didn't really do anything for me but yeah it was only just one sentence dilated so I saw that as a sign of probably thinking things are going to take quite a long time and I think the Midwife kind of thought that too so yeah I had the gel at 11. by 12 I was starting to have really intense what I would describe as period pains like real like low down pain in my back um low down like in my pelvis um yeah just real like intense period pains basically but in my head I was like surely nothing like this isn't happening already like I was fully expecting to have to have a few lots of the gel and maybe even like the drip and things like that so I was like there's there's no way this this can be happening like it must be in my head so me and Sam went for a walk around the hospital and like my mom actually came and met us and brought me a hot water bottle because I was um really cramping and I was like I think I just need a bit of like horse bottle on my tummy and stuff like that so yeah we just went for like a walk around the house um Hotel the hospital so by around 2PM sorry I'm just reading this just to make sure I've like got this right around 2PM the contractions were getting really really painful um I was really struggling with them they were around a minute long and there was only about four to five minutes in between so at that point I was like okay these must be contractions then because there very consistent they're very regular and they're really really painful I was really struggling like every single time one came I just had to like close my eyes and like really try and focus um to try and get through it so at that point the Midwife offered me paracetamol and codeine so I took the paracetamol and code in about half three ish the contractions were like ramping up and I was in a lot of pain at this point I'm still just on the induction Ward so a ward with like a load of beds in it luckily there was nobody else in that award though um yeah I'm not in the delivery Suite or anything like that at this point yeah around 3 30 they were coming really intense and fast like I wasn't having a gap in between them you know before I was having that like four or five minute Gap I wasn't getting a gap at all so it would like intense contraction Peak and then come down and then intense contraction Peak and then come down again so yeah it was really really knackering for a start and just very very painful so um at 4 30 I said like I think I'm like you know really quite far along here like can you examine me because I'm in so much pain and they're coming so thick and fast so they examined me then and I was two centimeters and honestly I was to say I was disappointed I was so gutted because I was in a lot of pain and I was like if I'm in this much pain now at two centimeters then I don't know how I'm going to do this um the Midwife obviously was like look don't you know don't be upset with that like that's great progress so you're moving in the right direction etc etc but obviously it's quite hard to hear that you've only gone one centimeter in that stage of time when you're in a lot of pain so at this point I was offered the dimorphine injection I don't know loads about that injection so it's best maybe if you look it up yourself and it's just an injection that goes in your leg I think it offers about four hours of pain relief and it's quite a low risk pain relief um and this was great because it somehow kind of gave me a break in between the contractions maybe it slowed them down a little bit I don't really know but it was meant that I was able to sleep in between the contractions so I probably was having about again like five to eight minute rests in between the contractions and it just meant I could get some sleep and just get a break and that was brilliant it was really really good because I was just so so tired um so that was great then I also put my TENS machine on which was really really good I've been such an interesting concept like I had never tried out or anything like that before but it basically really changed the pain for me so it kind of instead of having that like same like crampy pain it just made me feel a little bit sick instead every time the contractions came which I way preferred to um the cramping if that makes sense so apparently tens machines are really good for inductions so I would recommend maybe hiring one or buying one I got mine from boots and then about an hour passed and the pain was starting to like ramp up again um and I felt like the TENS machine wasn't really making that much difference anymore and I was just really struggling um so at that point the Midwife offered me gas and air um so I still wasn't in the delivery suite at this point and they don't like to give it to you or anything before you're in the delivery soup I think she could tell like I really needed something um to like rotate the edge off because it was just very very intense um so I was given the gas and air at this point oh my God that gas and air was the best thing to ever happen to me like it was just amazing like it just takes the edge off so well what it did for me anyway really takes the edge off and it also really gives you something to focus your breathing on I did hypnobirthing so the whole time I was trying to do the hypnobirthing breathing but with the gas in there because you have it's very hard to explain unless you've had gatanet before but because you have something that you can like breathe into and breathe and that you can hear the breathing really like quite loud it really helps you focus that breathing if that makes sense I loved the gas in there like Sam was trying to take it off me because he said I was using it too much and I was literally like clinging onto it for dear life I was like you are not taking this off me there is no way um and it did make me a little bit like loopy as well like Sam said I was like laughing and like saying weird things um but it was just the best thing ever I was so so grateful for it so the gas and air did make me feel a little bit sick um but to be honest that didn't really bother me like I way preferred that over the pain I was in because the gas nail was really really helping so um yeah so that was about six um and the contractions at this point I was only really getting about 30 seconds in between them so again it was like still bread thick and fast but the gas in there was very much like helping me um manage it and then we got to about 8 30 and I think the shifts changed because I had a new Midwife and just before that and she said let's go to the delivery Suite um I think she just could kind of tell from like the pain that I was in and the how quickly the contractions were coming um that she was like we needed to get to the delivery Suite basically so then anyway we moved to the delivery Suite around 8 30 and um I was so devastated because it meant that the walk from the induction Ward to the delivery Suite I couldn't have my gas in there for it but then once I got delivery sweet I could have the gas and air again um so I lay on the bed and I had another examination and by this point I was five centimeters so I was quite happy with that um and like I said I just knew that that meant that things were progressing in the right direction one thing that I haven't mentioned is I was also managing my contractions with a comb I'll put a picture on screen if I can or I'll leave it linked down below but it's literally just like a small wooden comb that fits in the palm of your hand and you basically squeeze it when you have contractions and it's to do with like blocking pain sensors because it like kind of distracts your brain into thinking there's like a different kind of pain I'm not really sure on the science behind it um but it's a hypnobirthing technique and it's really really good I would definitely recommend getting one they're really cheap they're like a couple pounds and um for me it was just so so useful to have that and I was just every time I had a contraction I was just breathing using the gas net and then squeezing on this comb um and yeah it was really really good um we actually lost it for like an hour I think I must have like put it somewhere like in the bed and it rolled up in the sheets couldn't find it and I found such a difference between when we found it again and being able to use it so yeah I'd really recommend one of them even if you don't use it like I said it's only a couple pounds so it's definitely worth just having in case so yeah anyway so I was taking to the delivery suite and delivery Suite that I was taken to had a pool I wasn't ever really planning on a water birth I'd heard nice things about them but to be honest I don't really like baths that much like I do like them every now and then but I'm not like a mad bath person I don't feel super confident in water so I was kind of like a bit not really sure about being in the water because I was a bit worried I'd be like kind of slipping around and I just wouldn't feel very like secure and safe and stuff um but anyway so the suite I was in did have a pool and I said to the Midwife I'm really really struggling here like I think I'm going to need the epidural and she was like well why don't we just get in the pool I'll run it now for you she was like why don't we just get in the pool see if that takes the edge off for you and if it doesn't we can get out and we'll do the extra or we'll look at other pain relief options Looking Back Now she 100 knew that I probably wasn't going to get the after all I think um but yeah I at the time I was like okay yeah I'll do that because I was never against having the epidural at all um I was very much thinking like I would you know be happy to have it if I need it but I did know that I didn't want to give birth lying on the bed and obviously when you have an epidural you do have to do that I think or you have to be yeah like supported in some way because obviously like you lose the feeling in your legs um temporarily and stuff like that so I was quite sure that I wanted to be able to give birth either standing up or on all fours or something like that and so that was in my mind a little bit with about the epidural so I was quite happy to try something else before resorting to the epidural like the epidural was very much a like a last Last Resort for me and I didn't really want to try other things before I got to that point just because of how I wanted to give birth um so yeah anyway so she runs the pool so I'm setting up all these like little candles like we had these like LED candles um which in hindsight look back now and laugh because although it was maybe quite a nice Vibe like I pretty much had my eyes closed the whole time so I didn't even see them um but yeah so she's running the bath um and I got in the pool at about 9 45 um and it was the weirdest thing like I literally I got in the puddle and I had this urged push like almost straight away um and I said to Sam because it was just me and Sam at this point but I wanted my mom to be there for the birth so I said to someone I was like you need to ring my mum I was like I'm gonna push like you need to ring her and Sam was like oh God okay lovely I don't think he really realized it like things were going to progress that fast so anyway um you text my mom he's like you like sort of make your way in that kind of thing but my mom assumed like me that the induction process was gonna take quite a long time so she didn't think there was any rush so now I'm in the pool and I I'm literally pushing like at this point and I'm like Mom where's mom and Sam's I don't know I think she's on her way but Sam didn't want to worry about she didn't want to like crash the car when she was like driving to the hospital or anything so mum was just taking her sweet time coming to the hospital so yeah anyway she finally got to the hospital um so at this point I'm literally just on the gas in there so the dimorphine has worn off the paracetamolic codeine all that's worn off it literally just have the gas and air um in the pool and I am being monitored because our hospital had Wireless monitors so you could be monitored while you're in the pool so yeah a baby is like heart rate and everything like that is being monitored um so I'd say I started pushing from around 10 p.m and she was born an hour later so I think I was pushing for around an hour um I literally was just in the pool eyes closed like doing my like hip rebirth and breathing and yeah just every contraction pushing basically um I also had some affirmation cards um which I've got for my hypnobirthing course I'm not really an affirmation kind of gal like I don't really use affirmations and stuff but I had these cards from Hitler birthing course and I just chucked them in the bag literally last minute in the morning of going to the for the induction and um I think someone mentioned them and the Midwife was like yes yes read the affirmations read the affirmations so bless somebody was there like reading these affirmations cards and every time you stopped the middle I was like keep going keep reading them um and yeah anyway I just remember like clinging on to like Sam's arms um and just yeah pushing pushing her out basically yeah I was in the pool for just under an hour and then towards the end of the pushing the Midwest weren't able to get a good monitor on her because she was obviously really really low down um and so they were kind of losing her heart rate and stuff so they said to me if she doesn't come out in the next I think it was the next three contractions we're gonna have to get out the pool and we're gonna have to look for options like I don't know if that was maybe forceps or whatever it was um because I think they were a little bit worried they couldn't get her heart rate so at that point I was like I'm not getting out this pool without having her like I was like I've come this far I am going to get her out of the next three contractions um and I didn't I usually pushed with all of my might and yeah the relief when that head popped out is just unmatched incredible so yeah she came out I'm gonna spare you like all the Gory details I don't need to go into pain and stuff like birth is painful there's no doubt about it especially when you don't have any pain relief apart from the gas and air so yeah that was kind of the story of my labor this next part is maybe a little bit not so positive for anyone who maybe wants to skip this part um but yeah I don't know it's it's it's just it's maybe a little bit traumatic for people who have been through a similar situation or who are a little bit nervous but um yeah just putting a little warning out there now um but she came out and she was placed onto my chest she came out in the water placed onto my chest and um she wasn't crying she had her eyes open but she wasn't crying and she looked quite a weird color um and I was like to the Midwife so I was like what's going on like why is she not crying and they're like okay like she'll come around like it was quite a quick delivery it can be quite shocking um for babies and they say that a lot like when you've had a really quick delivery like yeah it can just be a little bit shocking for a baby and that takes him a little bit of time to get used to it so they were like obviously rubbing her and rubbing her and stuff like that still wasn't crying she still wasn't crying at this point I was getting quite nervous and um anyway they were like right okay I think we're gonna cut the cord so sound cut cord and literally the minute they cut the cord they took her off me and um about six doctors rushed in and they put her on the resource table um because she wasn't breathing on her own basically she was struggling to breathe so they had her on the recess table they had the auction mask on her and they were like I'm not really sure what they were doing to be honest because I couldn't really see um because I was still in the pool at this point anyway so I get out the pool and I get on the bed and she's on the recess table she's kind of like on the table behind me so again I can't really see and no one's talking to you because obviously they're so focused on on her which is a great thing like that that's what I wanted but at the time I was like so scared and so panicked because no one was saying what was wrong or saying if she was okay so I was literally like sort of shouting like is she okay like what's going on like and it was a really really really really really really traumatic and scary time to be honest and I feel like I haven't even really processed it um but yeah anyway so she was on the table and I could just see my mum and sound just watching and just like the fear in their eyes anyway after about 15 minutes of her on the table and at this time I'm like delivering the placenta and stuff like that well I'm not delivering it the midwife's delivering it but you know centers coming out of me um she's on the table after about 15 minutes they said okay let's let's put her on your chest and see if that the Skin's skin will like help her start to breathe on her own so they put her on my chest and it didn't work she she was like not breathing so they took her off my chest back on the recess table worked on her again for like 15 minutes which was so it was like half an hour in total that she was on the resource table and it was really really really horrible and scary anyway in the end um she managed to stop breathing on her own and they were happy and everything like that so they put her on my chest and she said oh my chest for like 40 minutes then and she fed and everything like that um but yeah that was really quite scary um obviously because you don't really think about anything like that happening but obviously the doctors and midwives and nurses were amazing and um she was fine in the end um so yeah that is kind of my story so yeah she was on my chat and then she went to Sam for a little bit um while I went and had a shower um and yeah that was that basically that is my bird story I'm trying to think if there's anything that I have been included so yeah that is my birth story um we have seen our store for quite a while afterwards just because they wanted to monitor her I had a low temperature so they wanted to like monitor me as well and then there was also a couple of other things that meant I had to stay in um but yeah in general a really really positive experience obviously the little bit afterwards when she was born was really scary and traumatic but the actual labor itself and the bird was really positive it was very very quick um I was able to manage the pain with breathing really well which I didn't think I'd be able to so I would really recommend hypnobirthing I'd really recommend Hitler birthing I'd really recommend the comb and I'd really recommend music as well we had music playing the entire time and that really really helped me and also affirmation cards too you can look on Pinterest for affirmations there's loads of them for example um like my body and my baby know exactly what it's doing um or every surge or contraction is bringing me a step closer to meeting my baby like things like that that just like help to like shift your mindset and I found that really really helpful um so yeah that is my birth story when she wakes up I will bring her in and introduce you but I hope you enjoyed hearing about my labor and I hope you found it useful and I hope that anyone who is about to be induced found this positive and um yeah best of luck if you are due to have a baby very soon hey my love so it's a little bit later now um and I've changed outfit and everything because we're about to go out but I thought I would introduce you to my little Goldy girl should we take your dummy out so this is Goldie [Music] this is just going to be like hey guys but she is a month old now can't believe it literally like the quickest month of my life but yeah here she is be interested to know who you think she looks like because everyone says she looks like Sam but I think she looks like me as a baby because I had loads of dark hair like this whereas Sam didn't really have much hair um but yeah you guys so much for watching and I really hope to be back on YouTube vlogging again soon um I hope it won't be too long I just need to try and get back into this main thing so yeah as I said thank you so much for watching and we will see you in our next video
Channel: Ruby Holley
Views: 26,696
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: BJJpV3-u_-M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 59sec (1259 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 02 2023
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