LABOR AND DELIVERY + positive birth vlog + first baby

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[Music] I think I'm in labor I have the fan on cuz I'm trying to like keep the noise down from my mom my husband that lasting like a little over but yeah today is my Dy so that would be so crazy if she comes on my dy I I'm timing timing them on the app just to keep track for now man I don't know we'll see what happens we'll see if they stay I'm now having like blooded stuff but still having contractions so I think this is definitely it tired oh I think nar's crying let me go get nari hi Nar hey girl L came out to hang out with me the beginning of the TR contraction is like so much worse than the ending those last ones I had were a lot shorter but a lot closer together so I officially think I'm in labor which is crazy I am 4 weeks pregnant in zero days so like this is our due date so crazy um um but yeah it's 3:07 I started having the regular contraction starting at um 12:50 so a little after midnight and then um just now I'm having like a little bit of bleeding but I don't think my averages are enough to call the doctor yet um but I think I'm getting there it's ranging from like 1 minute injury and then like 5 to 7 minutes apart where it said that they should be I think 3 to 4 before you call so I do have my 40e OB appointment today which is at 12 not 12 10:30 um and anony is supposed to go with me to that so it's 3:00 a.m. now so we'll see if they don't pick up enough that I'm just going to be home until 10:30 but I have a feeling if they keep picking up I'm probably going to be calling the doctor sooner and just seeing if they want to come in to the hospital to get checked sooner I don't know but I do really think that this is the start of Labor which is crazy I had a feeling yesterday um I was talking really quiet before so I don't even know if anything I said in the bathroom was legible not leg legible as for writing but audible there you go audible gosh I can't think straight I'm really tired I think I only slept like an hour and then started happening so and I just like can't get sleep I was trying to rest for the past hour just like in between contractions laying in bed um and then just timing them when I had them but I just like can't fall asleep um but Anthony's still sleeping I didn't want to wake him up yet um my mom just happened to be awake so I just told her I just looked up we have a paper um that's like what to do like when to call so yeah that said 3 to four minutes so I'm going to wait I might honestly do a little bit of cleaning they're already coming like more closer together so I just don't know um yeah I don't know um I was 1 cm last I was checked but that was a week and a half ago so like I was supposed to get checked again later this morning so I don't know if I've changed from like before these even started cuz I have been having contractions all week like my whole 39th week I've been having contractions they were like much more mild like I could it just I didn't have to breathe like deep breathe through them but I would just kind of like just stop when I had them um so yeah I've been having contractions all week but just not strong and not extremely often like maybe one or two an hour or something um where I didn't think it was enough that I made any change so I'm thinking I'm still a one but now I don't know if things are changing so we'll see but I'm I'm going to try to do some cleaning while my mom's awake because she's sleeping on our living room and that's at least something I can do so I'm going to go do that it is now 7 a.m. a little past I think I'm going to call the doctor and just tell them like how frequently they are and the timing and everything and just see what they say I have a doctor's appointment in like 3 and 1 half hours so my guess is are going to tell me to just just waits for my appointment but I just don't know so I don't know I'm just going to call them um and see what they say just weird cuz there's like a lot of them that are like 2 minutes apart and then there's a lot of them that are like 6 minutes apart so the timing is just really up and down the average right now says it's lasting 50 seconds for 3 and 1 half minutes so I don't know I'm also I think it's more of just like I'm just curious like if I were to go to get checked and they were like you're still a one one or you're only a two or something like that then I would know I still have a long way to go before it's actually would be time for the hospital but I just don't know cuz I don't know what anything feels like so I don't know I'm also really hoping that I progress because if this is what it feels like to still be a one I'm in for a rude awakening I'm actually looking at the paper like the instructions and it says like my off office opens at 8:00 a.m. and it's 7:12 so now I'm conflicted do I call the on call night provider or should I just wait 15 minutes we'll see I don't know I'll probably ask Anthony what he thinks I should do I'm going to wake him up now but either way hopefully we'll be finding out in a couple hours if this is anything um Anthony is up now um I feel like like in the past hour I feel like they've slowed down a little bit but I've still had a couple really really painful ones so I don't know I don't know I'm thinking at this point like I probably could just wait until my employment um if they continue to like be this far apart um and then I kind of want to go get breakfast just because I feel like I'm not going to be able to eat if if I'm in labor I won't be able to eat so I don't know I'm like debating if I want to get breakfast I don't know at the moment it looks like they're like 6 minutes apart so they definitely like spread out somewhere it's been another hour it's 9:00 a.m. and we're actually going to go get breakfast and then we're going to head to our appointment right afterwards I wound up not calling just because the timing spaced out really really far I'm still having contractions and they're still painful but they just feel like they slowed down a lot so we're going to go get breakfast probably pack up the car just to be on the safe side go to the appointment and then we'll see you from there Y how do you feel ready we're on our way to the doctor's appointment and anthy and I got breakfast which basically means I got breakfast but I only ate a little bit of it and we packed the car pretty good you ate like half waffle half the I think I ate a quarter waffle but half the hash yeah pretty good for you that's pretty good and then um we packed our bags for the hospital so they're with us just in case we don't think that it's anything especially because the contractions are now like every 20 minutes apart and I feel like they're not quite as painful either but so we feel like we're going to be going back home but we figured we'll just I know my contraction are pretty bad yeah Anthony said it water broke yeah y mom's with us too nar's with us nar's really tired she's having a stressful week yeah she's not she's Happy's put on like 5 lbs just sori has eaten so well this week that she has definitely gained weight um but yeah so we're going to the appointment we will see we're not too optimistic about it but either way it's something have a baby we're having baby today hopefully today we're going into the hospital um I'm 2 cm and my water broke she said it was a very slow leak but it still broke nonetheless and so we're dropping nari off and we're heading in this is your last time as an only child when I see you next you're going to have a sister it's Thanksgiving everybody's trying to get their groceries Whole Foods wow where are we McDonald's getting french fries so I have a little bit carbs and something small to eat and then we're [Music] going a medium fry with hot mustard got the goods we are admitted have my IV Ivy can't [Music] speak Anthony got me [Music] flowers so we are officially in labor and delivery I got checked at the office and I was 2 cm 90 minus 1 and that was 5 hours ago I think so they'll probably check me in another hour or two I got my IV and now we're going to go walk the Halls you have the toilet yeah have the toilet backround Anthony has a coffee how you I'm good we're going to be PIR you ready to meet her oh what's everyone's guess you think eight she's going to weigh 80 sticking with eight okay what day do you think she's going to be born tomorrow okay 11:23 Thanksgiving what time like exact to get guys like 3 in the morning whatever's most inconvenient 3:00 a.m. okay and then hair or no hair like yeah that'll be tomorrow 3: a.m. uh no hair I'm hoping I'll have to keep my guesses so she'll be born today probably 1159 um she'll weigh 8 lb 3 o she will have a little bit of hair and what's the other question the time oh you said the time already I think that's everything okay I think she's coming tomorrow on Thanksgiving Day 11:20 323 although I want her to come today but I just know that inductions take a while so I have a feeling it'll be tomorrow I'm going to say like noon tomorrow which would be what 36 hours of Labor total total I'm going to say noon and then um I think she'll have hair cuz my heart burns really bad and I'm going to say ate four although I really want her to be like 7 lb I'm a little scared they did uh I don't know they like felt my belly and the nurse think she's going to be eight too and she said she has a big head looking at you so we'll see what she actually is but those are our guesses we're going to go walk dolls playing cards and we ordered pizza you can eat here I am allowed to eat in labor up until I get an epidural so Anthony got pizza y so we're having some pizza oh and carc bread [Music] sticks yum it's 8:00 it is's out of four I'm a three and everyone knows what that means I'm 3 cm dilated it's going to be long night that's what it means very long night grandma's being a champ oh yeah doing all the hard work yeah now yeah M just slacking over here being gorgeous and whatnot grandma's so happy to be spending Thanksgiving I am what a privilege ugly Bean I'm really excited to meet you wrinkly Bean that's wrinkly Bean I'm excited to meet you excited to be a dad yeah very excited can you come soon I already want thator it is oops 1:30 in the morning and um I have the epural which feels amazing I guess I don't need a whisper I'm extremely numb it's a lot worse on on my right side which I kept feeling it more on the right side um but yeah I feel really good but now I'm starting to feel pressure like with each contraction I'm having which is new um she checked me at midnight and I was 6 cm which I haven't been checked since but she said that she thinks I'll be like a 10 within 2 to 3 hours from midnight so kind of hoping that I'm 10 now but I know we'll see but I'm feeling a lot of pressure she's officially going to be a Thanksgiving baby because it's 1:30 now what hi I'm so excited to meet her too and I miss nari this is our first night so nari is sleeping over at the Rover which he's been sending tons of picture and video updates but it's it's our first night like having her not sleep with one of us or a family member so I'm just like how's she doing um I'm sure she's fine but I'm so excited to like bring Baby R home and have her meet nari since it's 1 it's 1 2 3 4: a.m. back home I guess when it's 3 we can update I'll text the family but let's up fishing but yeah that's my upy last we checked which was an hour and a half ago I was a six 6 100% AED in minus one which is where the head is so now I'm sitting up in like a chair spot which maybe this is the last belly bump we'll see I don't know if I said this but the day shift nurse did the leopolds maneuver I think where they just Tred to figure out where the baby's resting and she said well she what did she say about the head just said the head was big yeah no how did she we the head the head's the head's down I thought she said something about it like take like taking up like the whole I don't know um we'll find out really soon hopefully but she her guess was that baby r will be 8 lb 2 oz which isn't horrible nope that's doble I was like scared for a 9 to 10 lb baby so I will take 8 to but like if she's 7 lb that's even better better than L's gu well yeah Lindsay if you're watching this what the heck Anthony's sister said that I'm going to have a 12b baby I was like don't put that out in the universe we're not having a 12b baby don't think that would fit through my hips I only delivered one baby that was over 12 lb and it had a be like through a C-section cuz you have a chance of a shoulder SOA but anyways anyways I'm not tired are you I am tired but like I don't think I can sleep I'm like to S like um ay and the meds the um anyel just gave me a itchy but anyways that's our update we're 10 cm it is oh that's bright we're 10 cm feeling it on my left so we're just trying to get that a little I guess more coverage before we start pushing yo we're going to meet her soon come I know how do you feel I feel amazing you're no you're going to do amazing I'm going to have zero issues I'm a little nervous to push but I'm also really excited cu the wind the whole so yeah 10 cm it's officially Thanksgiving she's going to be a Thanksgiving baby she's made of turkey 1123 23 actually she's made of garlic bread yeah I was allowed to eat before I got the epidor which was amazing and I had garlic bread probably wasn't the best idea a great [Music] idea [Music] check okay leaning back anyways how do you feel Dad okay real quick take a deep breath in made it yeah our daughter's here she's born today's her birthday see is she perfect Grandma's holding her so tiny little girl 1123 23 look at that look at how glowing mallerie is I feel disgusting she's beautiful I love you love you we were all talking about how none of us brushed our teeth and we all yeah we're all we're all pretty gross the best thing to be thankful for especially our little filth bom oh she is not a fil monster she's perfect yeah today is November 23rd 2023 and we had our baby we're both so in love Anthony is dropping my mom off um at our apartment we have to spend the the night tonight again and then um they're picking up nari and I'm so excited to like introduce her to nari we have some dog toys that we brought that are new and we're wrapping it up in like one of her swaddle blankets so it smells like her and then we're like just want to give nari a present but I'm so happy I'm so tired I have not slept in the past two nights I haven't slept um because the first night I was having contractions at midnight and then the second night we were in Labour the whole time I like tried sleeping and I think I only made it like 10 minute stretches here and there and then I would have to like flip on my side and everything like that um or just something came up but we'll have to share our birth story then because we wound up not filming that much I don't think um it was just a lot but it was so I'm so happy um I'm very glad it's the labor is over with um just like a quick rundown but it was 31 hours and I pushed for 4 hours and it was just a lot and then we had a couple like scares with her um health and I guess kind of like while all pushing my stats kept going down but everything was good and in the end everything's good she got to stay with us I'm just so happy like you I just keep staring at her but my mom was with us the whole time and yeah it was great I'm by myself now I think I said that they're going to pick up nari I have to breastfeed her pretty much now so I'm going to try to feed her and just relax and then we get to go home tomorrow [Music]
Channel: Mallory Benjamin
Views: 65,474
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 5QQXlsC121g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 5sec (1385 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 28 2023
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