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for they are taught of the lord hallelujah financial how many of you believe god wants to bless you everything and everybody connected to you lord i thank you that redemption operates in the multiplication anointing and the spirit of dead freedom i'm gonna bring that down like i did last service somebody say what is the multiplication anointing when god pulled israel out of egypt moses led him for a while but moses didn't take him into the promised land that was joshua's job so when joshua took over listen to what god told him he said israel i'm going to make you a thousand times more than what you are amen that's the multiplication anointing you want some of that stuff on your life let's raise your hand redemption come on say it we'll experience the miracle of dead freedom every member say it every partner in jesus name here we go i bring all the tithes into the storehouse that there may be food in god's house say it you o lord will open the windows of heaven and pour out blessing that i will not have room enough to receive when i give it will be given to me good measure pressed down shaken together and running over for whatever measure i use will be measured back to me concerning this church how many of you love your church i love my church ready lord i thank you that redemption operates in the multiplication anointing and multiplies in every area of ministry i thank you that people are coming i love this to redemption from all across this nation thank you that this ministry is multiplying in favor with god and with men lord i thank you that i am a part of taking this city in jesus name every business every school every neighborhood will be infiltrated with believers i am a missionary sent from this house to the lost in the bay area thank you that you have changed thank you lord god the spiritual climate of this city and i take the bay area for the glory of god in jesus name lift up your hands and your voice come on praise see let's go [Applause] [Music] come to the of the water [Music] is lifted we say [Music] aren't you so grateful for his love come on and put your hands together bring all your failures [Music] is [Music] is praise god from whom all blessings flows praise him praise him for the wonders of his love can you sing your glory [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh my gosh [Music] bring all your failures we're so grateful jesus that we can come and bring on our [Music] failures [Music] can you just rest in his love today we thank you for your love thank you [Music] and yes loves me [Music] yes jesus me can you remind yourself today that yes [Music] jesus loves me [Music] voice lifted we sing yes [Music] he still loves jesus [Music] come on let's lift it up [Music] redemption church do you know you're loved by god can you release a shout in here today i must say it again if you know you are loved by your savior can you release a shout in here today we thank him for his unchanging love you sat down to speak to me yeah [Music] patients you came out of your way [Music] yes lord you knew my past covered my shame this amazing grace that you share my [Music] patiently and you can y'all help me stay waiting waiting for [Music] me [Music] just for redemption if you're grateful that he waited somebody shall thank you jesus right there we say where would i be if you left me god can you say it you could [Applause] [Music] if [Music] [Music] [Music] yes he never gave up on you but his mercies were renewed every morning somebody give him a shout of worship in this house come on and recite [Music] over and over again and we just want to worship you for your patience please foreign is me you waited on me thank you for loving me [Applause] [Music] thank thank you for loving me thank you for loving me [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] i wish i had some worshipers that knew when you were at your worst he still loved you [Music] [Applause] i said i wish i had some worshipers that knew but i want us to focus on his love that when we should have died when we should have when wages of sin was dead when it was time to die he waited he waited he held his hand back he said no i can't let you go because i love you unconditionally so we're gonna take this and we're gonna get out of here but if you love it for real can you lift your hands and say thank you for loving me can you say [Music] thank he says i'll never leave nor forsake you i'm standing right there thank you for loving me thank you for loving you for me me thank you [Music] is can you say that redemption says oh [Music] oh thank you for loving me but i didn't know how to love myself thank you for loving me [Music] [Applause] yeah i want you to know that this is a safe space god wants you to know i don't care how far you feel from his presence he said just like the prodigal son his father's out there looking i'm i'm waiting for my son i'm waiting for my daughter i'm waiting for my child nothing you could do could ever stop me from loving you no mistake you could ever make can keep me from loving you and i and i just want us to lift our hands i know we've been lifting them but i want you to lift them like you know your daddy is about to pick you up god i know i want you to lift your heads like you know he's gonna pull you out of your sickness like he's gonna pull you out of all confusion like he's gone for you says i'm picking you up run to me i'll pick you up run to me i'll pick you up i'm gonna give you a second i know this i may get in trouble for this but i want you to know the front of this altar is open and if you are bold enough to meet us down here the holy spirit is ready to meet you right where you are the father's ready to meet you you may have grown up without a father but your father's here is some of you got broken hearts i'm gonna give you a second to make your way down here god says i come to heal the brokenhearted i came to lift the birds meet me down here meet your father here he's ready to love you again he's ready to restore your passion again he's ready to give you another storm [Music] your father is here he's ready to love me the father is here the father [Music] he's ready people are still coming he's ready to love you it doesn't matter your addiction no matter what happened in your past he's ready to love you right here right now he said i stopped this whole service just for you i stopped this whole moment just for you i would give up this whole service if i could just get my hands on you yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah i want you to know he's here to love on you and we run to the father we run to the [Music] [Applause] farming [Music] today [Music] and i hear your invitation to let it all go yeah i see it now i'm laying it down and i know that i need [Music] my soul needs a friend so i run to the farm again and again and again [Music] [Music] and i don't have a contact [Music] is [Music] everybody [Music] is is foreign foreign me yes foreign precious oh come on everybody sing all the voices and just the drums raising high gods moving hallelujah is oh ah do you feel his presence in this place one moment with him worth more than a thousand sermons worth more than singing a thousand songs [Music] but when you empty to be able to come into his presence when you're needing to be able to come into his presence when you're afraid and fearful to be able to come into his presence when you're sick or in pain to be able to come into his presence because in the presence of the lord is fullness of joy and in his right hand the pleasure is forevermore [Music] we just got through singing about god waiting we got through singing about an altar we got through singing about a father whose arms are open it reminded me of a story where the bible calls it the demoniac of gadara demon possessed totally and completely enslaved by evil no will of his own [Music] could not be controlled by prisons could not be held down by people this this person was in such shape that they exiled him to an island chained him up and left him and the bible said you could hear him well and cry out all night from that island and jesus was with a group of people having church and teaching and doing what we do and he left them got into a boat and went to the island he left the church people because he heard a sound and the bible says something amazing it said when the man saw him he ran toward him with his chains [Music] i don't know why we feel like we have to break chains and then run toward him [Music] he ran toward him with his problem with his bondage with his addiction with his past with his failures with his jacked up self he ran to him with his chains why because he's a chain breaker hallelujah [Applause] [Music] but pastor you know if i can get these things corrected i want to get back in church and i got some stuff to do but i'm going to serve god if you could fix it you would have already fixed it [Music] jesus never asked you to fix your life and then come to him he said drag your chains bring me your chains and i break chains and it's amazing to me that he left the 99 and went to the one if you're in here and you need jesus you are the most important person in the building heads bowed and eyes closed if i if you would please for just a moment you're here and you say i'm tired of running and i got problems and i need jesus and i want to run to him right now with all my problems and all my stuff i'm tired of hiding i'm tired of running i'm tired of waiting i want to know him right now if that's you and you're under the sound of my voice every head bowed in every out of clothes it's just me and you and god would you say pastor that's me i'm tired of running i want to know him today i want to bring my problems to him today yes sir yes sir yes sir hallelujah three men have raised in yes ma'am i see that hand yes ma'am yes ma'am i see that hand hallelujah is there anybody else come on come on yes yes yes sir i see that hand back there in the back yes i see four hands in the balcony hallelujah i don't know about a dozen maybe 13 people just raised their hand come on let's stop now let's put our hands together you can open your eyes now if you would [Music] we prayed this prayer in concert together and when we pray this prayer in concert together why do i do that because i don't want anybody to be intimidated to get saved i don't want anybody to feel like i felt the day i got saved i was the only one in the whole building and i remember saying if i ever lead anybody to jesus i don't want them to feel like i feel right now so i won't you don't know if one of those 12 or 13 were sitting on your row you don't know but i want everybody to say this together so that nobody's inhibited in this moment ready let's pray together say i thank you jesus that you waited for me that you chose me that you love me james and all and so lord today i accept your power the power of salvation the power of grace in my life i believe that you died and rose again so i could be saved wash me clean come live in my heart be my lord and savior from this moment forward thank you for saving me somebody needs to cut up real bad right there hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah raise those lights up in the house you got about two minutes i want you to make a friend fist bump hug shake look at them speak to them whatever come on everybody within your reach make them feel welcome right now make them feel welcome [Music] good morning redemption church how you guys doing today redemption church how are we feeling how we doing this morning are we good up in the balcony let me hear you yes sir awesome hey uh jonathan you know what i really love about worship tell me what do you really love about worship his worship declares the truth of god come on to remind us yes of who he is come on that's good that touches me so much i i really um get excited when i hear the word of god come forth in worship and uh if you just said yes to jesus we have care pastors in here who if they can stand up right now yeah they want to put the word of god in your hand so you can remind yourself not just on sundays but on monday yeah tuesday but on wednesday put your hands together at your kid's recital if you said yes to jesus we really want to put a bible in your hand um and if if you don't want to grab one right now we have a yes to jesus outside outside employer for if you're a little fancy with it you say four yay oh four yay i i say four year but a lot of people say four yay but hey we don't want to let that moment pass you by i see pastor randy gerain and a lot of the care pastors on their feet right now showing the bible something that jamal just said is so true the bible talks about that man does not live by bread alone but about every word that cometh out the mouth of god who believes that the word of god is breath right it's fresh breath being able to declare the truth so we don't want to let that moment pass you by but i would also want to highlight some special people in the room any first-time guest in the building today we had about 12 in the last service hey welcome thank you so much for coming anyone on this side right over there hey brother good to see you good morning how's it going that anyone up in the balcony we had like three people in the balcony last time and the guy was like and i was like yes sir you so thank you guys so much for being here we say many times i don't know if you've heard of you read it everywhere we are redemption and we are where many become one as you can tell you know uh he he looks a little different than i do but we all come together because this is what kingdom looks like right amen this is what heaven looks like and we get to be that reflection so let us do life with you yeah let us get you connected in life groups and growth track and everything we do growth check is happening this is the third class ending so that means the next uh group is coming in so please register for that register for live groups but we just want to do life together yep amen we got so much more we got in the loop if you've never been here before it's our announcement so please turn your attentions to the screen thank you hey redemption my name is sam and this is in the loop [Applause] [Music] on october 10th we'll be celebrating 30 years of ministry and having our annual expansion offering here at redemption we believe that the next generation is seeking community and a life-changing encounter that is why our first focus of the expansion offering is on the renovation of our campus building in san jose we believe this church building is going to stand for generations and we want it to last and continue to be a place where lives are changed after many years of service we are taking steps to improve our house not only for us but also for those to come go to expansion to give today family get ready for the unique conference join pastor hope along with pastor jovila cunnington for an experience that is sure to change and impact your life don't miss this dynamic women's conference happening from september 10th to the 11th spots are filling up fast so be sure to go to hope events to register today and now family here's a very special message from our own pastor hope hello redemption redemption east redemption west i church ron carpenter ministries hope carpenter ministries anybody who is connected to this house to this ministry in any way i need you to listen to me this morning we have an amazing challenge before us you know the bible tells us to take care of the widows and the orphans that is our responsibility every one of our responsibility who bears the name of christian so we can't get out of it it should be a joy man it is it is my joy to serve people everywhere who need help who need who need a hand you know we are so fortunate god has blessed us so much yeah there's things that we need there's things we want but there are people all over the world who are suffering who need our help way more than we ever need help so i'm asking you today would you join in with us to help the missions in colima mexico the orphanage there has 175 children people who don't get to be brought up like we were in a home with a mom and a dad and going to a regular school they need us to help provide school uniforms exercise uniforms to go out and do p.e it is my joy and my pleasure to be able to say yes we will do it i stepped out in faith and said we'll provide uniforms this year this school year for every child in the orphanage but i need your help i'm asking you to join in today and go to or you can give in the offering and designate however you will but it's really quick really easy to go to we have provided an avenue for you to give there i'm just believing we're going to go in above and beyond what we're asking so that we can continue to help them all year long provide what they need will you help today will you join in the mission and the mandate that god has given us in his word to take care of the widows and the orphans do your part it's everybody doing something so that we can make sure that these babies are taken care of this school year thank you god bless you well i was gonna say good morning but it's two minutes after twelve good afternoon how are you doing come on wait baby you doing all right what a powerful worship service god is good didn't he enjoy those seats for a moment longer they got plenty of padding in them and give me just a moment uh i don't like to bog down and do a lot of business uh in the middle of a service but until things become uh culture and and we already know they're coming they have to be promoted and uh and i always want you to know the why behind what we do i don't ever want to be religious religious is just doing stuff and you don't even know why you're doing it i want you to know the why behind what we're doing uh you've had something in your seat and you heard him mention expansion offer i've uh i've already i'm only 53 i've already had to reinvent myself about five times to be relevant to a generation that i seek to serve most churches have this sad cycle the bible says a seed produces after its own kind so a pastor usually draws people who are like him so when i was in my 20s guess what my church was full of people in their 20s when i was in my 30s i had a church full of people in their 30s when i was in my 40s i said uh-oh because everybody looked like me and about 40 years old if you would have looked at redemption then i totally completely gutted what we were doing and reinvented myself why to shift to another generation i remember we had a wednesday night bible study listen for 25 years and over 4 000 people in attendance that's unheard of on midweek four over four thousand guess what i did shut it down why because the millennials were emerging sociologists say they're the first generation that is fatherless that means they have a father wound a tremendous relational void so now we gotta shift ministry to meet the need of a new generation so we went from a midweek bible study to life groups get people connected positive relationships have a friend because you know what you know what the deal is with millennials they don't even care if their service is that good as long as they got a friend there that goes so i noticed that now friendships and relationships trump a good service so i can either raise a church up and let it die with me or i can keep shifting and moving to reach a new generation that's what this expansion offering is about we do it one time a year we've only had one we didn't do one during coven and you gave 1.6 million dollars 1.2 million dollars went to our kids facility and i think it's second to none and there's not another one like it anywhere in the united states of america we're in the middle of restructuring our indebtedness the president of the lending institution was here this week and when he got to that building he just stopped and took his phone out and started taking videos he said i've never seen a church building like this i mean a kid's church building like this and then we were able to do many of the things that we needed to do infrastructurally pastor what are you saying i'm saying we've got to understand where we live the silicon valley the bay area of california we've understand who is moving in here and we can't be concerned about the people who are here we got to be concerned about these empty seats we got to be concerned about who we seek to serve so cosmetically we want to resurface the entire front of the building because i want a millennial to drive by and say i want to go there come on somebody we've got infrastructure things nobody's at fault i'm so glad i don't have to build a building i built uh 10 buildings in 11 years i had gray hair in my beard in my 30s i'm telling you it's the most draining thing on a church is building programs so i'm so glad when i came here pastor dick the wonderful people jubilee have already sacrificed and built all these buildings but they do have to be updated and unfitted to speak to a new generation okay for instance let me give you one example there's air conditioners all over the roof of this building they are almost 30 years old okay we've had them come out in service recently and the company said every sunday you cut them on you were on borrowed time i said how much does it cost he said a little over a half million dollars do you see what i'm talking about not going to go get a loan for that not going to get a line of credit not going to get a mortgage i'm not going to take it out of a checking account it's that offering that allows us to do everything we need to do for the house of god come on can you clap with me so that's what i'm about that's what we're trying to do i want to be a multi-generational church i want great-grandmama and grandpa to come here and sing jesus loves me and tears roll down their cheeks and i want somebody who's never been to church say i can't wait till next sunday when do we go back that's what kind of guy i want to be who believes we can be a church like that amen then we got to keep moving and shifting hallelujah stand on your feet with me it's tithe and offering time hallelujah turn around tell a couple of people say just keep moving just just just keep moving [Music] you um you have a pastor who is a builder i'm a leader i just can't take it but things aren't moving i'm not a i'm not a hold it steady guy i'm not an autopilot i'm not putting on cruise control that makes me miserable i'm miserable around an atmosphere like that i don't see what we have done i always see what we can do it's always in front of me what we can do and sometimes leadership like that can make you tired i don't want to make you tired but i have such a passion to shake the leaves on this bay area tree i believe god's going to do something and can i be honest with you tag you're it you're it there's six eight million people like tag you're it so it's gonna start right here god's gonna do something great i embrace that call that does not intimidate me when this came open i ran to it because i embrace it and i believe it down to my toes you think this area could be a christian area i wouldn't come if i didn't believe that see your claps are going down because you're like i don't think he knows where he is i know where i'm at and god can do it amen he saved you [Applause] [Music] let's don't let these moments pass us by great ministry it's just what it is it takes great resources if we want to do little things then give a little bit if you want to change your world then we have to give light we want to change our world it's tithe and open time lord bless the gift and the giver in jesus name and everybody said amen and amen and amen come on you know what to do on the app online or by text to give help me [Music] [Music] still you're calling me so faith is love when faith is lost my hope exhausted you will be my strength when my mind says i'm not you won't is oh on in every season in every season you keep repeating promises promises to me come on declare there's no stopping there's no stopping [Music] [Music] decided [Applause] i feel it breaking out like an echo oh [Music] that's right every voice i've decided [Music] she won't give up on me come on you won't give up on me [Applause] [Music] is come on y'all ready for some work let's do it come on help me gentlemen [Music] well if you enjoyed any part of good god bad neighbors yet if you you enjoyed it i uh if you would turn in your bible to luke and chapter 10 it will be the scripture from which i jump start probably every message in this series i'm going to do it all summer some are in my mind is kind of to when kids start going back to school and maybe around the end of august i'm just going to take my time i haven't even got to the neighbors yet i'm still on loving god and the the loving the neighbors part is easy to preach hard to do i got tons of scripture i could start anywhere in that bible and talk about loving your neighbor god is easy to love but that's hard to teach i told my wife the other day i said this is one of the most challenging series i've ever studied for and she said why i said because love is demonstrated and modeled it's hard to teach love you love is you don't want your mama and daddy to teach love you want him to love you you don't want your spouse to teach love you and and love hopefully my life preaches louder than my words i hope my life shows a love for jesus but love is a demonstrative active thing and so i really have never taught a series where i'm just trying to deal with them what does it mean to love god but that's what we're talking about love god love neighbors time will tell if i did a good job or not but it has been a challenge and when i get into the love neighbors part that's going to get real challenging but you can't miss you got to be here for all of it amen we're going to talk about all that stuff we're going to talk about what a friend is what do you look for in a relationship how do you know how to set boundaries what's the difference between a friend and acquaintance what type of relationship are you in and what caused it to be that deep and does it i mean we're going to go into everything forgiveness bitterness roots of bitterness we're going to get into all of it we're not there yet but i'm just teasing you a little appetizer and uh next few weeks though probably this weekend at least one more i want to just continue talking about loving god a little bit more luke 10 in your bible smart device phone however you want to get there luke chapter 10 and i'm gonna start at verses 25 to 28 luke 10 verses 25 through 28 behold a certain lawyer stood up and tested him saying teacher what shall i do to inherit eternal life he said to him what's written in the law what is your reading of it he answered and said you shall love the lord your god with all your heart with all your soul with all your strength and with all your mind and your neighbor as yourself verse 28 and he said to him you have answered rightly do this and you will live let's go back to verse 27 let's say it again i preached on these four areas last week in depth so i will review it today but i'll not go in depth he actually said love the lord your god with all your heart with all your soul with all your strength and with all your mind and then you put that tag and your neighbor as yourself so when i get to neighbor i can't even talk about love and neighbor till you know how to love you so i got to put a price tag on myself before i put a price tag on my neighbor because i have to love them the same way is anybody here today are y'all all right okay i just want to make sure father bless the reading of your word in jesus name and everybody said amen and amen tell your neighbor on both sides say here we go neighbor here we go here we go here we go hallelujah so i uh my tech team decided they was going to bring me into the 21st century and i'm reinventing myself because i really like my dry erase markers and so they finally just had to put a veto on that and try to help me out so i've got a new device and i'm having to shift because god has a sense of humor being the most non-technical dude in the world to the silicon valley like when they were showing me this thing the other day i was scared to touch it because i was scared i was going to launch nasa or something i didn't know what was going to happen and so if i misuse it it's on me it's not on them they have tried diligently to make me a techy preacher but we'll find out whether or not they have succeeded i uh told you amen go over here go over here go here there we go okay here we go we got pen number one am i doing good i mean doing good okay let's see if it's ready yeah there we go there are four words that the greeks had for love i write faster than it wants to pick up okay forward four words that the greeks had for love i talked about this about three weeks ago now for those of you saying why are we talking about greek your old testament was written in hebrew translated into whatever language it is uh that you read your bible we have many different people speak many languages here but let's just say because i don't speak any others let's say that's english then the bible was translated from hebrew to english the new testament was written in greek that's why if you go to bible stud school or seminary they usually make you take at least a year of greek i took greek every morning for at eight o'clock for a year it was awful um so but the fact is you are trying to get original intent because the english language sometimes is deficient in showing us the true meaning of a word so i told you a few weeks ago that you know we have one word love we use it to define our relationship with everything and everybody the greeks not so much they had four words for love and here's the way they did it number one you have the word ster ko sterkeo has to do with family love family love blood ties this would be the relationship this will be the word that describes the relationship hopefully at christmas and a family gathering at a thanksgiving it usually have to do with the relationships you don't get to choose but you're born into how many of you know you get to choose your friends but you got to live with family amen so the next one is phileo philadelphia the city of brotherly love so phileo has to do with friendship love brotherly love that's basically what described the relationship if you are hanging out or people who are best friends or uh people who may do hobbies together people uh who are out at a sports event together they would call that a phileo relationship so they wouldn't say manny loves his friends they would define it they would say he phileos his friends he's not family with them the next word is not in the bible it's eros from which we get our english word erotic which has to do with sexual love it is a greek word but it's not in the bible then jesus said love him like this and he used the word agape okay a god pay come on come on come on come here we go agape that's a different animal that is not normal it's not natural and it's not human the true essence of agape means a love without expectation it's hard i only got three amens because it's hard to admit it you get married richer poorer better for better for worse richer and poorer sickness and health why don't anybody hold up and say wait a minute wait a minute how were sir how much worse we talk about why don't we qualify that because you're supposed to be entering into agape understanding that life has with its ups and downs the positive and the negative the good days and the bad but i'm still committed to this that's supposed to be an agape love it is a love that doesn't have an expectation and it is a love without reason it's the love that god gives us when when god loved you look in your bible genesis is the revelation he never gave a reason he never told you why he loved you he just loved you and his love was consistent and never changed i don't know 12 13 of you just accepted jesus in here can i tell you something jesus don't love you more now than he did 30 minutes ago he loved you perfectly before you accepted him because he had already made up his mind he's going to love you without condition and he's going to love you without expectation and if you would have never have accepted him you would have gone to your grave and god would have loved you with the highest level of love possible that's the love of god it is agape love oh hallelujah so god says take this one right here and he said love me like this with all your heart okay all your heart all your soul all your mind um and all your say it strength we gonna get this right right here i'm so determined right now i am going to defeat you hallelujah it didn't do none of this the other day i got to be honest with you i knew it was going to wait till we got about a thousand people in here and then start cutting up on me all your heart all your mind all your soul so look now i'm building something this is the kind of love i want you to use when you love me what does it look like it involves all your heart all your soul all your mind and all your strength this is the seat of your passions this is your mind your will your emotions this right here is your memory and your imagination and this right here is all your talents and your abilities god said when you love me my god he said when you love me he said i want all of your emotions tied up in me i want all of your mind given to me i want all of your head space given to me i want you to remember me and everything i've done and love me like that i want you to imagine how great a life i can make for you and love me like that i want you to give me your talents your strength your abilities your energy your time the seed of your passions god said i want you to love me that way are you with me now he said agape me and then he said this all your heart all your soul all your mind all your strength i talked about the two parts of your mind last week i thought that was particularly good if you didn't get it go back and watch that now matthew 6 33 if you just put that on the screen y'all like my coat that's a bad coat i was in houston preaching and they were doing the worship they had this guy on the side and he was over there just taking his hands and throwing all over a canvas painting and i was really intrigued because i couldn't i'm not an artsy guy either i'm sorry y'all i've had so many deficiencies i'm not techy and i'm not artsy and i'm like where is this thing going and he took it and flipped the canvas up and it was the most beautiful picture of the lion of judah i'd ever seen in my life and i'd like i want to carry how much is that i want to carry that home and take it and put it in my office and for my birthday he put it on the back of a coat and gave it to me hallelujah i couldn't wait to put it on i might bring him during 212. i think i might bring him out here and let him do it i was so intrigued by it love has to do with seeking remember i'm trying to academically teach love it's very difficult love has to do with seeking out 1987 i'm in an arena at a concert i look down on the floor and i see the biggest head of blonde hair i've ever seen in my life now though there's a lot of you that do not have a reference to the 80s 80s was the decade of hairspray how many of you married an 80s girl how many of you you might okay see harley none of you had about five or six of you one when i say big hair i mean you can take one of them and all of them move they're all tied together with hair spray people don't do that now i look down and i see that i mean it's thousands in this arena that's all i can see and i'm worshiping doing this i didn't want her to catch me it was hope of course and i told my roommate i said i don't know who that is i said but i will before this night's over with i said if i have to comb this whole campus because we were on a college campus i said if i have to comb this whole camp so after that concert was over i went on this hunt i went to every dorm i went to every cafe i went to the sports around i went everywhere i could i was hunting for this head of blonde hair i was trying to find it it was the biggest one i'd ever seen it looked like cotton what am i doing seeking and after i met her can i see you tomorrow morning can we have coffee and after that what you're doing for lunch [Applause] and when she came to school i would seek her out between classes because i wanted to walk her to her next one what am i doing i realize here the potential of a relationship but i have to seek it out in order to find the value that it can bring to my life so the more that i seek her out and the more that i chase and the more that i invest and i want to have coffee in the morning and i want to have dinner at night and we'll go off later on and grab a pizza and the more i'm doing what am i doing it's not that i want to spend money on pizza it's not that i love coffee that much it's that i want to know her and so it begins to put a pursuit in me and that's what the word seek means it means to get to the bottom of a matter and i knew this girl with the blonde head i wanted to get to the bottom of what it would be like to have a relationship with her so i had to seek her out hence we have this matthew 6 33 put it on the screen if you would please seek first seek first first not eighth first they say that a committed christian committed not casual committed christian now goes to church once every six weeks seek first the kingdom of god and his righteousness i don't know if we really get this scripture and all these things for those of you say god don't care about things you're very wrong all these things i'll throw them in god has no problem giving you the stuff after you seek him i don't get what the relationship provides from hope till i seek out what she's like and when i seek out what she's like on a consistent basis i begin to see more and more about the person that there is to love are you following what i'm saying so people say i love you lord but you've never sold him out you only know that much of him to love you know that he saved you you know that you're on your way to heaven one day you know that we told you you needed to get baptized we gave you a shirt that day but that's about all you know and there's so many things about god that you can unfold in the relationship the god of peace the god of joy the god of restoration the god of favor the god who is fearless the god of faith the god who blesses the god who prospers the god who heals the god who protects and i gotta seek him seek him seek him seek him why because there's so much he wants to bring to the relationship but i gotta seek him first somebody take 10 seconds and give the lord god pray i feel something happening in this building hallelujah [Applause] easy to demonstrate hard to describe [Music] seek means get to the bottom of a matter so look the word kingdom means the extension of his rule the kingdom of god you're going to hear kingdom of god in the bible and kingdom of heaven kingdom of god tells you who owns it kingdom of heaven tells you where it's from then jesus said the kingdom is at hand so the kingdom which is from heaven owned by god now is extending his rule into the earth that means your house that means your marriage that means your kids that means your family on earth as it is in heaven i'm gonna say it three times till you get it on earth as it is in heaven somebody who needs some earth stuff on earth as it is in heaven 51st the kingdom seek ye first the way heaven functions seek ye first the way it is where god lives what's in here seek ye first how god handles resources seek ye first how god treats people seek ye first how god loves people seek ye first the attitude god would have seek you first what god would do in every given situation seek that first he said first now let me tell you something i got a series years ago i preached called first things i went through the bible and preached on every first in the bible i called it first things if you don't get first right three four five and six don't have a chance so seek first the kingdom and his righteousness i know righteousness sounds like a bible school seminary word and you're like you know pastor i'm i'm a real estate broker i don't do i don't even know what righteousness means i don't study greek when hold on righteousness means right relationship so my sin had separated me from god but the bible says when i accepted jesus catch this i became the righteousness of god in christ so in other words sin had separated me but now through jesus i've been put in right standing positionally with god that means you can come into his presence boldly in your time of need to obtain mercy and find grace you're not a beggar you're not on the outside you are in the family you positioned yourself as a son and daughter with god you're in the house you have access to everything in the kingdom you can use the keys of the kingdom i don't care if you had a good week with your conduct or a bad week with your conduct it doesn't matter because you are positioned right with god now let's talk about the other condition sometimes we think the condition of our life makes it where we can't talk to him but that's called holiness righteousness is what you are holy is what you become holiness does have to do with conduct behavior actions decisions and it's a process where you grow in god but righteousness god positions you perfectly with him the moment you get saved and then if you know your position you'll always correct your conditions the conditions will come in line look at your neighbor say god's gonna fix it come on say god's gonna fix it god's gonna bring it in line hallelujah position and condition seek ye first the way heaven functions the way god does things and seek a right relationship with him and i'll take all i got because i don't want to give you what i got if you don't care about me but if i know you love me you have access to everything in my world that's what god is trying to say he's saying you're coming here wanting my stuff but you had insulted me one time he said so you come to me and you pray for things because you're in need not because you're greedy but because you need things he says not understanding that if you just learn to seek me i'll take all that stuff and throw it in i always say it like this the more i understand the kingdom and i seek him the less i pray about stuff [Music] why because when you learn what to seek the stuff gets thrown in i don't come to god and ask god for money and for resources why because i know the keys what do i do 10 minutes before every offer and i'm trying to give you keys but i can't open your door for you all i can do is tell you the key seek that first seek how that functions seek how that operates and seek a right relationship with me and all these things will be added unto you now can i tell you i was are you all right can i have a few more minutes so we doing okay i was saying god i need an example of seeking i said help me out and god said use me i'm like okay that works genesis chapter 3. adam and eve were put in the garden they were told there was one tree they couldn't touch of course what do they go do take from that one tree sin enters the world and every bad thing that is in the world now sin was its gateway some people say how could god let this happen god didn't let it happen sin let it happen so they have disobeyed god and look at god and they heard the sound of the lord god walking now i know people discipline a lot of different ways now but the way i was brought up every one of those people would probably be locked up for the way we got disciplined amen they would they would probably all go to jail today but i remember my mama would make me go to my room my mama would never discipline me she'd make me go room and say what your daddy gets here well that's a miserable day you just gotta wait and i remember the sound of my daddy's footsteps on that wooden floor walking in the hallway and dread just imagine this sound and the sound of god walking in the garden in the cool of the day and adam and his wife hid themselves from the presence of the lord among the trees of the garden then the lord god called to adam and said were you so he said i heard your voice in the garden and i was afraid because i was naked and i hid myself and he said who told you you were naked i loved that he said who told you that he said i tell you what you are who you've been talking to [Applause] who told you you were naked i didn't tell you you were naked i'm your god and i define you i define your identity not what you just did who you've been listening to adam who told you you were naked have you eaten from the tree which i commanded you that you should not eat look at god love seeks love is the aggressor god was the hunter god was the aggressor god was the chooser god came from heaven down and walked in the garden god made the effort to come in the cool of the day god was crying out adam where are you god came and initiated a conversation with adam and when adam gave the wrong answer god came and held him accountable god was the aggressor the whole time that's what the love of god looks like it is an an unconditional love without expectation that is aggressive in its demonstration and even in your worst day it refuses to let you go that's why the bible says perfect love cast out all fear when i am loved like this i walk every day with no fear or no anxiety why because i know i got a god in my best in my worst that will not let me go and i don't have to be afraid and i don't have to be worried and i don't have to lose sleep why because he loves me without a reason he loves me without a string attached and it cast out all my fear because it's perfect in its nature now somebody shout hallelujah am i getting too excited or is this all right hallelujah ah now i see the clock ticking on me come on y'all don't took a bath and drove over here let me finish [Applause] i got actually a good bit more let me share two more scriptures this activity on god's behalf has never stopped what are you trying to do god said love me agape without expectation or condition and it looks like this it's a heart thing a soul thing a mind thing a strength thing it involves seeking him out to learn what he's like to learn what it is to love about him so i'm now telling you how to seek what he wants you to seek okay but to let you know that the seeking never stops you know what people want in a marriage two people that never stop pursuing i chase hope every day every day i chased her around that night in 1987 2021 i'm still chasing it still god why god is my model [Applause] john chapter four man that's a pretty coat jesus said to her this is the woman at the well they've been talking about a whale and water she's had this great conversion experience now they start talking about worship because she's a samaritan he's a jew the jews know who they worship samaritans they worshipped idols they don't know who they worship jesus said woman believe me the hour's coming when neither the father neither this uh excuse me when you will neither on this mountain nor in jerusalem worship the father but you will work you worship what you do not know we know what we worship for salvation is of the jews but the hour is coming and now is when true worshipers will worship the father in spirit and truth for the father is seeking he started hunting at him even the garden and he's still hunting why is he sick why is he still seeking why is he seeking out worshipers why is our worship so important today i'm glad you asked this is my last scripture ezekiel 28 this is the fall of satan don't have time to go here when did it happen pastor most theologians think it happened between genesis 1 1 and 1 2 go read it because the bible says in the beginning god created the heaven and the earth it says in verse 2 and the earth was without form and void and darkness was upon the face of the deep something happened because god doesn't create that something happened most people believe it happened right there this is what god had to say about satan who was the worship leader in heaven thus the lord thus says the lord god you are the seal of perfection full of wisdom and perfect in beauty you were in eden the garden of god remember he went into the garden the garden of god every precious stone was your covering the sardius the topaz diamond barrel ox onyx jasper sapphire turquoise emerald with gold the workmanship of your timbrels and pipes was prepared for you on the day you were created you were the anointed cherub he was an angel the anointed angel who covers i established you you are on the holy mountain of god you walk back and forth in the fiery stones i mean this was a creature right here you were perfect in your ways from the day you were created till iniquity was found in you verse 17. your heart was lifted up because of your beauty you corrupted your wisdom for the sake of your splendor i cast you to the ground and laid you before kings that they may gaze at you all right let me finish strong right here one of the reasons music is so powerful is because satan was a worship leader and if he can ever originate the sound of the entertainment world [Music] he can hold captive and control a generation that's why every generation has a new sound it originates from that and that is something used to control and develop the mindset of a generation i'm preaching now okay he was a worship leader in heaven listen this dude couldn't play instruments he was an instrument [Applause] the bible declares that there were timbrels and pipes built in his beak he walked amongst the heavens and played music while he walked he was a song so now that he was cast down heaven has a vacancy [Music] john chapter 4 the father is seeking worshipers satan got cast down he lost his job so the father is going through the earth seeking worshipers who will worship him in spirit and truth we ain't singing songs we're not playing music we are intermingling with earth in heaven and we are filling a void that heaven has with our worship oh somebody shout hallelujah that is why our worship is so powerful you can come down to the front anytime you want to you can dance anytime you want to you can jump up and down anytime you want to why because i'm stepping into heaven's vacancy when i worship god excuse me somebody give him 10 seconds of praise hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah my god i feel something stirring in this [Applause] place [Applause] [Music] two minutes i know what time it is two minutes philippians 3 philippians 3 7. but what things were gained to me i counted loss for christ this is paul the apostle paul seeking him out now i want you to listen to his level of seek verse for say yes indeed i count all things lost this was a very accomplished and very educated man i count all things lost for the excellence of the knowledge of christ he said i'm seeking him out at whatever expense need be for whom i've suffered the loss of all things and count them rubbish the word rubbish actually in there is kind that word means dung the actual literal translation i'm not going to say it and that is the literal translation he said i count it all done that i may gain christ verse 12 let's for the sake of time go to verse 12. not that i've already attained it or i'm already perfected but i press on i seek harder that i may lay hold of that for which christ jesus has laid hold of me that's an odd statement that i may lay hold of that for which christ jesus laid hold of me he said this is where i put my effort the word seek means to get to the bottom of a matter till you possess it [Applause] he said i'm pressing because i'm here to possess everything my oldest grandchild zayden was born at a very difficult time in our life and i love all my grandchildren dear dearly if you would play something deterrence i'm gonna end it out right here but that that boy did something special a bond that i had with him because of the timing of his life not because he's better than the rest of them but the time he meant a lot when he came and so i remember when i would go to where they lived or when they would come to our house it was this immediate thing we'd enter into which was the best way i knew how to explain or illustrate this so he come running out i mean wide open my name's man by the way i'm called man man it was supposed to be grand man but he couldn't say jeez so he called me man man and five kids grandkids later it stuck and so he'd run out man man come straight for me and we'd start that game maybe you played it uh he come and he'd lunge at me and i'm and i'm dodging him and we laughing and he's laughing he he comes and swipes at me again and i'm jumping out of the way and then finally i just reach up and grab him as high as i can and just swing him around because i turn around and lay hold of the thing which is trying to lay hold of me god said i have chased you down spin around and chase me back [Applause] i hunted you down hunt me back [Music] i loved you endlessly love me back i blessed you bless me [Music] i chose you choose me back that's how i want to be loved [Music] would you stand on your feet with me [Applause] thank you for indulging me and giving me a little bit extra time [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] i don't [Applause] [Music] i [Music] [Applause] [Music] i don't i don't just i don't want to just you know pastor a great church i want you to know him i want you to know anymore i want you to want you to learn how to come to him and not ask for anything but just tell him you love him came out here yesterday for two hours i just walked around in the parking lot tears rolling down my cheeks i said i can't believe how good you are to me i just look i was trying to start praying for you and i couldn't ask him about nothing i just i just sought the lord and he always shows me something else i didn't know and i want everybody around me to experience that because that's what you can pillar your head on in your toughest hour and you know it can i bless you before you go today amen may the lord bless you and keep you make his face shine about may the lord god establish you and may give you peace in jesus name and everybody says that say amen and amen go out of here and have the best sunday ever the best week ever and we'll do it again next week god bless you [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] franchisees [Music] bye [Music] this is all i want the love i have for you doesn't fade along with you the reason that i ask i've seen far too many friends [Applause] [Music] today [Music] is [Music] [Music] the deepest diseases [Music] kindness [Music] before i even said [Music] [Applause] is [Music] is [Music] is
Channel: myRedemption
Views: 804
Rating: 4.4285712 out of 5
Id: XkKjoSzC3j0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 100min 20sec (6020 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 20 2021
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