Redemption Front Row Experience VR 360

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[Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Applause] [Music] so [Music] church are you excited that we and the lord are lords the alpha omega beginning in the end well i need you to do me a favor on the count of three i want you to start this worship experience off right and give god a shout of praise one two three left here [Applause] come on let the warriors of worship lift up their voices like never before somebody shouted to god with the voice of trying oh we gonna start this thing off right do i got some fighters in here this morning come on somebody help me everybody here so we came to give him the praise and glory this morning is there anybody that loves jesus for real for real can i hear you shout in here i thought you would love him a little bit better than that i said if you love jesus for real for real can i hear you shouting here we're about to take a moment and pour our love on our savior can you begin to give god a public display of affection as we give god the praise today yeah yes god we love you more than anything and this song is all about you and how we can't live without your love your love is the air that we breathe if you believe in redemption [Music] we stand and we shout we can't live without your love for you our holy god everybody [Music] so [Music] foreign [Music] everybody we breathe [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] god keeps us [Music] it keeps is [Music] [Music] now we can't live forever is [Music] [Music] your love is is [Music] is [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] is [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] is is there anybody that loves them just as much as i do can i hear you make some noise again today god we love you for real it doesn't matter if we had these cameras on it doesn't matter if we have these lights on what we're doing right now is because we love you for real is there anybody that loves him like i do today [Applause] you can't live without your love we can't live without your love say we can't live in the morning [Applause] say we can't live yeah come on think about what you're saying to us [Applause] [Music] god we love you we love you and it's not for anything not any reason god if you never do anything else we want you to know that redemption church came here today at 11 15 to let you know how much we really love you for real for real you don't have to give us another blessing you don't have to give us another increase you don't have to do anything else god we love you in spite of anything we love you we're sending back the love to you that you've given to us is there anybody that knows that he loves you do you know that your love lift your hands if you know your love yeah yeah it doesn't matter the mistakes you made doesn't matter the mistakes you make doesn't matter how hard you've fallen even in the midst of your falling god says you're still my child yeah yeah i'm still a child of god i haven't forgotten my name i haven't forgotten his promises over my life yeah i went through addiction but he still loved me yeah i went through thoughts of suicide but he still loved me yeah i was sleeping in my u-haul yes i was sleeping on the sidewalk but he still he still he still loved me he still loved me and i know some of us in here we look great but there was a moment where we didn't look so great and i want you to know that god says you're still my son you're still my child you're still my daughter nothing can keep me from loving you nothing could keep me from turning my back away from he says i'll never turn my back on you so we worship from that space knowing that we are loved oh the overwhelming never ending reckless love of god oh it chases me down fight still i'm found it leaves the 99 i couldn't learn it i don't deserve it still you give yourself away [Music] and it's because of your love listen [Music] yeah there's no wall you won't [Music] there's no shadows out of here we gotta get out of here oh sir take a moment and worship him right thank you for there [Music] your goodness and mercy [Applause] it is following me when i tried to walk out on god it was following me at the end of that bottle it was still following me after i smoked everything that i could smoke it was still following me after every bedroom session it would still follow me you're too safe for me in here i'm thankful that god did not stop talking with me hey he never stopped following me redemption he will never stop following you he's so crazy about you that he says i will let nothing separate you from my love i will not let life nor death no principality no sickness separates you from my love he loves you for real he loves you forever we gotta get out of here but can we see it one more time oh [Music] he wants to hear your voice say oh he changed [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] oh [Music] [Music] [Music] well i was a slave to sin jesus died for me yes he died for me sing free at last so grateful for your grace [Music] [Applause] [Music] there's a place for me [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] and i am who you say i am i am not forgotten you i am do you believe it this morning [Music] [Applause] is do you believe it we lift our hands to the king of kings [Music] [Music] love [Music] you rescued me so i could stand and sing i am a child of god so oh [Music] fear [Applause] me right [Applause] i am [Music] is can we lift that to the king of kings so grateful every hand lifted to our heavenly father we're so glad you're ours and we are yours jesus i am a child of god so no one's been formed against me will ever prosper i am [Music] yes we are [Music] redemption bay area belongs to the lord [Music] [Applause] no matter how young or how old we belong to the lord no matter where we've been where we're going we belong to the lord so in this moment church as we go into this last song i'd invite you right now wherever you are this is your moment with the lord so just close your eyes lift your hands don't worry about to the person to the left to the right just have a moment with him right here right now come on we sing this i together go back to the beginning i can't control i can't control what tomorrow will bring but i know but i know here in the middle is the place here's the place where you promised to be yes god we believe that today so with grateful hearts we sing this [Music] unless sing it cause all i want is is anybody desperate to meet the lord here and now today oh we welcome you lord we open our hearts god we open our minds jesus come on we sing this together say as i walk every horse [Music] in my weakness [Music] i'm not enough [Music] cause all i want is [Applause] i'm not enough will you leave me here again [Applause] come and fill this [Music] [Music] anybody who's ever felt abandoned anybody who has ever felt alone needs to sing this love right here say not for not for a man [Music] [Applause] foreign [Music] lord is in this place [Music] we love you [Music] [Applause] sing that chorus one more time i think i'm not enough all i want every boy [Music] me [Music] cause is i want [Music] is here and god comes to us and he's telling us i'll leave the 99 and i'll go after the one i will come after you i don't know if you're the 99 or you're the one today but there's if you're far from god or you have a place in your heart that you need god he's running to you today he calls himself the good shepherd in fact he says i am the chief shepherd and my sheep know my voice [Music] does anybody know the shepherd's voice in this building today [Applause] david knew this that's why in psalms 23 he says the lord is my shepherd i shall not want he makes me to lie down in green pastures he leads me besides the still waters he restores my soul he leads me in the paths of righteousness for his name's sake yea though i walk through the valley of the shadow of death i will fear no evil for you are with me your rod and your staff they comfort me you prepare a table for me in the presence of my enemies you anoint my head with oil my cuff runs over surely goodness and mercy will follow me all the days of my life for i will dwell in the house of the lord forever because i know the shepherd's voice and he hears mine today i want to challenge you wherever you're at will you lift up your hands right now and close your eyes god wants to meet you where you are because sometimes we find ourselves lost sometimes we find ourselves weak sometimes we find ourselves discouraged but god said i'm gonna meet you there in your need i will meet you there where do you need god to meet you today do you need to be healed he'll meet you there do you need god to heal your mind he'll meet you there do you need peace he'll meet you there do you need financial breakthrough he'll meet you there do you need your family to come back together again he'll meet you there do you need your heart to come back together again the shepherd is here and he will run to you he will come to you he will find you and he won't say what are you doing far from me he'll say i've met you here i will lift you up i will pick you up and put you on my shoulders and i will walk you to the place you're supposed to be and i will train you up raise you up and restore all that you are meant to walk in but you need him to meet you there where is you're there today he's coming to you will you bring that to god say god i need you to meet me here i need you to meet me here i need you to meet me here holy spirit minister right now minister to our hearts minister to our minds minister to our situation minister to us right now he's healing your body he's healing your mind he's healing your finances he's healing the heart that has been broken he's healing the mind that is scattered he'll meet you there even if it's not the first time he'll meet you there again because he is a present help in time of need he is the good shepherd and he will run to you as the holy spirit ministers to this body maybe you're someone that says i i don't know god's voice i don't recognize the shepherd's voice but i want to i want to be close but here's the good news the lord isn't just in this building place he wants to be in this place he wants to be in your life if you want that he will walk with you you can go through valleys you just heard david say it let's pray this prayer together if you want jesus to come into your life today and make him the shepherd of your life pray this dear god i thank you you are the good shepherd you are the chief shepherd and today i hear your voice i open my heart to you today i acknowledge that i've been lost but today i've been found i've been in a storm but you've walked to me i believe that you sent your son to die on the cross for me and pay my penalty of sin and you raised him on the third day and today i confess that you are not my lord and you are not my savior and you are now the shepherd of my life and i will follow you forever could you put your hands together because god is doing something in this place he's healing he's restoring he's bringing it all back together today we are his sheep and he leads us surely goodness and mercy will now follow us every day of our lives in jesus name we pray amen amen amen come on can you guys put your hands together for everything god is doing in the house today we don't want to let this moment pass you by jamal please let them know what this moment is right here what this moment is is a very important moment where so many people in the house of god just came back to the kingdom to the authority that is over their lives yes amen um i was talking to somebody in the fourier about how i was actually in this building when it was jubilee wow and i i thought to myself man i really tried to go out in my own life and do my own thing but you know what the word of the lord called me back it kept calling me back he kept me it kept calling me back and i'm trying to what i'm trying to paint a picture is i believe there's so many people in the crowd right now who got called back yes who got called back and that is the most amazing thing that ever happened to you and it was the word of god and so uh care pastors if you can stand right now and just uh hold up your bible this is the word of god that we want to put in your hands that even when you uh life maybe tries to pull you away the word of god will call you back to where you're supposed to be where you're supposed to be where he can continue to bless and give life into you if you don't uh grab a bible right now we have a space in the fourier where you can come and grab a bible grab a connect card so we can keep in contact with you yeah and uh that's amazing we just don't want to let this moment pass you by as you see the pastoral care if you just said yes to jesus this was your very first time or whether you rededicated your life we want to place this bible in your hands i want to testify real quick as of last week we had over 450 salvations and as of this morning over a hundred and ten people got saved and you may say but how do you know ask john how do you know how is that while we are streaming live there are people behind the computers behind the phones behind the tablets everything at the moment they say i saved them all we have somebody direct message them get them in their dms right away and say right away connect with them grab their name grab whatever information we can and start to connect them right away so behind every number is a person pulled out of darkness come on somebody man come on that's what you and i and all of us together get to be a part of so we don't want to let you pass this moment by uh please go ahead and grab that bible let us put that bible in your hand let us put that connect card in your hand so we can connect with you life groups growth track etc we got so many beautiful things but with that being said do we have any first-time guests in the building any first time guest right over here welcome thank you so much right over there welcome over there in the back welcome thank you so much for being here over there i see you good to see you anyone else anyone else so good to see you first time you come in jamal they may be visitors but the second time they're family i'm not mistaken so we are redemption where many become one as you can tell it looks like heaven in this room amen it looks like what heaven's gonna look like and we're so grateful that you're here today come on how do you feel are you excited i'm so excited for the word pastor matt brought it the first service i'm excited for this service but we got so much more information please do not zone out pay attention to all the information that we have so please turn your attention to the screens my name is natalie briones and this is in the loop [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] the bible says to give honor our honor is due so today we want to honor and celebrate pastors ron and hope on 31 years of marriage congratulations we love you we have an incredible experience lined up for you and your family this fourth of july let's celebrate our independence with popcorn games snow cones face painting and an amazing morning of worship in word invite a friend and don't miss this unforgettable event we can't wait to spend this 4th of july with you getting baptized is one of the most important moments for us as believers it symbolizes us leaving behind our old way of life in the water and coming out as a new creation in christ if you're ready to take that step or to get baptized again register for our water baptism happening on july 25th by going to and clicking on upcoming events redemption it's time to jump off the sidelines and get involved in our church community by joining growth track growth track is a three session long course where you'll discover your design and purpose during the third session you'll learn about our dream team opportunities and how you can use your gifts to serve the lord go to backslash growth track to register our hope is to extend the love of god not just locally but to the world as well with your generous donation of a hundred dollars you will be able to provide uniforms for three orphans in colima mexico for more information and to sow a seed into someone's life go to hope redemption thank you so much for joining us we'll see you next week here in the loop hey man any minute man it is time for tithes and offering everyone who's a cheerful giver amen it's time as an offering my name is matt jackson i'm a youth pastor here i'm not pastor ron if you heard about pastor ron you're like i thought that he had bigger pectorals or biceps yeah you know i'm working on it all right but i am not passed around i'm coming to you with his heart though with this message and for tithes and offering i just wanted to reiterate what he has been teaching on um there's the tithe is 10 and it's known as the first portion and that's god's god establishes the law of first portion in genesis where he said we could eat from any tree in the garden except for that one god always marks off something for himself and he says do not eat that so the ten percent is given to god because he can do more with the ninety than we can with the hundred and we trust him in this why he gives us promises he says bring all the tithes into the storehouse that there may be food in my house and try me now in this says the lord of hosts if i will not open for you the windows of heaven and pour out for you such blessing that there will not be room enough to receive it and i will rebuke the devourer for your sake so that he will not destroy the fruit of your ground nor shall the vine fail to to bear fruit for you in the field so now we're getting into the offerings so tithes is the first 10 and what does that do it rebukes the devourer from eating your seed your tithe isn't a seed you give that but your offering you can turn it into a seed and give it an identity for what you want to see god do in your life it's called sowing where you want to go so where you want to go and so you can name the seed i just want to give a quick example of this i got pastor ron's permission to do this i was watching some old messages and he gave this testimony and i responded to it and i wanted to bring it to you today he was talking about how his son eight years ago had been dealing and was caught up in a lifestyle of drug addiction and had to go into a rehabilitation for one year and it broke his heart so much because that was his son and he said that he had a visiting worship guest artist and the worship artist just turned the whole church upside down and the presence of god was so powerful and it was such an amazing worship time and he said you know what i'm going to take him home i'm going to drive him back to the hotel i have to and so he got to the car drove the artist home and when they're parked outside the hotel he said what god has done for you this guest artist who was moving in god's presence in the will of god flipping churches upside down with the presence of god he had come out of a life of a 16-year drug addiction living in a crack house and pastor ron came to him and said what god has done for you i'm believing god is going to do for my son and what did he do he gave an offering he said that he was given a watch that was 11 800 it was the most valuable thing he had ever had someone had given it to him and he wore it every single week when he preached but he said that i don't have any money with me but what i do have he took off the watch and he clicked it onto his wrist and them with both having tears in their eyes prayed for his son and he said one year later my son was water baptized with his wife while his oldest son watched and god did something in his life because a desperate father planted a seed when i saw that i was so moved i was so stirred in my heart my spirit was so willing that i called up my wife and i said we have to give an offering we have to give an offering right now and i told her why and she said we got to do it let's do it and we named our seed the children that we are going to have in the future we're going to walk into and we planted the biggest seed we have ever given in our lives why because that seed that pastor ron gave his son two two months ago was standing over there before i was about to do what i'm doing right now and he said did you ever think that you'd be speaking for my dad and i said no never and he goes well you got this and the person that was pulled out of something was pushing me into something new because someone planted a seed and honored the law of first portion and believed what god could do with our offerings will you stand with me it is tithes and offerings time and i pray that you will rebuke the devourer of your seeds today and maybe if you are desperate for something in your life that you will plant and name this seed and sow where you want to go so that god will say finally i want to show you where i can take you now i can bless you don't rob me from the ability to show you how great i am i'm not getting enough claps or shouts in this moment but this might be the most powerful thing you will get in this entire day your whole life might change its trajectory you might have people sitting next to you that aren't here today because you planted a seed where's your faith i had to give it i told my wife we got to give this in this moment will you pray with me dear god i pray in this moment right now that you stir in our hearts this is you don't need our money you just want our hearts and i pray that we give our hearts to you today that we name seeds we rebuke the devourer and we will see the harvest that you have for us in our lives in jesus name we pray amen [Music] and with that same heart of worship as god continues to bless us we'll spend this time blessing the lord him my soul and all that is within me will bless his holy name yes lord come on let's see redemption church as we say i will is [Applause] [Music] [Music] is is [Music] [Applause] me let's give it to jesus for a moment the highest praise as we say hallelujah to the kingdom of glory [Music] right before i get out of here i gotta brag do you say [Music] come on everybody [Music] [Music] so good morning good morning good morning good morning good morning that is the fastest bumper ever that we've ever had we are launching a new series today it's called love god good god bad neighbors pastor ron said he got a kick out of that it is easy to love god it's hard to love people and that's what we're talking about today it's a love series actually it's for the rest of the summer it's a love series about loving god and then loving people that before you can get this right you have to get this right so it might be the simplest message but is the most profound because god's love is infinite it is boundless and he will speak to our hearts today let's read a couple verses and we'll get into this word in matthew it says this they asked him what is the great commandment teacher which is the great commandment in the law jesus said to him you shall love the lord your god with all your heart with all your soul and with all your mind this is the first and great commandment and the second is like it you shall love your neighbor as yourself one more let's go to john a new commandment i give to you that you love one another as i have loved you that you also love one another powerful jesus summed up the entire law love god with all your heart mind soul and then he said the second is like it that loving your neighbor is like loving god because it's so connected if you love then you will know god and if you know god you will love first john 4 7 8 if you don't love then you don't know god so in order to love you should not say god help me to love more you should say god help me to understand how much you have loved me increase my understanding of what you've done for me so that i can love the way that you do it is responsive this is the key in the beginning i want to start with this it is a responsive love that you need to have what do i mean by that jesus when he was washing the disciples feet when he was done mind you he washes all their feet even the one that was going to betray him he he washed all their feet and then he after after he was over he goes peter do you know what i've done for you he asked that question do you know what i've done for you i do this as an example that you should do for others for what i have done for you it is responsive we love because he first loves us we know that christ loves us because he proved it because while we were yet sinners he loved us and so he does it first so all we have to do is respond to what he's done and we will start walking in love but what we do is we bring ourselves into it we try to love the way we want to love we love the way that we've been shown love and it's an incomplete love it's an imperfect love it's an immature love and that's why god says perfect love casts out all fear god is love and that's what he does he cast all those things out gandhi said this he goes i would be a christian if it weren't for the christians i like your christ i don't like his followers because maybe we serve a good god but maybe it's us that we're the bad neighbors and it is god's group that is supposed to they are supposed to know we are christians by our love but maybe our love was not god's love maybe it was an earthly love a fallen love and incomplete and immature love and so that when they looked at us they didn't see jesus they could not see christ in our christianity but that changes today amen i'm going to share a story it says in the bible that whatever you do to the least of these you do unto me that's what jesus said that when you do unto the least unto those who can't do anything for you when you serve those who can't serve you back you're actually serving me and i have a story where one of our young adults he was sharing a story how he was walking with one of his friends and while he was walking along the streets and the sidewalks whenever they would come across a homeless person to the least of these his friend would always look and acknowledge them and keep going and they'd be talking talking talking to see another person on the street the least of these he would stop and he would acknowledge and finally he asked him he goes why do you always do that and he said because i know what it's like to be homeless i know what it's like to be overlooked and so whenever i walk past someone who is in my place i always want them to know that i see them he saw jesus in them and so when you have those that are serving because they see jesus and you have those who are served they see jesus in you both servant and the ones that is served when they walk away from each other they both walk away seeing jesus they both walk away seeing love they both are changed that is how we're supposed to live and that's how they know they'll know we are christians because they can see christ in our christianity will you pray with me dear god i thank you for this day we open up this time let us understand increase our understanding of how great how wide how deep the length of your love let us be convinced that nothing will separate us from that love and let us pour out what is being poured into us in jesus name we pray amen all right okay we're going to jump into some greek words on the board board of truth call this the board of truth so there's actually four different ways of understanding love or there's four main ways in the greek okay so when we say love we love a lot of stuff you know like i love pizza you know i love movies you know i love my wife you know i love that's actually real love big i love you but that's my wife right there in the blonde hair yeah i love her she's so easy to love she's so easy to love helps that she's so pretty anyway so um there's storge which is a family type of love husband wife uh father mother children children to mother father brother sister family love then there's philia which means friend type of love that you have for a friend uh eros which is the sexual love the passion of love i put s love there because i don't really want to have sexual on the board of truth while i'm preaching so yeah and then um this one is agape which is god's love and a lot of us known as unconditional love but we're going to go beyond that definition today but we're going to talk about five components of agape the way god loves us okay so you can't give out what has not been first put into you and so let me just talk to dating people for a moment because i went through a prolonged single season so let me just say this if you are seeking agape love in your life you have to go to the one who has this type of love which is god so young ladies if you are looking for a man that knows agape love then you need to make sure he goes to the one who has that love and let him love him the way that he is supposed to be loved so that he can then love you the way that you're supposed to be loved because i don't know if you read the wedding vows that is a description of agape love sickness or in health good times bad times richer for poor till death do us part do you think that he can make that type of commitment if he doesn't understand how god has made that commitment to him he can't give out what he has not received and so what you need to do is make sure that you have this type of love and not just this type of love so if you remove this it will reveal if he has this [Applause] you hear that youth you should be spending this young season developing your relationship with this before you do any of this oh but he's so cute he loves god he's worshiping god next to me the right person at the wrong time is still the wrong thing you gotta live in seasons the first definition of love is his patience be patient oh i'm ready oh i'm ready i'm 15. i know about love i know everything no you don't i watch kissing booth you don't nothing talking about real love today and when you understand the real love then you can give it out number one of the five love seeks to know and understand real love seeks to know and understand can we read first peter it says uh husbands likewise dwell with them with understanding giving honor to the wife as to the weaker vessel and as being heirs together of the grace of life that your prayers may not be hindered the first part is where we're going to pull a principle husbands likewise dwell with them with understanding by the way uh this church shouts amen this church shouts hallelujah this church says that's good this church stands up this church points and this church says go ahead keep it coming and i didn't get one last message but i love to get a period after something has good if there's something that's an exclamation point don't sound don't shout exclamation point shout period exclamation point it's too many syllables it's too hard let's not do that yeah just period all right so real love seeks to know and understand you can't love something that you don't understand and you don't know and so if you want to learn more about god and love god and understand god you will love god because you will understand how he loves you and knowing is not just head knowledge knowing is experience you have to spend time you have to experience time you have to have a season that's why you don't marry potentially you marry potential with a track record whoa who needed to hear that oh he has so much potential i can just see him he's going to be so great what has he been because that's what he will be until he proves for a season that he can be that who am i talking to who's pulling this out of me today thank you jesse so jesse i don't know why you're saying that i'm talking to you you need to know that anyway it's one of the youth pray for us so when you increase in in knowledge and intimacy it is also is so it's so deep information is intimacy so when you get to know someone information is intimacy when what you're actually doing is you're giving yourself to someone else don't think that you have to be in this to be giving yourself over to them if you're giving your mind if you're giving your heart if you're speaking in words or letting them talk to you you are giving yourself to that person they are giving it to you and that's why you have a soul tie with someone you may not have even kissed because information is intimacy and frankly young ladies the men are giving you their ear because they're hoping for eventually some other part okay who am i talking this is real life isn't it so yeah period my my wife my wife um she gave me permission to say this she told me not to be so she she told me to you never come back around and talk about how good i am so first of all my wife is such a gift she is so awesome she is amazing she never but she's got road rage and i wondered to her one day i was like why do you have a road rage because you're so nice all the time like really she is like she's so nice all the time but when it comes to the road she's like what are they doing why do they do that it's actually kind of fun sometimes i'll get mad at someone just for fun just to see what she'll do and so she was like yeah what are they doing what's going on i'm like what why do you get so mad in those moments and she said i will give you more understanding and more knowledge she didn't say that but that's what she was doing she was giving me the intimate knowledge of she had gotten to a car accident when she was in her teenage years and her mother and her best friend were in there and they almost died and her friend got seriously injured to the point where they were not sure if she could ever have children again and that family sued her family because of that and that relationship was ripped apart and she says that's why i get so mad i just don't want anything to happen to people don't realize what could happen what did i do i increased in understanding and in knowledge because i love her and she loves me and she shared it with me and we got closer that's what god does we acknowledge we have to learn about people have you heard of the scorpion on the frog that fable there's a scorpion trying to go to the other side of a river and he's like i can't get there i can't swim and so he turns to the frog mr frog i need to go to the other side of the river and the frog goes no way why would i do that you're a scorpion he goes i'm not gonna do anything to you if i do we're both gonna die and the frog's like yeah that's true okay hop on so they go across the river together midway through the frog feels a searing pain in his back the scorpion had stung him and he was going to die and the frog turns the scorpion and said why did you do that now we're both going to die the scorpion says because i'm a scorpion what does that mean it is my nature to be i am what i am and we as christians have to understand that we are people and the people that we love are fallen people and have human nature and human nature they will do what they will do and so jesus how does he deal with this when he's on the cross he says this father forgive them for they know not what they do that's how he loves because he acknowledges who they are he understands how we are he understands our frailty and he still loves us isn't that good what a good god we have number two love anticipates needs can we read first peter 5 7 love anticipates needs casting all your care upon him for he cares for you casting all your care care in this moment is known as your fears or your anxieties casting all your fears and anxieties upon him why is god able to handle all our fears and all our anxieties because he's already prepared a solution before we ever had a problem i go before you i prepare a place for you you are my workmanship and i want you to walk into all the good things i have prepared for you that's what god does god made the garden prepared it and then put adam into it i want to talk about i want to talk i want to do a quick example can we just put um the first picture up here this is my my my wife if you can't see her she is there yeah there's me yeah she's so easy to love she's so easy to love okay now we have time so because i love her i'm willing to do a lot you have to die you have to die for your spouse so so like um when when we were getting engaged she was like when are we gonna get a ring when are we going to get a ring and i was like i don't know i don't know i don't know you know i don't know you know and and then and then and then eventually i was like let's just go look let's just go look because i just want to see you right and she picks out a i can't say how much it was like we get a used car okay and she's looking at it she's like and i'm like oh no and she goes what do you think do you think this is too bougie and i was like how much is it and i was like yes yes it's too bougie too bad we gotta go then the lady in the jewelry stop she's she talks to us she pulls us into her office never go into the office we go into the office she puts the diamond ring under a microscope she has a microscope in her office and she goes look at this diamond it is flawless it is beautiful very high quality and i'm like that's nice and i'm sweating and and then she i had not asked her to marry me yet by the way we were just talking about maybe if we could and and then but because i wanted to increase in knowledge we went to the jewelry shop and and the the the jewelry shop lady said this and i believe it was god speaking she goes you need to buy this because you are not teenager anymore i was like all right agnes i will so we bought the ring before i proposed why did i do that because i love her and i'm willing to pay the price so easy to love so easy to and um so we are gonna we went to hawaii i'm gonna do another story we went to hawaii and um this has nothing to do with love yet but we hike up diamond head which is a dharma volcano if you don't know in oahu you go up there you know i don't know if you've done it you got to do it it's beautiful it's wonderful go go up there we do that together it was a wonderful marriage thing you know and then we come back down and there's a place selling pineapples with that were filled with a smoothie a pineapple smoothie in a pineapple okay they put the pineapple in the pineapple and she wanted one and i was like of course yeah let's get one and it's 18 i go 18 for a pineapple i'm from hawaii i don't care about any of that stuff like i'm like what no we can go we can go to the store and get a can of pineapple for three dollars no we're not doing that and then she goes like i really want to drink one can we get one can we just get the pineapple and i'm like i don't want i was like hey man how much just just take a picture with the pineapple just hold it so we ended up buying a pineapple and we drank it and then uh after that we eventually she really wants to get a dog we already have a dog but we need a second dog to keep that dog company i don't know see guys so thankfully she's so easy to love and it was expensive and i was like how much i know i'm willing to spend this much and then she goes okay well i found one and i'm like well how much is it and it was four times more than i was so comfortable spending and i was already uncomfortable with my first number and i was like no and she goes well you just pray about it and you just think about it i just got to know you make the decision you make the decision you make the decision i was like i'm the man of the house i'm the priest of this household when i say it goes so we ended up we're getting this one that's our puppy it's coming [Applause] it's on it three more weeks and we can pick it up from texas so easy to love and uh i bring this up because we love this puppy so much we're getting little pictures and snippets uh as it's growing up we love this puppy so much we went out and she had already bought all these things a stuffed animal for it i don't know why puppies need stuffed animals but they do they have a collar that they're going to grow out of they have a leash that they're going to grow out of the bone that they're going to throw away after they teeth what are we doing we are preparing for something that we love we have anticipated the needs and because we love it we prepare everything for it and before we've even received it we've already paid a price and we already love it so much to prepare everything it's going to need for the rest of its life what is that that's the love of a husband it's god's love it's god's love i have to come back around because my wife always gets mad at me at the end i have to she does not make me do anything we decide together she is not mean i just got to clarify cause last time she's like you never tell them how nice i am i'm like she's very very nice it's just a just a sermon example okay all right i'm bringing this up because love anticipates needs um jesus was the lamb slain before the foundation of the world so before the world even fell before adam and eve even sinned god already had a plan and anticipated the need for a savior for a reconciler for a mediator for a worthy sacrifice that would bring this back up to this and so he already prepared for it he anticipated the need because he is love and whatever you need he is already the answer for it because he goes before us [Applause] that's why jesus says before abraham was i am i always am the solution to anything you've had because i've been waiting for you and so i bring this up because people don't we don't understand love do we because real love agape love is not just unconditional love it is love without expectation that puppy doesn't have to do anything for us to love it it just has to be ours it is without expectation whether we do something right whether we do something great or whether we do something terrible it does not change the fact of who we are mr roosevelt the tallest guy in here the scariest looking guy the nicest guy he was talking about how you're still a son right that you're still a son whether you're doing good or whether you're the prodigal you are still the son nothing ever changes that because love is a love without expectation expectation leads to disappointment and people always disappoint you because love love from a person fails but god's love never fails i'm gonna do this example my wife again she made us watch this netflix special i didn't want to but i did because of her no we did we watched this this uh netflix special and it was about it was a very actually it's a very serious and a sad uh documentary about a person i'm not gonna say his name but he believes that he can fly and it's about how he uh captured people captured women in his life and they became prisoner to him and they actually were not even locked up in their house but they were unable to leave because he had so captured them here and here and presented false love to them it got to the point where they could not even eat food until he gave permission to they could not even use the bathroom until they were given permission to because they were so tied to this false love and control but that's not love what does it say in first corinthians 13 love is patient love is kind it does not envy or boasts isn't rude or arrogant it doesn't seek its own it doesn't keep a record of wrong it doesn't get easily angered it doesn't delight in evil but rejoices in the truth love bears all things believes all things hopes all things endures all things love never fails so whatever you're loving if it is failing you or controlling you that is not love that is not god and that is not your father so quit calling it daddy that's what he would do he would say i got them the first day he would meet them he would test them he would say call me daddy and if they would call him daddy he knew that he had them and eventually they were locked up and they couldn't leave there was no locks on the doors but they were stuck who are you following who is your father some of you are the father of lies you are trapped in things you are calling daddy the wrong dad you are listening to the wrong master and you are trapped in fears and anxieties and performance even now because of your comparison to other people and wondering if they will see what you are hiding you are calling something daddy that isn't your father because our father is full of real love full of real truth and his truth makes you free i pray that we come out of lies today as we round into the final part of our message number four real love does not allow offense to change its status here we go talking to the people of god amen real love doesn't allow an offense to change its status so in john 15 jesus says i no longer call you servants because servants don't know what the master is doing today i call you friends i move you from this category to another category because a friend knows everything and i tell you everything the father tells me therefore you're my friend because information knowledge understanding that's love not a servant you are now a friend and then in john 21 jesus had been crucified he had been betrayed he had been abandoned and he had been denied by peter and he goes and he speaks to the disciples who had decided to go back to their former life peter says i'm going to go fishing and they all say we're going to go with you and they all go back to their former life they were supposed to carry on the ministry of jesus but instead they went back to the thing that they were pulled out of and then john recognizes jesus on the shore and peter jumps off and swims to him what does jesus say when he comes to the shore he says friends have you caught any fish he still calls them friends because he should have been offended but love doesn't allow offense to change its status i wish we could say that about ourselves because jesus didn't just wash the feet of the person that would betray him he also sat down and ate a meal the last meal with someone that was going to betray him he allowed his betrayer to sit at his table i wonder if any of our friends or family or even our enemies would be able to sit at the table of jesus if we would allow them to sit at hours oh i'll love them when they serve god but until then i won't let them be a part of christmas i won't let them be a part of thanksgiving i want to invite them to church because they're just going to embarrass me because they smell like the world so i don't want them near me because i want people to smell them and think it's me they'll never get to eat at the table of jesus if they can't sit at yours [Applause] i'm gonna close i'm gonna close here we're gonna round into number five see this message is simple but it's profound it is challenging it is the deepest thing because it strikes at the core of you because i can't see your heart god can and you know that he is like an x-ray looking right into here and he's not here to condemn you he's here to lift you he's here to say stop trying to do better just love me more do you know what i've done for you go and do likewise just go deeper into what i've done for you the woman caught in adultery i i forgive them i forgive you where are your accusers neither do i accuse you go that is the most profound moment in that story where are your accusers she said i don't see anybody except for you and in that moment she was wondering if jesus is her accuser and jesus says i don't accuse you either that's not who i am i'm that i'm agape i'm real love and i number five love restores [Music] [Applause] before i get back to peter which is where i'll finish i want to talk about the prodigal for a moment prodigal son very familiar story the prodigal son left the father's house because of immaturity he said to the father give me my inheritance now which is the same thing as saying you are dead to me i dishonor you he should be offended and say look i want everything that's supposed to come to me after you die well you're dead to me now so give me all of it so i can spend it the way i want to and the father did and let him and he wasted all of it on reckless living famine comes he's in a pigsty and he comes to himself and says i should go back to my father's house and just ask him if i could be a servant because it's better to be a servant there than to be here and he goes back to his father's house and it says this the father representing god real love agape is looking and sees the sun afar off why does he see him afar off because the father has been preparing for this moment he has anticipated his need and was already there looking for when the sun would finally come back to himself and so he embraces the sun and you can just see it the sun's saying father i i do i should not even be a son will you just make me a servant in your household make me a hireling but here's the thing fathers don't hire sons fathers restore sons you are my son you've been my son when you are far off when you are on your way when you are here and you will always be my son because of who you are to me because of blood and i love you and i will never change that look at what he does i can just see it when he says let me just be a servant the father just turns and ignores what he's saying and say hey servants go get that robe that we've been preparing go get that ring of authority then put it back on my son's finger and get the shoes so he can walk in where he's supposed to go and oh that calf that we've been preparing for the celebration for him to return it's time it's this moment it is finally here i've been preparing i've been waiting come back into my house and let's celebrate my son who is dead is now alive what love does that's how he loves you do you know what i've done for you then do it for others love others the way i love you that's the simple thing just love one another a new commandment i give love this is the last moment can you have a seat this is the last moment this is the challenging this is the most difficult time jesus goes to peter and peter had denied him three times did you know that when you deny your rabbi in those days that is the same as renouncing him peter was no longer a disciple of jesus he was out of the group that's why the angel when he was at the tomb he said go and tell the disciples and peter why did he make a special announcement for peter because peter was not in the disciples go get the disciples and the one who had been kicked out of the group and removed himself from it go call him too when jesus talks to peter and he asks him three times peter do you love me peter says yes and feed my lambs peter do you love me yes then feed my sheep peter do you love me and peter was bothered in him he said yes lord you know that i love you feed my sheep he was restoring him back in because that's what a father does [Applause] peter do you love me more than these he was referencing the other disciples why did he do that not because he was saying do you love me more than these disciples love me he was saying do you love me more than a brother do you love me more than a friend do you love me more than yourself and if you can say yes to those things then he will say then i'm restoring your ministry back to you and he did not just restore everything that was peter's he said now i'm giving you what's mine you feed my sheep you feed my lambs you feed what's mine you love them the way that i love you because i know you understand what i've done for you will you stand with me i'll challenge you with this simple very challenging will you bow your heads lift up your hands i end this message by asking you the same question that jesus asked peter do you love me jesus asks do you love me more than your friends because your friends sometimes they can't come with you if they're not willing to go after god then you're gonna have to separate from them even if they've done so many things for you you're gonna have to leave them behind even if it hurts you if they're not going to love jesus then you might not be able to love them by being with them do you love jesus more than these do you love me do you love me more than even some of your family members that are pulling you down and pulling you back and holding you back and introducing you to this and hurting you and that you might have to choose them over family as sad as that is do you love me more than these or even yourself the things that you desire the hopes and dreams that you have the things that you think is important are you willing to say god i choose you over it i choose you over me because i love you more than that because i know what you've done for me first that while i was missing the mark you still laid down your life for me and i love you because you first love me if you answered yes to those questions then god is restoring everything of yours he is bringing it back he has anticipated every single one of your needs he is increasing your knowledge he's increasing your understanding and watch what god will do with the people that understand what jesus has done for us we will change that you will see christ in our christianity let's pray dear god we seal this time let the bay area be able to look at us and say i can see christ in them i can see jesus in them i can see your love in them because they are so filled with it that they are pouring out god's love in jesus name we pray and everybody said may the lord bless you and keep you may he make his face to shine upon you may he establish you and give you peace we'll see you next week [Applause] [Music] so so so so i
Channel: myRedemption Church
Views: 14,530
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Id: G59J_YrxzFs
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Length: 94min 5sec (5645 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 02 2021
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