Redemption Church | Special Guest Katie Souza - Sunday February 7, 2021

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okay so i'm not going to waste time i'm going to get right to it because i have a lot to say today we're going to talk about how to get rid of jezebel and leviathan and the spirit of python now the reason why i'm doing this [Music] is because a lot of people teach on this but honestly and i want to be careful because i'm not downgrading anybody they don't really know the whole connection between these three spirits and how to get rid of them so today we're really going to get rid of them [Music] okay okay so look these three things they work together okay jezebel always works with leviathan in python jezebel's a witch right the bible they're the ones that carry out her curses and i'm going to prove that to you but in order for jezebel to curse you so that leviathan and python can carry it out so what is the cause that enables a curse to a lot in light in your life there's two legal landing strips write this down number one is your soul your soul provides a legal landing strip [Music] for demonic powers like jezebel to curse you [Music] you have to get your soul healed [Music] look when you're born again your spirit man is instantly perfect [Music] in isaiah 30 26. it talks about how god heals the brokenhearted and binds up their wounds they came from their sin then allow there's always problems your finances are always hit your marriage is always going under problems your body's sick your children are out there on the street how many of you feel like you have a curse on you sometimes raise your hand if the devil has cursed you you know how bitterness is attached to witchcraft [Music] it says simon the sorcerer had a bitter iniquity in his heart so when you let yourself get bitter as somebody that hurts you you know what happens did you hear have something bad happen to them because they're so terrible but what happens is that may be true they maybe deserve all that happens to them that would be let [Music] the more that swirl of witchcraft is going to land on your house did you hear us [Music] think about it next time you want a mouth off and i'm going to prove it to you but you not only deal with jezebel but you'll deal with leviathan and python too i'm going to prove it [Applause] so that's number one number two idolatry idolatry what is idolatry [Music] do you know that idols can be anything you can make your ministry into an idol you can make your business into an idol and you can make yourself into an idol how do you know if you made something into an idol it captures instead of dwelling on god and that's why it has become an idol [Music] [Music] everybody thinks that jezebel is the high queen right jezebel submitted to her demon gods they were more powerful than her [Music] oh my god i hope you're listening to me because when you get rid of the idols in your life [Music] let me read something to you you know and don't you know what jesus said jesus said in john 14 30. the prince of this world is coming but he has nothing in me that's in common with him so he has no power over me the devil and jezebel won't have any power over you if you got nothing in you that's in common with her she was an idol worshiper but i have this against you this is verse 20 and 21 in the amplified classic if you guys want to put it up there but i have this against you but you tolerate the woman jezebel [Music] [Music] and eating food sacrifice to idols let's talk about food for just a second what did that beast jezebel do [Music] she taught her people how to sacrifice food to idols [Music] to sacrifice food to demon gods food becomes your idol you start using it to feel comforted in your soul [Music] [Applause] rip open a bag of doritos pop off the can of beans how many of you run into food for comfort that's it all you lying demons leave right now [Applause] how many of you are using food [Music] anytime you make anything into an idol be it your sugar donuts your coffee your hobby your kids your money [Music] you have made things into an idol and it's allowing jezebel to curse you [Music] did you hear what i said everybody's trying to fight jezebel but they don't understand you gotta get rid of the root first and then you won't fight jezebel no more she'll get kicked to the curb you got to get rid of the bitterness you got to get rid of the idolatry you even have to get rid of the rebellion number one you repent [Music] you gotta repent [Music] i gave her time to repent but she has no desire to repent of her immorality symbolic of idolatry that's what it says right there classic meaning we gotta let go of our idols we gotta let them go we gotta repent of our idols we gotta catch ourselves what are you thinking about what are you desiring what are you emotionally tied to what bitter thoughts are you allowing to go through your brain [Music] how many of you think that right now you can name a couple idols in your life we have to repent of those things and we have to take those idols to court your spirit man but then you also have to take those idols to court because every time you make something into an idol every time you let yourself get better demon powers going to the court and they accuse you [Music] he accuses us night and day and [Music] so we're going to do teach activate teach activate teach activate i just did a little teach now we're going to activate then i'll teach some more [Applause] [Music] all right we're going to go into the court and we're going to take these idols into court now look there's proof in the bible that you take idols to court this guy named demetrius who made silver idols shrines he made the statues of the goddess artemis and he heard that when paul came into town preaching the gospel [Music] he brought all his fellow tradesmen together [Music] the whole city went into a riot [Music] a guy from the city [Music] them in here in our soul because that's the legal landing strip too acts 19. this is what the guy from the city court said this is verse 35 and when the town clerk had calmed the crowd down he said men of ephesus what man is that who does not know this city of ephesus is the guardian of the temple of the great artemis then in verse 38 it says he said now if demetrius and his fellow tradesmen who are [Music] [Music] let them bring charges against one another legally and you know what happened after he said that after he said you got a complaint you gotta take it to court [Music] thinking about how much you need [Music] that new car that you can't afford or those pair of boots that you put on layaway or that because they're rioting in your line you just say something sweet now you need something salty you just say something salty so now you need something cool to drink you just have something cool to drink so now you need a hot chocolate nice and warm hot chocolate am i right how many of you have idols rioting in your mind and you can't stop thinking about it until you get it come on come on let me see come on come on come on [Music] and you got to get in here you're going to be able i used to smoke maybe you don't get that but oh that feels so good grinding her into the ground under my feet do you get what i'm saying or is it too straight for you to understand sorry i came from the joint i did my time in prison just wanted to share okay [Applause] [Music] [Applause] so that's this is activation one you ready we're gonna go into court to receive grace and mercy in our time of [Music] law breaking increase and abound how many of you know that idolatry is the number one law breaker amen okay now close your eyes let's pray in the spirit [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] my oh [Music] [Music] oh [Music] help us [Music] [Music] [Applause] hello [Music] oh [Music] bring your idols before him now come on as you're praying release them say god my idols of food my idol is food god my idol's money got my idols my kids come on start confessing your sins to him right now it says that when you confess your sin he's faithful and just to forgive your sins and cleanse you of all unrighteousness [Music] confess your idols to the lord right now so you can be free of jezebel [Music] oh come on [Music] yourself up lay those idols down at god's feet confess them confess those idols right now let them go so you can be free of [Music] jezebel [Music] oh [Music] [Music] go [Music] jesus jesus jesus jesus jesus jesus [Music] hey people's minds are being delivered right now as you repent of idolatry so that that rioting that rioting in your mind will have to shut up you're being delivered as you pray right now [Music] hello [Music] [Music] oh [Music] okay now i'm gonna make some decrees and you're gonna repeat them after me we're standing in the holy court right now say it with me lord god i step into the grace court [Music] [Music] which is allowing jezebel to curse me i face every accusation of idolatry that's been filed against me in my bloodline [Music] [Music] and repent of all my idolatry [Music] to be [Music] i put my sins of idolatry and bitterness under the blood of jesus the bible says that i overcome the enemy by the blood of the lamb and my [Music] of jesus and do what colossians 2 says and the enemy was made a public spectacle [Music] i confess it feels good to be bitter cleanse me of cleanse me now [Music] the record of bitterness out of the court to forgive [Music] and the record where my sins have increased grace increases the more and surpasses my sin say i'm not made justified with god because romans 3 says i am justified by grace and grace alone it's free it's unmerited it's fill me with grace now i want you to shout out [Applause] [Applause] [Music] wow [Music] [Music] just worship him for a minute just worship him we worship you my god we worship you my god we worship you my god we worship you my god we worship you my god we worship you my god we worship you my god we worship you my god we worship you my god we worship you my god you're holy you're holy you're holy you're holy you're worthy you are worthy you are worthy my god come on tell him he's worthy tell him he's worthy tell him he's worthy tell him he's worthy [Music] tell him he's worthy tell him how holy he is you are holy lord you are worthy you are worthy jesus holy jesus morty jesus you are holy jesus worthy jesus you are holy jesus worthy jesus you are holy jesus worthy holy holy holy holy they worthy worthy worthy holy holy holy holy worthy worthy worthy worthy holy holy holy holy worthy worthy worthy worthy holy holy holy holy worthy worthy worthy worthy holy holy holy holy worthy worthy worthy worthy holy holy holy holy worthy worthy word worthy holy holy holy holy worthy worthy worthy worthy holy holy holy holy worldly worthy early worthy holy holy holy holy [Music] holy holy holy holy worthy worthy [Applause] holy holy holy holy worthy worthy [Music] [Applause] holy holy holy holy worthy worthy [Applause] holy [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] only only [Music] holy holy [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh [Applause] [Music] holy holy holy holy holy holy holy holy worthy worthy holy holy holy now turn your neighbor and say now let's get rid of leviathan and python come on tell your neighbor we're gonna get free of leviathan and python [Music] i can't give you half the message if i do you'll never understand cannot light jezebel cannot curse you if you don't have anything in here or in there in common with her bitterness idolatry rebellion but if you do and she puts a curse then leviathan and python are the muscle they carry out the curse well he lost all his herds and flocks all his children were killed in a whirlwind knocks down the house on him all his servants get killed he gets hit made him very bitter how many of you been through so much trauma and now you're better about it come on raise your hand let me see oh that person did this to me i don't want to punch him in the face [Music] so there was job he's just like everybody in here been through some stuff some major stuff how many of you been through major stuff he gets so bitter so wounded by the trauma that he starts saying he doesn't want to live anymore he actually starts cursing the day he was born look what he says i'll just skim through it it says after this meaning after all the trauma job opened his mouth and cursed his birthday is conceived and her [Music] today his mother's reproductive system her breasts and her womb he says this watch why is life given to him who's in misery what does this have to do with jezebel and leviathan let me show you verse 8 no yeah do you have it guys verse 8 amplified classic job 3. i'm going to read it to you he after his cursing his birthday his mother's reproductive system [Music] the day he was conceived who are skilled in rousing up leviathan so what is he saying when he's saying this saying let those who curse it who are those who curse jesus let those who curse meaning jezebel curse the day i was born those those meaning jezebel [Music] catch the pattern trauma comes you get better about it you start mouthing off like job and then there's a witch jezebel [Music] i'll repeat it again you go through trauma you get better about it you mouth off like job i curse that day curse those people and then those who are skilled at cur those who curse meaning witches curse you and leviathan carries out the curse do you see what i'm saying to you do you see the pattern now why would that be a big deal oh let me think because leviathan is one of the biggest principalities in the kingdom this is a powerful spirit one of the most powerful spirits you may think it's funny but when you tangle with leviathan you're going to get your butt kicked let me prove it joe 40. 41. this is how powerful leviathan is ready this is god talking to job he says can you draw leviathan with a fishhook the answer is no can you put a rope through his jaw that's verse two no no verse three will he make supplications to you begging to be spared the answer is no verse 3 will he speak soft words to you to will he make a covenant with you to take him for your servant forever what do you think the answer is what do you think the answer is no he won't no verse 5. will you play with the crocodiles with a bird will you put him on a leash for your maidens the answer is no god's trying to tell you in these scriptures how powerful leviathan is you guys have no idea what you've been dealing with do you i can see it on your face meaning he twists everything in your life he twists the facts what do you think's happening in our government right now all the truth are being twisted and half of america is believing leviathan's lies that's the spirit of leviathans twisting the facts they twist everything that you said to them how many of you had that happened that's leviathan why do you think people get divorced he's called the twisting like a snake a snake goes dart as he goes on the ground that's the twisting fleeing serpent okay that's what he does between you and another person when you're arguing he goes back and forth back and forth between you and that person twisting everything and no matter you'll be sitting there saying no i really mean it [Music] [Music] you're dealing with leviathan every day you know that job 41 says he's the king of the children of pride have you ever had to have the last word in an argument you gotta say one more thing fleeing they've traumatized each other they've gotten so bitter with each other and now let those who curse loose leviathan on it we just come in and curse you [Music] have you ever had somebody in your life that constantly twisted your arm to make you do what they wanted you to do how many of you had a person like that they bully you they bully you [Music] [Music] that's not true you need to just shut your mouth i'm gonna listen to you somebody who's constantly twisting your arm to make you do what they want you to do who is remember how job cursed his mother's womb in her breast and her knees and he cursed the day he was conceived i said he wished that he had been miscarried and then he said let those who are skilled in cursing loose leviathan on it you wonder where breast cancer comes from and ovarian cancer comes from and reproductive issues with your period and your fertility that is the twisting fleeing serpent he's enacting a curse on you [Music] who did jezebel [Music] [Music] this oh [Music] how old do you think i am no for real because [Applause] [Music] did you hear ourselves and that's only the beginning all the sexual perversity that's happening in this nation women want to be men men want to be women oh the pedophilia [Music] that's that spirit cursing enacting a curse on the reproductive system of people because jezebel was a twisted perverse sexual deviant she worshiped a fertility goddess where they would bring men and women as temple prostitutes into the altars and people would pay to have sex with them on the altar so that they could become fertile no they didn't realize they were getting themselves cursed [Music] you don't know how far this devil reaches these serpents because he's a twisting fling sir but they're even on your food [Music] [Music] don't python he's behind your money he's behind your money you know how i know he's behind your money i'll show you i'm on a mission listen to this story ready this is acts 16 it says as we were on our way to the place of prayer we [Music] spirit was able to foretell the future guess what the word divination means there one word in the greek python python so who is in charge of making the money who's in charge of making the money [Music] a snake python now he was making what illegal gains for the masters they were cheating so think about you you're a righteous person you're in christ do you think python who's in charge of making money would make you legal gains no no he's going to squeeze out your gains because that's what a python does it wraps itself around your finances and squeezes them out when when paul casts that spirit out you know what it said about him that they that they dragged paul into the marketplace it actually says that the marketplace where's that where money's made for you [Music] [Music] he said get back i jumped back on the building i peeked through the crack of the door and i saw a huge python coming slithering down the hallway then it went out the door and it left the building oh [Applause] python was in my building python was in my ministry python was in my house he left the building and when [Music] [Applause] get rid of them both right now how do you get rid of them again same thing same thing what do you have in common with leviathan when you get bitter like job because you've been through stuff when job said loose leviathan on my day i was born three verses later he says why is life given to bitter those who are bitter and soul you get rid of that you ask the lord to heal you what about python what have you been doing with your money you get clean in here jesus said [Music] who has [Music] isaiah 27 says leviathan is the is the piercing serpent you know what that means piercing serpent it means this a fugitive from the law leviathan is a fugitive from the law [Music] because he carries out jezebel's curse but jesus has already become a curse for us now pray in the spirit we're going to take these serpents to court i encourage you the bible says to bring your give glory to god and bring an offering into the court if you feel like you have leviathan on your finances and he's squeezing out your gains and you have not been able to see the breakthrough and you've been drug into the marketplace and your church has been taken out your personal finances have been taken out you've been stripped and beaten and put in the prison of poverty you need to ask god if you should bring an offering to the church today put the church's information up on the board look i know you brought your tithe but now this is about bringing your offering into court and psalm 96 says when you do that you give glory to god and you're atoning for every time that you use your finances for something other than godly endeavors what are you dealing with right now do you have a python squeezing out every part of your gains you need to plant a seed right now for the church right now get that information up on the board right now plan a seat in the church so that you can have python judged in the court and unwell so you won't have debt your house payment will be paid off [Music] you will see your credit cards wiped out you'll see your bank account grow you'll see your savings account increase you'll get surprise gifts and checks surprise blessings you got to get rid of this devil [Music] i am [Music] of every checking account that you have of your bank accounts of every part of your life [Music] plan a seat in the church as we can we'll take it into the court right now [Music] and we have the legal right [Music] warfare tongues warfare tanks get your seed ready planted in the planted in the house of the lord [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] right now come up and bring your seed right now i'm planted into the church right now as we go into this meeting in the court right now wave your seed around tell god look in my seat i'm planning it in the court right say i'm believing the court is going to punish punish these serpents and remove [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] you know why i'm walking around this circle because in the spirit i see that we are unwinding python from your finances right now we're unwinding from your credit cards we're unwinding it from your checkbook we're waiting for this search we're unwinding him right now yes that's right come on pray [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] mama [Music] mama [Music] [Music] mama fire fire fire fire fire fire fire fire fire fire fire fire fire [Music] five [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] is [Music] [Applause] [Music] i [Music] is [Music] [Music] i [Music] fire [Music] fire [Music] fire [Music] fire fire [Music] my [Music] [Music] my [Music] [Music] oh [Music] i am [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] fire [Music] bye [Music] hey [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] fire [Music] [Music] i i [Music] higher [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] firefighters [Music] [Music] higher [Music] [Applause] [Music] fire [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] all right now we're in the court and court is in session the books are open this is the ancient of days court daniel 7 says streams of fire [Music] [Music] beast daniel 7 that it was in says that it was in that court where the power of the beast was taken away and jesus from leviathan and python and jezebel every witchcraft spirit so to make me [Music] which is the same as leviathan he's the king of the children of pride and for i repent anything sinful i'm but still collected my paycheck [Music] heal [Music] bitterness fleeing wash the record of my sin that's in common with these beasts away with your blood you've nailed my sins i know would crush [Music] and jezebel because they are fugitives from the law because they've tried to curse me but jesus has already become and cause then to pour out ashes and i command your python we have to unwind from my finances and stop blocking my legal and i want you to start unwinding that python while you decree every area of lack if it's your house payment say i'm unwinding python for my house payment if it's debt say i'm unwinding python from my debt come on say it let me see your lips smooth if it's your wallet and your cash say i'm unwinding python for my cash flow if it's your business say i'm unwinding python for my business if it's your ministry i'm unwinding python from my ministry come on let me mention everything you need right now unwind him from your checking account unwind him from your savings account unwinding from from your mortgage [Applause] already crushed his head your boss because jesus already crushed his head now when i say three we're gonna go one two three you're gonna throw him into the pit and command him you're gonna say burn and don't return [Applause] oh [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] now two three things and then we're gonna go number one i felt like some of you were supposed to sow a seed to the church you need to ask god what seat should i sow i feel like some of you are holding back your breakthrough because you didn't give a seed to the church it's not too late number one number two never rebuke or bind leviathan you can do that to any other demon this is important because if you do you're gonna get hurt okay and then and i'm going to make this quick so we're not because we're done verse 8 joe 41 i want you to look at it this is god telling you about leviathan lay your hand upon him remember your battle with him and you will not do such an ill-advised thing against to lay your hand on leviathan that's why we take him to court and the court does it for us how many people here have ever bound or cast out or rebuked leviathan raise your hand don't be ashamed i'm gonna break that curse off of you remember he curses the breast in the womb and all that i had friends i had friends who rebuked and bound and cast leviathan out and they miscarried a month later he missed this quest i had another guy do it he had a stroke a month later his friend did it he died lay your hand on him remember your battle with him i repent for it [Music] so because i am an officer of this court and i understand this revelation i command that curse to come off of every single person that set it out in the name of jesus right now right now right now in jesus name i break that curse i break that curse i don't break that curse off of you i break it off of you i break it off with you i break it off of you now in the name in the name and in the name in the name in the name in the name in the name and nobody jesus shook i break that curse sasha could break that curse shout out to break that curse shut the break shot you i break that curse over you now in the name in the name in the name in the name now now jesus now jesus now thank you jesus thank you jesus thank you jesus thank you jesus right now right now right now right now says people's spines are straightening right now go in [Music] your spine's going to move into place right now i command those bones snap crackle pop pop snap crackles crackle pop pop i command those bones move into place i speak new discs [Music] from that some people are feeling less pain already six 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 15 people already feeling less pain can we give god a praise now everybody raise your hand if you still have pain in your back your neck or anywhere in your body keep your hand hand up people go to the people that have their hand up go come on go keep your hand up if you have pain in your body keep your hands up if you have pain in your body people go to the people that have their hand up there's a lady right here i need people to come over to these people that have their hand up come on get busy church evangelize get involved start praying for their souls to be healed of promise for the court to judge [Music] me [Music] yes we command the spirits of infirmity to come out come out come out come out come out come out come out come out come out hmm [Music] [Music] adam test and if they have less pain they're starting to get healed have them wave and start cheering if they do test test test is it less pain ma'am yeah what did you start out what was your level of pain much better it's much better now much better now hit her one more time we want you to get your zero who else had less pain yes you have less pain now ma'am what did you have when you started yeah how much pain was it between one and ten yes seven what is it now is that a one let's give god a praise here come on up here [Music] the lower back was starting to to kind of just contract again contract sounds like a snake to me contraction and and um it like it just started to hurt again in the bone the outside was okay but it was in the bowl and it's now kind of releasing and then the shoulders also it's releasing now what was your pain level before the prayer um before the prayer i would say it was about a five what is it now um about a two hit her again let me see the girl with the neck come here baby what's your name vanessa do you have pain in your neck for how long it started actually when i came into church started today because you know what snakes hate fire how much was your pain about seven what is it now about a one hour [Music] jesus thank you lord yes god yes god go pastor go it's growing out already look it's growing out right there there you go see it's growing out right there just screw up supposed to have a hip replacement not anymore it's being healed right now [Music] see just grew out i watched it hey look look look did you know savvy yes what the bible says about idols he says idols cannot see [Music] so that means that they'll give you problems with your eyes and pain in your body your joints your bones your knees your back when you get healed of the idols and the snakes the pain goes okay is that pain still there now stand up you just feel really good feels good vivian yes he does what was it what was the pain before that was like on the hip like from i would say one or ten it was like an eight another age an eight what is it now like [Music] no hip surgery we thank you lord that was an idol it's been cast out it was a serpent's been cast out we thank you lord for that blessing in the name of jesus can we shout to god right now you can work this miracle i'll stop talking i promise okay let's keep it down just a little bit i'll just last thing and then we're gonna sing happy birthday to a friend of mine you can work this miracle let's say somebody has a pain in their knees or their spine or their hips or oh just simply grab their hand and say just just pray after me just have them lead them to your prayer just to say lord jesus in my soul that's in common with them and that you erase the accusations and put me under grace in jesus name then you command that spirit infirmity to come out and their pain is going to leave their spine is going to straighten and they're going to be healed i said that simple prayer with a lady we had a knee replacement when they put her leg back in place they misplaced this leg bone it was jutting out her arch did you hear me she had a bulge where the bone was sticking out her arch salia they were going to have to do surgery i let her to the court i commanded that spirit to come off her chest i commanded the bone to move and the bone moves okay i have it on video but they wouldn't be there start practicing if you want i'll write i'll i'll type out a prayer you can give it to everyone go out and work miracles
Channel: redemption church fl
Views: 4,041
Rating: 4.9411764 out of 5
Id: ahLtEFxpeIw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 114min 18sec (6858 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 08 2021
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