Epic Chocolate Salted Caramel Trifle | Cupcake Jemma

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[Music] hello and welcome to the cupcake gemma channel with me gemma and the enchanting sally wow it was delightful earlier now i'm enchanting well you know all of those things and more so a few weeks ago you hopefully will have seen that we did a video with sorted food over on their channel which was their pass it on challenge and basically we had to like all combined effort to make a six-layer dessert and it was a kind of trifle and it was awful and that's not really our fault we did our best we did do our best and to be honest gemma i'd rather just forget about the whole saga because i'm having nightmares about it and we are better than that so we have created the best trifle ever yeah this isn't going to be like your granny's trifle from the 80s guys this is going to be crumbs and doily's ultimate trifle oh yes and it is going to be packed full of amazing crumbs and doilies recipes because we're really lucky right because we spend most of our time in the crumbs and doing these bakery so we are surrounded by cake and caramel and all the good stuff including our famous chocolate sponge it is so moist it is so chocolatey it's absolutely delicious and then our brand new favorite thing which is salted caramel creme diplomat bit of a mouthful i hope so yes gonna say she's had a mouthful quite a lot um and also chocolate custard because trifle isn't a trifle custard it isn't and we're also gonna add our classic crumbs and doilies chocolate brownie we're gonna have some salted caramel in there and our probably now world famous caramel cornflake crunch as well and don't worry if you aren't kind of into the idea of creating a trifle using a gazillion things that you've made from scratch although props to you if you are if you want to go out and buy some of these things like the brownie or even the sponge or maybe make trifle using custard powder and it's trifle custard using custard powder like we're not going to judge you no much but if you do want to make this all from scratch it's going to be quite a lot of work but it's gonna be 100 worth it yes and you are gonna need at least one notebook three pens a couple of highlighters because there are a lot of recipes coming your way that you need to take notes on but if you were born in the 21st century and you don't know what a pen is don't worry we've got you covered over on patreon you can join our bake club where you can get yourself a downloadable pdf which has got full instructions for every single recipe that we're about to show you as well as photos to go along with it so join us at patreon.com forward slash cupcake gemma do it that's it that's me in case you didn't know so the first thing we're going to start with is the sponge now obviously this isn't any old trifle so we're not going to use any old sponge you're not using the sponge fingers you get down the biscuit oil i don't even know where you find these um we're going to be making our chocolate sponge that we do here all the time yeah so i'm going to do that you're going to get yourself ready for some creme pat action so let's get this chocolate cake made now you've seen us make this heaps on the channel before but i'll wish you through it anyway and we're going to start with a wet kind of mixture so i've got here in these jugs 150 ml of buttermilk 150 ml of coffee and 130 ml of vegetable oil and we're gonna start off by just whisking those together just to combine it and then into there we're gonna add two eggs now i haven't got a separate bowl so we're gonna have to hope that i don't get any shell in thanks right and again you just want to whisk those just to break up the eggs and completely combine them with the rest of the liquid so that's all of our wet ingredients now it's time to add the dry starting with 240 grams of caster sugar you can also use granulated sugar and whisk that in next up we've got 215 grams of plain flour and 40 grams of cocoa powder and this is the good stuff this is gonna go right on in along with half a teaspoon of salt and three quarters of a teaspoon of bicarbonate of soda we'll pop them in and then you're just going to give this a really good whisk until it's fully combined and there are no lumps that's looking nice and chocolatey and smooth we are good to put this into our pan so i've got a 9 inch cake tin here and i've just sprayed it with a bit of cake tin spray but you could butter and flour it as well i'm just going to put all of it in [Music] and this probably makes it look like we're making a relatively small dessert because you know it's just one small little tin of chocolate cake but you should know by now that gemma and i don't make small things this is going to be the most gigantic trifle you've ever laid your eyes on um but of course you can just half the recipes to make something smaller so my oven is preheated to 150 degrees c and this little guy's gonna go in for 22 to 25 minutes basically you want to test it with a skewer in the center until it comes out clean stage one complete i'm going to hand you over to gemma who is going to make the most delicious things ever ready yeah she's right this is the best stuff ever i can't believe i haven't been making it for longer to be honest but it is basically a salted caramel creme diplomat now if you don't know what a chrome diplomat is it is essentially creme patissiere or pastry cream which is like an uber custard mixed with whipped cream so it kind of becomes this like delicious light whippy custardy moussey stuff also salted caramelly in this case so i mean i'm like salivating right now just talking about it and i hope you are too so without further ado let's get cracking so it starts with a dry caramel so i've got 150 grams of caster sugar in my pan i'm going to set that over a sort of low medium heat and that will just take a little bit of time to sort of start to melt when it does start to melt you just want to poke it around every now and then just bring the melty bits into the middle um just so that it's nice and even meanwhile over here in bowl land i have three egg yolks and i'm going to add a whole egg to that and also i've got three tablespoons of corn flour and i'm going to just whisk that together it won't ever really be sort of pale and fluffy but it will sort of liquidize and go a little bit paler than it is now so it's hit a lovely rich amber color and all the sugar's dissolved so now it's time to put the cream in now this can be quite scary so proceed with caution i have got 120 milliliters of double cream and i'm going to pull that in really carefully it is going to bubble up quite a bit as you can see it's also super thick cream which isn't helping sometimes this seizes up completely um which might really freak you out but don't worry it's happened to me a million times it might even be happening now but it is completely rectifiable um as you can see it has done it a little bit it will just dissolve over time so this is we're going to keep this um mixture we're going to add some other ingredients to it and we'll just keep on stirring it and it will eventually this sort of nugget of caramel in the middle will all dissolve or already smells amazing so i have the heat off at the minute i'm going to turn it back onto like the minimum the minimum temperature and just keep moving that around and when it's mostly dissolved your sort of nugget if you've got one then you can add your other ingredients so i've got 480 milliliters of whole milk i'm going to pour that in i'm also going to add a teaspoon of salt because it's salted caramel after all and i've also got a tablespoon of good good quality vanilla extract bring in the yummy flavor and so that's just gonna keep over a medium low medium heat if you have nuggety bits don't worry they will dissolve eventually and when the milk gets a bit steamy it's time to get on with the next bit well we have some delicious salted caramel basically hot milkshake there but we're not done with it yet so i'm going to get a cup measure and just scoop a bit out and i'm going to use this to temper my eggs because what we don't want is to shock the eggs and cook them so i'm just gently pouring this over while whisking all the time just to get the eggs up to a similar temperature to the rest of the milk we'll do that once more and then all of that egg mixture can go back into the saucepan with your milk and now we just need to keep that on a medium heat just stirring all the time either with your whisk or with a rubber spatula just keep it moving constantly and it will take about 10 minutes until it's all nice and thick and it coats the back of a spoon oh that's looking lovely and thick so now just going to finish that off with 45 grams of butter just cold butter and that's just gonna make the um it nice and shiny and give it a slightly buttery edge and once all the butter has melted we're going to pour it through a sieve just to get rid of any sort of unsightly lumps oh look at that though what a beautiful color and oh my gosh if this wasn't so hot right now i would have a spoon in there straight in my gob yum now it's very very very important at this point to cover it with cling film you do not want it to create a skin while it's cooling because that will be a terrible waste of delicious custard so make sure you touch the surface with your cling film to completely avoid that awful scenario and then you just want to make sure that's cooled down completely before you put it in the fridge and leave it to chill which i did earlier you'll be happy to hear so you don't need to wait for that and so i've got my um creme pat which i made here earlier i've actually taken out about a quarter of it because i'm going to use this in the middle of the trifle just naked and as is and with the rest of it i'm going to be making the creme diplomat now it's equal amounts cream to creme pat so i've actually weighed this already and then weighed the same amount of double cream which i am now going to whip with my trusty balloon whisk if you would like to use whipping cream instead of double cream that would be absolutely fine as well i know a lot of you ask that sometimes but for now you want to whisk this until it reaches a soft peak texture we are almost there at the soft peak stage look at that i mean i'm getting a lot of flack for taking so long to do this by hand but you know i just really enjoy it it's like the only workout i really get so i'm like i'm here for it you know so soft peaks this is what soft peak looks like you dip it in and it flops right over so that is good to go i'm stealing one of sally's meticulously laid out utensils and i'm going to pour the creme pat into the bowl oh yeah mmm golly g look at that that is so yummers and now we just need to mix the two together and it's very exciting [Music] oh look at this floppy delicious bowl of goodness i am in to that so that just needs to go into the fridge to chill out while you get on with the next bits and bobs which i believe sally is going to show you that's right it is me next and we are now going to make a chocolate brownie an absolute essential for any of you bakers out there i think you're all bakers hopefully we're all baked but you must have a decent brownie recipe in your rep i'm going to show you just that so this is going to be a 10 inch brownie so to start with i've got myself a 10 inch tin here and i've lined it with paper so it's nice and easy to get out once it's baked and we're going to start off by melting together 165 grams of butter and 165 grams of 70 chocolate over a bain marie or in a microwave and once that's completely melted it is time to get on with whipping up some eggs and some sugar so i've got 330 grams of caster sugar i'm using a stand mixer for this but you can just use a bowl and an electric hand whisk and into that we're going to add three eggs [Music] and that's going to get whisking on a medium to high speed for about three or four minutes until it's pale and fluffy [Music] next up we're going to drop the speed of the mixer to the lowest setting and i'm going to very carefully and slowly pour in my chocolate and butter mixture [Music] and keeping the mixer on a low speed it's time to add some dry ingredients we've got 120 grams of plain flour 45 grams of cocoa powder and a half teaspoon of both baking powder and salt and that is it brownie is made so we'll just take off that gives that a good lick lotus kidding right and then we're going to pour this delicious thick brownie mixture into our prepared tin so i've just got myself a cranked palette knife and i'm just leveling this brownie batter out it doesn't need to be too flat because we're going to be crumbling this little bad boy up and he's gonna go into the oven so i've turned my oven up now to 170 degrees c fan assisted and he's going to go in for 16 to 18 minutes maybe you like it a little bit gooey so go for 16. [Music] i'm i'm just here so no need to shout sally right it's chocolate custard time so we already have custard technically in the form of the creme pat and kind of also in the form of the creme dipper map if you're being you know pedantic but it is trifle and custard is my favorite part of a trifle so why not up the trifle game and make a deliciously rich indulgent chocolate trifle we're going to use delicious 70 cocoa chocolate we're going to use a custard made from scratch but if you do want to cheat on this bit i'm not going to cry you can use custard powder which actually i've got a real soft spot for just use your custard powder and then add some chocolate at the end and it'll still be delicious but i'm making it from scratch so i've got my pan here which has got 600 milliliters of whole milk which i'm just going to put on to a medium heat so while that's heating up i've got four egg yolks here in my bowl and i'm going to add a tablespoon of corn flour two tablespoons of caster sugar and half a teaspoon of salt and i'm just going to whisk that together until it's slightly paler and all smooth and the sugar's dissolved now my milk's starting to steam so that's perfect i'm just going to turn the heat off and i'm going to grab my cup measure again and just temper the eggs like i did before so scoop a cup out and whisk it into the eggs to temper them slowly do that again if you need to and then pour the egg mixture back into the saucepan with the milk and set that over a medium heat and stir it for between five and ten minutes until it's nice and thick once that's thick and coating the back of a spoon you can then sieve it directly over 150 grams of 70 chocolate or dark chocolate or whatever kind of chocolate you like and then let it sit there for a second or two before you stir it and make it all melty and yummy and smooth and it turns into the most fantastic chocolate custard that is ready and just like with the creme pat you want to make sure you cling film that right up to the surface to prevent a skin from forming oh this is clingy cling film get in there and then leave that to cool just at room temperature and then put it in the fridge once it is and that will chill down nicely next is sally time [Music] it's me again and don't worry guys i think we're nearly there maybe this might well be the final recipe i think there might be one more actually having said that anyway let's get this one on the go so this is the caramel cornflake crunch which again you've seen us make heaps and i will drop uh in the description box below a link to a more in-depth kind of recipe for this but for now let's just get this going so i've got a saucepan here with 300 grams of caster sugar that's going to go on to a medium heat and we're going to boil that down until it's completely dissolved and it's a lovely amber color once the sugar is completely dissolved you're going to take the saucepan off the heat and very carefully and slowly pour in 200 grams of double cream it's going to be really bubbly so just do this with care once that's completely mixed through you're then going to add in 100 grams of cold chopped butter keep on mixing that again until it's fully melted then we're going to go back on the heat and you're going to keep heating it over a medium high heat until this reaches 116 degrees c once it's got to temperature you're going to take it off the heat add in 1 teaspoon of vanilla and one and a half teaspoons of sea salt and then you're going to pour in 140 grams of corn flakes you want to give this a good mix all the while being super careful because remember this is hot sugar it is dangerous stuff once your cornflakes are completely coated in caramel pour it out onto a lined baking sheet and leave it to set [Music] i think it's nearly time to build a big old trifle hala blooming oh my gosh this is a project is it not it is and remember you don't need to make all of the bits yourself we just thought it would be fun yeah second guessing that now but sure no it's lots of fun this has been this is literally what i think fun is yeah no it has been fun but this is going to be better so what are we going to start with well it's going to be sponge right yes and we've got our chocolate cake here which is cooled down completely and as you can see we've trimmed the top off mainly because we just like things to be pretty and neat and we've also cut it in half because we're going to be doing two layers because i mean look at the ridiculous size of this trifold i don't know if there's ever been a bigger trifle is it actually a trifold or is it a fish bowl i think it's fish bowl anyway multi-use i'm gonna cut little rounds of the chocolate cake out again just because we want to make it look kind of cute but you can just tear your cake up into pieces if you like while you're doing that i'm just going to put my delicious creme dip mat into a piping bag and i've got a round nozzle on the end only because i want this to kind of look neat-ish um but if you just want to dump this on that's absolutely fine it's your prerogative your trifle except this one's ours yeah sorry yeah you can't have any of this strictly that is right so i've got my circles chumped out what we're going to do is start putting it into the bottom of the trifle bowl do you speak french madam yeah no i don't sorry so as you can see i'm just kind of overlapping them a little bit looking pretty cute and once i've done that i'm going to put one in the middle and then if you've got any little scrappy bits feel free to just kind of fill any holes with that i'm going to leave the edge with these gaps because again we're going to glass bowl so we might as well make it look neat you happy with that i think that looks delightful all right right now trifle wouldn't be trifle without a little bit of booze just a little bit you know like just to take the edge off um i would normally use sherry in a regular trifle but this is far from a regular trifle so we're going to use bourbon it goes really nicely with all the kind of um chocolatey and caramelly flavors and i think probably in total i've got like two or three tablespoons in here and i'm just scattering it really lightly over the top you don't want to completely drench them also if you don't want to use alcohol at all that is totally fine because this chocolate cake is super moist like it doesn't really need the moisture so yeah feel free to just leave that out in the old days things were a lot drier i think i think that'll probably do so now it's time for my favorite bit which is this delicious friend diplomat do you like myself just hurry up and get it okay here we go i'm just going to blob it all around oh hello quite generously um a nice sort of even layer on top of the sponge and whilst gemma is blobbing i'm just getting the brownie ready so we're gonna save back a little bit for the topping toppings i'm just gonna put those that's over there and this we're actually gonna crumble it up so get a little bit messy and just crumble it all in here and then we're gonna put a layer of this on top of that oh look at that though that that doesn't look like i mean i would just say that to be quite fair right do you want to get sprinkling some of this i would simply love to kelly sprinkle that and then with the rest of it i'm gonna chop it into little cubes what's next well it's chocolate custard time everybody which is my favorite time um well second favorite so i've got this lovely luscious chocolate custard here and i'm going to put half of it on i'm not going to pipe it because as you can see it's quite sort of loose and floppy so i'm just going to dump it into the middle and i'll spread it out yum all right so next up we're gonna put this little bit of salted caramel creme pat that gemma saved back before she turned it into diplomat just because it's such a lovely golden color and we're all about getting those colors in today and this one is loose as well so we're just going to gently drop it all on we don't want to spread it too much we're doing it to mix with the chocolate layer one complete i mean four layers of layer one stage one i think you'll find so what happens next more of the same because no one's serving half a try for have a filled trifold girl i don't want half a trifle i mean that's just enough for me yeah so we're gonna start all over again oh great i've got some left happy days just for me so we have very nearly finished this trifle you're probably thinking like what earth are you gonna do with it next well we've got three little things left i say little we've got the caramel cornflake crunch we've got our leftover brownie which i've cut into teeny cute little cubes and we've also got some um salted caramel you'll be very familiar with salted caramel if you've ever watched any of our videos we've done this recipe a million times but basically it's super simple i just made a wet caramel using 220 grams of caster sugar and 120 ml of water i brought that to the boil let it bubble away until it was a lovely rich amber color and then i took it off the heat added 245 milliliters of double cream slowly and carefully guys and added a teaspoon of vanilla and a teaspoon of salt gave it all a good mix and obviously let it cool down before even thinking about putting it into his bottle and now it's nice and cool so we're going to drizzle some of that on the end but let's get busy on this top okay i am going to break off some nuggets of this delicious salted caramel cornflake crunch and i'm going to pop on my little bits of brownie i think alternating it now i think real pretty let's make this cute and pretty [Music] oh i think she's done do you think i think we could probably there's enough going on except for we do need to drink come on drizzle girl all right you do it you say so here we go oh my god sally are you going to stomp well i think i finished i think you finished i think this is totally sure in readable it looks incredible look at all these layers it is so beautiful yum i don't know how much longer i can i mean i've literally waited no time at all it's only just finished but do you want to do it i feel like you should do it you actually need more yeah i did i did spend a lot of time on this so here we go i'm assuming you want me to go oh my god [Laughter] oh my gosh okay shall i come with this with the bowl just in case hell's bells beautiful oh my gosh you know what the best thing about trifle is it doesn't matter if this happens because it's a blooming trifle guys it's supposed to be like yeah oh hang on i think yeah you want to get that bench yeah nuggets look at that golden creme pat in there okay that's your one because it's a smaller one rude i'm taking a bit more i just need a bit more thank you you're going to eat all of that i'm absolutely going to eat a little bit more of that let's have a look okay i don't even know where i want to get it all i want to get that i want to get that oh a bit of boozy booze [Music] oh my god that crumb drips you know it's so good because my worry when we first started this was like it's going to be pretty intense it's going to be like overly indulgent but that creme diplomat just lightens the whole thing up it does texturally and flavor really and it's great because you've got like the soft bits from the sponge you've got the slightly chewy bits from the brownie you've got this smushy custardy bits and then you've got this bitter corn flakes and the bit of the kind of jack daniels the kind of alcohol hit that you get just kind of cuts through all the sweetness as well it does ah this is amazing turns out we kind of know what we're doing here yeah who knew take that assorted food yeah and your faces we know how to make a trifle yeah well speaking of of trifle i'm going to be pretty impressed if you guys make this i'm going to be super impressed if you do the entire thing from scratch like we've done and if you do that then make sure you put it on your instagram and use the hashtag cupcake gemma so that we can see and look we're not going to judge you if you do any store stuff like this is your driver you know if you want to put something else in there yeah let us know how it goes yeah i want to see what you guys use in yours because you don't have to do what we've done you can use absolutely anything and i'm do you know what i've just had an idea which i wish i'd had like two weeks ago i'm not making another trifle the masala jelly from barry's cupcakes oh wouldn't that be nice that would be delicious anyways well if you want to see mine and gemma's fail at the trifle vid that we did with the sort of gang i'll put that in the description box below as well to be fair it wasn't our failure it wasn't our fail and do remember that if you want to get the downloadable recipe with full instructions and photos and all sorts then head over to patreon there's loads of other stuff there as well like extra content we're doing some extra videos loads of polls and we're just there hanging out and it's super fun we're just hanging out in the virtual world of patreon yeah this is how we roll now i don't go to like clubs and bars now i just hang out in virtual patreon yeah it's cool man it is quite cool actually yeah anyway cool too much talking not enough try for eating bye we'll see you next week [Music] [Music] you
Channel: CupcakeJemma
Views: 170,935
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Cupcake, cupcake jemma, jemma, gemma, cupcakes, bake, baking, how to make, recipe, crumbs & doilies, baker, buttercream, cake, cakes, vanilla, chocolate, jemma wilson, crumbs and doilies, bakery, perfect, easy, home made, hand made, simple, fool proof, dessert, trifle, custard, salted caramel, chocolate brownie, ultimate trifle
Id: FTW4oMzbpPA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 41sec (1841 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 16 2021
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