Our Most Requested Cookie Recipe: NUTELLA filled Chunky New York Cookies! | Cupcake Jemma Channel

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[Music] hello everybody welcome to crumbs and doilies here in soho and welcome back to the cupcake gemma channel with me sally but this week i've got dana with me as well hello helping to hold the fort because i'm a little bit hot it's very hot today in the kitchen we've been baking all day and yeah we're a little bit loopy with the heat yeah it's kind of sweaty we've got like a layer of kind of icing sugar sweat all over us there's probably too much information for you guys you've come for a recipe which we have got for you and today we're going to be showing you a cookie recipe it is one that you have been nagging us for the last few weeks and it is of course nutella stuffed cookies one of our new york cookies that we released a few weeks back a lot of you have probably come into the store and tried them or maybe you ordered a box sent to your home and it is one of the cookies in there we've also made it a baker home kit as well because heaps of you bought the bueno one they totally flew off the shelves and you have been loving it and again asking for the nutella one as well so if you want to head over to cupcakedemo.com and crumbsandtoys.com uk you can grab yourself a bake at home kit as well so you have basically everything you need even down to the baking paper to bake them in the oven as well pretty handy it is really handy we've got you covered so let's crack on with this recipe now as usual with the fillings we need to prepare that first so we've got some nutella in a bowl here um and ours has been i mean this stuff gets hot right and it like i said it is really hot here so things are melting so what i've actually done and what i'd recommend doing if you have your nutella or the biscoff or you know whatever filling you're doing and it is really hot pop it into a little bowl and whack it in the freezer just so it's solid enough to kind of scoop like so so we're just gonna plop out like 12 healthy sizes oh yeah portions we want as much filling in these cookies as possible absolutely especially when it's nutella yeah fabulous so there are our 12 fillings and if they look like they're melting now don't worry we're going to work these in the freezer and they're going to stay in there till we need them and i'm going to grab out the butter because we need this butter to be cold and again it's kind of been melting it looks crazy so let's crack on with the cookie recipe so we're going to start with our butter we've got 190 grams here yeah so always cold butter for our new york cookies super important to keep that chunky gooey texture in the cookies as well then we've got some sugar yes so we've got two types of sugar here we've got the caster sugar and the light brown sugar and we love to use the two different types because they do different things all right so the caster sugars of white sugar it's pretty standard sugar and it just kind of sweetens everything yeah and then this is the light brown sugar and it's kind of a bit sticky a bit molasses is that word yeah yeah it's word now and it's got a really lovely caramelly flavor and it helps with the texture being really gooey and sticky too yes so that is why we use the two so they're both going in and we've got 135 grams of both and then we're just gonna pop the mixer on to a low speed and just get it going until it forms kind of clumps with the butter and sugar [Music] this is ready it's formed nice nuggety chunks of butter and sugar you can see it right here so some of them are like quite big and some bits are quite little that's totally how it needs to be all right so don't try and get it all kind of regular no he wants regular irregular irregular so next time it's time to add the additions as usual so chocolate chips because every cookie needs a chocolate chip how many times do i have to tell you except oh we proved that i got it right so we're gonna go for a mixture of dark chocolate and milk chocolate just to mix things up a little bit but by all means just go with one we've got 150 grams of each and they're going to go right on into our mix along with some hazelnuts because i mean need i explain what nutella is but you don't want yeah it's absolutely delicious and i'm sure everybody probably just eats it with a spoon put it on anything toast doughnuts and cookies just your finger that's what i do so we've got some roasted chopped hazelnuts here and we've got 40 grams of these you can buy them chopped up like this or if not just grab some hazelnuts and chop them up by hand as long as they're roasted because roasting them really brings out so much more flavor so you can do that yourself if you want as well and we've got 40 grams of those and they're going to go into the mixer and they're also going to add a nice little crunch to our cookies as well yeah so same as the butter and sugar just going to keep it on a low speed just to mix them through stop the mixer and then we'll add our next ingredients yes so it's time for the dry ingredients and we're gonna start with some plain flour which you've got 355 grams of and we're going to mix all the dry ingredients in together so that we don't have to have to mix it going for too long so that we don't end up kind of getting the butter too hot and creaming it so we're going to add 60 grams of cocoa powder now this is just regular cocoa powder it's not like got any of the black cocoa powder that we sometimes use just because it's not really a black cocoa kind of guy nothing no it's more of like a milk milky kind of creamy chocolate yeah so we're just going to whisk those together and we're going to chuck in and some raising agents so we've got a teaspoon and a half of baking powder just like flew in myself [Laughter] funny and one teaspoon of salt as well so it's super important very important brings out all the flavors yeah and sometimes we use self raising flour and plain flour but these we're just going for plain flour they're gonna be nice and chunky yes definitely yeah right so that's all done i'll pass that to you and you perfectly cool and let's get the mixer on a slow speed so after the butter it's all about just mixing it really slowly so it comes to a breadcrumb consistency i realized that i said breadcrumby consistency but that didn't really make sense because it's not kind of regular and fine it's almost like a rubble with little bits of rocks in which the rocks are butter and chocolate rubble i really like it tasty rubble tasty delicious rubble yeah so let's bind that rubble together we're gonna do that with two eggs these are white eggs but they are just normal eggs i'm not really sure why some chickens live yeah i don't know we've got some blue eggs here as well today i was really nervous about that crack because i haven't done it since you've done it and i've just gone and got some shell in there oh my set the standard now sorry guys i'm trying right so we're just going to whip up these eggs just to break them up and then we're going to add it to the mixer to bind our cookies together it looks good yeah smells good it smells really chocolatey and hazelnut my favorite combination this looks like what kind of dough i'd like to just eat oh yes okay oh you could make a nutella cookie dough you know i did that cookie dough recipe oh yeah you could that is a good idea oh you could do a nutella cookie dough brownie we'll save that for another video look at that nice so it's not as dry as the rubble before we added the eggs but this is more it's more like kind of wet soil almost that you want to compress together dan's going gardening things here right let's get these out so we're going to need these if they are kind of soft as you're working you can kind of leave them in the freezer or put them back in the freezer but we're going to make do we're going to do this yes so it is time to roll our cookie dough balls and we're going to do them 125 grams because bigger the better they're bigger oh 250 grams yeah that would be huge you're the biggest cookie oh challenge it's a challenge yeah all right so we're going to first of all weigh so that they're all the same size yeah because we're professionals remember people [Laughter] consistency is key definitely and then once you've weighed it you kind of want to bring it into a bit of a ball shape but then we want to squish our thumb or finger to make a bit of a divot and then this is going to be so messy but who cares we're going to pick up the nutella squish it in and then you just want to pull the cookie dough around it and then you're going to do a few i think dane calls it a clunk clunk yeah so it's kind of a round ball but it's not round like we don't want to make these all smooth and perfect because we want them to be all chunky and kind of you can tear them apart when they come at the oven so once you've done it they're going to go into a tupperware or onto something that you can wrap in cling film because these need to freeze [Music] so now i mean hopefully you've watched loads of our other cookie videos before and you know about these but this is your first one then hello welcome to our channel um we have heaps of recipes for new york style cookies and there's a playlist in the description box below yes um and make sure you subscribe too just around here there's a little fun give it a click and become part of our family all right so we need to freeze these so that when they bake they stay real kind of chunky um but they're really gooey on the inside so ideally overnight yeah but minimum like two hours and you should be good to go yeah so we have got some don't worry we're not gonna make you wait two hours no no no we'll come back tomorrow but not that kind of tv show so we've actually got some that we made earlier and they're really really firm um they're super super solid and they are good to bake so they're gonna go into the oven it is preheated to 180 degrees c which is really hot we've got a baking tray in there which is also really hot so that the bottom of our cookies get crispy as well and we're gonna put them in for about 16 minutes [Music] they're cooled they're ready everybody's picked tomorrow oh yeah geez [Laughter] i'm so excited okay i'm ready for the break oh this is gonna this is gonna be mega i see it already ready go ah oh my gosh i love it i'm just gonna eat it okay for it wow chocolate everywhere that was so gross mmm nutella is like the best thing ever mm-hmm especially when these are from my i don't know what this looks like i don't even care you look fine you're honest with the phone yeah it's all good because when you eat these you're gonna be the same you're gonna be speechless like he is right now i can't talk but this is so good this is so easy obviously it will set a little bit more but this actually stays pretty loose doesn't yeah this nutella does especially if you make them now when it's quite hot when you've made them sitting on the counter top for at least like an hour or two after but also if you've baked them and they've kind of cooled down and you've saved them maybe till the next day or whatever you can put these back in the oven so put your oven onto like something like 150 160 maybe and just pop them in there for like five minutes just to warm up because they are so much better to eat when they're a little bit warm and then really gooey inside yeah i love it and the cookies as well like we haven't got the black cocoa in there like we normally do so it's really kind of like like a light chocolatey kind of taste like it's not yeah oh my gosh it's running everywhere but you've got those you've got those um chopped hazelnuts in there as well which give a nice bite to it and because we roasted them you can the flavor comes out of it a lot more as well yeah like the nutty knife is not too noticeable it isn't just from the nutella like the cookie's putting it all through as well yeah it's so good i don't want to eat another bit because i'm just gonna get it i think i've still got something on my mouth so you look good wow wow so oh my gosh look at that can i lick my finger okay oh i love it so much to explain yes so if you want to make these then obviously you've just got the recipe we just gave it to you but of course we've always got a kit ready for you yeah so in here like we said like always everything like the little pot of um nutella here we've got the chopped roasted hazelnuts already roasted the two types of chocolate so you've got milk and dark and this is calaba chocolate this is the chocolate that we use here at crunchyroll and we've used it forever really good quality everyone always asks what chocolate is and that's the one absolutely the sugars the flowers everything you need and also over on cupcake and crumbs and doilies or call it uk yeah we've got this along with all the other kits that we do as well yeah we do like the birthday cupcake kit with cookies chocolate chip the bueno double chocolate yeah so if you want to grab yourself one of those then you know super great for you and super great for us because it keeps crumbs and audiences going through this continually wacky time wacky weirdo time that we're still going through so thank you so much to everyone for supporting and to watching this video as well yes it is now up here with the rest of our new york cookie catalogue which is actually like so extensive it's growing a lot yeah remember when did we do the the first one is that it was october november a year and a half ago maybe yeah with the chocolate and warner so go and check that one out in the playlist and don't forget if you make them make sure you post a pic on the gram hashtag cupcakedjammer and at cupcake gemma and crumbs and doilies that's instagram instagram [Laughter] and we can share your pictures as well yes um so do come back next week because we've got a wicked cupcake recipe for you guys it is oh yeah we'll vet together what's it going to be blueberry cheesecake everybody's favorite yeah it's been in the shop a little bit before and we'll have it in the shop the week of too yeah definitely so do come on over to crumbs and doodles in soho it's awesome to meet you guys in real life i know it's kind of school holidays now in the uk yeah so if you're coming into london then make sure you come in and say hi to us we're normally scurried away upstairs so but not yesterday we were working downstairs and it was people coming in and it was like the troublesome twosome working downstairs because we literally had no idea what we were doing [Laughter] we did we did we definitely did it was okay we didn't break anything no um and it's just so fun to meet you guys so keep on coming and we'll see you next week yeah looking forward to it i'm gonna eat more of it just gonna do it's gonna be so messy and i don't actually care no me either oh caught in the action [Music] you
Channel: CupcakeJemma
Views: 481,277
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Cupcake, cupcake jemma, jemma, gemma, cupcakes, bake, baking, how to make, recipe, crumbs & doilies, baker, buttercream, cake, cakes, vanilla, chocolate, jemma wilson, crumbs and doilies, bakery, perfect, easy, home made, hand made, simple, fool proof, dessert, nutella, nutella cookies, stuffed cookies
Id: TxjzXRDPj2E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 36sec (996 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 29 2021
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