Raspberry White Chocolate New York Cookie Bake Along! | with Jemma, Sally & Dane

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[Music] hi everyone and welcome back to crumbs and doilies and the cupcake Gemma Channel and today I've got another really exciting recipe for you guys it is another cookie and by the time you watch this you'll have some kit already online on the cupcakes on the website I have a little cookie friend that I normally do this with and I really really miss him so this isn't gonna be exactly like baking me Dane but I would like to introduce to you all through the power of the internet it's really excited about this it's not quite the same as me doing an hour in the kitchen with you but we're gonna make some cookies it's gonna be amazing so I sent you the raspberry white chocolate kit did you get it yes happiness okay we're just gonna look you guys through this we're gonna have a little cat tape as we go and it's gonna be super fun we're gonna eat some cookies so let's have a look what's in our book who's got the recipes as usual we're gonna start off with our sugar and our butter Jane's got his sugar there yes pretty soon you're gonna open up I figure and we're gonna put that straight into your mixer or your bowl whatever you're choosing to use and don't worry we'll put and the full ingredient City cookies in the description box below so if you don't have the kit you can still bake along with us so your sugars in Jogja take it in what's next back there that's alright yep lovely and as usual it needs to be nice and cold straight from the fridge and we've chopped it up into little chunks so that's gonna go into our mixes a straizo okay right so first stage is to mix these two ingredients up so we're just gonna put them at the mixer work around the other way arms like a really low medium speed and what we're looking for we're looking for that kind of know that such sugary buttery goodness perfect so nope you know within just nugget so turn your mixers and go it's not gonna take very long is it like I think mine is lifting nearly there so I'm gonna turn mine off Jane's still going a bit I'm just going to show you what we mean by kind of sugary festering nuggets they all kind of different sizes yeah and this all kind of goes towards making these nice and chunky when the page and they kind of tear apart really easily as well so let's have a look you got your nuggets yeah he have got his blood all right next up is our Edition and so first of all is the chocolate chips like all the kits you I mean you can't have a cookie that chocolate I don't think no Teddy crap for this one obviously it's advised to be white chocolate say we've got white chocolate chip but yeah we like to just take things a little bit further and we have caramelized half of the chocolate because we just kind of obsessed with this stuff it's just the best it's like liquid gold it's like liquid gold if you've got yours there then yeah no loose rose so we've done a hundred and fifty grams which is half of the white chocolate and in the kit you've got this M little recipe card here and but we're lot of bits and links to some videos because I have mine in the microwave but you don't have a microwave so what did you do no I did not only took about 40 minutes 40 minutes of imperfect it's really easy to do it just takes a little bit of time but it's so worth it it's like yeah I mean I could eat that so let's start by paying half of the chocolate chips from the kit into the mixer I'm gonna do props that will do and obviously we need to chop the caramelized chocolate up so Dane is already off on his he's chopped up so we're gonna do some nice big chunks and say Dane tell us what you've been up to in lockdown the Dane basically been in lockdown for like a month now right yeah it's been 47 days this oh my gosh that's actually longer than a month yeah then try to keep myself busy work now sporadically baking cookies every birthday oh my gosh I saw ya on Instagram it looks incredible yes so edit for I have two of them so that makes thirteen ones yeah it looks so good did you put it have you saved it have you got on your Instagram yeah I sewed on my highlights so cool and so make sure you follow Dane I'll put his them Instagram thing on the screen right about now I would say at Dane perfect and go over and have a look at it because it was it looked exquisite right so um caramelized chocolate going into the mix yeah mm-hmm just limits and then oh not ready no obviously this is raspberry white chocolate so we have some raspberries so in the kit we've got des a little packet of oh my god okay so this is raspberries and which they're just so like kind of fragrant and really tang and yeah so it's like the perfect way of getting the rusty flavor into your cookies and you could do this with freshmen today right yeah if you have a freeze-dried we kind of hold them fresh or if you've got frozen recipes would be good just get this kind of gooey pockets of a brass penis which I love a little oh yeah exactly it'll just be a little bit wet a bit these are gooey cookies anyway so a little bit of a wet raspberries perfect right so we're gonna tip all of those in there as well and they're also gonna make this go a bit kind of pinky it's gonna look beautiful guys so mixers back down and we're gonna just mix that for like 30 seconds just to kind of spread it nice and evenly throughout the batter say ready yes we go just smells so good it just like a little puff of like rods for you mister they're not very long at all and then that's going up and you can already see it looks I just look stunning it looks so pretty very pretty right what's next flower super happy flower mix and so in here you've got your flour salt and raising agent so you don't need to worry about anything with these it's basically done it also you we're gonna tip all of your flour into the mixing bowl if you have a stand mixer this is gonna make it a whole lot easier for you but you don't have to have one you can do this by hand yeah we do know I do the baking along with my friends over FaceTime ah two of them didn't have mixers so they sniff I handle the wooden spoon and got their hands in there as well good point actually you could just use your hands like kind of rubbing it a bit like pastry right yeah yes Oh with the Whizzer like a thing so right anyway mixes that down and we're just gonna again keep on a low speed so all the way through recipe is no and it's nice and quick we're not whipping beating or anything and what we're looking for here is like a fine breadcrumbs and again it's not gonna take very large ready ready he's ready let's go Dane I have to say I'm loving the hair growth I love it he's a little bit different so it's kind of attracting it's like whoa what's they gonna look like today change many modes your leg bone semi Yeah right anyway let's show you guys what this mixes will be looking like now so you can see it's really trying to find breadcrumb e-type situation going on here and that's you know those kind of dry and you know things normally when you're baking shouldn't be dry but we want it to be dry right now and now it's time to bind it all together which we're gonna do through the power of eggs good legs it's good as egg so we're gonna go for two eggs don't worry about the size I know eggs are one of those things that's a little bit hard to get hold of at the moment yeah cool little store Oh No yeah so mine are quite little eggs but yeah - you know whatever side you get hold of are gonna eat the rate so I'm crashing them into a separate Bowl and we're just gonna whisk those together a little bit first again that this just means that we don't need to keep the mixer on for too long so it's just gonna be enough so kind of binds it all together your frames wispy accent like I mean I let me use the smaller bowl perfect as usual making it hard right extra-nice and beans together and they're gonna get into the mixer and then all we need to do is turn them on on the low-speed again and we're just going to bind it all together right yeah okay so on they go and you just want to keep this mixing it so as it forms a bit of a stir and it kind of and the sides of the spa's I'm a bit clean so yeah that's my flower movement and it's cool yeah exactly so don't worry it doesn't like it coming together you can just kind of squish it with your hands at the end but mine is looking pretty good it's probably because I saw Gemma's a wonderful mixer for doing this but if you're thinking of getting yourself a mix there and but you're not really sure what one to get or how much you want to spend then demo down and I just left her with you easily Janie is actually using the one that he reviewed and I leave some demos because it's just so pretty and I love it and I'm really jealous and she's not here to tell me not to yeah yeah very tired okay right so cookie dough it's done it looks amazing you can see here it's this really lovely kind of pink color and it's got the little nuggets of the raspberries in there as well it's smells incredible now it's time to make the balls let's have a look show us your hands it's clubs done and we love seeing that you guys are actually wearing your gloves tear laugh think you've all gone out right so we're gonna weigh these they're real nice we want to make them as you know professional as we can so we're gonna go for a hundred gram balls but yes and if you like them slightly bigger when we were in the shop we do engine 25 so I yeah so if you want to figure if you go for that yeah okay on the scales the crimson joy is just before we close to it all this went on you might have got some yourself that's so true they were like the last thing that we kind of came up with just before lockdown happened yes and they were amazing actually I'm so glad that we could eat them again I'm going to start weighing mine and then once they either wage and you probably already know but if you don't we need to freeze them because they're going to bake a lot better from frozen it's going to keep them nice and gooey on the inside and nice and kind of plump as well so we say you know minimum of like two hours but the best thing about these cookies is that you can just keep them in your freezer and then when you can't see a cookie you can just get 100 degrees and bake it like having cookies on tap all the time yeah in lockdown when you've been working background yeah it's very well it's kind of obviously very different to what it used to be like it comes and bears oh there's like six of us at the moment because we're obviously selling all the kits from the merch online which has been amazing and it's been so like it's just been so kind of lovely and heartwarming to see how many of you guys at home are kind of supporting us and buying the kit so there's me obviously and and we've got Sam who is co-owner of crumbs and doilies okay didn't know with Gemma he's like the whiz kid isn't he he's like yeah who's behind Taleb right I can see him it's funny because I can see baby this little screen here and then we've got Carly who usually in old days would be running our office on our website and you just know is doing all that stuff but she's also helping us out in the bakery and we've Rosie who is the kitchen manager here at once where is Rosie yeah it's lovely to have Rosie and then we've got Kirsty and Roz who are two of our lovely wonderful bakers and cake decorators they know it's a good team yeah very smoothly yeah it has I mean at first few were a little bit like whoa what are we doing [Laughter] it's been a switch like I miss everyone so much like I miss you and Nicky and Emma and like the whole kitchen gang and all the guys at the shop but you know at least we do get to henna hang out with the six of us eat today FaceTime right are you will bald a no-bull a bit sneaky and I left some cameras behind that is such a good Ted what are you doing that's what you're doing then I literally had the ball like this I'm just kind of making an imprint with my phone popping the chocolate in and just wrapping it back around oh my god guaranteed a doozie sense no chocolate he's full of it upstairs that's why we miss the room we need him right so they're all made so are we gonna put these in the freezer and then when you're ready to bake them what you need to do is heat your oven to 180 degrees C so it's nice and hot and you want to put a baking tray in there with some baking paper on it if you've got the kit we've provided you with two sheets of baking paper and and you want to put that in like five minutes you ready to bake that way when you put your balls of cookie dough in the bottom it's going to get really nice and crispy as well so the whole of the outsides gonna be crispy and the middle to be gooey and then you put them in the oven that's 14 minutes I'm until they're nice and golden on top and then let them cool down just a little bit I like getting them warm I know some people actually like them cold like Carly who's here yes who likes in the next day when they kind of like cooled down and gone a bit like gooey oh yeah so whatever you like and then so we're gonna go and bake them have a little clean down we'll have a cup of tea to catch up you back here in like half an hour with some delicious warm gooey gooey raspy white chocolate cookies all right get on in the oven see you in a bit [Laughter] okay so their cookies are out of the oven they look incredible they smell incredible this is all very exciting but believe it or not I have something even more exciting for you because a lot of you have been asking where jelly is at the moment because I'm not Demma Dames not Gemma and most of you probably already know but she is on maternity leave so we thought we would try and put in a call and we did very successfully because waiting your bags makes explode I know I want one and I'm fine thank you although I don't have a back later flubs away but you what have you been up to oh you know this and that just some usual kind of thing like having a baby and you know just that really how are you finding it all and Wow it's pretty fun yeah it's great though she's a little thing and she's asleep right now and she's adorable she still might see when she's asleep but she's pretty adorable the rest she is adorable and I can't wait to actually meet her properly because I know kind of stuff everyone wants an in real life cuddle yeah very lovely to see you I need it beautiful oh oh this is the first time I fit makeup on in about six weeks I feel like you like really I'm for done okay this morning I sent you some cookies Eirene thought it would be a bit rude if we did a cookie recipe and called you up and ate cookies in front of you so you know what this smell is like classic crumbs and doilies bakery smell I have missed it so much I'm like being transported back into pre lockdown time anyway but can we eat them because there's everything here right ready on three two one let contains easy floozie pull of caramelized white chocolate there you go the lucky but mine mine hard to get curious here so they've cooled down a little back okay let them I'm gonna have to take a buy go [Music] isn't that is so nice mmm how unis from the raspberries get me all the chocolate or lemon out but I've really missed caramelized white chocolate in the in the day of a new mum so caramelizing [Laughter] you've got it oh yeah oh they're so good guys and yes there they are the perfect rosy white chocolate they're nice and tangy and then you get the sweetness of the of the chocolate in there now absolutely delicious so please definitely make them and yes please do and I just want to say a massive thank you because obviously I've been checking your work out on Instagram anyone who used Speights either from scratch or any of you who have bought the cookie kits or the cupcake kits and hashtag cupcake Gemma because I love love seeing all your baits so I just wanna thank you all so much for not just you know carrying on watching the guys doing all their bits and bobs and baking while I'm not there but also for supporting cons and doing these if you put a cake kit that's also me thank you so much and just keep on baking and keep sharing because I am loving your yeah definitely keep tagging along and like be if you take us then we get to see it and we share them as well so it's just been so great kind of building this little lockdown baking community and yeah just keep going we'll put all our tags everywhere around here and we'll put links to all the different recipes and over to the website so you can buy yourself a kit if you want to but again you don't need it we've given you the recipe and that's Connie I just want to eat these cookies sorry but one for me one for my husband and one for the baby but I'm gonna eat the babies now saying I hope she enjoys her first cookie I think I'll enjoy well thank you so much for watching guys and we'll be back soon with some more recipes and hopefully these guys too and thanks so much and yeah see you guys soon bye thank you [Laughter] [Music] [Music] you [Music]
Channel: CupcakeJemma
Views: 298,983
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Cupcake, cupcake jemma, jemma, gemma, cupcakes, bake, baking, how to make, recipe, crumbs & doilies, baker, buttercream, cake, cakes, vanilla, chocolate, jemma wilson, crumbs and doilies, bakery, perfect, easy, home made, hand made, simple, fool proof, new york, dessert, doughnuts, cookies, chocolate chip, levain bakery, chocolate chip cookies, new york cookies, levain, raspberry white chocolate, caramelised chocolate
Id: EiJ4hCGwa10
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 24sec (1404 seconds)
Published: Thu May 14 2020
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