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so welcome gentle listener i am voldemort your faithful servant it is a compilation of one of the ongoing plot lines of my fan fictions that are used to explore and demonstrate the setting of warhammer 40k the grim darkness of the far future where there is no time for peace there is only time for war i do use musical themes so often you will find the same tracks in each entry on one of these videos but do bear in mind that these are musical prompts for often the stories can be weeks apart in their continuation so i feel the music kind of eases someone back into the storyline and the mood many an entry is the result of a vote as i will leave many a tale on a cliffhanger and then get the gentle listeners to forge the narrative by voting in the comments so they can control the direction and events of the story so if you enjoy any of these stories then do watch the weekly entries on the guides and prepare to exert your own influence and vote on the storylines now i very much hope you enjoy the following compilation osmo guy ottoro osmo guy had always been different his father was taken by a plague when he was barely born the same plague that also ravaged his mother she barely came out of it alive her fortitude was broken and most days she lay in her tent watching the world go by her spirit shattered by the loss of her husband so there was no rough housing no tickles and chases for osmoguy as there were no hunting trips and no fatherly direction no guide to make the world of men make sense osmo guy was different to all of the boys in the camp he was quiet and sullen and serious he would only laugh under one strange circumstance which all now knew so well during or before a storm on the first night he crawled he was found outside during a storm laughing while being drenched his gaze on the lightning ignoring the winds and pouring rain was no guy laughed on the first night that he walked he was again found outside his fist clenched and pumping as a storm approached he laughed hard and expansively the only time he ever seemed to be off his guard even as so young a child brought back to his mother's yurt she had barely noticed he was gone in her world weariness she would often regale ozmagai with the tale of how his uncle the khan of the tribe had brought him in from the pouring lane laughing himself while asked why he too laughed the khan replied osmo guy reminds me of my brother his father he stands before the girl with a clenched fist so people think he challenges the sky i know better he is laughing because he is excited he is laughing with the storm my dear son a man could not ask he makes me miss my brother very much as he grew osmagai would blaze his own trail make his own path he often went off alone and learned from the open steps father air a mother earth he would spend entire days away alone just he and the steps he watched the hunting pattern of the eagle its patience its prey its swift and deadly strike he learned the hunting pattern of the fishing bear its swaying stance its single killing blow it's scooping up of the fish on its claws but he was always active despite his expression being always unreadable or was guarded osmoguy was always active none were faster none more accurate none more driven but osmoguy was always alone he would demand to be shown how to do a thing but always only the ones then he would do whatever it was for himself thereafter it was said by the other children and even many parents in the camp a fire burned in osmoguy that burned all around him none tried to play with osmo guy for he did not play he learnt everything he did was a step on his way to becoming independent he was too intense so it was that when the time of the trials came all knew who would be the one chosen it was always going to be osmokai he defeated 50 of the boys in tests of combat wrestling horsemanship archery stamina pathfinding and hunting in osmo guy the tribe felt theirs was the strongest candidate in generations it was always going to be arsenal guy the wind blew an icy knife through them all day but as they passed the last peak it started to subside they'd ridden for days then walked for more all to get to this one place this hidden and sacred place the home of the star khans power shrines sent small spindles of smoke into the heavens and clamor of weapon on weapon sword on shield echoed around the slopes of cardone from the many training camps below osmo guy looked up at his uncle they both knew it was perhaps for the last time was a typical seriousness but also with a gravitas almost unseemly for a boy so young he dressed his uncle i wish to thank you brother of my father uncle off my blood for what do you thank me son of my brother osmo guy son of osmokai turned the khan equally firmly but with a twinkle in his eye and no small shadow of regret he had chosen osmo guy to succeed him but this way was better to be a star khan oz magai would not now have to slay all of his male cousins as was their way he continued for the beatings i did not understand why you had me beaten at first when i let the other children win at racing or archery or any contest for a long time i hated you uncle but then i realized you had me beaten to prove i should not do anything less than my best no matter who was watching no matter what happened and it is this lesson i take to the star khans to this place i will always do my best i will always be the best the khan looked down into the wide eyes the earnest eyes of his brother's son and said and that is why many will hate you as mogai son of osmokai because you are you are the best all men are men as all boys are boys you will have no friends my nephew for none can stare the sun each day without starting to squint but you will be feared and you will be respected the two then trudged the many ice and snow-covered steps to the gates of cuandro they did not speak ever again i need no helm but i wear one as it is our ritual it separates me from the one who walks the path i am now complete again i am now whole again i am what i was always supposed to be i am a warrior on top of bracebone steed we charge across the skies my heart sings as i speed through the air i am the wind i am its swiftness i am its silken strength i am its power i am its tumultuous wrath i am one with the sky like a cloud i hovered high in preparation all seeing is the sky watchful of times brooding i am surrounded by the lightning that inhabits the clouds i am at one with my most natural self tomorrow after this skirmish with lesser combatants i shall present myself to the shrine of the shining spears my last time atop my saddle for that lot i am a hawk preparing to dive but all i see are rabbits the monkey flee from my brothers crowd one way then the other but always the head is dwindling we have the right of the matter we have the right of the cause where's the right of the purity of our blood they have trespassed and will pay the price we do not give a quarter to the lesser they should know their place it is kinder to teach the few the better to inform the many but what does mine i see ah the monkey are not all callow sliplinks and grain-bearded haggards i spot a flash of white at last at last long have i yearned for this long have i wished to take this test live i wish to match my skills against the white scar i see their formation move swiftly for their kind but they are supposed to be the best the monkey can offer born to the saddle they say of these ones i afford space marines before but never these ones for monkey the marines move fast they are confident they know their age of caleb and chicane about the anti-god but of course in the stalin supine way of the monkey they are usually slow of body slow of mind beings of different caliber weaker clumsier uglier mockeries of our grandeur the similarity i sometimes think the worst affront time to focus an astartes the space marine is a worthy foe better to give them their due the honor of undistracted concentration i must remember this moment his steed is landlocked rather pity i was told that the monkey once had steeds as ours ungainly and noxious as they were but able to apply the skies as we the monkey have forgotten how to mate them no really how i laughed at that but oh wow i wish he was astride disguise as well alas hunter rat i must a fast and well trained tough rat but a rat well time for the cat to pounce i fall on him and fire down with my shuriken catapults he has spotted me despite the action all previously being before and behind him yet he noticed me from the only quiet water at the skies good let us do the darts of blades and blood he veers and his speed increases he knows he cannot be my equal and reach all reflexes airbound as i am so he will use the broken city as his shield his defense he swears and ducks admirably as the chase begins me above him below my shuriken have the greater speed but his clumsy bolt is the greater range but how will he put me in his sight he lets me know immediately as a ramp raises him in the air and he twists the bike and means somersault firing the those loud projectiles like missiles at me i twist and avoid this first of his attempts to take a dragon from the sky with clumsy arrows my response is swift and simple as i spray shards of monofilament shuriken into his silhouette i hear some bounce off his ceramic armor but some penetrate ah marines are tough like an orc but i will call that first blood to me his vehicle lands and speeds away from me so he can find another outcrop or angle to launch himself at me i swear in the air and turn on the spot and instantly after him we have the great grace a point i need to prove as i gain further respect for my enemy he finds a gradient i am prepared but he is good he turns back in his saddle all the while dodging me my fire to hurl a small object back in my direction i have to perform a 90 degree turn upward to evade the explosion of a fragmentation grenade clever when i turn back to the ground he is further on his quest for the correct ground for the finale of our duel i follow him i see the blood red seeping out of him from my early hits and swear i will make this swift a victory due to blood losses no victory at all it will be swift and it will be brutal i see he has removed his helmet his hair flowing in the winds i hear him i hear him laughing he is alive and join him why not we laugh as we feel the air around us the thrill of the chase the heat of the blood he with his loud and heavy dysteria his warhorse me with my steed of clouds and lightning today we both rejoice at being alive for one of us it ends are we so different would either of us have it any other way today is a good day to live today is a good day to die i need no helm but i wear one as it is our ritual i see him waiting in the skies i make myself a blatant target my white makes me seemed a rabbit elder come well time for the cat to pounce you think you're eagle and i am rabbit but no you're fish and i am bear come fish follow me let us do the dance of blades and blood i cannot be his equal in reach or reflexes grounded as i am so i will use the broken city as my shield my defense i swerve and dark as the chase begins him above me below he sure can have greater speed my bot has a greater range but how will i put him in my sights i show him immediately as i see a ramp rising pointing me to the skies i twist my bike as i climb from the ramp and fight heavily at him he swerves and sprays xenos stars at me some bounce off one or two hit i breathe for a moment but my astati's body heals quickly i will not die of bloodlust this day eldar a speed away from him trying to find the right ground for our battle he is above me so i launch a grenade at him clever to keep him interested he touches with ease as i knew he would but he continues to fly after me come fish come closer my helmet is a hindrance when watching the skies so i take it off and stow it the wind flows through my hair against my face i laugh i feel alive and to my surprise the elder joins me we laugh are we so different come fish follow me for today is a good day to live today is a good day to die i remember when i was only an initiate i had a potent dream i woke from it and the pain in my head was mighty so i went to see the storm sears for no normal dream was this the tower of lightning was foreboding to many but i always felt calmer when i saw it more so when i approached this time would be no different as i entered my headache the whirlwind in my mind slowed i approached the storms here and we discussed my dream about the red eagle and how i saw it in many places at many times a furious dream like a whirlwind the pain from which lessened as i spoke when i was finished the seer pondered long and said to me osmokai the red eagle will always be in your life the only friend you will never have the only adversary worthy of your skill your fates are linked you will meet many times and on my last day on the path of the dreamer i had a mighty vision the next day i woke and went to the dome of the sears for enlightenment i spoke of my vision the white tiger in its stripping moor its growl and seeing it in many places at many times when i finished the seer pondered long and then said to me the white tiger will always be in your life the only friend you will never have the only adversary worthy of your skill your fates are linked you will meet many times we chase each other down endless roads i use the city as a shield from his speed but always i draw him back in come fish chase me we reach an area where there are two adjacent long roads we race but when there are gaps we reveal more of ourselves as the battle ensues on the second break in the buildings between us he turns his steed and fires his shuriken but they pass over my head as i slip down and ride my bike from its side only on the third brake he aims his pistol where i ought to be firing into nothing as i am leaning backwards on my bike my head hanging just over the exhaust my arm spread wide to either side on the fourth brake he is riding his bike while balancing upside down above his handlebars my shure can again miss the target it is then that i hear a chair from my left as i see three of my brothers following us from a respectful distance but watching the jewel play out we will not be outdone by an eldar on the fifth break he is riding the front of his bike like a wave my bowtie rounds swim past him harmlessly it is then that i hear a chair from my right as three of my brethren windriders watch what ensues we will not be outdone by a monkey on the sixth break his bike comes to run alongside me it is empty and i instantly sweep my arm backwards as i land on the back of his bike the astartes moves with a lightning i had not expected and sweeps my legs out from under me i land hard on my back on his back's fat posterior i twist and put my right foot on the bar holding us steady and straight as i turn fully in my saddle and punch the elder in the head still trying to regain my balance his clenched fist thunders into my helmet and cracks it and the visor i avoid his second blow and snap the catch on my now hindering headgear it flies off my hair whips around me as i roll to the right onto my own bike once more i can see his face the green the wind in his hair he is alive he is laughing by joining him as he takes out a long dagger and i draw my combat knife we stand atop our stage and match steel to steal he is agile and fast his reposts are thunder and send vibrations down my arms almost loosing my grip on the blade each time he counters me like lightning remove sparks from our blades filling the air in our wake it will always be a shame to kill him his eyes widen as he snaps a look to our four i follow his eyes for a fleeting second and see what he saw a human woman holding a baby she is in the middle of the road we are seconds away from crushing her i snap my eyes to his i snap my eyes to his in one fluid movement i slip my knife and two cheeks and extend my hands in one fluid movement i slip my combat blade into its sheath and extend my hands a scream in my mind a scream in my mind we push off from each other and my bike cleans towards a wall close but harmlessly past a woman and her child i launched myself for my bike and roll to reduce the impact my bike is gone but so is his as i see it plant into a building he is already in the air coming down at me he does not land he comes straight at me with his feet power into my face he strikes hard but my hand whips up and grabs at his legs in that split second after his last strike and him landing i twist and hurl him at the wall he called me how i fly into the wall and land hard the air explodes for my lungs as i feel my armor absorb enough force to prevent my spine from shattering but it is close how did he move so fast while my foot was in his face he lands on roars and springs at me low and ready he comes down with a huge nice strike i dodge to the side and come over with the swing of my own his hand moves fast but mine's slightly faster the impact slowed him more than he knows and i catch his hand i then bring my other arm up and pull his arm down and hit a crack as it bends backwards 90 degrees he snaps my arm like a twig lightning of pain causes through my veins but i'm ready and as a knife falls from my right arm i catch it with my left and slam it under his armor at the shoulder as i let go of him with my right arm as it is now useless the elder knife cutting off all sensation i grab his knife with my left arm and pull it out covered in my own blood it is still beautiful up close so ornate i am reminded of the weapons of my own people as i stare at it covered in my blood i step back to review my handiwork and lament my end he now has my knife he cannot harm me without a knife my armor is too strong i cannot harm him without the knife his armor is too strong the life lands before me in the dust i look up his people make a sound like a cheer from behind him i half expect him to leap on me as i sweep down for the blade but he just takes a step back i step back and allow him to pick up the blade if i am to end him or be ended this day it will be with honor as his hand touches the blade as my hand touches the blade i hear the squawk of an eagle i hear the growl of a tiger we circle each other our expressions identical surprise we circle each other a group of new riders enters the scene their sky bikes sweep down the road the delivery is different green not red they move towards the woman in bay stock's still in shock that they're near miss but they are not so kind as her head topples to the floor both the white scar and the same hand warrior sneer and see the sneer of the other these are not the same these are butchers with the advent of the new force the white bikes of the scars ride in and pick up their ally in tandem with them a red bike comes hurtling down to pick up the wounded seamhorn warrior as both are dragged away from their very private fray their eyes lock for a second and they both offer a warrior's salute i will see you soon white tiger i will see you soon wed eagle white tiger will show you mercy only once but thereafter he will always try to slay you if you do not fight at your very best tiger will eat you alive he will be there to test you to allow you to grow and to help you on your way to the cloak of many colors but in the end it is you who must save white tiger or your family will end in infamy the eagle will receive your mercy only once but thereafter he will always try to slay you if you do not fight at your best red eagle will kill you he will be there to test you to allow you to grow and to help you on your way to the seat of a car but in the end it is he who will save you your company and an entire sector of the imperium that was over a hundred years ago against all the odds against the rule of logic we have met so many times i am the hidden scuttling one i am the scorpion sting i am the assault marine i am the onward rush of the khan i'm the dark one the reaper of souls my hands extend and something dies i am the devastator marine my brothers advance under the cover of my fire i am the bird in flight the hunter of the skies once more my crimson cuts the clouds i am the pilot the finder of ways in my warhawk of metal i am the avenger dire incontinence none shall pass my line i am the tactical marine the center of all ways i am the warlock my mind my weapon the warped mind to command i am the sergeant i lead from the front my men with me i am the dragon's breath the fire of destruction i am the lieutenant my word is lore my experience and training guide me i am the ortark the many colored one all paths my feet have trodden i am a khan first among equals one day we shall meet again we remember the day he walked into our shrine to prostrate himself before us to request to become our disciple to walk the path of the warlock the thanos landrinus the red bird he is known amongst our people renowned across the entire craft world every clan every blade we command for in every path of the aspects of cain that he has trodden he had excelled many report the outshone the very exarchs of the shrines to which he joined but we felt this was hyperbole our people need so much to believe to hope so we thought they floundered and desperately reached out to anyone anything that could feel this void this need a need for a future a need for heroes some say he a thanos landrenauth is the samhain what iriel is to iandan a bright hope for the dawn a fiery blade arisen to lead us during this time of ending perhaps he is but we will not cater to his ego we will not strew rose petals before his path to ease his possession towards the cloak of many colors we will not make it easy we were not to know but we were about to find out so the prodigal son dons the mask and splits his soul again do you never tire of war young one do you not wish to walk other paths before you're called to your doom naymaster my time is short and the hour grows dark i would walk the path in preparation of the part i am destined to play destiny is a fickle mistress she promises much but rarely delivers in the nuances of her gazes she beckons on and gladly they dance to her tune never knowing the music may stop at any point where she tires of the favorite or perhaps she rises one up to be sacrificed to the legend of another and newest or more you chase shadows of glory but that is all they are shadows they have no substance i witness your wisdom and see the truth in it i know i was right to choose you as master for this segment of my journey you know no shame how gracious of you that we silga of the tower of stars who has guided this craft world among the seer council for over 4 000 years we could be a footstep to your legend at thanos landrenath the conceit will thou deny me then oh no we merely show you what we see as our first lesson we see more than you imagine boy and in you we see greatness as others have but we also see pride the key to our people's downfall and we will not permit you to wear the cloak of many colors before you have satisfied us that you are not our greatest weakness returned to lead us astray then i shall exhale so easily you believe all is within your power then you will fail we do not take kindly to those who see this path as a stepping stone boy it is not no i shall excel for i should be the best student you have ever taught for your every word every gesture musing discussion or example i shall absorb i should be your best student because i have chosen the best master in all of this craft world perhaps of all time and due to this i shall face the hardest of trials the deepest of dangers the most shattering of experiences for you do not like me so you will hold no bars will never ease my way or molly cuddle me for you were the greatest challenge i have ever faced and i will meet this challenge by walking the path of the warlock as an exemplar as your shadow your hands your feet i shall be as a slave to your teachings to your knowledge i shall be a rose that opens before the warm sunlight of the sun but when you are done with me you will respect me for i will epitomize your training everything you have ever wanted to impart to a warlock you will find in me not because of destiny or pride or will but because you are the best so we'll train the best and if i survive this trial i will be ready ready for whatever may come destiny or no [Music] behind our helm a vice smile cracks across our face despite ourselves he is a gifted flatterer but we have reached into his mind while he spoke he believes in himself it is true and necessary but he is honest he believes even more in us it is writ all across his very soul he is open and ready to learn the first sign he has what it takes maybe then attend me for you shall get what you so desperately wish the hardest path one which may well be your end but mark well thanos landrenoth if you fail our ira will be a thing of terror such that you wish you're in the midst of the dark city of komala do you understand i would have it no other way master says he as he bows and sits at our feet looking up in the position of the disciple we do not like him he is right but we do pity him we do so for all the things he must learn the horrors he must confront the painful truths he must absorb and he is right we will test him beyond anything and anyone we have ever taught before we shall burn him with knowledge he will come out of this the best like a master potter we shall fire him glaze him or he will be dust for there is nothing worse than false hope a false idol a force a hero he will be forged or he will be [Music] broken we are amidst the clouds atop our brave bone jet bike our warlock council is around us the one who wears the cloak of many colors the altar he asks us to see we coordinate we overlook the battlefield from a myriad of our angles by consciousness above beyond surpassing all others in its depth of scope we sent new players on the field before air they appear the startis mon kai [Applause] the white tigers among them their goal is destruction of the dark ones as is ours we can feel the excitement rebounding from him a thanos landranoth his will is strong his patience and discipline iron he does not even reposition stock still is he despite how we can all feel him his rising panic his restlessness he wishes to be let slip he has worked hard he has done all that we have asked him he has fulfilled every oath and he was right we do now respect him for he has been the most able but also the most attentive student we have ever had the joy of teaching a pity that in no future do we see him walk in the path of the farcier but he has but one path now he has earned this atharnos landren off your friend awaits go he says nothing but inclines his head to me and then he is off with him gone opposition is given away but no matter for we were about to drop our cloak of obfuscation anyway we raise our singing spear in the air and then climb it down pitching the nose of our wraith bone jet bike down in the same action we fly towards the enemy the foul ones and we bring all the wrath of kale and men chicane down on them i need no helm but i wear one as it is our ritual it separates me from the one who walks the path the khan has command of all here the matter is of such importance the lieutenant is down and so as senior sergeant i am now his hammer the one to lead the way his fist and the time is nigh we have been fighting our way through these scum for hours heading toward the monster in its lair we know there are a pair of greater demons here we must destroy them after hard fighting in the skies few vessels remain to us even fewer pilots and my khan had need of the speed of the winds of chicoris this day hence do i sit in the cockpit of a landspeeder typhoon beside me is the most important man in the battle we're about to fight a demon pain the storms here i must make sure he arrives at the right point to turn the battle our forces advance into the city fast the bikes are startees the thundering outriders of the primaries the impulses carry forward our intercessors their blood already up for the fray our company hunt the concentrations of them find them fast then envelop them and destroy them ever we search for their nest with their lords ahead there are twisted pink and blue beings scattering in packs abominations that burst fire in streams of many colors but we are the sons of the plains we are the white scars we are never in one place long enough for them to recover where they should be the beings of confusion it is we that wage a maddening war displays show that the field is not as simple as that delta come from the other side with wind and lightning shuriken and brightlands they come cheering through the twisted ones as we heading for the same point may have the captain sends coordinates it is his way i know what i must do i thunder through the air hugging the edges of buildings for cover as i advance a full throttle i can see our forces how the battle fears we are being bogged down held up there are many of them perhaps too many i approach my coordinates and look over the storm seer already has unbuckled himself and catches his weapons he is ready we are here it is a large cathedral its doors torn open its windows destroyed by the whirlwind of war far from the front of the lines is this the horrors hundreds of yards behind and embattled the storms here winks at me his head open so he may better use his senses then dies out of the landspeeder he lands hard on the marble stairs cracking many with his feet he writes himself with a bristle then strides purposely into the very dragon's den it is then that i receive another priority message new coordinates and a sigil with one instruction attempt ah there are two then that is confirmed i shall attempt to slay the other greater demon i climb into the skies ready to dive down on the location it is then that i see him it can be none but he the way he rides it has been a hundred years but i have not forgotten as a wildlife as a shining spear of all that i have faced only he has ever looked like that flown like that as if the entire sky was his he its firstborn son so red eagle let us do the dance of blades of blood but we shall have to do this on route i have a demon to kill [Music] i am the warlock my mind why weapon the warp mind command i feel him i know he is here somewhere i consult the runes as i fly they lead me it is more that they indicate the lines of connectivity that lead from he to me silgar of the tower of stars would never deign to allow one of his acolytes to indulge in a pity duel or worse associated with a monkey if there was not a crux point hinging on it he knew i knew that the second he instructed me to leave he will never explain this before his other pupils that in the instant he discerned the presence of the scars and white tiger he would have seen their impact on the fray he is my master for a reason he is the best the perfect balance between suggesting tenacity calm and when required to be roused to it blood boiling wrath the wrath of calamento kane in himself but he will never admit that his sending me was not an act of indulgence or grace but a part of the puzzle only he saw the manifold futures bursting from each of his decisions and that of those around him like the branches of an ancient tree the mind of a farcier is always more active than all of those around them always and so he does me no favors my firsties my standing but this will make it easier later the hard way to all is now i also cannot deny that i am elated for i get to fight him again like tiger and i spot him immediately alas when you are white and growl so loudly then all will see from whence you come but how do i know it is him because he hugs the ground low and cunning ears back growling to create fear his engines so loud but presenting a reduced target as he closes to punts it is as when we first met above looking down but this time as i so wished for him the first time he has bestrider steed that complied the skies well i think it's just tears it is ugly he steed but it is a steed he drops his speed for a moment expertly firing his engines when whipping around outdrops a marine one gifted with the knowledge of the warp i can feel his presence he goes to confront the demon directly ass if nothing come for him none support him then he is a dead monkey that is the servant of zinc not nurgle or she who thirsts pure power alone will avail him little against the lord of change a demon of wizardry perhaps no sir gar of the tarot stars would never lower himself so but what is this i find myself above he now climbing into the skies i am sorry there are a multitude of enemies around us by tiger but really would you want it any other way at this the nose of my jet bike lowers into a dive my shuriken catapults were into life he rabbits ducking behind cover as he accelerates faster than i had anticipated and good let us do the dance of blades and blood again white tiger lead me to destiny while i attempt to rake out your eyes with my talons i open fire and spray the cockpit of his ungainly steed they barely scratch his ceremonite armor he was pitching perfectly to evade the worst of it where he could not avoid all of it i can feel his attempts to lock on to me behind him though i am i've seen those missile pods firing off before the missiles can follow but i will not permit this if you want me you will have to outfly me and get me into your baltic sights white tiger he tries so bold so strong he is indeed a tiger he shows me he has tricks up his sleeve as we race against each other he low again but not for long i pass a hamstack and he is there practically beside me he crept around the sides of the building in a burst of speed and superb control he fires instantly but sees nothing but shadows conceal the room for the hidden implodes and burns out as i cloak myself in darkness amidst the glaring day you cannot see me so turns back on course but wheezed like a butterfly alternating height and speed regularly he has learnt so much about being aloft i remember our dog fights at 10 times these speeds i am enjoying this too much as my master suspected but then despite being behind the mask i am who i am warrior and walker of other paths both i was a dreamer once still me i rise up then dart after him swooping like my namesake alas we are interrupted the fine manta-like monstrosities of zinc fill the air before us as we must be nearing the center of the contamination the source he lets fly with his heavy bolter many of these beasts exploding in showers of a natural viscera before us we can both see the twisting effect the maddening unreality of the warp seeping into our realm it is raining upwards the ground slowly desiccating beneath us to provide the moisture each drop is a screaming face a wounded animal a perfect sculpture in miniature fluidly shifting an emotion upwards each drop of rain the hab blocks beneath us are jostling each other for air a scrimmage of rock creek and pastille the buildings shawn of their foundations and prowl in the region for things to step or fall on everything has an ever deepening tinge of blue like we move not towards a place in the open air but across an ocean floor deeper and deeper we head with every second some of the manta monsters get past white tiger's fields of fire and attach themselves to his back fin pulling him off course that's a coincidence my arm was poised pulled back behind me the length of psychoactive power in my hand ablaze its tip a burning lance its length a glaze of fire i loose my dart my singing spear the concentration of my entire psychic might it flies towards my mark but hits the tigers on instead the mantas are punctured through and set alight both crumpling into nothing as the skies are swiftly cleared by his heavy bolter and my spear he dies down to his targets knowing my special liking of grenades i see his hand raised over the cockpit and release one into the wind for me lamentably i was not able to get out of the way in time so touched was i by his gesture as a fragmentation shattered in my face and the flames lash around me not one but three of my defensive runes erupt from my armor in a blaze of light burning out but forcing all of the fragments and flames to part as i dart through them my runic armor is not inexhaustible i shall have to return the favor somehow he flies at his top speed through the rain that flies upwards which is deeply confusing for him i can tell he is less acrobatic now i am sure it is difficult to untrain the mind that the rain is not the source of safety from collision with the ground down not up up not down a manufacturer attempts to lunge upwards with some of its walkways and attempt to entangle us like butterflies i would slip around them with ease but perhaps his answer is better i follow as he launches the brace of his missiles into the oncoming metal trap blasting away straight through it we power through but do not stop and onwards we rush towards a massive building at the center of the connervation the mirror of the building we saw before where white tiger dropped off another of his chapter a huge direction to the glory of their god emperor by the design of it but outstanding at the front of it but shrouded there is something something hidden reveal i force my will into the runes hovering about me charging another to burn its effect into reality beneath us the shrouding is shattered by maroon by power but only just the being beneath is powerful the blue deepens further as it is revealed making distances more difficult to estimate more aquatic and dreamlike soporific but it has appeared a feathered one lord of change and i see why i am here why my master sent me tiger flies low and straight set launching a probing missile but the bolters and the missiles pass through a field around it like a bulb and become little more threatening than confetti i swear i see the bird extend its neck before the fluff and puff hits it harmlessly is it grinning if a bird can be seen to be gleaning then this one is now we shall have to do something about that tiger has circled fast mature taking in every angle i switched to my other worldly senses to which sight to gain delay of the land power is flooding from it like fountains of might being released in steady flows into the very veins of this world the being is weakened it has routed itself to the spot to be the central funnel of the energies from the rights across the entire globe he is forcing his will into the world itself to grab every blade of grass every rock every river every mountain and prairie but he is immobile but he is not defenseless bubbles of rock creek now float upwards in a huge area like mines if he or i go within meters of them the suspending fields burst but they will fall in different directions at different speeds or gravitational pulls a mystery to the eyes i rely on my wish sight for clarity the thing has thrown them up to deflect white tiger's missiles his bolts the shuriken from my jet bank the burn of my singing spear neither of us can get through its defenses alone ah silga you old fox i burn through more of my runes as i affect the strands of reality i am fast enough for my jet bike but white tiger has a fat grox of a steed protect i threw the folds of my mastery over him also positively nudging fate here busting her along there always through my ruins i would not directly touch the warp in the presence of a pheasant one whole no by working through the middle ground of the wounds i can access my powers our elder eye strength of old and remain pure untainted by the father one's filth my training has indeed been superlative as my reactions by the ways of discord thrown off by our adversary and i weave the strands to our benefit rocks bounce off harmlessly when before fate had decided they would have grounded either he or i direct lightning columns from the feathered one are just off shunted by the power of the runes just i see it is time to go on the offensive when white tiger target locks me in the midst of fighting a greater demon he has taken the time to try to kill me i'd laugh i know he is laughing as well i know it especially when his thumb squeezes the release and the entire contents of his missile pack slips from its moorings and leaps through the air towards me aha i see his plan well unless it is just my demise of course my love harder tears me rolling for my eyes as i see him dive towards the feathered one during its fire embolden i burn yet another rune as i feel the wave of warp energy cascade towards him the feathered one attempting to scare off the tiger it fears him and his large vehicle being used as a weapon it knows well as i see the target preparing to jump out of the vehicle but has stopped still my rune takes effect in his paralysis his palsy well more mesmerism really is broken he leaps out his fat groks aimed directly at the feathered one the heat-seeking missiles he gave me to play with are following me and gaining i twist and dive flying faster than i have since i held a shining spear to avoid them but also to guide them i flip my bike over in the air and drag the massage with me toward the feathered one i guide them round and round the rock creek and straight towards him now it is time for me to prove my knowledge all of my training has brought me to this point this moment cigar of the tower stars knew this my final test i know he watches i will prove it prove i am the best you have ever trained in this one feat time to be about it as fast as i am my runes circle around me as i power everyone simultaneously ready for this display you see the dreamers and glyphs that float around the feathered one are potent no one thing will bring them down not from either of us here because they are simple attacks and power is less important than complexity when dealing with the beings of zinge i could throw blasts of my own or my spear but they are only psychic manifestations well mostly the missiles of the marine are physical as are the shuriken or bolters but when combined i saw white tigers ply and now fulfill it restrain a rune exposed in the feathered one cannot move time slows for it now its own aquatic effect is turned against it as the bird moves through the bottom of the ocean's depths jinx a rune explodes in a dark cloud of energy accurses my asthma blooms around the feathered one all blows will now be felt more keenly innovate drain two runes explode and the curse deepens sapping the thing of his supernatural strength and speed for seconds only but it is enough horrify a rune explodes in a wave of fear as he threw at my ally now descends on the demon but this curse it manages to deny to tear apart before it can descend onto the others and deepen as i lead the missiles toward it i know things will be tight i have just been through most of my runes so this a better work two left empower i raise my arm back and launch my singing spear with all of my might it slams towards the demon and i follow up with a direct use of power as the singing spear strikes the shield my own energy lashes it too mystic might of two flavors last one quicken my last rune explodes and time is again on my side all around me slows and i feel freehand for a mere second or two i fight straight towards the demon only pulling up at the last second you can see why i cursed it so much before this and then my spear my energies are less than a second later matched with the mini missiles and the ugly but large and explosive vessel of the marine all hit it the curses the spear my lightning to misas the speeder all hit and keep hitting as the missiles explode in quick succession and as i pull up i know my bike is doing most of the flying i can barely focus barely stay atop my steed the exhaustion but i do the feathered one is gone the first sign of this is the bubbles of rock creed all falling at once the power simply turned off i sit atop my bike and twertle as white tiger has to run and dive and duck to avoid being crushed i have not the energy for the belly laughing would usually elicit but i will never forget it watching him leap in long strides and pounces as his namesake but it is over here at least the feathered one is banished the other is being dealt with it seems my master has decided to destroy it personally and i almost almost pity the demon the two stood on the windswept battlements of guangzhou the captain's presence had been requested by the master of the hunt himself not a usual occurrence it could mean only one thing the long overdue talk long overdue captain osmo guy had arrived exactly as requested not a second earlier not a nano second late he stood in his power armor the white almost disappearing and the snow would wind the whipped around them only the red or gold edging of his armor defined him this also went for the master of the hunt's attire but both men were armed captain osmoguy took position next to the master of the hunt he knew why they stood here the lesson was told in the vista before them the topic certain both looked out across the approach to guangzhou the chapter fortress of the white scars the thin line of the approach up to the fortress bristling at every pace with the silvered skull atop a tall pike the results of the hunts the enemies of the chapter revenged let me be candid captain osmond kai it is pointless to do otherwise master of the hunt said captain ozmakai the hunt is one of our most sacred rituals it is who we are we name a foe of our chapter an enemy who has escaped our wrath then we hunt him and we slay him i am aware of our ways master of the hunt then you are aware that the name must be entered onto the rolls before a hunt can be called of course then why captain ozmukai have you not entered the name of a certain eldar into the roles have you not faced him a dozen times now over the ages has he not fought against our chapter more times than any other individual in our recent history yet his name is not on the rolls vid eagle as you call him why and though he be zenos eldar of craft world samhain though we have pitted our skills against one another over the ages he is not our enemy the master of the hunt now turned bodily and looked directly at osmokai the captain mirrored the move both now stood with arms wide hands on hips squaring off both had their hands dangerously close to their swords your words eat themselves like a snake devouring its tail no they do not i take my calling my destiny from the storm series for i will meet the red eagle again many times i have never restrained my hand never shied away from slaying him we are equally matched but one day it is prophesied that he will aid us aid me in saving a company and a sector it is foretold then when this is over the very moment this prophecy has been woven then i expect his name to be on my list you are not needed for me the time approaches i go i take my company to a small world called abundance tushes for it is foretold that in our last meeting one of us would die if it be me then you can add his name to your list personally the two glared at each other for what seemed an eternity then both nodded an osma guy twisted on his heel and stalked away kusala khan looked out across the wide expanse approach to guangzhou the many many thousands of silver skulls they're contained each one an enemy brought low by each successive master of the hunt the master kosala khan grinned to himself osmo guy he's also much of himself in the young captain but if osmar guy did not return from this angry world he would and the name of the red eagle or tarkov seymhorn to the list then he would hunt him and he would kill him i have been voldemort your faithful servant i hope you've enjoyed the story so far and will join us on the weekly entries as a result and will like and subscribe if you do then hit the notifications button as i would not want you to miss out now no matter what you do today do try to make some time for fun too blue [Music] [Music] [Music] so you
Channel: Baldermort's Guide to Warhammer
Views: 46,243
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: RED EAGLE WHITE TIGER Story So Far, baldemort, Balder, Mort, Audiodrama, Warhammer Audiodrama, Warhammer 40000, Grim Dark Tales, Grimdark Stories, Warhammer for dummies, Beginners Guide to Warhammer 40K, Baldermort Stories, THE STORY SO FAR, Baldermort's Guides to Warhammer, Abundance Tertius, Osmogai, White Scars Lore, Eldar Lore, Eldar, White Scars, White Scars Stories, Saim Hann Craftworld Eldar, Grim Darkness of the Far Future, WHITE TIGER, RED EAGLE
Id: vWgbfVUi3nQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 67min 51sec (4071 seconds)
Published: Tue May 04 2021
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