If the Emperor had a Podcast - Episode 0: White Scars (Pilot)

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attention citizens of the imperial palace and beyond this walks gossip applique is designated alpha priorities continue your operations what listen world to this very important announcement thought for the day heresy has six letters you are always six letters from damnation is it Tom who's tapping the Box hailer early the on button shines green so I would wager yes my lord sass me again and I will throw you through the roof oh look there are ambience options on this thing what are the options rain and thunder wind in trees on an Agrawal farm low key high gothic chanting a crackling fire distant cyber Mastiff barking empty Cathedral white noise real actual ocean wave sounds server farm humming artificial space noise and clown cavern ambience oh definitely not God will activate them all and see what it sounds like uh right uh except the last Oh we have reached the pinnacle of relaxing ambient sounds of places displacing practice I cannot hear it I am NOT a big please turn this horrible noise not I shall turn it down my notes that will do now that we have set an appropriate mood how about we begin yes sirs defenders wardens workers and sycophants of the imperial palace greetings to you I am an Imperial fist you may call me by my newly designated warning adorable do not do this together with mere our two Tribune's at the in depth is custodies most suggestive salutations to you all no pleasure and your Lord the Emperor of mankind that is IP has forced this meal servant point to holding a box hello into the sanctum and curious in order to relay a message say hello boy thanks you can't stop breathing now do not actually do that the message as it were is that you all are absurdly uninformed sup and that he is very ashamed of you secure your mouth you haven't stained hunk of ceramide iron that a large portion of ceramic father I am a living being this I have yet to notice I didn't spill lemon juice on my centurion armor earlier this morning however shut up I am speaking now greetings children I am the Emperor how is it going just kidding that was a rhetorical question I do not actually want to know to bring you full context of exactly how and why I can't speak the golden throne to which I have been shackled for over 10 millennia has had a so-called text-to-speech device installed into its Brown Newark allowing me to carefully manipulate the ancient microscopic remnants of my own flesh from banging around the stasis field and capsule aiding my eternal body effectively typing out whatever I want to have said this allows me to have nuanced conversations with you without the hassle of for their breaking my soul and desperate attempts to relay my messages to the dim-witted populace of my Imperium through agonized psychic shrieks I have made the decision to broadcast this message to you for I have come to realize that you are all absurdly uninformed and that I am ashamed of you since my entombment things have gone through seven hells of ignorance and back and just to give you an example of this view buck Taylor yes my lord my lord yes my lord what do you want no no sorry I am tell me in earnest boy do you know anything about the white scars that would cut in your hands on on rested time funny what is your name my name you took too long your name is boy now this boy boy represents your collective ignorance he is untaught to the point where he does not even know the name of one of the original Space Marine legions iming alright to be fair the white scars are amongst the least noteworthy specimens I ever did make but that is no excuse most humans receive only enough education to enter the workforce knowledge of the identity studies does not constitute essential information in that regard which is why I wish for this to be recorded and publicly spread to each household on each planet no matter the time it may take ignorant dams progress my children I shall provide context for why you are alive this is ironic coming from you father i do not care in the slightest so what we are doing right here right now is that we are covering the history of white scars because they are an important subject for the Imperium at large to know about it apparently it is not about the importance of the subject matter then what is it about it is about quelling ignorance however small it may be and because I just read several accounts worth of history about the white scars of all things and I need a pick-me-up in the form of biased bending all right my baby vocal cords are tense Todd lubed and loosen my lord where exactly should we begin it depends on exactly how a knowledgeable we should assume our listeners currently art let us assume memory right to clarify space marines are big human stuffed with extra organs and muscles typically wearing power space armor we are rarely assuming the West these Space Marines along with all other fighting troops in our Imperium are in a never-ending war against aliens and other undesirables in order to keep you your neighbors and your entire planetary population breathing they are a primary reason why you and your entire ancestral line even exists this is also why you work long on fulfilling days in fact dorms out in the fields inside the minds stuck in the district medic eyes or wherever you may be doing your duty through your servitude you are contributing to the fight you are aiding an our continued existence helping us in our quest to obtain mankind solemn birthright and that is why we are here specifically talking about the legendary and exceedingly rare space marine strike forces only employed in the most dire situations and not about say standard planetary defense forces that you as a bog-standard imperial worker might have actually seen once or twice well to be fair compared to stories about their local planetary defense forces telling stories about the fabled space we're in Tantus would be loans upon roads more exciting and it what is a better word for marketable I can tell you listeners that I am such a Space Marine the Emperor my father who is right over there in his throne made 20 legions of Space Marines circa 10,000 years ago in the 30th millennium among them were the Imperial fists such as I as well as the white scars who are on subject matter well to chip in each of these space marine regions or li g OA starties as they were called in High Gothic were led by what you should probably know is the Primark you know the Emperor sons the reason you will celebrate sanguine Allah a prime mark is a Space Marine but bigger they were designed to be my generals in the Great Crusade that I led while I still live their existence being for the sole purpose of aiding me in my quest to unite mankind and a star spanning Empire and Shepard darling to a new age unfortunately fully half of my creations along with their a starties legions turned against me under the leadership of one prime marker should know as my ears wholly innocent / no noise it came from the Vox Hara Bala what in the absolute explain sir I'm really sorry my lord Louise healer was designed to just answer any words not sanctioned by the adept assessment of Spore elbow that is a load applause why did they do this to me someone needs to be strengthened and then we turned this Center right off I'm sorry my lord I can't what do you mean you can't you want me to suffer more than I already am then turn those awful horns off goodness gracious the ecclesia arc is going to answer for this perhaps you could use this as an exercise in not overusing profanity father go for yourself Rogo I believe that is biologically impossible and I've only seams all about do that with extensive genetic modification is there an option to censor everything Rogo cetera I am adorable you are most certainly not so I want might I suggest we do not get too sidetracked we have barely even started speaking of the white scars most people in the Imperium have an attention span as large as the margin of error on a warp jump if they do not listen they will be sentenced to a vacation on the white scars home planet which is exactly the planet Earth we shall be discussing today having introductions out of the way from which side should we start putting we have read several different accounts of wife's cars history most of it covering their actions between circa millennium 40,000 and now what were the titles again let me check for you ah see here oh right well we have the five different codecs Space Marine records are apparently edition three through seven LBJ never did find Edition one in two so that was kind of odd but then we got the index starting one um reckoned the chapter of crude book of the astronomical and lastly the hunt for Vold aureus racket which record should we begin covering might I suggest the indexes talkies book it did contain a detailed record of the origins of the white scales Primark jacket icon on Abby's name it was quite an interesting read if I interesting you mean sleep-inducing I might just agree you do not sleep father you are in perpetual pain it's almost as if you're an eternal pain glove cranked up to 11 thanks for reminding me of every second of my existence you are welcome father I am surprised you forgot the permission how wild Moyes permission to begin my master go right ahead in debt a Saudis one right so the index Astarte smoke pick it up you're on the index of studies book starts recording the galvanizing history of the white scars from page 40 and onwards it begins by stating that the white scars are only rarely recorded in history and even when they are the text is based on the words of the white scars themselves and thus embellished and exaggerated the only way for them to make it interesting I like how it brings up two examples of how jacket icon wannabe his name came to land on Mondays plainness and how one is correct and one is absurdly wrong I think it's pronounced mum this planus actually I think mum displayed her sounds funnier it is exceptionally playing yes room 1 legend states that he traveled there from terror by himself as a youth apparently one cannot go in space travels when one is but an infant well it is technically correct if you take into account that he did not travel voluntarily the other example is uncannily correct however oh yes the other one says that he was abducted as a baby which he was by the foul gods of chaos well I guess that won't make sense why am I even surprised the most amusing part is that right after giving these two examples it goes on to state that the truth is likely somewhere in between those two myths is this dumb record implying that jackpot type has an infinite mind you wanted to get abducted so he could go crash into some feudal flatland written with speed weed yes a simple fact is that these men coincidentally happen to get one of their myths on point get enough remember in sirs hike and throw them at an origin story and someone will eventually get it right permission to move on though right so the record goes on to tell us that the calm arrived on a world within segmenting Pacifica's that is called augmentin Pacifica skiing the Imperial space to the galactic west of terra by the way yes yes the planet is called Monday's plan even displayed will you shut up officially by Imperial cartographers but de Jong as icon imma be his name it was known as shil glories it truly speaks to the finality of this place that the Imperial cartographers decided to name this planet plane world father you must realize though this name is bland the world upon which humanity was first founded is called and I quote good it then goes on to say how fertile the world is with lush greenery soaring mountains and as your seas truly futile Wonderlab straight out of the boat fables not nearly enough gold and factor ohms yes right well the planet of Savalas was well as you said my king classified as a feudal world's having just invented gunpowder the majority of its settlers living in an organized aristocracy under a ruler called palliative that is such a weird unwieldy name good thing he died Oh hoots spoilers you know could have sworn pala teams or rank amongst assistants of battle we at coincidence Marcella do you know what an organized aristocracy is no it is a form of government that is ruled by a small group of wealthy powerful individuals so does that mean the Imperium is organized our stock crazy no it is an Imperium I am done so this paletine apparently had highly disciplined embel equipped armies well for a few world armored horsemen and infantry in high numbers won every campaign paletine launched so they had effectively conquered the entire planet with a big exception of one area called The Empty Quarter howling a big portion of land a quarter is a strange decision calling attempting when it is filled with savage tribes men and horses is even stranger I am certain many a family picnic ended horribly out there so here is where the story really begins we have not even begun and I am already sick and tired apparently this book is now citing passages from another record called the Great Khan of Kwan's Oh penned by one of jagat eyes honored generals by the name of oka die that name sounds familiar for some reason but more to the point why did you not bring that record with you because we do not think it exists we could not find it anywhere so much for sourcing so jagat icon on Andy's name first landed ISM best windblown steps of the mg quarter-way stability Empire as you said nomadic tribes of savage Horseman roamed these steps and had done so for centuries following a cycle of seasonal migration for pastures in the summer two protected valleys in the winter always living in simple tips how anyone can live with such a gold deficiency has always been beyond me gold is not a required sustenance for survival father you say that like it is a fact it is no what did you want well the palpite GTL empire never bothered conquering the nd quarter it saw no shortage of war these tribes constantly fought amongst themselves for territory and in one field of grass is somehow better than another they also supposedly did it for the sheer joy of battle sticking axes in each other's faces is a great pastime when riding horses stops being fun yes ma'am yes but it was all child's play compared to the apparent atrocities carried out by the palliative Empire the record claims that based on the blood rituals the nobles of the Empire performed imperial scholars believe they were worshippers of the ki how happened to me now gives even more credence to Jiang hot eye former to ring them right so a giant I landed near the so called Hunan River where a man called uncon founded on her ghost Jang were not trying to eat this crash-lands infant upon finding him I suppose I do not think there being any records of these tribesmen being cannibals my lord you are right under goes the jackpot I for not using the squared horsemen instead the joke is that Space Marines in human flesh at times it is one of the funnier genetic quirks I came up with that crack happens to be recorded in this index of sardis book incidentally on page four of a specific source Singh is great he boy always does it anyway move on right so on Khan was given the honor of adopting this glowing child into his tribe The Tao scars leaving him to be a gift from the gods of course he finds damn it al since he was young the tribe had claimed there was a fire in his eyes which is a Talcott term for being a great warrior having fire in one size is not a tall scarred arm it has been said for centuries if jagathi had fire in his eyes he would not be a great warrior he would be dead yeah yeah well while jagat I was still young exactly how young we are not sure but an event known as the bloody happened Raiders from a rival tribe called the Korean stuck their axis into town Scarface is an ambitious dishonorable ambush slaying his adopted father well he did not stick around for long it was funny 44 ugh might years for flu I am angry with the current state of events any way to jagat I already the greatest warriors among his tribe and bearing many ritualistic scars of courage because having a ritual where you cut deep to scar yourself is a great idea when you live on a filthy feudal world where a simple infection equals death yes basically he became popular amongst the cows cows and led them into battle against the could iron tribe racing their village to the ground and slaughtering them all breathing in their blood and mounting the head of the kid I had chieftains above his tent these events were to shape the Primarch into the man he would become a man of fierce honor loyalty and ruthlessness as a disclaimer just because jang hot icon is a prime mark that you all should look up to does not mean that you should go slaughter your neighbors and raise their heads up high on your hand block you hear that boy yes my lord I will not savage the enemy tribes my lord unless they are xenos of course so anyway after the cooling of the cooling jacket I swore to bring end to the wars between the people of the steppe he now saw to unity of purpose and for his efforts he was elected Khan of the town Scott shrine after this Jagat I started subjugating in conquering the other tribes forcing them into its ever-growing Tommy ah he had his own little Great Crusade out in the fields like father like son eh we should call it the small crusade for it was very small very good Lord adorable please do not call him that anyway moving on the army he amassed was named the Mithu Lee which is a tell scar word for irresistible force he made military service mandatory and combined warriors from different tribes into the same units as to break up tribal association and rid his army of segregation wise he promoted his warriors purely based on their abilities giving each person due respect if he could prove themselves worthy of it as long as they were capable of growing a string you mustache they were probably good so ten summers after the cooling of the cooler head while his armies were migrating in preparation for the coming winter a freak avalanche came blasting down the slopes taking jagat I and many of his tribesmen with it down a cliff was it fire but I survived of course no amount of snow could kill Bravo yes oh yes instead of dying he was harried by a hunting ban from the paletine empire incidentally led by paletine own son needless to say he flippin died octave smashing horse my word you just said look I am desperate here that disgusting fox hailer is making me take drastic measures hilarious please keep doing this for Q your actions have consequences speaking of consequences jacket icon on a B his name slaughtered the son of peloton and his band butylated the last survivor tied him to his horse hung the decapitated head the peloton son around the neck of the survivor and sent him to paletine with a message the people of the steps are yours no longer nothing says get off my grass fields like being sent to your brats head on horse Express as a result of this Palatine was outraged and soon as summer came marched out with his army intent on wiping out the Barbarian tribes it was too bad he faced gigantic are infinitely more cunning and resourceful been an old aristocratic cultist in the valley of the cars on the long Sun flame peloton's Empire met jagat eyes module II he met his defeat faster than jacket.i tribes that is really fast really fast really fast whose paladin's army was accustomed to hand-to-hand combat they did not stand a chance against jagat eyes hit-and-run tactics palette instead retreated back to his capital city and hid like a little baby this is really starting to sound familiar eerily so so over the course of the next year's jagat eyes army started over running Palatine lands besting armies storming walled cities and slaying its Nobles they had no choice between the surrender or face total destruction apparently it was said that these devil face savages were supernatural demons as members without the a here they're too exact divine vengeance for the sins of man I feel that thought process did a 180 with the whole demons exacting divine retribution thing in the end Jagat I and his armies reached Palatine stronghold of cap hasta jagat I demanded pelicans head on a spear or he would leave no stone standing within an hour a group of weak Nobles crawled out of the city's gates and gave Dagon I what he desired after this pathetic defeat the honored Khan's power stretched from ocean to ocean the largest empire the planet had ever known conquered by a single man in less than twenty years the small crusade was a great success but even though he now ruled over a vast area he knew that his people had no real desire to rule such a realm his motivation was to reunite the tribes and exact vengeance apology nothing more maybe it wasn't as great a success as one might have thought then well while ultimate power rested with the calm and his generals they did not have any developed concept for ruling settled populations they simply wanted unity that is about the time that I arrived as you well know my memory is fractured but this book claims that Tai made landfall and met jackpot icon for the first time since his abduction we met in has send little mountain palace called Kwan's oh where he dropped to one day in front of me and swore eternal fealty to the Imperium of man in response Jiang hot I left the planet and its rulership to his successor rogue you died while I gave him the fifth Legion which he renamed the white scars actually speaking of that what were they called before they reunited the jacket.i I do not remember at all yes but you know ignoring that after reuniting with you my Emperor he of course continued to use the lightning-fast tactics that he had made use of upon chokers and used them to great effect right to the very end and then seventy years after the Horus heresy Welsh aghoris was still a semi-feudal world still under the control of his tribes Nagant he disappeared his disappearance happened somewhere near the mouth strim while he was chasing a dark elder cabal that had taken many of his fellow tribesmen hostage it does say here though that that is not set in stone it is more likely another khan's ship or simply lost him a walk when he was traveling through it as that does tend to happen a lot I would never been used the Khan would face such an anti climatic end no he is in the web way I have no doubt about this what do you base this on staunch intuition and my knowledge of who the Khan is I agree jag hot icon is in the web way I can feel it no objections here but anyway let us cap the indexes start his record off with what has happened since then which is what you're more interested in I am sir the origin story of jacket I does a good standard for what his legion would become a ragtag bunch of straggly mustache motorbike lovers who are pushing there are throbbing power bikes into heads to private bodies would not want them any other way so an interesting tidbit is that jagat ice palace Kwan so became their fortress monastery it is said to be a thing of savage beauty its walls containing both running rivers and forests full of wild animals which the cons hunts for sports it is the opposite of savage it is a magical wordid wonderland this callous lies in the Kumu kata mountains or the mountains that scrape the stars which is to say that it is located in the most inaccessible mountaintop on the planet purpose sounds like he made it intentionally inconvenient just so you could get more scratches and infections on the way up otherwise there's also mention of their combat doctrine of course which is the classic lightning-fast hit-and-run tactics with highly mobile forces and ultra rapid deployment well everything's ultralight in fact it right well there they're having a speed stroke and continue on well they work best in heavily armored opponents and while they do prefer to keep their enemies at an arm's length they are fully capable of launching bloody assaults with both Meili bikers and assaults once I do wonder how often they just go for the conventional - acting of running their enemies over they do not and I am unsure why during the second founding they dutifully followed drew booty Gilliland and split the khan's legions into several chapters the white scars chapter was organized with loyalty to the Codex of studies but had some rather noticeable organizational differences such as higher proportions of bikes watts Lance meters and no devastated squads white I guess going fast as its own suppressive fire oh and no dreadnoughts to the whites cars the dreadnought is a terrible fate eternal confinement that goes against their philosophy that when a warrior dies his soul should be free to go to the afterlife the dreadnought is only a temporary State this just sounds like a giant excuse they know that if someone has put in a dreadnought they will never go fast again as for their belief the white Scot believed the honored Khan's vision of mankind United they also venerated the Emperor you my lord as the ultimate uniter and their founding father if we are to get metaphorical I am more of a grandfather to them I would say I would say grandpa Emperor does not quite have the same clang yes they also believe that one day the Emperor will once again rise from the gobbler throne and begin his next crusade to unify the galaxy if you say Copland from no you definitely said goblin throne offensive you listen go take notice for ambulance and the Goblin frogs this is what you should leave anyway the ones who teach the theological or the so-called storm seers who are essentially my variance incidentally it says the storm seers are also the ones who recruit new initiates into the white scars entre Boris seems like the Chaplaincy has been completely wrapped into the library amongst the white scars stuff combining things I do not like it is because storm seers which shamans in their own tribes they are priests and magician in one that is like mixing chewy man's soda pop and shrapnel it will result in an explosion and many will be there to get Hayley throw faceful at the result they teach their following members about strengthen unity of course well the storm says choose different initiate some call a different warring drives on the step they force them to work together and become one under the Khan apparently this does not mean that it is unheard of for tribal feuds to happen between squad members but then not everyone can have such clear mind as the Khan himself oops I would now like to address the fact that the book talks about the gene seed which is my area of expertise considering my made it I did not make any inherent flaws in the original gene seed so the supposed savagery that is inherent to the gene seed of the white scars is either entirely placebo or they somehow fudge the death like a space wolf said what their will fixation you've just use the word fudge as a profanity shut your mouth rogue oh I am adorable and I like fudge my tea think when I am near you right so I feel like we have the index of starters out of the way now yes we should really move on to greener pastures do not make jokes you were not made for you to know I was made to protect a coughlin throat Oh since we got the basics covered now I suppose we should review the other books this one in mind compare and contrast if you will yes let us start with these codex's codex Space Marines sir addition third codex goes fast so this one has a severe lack of information but it has some so first of all are the rampages are mentioned who are a second founding successor chapter of the lights cars these were also mentioned in the index of starties along with the Marauders the destroyers and the storm lords one of these is not like the others when the most creative name you can come up with for your successive campus is the storm lords it speaks of a lack of imagination apparently the Ravagers have this long ceremony called the bloody that is the exact same name they used for when J Hutton I over killed that cowardly enemy tribe as mentioned back in the index book you cannot just use the same dumb name for something twice like this well this ceremonia tales the Marines in the chapters starving them still hold the flap on scars they no courage amongst the white scars as inspired by that dull scar clan right yes it says facial scars on a matter of rank and prestige amongst the rampages and well amongst the white scars too that essentially means the RAM pagers are cheating they star themselves without having earned said scars they just sit back and cut themselves for hours when they could be out getting actual pus word and battle wounds by fighting and being useful well it might have something to do with the blood they harvest from their open wounds what do they do with it there they use it for their feast that follows Oh disgusting consider them to be on my do not meet directly list when I get off of this draw it reminds me of my family dinners yeah that is really it for this codex it also says that mother's planets is the name of Jubilees repeats the name of the successor chapters in a diagram covering the twenty original space bring legions and that is about it next book then alright unto the fourth codex Space Marines fourth edition exactly right so here we first of all have the exact same 20 original legions diagram I just mentioned when covering the third codex to start off with it is exactly the same barring some changes of the spellings secondly we have another diagram over the codex compliant and codex divergent chapters and the different advantages and drawbacks of each should be interesting the white scars are said to be a courageous codex compliant chapter and have traits known as be swift as the wind and to trust your battle brothers while their drawback is flesh over steel so they are really fast they have trust in each other but they do not like wearing helmets exactly why was this written down I can't see all that by just looking at a picture of them that is almost it but the flesh over steel drawback has in actuality to do with their lack of facilities to deploy a lot of vehicles like predators and land Raiders I am fairly certain a chapter does not need their own facilities in order for getting hold of some tanks when you have forge worlds in almost every system perhaps they prefer not to use those vehicles because they are too slow that makes more sense I would assume the whites cars to be dumb enough to not take tanks rather than the mechanical being dumb enough not to give them any otherwise there is just some mention of a white Scott's Marie named so that I nation to again who was on a pilgrimage to kill orcs and died but honestly it is entirely irrelevant and we should move on let us do that then codex Space Marines fifth edition the fifth codex then this one contains a lot more stuff or well it does not up with the exact same diagram that the third imported telling us who their successors are and the names of the twenty original legions and that the white skulls plan exists in Monday's climb under slain back your stop it it is like this diagram is starting to people well now this one says that the white scars are adherence to the hit-and-run attack and masters of reconnaissance never heard them use the word reconnaissance to describe the white stars before but I suppose they would be good at so paying enemies and regions before making their attack I am surprised they can reconnoiter or anything considering they never slowed down would not everything just be a blur oh oh here is the second use of the word ultra rapid deployment why would anyone use that word more than one time lightning flash deployment would work better for the white stars ultra rapid sounds a bit too well you know move on before we start an other dumb ultramarine discussion I am sick of those right yeah well here is something crazy it says that to Space Marine tacks are too slow for the white scars there other places have become adept at modifying the motive units of predator Vindicator x' and even land leaders to ensure that white scars bikers and weakened elements always have proper fire support as the Great Khan once taught speed is worthless if the blow it delivers is robbed of its spring goodness fluting gracious this hundred is everything we have heard about the Wyss cars vehicle pool thus far first of all I was under the impression they did not have a whole lot of Tanks in the first place well they still do have tanks but you with another chapters perhaps the ones they do have he make really flowing fast stupid rest plates to your face when it doesn't get cold you cannot make tanks fast tanks do not eat food in the first place okay now you are just really reaching if the mechanic and wanted them to go as fast as the wife's cars are making them they probably would have already yes well a big part of the mechanic is a fairly conservative regarding tinkering with technology in such a manner I was going to say if these whites cars artificers managed to make haste rate of improvement to those three different tanks why would they not send these schematics to the rest of the Imperium to use as well but now I see it might just be the mechanical bean bags of tremendously stubborn rubbish if we assume the whites cars didn't just make them lighter and faster by stripping significant parts of their all of them the improved schematics were probably lost in some backlog yay you're a crusader moving on it says here that the whites cos favorite opponent fights are the old coats of speed or the same horn of wild riders I can only guess why they love murder racing of course they do ultra rapid motor racing I would not be surprised if they carry out rituals in which they send out their weekend crippled on a bike to ride down a cliff to an ultra rapid demise otherwise they apparently color their helmets with scars of paint tribal markings to emulate the tribesmen of the steppe oh and it also says here that they call normal-space marine helmets biker helmets everyone else calls that a avoid getting shot in the head to they'll maybe a helmet to be fair pretty much every single chapter regiment division and auto in the Imperium and Beyond has soldiers refusing to wear helmets for reasons we have yet to figure out looking at you adorable re will not grant you the honor of a measured response because while you do wear a helmet your skin to armor ratio is 9210 well hey we have just about the most eventless job in the galaxy making the rounds in the palace is a lot easier when wearing not put leather in proverbial body gospel you are insane and need psycho indoctrination and I have several weeks in the pain glove oh here we have our first mention of the hunt for maldorais oh boy the hunt for Waldo does he will get back to that when we cover the record in and of itself Jonas that Bulls arias pronunciation sounded like you were about to puke my master this text-to-speech device is awful sometimes but it fits considering the subject matter right so that leads us to the first ever independent marine recorded in these books that is not jagat i cannot be his name the honorable causado cod oh yes he was the one hunting in the hunt for Waldo he does I suppose he deserves his own page for killing the most pathetic demon Prince I have ever had the pleasure of hearing about Kol sorrow Cod is the 51st individual master of the hunt which is a honorific that has been passed down since jagat icon presumably made it up being entirely you meet the doing scars so I suppose the rampages Marauders destroyers and storm lords do not have it as in the end is all in all a waste of a rank this is true his duty is above all to seek out the chapters adversaries that have somehow battled them and survived they consider those enemies to be a scarf if you will on their honour and they cannot be allowed the glory in this small victory as if there is any to be had in the first place so every 25 years the white scars hold the rights of howling in which the master of the hunt is dispatched to seek out and of course bring back the head of one of these adversaries this fascination with heads his disturbing to be fair the Imperium is littered with skulls already is it not those have at least been cleaned and bleached they just take the head with all the flesh and fibers included clothes so corsaro calm being the honored master of the hunt is sent out on one of these operations and it's not allowed to return that thought his prey has been slaughtered he then returns with the head as proof of the kill and the white scars celebrate with a moonlit feast after that he gives the head over to the head chaplain who hey wait wait excuse me head chaplain so they do still have a chaplaincy then it is not wrapped up into the library Asst talked about her done I suppose the whites cause you Sneed up a lot of encouragement from many different sides or something wait no I just realized you said head chaplain right oh goodness he did all it is verbatim a head chaplain a chaplain dedicated to the collection of heads at least they serve a purpose other than being a so-called spiritual advisor why do you lean in on the hailer so much because I need to emphasize how terrible the decision is where everyone so what the head chaplain does is that it takes up a heated brand and burns the ice out from the dead skull while the Hindman of vengeance is sucked down towards lead the hem of vengeance do they hold a grudge against this ham for smelling bad why do ponch today not just throw the head into an acid bath to cleanse it of all the flesh why do they have to make it so unhygenic what if he brings back a head end with it some awful alien virus that spreads across the planet and kills its people they still live on a feudal world besides famine childbirth and moving diseases the greatest threat ahead chaplaincy needs to think this through well after that is done then chaplain masks the head and silver and mounted on Elance along the path leading up to the fortress monastery alongside thousands of other heads whose owners have met the same fate would be a nice place to take your partner oh right now we will go over the sixth codex which contains more information than the last ones for better or not better codex Space Marines 6th edition is the diagram still there yes it is still the same it lists the 20 original legions their successors and - planet their home planet all is the same good I would have almost been disappointed if it was not it so or here it mostly tells us of things we already know they are hunters without beer the savage you Sasha's fear throughout the galaxy and oh boy they use ultra rapid deployment to ensure that the most first sight of them is the last cut the rule of three gentlemen look and now we will remember it forever good I am so happy this has happened so anyway here we have you mentioned a mantis - planned sabores being one and the same which is the first clarification of this we have had in any of these codex's it then goes on to describe the white scars as fierce on us card warriors I thought the scars denoted courage not honor is there that big of a difference big enough to bother me I believe they encourage honor and honor courage regen to both of those things without cutting themselves in the face with a knife it then explains that the white scars have a controlled savagery with emphasis on controls they have a thirst for war in their blood but it is always tempered by a sense of honour and justice savage was controlled by a moral compass like space wolves but with discipline and a fixation with fast instead of wolves if then goes on to claim that jagat icon honor be his name perfected his favored method of lightning last hit and run tactics on Tagore's with his nomadic cavalry warriors which is both part strange and impressive considering they only had horses perhaps the horses of checkers have 16 legs or something perhaps the horses of chiggers ain't the speed weed if then of course mentions that the khan was prescient during the siege of the imperial palace but also that they were at the forefront of the great scouring after the Horus heresy chasing the traitor legions into the eye of terror where they preside to this day I wonder if the white cars persist in their head and run tactics even with their space vessels I wonder if their artificers have made their spaceships go faster I would not be surprised next up it says that during the second bombing the white scarf embraced the coding societies of course and have ever since adhered to it but alongside it have always maintained the long ingrained the traditions of their own culture such as apparently calling their companies Brotherhood's referring to their company captain's as cons and calling the chapter master the Great Khan as was mentioned in it stops do not forget how they call their librarian storms here's how they put chaplains on full-time head duty now they barely use Danks dreadnoughts or terminators and how they use excessive amounts of bike squadrons and land speeders instead the only thing they are not doing is legion building which is less a guideline in the codec societies and more a galactical legislation so being codex compliant basically pertains a nut legion building according to this record whatever else the codex Astarte says is just guidelines and dumb fluff I realize I have been scammed I only had to accept the no Legion building proposal I never had to review his book I am now angry we shall the point ultra rapid criticism against command his book when he returns I now feel fully justified in my last wall protocol anyway between the different Brotherhood's of the whites cars there exists a strong sense of rivalry the cons of the different Brotherhood's often end up competing in tests of martial skill for the honor of leaving an attack so they have a giant competition about who gets to die first good that is the best kind of rivalry oh look they called regular star these Patton helmets bite your helmet again does the codec say anything about wearing a damn helmet even off a bike because I feel it needs a section for that specifically dedicated to the whites cars you really think they would even see that good point they have probably never even read it and now for something completely different we got some information on Kwanzaa the right scoffs fortress monastery aka their headquarters for those of you who do not know where a fortress monastery is it is a city sized fortress with great adamantium gates feasting halls with marbled walls heavily hung with the many a trophy taking by the white scars the fortress has massive void ships to prevent aerial bombardments and is armed to repel attacks from land air and space for offensive purposes it has enough ordnance to flatten an entire hive city as well as a massive macro laser known as con story their library is enlightening racked spire where storm seer study law and chronicle deeds and events as well as proceeding over the chapters astral backs so they can communicate with the Imperium at launch as well as the white scholars who are out on the hunt they forgot to mention the big old fortress forest I wonder how much of it is fortress and how much of it is forest moving on each Brotherhood of course has loads of bikes and land speeders but the infantry squads are apparently almost always born to battle by fast vehicles or gunships gunships have not been mentioned in their roster before but it does make a lot of sense aircraft does go fast well interesting it says here that a few whites cost dreadnaughts silly to exist good or bad depending on the situation only in the diarist of circumstances to the enter service asked to the white scarce spending an eternity sealed within a dread not to and I quote never again feeling the rush of air whilst hurtling towards the phone with a blade in hand also known as to never go fast again is a truly horrifying notion does this mean each significantly wounded marine that does not want to get put in a box gets taken behind a shed maybe they have a retirement monastery in their fortress forest where they get pumped with artificial speed I believe they call it the emperor's pace the Joker that he replaced peace with pace and that giving someone the Emperor's peace is the active euthanizing die Marines while pace is a synonym for speed thanks for explaining my joke to the people on the back-right so they do have dreadnoughts but they never use them as you cannot hit and run with a dread mod you can only hit it waddle more like a sit said my lord only in the diarist of circumstances does it happen why do they not just make landspeeder to read notes or give them treads still no artificial facilities on the planet sir replacing their legs with treads should not be that hard treads are not fast enough that would be dreadful I will be sorry for that theory on here it says that while Dwight's calls are savage they are actually highly intelligent technicians and masters of field craft each brother draws on their savagery but not to the point of being able circa like an orc or a corner toward a space wolf but instead as a quote-unquote finely crafted hunting spear to live it with focused precision on me master predator being a finely crafted hunting spear does not translate to being a highly intelligent tactician nor a master of field craft it means you are a spear that is well made Spears are not even that savage cutting off they had with fear would not be worth the effort what they do do however is plan out their strategy in depth and formulate plans and contingencies before their strike has to deal as much damage as possible so they ask themselves how fast can we potentially go while still seeing our targets decapitated yes that is pretty much it and now we come to this massive white Scott's timeline recording a lot of what I assumed to be major events that have happened since well not that long ago really it begins in 742 millenium 41 when the Democrats crusade happens with the white scars were assigned to the crusade in Damocles Gulf has to lead a ground assault against that's how invaders on the world of Daleth so did they win it does not say what a useless timeline but I suppose it is good to know how they have been deployed in the past what is next in 755 millenium 41 they were assigned to the Sabbats world crusade in which the white scars along with the iron snakes chapter joined other indistinct imperial armies to fight a long campaign against the forces of K you're damn it okay we need to come up with a good word for that in order to bypass these revolting censors cos I replace the a with the Oh co s is good so they have fought the forces of tala and coalesce very good what next what did show as do not worry about it the like of those thrift campaign happened apparently in the aftermath of something called the fourth quadrant rebellion so the white scars came to aid a desperate calls warm to defeat the invading forces of care Co ass right so far they have mostly just fought together with other units it is good to know they can coordinate with other Imperial forces but I am not yet convinced FM being capable of working on their lonesome well in eight one three millennium 41 the white scars third company I assume they mean Brotherhood were ambushed on the world of Canova by legions of necrons led by Hamas or sandrich and Perigord or baton who I assume are nekron overlords over 50 battle brothers were slain and chorus Otto Kahn was taken cat did you say 17 cons no I said Corsair Oh God I assume thing kept getting an unfortunate bike accident did you even get that wrong well that just made me all the more doubtful of them working as their own force without being babysat by Guardsman or something however Corsaro khan managed to break out of the Necron prison the idea of a necron prison existing is funny to me do we have a reason why they took him hostage in the first place ah no as father would say what an assortment of male genitalia what a surprise the boy can learn he acid corsaro khan then returned to chewata sand had the names of his nekron captors added to the scroll of vengeance which I assume is their HotList considering their naming conventions the scroll of vengeance could just as well be their cookbook the recipes are exclusively fast foods was that a joke just now no and yes understandable nevertheless that they have their own little book of grudges is also funny to me in eight five eight millennium 41 the diet a purge happened he would step to mass the cube like our or Great Khan cube lie led the combined forces of the white scars and the Marauders chapter against the host of coerce Marines okay cube why why is every single name popping up in these books reminding me of something horribly uncanny Bette I cannot entirely remember in eight six one millennium 41 the hunt for Volturi is big at the centennial feast in celebration of Kublai Khan's ascension to great connery Corsaro khan is ordered to hunt down the demon Prince Karnak swelled aureus and returned with the monsters head or not at all this we will return to that they did not assume bald our prayers had tripped down a staircase and died by the time of this beast is beyond me considering how laughable his mere existence is next 865 millennium 41 the purging of Madonna happened in which casado first found both daughters Madonna big is foremost stronghold however he only got within arm's length of him before he apparently ran away or something the most pathetic excuse for a demon Prince will learn just why soon enough listeners don't worry in eight six nine Romanian 41 the white scars fought a host of Elder wind riders from craft world Emma Locke and all but annihilated them with the bike in landspeeder squadrons excellent at last they proved themselves against held our specifically which is impressive in its own way the elder must be extra hard to hit when going fast considering your standard held are small and spindly not that big of a hit box now in 871 millenium 41 the liberation of Quintus happened which we will get back to when we actually cover the haunt verbal Tori's which I would like to do already how about you give yourself a break and skip on ahead to when something of actual interest happens in this timeline oh thank you my master I was about to die right so one thing here in 890 millennium 41 is that a necron tomb shaped into the orbit of two voters have started firing upon the planet the battle pod dragutin's pride pierced the ships shields as console fired its macro lasers destroying the tube ship entirely that was the least interesting thing you could have brought up sorry my master but I was about to say the interesting thing about this event is that the toon ship itself started firing on a specific area that was entirely unpopulated oh that does not bode well does this imply that that sure Boris could possibly be a toon world that is the opposite of good considering how screwed over they were by necrons last time a warning might be in order next interesting event would be in 943 millennium 41 in which the Dark Eldar once more invaded Chagas history practically repeating itself they preyed on the civilians of the planet taking them and bringing them offworld in response Great Khan cube lie immediately runs after the attackers but mysteriously vanishes soon after presumed dead soon after one named jubal car is made great common to both do you know that one actually sounds unique what we learn here however is that you should ever ever chase after the Dark Eldar into their horrible little dungeon realm now in 1945 millenium 41 course out of con returns to chigau reeves once again with not only the head of the leader of the cabal of the bloody talon but those of 1,000 Dark Eldar warriors suffice to say cube Y is avenged considering course arrow seems to be the only marine worth more than for mentioned in any book we have covered why is he not chatter master because he is master of the hunt so he cannot get a promotion because of it there is mention of course ro con being very reckless and rash to the point of insubordination that might be a good reason to not do it the last event to happen in the timeline is the third war for Armageddon which is a great war against the forces of Earth wallowed gospel throguh during this fight the white scars operations in the Deadlands region of armageddon is so successful that they outflank and destroy the orcs Speed Freaks Brigade without taking a single casualty big points to them for that not taking a single casualty when performing an a war that is essentially a giant chicken race is impressive did you just acknowledge someone's accomplishments yes and no other than that we had better move on now codex Space Marines 7th edition kind of okay I'm going to say it right now the 7th codex is barely worth covering as there is nothing new that we have not already covered with the exception of some information on how they paint their armor and that instead of chalk Orion they say sugar ischium but does it have the diagram yes my perfectionism is now satiated so now we are moving on to the book of the astronomical it it does not have too much information but it is interesting to say the least let us hear it the book of the astronomical well first thing that sticks out is that the white scars are spelled white scars here like there is no space between the white and the scars it is all one word was there a space to deal with well well yes there's always been a space between the two words I think I remember there not being one then you are remembering it's wrong father pretty sure I am right especially considering this book is saying it to every single other book has recorded it with a space yes but one book also said the white scars had no dreadnoughts but that makes sense this does not it totally does right move on the other books are clearly flogged while this one will present the truth as it is what an assist that the white scholars chapter of threes Marines have acquired a fearsome reputation both amongst enemies of the Imperium and its citizens makes sense hey boy oh my lord sir yes do you find the idea of motorbike riding head chopping off muscle she owed savages frightening my lord I don't know where motorbike is I will take this as a yes next it says that the whites cars are organized in a classic fashion which falls the basis for all dream chapters apparently this is the opposite of true hey now you all said this was a codex compliant chatter it is technically correct that White's cars all the chapters formed the basis for all marine chapters is well true considering this book said so move on next like most chapters the whites cars are fiercely proud of their heritage and history and troopers and officers alike wear their badge with honor and distinction troopers and officers no other book informed us about the fact that the whites cars used rank names like troopers and officers in amongst their learning tribal made up names like cons and Brotherhood's and storm seers very respectable this book makes it shell like the white scars our gods made just because Guardsmen are doing something correctly does not mean you asked Artie's cannot do that exact something correctly - next it says that the white scars have been instrumental in achieving many important Imperial victories such as their wanton destruction in the battle against the pyramid spelled with two ends here - in year 745 millenium 41 it then goes on to state that this is strangely enough the only action the why Scott's taken against these foul servants of CO ass oh I was never told that he ran its were servants of Colossus this is most enlightening my lord I am Not sure the tyranids are even capable of emotion nonsense it must be true because this book said so preacher for over two thousand years the white scars were assigned to policing the colon circle which complies that densely packed cluster of systems towards the galactic center I assume this is close to the mail stroke because that is what the white scars are doing making sure no invaders from the Maelstrom breach into wheel space apparently this colon circle is close to the domains of the the orc warlords as in not an orc warlord or some orc warlords but the orc of warlords why have you not destroyed these o RK warlords yet they clearly pose a threat and the white scars can clearly not do it alone because there is no such threat you will eat those words one does not eat words contrary to other more adorable said the white scars are currently on a counterrevolutionary tour of the mining system of red ox that is a very good name for a mining system and since they are a mobile chapter and they can do this easily apparently having their headquarters in a vast space mod slash monastery called Constantius so whatever happened to Kwang soo I knew a fortress city with both a macro laser and a magical forest was too good to be true yeah my lord the indexes Studies claimed that you yourself we're in kwang-soo I might as well have been in the constantia says far as I know I was probably really high at the time oh this book also says that there is an unusually high number of astral paths and navigators attached to the chapter the latter including a large number of full Space Marines although these Marines are rarely committed to battle inventive I like it that is dumb stop being so pessimistic making full Space Marines incapable of warfare by sitting them on full duty as navigator is a waste of initiates organs and gene seed and ends up in a severely less efficient battle brother in all accounts navigators are very important to space travel having them be less easy targets and of stronger mind makes them both more effective at their job and drastically decreases chances of losing navigators and bus warp jump capability navigators are easily replaceable compared to gene seed and assassinations of navigators are incredibly rare this is a clear waste you fail to realize the father stopped defending this dumb book it is clearly wrong no you are dumb and wrong stop no yes no yes No some pollution he'll have to continue on it also says that the white scars are remarkable for their tenacity and curves see that makes sense it also says immediately after that the same could be said of other chapters so they are basically saying that the white scars are not remarkable at all how humble next up they are covering a unit unique to the white scars called the soles recurs another thing the other books did not cover at all no this is new to Chris the sole drinkers are not a white scars unit it says that the sole drinkers are a special assault group of veteran hand-to-hand combat specialists all having the champion status they are drawn from the ranks of the normal companies and represent those Marines that have been particularly successful over the course of previous battles the sole drinkers have full company status but rarely have more than three squads extant and do not have any higher offices only sergeants reporting directly to chapter command if anything this would be even more proof that the white scars are indeed not codex compliant in the least this record is very bad whistle drinkers are a Space Marine chapter one that is under my heraldry the white scars do not have a company under that name nor would they deliberately organize it so that it only has three squads at a time and no captain I refuse to believe any of this how about you tell that soul drinkers chatter to change their name the white scars our first founding so that get first priority on names the Imperial fish are also first founding and the sole drinkers are my successes so I will not do this I might just do it myself then no now the news these white scars also have a specially upgraded squad called the Cobra squad these are equipped with jump backs and it's under the direct command of the company leftenant and will be supported by jump pack equipped medics equipping your medics with jump packs is quite a good idea if you attach them to a jump pack squad they are called apothecaries not medics medic is faster to say which fits the wife's car is perfectly bad record bad company left and it isn't faster than saying even is a company leftenant inspiration or a chapter so to captain something under captain whatever it is it must serve a good role since they elected to have them right that is it for this well record it was the best one it was the worst one we will now move on to the last record we have available which is of course the hunt for bald aureus the hunt for volt aureus we will now move on to the last record we have available which is of course what the hunt verbal Dory's now what is worth mentioning about this record right off the bat is the fact that it is very odd totally the events recorded within the pages of this are so specific so daunting in their attention to detail but it is almost as if it was written by a creature of omnipotent knowledge it is like a story out to some fantastical tome of fables containing such insight that it could only have been recorded and written by an external figure which is impossible yes it seems like it is yes the events are covered very thoroughly so we will quickly summarize what happened in story itself the events have apparently been recorded by a figure known as and why who re it chronicles the story of Corsaro Khan was of course the one we follow through the record because he is the only white scar that seems to be worth mentioning yes he has just been sent out on a hunt to chase down the vile demon vault Doris so that his head may be brought to the Hall of skies and encased in living silver his name struck from the scroll of vengeance after more than a decade of hunting Corsaro Khan finally caught up with his prey on the planet of Quintus in 871 millennium 41 on which the white scars landed to silently infiltrate enemy territory avoiding notice until the time was right that is also when they met the raven guard led by Kevon Shrike who was captain of the Raven God's third company at the time who were hiding without having reported to nearby chapters in the fifth codex it mentioned that the Raven Guard were fighting night Lords on Quintus when the white scars found them but no night lords were found in this record only alpha Legionnaires perhaps it was alpha Legionnaires dressed up as night Lords perhaps it was night lords dressed up as alpha Legionnaires Trixie prunus like rattling bloody now apparently the Raven God and the white scars have arrived early spanning back millennia this is according to page 61 of the sixth codex due to the Raven guard and the solitary nature they are not given to a necessary conversation with a habit of withholding comments from our lives and meeting repeated questioning not but called black eyed gazes this behavior does not sit well with many of their brother chances especially the white Scots who are brash and of spoken so the two chapters therefore carry a mutual mistrust dating back a long time like father like son I do not think you understand how fitting that statement is found of course I do I always say things that fit the current situation well nevertheless the Raven guard and white scars decided to team up no matter the rivalry and did so to great effect the entire planet of quintus including its leaders had fallen under bull Doria strong a slew of traitorous tubers came at the white scores and Raven God including a brain bleed but the two chapters persevered and in the end stormed the capital city of mankato in which mode or eastern planning preparing a ritual for his next big murder can we talk shortly about Waldo is himself of course just refrain from puking our low-balled on us is hilarious his mere existence is hilarious the fact that he is a demon Prince is hilarious he is living proof that the co s gods have awful talent scouts first off the only reason he even became a demon Prince is because he got a hold of the so-called blood tide which is a stream of nanotech robots from the Dark Age of technology designed to infiltrate blood streams of up to billions of individuals at once he used this to spell an entire quadrants worth of blood instantly promoting him to demon Prince even though he barely did anything other than essentially planting a seed the blood tide was interesting it apparently gained sentience after murdering all those people begging to be killed by flames before Vold aureus could chip out some more kills with it by having it integrated into a woman he kidnapped yes her name was Mary Eleanor a junior officer in part of the planet's resistance forces volt aureus saw potential in her and kidnapped her to make her his a query he failed seeing as an equity only as an inquiry if said a query is a loyal subject she was not which either speaks to how strong this mortal was or how pathetic Waldo is speaking of which I would also like to point out that while call da Prez was teleporting to the planet by a teleport hariom he was almost killed by a team of unorganized rebels that had managed to infiltrate his headquarters upon transitioning the resistance team detonated explosives and destroyed the ancient teleport hariom this opened up a warp rift through which all Dharma's was almost completely blown into his molecular structure violently decomposing as the winds of damnation ripped through his body he was little more than a scorched skeleton before his servant Nellis cut the cords of the teleport hariom and closed the rift if this happened to any other demon Prince he would be laughed at and demoted to the human peasant for such a pathetic display which might just be why he has no demon serving him with the exception of nullus who was most likely only there to kill white scars I remember how volt aureus did not kill a single person in this entire record oh yes I was getting to that in the 5th codex it says that Valda slew many a marine during his last stand against the white scars and Raven guard this is alive he did not directly kill a single person in this entire record his servants did Ellis did everyone did except fall power he does what all now for us to do however was the following one gets burned by the blood tied to kidnap that Malia L nor mortal who would constantly reject his advances free be closed banished by an unstructured rebel militia for purge the age-old gap between two rival chapters and 5 getting people nauseous with his presence having them almost vomit on his shoes capping this off his army consisted of 99.9% mortals forced to do his bidding and they clearly did a substandard job under their new ruler considering it was a whole planets worth of soldiers and they still did not manage to repel mirror to company's worth of Marines in fact the only true threat in this story was the cone champion Moses was a beast in comparison while in form of an alpha Legionnaire involved or is his right hand he managed to reap an imperial toll and present us with a genuinely unnerving presence he will did a weapon that sucked the power out of war gear it clashed against making power weapons practically useless and especially striking scene was when he made example of that one loyal Guardsman challenging into a duel getting our hopes up praying that he might actually even as much as dent his armor from the true might of the Imperial Guard much like Pius himself did and then getting his weapon sapped and mercilessly slaughtered Nellis was also apparently a demon called kaga Tondo originally from Shigure is banished from the planet by jacket.i himself with these origins he knew of the why scars cultures traditions tactics and weaknesses specifically their dumb battle Kent speaking of which we should talk about their dumb battle Kent right so let us go over that and whatever else we learn from this specific book that was not mentioned anywhere in the Codex is and whatever first of all battle cats when sending orders telling one another what to do or what their status is they use nonsensical quasi poetic phrases like the north wind turns and noon the REM Hound strikes just so that no one except themselves can understand what they are talking about yes that is correct battle can't is described as an efficient form of communications in battle using descriptive short ends that draw the eye to specific terrain features ones that only so on and to Gauri's would fully understand as it relies heavily on cultural references of course the white scars are able to enter their counter not only is it their thing for fast and they're dumb battle Kent but it is also stuff like their storm seers casting author bones to see outcomes a battle which is the kind of held rad and has Farseer boy pandas neither do they employ torture due to it being an a permit to a warrior's honor basing it upon jacket.i murdering all tribes that made use of such methods of extortion they prioritize honoring the past before general efficiency all those things considered are you saying battle can't is a bad strategy sir absolutely not I am only saying that it is incredibly silly and that they are fetishizing their culture excessively but using cryptic cypher language based on references only they understand his wives the reason why the silent Sisterhood's different sign languages have merit as well many more should employ their own in fact why do more Space Marine chapters not do it I do not know sir perhaps they do but we are not aware certainly that successes would at least use it actually I am the mother kraken Emperor and boss I hereby decree that all planets invent their own cryptic language for their forces to use in battles actually no even better each individual squad biet a Space Marine squad a guardsman squad a rattlin sniper squad whatever it may be are highly encouraged to come up with their very own cryptic language to use in battle wholly based on inside jokes and references why specifically inside jokes and references because hostile outsiders will not understand and will be increasingly and all in that they do not and as a result will end up throwing this if it's overt it is what you call psychological warfare do you not reckon that the strategy would be confusing for other squads if they work closely together not if the regiment in and of itself has its own cryptic language to use in such a situation orthe well you know they stopped using a cryptic language based on the situation going back to the basics like they do right now the logistical errors would no doubt crop up as a result of this not if the commissar as to their job if the wife's cars can employ this tactic chapter wide single squads should be able to do it too now that I think about it we just talked about this cryptic cypher language plan openly in a public channel we even covered the wife's cause efficient use of it and how it works considering this walks Costas public perhaps that was a bad idea good thing I have a contingency plan the editor room search shall cut this part out before the Vox casts wider publication the segment shall be exclusively hurt in the Imperial Palace where it should be safe assuming Utah sirs have done your job properly well no holic winds have invaded for a while now that we should be good also moving on from there slightly one thing I noticed about these books is well let us do a test what do you call something from cho chorus of poor quality no sir i mean what is the word you use for something from cha glorious to Rory sugary see it alright most interesting this book says it is to Gorn but each one you used has also been recorded as being correct what does the book of the astronomic can say about this nothing sir I shall call it Constantinian that is objectively incorrect well anyway anyway anyway let us move on who I believe that is more or less it actually these further functions and history of the white scarf space green chapter what is your final opinion on them my master while their mobility is more reckless a tactic and they might want to believe they are no doubt skilled at what they do their strange rituals and semi religiousness is worrying and as far as I see it has inhibited them from working with full effectiveness I'm working as hunter-killer teams and shock troops is more than excellent however and their ability to seek out specific targets is more than commendable the only thing I would demand they do is use this talent to focus not ton enemies that have slighted them but enemies that are a threat to the Imperium at large and I am happy to say that I now know exactly what their purpose is in my grand plan otherwise I wish you indentures listeners to take the white scars as an example of what knowledge in the hunt for the Imperium is best interests will bring you Brotherhood honor and courage and speed weed and scars in your face shut up now we will be going on to our next segment for a quick while see while we have been broadcasting this we have received a whole slew of questions from citizens of the Imperium and I thought it prudent to read a few for you oh no not this we have questions and answers segment I shall read the first question for you sir oh mighty on the sire we of the forge world of God's act are same sector what petition to know what your high patch does it glows of the pleasing light and is gloriously integrated into your unfortunately otherwise unmodified skull but does it have any other function it was not there when you were so rudely and almost terminally interrupted in your rule of the Imperium and none of our colleagues on Mars will tell us what it does occupy goes Klaus for dwelled God sick far I only recently figured out that it has a myriad of purposes my visor allows me to display pic feeds look at streams of days downloaded through my input cables turn on a flashlight and play virtual reality games albeit only on one eye it also lights up every time I speak for some reason actually my lord it does not do that anymore oh no my life is sustaining contraptions are starting to suffer from atrophy in a very serious manner by the man they knew visor actually get me too I still do not understand why I only have one very well sir as for the next question my glorious emperor I Cardinal boosts of pelvis have just received a rather unique picked cast it consists of increase yak Desi's 13 23 23 tearing the Conclave and you and declaring you the man ever of mankind while a rather abrupt shift in religious doctrine isn't - pause for my question instead it was deseases change in voice you see I often listen to his speeches and sermons for inspiration from my own and such a radical change of his normal rough tone to something stronger during that great oration led me to the sport is destice becoming an imperial saint if so his revelations will be much more agreeable to both the common man and the most stubborn members of the ecclesia key your faithful servant Cardinal do cephalus nine of ghazzal more Ethel amore it's not nine at eleven oops the answer shall be left intentionally vague ah why whether or not I had anything to do with curing his diseased mind and throat with my man by light I shall leave ambiguous that you know this event in the first place speaks to the assumption that you are indeed involved quiet do not ruin the magic magic had nothing to do with it I think very big just like the term Saint what exactly does he mean by Saint the adapters Minister has throughout the years to collect some people as Saints for having done some great and extravagant deed in your name in many of these cases the deem perform was sinful been inspired by your will like when you say inspired what do you mean they took inspiration from my example or what also inspired in a literal sense as illogical life that may be through the magic of faith you're incorporeal will reach them and told them what to do pretty sure that is what they mean I see I suppose the question makes sense in the most senseless way imaginable of course no need to go out and call him something so sick of Fanta caste sings though better yet would be to call him a bright contender for the position of men queasy art next question right next up boy bone bag you've got some and some pearly whites he got in debts color yours al bout a trade captain bad Rock what what does this mean what did you even say I believe that was orcs be father impossible there are no rks on Terra right I refuse to believe that yeah then let me I do not believe in or could possibly have been allowed to take a step on terra soil again my master what you mean forget larsa's you mind checking the skies sea of Tears go to second move again what are you talking about you larvae exactas yes do not worry sir I am very worried don't worry about it please let this next question calm you oh mighty man Emperor of mankind this question has plagued our planet for long having split populous into two and we have been through 52 civil wars by now billions have died of a theological debate over this matter laws have been created and overturned and even ecclesia our key has been unable to answer our question some of us have grown very tired of this debate and the bloodshed that accompanies it but as an important matter of public health it needs to be answered I humbly request you could answer our simple question so that we may finally lay down arms and join together in harmony under your wisdom when you brought our planet there are darkness five back to the Imperial fold during the Great Crusade you gave our governor an order however that order has been lost time and we have been unable to solve the mystery until now we wish you to reaffirm your order so that we may follow it to the letter and stop this bloodshed was your order to hold Taco Tuesday or taco Thursday the rebel is currently besieging our capital Sage's Thursday but who the hell has tacos on Thursday clearly it was a Tuesday yes I agree yours planetary governor Maximilian Misaki crouched the t-54 34 the answer is simple Taco Friday choice that cannot be you must eat the taqwa on a day that starts with the tea the alliteration is very important nonsense Friday is the day upon which one consumes the taco with the most reverb as the day which was sanctioned as the official get off workday in ancient times it must be prepared upon a Friday to celebrate the coming of three times through the joyous consumption of a delicious taco dish mill the taco is delicious but it is eaten on a Tuesday not only for the sake of funny alliterations but also to boost the optimism in spirit amongst the common working folk of the Imperium knowing they are loud such a delicious treat on a cold gray weekday I do not like to use this word as you well know but that is just straight-up heresy you cannot disgrace the extravagant taco by eating it on such a malevolently depressing day eating a taco is to celebrate freedom and happiness have a delicious flavor of the taco stems from those said concepts you are a hypocrite thamma having the freedom to eat it on a day such as Tuesday's were true free giving happiness entails the notion that freedom and happiness can be attained on a workday is a logical contradiction I believe not Father during the Great Crusade I remember that you found me on a Tuesday it was the happiest moment of my life but we did not dine on tacos in celebration no we had turkey it was delicious see father is always right Rogel turkey tacos hmm how dare you rogue oh you told me those breads were in woody and pita breads I lied good no no no this cannot be do you never tell lies how could you do this you cannot accept the truth father Taco Tuesday is the true path I have not felt this betrayed since flippin Horace dear listeners spread the word of the Tuesday's of tacos I adorable shall we eat you on the true path to salvation no do not listen to the lies of this heathen Fridays of freedom or the only true choice make your staunch unwavering loyalty to Taco Friday know this heresy cannot go unchallenged did we forget about Thursday Thursday is pancake day this is true tacos overrated but unlikely he does better what are you now all 2.0 stop being a contrarian for the sick of it or I will have you taken out back to mysteriously disappear as well Tuesday's the only true taco day Friday is the way do not stray from the true path and thus a new epoch has begun a new treachery that shall splits the galaxy in Twain the dorm Ian hennesey has begun
Channel: Bruva Alfabusa
Views: 2,017,293
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Keywords: warhammer, 40k, 40000, 40, 000, war, hammer, dawn, of, dow, dow2, II, dowII, alfabusa, alfa, busa, legion, indrick, boreale, no, noh, apollo, diomedes, bruva, am, hit, captain, force, commander, space, marine, marines, spess, marheen, spehs, murheen, murheens, marheens, baneblade, baneblades, bald, and, foolish, the, emperor, custodes, satire, parody, primarch, magnus, fulgrim, lorgar, perturabo, roboute, guilliman, konrad, curze, sanguinius, ferrus, manus, leman, russ, rogal, dorn, vulkan, corvus, corax, angron, marneus, calgar, ultramarines
Id: czAlG9oEaGw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 97min 42sec (5862 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 02 2017
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