Red Bull Straight Rhythm 2017 FULL SHOW

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[Applause] [Music] you you the heartbeat of motorsport man and machine leads pushing the limits of the technology that drives them tonight a straightforward challenge to the Supercross elite and to the machines of today tomorrow and yesterday we'll take you back to the 1990s over beard two strokes with iconic roars the present today's best competing on world-class technology and the future an electric revolution proven in competition hungry to power the next generation twenty four men three classes three Tim this is Red Bulls straight rhythm Red Bulls straight rhythm roars in the Southern California for the fourth straight year no longer a curiosity this unique challenge has lured some of super crosses great champions both past and present it is irresistible one-on-one racing on a half-mile track that puts wrists straight in front of your face welcome everybody to Pomona California on a beautiful day for racing in Southern California Sal Masekela here behind me two generations of riders are putting in the work as they aim to qualify for the remaining spots in our 24 man field we are 30 miles east of Los Angeles at Fairplex now in its former life Fairplex was the home of thoroughbred horse racing today this straightaway comes alive with horsepower of a different kind we have two strokes 250 and 450 cc bikes and we'll be taking a glimpse into the future onboard electric bikes and of course the athletes riding this array of technology are just as talented and diverse as the machines themselves you're a rebel straight rhythm first time I've ever done a race in 23 years with no corners having two strokes and having a guy like Ryan Villopoto you know coming out of retirement and then doing a race I graduated with them it's super cool [Music] a little scared never a 252 stroke on the supercross track or straightaway but so far it's been good just trying to be mellow and learn the straightaway on this thing [Music] that's really good he's got some big technical rhythm sections on it all around it's a great track it's going to be a fun great time on the tea show [Music] but nobody did that bigger of them so I got that in my back pocket at least laying the tracks easy I came and I showed up I ran in the first time I was like so like this is a pretty sweet hit by crap but where the where the hell is a real thing there's a lot of guys that potentially could win I started one of the one of the runs with with Ronnie and most of it I was ahead of him but I made a small mistake and he was able to pull up beside me and edged me out further what you couldn't would call a win if everybody could do what Ron does they'd do it and joining me tonight - time for fifty motocross champion the one and only Ken Roczen ken first of all thank you for taking the time to be with me here I know you'd much rather be on the track but you've been recovering from your left arm injury at a - it's been something to watch on social media the way you've been open with that recovery how are you and when are we going to see you back racing yes obviously like you said I've had a real bad injury to my left arm would love to be out there racing but for me for tonight this is it being the host of the 250 two-stroke grace is uh it's very unique and very special so I love this is my second the second part of my job and the injury has been going the recovery of the injury has been going actually very well much better than we originally thought so I'm in full force riding my dirt bike again and I am yeah I'm very happy about that and we will see will we see you January 6th at a1 yeah absolutely that's the goal right now I'm already feeling very good on the bike good thing is I have another couple months to really get ready and fine-tune everything fine-tune the bike but fine-tune my body - and I'll be back on the gate that's all that matters awesome you mentioned the two strokes everyone's excited it's like a throwback to the to the glory days of Supercross in the 20th century what about it do you like and who are you excited to watch in the two strokes man it's two strokes we just simply don't get to ride them enough they're a little bit a little bit of history but I'm glad that Red Bull brought the two strokes back for us and it's just this one of them is what makes a writer have a huge smile over the hill so that's for the fan so I'm really excited to have to start she had a rebel straight for them nice and Ronny Mac of course being the x-factor that we're all excited to see in the 450s in the open class you've got Marvin Musquin who's just been someone who's been difficult to beat he's on fire right now who's gonna challenge it yeah obviously we have Josh Hansen in the game he has very high skill set when it comes to writing super cross and doing jumps so I'm sure he'll give Marvin a run for his money we also have Colton hacker he has a very unique skill set also on the bike which will be interesting to see and also marvin has a new teammate Brock tickle that just switch over to factory rebel factory KTM so I'm sure he's he's coming in in full force right on well of course as we mentioned Marvin on fire just cashed a million dollar prize check that has to feel amazing will get more now as he's with our will Christian thanks al Marvin last time we saw you here at Red Bull straight rhythm you had the Open trophy firmly in your grasp and end to a great 2016 season that momentum carried on into this year what was 2017 like in the world of Marvin Lewis Kent well like I said I had a great offseason and being able to win main events on the you know on the 450 class and then outdoors too so in buttering for Championships that was just awesome so yeah I'm looking forward to end up this season and this year really well straight rhythm and moving into a new season and you also tell us about the rather large check that you were able to cash last last week yeah this week was amazing I mean racing in Las Vegas it was just just unreal it just I don't know to win so much money in such a short time you know it's but you know money is one thing but being able to win all three main events was just unreal the very last main event was super stressful but I got a great whole shot and I was able to you know really focus on myself and my a my riding and I was super happy so like two things that you know the Red Bull KTM team you know the bike was working awesome and I'm looking forward to today now talking about consistent winning here at Red Bull straight rhythm I'm right in saying that you have never lost a race you've got two titles one in lights one and open if you defend your title here again tonight you will be the first person have three titles so who are you looking over your shoulder at Rider wise and through the other classes as well who will you be watching well yeah there's a couple great competitors if you look at the lap times from practice I know there's a little bit of a gap you know in between me and the other guys but again like a Brock tick or Josh Hansen and Telep hours I mean those guys can go faster I mean it's like 40 seconds hits and in a straight line I mean you don't expect you know to have like ten second leads it's gonna be super intense and I'm really focused on myself right now and yeah hopefully I can win again this year and such a unique even you know I'm really happy to be here and thanks to Red Bull we excited to see you out there thank you so much Marvin Marvin looking to defend his title again here Red Bull straight rhythm but the open class is one of three that we will see here as he said in this very unique event and three very unique bikes will be competing in it so let's take a look at them [Music] up until 2006 all the motocross races were contested on two-stroke motorcycles the distinctive ringing sound and the light but powerful engine has faded into the sports past in February under a straw of the four-stroke engine Doug Henry was the first rider to win on the four-stroke back in 1997 and tonight both the lights and open class or complete disease machines the 250 will produce about 50 horsepower and the big forfeit is used in the open class and generate about 16 that's more than an 800 horsepower stock car and is the future of motorcycle racing destined to be identified by the sound of silence the ultra-rich shift is designed to match the 250 four-stroke in the Lites class and with zero emissions zero maintenance and zero noise are weakening at the future of the sport yeah and that electric bike is almost freakishly quiet but let's talk about that two-stroke class because it has brought out some big names including none other than Ryan Villopoto welcome to Red Bull straight rhythm what drew you to this event well I last couple years have have been asked to do it and you know I just ended up backing out last minute and and with the two-stroke class coming into play it was it was something cool and you know we just decided to come out and do it and and do a big launch launch for for my new gear company that's behind me answer so you know and it turned out awesome the bike turned out awesome Mitch was a huge huge help at Pro Circuit and and all the guys there all right now coming into this though the Instagram the the smack-talking that's been going on amongst the riders has been pretty fun to watch can you tell us a little bit about that and I know you even offered to give the guys are free lesson yeah right so it's uh that's been really fun to go back and forth with with Chad and and uncle Ronnie it's uh it built some hype to the event and I think more or less just people won't want to follow it because it's it's just really hilarious to see and in in our normal racing we you know you don't have guys just calling people out like that bantering back and forth it's pretty serious so coming into an event like this that's that's it's that's a completely different style of racing sure we all want to win but it's but the the I guess the atmosphere here is a lot more laid back and fun so you know we just had to kick it up another notch on on Instagram yeah I know Ronnie Mack he was practicing a lot last night he wants to take you out all right guys Thank You Tina so much excitement about Chad Reed being here to compete unfortunately he has suffered an ankle injury and has chosen to play it safe he's gonna be on the sidelines tonight cheering on the racing we are almost ready to get started racing so how about we go to the men calling the action the smartest guy I know in motocross Jason wagon and the living legend the one and only Ricky Johnson hello boys hey Sal quite the compliments there I don't know about on my own but you certainly earned your accolades multi-time motocross and Supercross Champion Rick Johnson and you and I have been here for each one of these redbull straight rhythm events and it's still unlike anything we see even though we've seen it a few times now it's pretty doing crazy and exciting what's the intensity you got the start first lap and last lap all wrapped into one with no turns so there's no ramming there's no messing with the other rider it's just going as fast as you can but we've seen the riders make mistakes because they pushed too hard or they relax a little bit so it's 100% from from the start to the finish and that's what makes it so cool there's no reason even wait as far as for endurance or energy or anything like that it's everything on the line every time they go on to the track and we'll show you that track with our DTI course preview drone shot and we watch the drone footage that they start off they got the small section as they come through then they jump into the small rhythm section they get to step on step off some tables some doubles and triples some quads and then down into the Gator pit about ten feet deeper than the surface and as they come back up we're gonna call this supersize you can see a lot of different elevation change a lot of different combinations but trying to keep the mic as low as possible to keep as much rhythm as they can and they come over the mid tunnel they go into the sand section you can see Ronnie Mack on the right you can see the rust he's trying to get a run at it but as he comes into the last area notice he crosses the line if that was a race he would get disqualified we have a step on step off and up and over the finish so that's our track we'll give you the event format this year as we've mentioned a 2-stroke class has been added we still have our Lites class predominantly for 250cc four strokes but 252 strokes can also compete there and an open class 8 riders in each and it's kind of like drag racing is starting to bracket you just keep racing them until we get to the finals we had qualifying earlier today and let's show you the highlights of those from each of our classes starting in the open division here's called nature the enduro cross champion rough go of it but luckily was able to get up back okay and we'll be competing tonight and this guy Marvin moose can just continues to roll pretty much any track any event he's in and he was fastest today in the lights a blast from the past Ryan sipes comes out of the woods and in the 250 Lites class brings over the fastest time yeah and Seitz does it here in the Lites division and also in two-stroke on the same bike the 250 two-stroke sipes ends up being fastest in both classes at he's racing tonight a bit of an upset that's what this race is all about so now it's time to go racing here the 4th annual Red Bull straight rhythm the grandstands are packed here at the Fairplex here is your bracket we're going to start it right off with our two-stroke class Ryan sites as we mentioned the fast Walla fire starts on one side against heaven Tapia other side of that bracket will be Ronnie back against Ryan Morris on the other end it's Villopoto against leader stanky against Mike Brown so this will be interesting as we work our way in the quarter then two semis and in the finals two-stroke later on this evening Sun not quite set yet over the Fairplex but here we go we're going to go racing for the first time they at practice and qualifying but now it's head-to-head best two out of three runs wins it and sipes is so impressive you know he was a Supercross winner in the past he was leave one on the Lites division but now he's racing in the woods for him to make his transition back and be the fastest qualifier more White's and the two-stroke is phenomenal all on his behalf so Stipe to get tenon Tapia here and something happened to tap you we see sipes coming out so something happened to tap because somebody got injured but now it's Devin taffy is not out there so Ryan sipes just needs to make a clean run to move into that next round yeah not sure maybe there's a bike problem for champion so sipes gets two crews and if Tapia is not able to go looks like sipes will earn himself a berth into the next round which would be the semi-finals well enter your side tees he doesn't want to go too slow because you have to jump right back into 100% the next round so you can see now the shadows are coming in and now we also have we also have a situation with the light and there is a bike problem here for Tapia see the game's over exam car racing [Music] something Almondine to that and he says mystified as everybody else is so stipes proving this is a no fluke by putting that fast qualifying time together in two different classes and we'll see him in the semis later and now the crowd begins to come to the line because this guy has been the life of the party Ronnie Mack is he ever not the life of the party uncle Ronnie Mack is going against Sean Morris and and this is gonna be a tough one because they aren't going to be fighting because they're both in the middle of the practice the elbows up ready to go let's see what Veronica pull it off Ryan Morris is a guy that's competed for Supercross championships in the Lites class before now a full-time test rider an RD man for the Red Bull KTM battery team he's no slouch rowdy baptism in making jaws drop Gary's off to the lead [Music] Ronnie Matt little swag advantage they're both taking pretty much the same round there we see Morris tipping the jump I'm over it and lose it a little grand now that into the Gator pit and starting what we're gonna call the supersize Ricky notice the elevation changes up and down quite a bit but then trying to stay low Lonnie maca certainly in an orthodox style there's working is a slight edge more is trying to come back now their interview of the fans here the perplexing it's wheel-to-wheel and now they go through the sections pretty much we call the speed section unbelievable this guy's legit a superstar on social media but in real life he really can't ride a dirt bike now going nuts and Ryan Morris like I said no slouch Ryan Morris still rides all the time and test for KTM in fact none other than Ryan Dungey four-time Supercross champ calls Morris their little secret weapon there with KTM so for Rodney Mack to beat him straight up like that pretty impressive they'll be back if Mac wins the second one he goes into the next round more in wins they'll do it or run off but it is not over so running that fasted pitch there we go so now he got an army Ryan Villopoto the multi time Supercross Champion can do awesome to see Villopoto out here and do it out of the old-school kx250 to struggle this leader KTM and its brakes professionally as well trying to stay with him he's got that smile on his face he's enjoying retirement stuff like that but watch him on the bike look at the determination the head down looking forward as a great rhythm is going through here and he wants to win this guy loved defined loved loved the grit so he's going to give it his all [Music] and you can tell when they get into demands because they come to life that run and I think there's hope that Villopoto decided to come race its leader comes across the line in second so Villopoto has got one to nothing stored ahead of Slater let's send it down to will on lane choice will [Music] okay so we've been speaking to a few of the writers out here and there seems to be a solid choice already for the left-hand lane on this course when we asked them why that was they suggested that perhaps it was because it'll be watered down a little bit more than some of the than the right-hand side I should say and has become a little bit compressed and therefore it is a little bit faster would you agree with that in practice they were totally identical to me they didn't seem any different you know and now when I made a little mistake and unfortunately Tapia had a little problem so I don't know when I'm up again but uh yeah I'll probably end up choosing the left one there you go guys you had it all right Ryan sites see him at the full speed a little bit later where they got RJ well they don't really get to choose they got to run one all day yes you know so and I think for the main event the guy gets to choose a still but you still have to run the opposite lane to get the double double down stacked up who is one of the few professionals actually still chooses to compete on a two-stroke so he's got experience against the legendary Mike Brown a former in the two-stroke days buoys I can you compare somebody when it comes to experiencing kiss my crown this guy has won in everything for about three decades now so six years old by crowded this guy is still going at number three and what a battle between he and snaked on slide advantage of Mike Brown where we're looking now in the left lane the number three of Escobar looks like he's gonna pull it off snake is right there though trying to keep it close right in the tabletops side-by-side crowd gets it boarding six years old and he said rode a supercross track on Thursday and that's it otherwise hasn't done it in like ten years not bad no I don't believe one look at Mike he's got the he's hanging on the back mistake staying makes a good strong run at the end on a step on step off but look at Mike old-school hanging off the back and pulling off the victory Wow he never left taking a look you can see very very close as they come through so and that put him in the what they're calling not the preferred Lane alright so there is brown he's fired up over this Brown races any imagine any type of event you can imagine with a full-time enduro cross rider for a long time after his motocross days said he went to Europe and did some off-road races over there this summer but really happen to come and get the Supercross itch scratched out here at Strait rhythm and doing an on a two-stroke so sipes is going to have to make a run by himself Tapia does not have the motorcycle fixed but the rules are the rules you've got to win two runs to advance to the next round so sipes is going to take a cruise here but as you mentioned you can't go too so you can't roll these jumps is actually more dangerous to do the hack and I and I would disagree with you there we and I go back and forth deep deep do you save energy but no I need to put it down oh you can go ahead normal I think you should go as fast as possible to get his heart rate up and get those nervous get that nerve because you're late as hard as you can and you're on the edge here it is there's not a matter of cruising or timing you are blitzing everything again so if I was sipes probably give it all I've got and smooth not be crazy but give it all I got and he's not he's got a lot of racing MIDI remember he's into class exactly if your are racing the two different classes which he is the top qualifier you need to save something cuz you're going back to back a lot of people would think but these are only forty some second runs what are you saving energy for but the guys really do get the heart rates up and there is a fatigue factor that eventually comes in later in the program go into your swimming pool and swim as hard as you can holding your breath for 40 seconds trying to grasp little pieces of air then you'll have an idea of what these guys are experiencing and then on top of it jump up and down with twice your body weight so it's unbelievable this is also going to become a cardio event as who's a better shape at the end and no doubt sites in great shape here in the three hour long grind national cross-country races he might be fitter even now than he was when he was a professional motocross and Supercross guy but he's got to get the sprint thing back together we got another great match right down to the line the first pony here they go again running back again with [Music] about a biker together slightly oh boy [Music] with the head jerks and fought side to side but you cannot deny the throttle to us and this guy throws down yeah every time you think he's making mistake you realize that's just his style and it comes alive again [Music] [Applause] any pulls the nose wheelie one of his patented moves and two to nothing he eliminates reports that he's going to the semi-finals and surprising actually respects shown to Ryan Morris that is not a specialty of Ronnie Mack so the after party is gonna have to wait he's going to the next round take us through this RJ you see gets a slight advantage Ronnie see Ronnie races these things and plays around him all the time so he's very familiar with it with the power band so it's unbelievable what he can throw down on these two strokes ok let's talk to this guy this will be fun sending back apparently the training has paid off because you are moving on yeah you know we've been straight staying plenty hydrated in the ball at bars all week here in California been putting down the blue ribbons and and hopes of winning a blue ribbon and you could be winning a blue ribbon tonight but even more than that you are putting on a show for the fans because they absolutely love you well I know they love me already but hey I got the best fans in the world just remember that best of luck Ronnie Mac hey this is real like a cartoon coming to life now this guy I've been lurking on social media for years I don't think most people had seen him in person until last year Ygritte competed in this event this year stepped up the game I don't know if he's any more serious that's the thing you got guys then we're gonna see some riders that don't race full-time but they do get out there and freeride quite a bit and he play rides quite a bit and he said just blank the facilities here in California nothing goes Jinzo Villopoto against leader again Villopoto won the first matchup we freedom and a little gap already so now watch when you watching the tapas you Brian the tire touches the ground he's accelerating and that's worth a little bit spending less time on the ground but he's not kissing you or csleater come and the timing of ryan villopoto for being a retired champion i mean granted the guy's a champion but for him one of his strongest is awful yeah and he said he never ridden on a supercross type track never rode over these types of aluminum on a two-stroke before he's learning as he goes and a quick study Ryan Villopoto going on now to the semifinals pulling away from Sleater watch as he comes down you see the roost immediately and you can see he's scrubbing a little bit more than Sleater and he doesn't waste a lot of time and he's using this body his head stays very calm he's got his body angle forward you can see him fully twisting the throttle hard and he's very much at home with that two-stroke power which is not easy I'm Tina now how's Ryan Villopoto go ahead Tina yeah and this is the first time the Ryan Villopoto has been part of redbull straighter than we talked earlier and it's on a two-stroke so what's your assessment so far all right so far it's been an awesome event it's been a lot of fun now that we got the track kind of all dialed in personally for me you know it's fun it's just to get you put fun atmosphere here real mellow low-key and we have a great turnout you know it's just quarterfinals are you still figuring things out on the track I think tonight on these two strokes you can't afford any little mistakes so it's just gonna be hitting your marks every single time you hit the hit the lanes so for me I'm just getting my line down perfectly thanks Ryan guys and you can elaborate about a bit on that RJ the challenge of the two-stroke is making it develop power and making it do what you need it to do and why or why is that difficult because it's a narrow power band the new 450s have fuel injection they have so much more it goes these they gotta run the clock to move right on the money yeah it's really very on-and-off no power and then a ton of power suddenly they call out the hit as we watched Jared snaky and Mike Brown battling now Brown got the eggs on first time he's got it right now [Music] put the power down [Music] mistake the stanky over jumped out a little bit nice and browse trying to make it back up through the whoops unbelievable Mike Brown again 46 years old putting the hammer down but stinky has been able to fend off the advances Kenny strips this into a third runoff race I think he's got him snag dog does it so now it's 1-1 between here and Brown and they'll have to go into a third race how can you be stoked for a guy with the nickname like stank dog thank dog yeah that guy is as hard Quartus lives on the road in his van they make money where he can leave ec stanky doesn't make a lot of mistakes he scrubs a little bit harder than Mike Mike's more consistent and he doesn't make the mistakes but thinking is much more aggressive as you can see as he moves from side to side trying to get in also scrub and stay as low as possible so stank dog doing a great job pushing it to a third round all right so Mike Brown gonna have to do some more riding to try to eliminate stank dog and we mentioned all that Instagram smack talk between Chad Reed Ryan Villopoto Ronnie Mac but stay good in on that and said I think all these guys are forgetting I'm the only one that still races a two-stroke weekly thank you one of the few riders you can get a top 20 in a national motocross race on a two-stroke against the four strokes as for Mike Brown we mentioned how old he is we got some stats here Mike Brown turned pro in 1989 yes that's that's what I retired young bucks no but I remember Mike when he was the young young aggressive kid and he came into it and he embraced the training aspect of it and he just immersed himself he was one of the guys well I think one of the new young generation that started training hard and I think that's why it's kept him in the game for so long yeah so when he did turn pro back then the world was a quite a bit different place and that does include of course racing two strokes at the time he's one of the few riders out here who has race Supercross on a two-stroke in the past said his last full season in it was 2006 and it was on a 250 two-stroke so Ron's got a little bit of experience on his side in this event yeah exactly in baby watches back to the movie theater the gallon of gas was 97 cents the decayed view of Nintendo's we had all kinds of great stuff lawn and Batman was the top movie of the time so yeah because they told us that yeah yeah we had prepared since that's okay so here we go you Brown almost went over the white line that would have been an instant disqualification he stayed in it now wash the body than the body movement of the two different riders taking much more dynamic Brown kind of static train up and down and that's why things tank he's banking a little bit of ground on him because he's being a little more animated you see scrubs a little bit harder keeps him a little lower than that's what's gonna take some snake he throws in the heel clicker he eliminates Mike Brown and he's going to the semifinals in the two-stroke class so steak dog a very popular character because he races this two-stroke bike all over the country in a variety events against the four strokes making those fans proud as he moves on so watch that the two different riders watch Brown number three he's very smooth very calm doesn't make a lot of mistakes but notice that he's doesn't scrub a lot he doesn't get real sideways and stinky is a little bit more dynamic as he throws a heel clicker over the finish look you can speak to this Brown turning pro in 1989 there wasn't a lot of scrubbing going on back then yes there was a little different turn that wheel okay so we are moving on we've got our set for our semifinals in two strokes so let's move to the Lites class here's your bracket your round of eight you've got sipes against Colt Nick Enzo Lopes and amatuer going up against Shawn Cantrell who is a rookie Pro then shade McElrath who won this race last year will be up against Ronnie Mack who is also entered in the Lites class Alex Martin making his debut in this event and Josh Hill will be competing on the electric alta red shift that'll be interesting now you gotta think about these guys is an advantage or disadvantage you know yes the fatigue might play in they just rode this dirt and they know exactly what it's like they've also see the shadows nice um what's going on so I guys like sipes and also running back here we go first run here in the Lites class and we've got four-stroke against two-stroke Colbeck against sipes who is competing in both divisions great run and this is the first one the other one this is actually great for sipes to give a chance to run hard well only because he didn't take your license the solo couldn't hear me so here's site Sioux City's kind of got that Jones to do some motocross and Supercross time racing against that's why I want to come out here to do this although it's full-time job is racing the Grand National cross country series Woods racing but Maggie's don't have skills over the jumps takes down and here in their first run in the Lites class just over 40 flats so run in a very strong pace with them at that time this will be an interesting matchup coming next to the youngest riders on the scene you got Enzo Lopes who I believe is out of Brazil yeah he is an amateur and expert level amateur so basically a year away from being professional but they do allow him to race here and Shaun Cantrell who only turn pro a couple of months ago our Petrelli designs Red Bull KTM teams this will be an interesting matchup we don't really know what Lopes has skill wise for this never seen a complete at this event and it's a good battle right now Kentrell the slight advantage on your what we're looking at on our campus but for the smallest kentrell getting the quad Oh kissing harden out here comes home until tries to recover Lopes on the number 16 in the right side right now great matchup this each ride has made a small mistake and now we got Kentrell back out in front into the sand rollers ring alone still has a shot at it he's closing the gap it's gonna come down to these final tabletops [Music] only half a bike length the final gap racing it's been closed this year and the speeds was really good as we watched that actually Kentrell was faster than the side so as we watch which he loops a loaf over to the side scrub and look at how high Cantrell gets but then when he comes down off this next one he cases a little bit than it robbed some of his speed so it did it wasn't hard enough to hurt him but he did lose some time he tried to do the quad quad but didn't quite get over that fourth one and then it was a scrub fest to the end here and there is the final margin of victory can't trail like I said by half a bike length over Lopes let's send it back to will hi guys I was talking to Shane McIlrath earlier and I was asking me where's the most technical part of this track and he said honestly there's only one place really where they're making up any speed and that's in that small rhythm section we're calling it right after the first of all he said if you haven't made up any time there they're really everyone's match for match up to that and it's pretty tough to beat anyone okay and adding extra intrigue here McElrath who won this race in this class last year is against Ronnie Mack Rodney Mack is racing both two-stroke class and here in lights so Mack around has got to be careful fall victim to the spoilers the upset the strong he's got he's beating tackle comes right now Oh different combos let's see how this works out big advantage there for Mac [Music] which that might be hard into the landing of these junks Tribeca two-stroke work for McIlrath very consistent very strong very very aggressive scrub right there you can see in that that KTM car pulls up to the sand and goes in the results against Ronnie Mac and they will face off again you haven't been to races to advance so back will wrath against Ronnie Mac and good to see Shane back first race since the intricate himself busting open a champagne bottle I'm not kidding but they start with a different rhythm right here you see Ronnie Mac stays lower than you watch McElrath McElrath I almost I almost screwed McIlrath takes a different run and that's gives him the advantage and that's exactly what will was just talking about if you can run a different rhythm through the small rhythm section that's the advantage right there so that's the difference maker and it worked Shane's going to throw a wheelie here and last year he actually struggled during the event and then really picked up the intensity in the semifinals and I think it was only third or fourth fastest at that point but then all of a sudden he found just by pushing harder that extra time he needed and went on to win the event now here we go the electric bike the alter that's the seventy five a hill against now it's hard [Music] you will hear he'll but you'll certainly see what this bike can do he's got the edge [Music] what he does on this bike is pretty easy same rhythm section in macro that gave him the advantage so shoot background definitely have to take their pills not getting out trying to come back 10 he pulls something special on his back half of the course hundred yard dash to go l keeps digging 10 the electric bike make up the edge but Josh Hill keeping him honest on that electric bike I mean folks you are watching the evolution of motorcycle racing right now as you watch you see Martin with a very heart you know good scrub it's a little bit of run on Josh when it comes to the air but watch how hard Josh Hill scrubs that gets a great run and how hard that that electric bike squirts over the top of the jumps that electric motor definitely putting it down now we're back to Ryan sipes against Colton ech sipes has been super fast any time he's ridden this course in anger we haven't maybe watch can uncork it in the racing herb in qualifying and practice earlier today again he had the best time of anyone in this life's division and that even includes McIlrath won the race last year sizes faster than him in qualifying earlier today so for call tech you've got a real challenge on your hands it's nice and I'll tell you although sipes now has to run those long three-hour cross-country races his specialty always in photo was the sprint speed even throw down to LACMA exactly this event is all about excavatum a good challenge though one act on the four-stroke is gonna have a little bit more torque right there sipes is able to use the rhythm section section [Music] dad what my rent right now and cable to come back interview other sections though he's got that gap chopped back at half the midway point did not make a mistake at this point we got step off it looks like it's gonna be sighs and sights done this truck running it in both classes and moving on to the second round in both didn't have to race Tapia in the 2-stroke division because Tapia spike broke he does eliminate egg here in lights as we watch from the back we can see how much higher sipes goes on the right lane he's able to make up an advantage there as they go into the Gator pit now they started into the the super-sized rhythm section and he gets on and off a little bit cleaner then act where ekiz just tipping the the lip a little bit and robbed with some speed it's all about the details out here we've got Tina with Ryan sipes so far so good yeah so far so good and he's also been putting his work in so far doing two different classes is that an advantage or a disadvantage you do get a lot more track time yeah more track time but uh it's good I don't have to sit around too much so it's fun I figure while I'm here I might as well do both so it's good it's very difference for you though in the approach going up against the different classes it's not really just as long as I go my fastest you know that's gonna be the best I can do so hopefully I made it through the first round hopefully make it through the next one they get into final looking good so far thanks Ryan and it's really cool the flavor of this event now that we're bringing in different bikes and also riders with different backgrounds different ages histories and all seeing how it works when we put him in the mix together but I mean he's such a Southern gentleman he's a sweet kid and it was great that Sammy just was holding our Jay I'm back in Supercross and this is sights just over a month ago in his day job now as we mentioned racing in the woods he got his first ever win in the grand national cross-country Series and this was big for him he had been getting close had had second to third and fourth consistently over the last couple of years but he finally put it all together for three hours was able to out duel their champion Kayla Brussels there is celebrating with the champagne that's a three hour race in the woods this is a forty second race over jumps pretty good variety of skills for him a ride and driving but in his bones our Supercross and motocross so he just adapting to the style that takes to win GNCC but obviously never lost what it takes to lose Supercross and another battle here we've got Lopes up against Han trail this is very close in their price range [Music] on the left 16 naturally advantage once again a little bit bigger oh and he makes a big advantage right there the one into the Gator pit it that's all right now which loves with the advantage there's been some talk about Lopes being maybe a potential future pro superstar one of the hot amateur prospects and he can really make a name for himself here and he can beat Cantrell right now he's getting it done but looks like we're gonna be going to a third round but here comes catcher out with a strong can't drop can he pull it off there we go and I believe it's gonna go to Cantrell yes by four thousand four of a second of a second as you watch Cantrell never-say-die he keeps pushing loves had the advantage but then Cantrell just kept pushing and never gave up and you can see this is where he lost the advantage and as he tries to make it up you can fast forward to the end is when he really came hard and then rode ultra hard to get to the finish and right there boho is that is photo finish I don't know if you can see for thousandth of a second I guess you can that's what 4,000 per second looks like looks it was I will let the score folks figure that one out we got to go back to the top and it is shame a carafe against Ronnie Mac I don't know how this guy is able to do this and he McIlrath is at the absolute pinnacle of Lites racing he won for Supercross races those 250 bike last year at Ronnie Mac's giving him a battle when we were talking to Makarov earlier today he had the accident where he popped a champagne bottle and on the podium broke the ball that blew up in his hand so young racers learned from Shane McIlrath is this whatever when he couldn't get the cork undone they said I'll break it break it and he tipped it and it exploded in his hand sliced a mirror and he's been cop the whole time he started riding two weeks ago so he's been sit on the sidelines as well yeah I was probably not only a painful but a pivot embarrassing moment there for Shane good to see he's back surgery [Music] that's also the students and rhythms worked out roughly the same that's one of the goals of this event give these guys options Ronnie Mac keeping the heat on Mac around able to pull away there I just want to be by 1998 bottle Honda [Music] semis but only in the Lites division he already advanced in two strokes we're not done watching this guy engage this guy don't engage him don't give him attention after looking up balanced that Shane macro that he take takes his left foot off to keep his balance right in to adjust the bike in the air if he needs just look at his left foot it's slightly off the peg so he's not holding onto the bike so much that he's keeping the balance of his bike there you see him down shift as he comes into the super-sized section and away he takes the victory all right we've got Tina with Shane that's right Shane is back and moving on to the semi-finals you are the defending champion in lights just what kind of pressure does that put on you nothing new really I mean all these guys here they want to beat me as bad as I want to beat them so it's just crazy racing Ronnie for at first first bracket I mean just the adrenaline the nerves everything this it feels like you're going a real Supercross but it's only 40 seconds so just a lot of fun and 34 two more looking forward to it from our boy best of luck yeah there's some serious pressure because if you get beat by Ronnie Mac he's going to let you hear about it and never let you forget it he's gonna let everybody hear about it yes and he's keeping him honest you know you can't take nothing away from Ronnie Mac he was throwing it down and on that bike that was a difficult bike to ride to say the least it's very nervous very edgy very sketchy and he makes it look good yeah that was a late 90s early aluminum frame Honda's at a bit of a doesn't scare him here we go the alter the electric by Josh Hill leaning Alex Martin early [Music] and he loses some ground Alex Martin Alex's is why the smaller Nassau when it comes to be an alternate feet off the pegs to give just a very tenacious strong rider he's gonna end it for hill and the alte he did get a win in his round last year against Kyle Cunningham but he's up against the bull factory Charlie designs Red Bull KTM there and he's gonna unfortunately and his night and you see right there Josh's he throws it from one side to the other loses a little bit of forward bite but josh has nothing to be ashamed of it and so much to be proud of the guys from Alta gotta be stoked the bike is performing awesome it's it's flawless out there and just you got beat by one of the top teams you got to hold your head up and not by that much well yeah Alex Martin is a guy that's capable of podium in Supercross races he'll is retired he does a race full-time anymore so this is pretty impressive that he's this close but you talk about the different Dreyer riders and they they think it'll freak him out but once they get on an electric bike might Lane my partner Jeff been rode what had the option to go ride the alte and he loved it and he has such a great time on that bike all right let's go back down to Tina yeah and Alex you know you were almost battling it back and forth there with the electric bike even a hard hit there halfway through just take us through that and how you kept up yeah I'm not gonna lie I was a little nervous I wrote him I went against him earlier today and I was like oh my gosh did you do some upgrades to that thing because compared to last year like the torque coming off the start and like the torque coming down some of those singles like the bikes pretty solid so I was like definitely a little bit nervous and I missed that quad over there so I was like I gotta be on the game and up the aggression a little bit but yeah would be lying if I wasn't saying I was sweating a little bit but it's fun out there yeah and Ricky and Jason already some great racing here in the quarterfinals absolutely and we'll do it again in the open class here is your bracket there Marvin moose can your fast qualify here we'll go against Colton taker who is your EnduroCross champion on the left side of the bracket also tyler bowers and kyle Chisholm that should be a good one between two privateers and the other side Brock tickle against Alex Rey Josh Hansen against the Frenchman Tomas Bremen so we're ready for an open class primarily 450 CC four-stroke so these will be the biggest fastest bikes out here and moose can is the one with the target on his back as he won last year he's never lost him he's never lost even a single run doesn't even had to go into the round of three won the Lites class four years ago won the open class last year missed it the year in between he was out with an injury that he was recovering from him but he's been undefeated in every attempt now as for Hagar I got to give this guy credit enduro crosses different than this it is racing over logs and rocks in an arena but this guy is no slouch on the jumps it is only five days of Supercross practice he's pretty impressive considering minute so the key is watched Marvin he uses his body to his advantage and he uses his time on the ground there you can see does a big big thing going to the Gator back and then I reckon I cold you actually had a little bit of get off on on the demonstration so he does this signature 360 movement it came up a little bit wrong so hard Africa yeah I'm not sure he had encryption practice and then he did is a big 360 door opening ceremonies he doesn't have the intensity they did earlier from Arvind maker comes across finish his run lighting for today's been provided by Musco the world's leader in sports and mobile lighting for 40 years at Musco we make it happen and they have the lights are on The Sun has set here in Southern California we're gonna be racing at night you remember just like I the first year we were at the drag strip on the other side of the Fairplex we ran it during the day it was only like a hundred and eighty that day for the a thing is unbelievably hot but it's awesome because there's some night tracks here I used to be affiliated with the Paris Motor Speedway and we ran must go last we had to I mean they are the the band-aid when it comes to the lights and as you can notice when you look down here there's no shadows it's the way they come in and they put a plan together so that there's no empty spots you know like sometimes in Vegas at the Supercross final it gets a little dark up top but here a straight rhythm there's no shadows all the way down just like noon alright so we are now into full dark we go to our next matchup you saw moose can take down Colton taker in the first run this will be interesting tyler bowers there in the 69 the bear here we go Chism with an advantage you you watch them they're not hurting the guys up tight they get a little bit of a roll before the gate falls and I think that's because of the expanded metal you want to be cold Chism with a hard so powers 5-time a weight across champion who is been racing super cop the last few years trying to hold it down this would be the type of event I think powers could excel in he has great style of the bike and shins missed a little spike casing that jump since I'm still charging some hours gotta keep his head down and he gets to the finish Bowers one of the biggest strongest riders out here I'm just gonna say this was like the heavyweight class between him and Chism they're the two biggest guys do you look at how small Marvin looks Marvin's short body long legs so he's not that short but he looks really tiny when it when he's on the bike and it seems to be an advantage for him but I just don't have fast these 450 spar I want a little more meat on me yeah that's another problem for Bowers and also Chism is one of the tallest riders will go to the other side of the bracket here is Brock tickle only a few weeks into his new king but Red Bull paint him psycho traitor really strong mouthing any kind of kind of jumping a little bit quick but the only techno just being a little bit cleaner I was talking about Ray baskets I'm tickle right now now ray has been improving tremendously a popular comment here but under the wing of davi millsaps as of late lost a lot of weight got Jake oma tickle has been able to pray take the lead [Music] that will step on step often it's awesome how they just I'm ready for going up against the full factory machine I'm tickled and actually taking the lead from him momentarily and they'll be back for another run after win two to advance to the next round and the tickle takes the glance down at the heart rate monitor the watch there on his left wrist he might have an Apple watch maybe he just got a page from his dad or something back he's letting him know that everything is good back home and maybe some tips good luck son don't case that job text that okay so our next run will be Josh Hansen a lot of people company shipped syndicate Rider at the ship gear Hansen pole shot is the first hundred yards it's critical his short mates like this to get that chill making them [Music] chuckling relax I think he's a ring around the warmup the Josh quads that makes here we go Hansen and vermin close away stretch run [Music] and that's cool she needs a Frenchman come over Rome it's teammate Cyrill cologne was here also but in qualifying he didn't make the top eight will have a baker coming up in a moment again against a moose cam but we'll show you the kind of stuff this guy is capable of in his regular style of racing I don't know if Akers come back out like I said his run that he did against moose can that wasn't the full speed for Hagar so I hope he's okay I hope the bikes all right Hagar is the EnduroCross champion that's where they lay down logs rocks water crossings everything you race on in the woods in the desert but they do it in arenas the congratulations the Hagar is your champion there but I think he's gonna make discretion the better part of valor here one I'm gonna say the same thing when I said about dogs in Kolding come out here he's got a small crash and then he had had a situation in the opening ceremony but he's a gamer I love this guy gets out there that's taking the motors there's a hard enduros does all that cooter stuff any as you said he's a champion you're going up against the guy that this million dollar Marmot at this point trying it but there is no question in the background of this man this is absolutely the wheelhouse of Marvin knew scan and even on a run Murray doesn't have to hustle going pretty fast that's an understatement okay that's really fast when we watch Barbara Muscat in any point boys he locked in right now Marvin moose can sweeping all three main events last week completing the million dollars big season for him in Supercross and motocross winning a lot of races so he continues to up the game this should be a good one that a little mistake from Chism against Bowers in their first run take that out and Nick this time [Music] surprised they're not further forward the ratty old riding coach up here all right they're not further forward because they have all the clutch but now it's Chism with a slight advantage oh and stretching it further in the Gator kids I've got that ship hole shot Bauer's gonna have to hustle to make it back Bauer's doing it though that big comeback with his how fast can they go to the sand rhythm section chisholm the veteran did you see that bowers completely jumped the whole first table and landed on the second one so good move by bowers that has not been done by anybody tonight but he still has to go into the third round so Chisolm answers the challenge comebacks it comes back and beats him so they will have to have a third race run off here we see Chism out in front is a little bit cleaner getting a little more air but then Bowers starts to fight his way back and he does something that we have not seen all night long I don't know if we'll see it in this replay but if they come up to the finish right here as they go through in the sand rhythm section watch Bowers on the right in the red they go through the next wall and then as they charge over the top of that he clears all the way on to the next table top so great move but not quite enough it closed the gap but not close enough and we will have a runoff between those two those are two good guys gonna be fun to watch them battle it out again now we've got Brock take a little bit of a scare there as Alex ray was able to wrestle the lead away from him early in their first run Tim came back committed Gregg is riding hard qualified he does not hesitate on the gas I mean he's like Thomas with wide open and he doesn't he's a big strong kid so he's not he's not worried about any men head was the bike but he's got him finesse it because that's what Brock dick was doing even though Brock just made a mistake and that his reign opening and try to get tickled back here we go halfway through now the 100-yard dash to the finish and take a look looks like he's got him covered the frame pull something out Brock tickle it's a duck Rock tickle with a double win and now and also picking up his time last time he went from a thirty nine eight - I'm sorry 239 six - a 38 so Brock tickle a lot faster as you can see he puts the leg off to the side to try to keep the center of gravity down as low as he can and that's was that that's what made the difference between him and Ray got a nice conversation with Brock during a live pre-race show he had last night here at the track and he said this type of event isn't necessarily his specialty he's known as a grinder a guy that just lap after lap gets faster and stronger so he thinks that this is good practice for him getting that intensity in that sprint speed well that's when you see a lot of bicycle racers the even though they race you know Tour de France whatever my beef they got to do the intervals to get the flowing this is a great event for our table to go to 2018 Supercross season Hansen against that's Hansen style bacon series run it down really front end down there I know but he just looks over castling format like and I'm jumping out in the sea there Josh Hansen as he starts to pull away as I said before he picked a little Arctic the first run now a little more dynamic a little bit more flowing in a little bit more speed as well well even Ken Roczen Hansen is a freak of nature when it comes to this type of rowdy the timing a precise thing of the episodes jumps and yeah all in a day's work for him scares us to watch it but he was in complete control and he eliminates Roman so Hansen moving forward and watch raise the one watch the front end drop as he looks over Wow a little bit more than I would like Josh but very effective nonetheless if you have that kind of confidence because we've seen we've seen some riders go down being that confident and there is Hansen who has a reason to be confident and an event like this and we'll send it to Tina thanks Jason and Josh Justin some so much control during that race almost making it look a little easy you've always done well here at Red Bull straight rhythm you've beaten travis Pastrana before you finished up on the podium last year in third place but how much do you want the top of the podium this year yeah I'd really like to win uh I really like my bike I got a great opportunity with Suzuki and and having Fox shift nut up lunar pages I'm a very lucky person to be out here I try on winning that's my plan that's his plan guys and it was funny Henson came in here nursing an injury that he had a few weeks ago wasn't sure if he'd be able to run and as soon as everybody saw him where I practiced they're like yeah I think he's gonna be just fine yeah everyone's probably just started that rumor he's like Oh Josh is hurt he's not be fast yeah wanna bet moose Kate said to me yesterday said he's he answered while he's going quad quad to net six so he's gonna we're back to Bauer against Cheeseman's one to one they each beat each other one time so it's winner take all right now and we'll Bauer's pull that off against each ISM he has a slight advantage he gets the quad and then go through the Gator pit and now they started to the supersize but Kim Bauer's pull that off again so watch the wire off the left I love Bauer's for the last section is gonna be the key Bauer's are gonna need it because Chism hasn't covered right now about a bike in a half nightly but here's the section where Bowers might be able to close in [Music] it's moving on into the semis and after I was watching off-camera I was looking over the looking over watching the track I don't think it's as quick because you're in the air and he has to pull pull the bikes so hard and you so much work that he's not getting that little squirt off the second tabletop so it's very cool looking but I don't think it's as effective and look at the analysis you see oh the karate chop hands that standard motocross there already are trying to break down what each rider did try to learn from it and they're telling it with the two strokes lying crap-rap-rap of course every time let's go back down to Tina who has College ISM yeah and Kyle Chisholm that was a race that went to three when it goes to three races like that what do you have to figure out I mean just hitting your marks you know I stopped the track stuff he's got to be precise and get every jump good I've done this every year they've had it and I think this is like I think I've been to a third around every time I've done it so it's nervous you know we each won one and it comes down to that last one they said when you've been here every year how much do you want to win it this time man I mean just as much as every year it's a it's an awesome race Eric Red Bull everybody has awesome job with this event I've done it every year because it's really fun and hopefully the fans love it good job you guys so far are putting on a good show well coming up more exciting head-to-head racing here at Red Bull straight rhythm but first a look at more athletes who live their lives at full throttle [Music] yeah all right welcome back to a magic night here in Pomona at straight rhythm here with Ken Roczen first of all this area that we're seated in we get to be in amongst the crowd 55,000 people here how about this energy on a sold-out night here in Pomona oh it's awesome every single time the riders come over the finish line crowd is going crazy it's awesome to be to be part of it and be in it you know it's really it's a great atmosphere around here for sure yeah it's been a special night for sure you know we were talking about that in in the 2-stroke section we were talking about Ronnie mad now obviously everyone's talking about Ronnie Mack you know he's talking trash he's the most exciting guy he's got the funny clothes but the thing you focused on is Ronnie Mack's aggression and why he's able to dominate there in that two-strokes yeah you're right his aggression has been really on point when you around your mouth you have to back it out so he's doing a good job so far we will see how he's going to be in the upcoming race and it's gonna become a lot harder because winners I go again go against other winners and times are gonna get a lot closer what is it about Ronnie mad Ronnie max just got it down man it's a style and then and he definitely wants to win I mean you can you could hear it and you can see it with his talking previous to the actual event so he definitely wants to take this thing home now you talked earlier about as we move forward the competition is going to be a little bit tighter and that's gonna make for interesting opportunities for a mistake especially crossing that line we saw some people get close yeah as these riders get more and more aggressive they are inching closer and close you can see Josh Hill right there he's inching closer and closer to the white line that means he's going to get this qualified so these guys really have to be careful as they are pushing the limits of course Marvin Musquin looking as smooth as ever if someone is going to take him on in this open class you've noticed that that first third of the track as you set up into the quad that's the place where people have to be perfect correct we have a triple triple and then those guys are going into two quad section all right you're going to have to set up just perfect you can see Marvin ray they're going triple and he's going for another triple these guys have been missing that triple and they cannot do it this quad quad job which will a lot of time so you got to focus on setting up the quad the quad is not gonna be the problem all right well we will see if anyone is able to make any sense of it to the point where they can make muskan nervous of course we were excited about Chad Reed being here he does have the injured injured ankle and he caught up earlier with Tina and Chad I know you were excited a race I know the fans were excited to see you race I know how can Ryan Villopoto we're excited to try to beat you so what happened I just thought of a jump to jump a little bit and yeah just perfectly caught the transition where the suspension went metal to metal and I guess my ankle was the next best thing to give so yeah pretty good sore injury not hundred percent sure what going on but I'm so bummed to not be out there you know ripping around on the two-stroke was a lot of fun and yeah I'm disappoint I'm not out there let's talk about that two-stroke what makes it so special well I mean it's old-school it's an area that you grew up in but from a writer's point of view there's just nothing quiet you know getting out there and just you know letting it rev and rpms really high and there's a certain challenge that I miss from riding a two-stroke and you know obviously being here at the event live and watching watching all the two strokes and then the 250s in 450s and you know they're the bike of the future the 250s and the 454 strokes but man they sound lame I in my opinion I hear that from a lot of riders and what do you think of this event you know it's head-to-head competition start to finish it's an amazing offseason race I think you know it's not about putting laps together and risking it all and although I got hurt I mean it's just I miss judges jump and paid the price that's just on me you know so here's what it is and I hope that the event stays around I can't wait to come back next year and run my to strike again so yeah looking forward to it well I know you have a lot of fans just excited to see your face here thanks for your time Chad we are excited to get back into the two strokes here in this next round our first matchup is going to be sipes and Ronnie Mac let's get to know the riders I've always watched our tourism on TV and I got the call couldn't turn it down it's a chance to go out here and have some fun and get back to my roots a little bit has been almost five years since I rode on the super girls track good long time since I rode the 250 two-stroke as well so I've been doing the woods thing for a while that's my main focus I got on the jumps just last week and it doesn't go away but I forgot how to do it for a minute there and finally getting it back [Music] hey man where's that trophy I need to get measurements for my mantle I'm back at a redbull straight rhythm here coming out this year and I was dead I was gonna race and win and then all of a sudden all these people want to race the best in the world you know Ryan Villopoto he won a lot of championships and he realizes that they were all just given to him I don't even know why we're out here honestly we come out here every single year everybody who they they're the best and oh man that guy's a hacker he's too drunk to race don't let him race and every year they hide the father ha no one stands a chance this weekend it's all over Red Bulls straight rhythm 2017 two-stroke champion world final regional Olympic world final champion no one will be Ronnie Matt there is only one run honey Mac next up we're going to take a look at the second matchup with Villopoto and Steinke how's my chrome left the noise is unreal I mean the way these sound this is an sr version so it's a factory version and there's not a better sound I mean I probably have the best best sound in two-stroke out here I think we look bad asses how we look now how's it gonna perform on the track I think that's gonna come down to me bein just well I never got the right super cross on a two-stroke for a kx250 so this is a whole different deal for me but coming out here you know it's it's a version of Supercross I know we're going straight but all the jumps are the same man you really got to give it the berries to jump some of this stuff now they throw this wrench in the program all of us are up against Ronnie max dude to show it's the ultimate thrill the funnest thing to ride you know I started out riding two strokes as an amateur all the way up till I turned pro then got on the fourth show you know the fourth stroke wasn't cutting it for me you know had to start a different lifestyle and move to the to shoot and it just took off from there yeah I do feel like I'm the Dark Horse everyone's got their money on Villopoto and one of those guys and those dudes are badass they're past champions in Supercross and motocross their skill level I will say is a little bit better than mine but again I'm the only one who currently still races a two-stroke I do feel like I could win a wonderful cast of characters as we head into this next round for 40 seconds of fun with 55,000 strong I'm gonna send it over to Jason and Ricky all right thanks Sal and we're back with the two strokes I think this might be the crowd favorite class and we've got a lot of those character that Sal was talking about locked and loaded Sykes against Ronnie Mac Villopoto against Jarrod spanking it this is going to be awesome I don't think you can really realistically pick any one of these guys as a favorite because even with villopoto's background he's never done this type of thing in a two-stroke he's never compete in this event before Seitz was the fastest qualifier Ronnie Mac the ultimate wild lunch hanging Brown racing a two-stroke weekly it's really hard to call I'm diggin everybody I love it and as you said I love the Simon's begging to come back I love the Mac is always here and always present and Villopoto the King has returned his stake he's the guy that the rise of all time and now running back with the whole shot Wow he's got to take down the fast bonfire sights but this guy is no joke hilarious on social media but he is serious here at the races sites trying to get him back max no up the lane follow those wheels they're coming in to the living section the style is unorthodox but effective something she's running out of granite is there any place where you can pull something off for this Ronnie Mac have a cover listen to the crowd [Music] the trademark no squealing over the finish which scares us every time we see it straight up he took sites the pass ball fired down they will have a rematch and you see that Ronnie Mac had a little bit pushed forward a little bit better start and it seemed like he just kept inching away from cipes different rhythms through this jump section here but it worked out for Ronnie Mac let's talk about the riding gear on running back for a little bit and here is Alyssa [Applause] yeah and here's the update I'm Ryan Villopoto let's send it to will well guys this is kind of interesting having just seen the race go down there running might take win because before that race I spoke to Ryan Villopoto and I said to him ideally who would you like to race against in the final and he said actually the slowest fighters in this it's probably gonna be sites but you know what for the crowd it'd be pretty fun if it was Ronnie Mac and that might actually happen right well he might get his wish but he's got to get to the finals himself and stank dog no slouch so Ryan Villopoto against Jared stanky [Music] the slight advantage but Ryan do what he does so well and that's keep it on the ground and using that traction on race in the rain across and motocross does line the two strokes actually coming back now and Villopoto Ryan would have small mistake just again coming out of the game pretty makes another mistake so skanky whether the damage pretty clear at this point and that's the winner [Applause] and this is the guy that lives in his van he calls it the snake bus vincent multi-time that was him that was the mistake we saw Ryan Villopoto case that Jumpman that's where he lost the advantage of stinky but right here notice he comes up short again doesn't get over the top and that allow stanky to get about a three bike lengths lead but Ryan was quicker at the end there's the mistake once again you see stake he gets an advantage but Ryan came back so he's going to be strong in the second round back up against the wall now Villopoto has proven himself to be one of the all-time best under pressure but see if he can answer back and here's the situation for Ryan sites your fast qualifier he has his back up against the wall because bodybag took him down in their first run if sites loses again he is eliminated if sites wins [Music] it's a little vomits a runny mad with the holeshot and the guys have been saying they like the left lane he might have the better lane and he has the ship hull shot so science is going to have to pull something out the jumping rhythm doesn't work out better sites than the quad and the lead awesome they hear these two strokes found out here sites the advantage but we're on e with a good run good scrap it's a good run down to the speed whoops candy make something happen chronic lugs on a finish line in sight so sipes comes back to beat Ronnie Mac and both two-stroke brackets would go into the run of three villopoto's got to try to stave off elimination against stinky will we have two runs of three and watch sipes on the right he he triples there and he caused this and that was the advantage where once he got once he broke away from Ronnie McCarron he wasn't able to make the ground back up and Ronnie was the one that made up the ground early so everybody's saying from Ken Roczen to all these different guys that you got to get that first section down and that's been the difference yep the better start for Mac did not pay off so now Ryan Villopoto has to win this wonder he is eliminated could this be the underdog staking a privateer against a multi-time champion revenues big down hard they're running them really hard right now they're running neck-and-neck so here comes the rhythm section kiss who's gonna get it done they want to jump for jump everything is saving this point is taking with about a half holding Philippi hard the complete underdog stanky is doing a great job on schedules be clean up with his last step on step off there's a Cinderella story for the privateers the head to mouth existence for this guy he's racing from the pun of it he doesn't have millions in the bank like Villopoto but he had the heart the determination and yeah all the trash talk that everybody had before this two-stroke event and this is the guy backing it up and we'll watch the Stig you off to the right we see that Ryan makes a small mistake here he's scrubs and then he loses a little bit side to side he doesn't cross over but he that was what cost him the race is stanky just kept it clean watch here Ryan Villopoto in the black on the left as he comes three cases a little bit loses that forward drive and as he comes over here cases it again loses drive and that's where stake he made the advantage let's go to Tina well yeah and Jarrod will be moving on in fact Jarrod you had to remind some of these guys that you still actively race on a two-stroke and now you are moving on yeah that's right made the finals racing against someone I've looked up to my whole entire career Ryan Villopoto and yeah just super pumped that I went to the finals in a class that I feel like was made for me and Ryan I mean this is a ton of course what happened out there a small mistake you know both those runs think was riding really good and just nailed his runs and you know for me it was I was you know hoping to get to the next round but it's all for fun Red Bull put on a great event and you know we'll go back and watch the the best do what they do either way guys this two-stroke class has been super entertaining to watch unbelievable respect for Ryan Villopoto I mean that that is a champion right there you know he's pissed off I mean that he did not want to get get taken out but he didn't make an excuse he completely caught him in a stack you said he had a clean run and he made a couple ball mistakes I have more respect for Ryan Villopoto now than I did when he won all the championships and still smiling through that as well he's having a good time he's a good actor at that yeah neither are either of these guys going to be whoever [Music] both these guys are obviously a little bit cleaner but Ronnie Matt with a different rhythm through this section well clean is not the specialty of Mack my digression certainly it's working he's got the the winner of this one goes to the finals and listen to the crowd the crowd is going to go out walkers and Ronnie Mac mention to the main event he's got it under control right now he's got to stay [Applause] is going to the finals in two-stroke [Applause] Wow well now we know this guy's a gamer sites had the fast qualifying time but Mac beats them two out of three to go to the finals and he's not gonna let sites forget this one Scott's crazy you can see sipes and Indrani the two completely different routes and this is where Ronnie Mack made the advantage you can see case a little bit the head nod but he was able to suck up that jump and use the mistake to his advantage to get back on the ground and keep running hard I love the the pelvis thrust thrust forward he makes it all work I don't know how and then he does this every time and it scares me to death every time he does it because if I have ever been that close I had to bail out so good job running back yeah this is not the way you would teach it at a riding school but it's effective enough let's send it to teeth Ronnie I mean coming into this event it was all smack talking from you but you're backing it up well you know I pulled out of that 250 race the four-stroke class to focus on this and the after party were having a man stank dog me in the final we were already gonna win tonight anyways either way you know this race is built for guys like us sort racing we can show our true talent all these guys don't got talent they just try to work and go to the gym and cycle in their spandex and we go out there and we're just talented god-given talent that's why we're out here winning this point and guys it's gonna be a fun one stinky and Ronnie Mack in that final Wow so the two low bunch of guys not the guys at multiple Supercross championships - I mean I don't know what the budget it's Ronnie Mack I'm shocked to even manage to get a van out here I don't know what the guy even does for a living I don't know you can go to a fleet farm in Wisconsin or you can go to Home Depot and get those overalls yeah but I think he's had the same pair for about a mile I could tape them up so that they're really tight but I love that confidence and now we got a final of state dog and uncle Ronnie don't adjust your set that's right Mack eliminates sipes snake eliminates Villopoto and the final will be two of the most colorful characters in the game now Ronnie Mack is practically a cartoon come to life but thankee is 100% real deal as well moving on in to the Lites class now Ryan's site still has a shot at it here he entered both classes and he was able to beat Colton Tech in the first round Cantrell beat ENSO looks it's great racing between those two so Cantrell and sipes on one side of the bracket Shane McIlrath last year's winner of this class against his teammate Alex Martin on the other side and even even those sipes was eliminated he's still in the mix so don't count out Ryan sipes he's out of cake a great run and he's not done yet no he wants to do it in lights since he was eliminated in two strokes Sean Cantrell the young rider here from California rookie Pro [Music] run win against Ronnie now he goes into it with Cantrell you can see catch out with a small little bit of an advantage in the left lane oh it is wheel wheel getting that big quad increasing you're trying to stretch it but can't row with an unbelievable scrub as they go into the speed once his forehead Xiaomei no crowd in the first round against into loops does he have any tricks up his sleeve now against sipes sights gets the win sighs he makes his boats now as a woods racer adapting quite quickly back into the Supercross game which is not done in several years and it's effective then we see Kentrell not in number 43 pushing really hard trying to make it up but sipes with a little bit cleaner and then you saw there was no bumping knuckles there was no thumbs-up they want to win and especially I didn't want to go down against Ronnie Mac and so he is definitely pushing for this lights man our next group you've got Shane back around on that factory Charley designs Red Bull KTM and same equipment same team for Alex Martin slide advantage but watch partners there's a really short burst of speed a lot like Marvin their skin so see right there Martin with a huge dose for the quad now - totally yeah so we've seen some back-and-forth action here's a passing right now on the left side in the white here has the advantage [Music] here we go in the 100-yard dash step on step off and it's gonna be showing what he's capable of known as a real workhorse and a guy who gets stronger as the races go on but he obviously has some sprint speed as well and watch this as he comes through here they're in the small rhythm section but he takes this shot and he where he triples and then you see that Martin qua did it and that was the difference so going I'm repeating myself is what everybody has said from Ken to all the different riders it's the short rhythm small rhythm section that makes the difference yeah then you're a no-man's land after that a crowd was trying to figure out where he could make ground up he couldn't find it so Alex wins the first run between the teammates so we're back to Ryan sipes against Cantrell and again this is some fighting work spot in the final two sites wins this one he goes to the finals at Cantrell wings it'll be tied one to one and we'll go to 8/3 rates 40 seconds [Music] makes it interesting because it is to scrub against for they're both 250 CC engines the four-stroke very controlling powers and rays see which one works better Oh Sykes Vinnie doesn't do much it just keeps charging is now starting to make a comeback keeping up at all sites inching his way back innovate a chip to the finals on the line here none more set of jumps to a third race very competitive this year previous years we have not had nearly this many three race run offs watch sipes he's off he could see that he's coming up short but he absorb here he does a seat bounce nose high doesn't get quite the bounce that he wants but watch he sucks it up it doesn't even miss a lick sipes is a very strong rider it's a Kentucky boy he's as tough as they come but polished was the performance of Shawn Cantrell and they're gonna have to race again now we're back to McIlrath and Alex Martin Alex Martin is one to nothing can he eliminate McIlroy who was last year's event winner now McIlroy was in this position last year and he ratcheted up the intensity and went all the way into the finals and they wanted you know and I'm in the same spot as I have been every every right kind of god it's the same thing you this year they don't have whoops and that and I'm on the edge of my seat my palms are sweating and them can't wait to see because you love racing you know you hear the Kentucky Derby something they go that fast it's because they win by the by a nose and that's we're seen here in every little bit you can see every small mistake oh yeah McIlrath told us earlier absolutely gives just as nervous on the starting line for this one has any other type of racing [Music] situation Alex Martin in the white gear michael route in blue now it's far with the double clutch but he seems to be making up a little bit of ground can I go rap right now full power it looking like some of the what the riders are saying that the limp leg is a little bit quicker because the guys have been going a little bit higher in the right lane and it marks he's been working a lot harder on that side here we go - and vanish - McIlroy trying to stave off elimination macro rap gets it and another free race bracket here these guys get along very well with teammates it's fun for them you can see that McElrath has a slight advantage but watch how hard martin has to work with the body forward and back as he asked like lock up the back brake to try to get the nose down so a lot more physical activity out of the right lane out of Martin than we see in McElrath very smooth very calm and very smooth Martin was almost there but down the stretch Makarov was actually evidence pull back away here and he goes on to take that Lane it will be very fun to watch these two match up one more time let's go to will in an update yeah thanks guys why I just spoke to Ryan sipes and Ison is fatigued playing a factor here when he came up short and took that hit he said now he's okay after that it's not really about being time he's just struggling with that left side which is very interesting considering that all the other riders I've actually been preferring the left side of the track well that's good then that means in this battle these right here they walk so no excuses Cantrell against sipes winner goes to the finals this is what they say in car racing checkers or records there is no second place and this Pollock recent Iraqi there is no tomorrow it's he's got that ship pole shot over insights here is the section website struggled on the other leg I say no more new school no more you but Brian Sipe she's been running every race Holly K said that's what's gonna take it away so young so due to this he has not raised professional supercross yet he's gaining a lot of knowledge and confidence as well you can see this scrub a little bit more dynamic out of the 43 out of Kentrell but here we're seeing sipes on on our vision his left lane he comes up a little bit short it's not at this point but right now everything is going really smooth but then it comes up a little bit short the Cantrell very dynamic definitely a superstar in the future think that was an important one to him those fist pumps show you the emotion and he is with Tina yeah and Shawn you're moving on into the finals but so far how competitive has this race been I mean we've already seen so many races go to three including your man this is crazy I mean you don't want to go to three but Stefan exciting for everybody your heart rates already going when you're on the line but it's cool the tracks really good right now is I feel like it's kind of favoring the right side so we're gonna keep it between just us but I'm gonna try to stay on the right side how mistake-free do you need to be out here Oh the first rhythm I'm trying to go for four out I kind of picked up on them four three two kind of in the canyon rubber but everywhere else is just stay on the ground and get I get the wheel driving and man whoever whoever wins this I get to race yes so we'll be we will be ready there you guys go he's moving on to the finals I love confidence in the young racer so who am i racing I don't care operate these here I'm gonna beat him and Cantrell you too this has never competed in this event before it hasn't raised the Pro Supercross yet but he's certainly showing he has some skills so here we go the teammates there one-to-one they've each beaten each other one time whoever wins this race goes to the finals whoever loses is eliminated it's Shane McElrath and Alex Martin it's gonna I really feel strong about the start in if somebody double clutch as what you've seen in the past and then we see back with a great start but Martin is able to gain that sweep coming into the first section we watch them overhead they are exactly neck and neck back around with a slight advantage at this point [Music] the advantage it's gonna be disparate time for Alex Martin the veteran out of Minnesota man out of North Carolina real fine guy Southern gentleman to talk to off the track but he is a competitor when the helmet goes on Evan this back against the wall he had to win this one and he does just like he did a year ago was up against a 1 nothing deficit wins the next two rounds and goes to the finals and Jason he was faster every every time out he won a 39 638 9 and now a 38-7 that's the fastest lights time that we've seen all day here's where he got that early advantage little mistake from Martin yeah you see Martin II he cases it and he doesn't recover from that point and and earlier in yesterday on the podcast we've talked we talked to Ken rocks and Andy was saying sometimes you have to slow down to go fast you cannot make a mistake and that's what we saw out of Shane McIlrath all about hitting the marks and that's what McIlrath is done in two years in a row he keeps getting faster with every single run on this course let's send it back down to Tina and Shane does have the experience because he is the defending champion and now moving on into the finals what can we expect there just try and put in more solid runs like that I mean it's it's getting tougher and tougher everybody's doing all the rhythm so it's it's just real real minimal and you clip a jump you can lose the race so I look forward to it and racing the teammates showing control guys that's gonna be a good one Jay's been in this position as the defending champion so we've got a rider who's been there done it against a rider who's never competed here before I can't trail so this should be fun when he's had to sit up for a long time and Jason when your eraser at which he is he's every every meaning of the word and to get those juices going again and now you have all these little main events that you're going it's gonna be so good for him as it pushes him into the night's 2018 Supercross season so our final is set between McElrath and Cantrell in each class there is also a runoff for third place podium position a trophy race so we'll have sipes and Alex Martin back let's send it to will with an update on the track additions yeah thanks Jason well I'm down here at the start line so I get to listen to a lot of the chatter here of the guys before they head up to race and it's interesting as the evening has gone on wear and tear on the track they say has actually started to really knock some of the edges off the rhythm sections on that right side so the right side of the track is now running somewhat mellow other guys are able to stay a little bit low and so they said it's the right side now that is the preferable side to race on flip-flopped of course from earlier in the evening well also we'll also Jason is that as the night comes out it that the moisture starts to pull the pull it out of the dirt so the ground is going to become more and more consistent cuz earlier the water truck wasn't running down the right side and so there was getting more water but now it's a lot more consistent here's your bracket as you can see we're definitely into nightfall here at Red Bull Strait rhythm into the open class Brock tickle against Josh Hansen Marvin moose can Kyle Chisolm those are your final four in the open class should be interesting you've got two privateers Chisolm and Hansen and two factory Red Bull KTM riders moose kin and tickle let's see who's vulnerable here could it be an upset special Chisolm really had to dig to get into this semifinal moose can be bought and sailing through the racket so far [Music] great start you can see quicker he's pawing the ground very dynamic but when he's on the ground he utilizes his time there I was talking to Roger DeCoster about he's definitely I don't want to say but next eleven sure seems it got the win at his event last year it's free boarding payments big phenomenal 2017 season a lot of great wins in Supercross and motocross and he continues to roll here bike dancing around a little bend the sand was the first mistake we've seen out of him but certainly not enough to stop it from in this run so Marvin gets the win he'll have to do it again though let's go to the finals because it is a best two out of three for battles so as we watch Marvin as he goes in he gets up and over and on the down side applies it Chisolm a little bit short loses a little ground has to seed hop to grab some to get some height but then coming into the finish I think it is very key when it comes to marvelous skin he he comes over the top and he never drops a wheel so now we have Josh Hansen heats up 100 on that yellow Suzuki there on the right against Brock tickle these guys actually battle it quite a bit in their Lites Supercross days they used to be teammates and there's really any love loss between them sickle has the big factory bike but on this type of horse Hansen it's certainly someone to be reckoned with for the great rumba Josh handsome really fast into the first section so now they're the small rhythm section who's going to make the difference here they're both jumping in the same that Josh Hansen goes for the one and that puts him out in front come on to us to go to work yeah Hansen getting the drop he has been nailing that big for them so well he big rhythm for these smaller in the plane little case perhaps in particular not able to take advantage take this trying to dig deep down see tickle reach out to grab another gear trying to get it going but right now it's all about Josh Hansen if they really too much front wheel up but Josh Hansen's gonna gonna win that heat and the crowd reacted to that one when they saw tickle make that mistake so Hansen gets the way watching Brock tickle on the right now here they come into this quad and you can see how that right here Josh Hansen goes for the quad instead of the triple and then as we watch this coming in tickle will make a mistake and that's going to be the difference between the run as they're coming in watch Josh watch tickle as he wheelies he almost loops out and he gets ahold of it but great save and that's because he's so athletic and strong so big things we're gonna see out of Brock tickle this year in the Supercross yeah he's still learning this new KTM and the team we've got to match up again between Chisolm and moose cab moose can not only has he won the two times he's raced this event first in the Lites class and last year an open he has never even been beaten in a single run at this event it sure seems like this is made do has to put his best ride together let Marvin take care of himself just blisters it and he goes so fast I notice vintage he comes over the jumps then he gets down really low gets higher just thinking about varying being very static on the bike he's moving around quite a bit using those angling forward and back to stay high or low whatever he's unbelievable ride here my move scannings really stretched it over Chisholm and he's got the checkered flag in sight Marvin Busquets second straight year ever in the zone everything he competes on things just continue to roll this way and for as aggressive as he is you do not see many mistakes you can see how much more sideways Marvin is than Kyle but here stays up they want to get the timing right get right on the downside and then go for that big quad and that makes a difference right here as he jumps stays high doesn't get super high but he lands and cleans it up right into the Gator pit and here is the finish line big celebration for the very friendly Frenchman and now he is down trackside with Tina yeah and Marvin so far has just been mistake-free and dominant but what are you telling yourself as you're going through the races well I try to put myself in a good position you know just think really focus on myself and trying to be perfect from from all the way up there all the way over here that's a lot of fun thanks for the fan for showing up it's very exciting to be here now the pressure is on for the final how is that pressure you said it's there but how much does that weigh on you right now yeah I mean this year it's pretty close sided between the the riders so we'll see find out who's gonna be in the final against me yeah guys and he's still got this smile on his face yeah he's so nervous yeah he's like now the pressures on we go into the final with a giant smile on his face but he's been here before he was here you know he's in the pressure cooker a week ago and he had to go three races in a row and to win that million dollars in the monster Cup so he is now in the final who will join Marvin mu scan into finals will it be Josh Hansen if he wins this run he's in tickle needs to win two straight Hanson under smelling bad it's a Hansen early tickle comes back [Music] tickles going to nail this section this is Mindy and it's her Hansen and takes mistake jumped out actually I'm trying under jump the quad and that's going to hand it over to Josh hands so here we see the underdog the black you know the blow the black horse I think you want to call yeah but Josh Hansen comes here for real and he's none you cannot mess around no legendary stories of him during the week at the super contests tracks and the type of skills he has and he's showing them all fear he's gonna join Barbara first and he in the finals and he's capable of winning it now keep an eye on Brock took on the left side and everything going good at this point as he comes through actually over jumps under jumps it comes up and then that's what took all the advantage away from him so he actually over jumped a little bit and now we take another look at it as he comes through here downside everything nice and clean he over jumps he lands right on the face and then that stops him comes up short and then he looks like he's stalled the bike tough tough break for Brock tickle but I'm glad that he's safe Josh Hansen is going to the finals Tina yeah Josh Hansen is going to the finals and you seem to take just such a different approach than all of the other riders how confident do you feel on this track at this point I feel good I think my bikes really good I think so a suspension helps me out a lot and I I feel good about this having between net up and women are pages and shitbox it's a cool opportunity here in red ball to third on so I like I said I want to win you want to win and it's gonna be tough you're going up against Marvin so what can we expect with that it's gonna be an all-out race man of few words that's classic handy style that guy everyone says that their heart rate goes up of mine I would need to see the monitor to believe it with Hansen that guy is super relaxed all right we'll be right back here redbull straight rhythm finals coming your way what a night here at the Fairplex in Pomona again sold out 55,000 strong the biggest crowd we've ever had four straight rhythm and these fans have gotten nothing short of what they paid for in truly exciting races as we're about to head into the trophy races our finals are set Ken Roczen Ronnie Mack once again looking like he can be that guy what has he shown you Ronnie looks phenomenon out there I mean he has been aggressive he's been mistake-free he's in the finals it's gonna be a good a good final race between Ronnie Mac and stank dog and then when we talk about Josh Hansen and muskan we talked about how Hansen was looking a little little chill and little relaxed what's it what does he need to do to actually maybe have a shot at making this competitive yeah Josh Hansen again I think he has written great he's already got a secure second place but we we all know we don't want to get second he has looked very smooth that's just his riding style I do think he needs to start getting maybe a little bit more aggressive if he wants to go up again the Marvin Musquin Marvin has that perfect in-between of being smooth but being aggressive at the same time so I'm really looking forward to it it can really go either way it's gonna be a good main event for sure all right well we'll let them get some rest were ready for the trophy races right now we'll throw it back now to Jason and Ricky all right thank guys we had third-place races coming up we'll show you the bracket in the two-stroke class as we have worked our way through our semi-final to Ryan sipes and Bonnie Mac Ronnie Mac needs sites Ryan Villopoto was against Jared stanky snaky beat Villopoto so that leaves Sykes and Villopoto for our third place trophy race and later on we'll have Mack against snaky for the championship and this is pretty awesome you got the Red Bull Air Force coming down skydivers fireworks and all as they enter the Fairplex from up above yeah I've had the pleasure of doing a tandem jump twice I can't imagine jumping out over the skies of LA at night and aiming for the Pomona Fairgrounds so then Red Bull air air forces those guys are studs man hitting their marks no doubt about it and that's what these riders are going to try to do this could have been the finals a lot of people would have expected it in the two stroke last site against Villopoto but instead they both got eliminated and now they're racing for third place so we got to remember this is not a one-and-done think they have to run two rounds it could go into three rounds so his site has been running all day long yeah you can put a lot of runs Ryan Villopoto the multi time motocross and Supercross Champion is on the riders left all right sites on the other side Villopoto charging out of the gate early lead on sites but this has been something you need to help people or hurt people and now that the dirt is getting to live you see action back and forth it is wheel to wheel right now I think a smaller manager sites the pull apart-er a great job and that transition gives away its size for the small case and so now he's gonna have to hit everything absolutely perfect but you're going against the guy that's won multiple Supercross championships that doesn't make many mistakes but not enough Villopoto wins the first of our trophy races but as you said you got to win to officially clinch that third way I was kind of geeking out on the curl bike look at the glitter between his riding gear and the chrome motorcycle on Ryan Villopoto in the left lane and in here they're running neck-and-neck actually such has a slight advantage but he makes one small mistake and then he loses a little bit of ground as he comes up through here they're right neck and neck but right there he loses the ground alright this could be a good one when they race again you can see how close they were out speed it just came down to one mistake from sites that allowed Villopoto to get away well there's no delay they basically run it right down the straightaway I'm right back up in there and go so everything is fresh in their mind they still got to get their back up you know Ryan Villopoto sipes is out running in the woods and the training and all of her stuff I don't think Villopoto to what the way he's looking has been lit sitting on this couch too much he looks awesome out there but this is like interval training you go out and get your heart rate up try to get it down trying to calm yourself trying to get your breath going and then get right back after it yeah Villopoto does look fit but since he is not a full time racer any longer he's not I'm sure the level of intensity of training that sipes is who is still racing full-time every week in the woods and that is a true physical test there so we'll see if that's a factor well and when you're talking straight rhythm this is not playing this is not I'm gonna go cruise around I mean this is but the speed is somewhat higher here than in the average Supercross I'm gonna say the guys are probably running a good 15 not 20 miles an hour faster but quite a bit faster down down the straight rhythm to maybe learn a normal Supercross again sites [Music] got the edge on the first time sight we're happy to win this one Villopoto with a small mistaken speak out just a little bit sighs April do the quad quad and he hit he hits hard man this guy is making a run at her moto Villopoto running out of real estate Ryan sipes the motocross and Supercross please at each one one and it'll come down to this third race determine who gets third place in there you see Ryan over jumps just a little bit and that messes up his rhythm and is kind of you know it's kind of a cliche right now it's talking about how all the rhythm and stuff like that but that's what you need you need to be absolutely spot-on and Ryan made a small mistake in that bit him even though he was faster at the end you see sipes coming into here with a slight advantage but both riders still very very closely matched and there's the advantage to sites final margin of victory there are two tenths of a second and the first run was very close as well so it's going to be really hard to pick a winner when they do this final runoff well and as we look at the time sipes his second run was the quickest by two tenths of a second so if he can put it together best run the best run he's been the fastest between the two and a 40 point one versus villopoto's first run was a forty point nine so perfection once again one of the hallmarks of this event is the idea of when you have something unique like this that we haven't seen very often you really don't know you put the resume of Villopoto against anyone out here and you would think that he is the absolutely dominating the site isn't the races the grand national prospectus and put them on yours triples about two strips he thrown all these variables yeah and we end up with a race that's almost impossible to predict now I'm on the edge of my seat once again my my palms are sweaty this is for third place [Applause] really charging time almost dead even sites and Villopoto Villopoto on the to the crow the white juicy board but who's got the better rhythm right now he got that quad and that made the difference but watch Ryan Villopoto the second part of the track has been and we see him starting to scrap and make a little bit of time on sides Phillip artist one back leg back let's see if we can make it happen this has been a strong point for Villopoto the fans cuddle the trophy race for third in the two-stroke class Ryan Villopoto got up one to nothing but sipes is back against the wall was able to respond and win two in a row and sipes is the one he he went a little bit different advantage but he got down into the Gator Gator hole whoever you want a kid call it and that was the difference and Ryan Villopoto was came up closer was using the track very well it was tried really hard but it was sipes yeah Phillips absolutely going for it there [Music] at this event I want to do it for fun and he's gonna clinch third in the two-stroke class and he's in the Trophy race in the Lites class also so the sipes work is not done he's also going to take home some cash with these good finishes as well which is always nice so Villopoto a decent showing out here but ultimately stank and sipes were able to put it to him that's a certainly something they're probably gonna tell the grandkids at some point yeah I'd be frying Phillip photos straight up it was Supercross but this is legit this is Donna Houghton and Ryan Villopoto came with his guns Lodi talked about he went to he had Mitch Payton from Pro Circuit building a two-stroke with Mitch's I think the king of two strokes and that thing was sounded had great bark love the chrome so I I want to say personally thank Ryan Villopoto for coming out and racing it I think it added something to the event definitely yeah absolutely it definitely adds another dimension to the event to have someone a Villopoto stature out here doing it and even better to see someone like sites able to battle him wheel to wheel and our two-stroke final these two of the grandest characters in all of dirt bike racing with Ronnie Mack and Jared stinky and that one is gonna be fun and I'm completely I you know you say who you want to win as your favorite and who you think is gonna win and I'm up for both I I'd like them both and I think they both have the ability to win so it is anybody's right I don't think we're gonna we don't have a loser here sliding for tonight's event has been provided by Musco the world's leader and sports and mobile lighting for 40 years at Musco we make it happen here is your bracket we've moved to the Lites class Seitz was eliminated by Cantrell and Martin was eliminated by macca wrap that leaves sipes and Martin in this race for third place in the Lites class so sipes boys he gettin his reps today by entering two classes and going into the trophy race in both so here's the matchup you've got Alex Barton a very friendly veteran out of Minnesota a racer through and through his dad was a great off-road racer his parents owned a very famous Millville Minnesota Spring Creek track and both Alex and his brother Jeremy [Music] sighs you tell me who's been running all night so sighs we can see Martin Martin pulls ahead hey Martin brought this man with his teammate he might be going on finals he has found something special here well I think this is going to be an advantage for any when it go into the Supercross just like we saw Ryan Dungey last year a little bit more dynamic in it Martin hasn't been one of those guys to be very [Music] yeah that was a new level of aggression for a Marty who is known or has the work force type will just wear you down by just not getting tired lap after lap but here showing some real intensity that this is the small rhythm section and I say that but you can see how aggressive Alex Martin is and he goes through here down into the Gator pit gets himself up into the smaller section but using the seen hop switch for smaller guys seat up and I think it's easier because there's you're not throwing as much weight back and forth but notice how his body is side to side up and down a little more dynamic I'm more of an item or a exciting scrub out of him so this is definitely a good thing because you got to do it again and again and again and they will run again because it is the best two out of three so sipes has one more opportunity to try to come back beat Alex Martin and if he does he would force a third race between the two of them wonderous sipes getting a little bit tired at this point as you said it feels like he's in almost every race out here yeah as far as like tomorrow tired but it's explosive every time so he's gonna feel it definitely tomorrow but I gotta give it to this guy he hasn't been in Supercross for years racing in the woods comes back here doesn't miss a mark look at this Ronnie Max studying the statistics I don't know how much of that he's able to actually read or take in and I don't think he's much for the book learning got his X beer goggles on so rich rich Taylor hooking him up keeping Ronnie then the Blue Ribbon I'd have the beer goggles on in more ways than one as he said he and stake Doug have already won because nobody has more fun of the races and those two and one of them will win in the two-stroke plan all right so we have set it up again [Music] section but this is where they it jumps so far clearly go into a room and there Martin goes abroad [Music] Martin continuing to ratchet up the pace with his run the man's are saluting this looking at a third place for Alex Martin and he's into the final 100 - sipes is running out of time he certainly got a lot of timing on this course but Alex Martin is going to take third in the Lites division on the chart ladies eyes Red Bull KTM and Martin definitely found something at the end the end he's probably kicking himself going man yeah if I would have done that in the other heats I would be in the main event but this is a great event and both of these guys should hold their heads up because they didn't awesome jobs so it'll be a one two three for the Troy Lee designs KTM team the question is what will be the order Martin is third and it's his teammates Kent trail and McElrath in the finals and a good experience I'm sure for a Mart out here like you said that might pay off down the road I've been sighs just like who can I relax seems like I've been doing this for days and think about it you you're going into a hit again and again and again then there's no time to rest of you basically get 40 seconds so you know riding back up the next way and get right back in line so this main event is going to be intense we've got him locked and loaded for a trophy race in the open class you've got Kyle Chisolm the very friendly and likeable privateer from Florida on the red eleven and Brock tickle who has just gotten the ride of a lifetime he is the replacement Ryan Dungey the multi time Supercross a motocross champion is retired tickle has inherited his spot on the factory Red Bull KTM team particular minute even talking to him yesterday this event does not play to his strengths he's known as a grinder a guy who gets stronger as some races go on he's gonna learn a lot here everything has to be next year is that he's got to get more than Emmett get faster in these rhythm sections Chism keeping him honest right now look at this chase him coming back slide invaded for tickle chances right there in the center of the track Jesus right there keeping pressure I tickle I saw a tickle on that was through the speed sand section he put it down there and put it all together so Brock tickle definitely feeling comfortable but hats off to college ISM he's been here as he said every year and he loves this event into the Gator pit yeah Chisholm is giving tickle a rail run to the first three quarters of his track and you watch that Brock doesn't do anything special he just doesn't a little bit better so Chisolm doing a great job but Brock just a little bit cleaner getting on the ground a little bit quicker but at the squirt right there you notice has the accelerates into the into the whoops and whoop section he pulls about two bike lanes mom said the car links to my place through there and that seemed to be the difference to give him a little bit of a comfortable lead going into the finish line and they'll have to run again this is the third-place race in the open class and you've got to win two out of the three so right now tickle is up one to nothing Chisholm in single ride back to the starting line and elevated start and a spill a switch lane sir so what you just did the lines are slightly different even though that you can kind of look good you don't really have a chance to look over because you're just putting your wheel placement where you need to be so it is a different you have to adapt as you're going even though you know where you want to land you don't know how red it is or how beat up the track is so it's it may look simple but I don't give me these guys at all well on a normal race where you don't have that white stripe in the middle of the track you don't get disqualified you guys will try to purposely move left to right in sections oh if they didn't have a white line you see guys hacksaw on each other going side to side so you have with this kind of speed you have to stay in your own lane or it becomes extremely dangerous but right now Chisolm did a great job keeping Brock tickle honest so I think the whole shot is going to be key because that gives you a clear track and you're not looking you're not feeling that you're behind because can feel the other rider next to you the ship holeshot that's the first 100 yards coming up right here and it is an advantage for tickle about a wheel not a lot static it's a little more height but he does make up ground and now Brock tickle is able to use coming out of Gator pit to gain a slight advantage here it is tickle in the center of the track into the sand not quite as clean as he was the last time some excessive its effects are keeping him close [Music] cleans nerd in the open class tonight at Red Bull Street for the great job by both riders hold your head high as guys they both did a good job and and I will overdone it as I said of my partner always says he hates it when I say one redundant but Brock tickles so much more dynamic with his body even charging that finish line jumping right to the face and not showing it in a respect so you learn how to squeak tenths of a second out of all these different sections so straight rhythm definitely help with these riders out well the joke is to have a tickle into the cheese pizza which is great this is a topping so nice none of that he did in here but now watch how hard he comes to the fantasy jumps [Music] great job by Brock tickle just not leaving anything down all right let's get some more analysis go back to cell and Ken Roczen thank you guys like you we are very excited for what is about to take place here in these finals Ken and as we look to the three classes let's start with the open and the difference in the riding styles between Hansen and muskan and just what Hansen might be able to do to make up some ground yeah Josh he has been very precise you can say he has a very smooth on the bike where marvin on the other hand he has been very aggressive yet very minimal mistakes you can see Marvin right here against Chisolm and he has partly made a mistake he's hitting his mark but as Josh saw for sure think it will be a very interesting final round here and then when we we go into the lights we talk about the rookie and Kentrell and back McElrath the bed what does Cantrell need to do yeah control he asked the fire in his stomach he's a rookie think he's doing this event for the first time he has been super smooth today too but McElrath so again we'll have another exciting main event that can be very very close and then of course I think the loudest that we've heard the crowd all night hasn't been in the open or the lights but it's been there in that two-stroke because every time that Ronnie Mac hits the hits hits the track this place goes crazy he is the people's champ what a one of the mean if he wins as we see like he's taking this casually uncle Ronnie he's been on point tonight let me tell you all this talk and up until now he's been backing it up like you said the crowd is going absolutely nuts when he crosses the finish line he has looked on point tonight really happy I am personally really happy with how he's been riding but on the other hand we also got steak dog he has been on point we will have another great main event going on and yeah both of those guys have been on fire yeah he was signing some autographs for the fans earlier to keep himself cool it is going to be excited here in this exciting here in this final round and we're excited to hear you guys call as we throw it back to the boys in the booth Jason [Music] it has been an awesome show so far RJ but it's only gonna get better we got the finals coming up and who would have thought the two of the craziest characters in all of motocross Ronnie Mac and Jarrod stanky would eliminate big hitters like Ryan Villopoto and meet in the finals well and and as I said a lot of times you have a favorite your team that you want to win and who you think is gonna win and honestly it goes back and forth I think I want to vote to win and I think they both can win so honestly I can't wait to see the celebration of the winner yeah it's gonna be wild but can you pick a favorite between the two of them who you think would would come out on top of to stroke I think sank he's looking a little bit better a little smoother but every time I say that uncle Ronnie seems to pull it out he does that squidy style with with the back arched like a like a traffic cop and then he wheelies on the downside he makes up time so I'm gonna go with I'm gonna go with uncle Ronnie all right I'm right there with you and I'm gonna pick Mac around to go back to back and moose cam back to back Andy lights and open-class what are you thinking there well I'm thinking McElrath was faster he had a couple tenths quicker than the other riders and he's getting quicker as you said last year went faster and faster every time and I think McIlrath is a guy but Marvin is on point and as we heard in the past we got to make sure that it's more aggression out of Josh Hansen all right we're really excited though about this two-stroke final will what are you thinking with Ronnie Mac up against Jarrod's thank you well I see Jason hearing you guys talk I was like that doesn't seem like the obvious choice but I get to actually hang out with these guys here in between races and I'm gonna go with running back to and I did get to ask him I said Ronnie what are your chances of winning this race and he puts it at about 69 percent so I'm gonna go with those odds I'm gonna go with Ronnie oh all right we'll just say that that's more than 50% well there we go leave it there okay he sees himself with a slight advantage he's not lacking in confidence we know that the mental game is very important he's got that part figured out Tina what's happening down there well so you guys are all for Ronnie meadows I'm gonna I'm gonna mix it up a little bit and here's why I'm gonna go for Jared stinky because on his Instagram he really called out uncle Ronnie and ryan villopoto and he said hey you guys you forgot that I'm the only rider on the entry list that actively races a two-stroke so he's they're pretty quiet you know throughout the race and he's been putting it together so I'm going for Jared stinky not a bad pic no doubt about it this guy is the one that actually races these things we see the Ronnie back fans going crazy they've gotten exactly what they wanted this guy is quite a character off the track but he is a serious contender on it and to have these two what dynamic personalities of stank and Ronnie Mack that's really what the two-stroke class is all about it's a run what you brung type thing it's a newer bike for stanky because KTM still makes two strokes and updates them every couple of years Ronnie Mack is on a 1998 Honda the bike is nearly 20 years old but the way Red Bull Street rhythm works that doesn't really mean anything either one of these guys and either one of these machines are capable of getting it done this is it the two-stroke final stand that straight back to help get more traction as he gets a slight advantage coming in Mustang dogs oh no and he is jacked himself up I hope he's okay luckily he landed on a flat part of the course and not in the face of a jump and stay clearly heard that there is not another bike running so he is back to his pace down what I didn't like was was Ronnie Mac's left knee got hyper extended underneath the handle Barney was stuck in there you can see him wince and the pain and stuff I got so I ain't gonna take anything and what hay from staying dog he's a great job but let's see what happened to Ronnie Mac he's back up he is one tough hombre no doubt about it you see any of his videos he's crashed way worse than that correctly on purpose and huge round of applause and he's back up on the bike geez man well in a hit like that first because you're that the gravel you can see his right his right bit that bike is I can't even tell what was crash damage the thing wasn't perfect certainly to start taking another look and they come through there pretty much head pretty much even but as he comes down he gets a little bit short there throws the bull and then now throws him right into the next one and he goes down it's not a hard hit but watch the left knee as it gets extended there so he's gonna have some blood arms and stuff when this is over but we're taking another look at it there's he DJ drone shop yeah and it was the case that his foot came off the peg and that's what lost it for him but this is straight rhythm so it doesn't matter how much lose by but we see him walk we see him walking off so I don't know if his bike is broken or not yeah will he return for a runoff or has steak Jared stanky won the 2-stroke championship he's going to the ambulance and they don't okay long he's actually drinking water that's not something we often see him do keep an eye on his left foot as he comes down through here his foot comes off and then it throws him up up and over the bars and he goes down pretty hard doesn't seem to hit his head real hard but it does you can see a little bit of pain and also that the hyperextension on his left knee I guarantee that won't stop him from having a good time tonight the fans going to be flooding his pit area but is that the end of Ronnie Mack's dream run well they brought him back to the starting line so are they looking at his bike because it looked like he bent his front brake not that she's using much front brake here except on the start but he's heading back towards to start so he's given the people the the rock and roll quotes and he's wanting to come back well guys definitely tough we'll give him that Terrence tanki's wondering now what the situation is get a little drama here read both straight rhythm is its victory and advantage to stake or not take another one again watch the left foot watch as he comes off the step and weed hits right here the everything's looking good at this point but then boom right there the left left foot comes off throws him up and over the bars you can't hold on to the bike he's not balanced then down he goes I could have been a lot worse let's go to Tina trying to make some sense out of everything that's happening Tina what do we got well so I'm standing next to the sports director Eric Perrin art and he told me basically four rules if what person Falls like one of the racers falls it's just like stinky won that one race so if Ronnie Mack gets back on his bike he's okay the bikes okay that's how it is it's just like stinky won that one race and they can continue racing so if Ronnie macca wins race number two it could go to three so basically we're getting word now that Ronnie Mack wants a little bit of time but now he still wants to race so guys we could see another matchup between those two all right it's one to nothing but it not might not necessarily be over and one of the mechanics there from Ronnie Mac's crew from the woods of Oklahoma straightening that bike out the old-fashioned way we'll guys I'm here with Ronnie right now Ronnie you were full of confidence there before that and then we saw that incident talk us through what happened how you feeling now are you going to get back out there like I said before we're at a 69 percent chance of winning that one and you know what we just flopped over on the other side and that's what happens so wild horse I'm riding out there's ninety ninety eight fire-breathing CR sometimes you just spit you off how did you manage to survive a crash like that you seem like you just walked away as if it was nothing I've been doing a lot of perhaps today that probably helped I don't know about that guys but Ronnie is riding by loads of things his foot comes off the peg to walk you through it one more time and then down he goes trying to separate fact from fiction here he's just adding to the legend if he gets back up while science times she kicks you off and like I said her stuff is a he how do you know what's crash damage on that bike it was worse for wear as soon as he showed up here this weekend it was already banged up well the mechanics up there trying to straighten that front brake lever but seize up got one finger and they got we're down a little bit look at the gloves no fingers on the full hobo look on the gloves that is again there's nothing about this you would teach in a riding school no absolutely not but he makes it work and we've seen some riders with unorthodox riding styles in the past yeah yeah yeah and they make it work and they go very fast but Ronnie Mack uncle Ronnie puts it down like Noah he looks serious about this attempt to get back in it and you know the fans what answer they would like to hear they want to hear that he's going to give it a run he's going for the kick lever fired up is that mean we're ago we are a go and this could go to three this could go to three if he pulls this off this is moving the upset of the of the decade or of the century we had so little racing in that first one we really don't know he might be the faster guy we didn't get far enough down the track to really figure it out and if you're sneaking you don't really know either there's the race for the win in that particular round was over quickly Ronnie Mack has done it he's put back in the starting gate he's gonna get a shot listen to the crowd they are so behind this is awesome these people are pumped they legend well it's real now this is not just YouTube this is an Instagram he's racing he's going for the win [Music] he shot if anything the crash will meet loosen about the fire he's not believable [Music] crowd and make it work so it's thanking with a great job at this point when he's got to stay motivated running back losing a little bit but can he put it down when it comes to the Sam speed section here we go wide open snaky going for the win in the pink gear the distinctive overall look upon him back is the dream run over ten again imagine think he's going to take the win he is your champion of two-stroke Rowdy back in everything thank rationing a race of it was awesome and the fans they got everything they wanted to see with these two guys I guess you could call them two stroke specialist coming out on top right here at this point Ronnie Mack in the left lane see number 69 69 percent chance to win it and then here snakey as he jumps into the Gator pit slide advantage but look at how Ronnie Mack is able to put the traction down so great job by both of these guys yeah and snaky had to be feeling the pressure there because Ronnie Mack was right there but he stayed cool calm collected coming into the finish stank dog putting it down through the speed section Ronnie Matt looks like he makes up a little bit from the step on step off it's all stay off the tracks take no slaps either he's gonna celebrate this victory you know he's pumped up no oh the bike surveyed destroyed what difference does it make and he's not really acknowledging okay is gonna show look at this actual sportsmanship from Ronnie maca and shocked snake does ride a two-stroke all the time so I think that's why as a fan Tina let's sort this out yeah well the winner is durin stinky but I'd say both of you guys wanted away I mean he came back from that crash and then you just continue to be consistent how would you so much the fuzz how much fun you had in that ring not even just the rage the whole event this is an awesome event Red Bull put on a great great event first time here 10 grand to win so I had to do it you know I'm the two short guy and I was expected to win I believe other than Villopoto and Reed but I'm the two short guy Ronnie Mac's got the fans and what a better combination to have Ronnie Mac and sank dog in the final it was a great match up the two-stroke class I mean it brought so many big names out like you said Ryan Villopoto Chad Reed but you were claiming it early on yeah yesterday in practice I took off a few times next to Villopoto and he was pulling me a little bit you know I'm like I yeah I got to pick it up I got to pick it up sure enough picked it up and got the W you got the W and the wind congratulations a pair of teammates on the red bull Troy Lee designs KTM team Shane Mikkel wrath against Mitch Oldenburg Oldenburg is really an athlete fly through the sand that was one year ago Shane Makarov getting the victory and his back was against the wall earlier in the bracket last year and he found speed he found intensity did the same thing here now he's going in the finals against his young teammate Shawn Cantrell what are your picks the light spots Cantrell seems to be very enthusiastic yeah very young and very aggressive but but McElrath seems to get faster and faster as the races go on so I think these latter rounds are gonna go in his advantage but don't take anything away from that young line I think it we could go to three rounds wouldn't be surprised at all will has been patrolling the starting line area all night we'll what do you think it's coming up here in the Lites class well guys it's tough to bet against Shane McIlrath hasn't really given his success here last year but I'm thinking more from the pressure aspect he's got all the expectation on him and of course Cantrell really has absolutely nothing to lose him in this one I'm gonna go with the underdog alright going with the rookie we like that all right Tina prettier pics for our lifes final yeah I am actually gonna go with Shane McElrath and only because he's been hitting his marks he's been hitting his points and yeah he does have the pressure but he said to me earlier he's nervous but you know he can use that to his advantage and going into the finals he knows what he needs to do and so I think I'm gonna go with Shane all right we'll put a little pressure on Oh will everybody's picking Shane she might outsmart us all Sean Cantrell well as you said be very enthusiastic if you can get this victory a young kid coming out of California this would be huge for him he's just getting started in this game so if he were able to take this victory this would be big and here's some shenanigans down there on the track no surprise of this two-stroke celebration exactly don't watch here we go double goats what ghost-ride going on we gotta say this take the job so Brian Deegan has to be proud because he started that way back in the day yeah this is a whole nother level and burned out now blow that thing up and lifts into the fans come to life [Applause] [Music] let the PBR flow but what can you say the guy wrote awesome it was amazing like as much as we laugh at in this is so entertaining but this guy was a serious contender we've got eNOS out there what's happening do ya the ultimate showman by ronnie Mac uncle Ronnie what was it about this event that just I mean the fans loved you here but what was it about this event that made you just come out and race this two strokes all-out speed no corners big air what more can you ask for an event this is Ronnie Maps event these people here they're going nuts didn't love it throughout here having a good time celebrating two stroke like what it's all about you know it's a shame I didn't win but I knew the only thing that could have taken me down with my own motorcycle like I said this is like taming a wild horse it's the fastest but every now and she'll jump up and buy Chiefs don't watch out and that's what happens so I got to give the old girl she got me out there but sometimes the bike will be cheap well I'm guys I've been down here in the crowd and they absolutely loved uncle Ronnie how could you not so a great performance second place in the two-stroke class and your champion congratulations Richard stinky let's move to the Lites class we've got a final between the teammates Sean Cantrell and Shane McElrath both on the charlie designs Red Bull KTM s they are locked and loaded into the starting line area and so much uncharted territory for Cantrell who doesn't have any professional Supercross starts yet he will begin that journey after new years of 2018 will be his first full Supercross from but he certainly showed that he has raw talent but as a young rider Southern California officer the cross tracks what he's used to it's okay a little more enthusiastic on some of the stuff but it's McElrath with a slight advantage shift holeshot yes no McElrath here is the critical juncture different rhythms and Cantrell state side but their occasion lost about a quarter for my clique but now who's going to put it down and there was [Music] that was awesome the manual that McElrath did as he goes across the to step on step boss there was no stepping on stepping off he just we lead all the way down so keep an eye as he comes down through here now this is early on but McIlrath I'm sorry Kentrell makes up a little bit of ground but it's back rough that doesn't make a mistake he's very very clean throughout the run and it was close two or three spots in this track where Kentrell was making up ground you watch that manual on the back wheel the whole time and we saw some of the riders earlier we saw Brock tickle almost loop out there so very good balance for for McIlrath looking to go back to back and win this event two years in a row but he's going to have to beat Cantrell one more time because it's a best of three you've got to win two races let's see if can trial that number 43 can force his teammate into a third race and will has our finalists of the open class will Josh yes I do I'm you're about to go up against a guy who hasn't lost a single race here at Red Bull straight rhythm how does that feel are you feeling the pressure yeah I mean I want I would like to be the person to be the Dark Horse and make the half and I feel like it could possibly happen so I just got to thank everybody that helps are in between Ned up you know lunar pages and Suzuki for helping me and shift I'm looking forward to it I think I can win this thing go and enjoy it guys and it has been that type of night when you get Jared stanky and Ronnie Mack in the two-stroke finals it's kind of that upset special type at night so don't count Hansen out I've been to the open class and I got it I got to apologize to Jeremy marloth who came up with this idea that when he first said and I said I didn't like it but every year I come here and I'm more excited at the end of the race the fans they're all glued to the track they're not wandering around they want to see another instance upload and it is the finals of our Lions Clubs Panthro are the riders right that the blue trim back around the ship holeshot and believe not rat very clean on that star [Music] can't y'all making to come back in close but then Makarov just smooth all the way through Kent Roger said now with the advantage how many passes we see - that's tension but Kent child's done it he's going to try to force a third race runoff and he's pulling away my grandma's got an illness gets it done charged petrol beats Mac around and we're gonna have a third race hey Lou nobody buddy no teammate hey bro none of that well look I'm watching I'm coming after you love that I love the confidence of that young kid he as we said a little more enthusiasm went forward a little bit more but now that's the fine line we've heard Ken Roczen say a few times you got to be smoother not make a mistake so don't override and both heat and there's the final margin of victory at sea here one set of jumps backgrounds great mass did close in but it wasn't done Cantrell gets the win two-tenths of a second and yeah a little bit of talk to you here between the teammate and that was the fastest lights run that we've seen 39 oh wow will ya Barbie moose can yes I do Marvin is sitting here he's ready to go out and attempt to defend his title and perhaps take a third one Marvin we just spoke to Josh he seems confident he says he's out to win this thing in your foot from your perspective here is this about staying cool and mistake-free or have you got to go out an attack no for sure like you said you know staying cool and then be a mistake free I just be smooth and try to you know best run and I know Josh is a great Rider and I mean we're going straight and it's the derivative has to be perfect you know and it's really short so we never know thanks so much for having guys he seems confident yeah he's gotten a lot of experience in these pressure type situations last weekend it was with a million dollars on the line and he came through this time trying to win Red Bull straight rather than for the second straight year so much attention Marvin moose can but the full attention in this crowd right now on these two this is what you want out of the finals Rick Johnson you want these two guys to each win one and bring it back for a third race and I loved it wink and I looked over at him did the fingers in the eyes and said I'm coming after you back in and what I love so much about back or at these is that he's just okay let's go you want to go we'll go and here we have they're gonna slug it out it's all [Music] Shirley knocke a rapid blue trying to come back be perfect tricky and macaron and it pays off and gets in the lead but Cantrell had a trick up his sleeve the last time during this area Cantrell was faster through the middle but it was the quad we've heard so many people say you have to be smart is your champion Red Bull straight rhythm what a run he had to take from his teammate Petro even everything he had okay watch McIlrath on the left he goes for the quad you see Cantrell the asite only do the triple that was the difference but Cantrell works so hard and he scrubs really hard and we're a lot more enthusiasm in aggression it gets close but doesn't get it done yeah it was the single wall jump leading to the finish watch this he makes up a ton of ground look at the scrub his peg is in the ground blows his foot off the peg you can't scrub any harder than that yeah I'm sorry not even James Stewart scrub it harder than that when you're dragging the side of the bike in the ground you are pushing the limits of physics but even with that effort it wasn't enough McIlrath has won again and there's the celebration for him that's all a good fight between the teammates big lessons learned I'm sure for Cantrell that will pay off in his career in the future in Supercross and Tina has our winner he's down here saying man I was so nervous but let's talk about that quad because that was a defining moment for you walk us through that yeah they the run before that I am a hooked the quad before it a little bit and I had to sit into the last one and I clipped that one too and that's where he got me so I knew that those two were kind of my weak points but if I do it I'm supposed to do I can hit them good and the rest of the the track I felt really good on it's just just those little bitty things so Sean's a rookie this year for Supercross and he's come such a long way and just the whole team I mean praise God for for all this we're we're just so pumped to be here and we all got a good relationship bumper uh for Jordan II hurt his ankle earlier today but it feels good to have the TLT team up up on top yeah let's talk about you though you won this race it's it's one thing to win a race once but to come back the next year and win it and back up the win how is that it's it's tough to kind of psyche yourself up on the on the start line because I mean it's just such a fun race where we're all just having fun but in 40 seconds a lot can happen so it's so hard to really kind of anger yourself to get to go and to have intensity and hit everything perfect because like I said earlier um you can have a good run and lose so it's crazy thank you huge congratulations well Ken we saw incredible drama with stank dog and Ronny Mac and then we saw that great competition there between those teammates with with the rookie and McElrath what can we expect here in the open with muskan and Josh yeah we've had great finals already but the big open class finalists coming up I think the odds are for Marvin you know he's on an all-time high he has won a lot he's done really good lately he's super confident but man would it be good for Josh Hansen to win this I would be happy either way but if Josh Hansen could pull off this win it would be huge for him and I mean I think anybody would agree on that yeah so let's just wait and then see what happens all right I'm saying that we're gonna go to it's gonna go to three I'm not gonna pick a winner but I'm saying that it's gonna go to three something weird is gonna happen Jason and this is interesting as we set the scene for the finals with Johnson because Marvin has been virtually error-free but Hansen has been the next fastest guy so there's gonna be a little more pressure applied and that could maybe lead to that mistake which makes all the difference when you watch boxing or MMA they talk about the championship rounds and how a guy has to dig deep and that's what Josh Hansen needs to do he has the talent he has the speed but he has to dig deep and run at 100% if he thinks he's going to be Marvin Michigan Marvin runs so intense and as as we heard sigh Tom as we heard back around say to anchor yourself every time to get back on that starting line and get yourself fired up and that's what Marvin muskan does is that he seems like a very calm mild-mannered but then he puts the cape on and he becomes Superman when that gate drops alright so you want to make some picks here between these two I think just Marvin with the full full combination I got to go with him I love Josh Hansen for what he's doing and how hard he's worked and I love to even see in the condition I didn't see him breathing really hard he didn't look tired but if he can run the same intensity as Marvin he's got a good chance of beating him Marvin is just in such a zone right now it almost doesn't matter what track or who you're throwing up against him it's hard to think against Marvin so I'm gonna make that my pick will you've been taking the temperature of everything down there you got to talk to these two riders what do you think I've got some ground to make up hey Jason you know because 250 and so two-stroke and light but I got them both wrong so I've got some ground to make up here so I tend to agree with you it's tough to bet against Marvin really look at his performance hasn't lost a single race here at Red Bull Street rhythm so I'm gonna play this one safe and I'm gonna go with Marvin Musquin all right and Tina talking to the winners which rider do you think you'll be talking to as the winner of the open class well first of all I want to point out and hopefully I'm gonna be right on this call in the two-stroke I picked thinking he won in the lights I picked a shade McIlrath he's won so there's a lot of pressure on you yeah yes so I think I'm gonna go though for Josh I I just he seemed so confident even though he doesn't really you know act like it he is confident on that bike and I just think he can give Marvin a run for his money and that's my pick a big win for Josh Hansen and for Tina Dixon let's see how this works out is it be cool well last year was certainly awesome and let's show you what it looked like teammates Red Bull KTM flying Dungey your three-time and defending Supercross Champion but dare I say he might be the underdog ants barber new scanners been putting in the fastest times Duchess complimented by the side he continues to call manual sign tenets of Hellas pushing so hard and Brighton was doing great can he do it again and you might say well laughter he had to beat Ryan Dungey now he's only got to beat Josh Hanson Hanson beat Dungey in a run here last year Hansen and Dungey were very close on speed when they faced off at this event before Hansen is capable and once again and I'm not taking anything from from Josh Hansen but we're looking at the different partner in this gift he won his first Supercross this year and he and he gained so much confidence but as we as I said I will stand behind if Josh Hansen brings everything that he has he can't be part here it is your face [Music] and Marvin just out of the blocks like a missile to keep it even after that start and he's right there handsome actually a little bit quicker there Marvin sir Josh Hansen faster through the super-sized rhythm section in the middle got the DJI drone shot there oh and a little mistake from Hampton does all that work to close it he was closing the gap should lead us to a great battle in the second run and I happened to give it to moose kid when it comes to intensity watch Moo skin on the start he's very aggressive when he's on the ground he's ended very harder than Josh sorta gets a wake-up call and starts to make ground it sees front wheel down showing a lot of confidence and actually making time on Marvin at this point but then he makes a small mistake in quick cases when Co he's kind of reaching for it and then he doesn't quite get get what get over the top of the the Gator pit and now we take another look at this is the mistake as he comes off he cases there and that throws him off to the right that was all the difference at execution but as far as the raw speed Hansen had enough to keep the heat on moose Canada's the closest anyone has been not just win the event but he's got a perfect record he won the Lites class that the dick you of this event couple years ago he won the open class last year he has never even been beaten in a single run can he maintain that record or can Hansen force a third race what's not on the line here mu skin with a 38 oh that is blistering pace and actually he had won a little bit before but that right there is matching the best beats is the KTM brass Roger DeCoster on the right Ian Harrison on the Left those two call the shots over there for that team fill up the motorcycles having a good time that is the dynamic duo and I had the pleasure to work for Roger at Honda when he was working with Dave Arnold so I had a very similar dynamic of those two so when you did right now you're looking at the upper echelon and what people are trying to be like when it goes be team managers and running a flawless team but could the privateer Hansen on the Suzuki upset Marvin loose can here he has to win this or mu stem is once again your champion of redbull straight rhythm Hansen second-generation rider he raced against his dad the multi-time champion in his own right always known for the great style and talent it will it be enough to stop the buzzsaw that understand a much better starting to crashing out of Josh Hansen at the beginning so he's actually Adam barman at this point so it is not over in this small rhythm section enhancing specialty conceiving and make it work no this time the advantage through their the DJI drone the cap here showing here the roost and getting through to the dictation interface and still keep going but Marvin one mistake at this point has been nearly perfect get still moose can't able to edge away he can now see it a second straight victory in his sights flicker to celebrate and he's been doing a lot of those lately because there have been a lot of celebration next level Hansen he did what you said he needed to do he brought everything he had in that one yeah and he needs to hold us at his chin up as you watched both of them very very close but it was Marvin that was able to just the time on the ground is where Marvin made the time I don't think Josh could have jumped any faster or any better but when Marvin was on the ground he would see right there he would pull it by Klee pull a half a bike leg all these little times on the ground is what helped him out and here's Marvin's trademark finish line celebration the heel clicker I was kind of a pioneering move in the freestyle or evolution back in the 90s he's brought it all the way back we know tonight with the two stroke celebrations fans always like a little nod to the past and Marvin moose can in the present is becoming an unbeatable force and Tina has him yeah well a huge congratulations to Marvin yet again you just did it and you did it so consistently but there were times where Joshua's at keeping you close but how did you get it done yeah new judgments pretty fast I mean he's such a technical rider i scrub away too much a long time I mean my bike was completely sideways and I thought it was gonna go wrong but managed to put it off and yeah I mean there are some sections where you're like man I want to go faster but obviously it's hard and you have your completed or right next to you you can feel him but I didn't had a decent gap so I could breathe before that the finish actually it was not super tight so it was good but congrats to you know all the guys all the riders thanks the Red Bull for such a cool even and once again and I'm really happy to be the winner coming on huge congratulations what another great performance by you Marvin wow what an incredible night and you said it earlier he would have to be mistake-free racing for Josh but your overall your thoughts tonight overall obviously Red Bull gave us this great event I have a had a lot of fun out here the racing was great I sure wish I would have been out there but you know it was still fun watching I mean I'm around the corner anyway so I really enjoyed my time up here with you guys today and yeah Marvin obviously he wanted again back to back yeah congrats to him Josh rode really well and honestly Josh wasn't mistake-free and Marvin though too plus just a little bit faster but Marvin really hit his marks all day today so that ultimately is what got him the chairmanship here tonight well perhaps you can be the man next year that can put a dent in the fact that Marvin Musquin has never lost a race next year same time same place except you'll be down there correct I'll be right there alright thanks for watching guys the Red Bull Signature Series put straight rhythm in the spotlight on December 30th on NBC and next Friday on Red Bull TV from the biggest test in freeride mountain biking Red Bull live on rental TV that is Friday October 27th good night from the Fairplex here in Pune on behalf of our entire team including rec Ken Ronson joining us we will see you guys next time
Channel: Red Bull
Views: 706,884
Rating: 4.8460617 out of 5
Keywords: red bull, redbull, action sports, extreme sports, red bull motor sports, motorsports, motor sports, red bull straight rhythm, Red Bull Straight Rhythm 2017, red bull straight rhythm 2016, red bull straight rhythm highlights, red bull signature series, signature series, supercross, superx, straight rhythm, straight rhythm 2015, travis pastrana, redbull straight rhythm, red bull motorsports, josh hansen, colton haaker, alex ray, marvin musquin, shane mcelrath, ken roczen, motox
Id: ZNfs_Y1WgWI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 174min 23sec (10463 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 23 2017
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