I Had to SAVE MYSELF in 0.1 SECONDS! | Pikuniku

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let's go defeat some bosses [Music] kikuniku and as you can see I am this adorable little the flower guy with legs I can also change my color look at that how about purple purple flower I like it we have bosses to take down yes I would like details all right so first you have to go back to the village in the valley we'll meet you there I heard it's rain season down there so the giant robot might have stopped working it's the perfect time to get him angry just kick him to get his attention yeah okay that's always what I do I I just kick giant robots to make them mad be careful if he gets too close to you he might try to gulp you oh cool I might get eaten by a giant robot today let's do it I forget how to get out of here oh hey you're gonna talk to me hey I used some of the metal pieces I found to make something for you here take this whoa It's that icon that we kept seeing before and now we can do things with it I don't know what but we're gonna go do it maybe you'll be able to grow some flowers all right let's do some gardening is this the elevator this is the Subway or something I don't know I'm going back to the Village yes take me take me up thank you I'm a yellow flower now and I'm 100 okay with it all right the the squirrel I remember you okay you I don't want to bother you so I gotta travel all the way back to the Village I don't think this will take too long but it's it's quite the journey oh can we do something with this how do we how do I do I have to equip it oh I have to equip it okay I'm I'm a I'm a hose I love it okay so this is gonna give us access to uh to things that we didn't have access to before Oh my gosh dude that was brutal I'm guessing this will take me back what am I gonna do with this thing let's let's push the barrel I'm gonna press a button that's what I'm gonna do with it yes I'm so smart how do I swim okay that's how I swim I guess I've I've never really had to to swim in this game so this is all new to me man uh I need probably one of these These Nuts right you think I can just like pop up and and kind of knock it onto the surface maybe if I get a little bit more momentum this is not working this is not working at all I tried kicking it whoa that's a that's what I'm talking about we just need to kick it the other way yes there you go he's done it brilliant brilliant gaming what am I doing swing okay land on this little platform let's do some more swinging oh coins still don't know what the coins are really for I guess I've bought a few things along the way so they are valuable but I've always had enough I've never had to like go around and collect coins [Music] okay no I think I understand I need to get this red ball up to the purple button so in order to do that okay get it on top of this thing I need to get it like perfectly on top of this thing oh gosh it's stuck yeah this is not good wait there yes okay and then I press the button I didn't exactly think this all the way through oh I did think it through I'm brilliant okay now I just need to kick it the other way no no don't fall don't fall stay in the air stay in the air okay I've I failed miserably I'm very sad oh great I did this again this is gonna work I don't know if this is gonna work it it kind of worked it's a beautiful kick I just I have to kick it back the other way and that's what I'm having trouble with come on man why'd you kick it straight down maybe nope nope maybe if I like launch it in the air ah that was incredible all right I'll take that we did it we did it team let's go let's water a flower beautiful little platform love it oh yeah it's raining so so the robot should be not active that lightning was intense hello oh it's nice to see you come back the weather is not too good unfortunately but be careful when you walk okay I'll be super careful because you said so make it rain it's it's definitely raining not money but it's raining I love that all these guys have little umbrella hats now hey guy don't run under the rain the ground might be slippery really like is it a hazard to to be rolling around like this in the rain could be I guess I'm about to find out hey well I'm watering you why did I I just I don't want water you I want to talk to you oh he was standing on a flower all right ah you're here the robot is still here it shouldn't be too difficult to get him angry maybe a kick or two all right that's the plan I don't remember it's been a while okay we're about to fight a very big robot so I'm just gonna a little little kick it's not working or to kick him in the head oh yeah yep hostile action detected activating Pursuit mode I'm scared uh what is that there's a lightning gun hey can you hear us lead the robot all the way up here then we'll take care of him don't let him catch you [Music] uh that's a lot of stuff I gotta get through while a robot is chasing me just just saying I I am just gonna go I'm gonna bust open this door we're taking the the lower route I I hope this is the right choice to make I love that I can roll very fast that definitely makes me feel a little bit more capable of oh gosh oh okay nope nope we're fine just keep going bud just keep going hey um you might want to run for your life no oh gosh there was a little cave there I don't know if I should have tried to get in there but for now I'm just gonna keep going oh that's a cool little statue okay I'm leaving it's a spiky statue of me oh gosh wow let's try again we were probably I would say like halfway so that's pretty good just do what we did last time although I do kind of want to know like are there better paths that we kind of missed it might be worth trying I would like to dodge these clouds see what's going on down here oh there's a button press it yeah yeah oh no I don't know if this was faster this was definitely not faster he's getting real close I don't like that that dude's gonna get eaten for sure I'm gonna try to go in this cave okay I thought I was worried that was gonna be a dead end for a second then we'll go through the spiky statue room sure just get over the Rocks that's what killed us last time keep going bud and you gotta jump over those those little cracks and we're gonna spring up beautiful beautiful well executed Perfect Landing landed right on your ear which kind of probably hurts and we gotta dip down I'm gonna go go go go go go go go go swim faster man okay we're going into the tunnel perfect keep on rolling Bud keep on rolling so intense I think we did it okay just hide in here blast them blast them yes you're charged up here we go that was incredible we just vaporized a robot celebrate your Victory we did it again that's right thank you for helping me in my Village that zapper was a sweet idea the robot is definitely out of order now yeah I mean he was like in pieces yeah and you did a nice job luring him to it thank you it was it was no problem it was just you know my life at risk and you guys were just kind of standing there um this seems bad Intruder they found us the robots I thought we needed more protection for our base so I added an intrusion detection system what does it mean that we have an intruder yeah it shuts down the power oh hello [Applause] I need help what you can't answer other people's secret base like this sorry I'm just a worm it's true very true well what do you want we live in the old mine me and my family just under the lake usually we drink the water that falls from the ceiling but somehow the water stopped dripping hmm could it have something to do with Sunshine ink it sounds like it maybe we should go and check it out that would be nice of you well all right we'll go see what's wrong with it thanks I'll meet you there okay where's the lake what a strange creature that you're all strange including me why is he any different hey you should come see this oh no I don't know if this is gonna be a good thing or a bad thing oh is that how he got in there I don't know it must have collapsed during the alert look it's like an electrical room maybe we can fix the Metro can you go and have a look like fast travel dude let's go in buttons let's press them ah yes so now we have a complete line okay then then the puzzles get a little bit more complicated I see I need to be able to get two the green button that's step one so I need to hit that button there we go and then we flip the green button and then we just got to put the blue button back where it was and we're good oh wait I need to turn the orange yeah okay okay boom there it is puzzle complete genius level it's actually pretty easy okay they're definitely getting more complicated though okay the white one is in place but how am I gonna get to the green oh you know what like this yeah and then do I even need to flip the the blue button foreign oh wait no I thought for a second I was gonna be stuck but I'm good we've done it look at that look at that powered up good to go is that it is it fully powered did I do something good the power's back on we should be able to ride the Metro get on the subway let's go let's give this a go hey we can go to the lake now now that the Metro is working again you should be able to quickly go back to the mountain if you need to fast travel sweet okay so let's go to the lake that's where we need to go that's where the worm needs our help we're gonna do our job dang that Metro is fast it's a real shame no one got to use it hopefully that will change now that you fixed it the lake is straight ahead I can't wait to take a dip I don't think there's gonna be any water in it to be honest yeah it's uh is empty oh and there's a sunshine ink sign in the middle of it of course where is the lake where has the water gone yeah the sunshine ink did something let's go find that worm there's tumbleweeds rolling through this Lake now oh oh they built a dam no surprises here yep then he's just slurping up all that water so that's why the lake is all dried up the robots built a dam so they can suck up all the water it's worse than we expected hello there you are have you seen this yeah we figured it out what can we do to help you I don't know you should meet Mother first ooh mother the the mother worm makes sense where do you live we live in the old mine deep down under the lake you can access it by the elevator in the cabin you'll need the key though luckily I brought it with me oh no he didn't he didn't bring it with him did he he lost it okay of course he did I probably lost it while I was digging my way up here shouldn't be too far well time to dig really I gotta just start what pick Doug oh are you serious oh my gosh this is so good okay that I can't I can't get past that okay we're gonna keep going down we found some bones sure that's another skull okay I don't I hope that I don't find out why those bones are down here that that's probably gonna be pretty bad for for me um there's got to be a key right there's no key I thought for sure we were gonna find the key at this point okay we got we gotta go back up maybe maybe ah I found you sweet that was a fun little mini game what was that I feel old where's the wiggly boy I like that that's a good nickname all right let's go open up the cabin and head down the elevator oh a present [Music] it's a pig dog arcade that's awesome all right open up the door and down the elevator oh you found the key sorry about that follow me my whole family is down here they're not gonna eat me right we're not worms I guess we'll have to take the normal way go ahead we'll follow you all right what is this you think I can bust this open oh what a kick uh uh hello it's a rock it's a snail it's a dancing bug in a dancing snail and my my life is complete this dude's riding on my head can you not please oh oh that's not good all right well it looks like we're gonna be staying here for a while ah you think I can get in there no okay blast open this wall sweet okay I can go through here now that we've opened up that door simple enough there's another skull once again really don't want to know why that's here sure let's blow up this mine that's already collapsing we're good we're good everything's good all right we're still fine swinging well first I want to check down here okay can I kick these don't why would I kick an explosive Barrel that just seems like a terrible idea let's just drop down what are the oh oh I see okay so I need to use these barrels probably to press these buttons and open up these different pathways okay so I'm gonna just push you up there you go step one complete and then this should release the barrel yes and then I gotta time this because the barrel is gonna hit the button and I need to get on top of that before the barrel gets there okay it's gonna be kind of annoying oh maybe it'll just roll back it will yes perfect I don't care about those coins I kind of care about those coins I can't I can't get up there and I don't have strong enough legs to jump that high I'm just gonna oh okay I didn't realize that was a spring so this can spring me up here oh I could have used that spring to get those coins what is this why these are these are little people these look like the the money guy the Sunshine Inc guy but like Dark Shadows of him it's a little weird maybe I can just use these guys to climb oh I can use the mushrooms of course I forgot about that this is weird what is going on down here it's gonna push you guys off because I need to make this jump sorry about that oh hey are you lost um no oh good nobody comes here anymore the people from this town were actually very nice some time ago they started building a Metro which would have connected all the towns of the island everybody was delighted but as they dug closer to it the volcano woke up and engulfed the whole town I don't believe anybody survived the eruption well we have things to do I'll wait for you at the elevator let's blow up some Dynamite shall we that was awesome how can we make this elevator go down I need to press that button ah he's got it don't worry my dudes I got your backs love that little worm guy that worm is so weird and Wiggly never had a wiggly friend before wait do you remember that caterpillar you found Oh you mean Penelope yeah she was Wiggly we lost touch after she turned into a butterfly though it's been weeks I hope she's okay yeah probably I hope she's okay too all right he wants us to go this way I will go this way more Dynamite but this one's missing the lever okay we need to find a lever I can go through pipes Mario Style I love it hey the lever a Detonator let's do it blow up that wall well done what's this what have I discovered I guess I can open this seems like something that I need to do wait there was a button there's a button I need to go press that button okay it doesn't stay pressed so now I need to find something to put on that button I'm gonna kick open some walls because I'm awesome like that all right another wall to kick open oh there you go this should work yep yep okay okay okay chill chill get out of here okay now we can open this and now we should be able to get through there you go are you almost at the Village the little worm town up we go uh single coin cool kick it hmm all right we definitely need to press that button it's gonna launch me yep skulls oh we can use the skulls yes there you go a single skull does the trick there's still more though that's gonna get oh I see okay you think well first of all what's this little cave right here okay it's a barrel it's like an extra Barrel what do I need an extra barrel for do I need two barrels I might need two barrels so if I open this the barrel should fall down I just gotta like make sure that they yeah okay yeah okay okay then we'll drop down where are we trying to get these things okay it's gonna squeeze through oh they're they're stuck come on yes yes okay that's one I'm I might need the other one I don't actually know let's just continue I don't think we need the other one I'm just gonna blow up this wall all these explosions in this mine that's already kind of getting scary doesn't seem like a great idea but here we are doing it anyways hey we made it did we make it huh mother they're here gosh oh that's a big mama worm hi hello hi who are you I believe one of your children asked us to come and help you with a plumbing problem yes something to do with water we have to find Ernie one of Mama worm's children he was searching for another water source oh no let's go find him and then we'll take care of the the water situation I guess I'm I'm going deeper into the mines a present it's the worms I love it uh is this the little worm yeah seems to be drinking the the toxic sludge I guess I understand he was very thirsty but at the same time like don't drink the toxic sludge maybe I can oh hi okay yeah hi my name's Ernie despite my current look I'm a worm nice to meet you I was searching for water I found this beautiful green Fountain it looked delicious that's not Kool-Aid turned out it was not that good and now I want to get back to my mom but I can't move can you help me maybe I can like flatten him okay I'm gonna just wheeze them through here okay yep and then and then we'll we'll hit the button that should fling him up there we go hey how you feeling Ernie you you okay bud oh oh blow up this wall I guess don't worry Ernie that okay you're you're good man you're explosion proof I guess you look like a weird squishy lime oh more buttons okay [Music] oh this is very interesting okay yep yep yep and then and then we send them that way and then the app and then we'll send them up oh no Ernie oh you poor little squishy lime bud how do I get him up I need to get him up through that there we go there we go okay and then send him that way and he presses the button for me and then I press the button for both of us yes yes we're going up you're gonna be fine Ernie you're gonna be totally totally fine I promise probably I think I need to get to this red button but I'm getting beat up by this windmill okay here there yes well buddy what's up here coins I like coins I keep pushing Ernie up no no no no no no don't fall don't fall Ernie Ernie stop stop okay okay you're fine we're good we're good we're totally good we're absolutely great yes just gotta squeeze them through perfect it's an elevator you just get you on the elevator there you go yeah find the button I'll be right back I see a button oh I press the button I pressed it going up so happy he's such a happy little warm guy isn't he mama yes roll your way to your family he's definitely seen better days I don't know what we're gonna do about him looking like that wait why are you all green and round I found some green water and I drank it all it was very nice it wasn't very nice oh Ernie you Reckless worm at least you're safe this red thing held me we don't have water but at least the family is all here now I think your friends have something to tell you there in the back okay let's go talk to my weird Leaf buddies hey you're back we've discovered something worms are fascinating creatures fascinating Wiggly creatures I kind of agree oh what maybe we can get to the giant robot with the worms help all right let's use the power of of balloon worms to take out the robot and get these guys some water oh another present for me it's Ernie I love that little guy I do hope that he's okay though I don't think he's supposed to be green or that round um all right [Music] what what are you guys doing hey are you ready to fight the robot yes yes I am okay let's do this the robot is furious stay out of his shots oh and also don't fall yeah don't fall all right okay don't but like how do I can I deflect the shots maybe or maybe I just kick him nope that's not the answer what am I actually trying to do though like how do I oh thought maybe I could kick it that did not work can I jump on top of him no no I cannot we're gonna figure this out I'm just gonna wait I'm just gonna keep dodging that was cool oh he's leaving okay the robot is out of water he has to refill watch out we're moving okay we're moving with our balloon worms I love that we set up this whole thing to attack the robot with the balloon worms and maybe we can kick the straw you know maybe oh maybe we plugged the straw [Applause] okay he took some damage foreign [Music] Dodge more shots okay I can do that there the shots are definitely like his aim is moving faster which is scary no oh that was very close oh Dodge okay yep great I drop okay he's going for a swim again we'll plug up the straw as we do there you go plug it up take another hit there's robots going down absolutely going down I am a little scared though because he's shooting real fast chill chill poof the laser beam water is very scary oh that was way too close get out of there get out of there dodge again [Music] the laser beam okay refill time let's get him get in there get in there yes is he defeated he has been defeated oh no it's the money guy okay I've watched you for a long time this is too much you ruined all my robots enough get him boys oh okay we're getting taken away by the the king of the uh Sunshine Inc still not sure what his name is oops you got captured yeah oops and don't even think of escaping I'm watching you from the room next door hey my worm buddy though so huh sorry we didn't see this coming I dug my way through here I don't think anybody saw me but this place is crawling with robots we have to get you out of here I have an idea find a way to distract the robot I'll take care of the rest okay apparently we gotta break out of jail now [Music]
Channel: Kindly Keyin
Views: 991,009
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: kindly keyin, keyin, pikuniku, piku niku, all levels, full, iphone app, phone apps, iphone, funny apps, best apps, ipad app, ipad, free apps, free game, mobile game, mobile, pikuniku puzzle game, pikuniku game, pikuniku app, pikuniku gameplay, pikuniku new game, steam, draw
Id: uHD8l8FnHn0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 7sec (1747 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 03 2023
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