Brad Makes BA's Best Piña Coladas | From the Test Kitchen | Bon Appétit

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problem with meanie and pina coladas is that I got money a little kid I think it's just a slushy I drink four of them in 15 minutes and I'm hungover in a half an hour but you know you do it a couple times in the summer and it's worth it especially when you're earning you know you're on the beach all day it's hot you go home and go somewhere and get two little pina colada you know the charge Ana's story cost ten bucks make it at home pennies on the dollar [Music] hey guys today in the Test Kitchen I'm gonna be doing das beste pina colada one of my favorite drinks believe it or not perfect in the summertime you know you got that little tropical coconut you got a little bit of that you know the pineapple you got a little rum a little bit of lime juice this is a recipe I made I really enjoy it so let's make it together huh song I never heard of a song about pina coladas anyway so yeah you want to go find a nice ripe pineapple and if you can't find a ripe one let it sit out and on the counter for a little bit you want to get a little soft a little fragrant some people I get they go like pulling the some of these inner leaves out and if they release easily it's right for whatever but I just like to go by smell in touch so we need half of this so I like to take the top off cutting out as much as the eyes and stuff they like to call those little things eyes not really quite sure why because you don't want any of that nasty stuff in your drink this is nice you can tell it's nice and juicy you want something that's you know almost a little overripe so the sugars are real present and that's where all that big pineapple flavor is going to come from so then we'll take the core out I just like to have it little corridor it you can just cut that out and then I just like to cut it into little chunks small little bite-sized chunks like that we're going to throw it in a ziplock bag and freeze it until it's completely you know frozen solid so we want it to be a frozen drink and why it might as well freeze this and it's just gonna add to that nice consistency you want in the pina colada so we'll throw this into the bag and we'll pop that in the freezer this would be something to be nice to do like the day ahead so we'll pop that in the freezer come back probably about three hours Oh three hours later perfect Rosen okay we have these Vitamix blenders very nice I like to use something that has a little bit of power to it you know cuz I'm going to be blending up ice frozen pineapple so first thing I'll add is the frozen pineapple and then here this is that Coco Lopez and it's kind of just like a real sweet coconut I'm not quite sure what it is but it's very it's like a coconut syrup secret ingredient Coco Lopez you can find it in like just general bad supermarkets or a good old Jeff base no so sell to you pour that right in but a little white rum in there this is one cup it works it's a good measurement if you wanted to add a little more or knock yourself out a little less or just no booze if you want to make where they call him virgin pina coladas take out the booze and you can still have a good time you know y'all need booze have a good time you just need a nice frosty drink maybe a little booze this is unsweetened coconut milk that's a nice little touch - gives it a little bit of a little bit of creaminess a little extra coconut flavor because the pineapple is pretty dominant so the Coco Lopez and the coconut milk really really makes a nice combo and then I like that a little bit of lime juice this is two tablespoons and that just brightens everything up helped all those flavors pop cool so we got that I'm gonna add ice we're gonna blend this up it's gonna go all out in here Oh Vitamix if you ever happened to see this video I will have any more of the top so I got to use this little glass jar can we just get some tops all right here we go you ready let me give it a little stir you don't want to go blend in it too long because as you're blending you're also creating a lot of friction and it's gonna heat it up and you know it is a frozen beverage after all I'm gonna give it a little stir Easter here you see it's got a nice little frozen consistency sometimes you know I know this says be its best but sometimes run on the little twang I like to throw a little half up or even a quarter of a frozen banana in there gives it a nice thickness and a little little more roundness to it and then I like to add sometimes just a little bit of fresh mint and it gets like a little speckling minty oh it's nice but we're going to stay classic today so once that's all mixed up we'll give it one more little blend so it's got like a decent little texture to it right now you know like I don't look too bad right what I like to do is you take the whole blender put the top back on it and I like to just pop it in the freezer all right get you get your glasses ready pop that thing back on the blender oh so we had this in the freezer for about 25 35 minutes and it starts to set up a little bit keeps it real nice and cold it'll help with the consistency of it I like to give it a quick little quick little judge in the blender nothing crazy just to just to reconstitute everything now it should be nice and frothy nice and frozen drinkie then we got these nice little glasses all right you can use whatever you want we got these cool little Tiki glasses a pint glass these little cute guys these will work just fine slice up a couple limes real quick all right nice and froth nice consistency there oh that's the stuff and I like to do a little little dark rum float or on the top just a little extra little pal yeah you know if you're at a bar you can ask for that they'll charge you but you know yeah sometimes it's worth it look at oh little cherry on there look I got a little dark rum here we're getting saucy and I'll do another little blop of that oh that's it little straw okay you know they just don't make these things like they used to let's got this one's a dollar store Tommy alright good it's good enough boom huh keep your drink in the shade everyone's happy and you don't have to do the dark rum floater you know you can just go to dish oh yeah that's it well cherry all right my little red straw so we know who's who oh mama hey Molly and ei don't go running you guys want a pina colada hey where you going all right yeah look at this look this one's for you oh look this one's for you come on yeah you know what be a spaz we think it really tasted okay Lopez all right you know I'll take that as a compliment who is he sends me you want to drink that in like five minutes okay but they're good and it's you know a fun times in the summer thought these guys are cool Gabby pina colada oh jeez where's are these people in there sips yeah I made this one just for you I have to be working let's see now it's been sitting out for a few so it could be what it should be a little more frozen all right mmm you like it gonna take your bye okay bye-bye guess I'll drink all these cool like I said you can do freeze your fruit you know your pineapple ahead of time and just he'll invite some friends over have some fun it's a great you know everyone loves a pina colada especially you know it captures the summer so before it's too late really no August my favorite month of the summer especially here in the East Coast enjoy it make some pina coladas have fun Bon Appetit Cheers Tommy you're talking before about that you know what say everyone knows that pina colada song but a little fun fact very over I was an English guy Rupert Rupert Holmes okay he wrote it and you like pina colada you know he was trying to cheat on his wife huh see what alcohol do folks and take day
Channel: Bon Appétit
Views: 2,679,663
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: brad, brad leone, test kitchen, from the test kitchen, pina colada, brad makes, brad makes pina colada, bon appetit brad, piña colada recipe, best piña colada, easy piña colada, how to make piña colada, how to make piña coladas, making piña coladas, pina colada cocktail, pina colada cocktail recipe, virgin piña colada recipe, how to make pina colada, pina colada recipe, making pina colada, easy pina colada recipe, colada, food, bon appetit
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 4sec (484 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 10 2018
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