RECREATING Food from Genshin Impact

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what are we doing today why am i in my kitchen well that is a very good question not that peanut and butter sandwich spread this out nice you said that when you think about food and gentian impact what comes to mind throw some answers who said no not paiment no emergency food i see shang ling timmy's pigeons no most of you guys would say you know changling or maybe uh isn't there that that guy smiley and the uh punch you in or something all these answers incorrect when you think of gentian impact and cooking the number one thing that comes to mind is actually me i am the first five-star chef in genji impact and today i'm going to show you how to recreate some of the top tier foods in genji impact we are going to make jade parcels and what is the name of sakura mochi from innozuma yes we we're going all over to that today how we jump right into it why are you guys scared i don't i don't understand what are you scared for so with jade parcels you have the ingredients we have romanian lettuce with a nice ground pork i'm not going to start fire you have romanian lettuce praying for that kitchen guys the kitchen is fine we have to get started with the broth of course how do we do that here we go we're going to use this pot right here and in this pot we're gonna add olive oil uh six to eight quarts how much is that anybody know how much how much olive oil is six to eight quarts is that enough look at this dude so we're gonna heat this in oil over high heat but that's not all we're gonna add we're gonna add some more there's gonna be ginger and garlic and we're gonna stir-fry that if you take a look over here i have pre-prepared the ingredients this is uh ginger and garlic minced together uh you have a little star and or looking very fine afr and 10 out of 10 props not for long though he might die i am not gonna die you guys [Music] ah all right here i'll take it over to you guys you see this is cooking beautifully that's not burnt right anybody know how to cook that's fine right uh we're gonna add the spicy bean paste paste hello where's the bean based how much how much my garlic is burning on the stove one teaspoon teaspoon are you [Music] we prepared the chicken broth right here if you can see this yep your fire on the stove is still on [Applause] yeah that's fine um if you can see this broth right here yeah this is this is the broth i'm gonna add some soy sauce now it says two teaspoons [Music] and now we're going to boil this for half an hour first part step one done um we survived we survived you want me to taste it right now okay if you guys really want me to taste it [Music] hey here's your first look this [Music] no way this is inedible right [Music] yeah it's fine it's fine guys next of course comes the filling so what are we gonna do for this boy what the hell boy in this bowl in this bowl okay do you guys see this we have 1 4 pound of ground pork we're gonna add the shrimp in we have to cut the shrimp of course so we have our knife here we are going to where we start you know let's just yeah let's just let's just go for it okay so and take this [Music] why do you look so scared while cutting shrimp it's already dead chill you got to be careful okay yeah you guys want to know where i got most of my cooking skills from it was actually a huge shout out to cooking mama on the nintendo ds i used to play that all the time as a kid and i think that's where my passion for cooking really stemmed from so a big shout out to cooking mama you are the true mvp all right let's just i think the shrimp needs to be minced so that it can incorporate with the pork [Music] it's minced enough it's minced enough okay i'm just gonna toss that in there bro that's not mince those are literal chunks that's what i was going for someone give you permission to use the kitchen what is happening there's too much going on i'm gonna mince this garlic clove first watch carefully [Music] let's just mince this real quick here we go [Music] you're holding ginger not garlic yeah that's what i meant to say uh now we're gonna take this ginger take the fresh cutting board we're gonna mince this as well okay please be careful of your precious little fingers and you need them for genshin and osu my fingers are fine we're gonna add a tablespoon of vegetable oil okay we got a tablespoon all right there's our tablespoon teaspoon of soy sauce um and then we're gonna add one tablespoon of oyster sauce here we go that is a lot okay you know what that's fine and i believe we should be almost done here um i just got to add these scallions right here [Music] bang you see this right water chestnut do i have to cut these as well oh i can look at that my food's not burning right okay we're gonna we're gonna mix it up stir it thoroughly oh my gosh should i just use my hands later quite miraculously uh gloves have appeared on the counter so i'm gonna use these to uh mix up the bowl mix everything up here doesn't that look delicious to you how are we gonna wrap it that's a great question let's put this to the side for now to wrap this we're going to use romanian lettuce and green onion we're going to take some freshly pre-boiled water see this we're going to take our romanian lettuce and we're going to we're going to plunge it in here okay get ready punch that in there take your chopsticks boom [Music] once it's softened up a bit yeah yeah once it's once it's softened up a bit we should be good to go drink the leaf water drink the what now lettuce water is actually equivalent to copium it's scientifically proven this isn't copium though this is a good meal if you drink the lettuce water you'll have good luck with the artifacts that is complete i have you subs drink it how many subs are we talking about no i'm not drinking no you see this green onion take your filling i'm gonna wrap it this is this is where it gets fun guys this is where it gets fun how much filling do you think i need i think that seems like enough now just take this and watch closely [Music] there's a giant hole on the bottom it's ripping now you're gonna tie it up into a nice neat little knot and that lettuce wrap looks like your hair i don't know what that means [Music] and we might have something y'all ant does not have cake what are you on [Music] even if he don't have cake those shoulders though wide enough to open an airport nice stop it get some help the last step is we're gonna steam these okay okay they are steaming right now we're gonna we're gonna steam those for 20 minutes okay chat so one oh right turn on the stove that's a that's a good idea i would never forget to turn on the stove 20 minutes later okay i'm gonna take the jade parcels out okay and take the j parcel oh look at that all right i have a little dish here witness the greatest plating of your lives dude there's so much soup there's look at how much soup there is there's so much there's so much soup [Music] okay i don't know what i'm gonna do with the rest of it and now the final step for the jade parcels oh shoot [Music] hey it actually doesn't look that bad look at this look at that i am actually kind of proud uh let's place this off to the side while we get our gonna be bitter af thanks garlic no we are going to make sakura mochi i have our handy dandy a measuring scale here all right rice flour so real you are cooking more here than in the actual game you are not incorrect about that don't use food in the game by the way are you guys sure i'm allowed to be under the genji impact category let me see yo we're number three bro it might be a lil soos so just throw up some gentian photos on your stream you know you're totally right let's just uh grab this perfect uh over here good thing i took uh chemistry i know how to use this now we're just going to measure out 100 rams this is in grams right a keyboard i should have gotten a bigger bowl wait why didn't i just use this i'm throwing 500 milliliters of water how much is 500 milliliters help which is 500 ml um math math 2.11 cups [Music] all right and we are now going to yeah we're going to stir it we're going to stir it 180 grams of plain flour all right we have plain flour here wait this is this works right i i can do this wait can you do this [Music] because it gets wet right okay you know what this this i'm using way too many bowls guys come on 180 grams this is a lot of flour are you sure i mean of course i'm sure okay beautiful let's just bang let's keep stirring whisk it yeah i don't want to get a whisk out because then i have to wash it all right and to this we add 140 grams of sugar dude this is so much sugar i'm gonna take this down to 110 grams add this in [Music] jesus okay our mixture is complete so what we're gonna do oh wait [Music] i'm gonna stain my hands [Music] where did my coloring go bro all that's left to do is just imagine that it's pink okay just use your imagination why does the color just disappear lmao i don't know man i don't know oh god make mistake oh my god i wish you guys could see this this looks pretty pink right no no no no okay that's fine that's part of my plan that was calculated how are we going to turn this into saga mochi that's a great question i have picked some fresh cherry pickle leaves i totally did not get these delivered uh got them got them straight from uh from the tree yeah i didn't know the tree came with the plastic don't worry about it it's very special tree you wouldn't understand we have our leaf here what are we gonna do next well none other than mochi yes take our that is so hot okay get your red bean filling don't worry about what this looks like okay then final step here we go one out of two okay let's do the second one boom and we are finished ladies and gentlemen can i get a massive round of applause jade parcels on the right you can see uh sakura mochi we have successfully completed our two dishes for the day you understand i'm i'm sweating i'm sweating right now taste test is this edible [Music] they actually look so good ngl final conclusion on the jade parcels i am pleasantly surprised actually no i had full faith in my abilities good job auntie i knew i knew how these would turn out for effort you now have an attack boost go fight something rip toilet tomorrow our second dish the sakura mochi [Music] i hope this is edible okay we're gonna we're gonna give it a shot it is supposed to be soccer mochi it looks more like a pancake with the leaf but first bite [Music] it tastes like a pancake but with red bean filling isn't that crazy that blows my mind oh my god tastes like a pancake but with red bean filling that oh wow that was a leaf you know overall it's still it's still off it's not bad i do prefer it without the leaf if that's what you're into you know slap that leaf on go go outside you know take a leaf off the tree and just throw it on there and delicacy they call it a delicacy i think overall i rate this uh completion quality of cooking six out of ten i think i ruined the kitchen and i need to clean all the dishes tonight but oh wait you guys want my mom to try one of these parcels um mom do you wanna do you wanna try one of these i think she said no oh wait authentic review from my mom there you go what yes it's edible i think that is a success she said it's good you guys heard her thank you mom thank you mom she said she said it's good she said it's good ask your mom if you should cook for the whole house xd never no i can tell you the answer no it's no if you are watching this on youtube i hope you had a wonderful time uh experiencing the pains of cooking with me if you want me to cook more in the future it's probably not going to happen but you could always try forward slash anthony chen bring all these beautiful wonderful people here if you made it this far please consider subscribing liking the video it helps me out a ton stay safe i'll catch you guys next time peace i was i was exaggerating okay the leaf isn't as bad as i say it was like it's a leaf but it has flavor it like the saltiness it contrasts with the sweet bean filling on the inside
Channel: antonychenn
Views: 1,303,516
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: MLYq68fAye0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 26sec (986 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 28 2021
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