"are you guys actually related?"

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[Music] genuine question do you guys actually think otsu and i are cousins [Applause] no you don't come on now why okay well i'll tell you right now we yeah we actually are cousins i can make a family tree for you we'll call this the uh scamily free mf pulled up with the paint that's how y'all know he lying what are you talking so of course it starts off with uh grand paris yeah yeah grand grandparents so grandpa was a very handsome man uh where do you guys think we got you know our dashing looks from so yeah his name's not important you can just call him uh mr mr x yes and then we have uh grandma as well so it all started when uh grandpa and grandma met and they fell in love pretty typical story but we can call her uh unknown why yes so and they had three children actually they are of course our parents i'll start with otsu's side his father was [Music] this was his father atu's father was a very hard working man he uh spent lots of time with his family he put in a lot of work uh anyways his mother who was his mother you may be asking well and they had none other than mr otsu here beautiful young baby boy 52 years ago at this point this is incest what [Music] oh my god hey yo you didn't see that this is not incest okay trust me we are a normal family yeah they're not siblings they're not they're not wings okay yeah uh his mother comes from a uh separate family branch you can uh yeah over here from this way okay now what about my parents so when uh mr x and mrs y uh when they met they had a second son actually they had a second son it was none other than my father can you guys see the resemblance i think my looks do take after him a little bit you can see the uh i think the hair is a telltale trait of my lineage but yeah who is my mother you may be asking so it turns out uh atu's mother had a twin sister they're not not the same and you know they they met completely separately there was a third son this was a family of three sons the third uh somewhat forgotten son well yeah it was it was none other than a mr fobmaster he he's part of this family tree as well and he married a wonderful lady and there you have it that is the second generation that is the second generation okay oh right i came i came from this part all right i look a little ugly in this picture but just don't mind uh yeah don't don't mind me okay and this is this is me in in the family tree this is how otsu and i are related we are cousins in fact actually the family tree isn't actually done if you guys wanted to see the full version we actually do have a so we're actually all cousins and uh you may or may not know dish um she is uh just a cool aunt who stopped by one thanksgiving uh we just consider her part of the family now just the cool aunt on the side you know who travels and stuff i think this is the complete family tree the scamly trio we like to call it yeah you can you can go verify with any of them uh they will 100 back me up on this so yeah andrew andrews like a childhood friend okay uh we didn't we didn't want to drag him into this a very dysfunctional family is any it then it's like that uncle who comes in every once in a while but no one now she knows what he's doing he's a godfather he's a god he he's like a cloud in this he's our guardian angel yeah so this is this is bob he's he's the guardian angel we can we can even give him a little halo and he he just watches down um upon the whole family tree you know just just to make sure everything is all right and there's uh nothing nothing strange going on is he dead what what's up autumn my favorite cousin i was i was just i was just talking about you otsu the people wanted to know if we were related and i had to uh i had to show them our family tree so uh don't you remember uh the family tree from our family that we descend from you don't okay you know maybe maybe i need to jog your memory a bit let me let me refresh this for you okay yeah so this is our this is our family tree does this bring any bells it's called the scamily tree of course you know our grandparents uh mr x and mrs y here we're not comfortable with releasing their names out to the public they had uh three beautiful young boys uh did otsu leave did i scare him away i think he left oh he's still here so you know grandma and grandpa we say hi to them all the time for the annual family gathering and then uh uh these are your parents right otsu they had you they had yuatsu um and of course you know my parents uh were good friends with your parents no these are not actually the same people these are twin sisters you gotta remember that twin sisters your mother and my mother actually twins and they descended from some other family tree and they had me you know our grandparents had a third little more forgotten about boy but over here he married a uh body pillow and somehow uh this dude came out of it and so yeah he's also our cousin then we have a cool traveling aunt who occasionally comes in on this site and then we have our guardian angel of the family uh mr blop in the sky yes so if we could just get a confirmation of this family tree i think the people would be satisfied i think i got everything right right too we can we can keep all this information to ourselves right we don't need to spread this outside of this stream you know this family tree is a secret between uh you guys and me so
Channel: antonychenn
Views: 686,544
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 0dUTZgwXRrk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 42sec (342 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 31 2021
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