So I Lost a Bet...

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welcome back youtube uh how you guys doing i'm not doing very well today is a very unfortunate day it is a very very sad day for me because i lost the bet as many of you may know from a video i posted a few weeks ago i actually made a bet with none other than toronto while we were pulling for the jade cutter the bet was whoever got the jade cutter first would not have to cosplay chichi for halloween unfortunately uh i was not the one who got the jade cutter first and i now have to cosplay chi-chi for halloween it is actually november 2nd on the day that i'm recording this uh it is not halloween was not in town to stream that day but uh i am a man of my word and today i will be unboxing reviewing and trying on a chichi cosplay go me wow i'm so excited anyways let's get into it let's get this over as soon as quickly as possible so uh about a month ago i ordered this cosplay here uh it arrived actually last week uh it came in this box i have not actually i have opened it already just to make sure it was in there but i have not seen the actual outfit so i'm not sure how you know how it's gonna go first look into the chichi cosplay a chichi cosplay it comes in this nice rectangular box i can see another box inside of it and i believe i see the outfit underneath it yep all right let's see what we got box number one and the actual outfit right here so it comes nice and sealed inside of this uh plastic bag if you can see uh it's probably mirrored for you but this is an xl i'm assuming this this like cosplay is meant for little children so i just i just bought the largest size i could okay but before that let me let me see what's inside this box i see the outfit are there like accessories does chichi have any accessories oh it's her necklace just kidding this is this is a necklace apparently i i don't know they look like they're they're literally balls bro all right i guess there's there's nothing there's nothing else i can stall with here uh i guess we're just gonna have to jump right into it cosplay review time let's get it so this cosplay cost me about just a little over a hundred dollars i got it from amazon i literally just searched up like chichi cosplay and then i bought the first one that came up and this is it i got it in extra large in case any of you were trying to get it for yourselves i'm gonna open the main body i'm assuming okay this is probably the outfit right this is the costume okay a nice uh fabric i guess uh first of all we have what is this i don't know but you can see like some wings on the back too i guess that's pretty sick i think this is a tunic you can see like the little thing on top too here oh man last but not least these are some giant shorts bro this is not gonna fit me ah here we go although i'm already wearing shorts so i don't know how this is gonna work [Music] okay better than expected uh what's next [Music] okay it's it's there's no way this is zipping up there is absolutely no way i am i am not zipping up the back and i am not going out to ask someone to zip this up for me it's not happening last part of this i hope this fits this looks rather it might be too big for this dude you see this how are you supposed to how are you supposed to hit how are you supposed to fit your head through this thing okay if it breaks it breaks [Music] all right we might are there buttons on this i hope are there i see no buttons oh okay i see i see ah okay so they included like these little uh strap things that makes a lot more sense than trying to shrink your head and fit it through this hole perfect [Music] um okay so i think she has a necklace right this is what this is which way does this go i need a i need a picture of chichi okay actually this is a pretty decent cosplay for a hundred bucks you actually get a lot and a ton of the accessories as well like they actually paid a lot uh i take it back this thing just broke in front of me the final creation i present to you my chichi cosplay [Music] my final conclusions on this cosplay uh i think it was just over a hundred dollars for a hundred bucks you get everything that's i don't know that chichi has plus accessories very nice it's also very accurate so would i buy this again do i really need it no i no i would i would not buy this again quality wise not bad i rate it a seven out of ten you know could be better but for a hundred bucks this is what you get but yeah that is that is the conclusion to my chichi cosplay oh wait accuracy i forgot i forgot accuracy accuracy is also a big part of this okay here editor put put put a picture of chi chi uh side by side comparison okay however this is not the end because there is a reason i am dressed up as chichi today today is the day that who tau's banner has also dropped show jake oh my god do you really want me to that was that was not in the terms i did not agree to this why do i have should i send him a selfie [Music] okay he's busy but don't worry i sent him a picture anyways there is a wait let me see what he said i hate myself anyways there is indeed a reason oh why i am dressed up as chi chi today um it is hutao's rerun banner everyone knows the number one way to obtain who tower right everyone knows what the number one way to obtain who tao is you gotta dress up as chi chi if i am dressed up as chi chi hutao will come home this is a foolproof plan there is no way i don't get hutao here so that is right i will now prove it to you and i will be rolling for hutao in a freaking chichi cosplay oh my god okay here we go boom hutao we have 290 okay that's still not enough for two we have 292 primo gems and five fates nine ten we have a temple [Music] no way no way no way no way this is 20 28 pity this is 28 pity [Music] no i skipped it oh let's go no i accidentally skipped let's go first 10 pull first multi at least all my pain and suffering and humiliation isn't for nothing now the question is do we go for the staff of houma pity check uh not good but who knows with the power of chichi on her side anything is possible okay maybe not don't need you 23 no luck i mean razor oh my god i really didn't want to have to do this [Music] how much is this [Music] not enough apparently i'm actually so stressed right now i'm so stressed i am literally sitting in a chichi cosplay and pulling for gotcha please [Music] i'm so upset right now [Music] great fortune we got hutao in one tentpole [Music] hit me [Music] oh [Music] rosario [Music] please no [Music] [Music] um i'm actually not gonna go out into the hallway oh my god put that put that thing away from get that thing away from me dish i don't know no stop no stay away i don't want to steal your staphylocoma and your c 2 hutao i just need to be alone see three what kind of [Music] anyways if you're watching this on youtube thank you for sticking around and uh suffering with me it's been quite the experience i hope you guys enjoyed unfortunately we weren't that lucky today uh um okay just kidding uh it's not done it's not over it's not over it's not over wait just wait for the notification [Music] we're getting close we're getting there we're getting there we're getting there wait wait vera thank you for the fifty dollars oh my god and another fifty after that and then yui thank you for the twenty dollars wait where is it almost there oh my god thank you for another fifty dollars and then evie thank you for 300 after that [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] please [Applause] [Music] it might not have been early and it might not have been pretty either but in the end we got there and that's all that matters if you are watching this on youtube thank you so much for making it to the end of this very very cursed video i really hope you guys enjoyed and thank you for 600 000 subscribers on youtube i think we just passed 600k a few days ago so seriously thank you for watching my videos thank you for enjoying them and if you want to watch them live on twitch you know before and you know catch the content early uh because i don't know uh spoiler alert it does take some time to edit videos i can't just you know automatically upload them to youtube and it just miraculously edits themselves yeah it does take time so if you want to join us live forward slash anthony chen also if you have not subscribed yet please do consider subscribing it's free you can always change your mind you should definitely do it because i work i mean i'm come on i'm literally i'm literally in a chichi cosplay asking you to subscribe please subscribe once again thank you so much for making it to the end i really do appreciate you guys and thank you so much for all the support you guys are amazing and i will catch you in the next video thanks for watching [Music] you
Channel: antonychenn
Views: 895,655
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 58pVyZlCdPU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 15sec (855 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 09 2021
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