Recover Your Life | Pastor Chris Durso

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Thank You team I'm so excited that I get to preach to you on this first gathering of Saints Church anybody excited for the word tonight man we got so many extra people in the room more than we expected we got we got 50 or something 75 people sitting along this wall we got we got the preaching corner over here which is which is if I start tanking you just shout me down I'll do better okay just thank you Dre Thank You Jerry we got the choir next door watching on a television we still have people standing I just doesn't it feel good to be in the house of the Lord together Maness it's amazing it's amazing I want to open up by reading to you from the book of Matthew Matthew chapter 11 and then I'm gonna skip on over to the Book of Luke the seventh chapter but can I just preface this moment by saying how excited I am for this 21 day fast man I am so excited for everything that God is gonna do and what he's gonna say to us how he's gonna speak to us do you know that the team the team has put on our website Saints Church calm doesn't that sound good Saints Church calm you could go there and we actually have a Bible reading plan where you get to read the whole Bible in 365 days that's made available to you now but to go along with this 21 day fast we're actually starting a series this Sunday and I'll be kicking it off with the series titled getting clear and I'm telling you I'm I'm so excited that I get to preach to you and what God is gonna talk to us about fasting cuz what what I love about fasting is that I'm turning away my desire so I could hear the voice of God nothing makes my life better or clearer when I get to hear the voice of God amen but that's Sunday that's Sunday so I want you Matthew 11 Matthew 11 Matthew 11 verse 28 i'ma read from the message translation and then I'm gonna skip on over to Luke 7 starting at verse 36 and then i'ma read there from the New King James Version I know two translations and one nights crazy okay Matthew 11:28 Jesus says are you tired worn out burnout on religion some of you may have recognized this verse as I said the other way come to me all ye that are weary and burdened or heavy laden says are you tired or worn out burn out on religion come to me listen to this get away with me and you'll recover your life I'll show you how to take a real rest walk with me and a work with me watch how I do it Lunn learn the unforced rhythms of grace how beautiful is that learn learn the unforced rhythms of grace I won't lay anything heavy or ill-fitting on you keep company with me and you'll learn to live freely and lightly you'll learn to live freely and lightly come on after all that holiday eating you want to learn how to live lightly am i right but when I was reading when I was reading this verse the part that really jumped out to me where I felt the Holy Spirit said you got a you got to share this verse with them tonight was where he says you'll recover your life you'll recover your life you'll recover your life you you'll recover what you once possess but possibly lost you'll recover your life I don't know how bad 2019 was to you I don't know how bad 2018 or the years prior word to you but the word of the Lord for you on this day as we kick off this new decade you will recover your life you will recover what was stolen from you you will recover you once had peace you're about to recover peace you once had joy you're about to recover enjoy you you once had a happiness you're about to get it back can anybody just praise God in faith and an expectation you're about to recover you're gonna recover your your life I know it was stolen from you but it's okay you're about to recover it you know what I love about recovery it suggests that it already belonged to me you're gonna get back what already belongs to you there is peace you think you're undeserving of it you don't get it because of the grace of God it belongs to you you're about to get your piece back in the name of Jesus you're about to get your hope back in the name of Jesus you're about to get your freedom and your Liberty back in the name of Jesus recover your life originally I titled this message I have a return and I came up with this this whole intro that I'm a share in a second I thought it was a really good intro but then when I read this verse I thought to myself it's not a return it's a it's a recovery it's I'm gonna reek up I'm gonna repossess I'm gonna get back it's gonna be brought to me I don't know how it's gonna be brought to me maybe it's gonna happen in the middle of the night maybe it's gonna happen supernaturally maybe God's gonna use my enemy however he's a sovereign God so he will work it all out and I'm gonna get it back in the name of Jesus if there's one Saint that believes it in this room can you give him a shout we're covering your life get it back I'm gonna get it back I'm gonna get it back Luke 7 verse 36 you might have recognized this story you might have heard it before it's where the quote-unquote sinful woman pours out her alabaster box on Jesus it says then one of the Pharisees asked him being Jesus to eat with him now some of you might be thinking well what's a Pharisee if a Pharisee would be considered the religious elite of the day but in every interaction with Jesus he he always said the same thing about them that they were religious on the outside but it never matched really good with their inside so a religious expert a Pharisee invites Jesus over for meal it says and he went to the Pharisees house so Jesus accepted the invitation he sat down to eat with him and behold a woman in the city who was a sinner when she knew that Jesus sat at the table in the Pharisees house brought an alabaster flask of fragrant oil and stood at his feet behind him weeping and she began to wash his feet with her tears and wiped them with the hair of her head and she kissed his feet and anointed them with the fragrant oil verse 39 now when the Pharisee who had invited him saw this he spoke to himself saying this man if he were a prophet would know who in a what manner of the woman this is who is touching him for she is a what's that word she's a sinner as if he wasn't I find it interesting that this man can invite Jesus over and not know who Jesus is that's funny how that happens you can invite him over you could you could sit with him you could talk to him you could have conversations throwing Jesus around but but you you could talk to him but you don't it's funny how people could be in certain head spaces isn't it you ever hear someone talking they're talking about themselves so well and you're like I've never met this person you know Wow can't wait to meet him because she is a sinner as if anyone glad holiday shopping is over that was allowed amen okay okay I am so glad that all the holiday shopping is over them but it's funny that I was thinking about it because when we did all the shopping which when I say we gyrus my wife when we did all the shopping we we we made a few trips to the mall but I feel like we're spending more time in the mall after Christmas making returns does anybody else feel like that like like some kids didn't even get the gifts like they didn't even know they was there you know no means we spent more time in the mall making the return and I thought to myself why don't we do this to ourselves because like some of these items I got 30 days why do I feel pressured on December 26th to get to the mall and make the return there are some things that we bought that there is no return date so I could wait till 2021 return it and get it back then but there's this pressure that we got to do it now and it's funny because we know what the mall is gonna be like and we go anyway we have we have the news telling us to stay home it's not worth it you might die and we're like well I'll take a risk I'll take a risk I really need that $19.99 back on my card I can't find parking we're used to that though you got long lines you got attitudes behind the register that hasn't undo my message but if you're here right now we're aware of you okay just and none of it seems to bother us because why we want back what belongs to us so we will fight through the lines we will fight through the traffic we will fight through the attitudes and the disrespectful people because regardless of the people I want back what is owed to me why would I hold on to something that is of no interest to me that is of no value to me that is really gonna do nothing for me so I will fight through what I have to fight through to get back what belongs to me friends can I tell you this is the mindset of the sinful woman this woman walks into this party where she is uninvited they do not want her there she knew who lived in this house and who lived in this house knew who she was when she walked in the room she completely bypasses everyone's that there and you know what I love about her she could care less I love the attitude of the person that could care less you know what I mean like like they're online and they're standing there persons give him attitude they're just smiling bless the Lord how are you is I could care less I'm about to get my money back thank you very much she could care less she could care less because she knows she's not there for any other man except for and because she's there for one man she will not worry about the men and the woman to the left of her and the right of her and how they're looking at her and what they're thinking of her she could care less because she's not caught up in politics she's not caught up in church culture she knows that Jesus is in and wherever Jesus is I gotta get to my Jesus so I don't care how you look at me I don't care what you think of me I don't care how you judge my worship this is my worship you don't know what my Jesus did for me he saved me I was broken I was lost so you can look at me like I'm crazy you could try to get in my way so that I can't get past you but guess what I'm getting to my Jesus and you're gonna hear my worship and you're gonna hear my praise I'm not turning down for you for you or for you why because all praise glory and honor belongs to the king of kings and the Lord of lords if there's anybody in the room that feels like that give him a shout give him a shot you're not gonna stop my worship because you didn't contribute to my worship I was lost but now I'm found and it wasn't because of a building it wasn't because of you it was because of Jesus so look all you want talk all you want say all you want nothing is gonna stop me from getting to my Jesus and when I get to him all you best believe that I am going to worship him with everything I got see know what I love about her she's not churched so she didn't show up just to fulfill some obligation or duty to say that she instagrammed story went to church on New Year's Day it could be New Year's Day or the last day if we're talking about Jesus I'm in love with that man because that man changed my life saw more worshipping with everything I got come on if you feel that way I feel like you used to take a few seconds and take a praise break right now come on just give them some worship just give them some worship just all the Grateful people given worship she wasn't invited to the party but she showed up anyway I was about to say you ever crash a party but you ever know somebody that crashed the party just elbowing real quick she wasn't invited to the party but I'd argue she was invited to the party because she understood the party she understood what was going on she understood who was actually throwing the party yeah but it was in Simon's house it doesn't matter it was in Jesus's presence see it doesn't matter whose house it was the fact that Jesus is being celebrated it's enough for this woman not to worry about a Pharisee not to worry about some religious scholar some person that thinks that they're all big and bad she knows that Jesus is in the room and guess what if Jesus is present then she's invited I'm trying to help somebody to break free in 2020 where you could live free and in liberty and in the grace of God in 2020 because in 2019 you were walking around condemned you were walking around feeling bad you were walking around even though you repented even though you got to Jesus you still fell bad for all your mistakes and you thought he's not gonna accept my worship he's not gonna allow me to worship Him but can I just tell you on the first day of this decade that when Jesus is present your worship is accepted no matter what you've done no matter the mistakes you've made if you are willing to worship Him then you worship Him with your hands you worship Him with your mouth you worship Him with your feet you worship him with your actions why because whom the Sun sets free is free indeed he doesn't ask me he don't need to walk around and talk about what I was free from even though I don't mind talking about what I was free from the fact of the matter is I'm free and free people freely worship she gets to the feet of Jesus you got a picture this she gets to the feet Jesus and she worships why because of grace Bob says where sin abounds grace abounds all the more it and it bounds all the more so when someone might say uh-uh she shan't have been there because of her sin you don't get it grace over saturates your sin it says I make away you're invited to the party you're allowed to be a part of this why because it's what I've always intended for you that's what I intended for you from the beginning you're you're about to recover it you're you're about to get it back you're about to worship the worship that was always belong to you the relationship that was always belong to you and you know what I love the Bible lets us know that her hair was down her hair was down and she worshiped we know her hair was down because she used her hair to wipe his feet her hair was down you have to understand that in Hebrew a culture that married women had their hair covered and braided if a woman was bald her head was still covered because it meant she was married it meant she was in covenant it meant that she's in relationship which is an actual beautiful act but this woman didn't have a head cover and the Bible describes her as a sinful woman she's a single sinful woman her hair is down if you're gonna break into someone's house I would think you would cover up so they wouldn't identify you but she doesn't care if they can identify her so she keeps her hair down and because her hair is down everyone knows who she is but you got to ask yourself how do they know they know who she is she walks in that room you ever meet that person they don't have but one care they walk in the room like You Know Who I am and what you know she walks in the room her hair is down she doesn't worship and then allow her hair to come down she approaches Jesus with her hair you know the Bible says come as you are I pray that Saints Church always is a church or you could have your hair down some of you been trying to put on a facade you've been trying to dress up you've been trying to act like you got it all together someone sees you they greet you and you say praise the Lord and they say hallelujah you say hallelujah and they say praise the Lord you like alright got them they believe I'm good so we know she's you say God is good they say all the time you say all the time they say alright I got them they believe I'm good they believe I'm good Jesus says I'm looking for those who am I looking for I'm looking for those that will worship me in and in and what in what in truth in who you really are I don't I don't want the pretend version of you I want the authentic version of you because I know you I know what you struggle with I know what you deal with I know what you've been facing and guess what you can't hide any of it from me so here's what I need you to do I need you to let your hair down in 2020 and stop acting like you have it all together and let's be honest that you've been dealing with some stuff and that you're going through some stuff because we have pastors and we have leaders and we have small groups and we have discipleship mechanisms that could actually help you you don't have to front like you know how to read the Bible say I don't know how to read the Bible or I don't know how to read or I don't fully understand this so every time I go home I'm excited about church but when I'm by myself I find myself searching on certain websites and going to certain places and for whatever reason the enemy has made you believe or your insecurities have made you believe that you can't be your true authentic self but friends he says when you come to me I'm looking for those that will worship me in spirit and in truth in other words if you're gonna worship me let down your hair the brace of God allows you to come as you are and says you don't got to play a part you don't have to play a role you don't have to dress up you don't got a braid and nothing up come as you are and let me and you engage in relationship you know this point right here is what most people think this story is about but I would argue that this woman although she's having a moment is actually serving as an illustration see you might read this chapter and think that this is about the sinful woman but I'd argue that it has something to do with the sinful woman but it has everything to do with Simon Simon is frustrated Simon is annoyed who is this woman why is she in my house first off she's a sinful woman second off she's a woman in this culture women were treated as second-class citizens they they weren't respected they weren't revered so the very fact that she's a female the odds are already against her so on top of her being a female she's a sinful female the Pharisees are frustrated if this man knew who she was that's how religious people talk don't they I love that this woman worship Jesus but the question I couldn't stop asking myself is why well I know why but why now why here why in this moment why in Simon's house like were there no other opportune times for her to have a worship service what was it that was so important that this woman in this moment would worship Jesus standing around all these other religious men see I believe that Jesus allowed this woman to get to him in this moment for not only her sake but for Simon's sake and the Pharisees sake as they stand there with their nose all up not understanding and computing what is going on because first and foremost they don't even believe that Jesus is the Messiah in the first place so you have to understand that no respectable Pharisee would ever invite somebody that they thought was incorrect if only they were trying to prove him wrong Simon set a trap Jesus walks into it he's all-knowing Jesus set a trap and Simon walks into it and now Simon has to watch what is going on if he if he knew who she was if he knew who she was he's he's Jesus he he knows exactly who she is and guess what he knows exactly who Simon is and you know what he knows that Simon needs he knows that Simon needs a moment where a sinful woman can fall on her knees and cry on his feet and wipe it with her hair because she knew that does that Simon needed to see this moment because all Simon knew he knew how to repeat Scripture but he didn't realise what it looked like in action and in this moment we have an in action we have a sinful broken woman with her hair completely down in all of her honesty worshipping the feet of Jesus and now Simon is there and he's completely flabbergasted and frustrated and annoyed trying to figure out what is going on why because no one else think that they know it all but Jesus will always show up and he'll use the back door why because he is great at exposing to us that we're not as bright as we think we are because the Bible says who can understand the mind of so he'll use the misfit he'll use the one that nobody would ever expect it I use the foolish things of the world to confound the wise this is how Jesus operates it it's why he'll trade beauty for Ashes because he's not somebody that just does what everyone else does his ways are not our ways and our ways are not his ways so what he does with this woman is he makes her a beautiful illustration to show us what the grace of God looks like and now Simon is there and he's watching it but guess what he's missing it you know what that tells me it tells me that religious people can miss a move of the Spirit because you think you know how it's supposed to go track with me how would supposed to sound what it's supposed to look like how long they're supposed to worship and you start bypassing and missing out all the opportunities that God is lobbing up in front of you because you think you already know and he's like you think you know but you got no idea I'm trying to show you how I work I'm I'm trying to give you an opportunity you've studied me but now I need you to get into a relationship with worship team you could join me please you got a sinful woman you got a religious Simon and guess what they're both at the same party they're both at the same party you know so funny to me about religious people no I'm not gonna say that because religious is actually not a bad term it's a beautiful term when handled and stewarded properly Church to people the ones that have been around it a long time and they stop expecting and they could guess what's gonna happen in the service you know what they miss out so often that is actually supposed to be a party somebody's like up he cross the line across the line that's it past the door so day one he's out get him get him Jesus first miracle is that a party the wine was running now some of you like the wine the sangria you know is running out it's running out you know what the symbolize when the wine stop the party stopped Mary goes I know my son he doesn't want the party to stop I know I'm better than that hey turn the water into wine he says woman what time is not come she ignores him she's like just do what he says I know you better than that you want a party you want to turn all the way up there's this other story in the Gospels says go out and invite everyone so the dinner party you just invite us get him to the party Matthew 22 Jesus responded by telling more stories God's kingdom he said is like a king who drew a wedding banquet party revelation talks about this beautiful party I supposed to give you three points and I kind of gave them to you but the third point is probably the most important to me can we don't the third point I want you to leave that up there for me because it's a party what do you mean it's a celebration who are we celebrating Jesus we're gonna do that for eternity so we're gonna start now you want to bring heaven earth let's do heaven on earth let's party always invited to the party everyone well when you say everyone what do you mean I mean everyone's invited everyone's invited everyone's invited you're gonna ID them not at this party is it BYOB you could bring your own Bible [Applause] I'm a dad now forgive me dad jokes can I just say son about this party though I've learned that in Christianity we could pivot one against the other and say well the party's for them it's for the Saints but you know all the saint is yeah holy you know what holy is set apart do you know why we're set apart because of grace because you did something not because you're that good not because you're now holier than thou there's no the true sense of the word holy it means that I confess with my mouth and believed with my heart that Jesus is Lord so now I'm here what about the unholy people we got to get him here so you know we do we invite them to the party so the Saints there in the party and they realize that Jesus is the focal point but if we're gonna get Jesus the gift that he wants he wants all people to come into relationship with him so that means I'm not gonna play the music that I want to play I'm gonna play the music that he wants the play I'm not I'm not gonna play the games that I want to play i'ma play the games that he wants to play what's the game get as many people to the party so that they could realize that Jesus is Lord so we're gonna open up the doors and we're gonna invite the people which people all the people the sinful people the angry people the bitter people the broken people the people that don't believe like us why because if I can't get them in the room and let them know that you're allowed to be in the same room as me and I'm allowed to be in the same room as you well wouldn't we don't believe the same I don't need to believe like you I'm just praying you end up believing like me but how could I reach them if I'm not with them I got it to say this the Pharisee is looking at this moment completely missing it please catch this if you've been in church any good amount of time please catch this the Pharisee is looking at this moment Simon is looking at this moment saying what is she doing here when I was a kid the teacher would put a piece of paper in front of me and it had pictures on it say it was a couch a television stand a coffee table and then a cow she would say circle the object that doesn't fit the Pharisee is looking at this picture and he's like well I'm a religious scholar there's Jesus he's not a prophet but he thinks he's a prophet so he fits but her it's like she doesn't belong here but if Jesus was playing the game he wouldn't circle any object because to him catch it they all fit why because he's not seeing Pharisee sinner he's seeing sinner sinner she a worse sinner than him no she might say that she is but that's because she let her hair down I would argue that he's the worst sinner because he's not even mindful that he's in sin that's that different type of sin he says I look at the picture and I see a woman that's in need of a savior and I look at the picture and I see a Simon that's in need of a savior Saints when I think of our church I'm inviting Simon and I'm inviting the sinful woman and I'm saying we're gonna throw a party and here's what the party is gonna be we're gonna make Jesus the focal point we're gonna put all our attention on King Jesus and you're gonna reclaim you're gonna get back to you everything everything that it is that God intended for you he didn't just intend for you to read the Bible so that you could repeat the Bible he intended for you to read the Bible so that you can enjoy the Bible so that you could live in the Bible in actual understand the scripture I came to what give a life and life more abundantly the joy of the Lord is my strength he doesn't want you just to be able to memorize Scripture he wants you to be able to live Scripture and he's gonna say to the man or the woman that's the sinner and says listen you don't gotta live like that I want you to experience this I want you to get a part of this I want you to get in relationship with me and listen you don't have to strive get away with me and you'll recover your life I'll show you how to take a real rest walk with me and work with me watch how I do learn the unforced rhythms of grace I won't lay anything ill or fitting on you or heavy keep company with me and you'll learn to live freely and lightly you'll learn so you don't have to come all put together you could come completely ignorant and be a relationship with me and guess what is a more relationship you're gonna learn more about me you're gonna learn about my love and my Grace and my mercy my prayer for each and every one of us is that we would learn how to live in the grace of God nothing that we could have ever done but because of everything he did we would fully accept it and receive it would you stand can we hold off from moving coming hold off from moving please because this is a Jesus party and it's not a preference party we're gonna give the opportunity right now it's anybody in the room that hasn't accepted Jesus as their Lord and Savior to do so and if you're thinking man I really wish you were worshiping right now this is a good catch for you because this moment it's about Jesus you know what he wants he wants the men and the woman to meet him that don't know him the ones that feel like they can he wants to be in relationship with them so with every head bowed and every eye closed if you're watching online if you're on stage you're standing along the side no matter who you are what you've done on the count of three and when I say three if that's you if you want to give your life to Jesus if you want to recommit your life to Jesus then when I say three you lift your head one Jesus loves you and he died specifically for you two tomorrow's not promised to any man or any woman his word encourages us take full advantage of today in fact it says today is the day of salvation January 1st 2020 is the day of salvation if that's you lift up your hand now three lift it up lift it up yeah yeah you keep it up it's okay we see you yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah amen amen amen you go put it up you could put it down yeah yeah I see you yeah I see you ma'am yeah I want you to repeat this with me in fact let's all repeat it together Jesus you are King and you are Lord forgive me of my sins and all my wrongdoing thank you for dying for me and three days later rising again I love you I give my life to you in Jesus's name Amen amen amen [Music] can I get your attention I want to point out something about this moment typically this is a moment where everyone perhaps the jacket some runs out but if this is the most important moment of the meeting can I get you just to stay still for a second I would hate for anyone to miss out on this because now they feel the need to rush the extra few moments are gonna help some people so let's help some people whether you just raised your hand two seconds ago or you're been saved for a while would you lift up your hands all over this room
Channel: Saints Church
Views: 2,705
Rating: 4.9139786 out of 5
Keywords: sermon, Church, Christ Tabernacle, New York, New York City, Queens, Brooklyn, Pastor, Message, Preach, Gospel, Jesus, preach, Saints, Saints Church, Saints Church NYC, Saints Church New York, Saints Church NY, mental health, panel, discussion
Id: _Wh5Y7Nm_Qg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 41min 33sec (2493 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 01 2020
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