A Call To Loyalty - Rev SC Mathebula

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coming up on hope alive with Reverend s seem a tabula now if you are joining us for the first time if you are joining us for the first time in this church we have a theme Christ to all people okay so those of you and I think I need to say that my darling that thank you so much for all of you who committed yourselves and we have worked an extra mind you know Edna sharing stadium and then with your dedication thank you so much I want to declare that the lives of people you know in Tunisia are no longer the same hallelujah so this is the theme of the month and in the month of April it was Christ in action Emma right but for this month we are talking about kingdom failures Kingdom failures you know when you speak of Kingdom values you are talking about our beliefs or beliefs of the kingdom you know things that makes us us are you with me you know in every family Basilan days what we call values okay in my tabulous family they are what we call my tribulus films things that makes us as much regular to be matamoros you know in in upon us family you know there is what we call values as an aparment the things that makes the opponents to be upon us are you with me so there is what we call kingdom values in the kingdom and these are the values that we must always all of us possess for an example unconditional love is one of the values in the kingdom of God Jesus taught us this for the Bible says for God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son and Jesus goes on it says you must love one another so that they can see that you are the children of the kingdom it is the value that we must have in the house of the Lord the value of compassion what about compassion mother honor the Bible says we must care for one another it is part of our values and not only that humility you know generosity forgiveness these are part of our values unity it is part of our values says look how blessed and how beautiful it is for brothers and sisters to dwell in unity and God says there I will command a blessing because because it is the value in the kingdom of God so when there is unity God says I will command a blessing right there these are part of our values and family you know we are a part of a family we are not just at rest but we are a family those are the values now the values goes on and on let me tell you next week you better be here because it's going to be good as well as we take another failure but for today let me take a value that is very close to my to my heart and I wanna warn you because it is not one of those Samoas that's gonna make you excited hallelujah but I'm comfortable about because it is one of the value that we need to truly gain in the kingdom of God the value of loyalty the value of loyalty and I call this a call to loyalty now my sermons this afternoon was inspired you know by the story of a dog named Hachiko the dog had Chico somewhere in Tokyo you know a professor adopted this dog while it was young and he trained his dog for two years you know to accompany him to the station you know while he goes to work and then when he goes to work and in the dog will go back home you know in the afternoon when the professor professor knocks off from work and then he will find Hachiko waiting for him and he lived his life for over three years like that with Hachiko Hachiko you know accompanying professor to work and then from there in the afternoon and in hajikko will wait for him and then just like that for three years but one of these I don't know it should I said fateful day or one of those days that all of us we don't want to see that day coming and the message came in that Professor is no more he actually died and the issue is how to you tell your nothing talk that your master he is no more and then somebody came in and say know what I'll adopt this job you know so that I make sure and then she does not stress and go through depression and for two years this man tried to keep Hachiko on his side but Hachiko will always break camp and go to the station wait for the master and the master did not arrive the next day he did that now the story says this dog kept on doing this for nine years for nine years until the dog died and the train station waiting for the master so when you trace this trove they are saying you know the most loyal dog in the world that ever lived so in Tokyo they've got a museum where they're preserved you know the body of this dog saying you know loyalty it is something that people must learn from animal because the truth of the matter beloved is that loyalty today is an uncommon commodity loyalty has lost its appeal today our world our world no longer see the necessity of loyalty so the authorities in Tokyo said because we are living in the days where there is no loyalty let us put this dog here and tell the story so that we can restore loyalty back in the community and because of that beloved I was also touched above this value because marriage is today and in divorce due to lack of loyalty will agree with me but alone relationships today a bruise due to lack of loyalty judges split due to lack of loyalty government's collapse because of disloyalty you know organizations go bankrupt because of disloyalty generations are doomed because of this loyalty so loyalty is something that we need to bring even in the house of God because right here among Christians as much as they love God but you realize that there is no loyalty among ourselves and before God and loyalty it is a value that must be restored in our community I've been a pastor now for many years I've had people saying felici I will be with you I will leave this church through the coffin and people have been jumping from one church to the other because there's no loyalty in the body of Christ and I strongly feel that the Lord says this morning let me emphasize this point that loyalty it is the missing piece in the body of Christ Postum at Imola what is loyalty I'm glad you have asked that question according to the dictionary it says loyalty it is staying devoted or faithful to a person or a cause you stay devoted you know of faithful to a person or to a course and not only that you don't just stay devoted but you stick to your commitment no matter what you stick to your commitment no matter what of them or no matter the difficulties especially the married people will understand what I'm talking about you know sometimes you get married and then you are saying you know what Lord I'm believing God I'm believing you for children five years later they are no children in your marriage the question is will you stick to your commitment are you with me will you stick to your commitment because we live in the days where men are marrying women and if they are not children they leave them like that because there's no loyalty and there is no commitment they go for another woman because loyalty it is no longer in our community and not only that loyalty simply means being absolutely true to all at all times in every or any circumstances hallelujah absolutely true to all at all times in every or any circumstances you know there's no reason for you to be loyal you look at that man who is holding that rope there I'm not so holding that rope how do you continue holding a rope like that but I call that loyalty there is no reason that it does not make sense it does not make sense but you continue to be loyal to the cause you continue to be loyal you know my heart if this morning is especially to those who are married you continue to be loyal to your wife you continue to be loyal to your husband even if there are no signs you know of blessings yes he used to wet but there's no work now his retrenched but you continued to love him because it is not love him for the first time for the money that he had you loved him for him are you with me can I split for for women this morning can I speak for you ladies would he even if we have 10 cents for tea are you with me I know he got married to you won yourself a DQ but even if you ten cents for tea listen to me daughter just hold on to that woman just just just a lawyer to her just a loyal to her as a matter of fact now you've got a reason why you should stick to it because now you've got things to use bundle illa wus we've got some flesh so you can use some flesh to balance now compared to those days when she was a same mr. bull but now she's got some fat you just hold on to that fat Jesus look at the person nations they love this pasta man raise the name of Jesus thank God for some flesh if there's some flesh you just praise God and say Lord I praise you for the flesh in Jesus I honor you for the flesh in the life of my wife you can't just live your wife because there's some flesh if that flash is bothering you ask your woman wake up my darling it's time for us to drop two of us you don't just ask him get up I'm real sensitive Oh Jules truth can you let me tell your wife that your wife was good for the son barway mama you must be sensitive when you are loyal is this good praise the name of Jesus wow this a good stuff Basilone I never thought you would laugh about the sermon of loyalty because in the first service and the second service there was no nothing to be honest with you plus it was a serious one it was a serious one because it pierces pierces the heart but if it happened that you forget what I have shared by the one like this statement down loyalty involves our commitment to one another okay and not trust one another but our devotion to God and our responsibility to his kingdom very important it involves our commitment to one another our devotion God our responsibility to his kingdom and I'll come back to that because we've got people who are saying I'm just loyal to God I worship God at home but you've got the responsibilities in his kingdom there's a role to play you need to be loyal as well in the house of the Lord you've got other people a signal I'm just devoted to God our tithe you know to who so ever on television maybe TD jakes or maybe Oakleaf Lord Allah I almost cannot win o Saleh will tell about three takes we are cooling up chela well yes you must be sick you must be sick you've got some responsibilities here you've got responsibilities as the child of God you can't remain here we are praying for you we are laying hands of you because it's our responsibilities we're now when you're supposed to give your responsibilities where are you tell them to teach egg somewhere doesn't work like that you know you are also committed you've got your responsibilities in the kingdom of God in the house of the Lord does that make sense muscle wrong because we need to cut that some people are saying not as long as I'm loyal to God hey you are not living with God on this planet Earth there are people you need to be loyal to I with me you've got some friends we've got brothers relationship that you must still honor we can't honor God if we are not honoring our relationship we need to make sure that we honor the people that we are living with before we can honor God if don't honor this once you are not loyal to this one how can you be loyal to the one that you can't see praise the name of Jesus this is cool stuff bizarre honor now what other people are saying you know are saying about loyal to what others say about loyalty look at this I love this person this person says loyalty that is bought with money may be overcome by money Wow listen to that loyalty that is bought with money may be overcome by money this that man simply says if you are going to be loyal to somebody just because they are giving you money or they are giving you something somebody will come with more money and welcome to betray them because when are you our money - so in a nutshell this statement says you must never never compromise your loyalty because of material things never sell your body for the position in that work never sell your body my uncle just because they want to employ you you rather staff you rather staff as with me you run a staff and die than to sell your body so that they can give you a job because the person Bamba is not on my notes the person you thin with will sin against you will you remember that the person you seen with in secret will sin against you and most of the time in public never compromise your loyalty never doesn't matter how much they put before you never compromise your loyalty well I know some ones like this are no longer popular was around I am looking forward to you saying deeper papa this is deep message is this this is deep let's listen to what others are saying somebody says you can't be loyal to everyone it's a conflict of interest wow I love that you can't be loyal to everyone it's a conflict of Weber Salani of interest listen to me married men you can't be loyal to your wife and be loyal to your mom at the same time [Applause] well I don't know why these women are clapping so so you can't see any serious problem you want me to rescue them here because you've got man you listen now this the truth you've got name you've got men who still want to be hundred percent loyal to their to their parents and also be loyal to their wife you know they are married but their money is controlled by their mama and they want their mother to control especial Nigerians and Nigerians they don't want anything about their mom man Nigerian man with their mothers you know they will tell you my mother my mother you woman you are a witch I listen you you can't you can't call her a witch you cannot be loyal to your wife and you woman that is loyalty so you need to come to a point where you say mama I honor you as my mother I honor you and respect you as my mother but allow me to live my own life allow me to love my wife the way I want to love my wife I love me understand mama I cannot come this Sunday and have lunch with you you know my wife remembers you know I was dealing with this man I was dealing with this man every Sunday every Sunday yennai he must go you know to his mother for lunch every Sunday and now they are coming to me for counseling the one says but I want sometimes on Sunday just to be with my husband and my children all of every Sunday we must go and the mother says it is a culture of this family and shake up you know I wish to tell her when I mom a culture window Dialga not to me leave this young boy alone let him live his life come and give God a big kind of place this is the gospel if we are sitting next to the man tell that man and said the pasta is pretty some truth talking about loyalty Basilone applicant people they don't know what is reality that is why we need to teach this they worship God and worship their ancestors come on now come on come on come on listen listen this person says you can't be loyal to everyone it's a conflict of interest you can't worship God and worship their ancestors it doesn't work like that you need to be loyal and to be disloyal to one so that you can be loyal to this one but you must say no to something else and say yes to this one but African people they worship God and say at the same times we need to remember se habla upon see sing about sing about cause we worship God but at the same time we worship will remember them and they also have a funny way of putting it and say no no we are not worshiping them we are asking them you know to pray for us you know before God born about Scylla uh-uh-uh-uh-uh-uh I appeal them idea you need you need you need to be loyal to your God because things like this these are the things that makes us to be people of double standards you've got a wife somewhere you've got another girlfriend mummy-ji mium bored [Applause] Jesus dude one more you're gonna lose one more do tomorrow when when when you've got a wife but on the other side goes one more yeah when you have a husband [Applause] but somewhere somehow l'amour L'Amour here kambou where's loyalty bizarro waste loyalty what I heard you was the one you're not the only one who's facing temptations my wife can tell you have I've come to her several times and say hey sue that there is this woman who's troubling me I told you several times a that's not yes we have now look at this look at this message the flesh the flesh is Bob rather right oh go but you say I'm loyal here I am loyal I am loyal here I am lawyer the flesh says go they said no flesh no I'm not gonna be controlled by you you're gonna be under my authority you're gonna be under submission I am a married man and a father five children I'm a man of one wife I will be loyal to my wife and I'm not afraid my son won that with all these temptations now I am celebrating 22 years and this one woman that I know it's not easy and I'm not yet to condemn you I'm not yet to condemn anybody but I'm saying it's not easy but you need to choose and be a loyal man you cannot be beaten by Hachiko a dog hi come on you cannot be beaten by a dog if the dog can't be loyal to his master how much more about you boys you know you are empowered with the Spirit of God you've got the Bible with you you've got a past I was living a clean life you've got friends in this set what is your problem be lawyer come and look at the person SSCP lawyer be loyal Wow loyal is this a good way listen listen to what Martin Luther says Martin Luther says where the battles where the battles rages there the loyalty of the soldier is proved you see we would never know how loyal you are until you're faced with challenges it's very simple to say I am loyal to my pride I am loyal to my wife because everything it's okay but things changes when you go to the doctor and the doctor says I don't see you guys having children in your life since I said we'll never know who you are until your man comes back home with a letter of retrenchment and he says to you my darling I've been retrenched that means we need to downgrade we need a smaller house we need a small car maybe we need to go back home and so that we can start all over again that is when your loyalty is tested but for now when everything is well we don't know how loyal you are we don't know [Applause] for people in the scripture who demonstrated loyalty for people that I loved so much and the first person it is a man by the name of David David was loyal to Authority the Bible says Saul wanted to kill him he wanted to kill him without a reason without a reason this man was hunting Oh David he really wanted to kill him without the reason and when you read in the book of Samuel chapter 24 the Bible tells us that David had an opportunity of killing sole opportunity was given he was fast asleep and David was here here an opportunity to kill this man and become a king but you know whatever did he just cut the hem of the garment of a soldier off he cut the piece he went to the mountain and then he started waving the peace you know if I come in and says also listen to me if I really wanted to kill you I would have killed you you'd have been dead by now but he says I understand the scripture because God says touch not the unknown today men of God he's saying this wish to somebody who was not anointed anymore but he says he is anointed because David was loyal not just to Saul but he was loyal to God he understood that you know I cannot find some other business i'ma just allow God to fight them even if authorities not treating me well but I'm just gonna allow God to deal with this man when I've got an opportunity of killing him I'm not gonna kill him I'm gonna preserve his life he was loyal to automata unfortunately we are raising a generation today that does not know what is loyalty they don't even know you authority they will stand in public and swear at elderly people and sometimes we think that this is politics a young man swelling an elderly man with muscle one and then we think this is how life should be and we think all nah in that listen to me there's no honor in that God says my child God's a simple if you want to live long honor your father and your mother and you will be blessed with many years of life on authority I see some of you you even so bold to go on Facebook insulting pastors that you don't even know just because everybody has an opinion for the mere fact that you've got the data doesn't mean you've got authority to speak to other people's lives swelling at them even if they've done wrong things who are you who gave you authority to stand against the unknowing head of God listen to me I'm taking that from David Saul was no longer anointed but david says he is anointed all that he was saying says know your boundaries and stay loyal to your course can I warn you up restauration you know run away from those things don't be a part of that don't be a part of that let them speak whatever they speak don't be a part of that please they tell you attempted remember what I said don't be a part of that and you will live long and people will show grace to you you don't know what life will do tomorrow tomorrow it might be you on the Facebook and battle mamela pootie but l belong because when now you are not showing grace to other people and i said on the second surface even to our youngsters as a young person never confront your mother about her personal issues if your mother is going out with another man it's none of your business we are done we know you don't have authority to speak to air about those matters if it's red it's troubling you go to your uncle's tell your uncle sensei I don't understand mama now would you please come and speak to mama and let them address your mother not you we've got a generation now that stand face to face with their fathers with their mother when I'm a milena when telling them who so folks I see Ellison see you will die who so from a society even ssleep you started dying stop it stop it if when I live long stop it stop it if wanna experience the blessings of God I know the gospel like this is no longer preached any more but I want you to live long you know why I'm blessed today Basilone you know what I'm blessed I had a mother was a drunkard but I was loyal to my mother right up to the end I will find a message that your mom she's pop drunk she can't even walk as a preacher of the gospel I will come with a wheelbarrow my dear I'll come with she was a big mama come with her we borrow as my friends put my mom on the wheelbarrow carrier back home even while I was driving her with every bottle she never stopped talking she will swear all the way although God knows I want Marlin Nineveh Serna was set up by the lesser Scott mrs. Cutler so I'm carrying her uncle she's swearing at me she's swearing it my wife remembers she remembers those things she's laughing [Applause] with my mum [Applause] obviously I was tempted sometimes you know to take this Weber but I was lawyer [Applause] [Music] look what the knot is done today look what the Lord has done look at the doors that the notice look at the femen that God has given me look at the influence that God has given me if you are not faithful in small things we are not lawyer let me tell you some of you is just a test those small things God is testing you with us if you can pass that test in your private space you'll be promoted in a public space you'll be promoted in a public space Wow that was David what about Ruth muscle what about Ruth loyal to relationship you remember Ruth the mother-in-law comes to this woman and say listen girls you know I've lost my husband I've lost my sons you are my daughters-in-law and say fair mother I want you to go back to your home start all over again I can't keep you as my daughter-in-law because I don't see myself you know give him pets two other sons to marry them she says you know go back home statue life and the bird says there other woman by the name of oppa said that's good that's good I am going back I'm going to start my life but Ruth refused this is what she said you know where you go I will go where you die I will die your people will be my people please don't force me to go back home I've got a relationship here I am loyal to you I am committed to this I am gone in no way your God is my god she was committed to a relationship something that is no longer common in the house of good people they get offended by one thing small thing you know what they say one of them assemble you look at the men with the big head like mine the children also with the big head all of them they are led by their wives most of the men and say where are you going my wife she said some of them welcome you are you don't even finish tomorrow you are there it doesn't work like that be committed to something with me and don't ever think I'm doing this for myself if hope it is not your home if we are not been called to be here it is fine go somewhere and find a church for yourself where you gonna be committed and be a member of that church and you give there you tithe there you can dedicated you get involved you participate don't come in and be a visitor you've got other people they've been visiting in this church for six months where you fellowship in Lamia and your fashion six years your hope we have Faraj look at the personal since I hope it's not you we have been visiting for six years six years you're visiting imagine if somebody's been taking you for six years he doesn't say anything how are you how are you how are you even one is beginning you know to tie his shoes you think he is proposing because because you you are waiting for something to happen can I give you something for free ladies if a guy has been dating you for five years from today ask him one question we are fellow yom kippur for five years ask him straight what is happening here are we in are we out he's just wasting you time for five years taking you for what he's still studying you for five years there's no loyalty leave that man leave nip me later later and move on praise the name of Jesus oh I said four guys my time doesn't allow me to do that I am loyal man what's wrong [Applause] what about the the three Hebrew boys loyal to their God you remember Shadrach Meshach Abednego when they said you must worship this God and this guy said we shall not worship other gods and King Nebuchadnezzar said I'm going to put you in the fire they said okay you rather put us in the fire but it will be written about us that the way young people who are loyal to their God even if God does not save us in this fire but it will be known in your city that there are young people who died for their calling who died for their God we can throw down but we're not gonna be loyal to your God and the policies they put them in the fire oh thank god that's when you're loyal to him my goodness me he will show up and Jesus showed up on that day when they put them in the fire the pulses there was a fourth man there was a fourth man it is the king himself who says hey I see I see there were three men but I see something I see the first man I see the fourth man he looks like the Son of Man because when you're loyal to him he will never leave you he will never forsake you how i'm lindana is drivers around a girl and for that I won't say me blessed are those who put their trust in him because he will never never betray them what about Joseph what about Joseph Joseph was lawyer to a cause he's in the house of his master and they are only two with a master's wife and the woman observed him and she arranged and she made sure that there is no one in the house she made some moves and say Joseph and he is far away far away no father no pasta are you with me and on top of that this is the master's wife it is not his initiative it is the woman was initiated but when you read verse nine Joseph says how can I do such an evil thing and then against God and my master because this young man was loyal to a course to a god listen to me the scripture is challenging us to be loyal even if our wives are not there but we need to be loyal let me tell you a story to help you one day in this church you know being a pastor I was doing a lot of counseling those days and a woman comes to me and says funny things you're never gonna win well I I just thought she has some problems like anybody and she begins to say I hope you understand my problem and you'll be kind to allow me to say this without any judgment she says you know when you preach all the time on the appropriate I don't see a pastor and I see I see a man and then who can satisfy my feelings now true story and then she goes on to say the way this thing is so advanced the radius advance even when I dream I see you in my dream in a net a one motion oil never my to know you ever someone with someone P whiskey you know I prayed with her I said to myself this one my wife must never know about this must never know let me tell you I never struggled like this for three weeks because somebody said things in my ideas and those those things they they she planted a seed and the seed was growing because I knew even when we had some challenges I knew that there is sword and soul who is waiting for me when I need I remember one day I was praying and I was crying I said lord I have careful of these feelings now this thing is troubling me this thing is troubling me I'm praying I'm praying I was crying I was crying and to a point I decided you know what I cannot conquer this thing I know I need to speak to my wife I said I need to speak to my wife I said sweetie there is something like this it is troubling me needed to pray with me and we had to come with a solution because when I preached the person is sitting there and now I know that man piranha [Applause] it was a problem it was a problem it was a trap I had to deal with that you know I've asked some ladies we went we saw this lady I said you know what we don't want you to backslide we don't want you to see yourself as a different woman you know you're honest you struggling with this but for now we strongly believe hope restoration church it is not a church for you it is not a church for you you need to go to a church I will make a recommendation there's a church the pastor is 75 years old what are you nothing the pasta is 75 years old and at least when you sit is there you will look at him you will see him as a father so we're just going to ask you today it's your last Sunday it's your last Sunday from next trip we want you to go there what is it that I was doing this alone I had to be loyal to myself I had to be loyal to my wife I had to be loyal to the church I had to be loyal to God I had to be loyal to you today if I was not loyal then I wouldn't be standing here as a lie I will be standing I am standing here today because God raised me to conquer yesterday God helped me in my private space to conquer if you calm down in your private space God will promote you in the public space if you conquer in your private space God will promote you in a public space be loyal be loyal man even if your wife is not there be loyal say no say no to these things as they close here is the vests of the day here is the vests of the day I said close second chronicles 16 verse 9 for the eyes of the Lord run to and fro throughout the whole earth listen to show himself strong on behalf of those whose hearts is what Mother Ronnie is loyal to him so God says if in this afternoon my eyes go to and fro throughout the whole earth to show himself strong on behalf of those whose hearts are loyal to me there's a god this after an S you stand on your feet there's a God this afternoon my dear there's a god this afternoon my brother who says I am going to and fro I am searching for loyalty and when I find one I show myself strong to that person I don't know what is the minimum of that but I had to interpret that myself but says if there is loyalty I elevate those people I show myself strong I elevated them to the next level if there is loyalty I saw myself strong I feel for them I open doors for them I bless them I empower them I give them things because they've so loyal T maybe doors are toast maybe it is because we have compromised your loyalty it is time to claim our loyalty back it is time to cry out to God what we had this morning was alone when I was preaching we had another man and another woman she cried out and said lord help me to help me to be loyal again the days of playing games pozzolana over we come to change them the gospel is preached we go back home we cope into our girlfriends we go back to to our boyfriend's yet we are married and it's like these things they have been praised but they don't make an impact no wonder why we are so speckling I want to challenge you I wanna challenge you this one
Channel: Hope Restoration Ministries
Views: 7,502
Rating: 4.80198 out of 5
Id: OFgMQuyqTR0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 46min 46sec (2806 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 11 2019
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