Who Is God Pleased With? - Zac Poonen

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it's very important to know what it is what is the proof that my life is pleasing to the Lord like be heard we read in 1 Corinthians 10 verse 1 to 5 our fathers the Israelites who came out of Egypt passed through the sea were baptized in the sea they ate the same spiritual food drank the same spiritual drink but God was not pleased with them for forty years think of a man stood up here and spoke the truth one of those israelites and said brothers and sisters let me give you my testimony I was a slave in Egypt and then I came to the Red Sea I did not know how to go across the Egyptians were chasing me but God made a way split the sea and I walked through it once I crossed he closed up the sea and the Egyptian army wasn't drowned God loves me when I was in the desert didn't know where to go and I saw a lot of cloud coming from heaven you don't believe this brothers and sisters it actually happened I'm telling you it happened to me it led me let me not for one or two days years and years and years and at night it would become a pillar of fire protecting me from wild animals and you know we couldn't get food in the desert you know what happened brothers and sisters mourning food would drop from heaven every day one or not one or two days for years we didn't have water to drink our leader Moses would hit the rock and the water would come out our slippers sandals forty years we wore them in the desert our clothes never tore for 40 years how much God loves us but would you believe that God is not pleased with this man who was giving it such a testimony most Christians would sit with their mouths open and say wow what a man of God what experiences he had he must be living very close to God God was not pleased with him he killed him in the wilderness believe that please remember that when you sit with your mouth open watching all these television preachers and these public meetings where they talk about healings and all don't be deceived this man who testified here had more miracles than that man talks about and for 40 years genuine miracles no fake miracles a man who experienced so many miracles not one person six hundred thousand people like that God was not pleased with them don't tell me God answered your prayer miraculously so God is pleased with me no sir he may not at all be pleased with you even though he healed your child from cancer or delivered you from certain death or split open a sea for you he may not be pleased with you you none of us have experienced miracles like these people experienced the witness God was not pleased with them now I'll tell you about another man Jesus he says I grew up in small village Nazareth everybody called me illegitimate son of Mary they scandalized me you know we had a small village everybody knew that my mother was pregnant they did not notice by the Holy Spirit they thought it was some Roman soldier made my mother pregnant and I lived with that shame upon me when I go to school people would point out to me say that's the boy you don't know who his father is and I lived with that for thirty years in school they would tease me my father was not rich he was a carpenter he could not give me the expensive clothes that other people had they would make fun of me the clothes I wore and we struggled I had four brothers and two sisters we didn't have a big house all seven of us slept in one room but we were happy my brothers and sisters would irritate me a lot God gave me grace to love them and my father died when I was 18 years old and the burden of the family came upon me so I went into the carpentry shop and I sweated and I went around Nazareth trying to get orders I had to get orders for carpentry to feed there were seven people at home my mother my six brothers and sisters and myself eight I have to work hard my brothers and sisters were not so cooperative I had to provide for them and I would work morning till evening in the carpentry shop I was very honest not like some of the other cheating carpenters they would cheat and so it was a big struggle for me to survive being absolutely honest with my carpentry work and somebody asks did you experience any miracles in your life no miracles zero I never experienced one supernatural miracle I never saw angel I never had any shaking experience no light did you have any pillar of cloud come no did you get food from heaven any day no I had to work hard to earn my food and at the end of 30 years God says this is the one with whom I'm well pleased you see the contrast those people who saw all those miracles God says I was not pleased with them and this one who's experienced no miracle God was well-pleased with him I am sorry to say many people in CFC churches have not understood this even today they sit with their mouths open at miracles that person oh you should listen to that person on the TV yeah what if someone says I had to work hard I never experienced a miracle but I lived an upright life I didn't make much money but I never cheated anyone in the in the carpentry shop every piece of furniture I sold was correct no cheating I earned honestly I didn't earn much but we had enough we lived simply in our house who is God pleased with understand that in your life it is a righteousness that pleases God and don't think because you Church but because your prayer was answered God is pleased with you not at all God answers the prayers of many many people whom he's not pleased with greatest example is in the wilderness six hundred thousand people they prayed there God answers whereas this one who pleased God continuously when he cried out my god my god why have you forsaken me no answer no answer to a question he's asking his answer to prayer the proof that God loves you no it is when God can witness in your conscience that you have lived free from sin that you'll not hurt other people that you've been upright in your work in your business and you've forgiven people who hurt you when they call you bill Zebub you say Father forgive them when they kill you you say Father forgive them that's the one who's pleasing to the Father God loves everybody he loved those people in the wilderness he loved Jesus but it was a he it was Jesus who pleased him so when we talk about the mystery of godliness that Jesus came in the flesh and we had to run the race looking unto Jesus let's not forget the father could testify from heaven this is my beloved Son in whom I'm well pleased he's never preached a sermon so far in 30 years he's never cast out a demon he's never healed a sick person he has not received miracles from heaven but I am well pleased with him what is it that please the father his life and I pray that in CFC we'll never forget that many times I have cried out to God and said dad that's what I call him and private dad can you say about me this is my beloved Son in whom I'm well pleased I'll do anything Lord if you can say that about me that's all I want in my life I pray that we'll have a generation of people like that in India who have only one desire I want to be well pleasing to my heavenly father to my savior who did so much for me I don't want to do a single thing or have a single thought which will displease him I don't want to say a single word to another person and that will displease him I may have to say things that hurt people because I am an elder brother I have to correct rebuke that's my responsibility but not something that out of hatred never and never want to say anything that will displease my Savior my dear brothers I prayed long ago I said Lord before I end my life on earth if I can get 11 people like your disciples you had only 11 when you left the earth if I can get 11 people on the earth who are radical wholehearted hates in don't love money that no desire for personal honor don't want the praise of men and want to please you every day judge themselves constantly don't judge other people who guard their tongue guard their thoughts anointed with the Holy Spirit every day I can say to the Lord Lord I'm ready to depart the earth I have done my job that is what will count in the day of judgment what are you living for all the money you earn is trash in that day can your father say about you this is my beloved daughter in whom I am well pleased my brothers and sisters live for it I plead with you in Jesus name live for that and don't just be stirred now for one day or a few hours with this message say Lord make this permanently imprinted upon me I'll tell you another thing that comforts me from what I heard from my dear brother Georgie I respect him very highly it's like a respect for the victor very highly godly people and thankful that we have two brothers like that 20 years younger to me for the next generation what comforted me today was there's so many people crowding around the Lord so many people eavers so many wonderful believers disciples and in the midst of all these disciples if I go to the Lord and say Lord I have a need in my life and I know you can meet it I believe he will know it when I touch him like that woman in the midst of all that crowd he will recognize me somebody touched me somebody asked me for something specific in his life he wanted victory over dirty thoughts and he believed that he be touched me he would get that victory he wanted victory over his anger he believed that if he touched me he'd get it power has gone out from me to someone it's not like there are millions of people praying oh good the Christian world is full of people praying praying praying but somebody in the midst of all this was touching me in faith it's encouraged me Lord I'm just like that woman who went to many preachers and many people for years they couldn't help me read many books they never helped me went to many conferences but finally in the crowd I came and touched you knowing that you will definitely heal me and he did dear brothers and sisters remember that next time you pray for something in your life there may be millions of people praying to the Lord but he hears your prayer he knows that someone needy is touching me and power will flow out from him to you I've experienced that not physically but my problem is solved I'm delivered from anger from dirty thoughts from the love of money only he can do it may God bless all of you I love your let's pray there may be many people praying to God in this room but maybe you're like that woman who's gone too many preachers and many doctors and you couldn't be healed even if it's physical healing yeah jesus heals even today whatever your need is physical healing mental healing problem in your home what is your need brother sister loneliness marriage God cares for you remember he cares for you it matters to him about you say to him Lord I want to be pleasing to you I don't want anything else I want you to be able to say about me that I am your son or daughter with whom you are well pleased I don't want any commendation from anyone else in the world you like that woman touched you in the crowd I'm touching you today in faith I'm the worst of all the sinners I touch you in faith and you will heal me and I also will become well pleasing to you in the days to come I believe that Lord my times of ignorance please overlook but today I turn around I repent and I trust you I have prayed many times to be filled with the Holy Spirit I wanted Lord not for any honor for myself not even to be able to testify to others no but I born to be healed of sickness of sin want to be healed I want power to flow from you to me begin that work now Lord he will hear the cry of the needy it says when the poor and needy cry I will listen to them and I'll pour out rivers in the wilderness that's his promise father in heaven Heavenly Father Lord Jesus we can sense it you're here you're here in our midst wonderful Lord you're here right now I can sense your presence here Lord Jesus I pray as we reach out to touch you the same power that flowed from you when you walked on earth will flow from you right now to one needy person here a nun a needy person they're reaching out in faith and touching you here from heaven Oh Lord Jesus and meet the need there are many needs here some which cannot be expressed to others but can be expressed to you because you love us thank you Lord for hearing us we believe that you will do more than we can ask or think we believe that you will do beyond are asking and thinking Thank You Heavenly Father he exalted in our midst build the church keep the church pure raise up godly young men and women to lead the churches forward humble men and women to lead the church forward in the days to come we pray in Jesus name Amen
Channel: CFC India
Views: 31,424
Rating: 4.9161677 out of 5
Keywords: zac poonen cfc Christian Fellowship Church Church Fellowship Christian Zac Poonen, Sermons, CFC
Id: pHKC-w57WWk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 46sec (1186 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 18 2020
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