What would you do if you really love the people around you - Zac Poonen

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Matthew chapter 9 36 this is how Jesus saw the people then he's the same yesterday today forever and this is how he sees the people today as well seeing the people he felt compassion for them he still feels compassion as he looks out at the multitude of people who are following false religions trying to do all types of works burning candles giving money rolling on the ground dipping themselves in rivers in order to get their sins forgiven we may say all those things happen but Jesus does not say like that we just read that in the papers and say no Jesus looks at them with compassion and I always pray Lord please give me the same compassion there is in your heart it's no use saying I want to be like Jesus and spend my life trying to make money no if I want to be like Jesus I want to have compassion on the people of my country and wherever God takes me and I want to look at them the way Jesus looks at them I want to have the eyes of Jesus for the world and for his people I can't reach the whole world I can reach only a very small number tiny number whom God puts within my circle and if I'm faithful there he'll keep increasing the circle and that will happen to all of us you're faithful in the small circle God will increase that circle but in the small circle where you are God wants you to be a true witness for him nobody in your circle may get converted never mind but let the light shine have compassion for them you know all of us here sitting every person sitting here listen to me there are some people you know that nobody else in the hall knows isn't that right there are some people I know whom even my wife does not know whom none of you know and there are some people you know maybe five or ten people but there are some people you know whom nobody in this Hall knows that is a little world of your own and go so loved that little world of people you know that he sent you his son his daughter into that world that they should not perish but have everlasting life that is John chapter 3:16 for you God so loved the little world of people whom you know so that he sent his son and daughter you into that world so that none of them should perish but have eternal life but will they all get converted no God sent it to his son into the world and the most people are not converted so the people in your world may not be converted but God sent his son into the world and some were converted and where you go in your little world God wants some maybe one maybe to return to the Lord I want to ask you my brothers and sisters would you like to live your whole life in this world and finally stand before the Lord and say Lord I never brought anybody to Christ I came but you gave me 30 years on earth I never brought a single soul to Christ I never witnessed to anybody about you because I was ashamed ashamed when I was in the Navy I had a big struggle because I was a naval officer and a lot of people respected me in the naval base all the sailors had to salute me if they passed me 10 times a day they had to salute me 10 times a day that's military discipline and when I felt a burden off in non-working hours in Venice day we had after Saturday wheel half day Sunday full day off and during my off time I could take off my uniform and put on civilian clothes I had a burden to stand outside the naval base on the road and preach the gospel when I said these fellows who salute me will see me standing there and they'll laugh at me what is this officer standing here and preaching here like some vegetable vendor selling vegetables and I had a great struggle so I would never stand there I'd go far away five ten miles nobody knew me and I would preach there and I thought I was very bald and I said Lord I have to say I'm still ashamed to let my junior sailors see me preaching about you but I don't want to be you were not ashamed to hang on a cross for me with just an underwear that's all that Jesus was wearing on the cross and underwear I mean just to go out walking in the street with an underwear is a shameful thing but Lord Jesus you hung on a cross for me with an underwear and you were not ashamed and you did that for me I never want to be ashamed of you no matter even if I'm the Admiral of the Navy I don't want to be ashamed of you I don't to be ashamed of you before anybody I don't want to be ashamed to be seen praying over my food in the naval officers mess and I don't want to be ashamed to be seen praying publicly I never want to be ashamed of you you're the lord of this universe why should I be ashamed and I said Lord I want to day to come and I will stand right outside the naval base and preach the gospel and let these people laugh at me but I can't do it I don't have the power I want you to fill me with the Holy Spirit because you said you shall receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you and then you will be my witnesses and I said Lord that's what I'm lacking I'm born again I know I'm going to heaven I'm baptized in water I need to be anointed with the Holy Spirit like Jesus was even Jesus you know Jesus never went out into the ministry till he was anointed with the Holy Spirit and I prayed and I tell you for nearly one year I couldn't go I would go far away and preach but I prayed and prayed and God met with me and he gave me power I said I'll never believe that I received that power till I have the boldness to stand her right outside the naval base in that road preach the gospel and I was afraid of people standing and making fun of me you know they make fun of me and the Lord gave me an amazing verse which I'd never seen before as to his power and that's in Genesis 41 I've never forgotten that worse you know in Genesis 41 it's not really it's connected to what the Lord made clear to me that day when I was seeking afraid of people making fun of me or pointing a finger at me or laughing at me or saying things about me in Genesis 41 we read about Joseph verse 14 for Pharaoh called for Joseph and Joseph came and he interpreted the dream and Pharaoh said in verse 38 can we find a man like this in whom is a divine spirit and so he said in verse 40 Joseph you're going to be over my house and according to your command all my people will do homage only in that throne I'll be greater than you I've set you over the land of Egypt and he took his signet ring from his hand and put it on Joseph's hand to me that was a picture of Jesus anointing me and this is the word that came to my heart we're very strongly at that time Pharaoh said to Joseph amazing statement was 44 Joseph without your permission no one will be able to raise his hand or foot in all the land of Egypt the Lord said to me you go out there and preach and without my permission no one will be able to point a finger at you or raise a tongue or speak against you I said wow so if that fellow stands there and makes fun of me it's because my father in heaven has permitted him to make fun of me oh then it's alright and that really gave me boldness tremendous boldness so the other words I got was in 2nd Samuel when David was being chased out of his house by his son absalom second samuel 16 you know the king before David was Saul and there was a relative of Saul who was very upset with David becoming King because he lost all his influence his name was shimmy I and we read in 2nd samuel chapter 16 verse 5 when David was being chased out by his son a man from the family of Saul shimmy I came and cursed him continually he threw stones at David this is a king but because he was checked out the shimmy I was so happy and shimmy I said in verse 7 get out get out you mana bloodshed worthless fellow he was so bold now because he was so happy that David was kicked out and one of David's generals verse 9 said to his head to the King why should this dead dog curse my lord the King let me go now and cut off his head with my sword and see what he says listen to this the king says what have I got to do you agree to your sons alright I won't let you do it his arrow ayah was David's sister and a be shy was his sister's son he was trying to protect her his uncle and David said if he curses it's because the Lord has told him curse David then how can I say why are you doing that do you have that faith that when somebody curses you I mean David put it the Lord told him I would say the Lord permitted him that's more accurate in the Old Testament some of these things they didn't have liked but the Lord has permitted him to curse you brother sister if the Lord is permitted him why you are getting upset about it if the Lord permitted somebody to send a stinking letter to you don't get upset about it forgive him don't have any grudge against him don't have any read do you believe in the sovereign control of God look what Pharoah said nobody can lift a hand or a foot without your permission Joseph and without the permission of Jesus I saw in that Naval Base nobody could lift a hand or a foot against me so I got boldness to sit and stand right outside the naval base regularly for over a year every week to stand outside in the streets and preach the gospel and people would make fun of me and call me the devil and I got some wonderful privileges there to be part of the family of God because jesus said if they call the head of the house Prince of Devil's how much more they will call the members of his family I remember once when I was
Channel: A True Christian
Views: 6,543
Rating: 4.9831223 out of 5
Id: Tww2Uw-otRg
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Length: 11min 37sec (697 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 26 2019
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