Our LAVENDER Hognose Snakes Hatched!!

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all right today is the earliest day that our ghost bull snakes came from monroe can start hatching so i'm going to start checking these guys how are the monroe eggs um no babies yet as you can see we had one mold out but i think the others maybe not that one are okay so that's all right i've been using some loachem and foot powder on them to prevent it from spreading well there's one more clutch that could be and that's our lily lily the hognose snake that might be attached is that an opening oh my gosh there's a baby oh my gosh lily's eggs are hedging oh my gosh i need to tell ed we're closed today oh he's in the bathroom edd hog nose eyes are hatching yes come here come look i i guess i'll leave him alone okay i'm back oh my gosh oh oh it's hatching oh my goodness are there any lavenders so lily was a super conda pet lavender and we paired her to a lavender male named shaneco and lily's eggs are hatching we might get lavenders that would be cool wouldn't it should we take a peek sure really quick okay okay this won't be for very long no no we can't bring them back that one pipped this one pit but sucked his head back in i think all right we'll put him out here bring him out here so we can see all right while ed gets uh the eggs over there ready to look at here is lily this is the mom she is a super conda and she is supposedly het lavender that's what we bought her as anyway and to test it out we paired her with uh uh hugh shane co who is a lavender male so lily here doesn't have spots that's why she's the super conda so that jean works in a way that all of her babies will have a reduced pattern so they'll have fewer spots than the wild types that have a lot of spots like that so she was paired with shane co who's back here shinko you're gonna be a dad who's a beautiful lavender hognose the camera doesn't even do it justice but he's like pinkish purple even his tongue you are beautiful and his eyes and his belly so with these two being paired all the babies will have fewer spots but usually larger spots thanks to the super kind of jean and 50 of the babies on top of that will have that lavender coloration oh my gosh so two eggs have picked you looking okay first one wow that's a gorgeous condo it's like a striped conda color wise it looks like because they kind of grow into the color a little bit too i don't think we're going to really be able to tell till we see siblings yeah when we can compare them i think he's just a normal color it's a 50 50 chance if it's lavender but definitely a conda so that's awesome let's take a peek and the other one that pipped oh i see a nose yeah his little nose is poking out okay this was our star wars clutch by the way don't hide from us we want to see what maybe i'll turn my flash on can i see anything in there not really you could be lavender but i can't tell ah okay oh my gosh this is so exciting oh you can see the pattern of that one through the shells let's see this one and this one oh yeah you can see them through the shell that is super cool our first baby hog nose of the year i mean we had egg eating snakes but i wouldn't count them as part of this breeding season because it was so long ago so first baby of the 2022 breeding season is a conda hognose snake look at that i have to separate a russian tardis ginger oh my goodness okay so we are going to put these back in the incubator probably come back tomorrow and see what's out what are you doing we've only it's only been like 12 hours since they started pipping oh my gosh okay so we're doing it a little early this time because we will not be here tomorrow so they started pipping this morning we waited as late as possible to yeah it's not like 12 o'clock at night yeah now it's pretty much midnight so it's as close as we can get to 24 hours it'll work that one came up outside or came out upside down that one is currently upside down he's dying oh my gosh let's cut open that's the piped one he said oh another one there's the new one the lightsaber look at that face oh my goodness focus behind the plastic here don't suck in don't suck in baby you are so cute i'm trying to suck back in so that one doesn't look lavender this one doesn't look lavender don't know about this one hopefully there's lavenders yeah hopefully we didn't get uh scammed on lily let's hope not okay well i guess only one way to tell we are going to slice a small hole on the upper part of the egg since the babies when they're not coming out yet they're kind of resting below so there's a little bit of space so we're going to open a bit of a hole to allow them to come out if they haven't developed their egg tooth which they use to slice open the egg from the inside or if the egg tooth fell off and they can't get out we don't want them to drown in their own fluids in the egg so this is our way of helping them hatch dude what are you doing why are you upside down are you not oh doesn't want to be touched yeah he's not dead he's just upside down what are you doing why are you like this you're just you're gonna be the goofy one of the clutch don't suck back into your egg all right well i suppose we should where should we start oh my gosh first hognose babies of the year oh and what an exciting clutch i really hope we get a lavender that one's already pipped it doesn't look it looks like a brownish colored face so i think that one's a normal you can see on the side here that he is a condo like all these should be condas they're visible she's visibly conda or super condos right there's no way that we didn't get scammed by that that's true you want to see a really cute little pose here oh look at his little face what are you what are you doing you're in such a weird position you can even see his little egg tooth it looks like a little buck tooth there you did a good job cutting out of your egg you're so cute okay so that's a normal this is a normal but you can tell if you look through the egg in this window you can see that his belly is all black and he has those white walls alongside the belly so that is a conda it's just a normal colored conda that's what we have here the other one that pipped i think can i i'm gonna get tweezers i kinda wanna peek and see what you are color wise there we go uh i see a lot of browns so i think that's another wild type or a normal okay shoot it should be 50 50. yeah either we're getting really unlucky so far yeah or or i don't want to talk about the other option way too much for a super combat yeah really all right let's start cutting and see what we can find we're gonna cut open yoda come on please be a lavender the goop looks good it's gonna cut open a little slit here okay rip it open and looking at colors that looks pretty brown to me that looks pretty brown to me too okay that one looks like a normal oh no you can see blood right here that's not from me cutting the baby that's just one of the veins that lies on the underside of the eggshell so that is normal let's try this one there's really not much as far as windows go for this guy so let's see oh that's definitely a normal there's his face cute little baby there yeah but it is a normal okay all right well i'm starting to get nervous i'm pretty sure at this point uh that guy just ripped us off i think we just have a an overpriced super conda we'll try this one come on lavender come on lavender oh weird looking goop yeah not sure about that one i'm gonna leave it alone though because the goop doesn't look good so that might not be a good baby so we'll see we'll come back to that one how about the x-wing egg come on lavender goop looks clear yeah it looks good i mean that one does look really light on the like in here it does look a bit lighter doesn't it oh it's kind of cool you can see the veins right there that provide the blood flow kind of this one looks lighter in color maybe i'm just making it up but okay so here's the back it does look a lot lighter yeah look at that that is a lighter color oh it's gonna be one of those right there you have to see them out yeah i don't know i i want to be hopeful but i'm not convinced yet yeah okay how about this really long egg what's the symbol again in star wars this that is the sith okay oh man a bunch of people just cringed me asking 90 sure oh wow this one like really oozed out okay oh never mind not the same logo that's the jedi look oh no you know they're pretty much the same thing okay totally the jedi logan okay so here's our jedi baby this might be yeah i lost all credit yes you did lavender in three two one oh get the flap emily uh oh i mean that also looks lighter it also looks a lot lighter in color that one could be a lavender i think that might be a lavender yeah i am pretty sure that it is i think that is a lavender look look at that light colored belly right here you're doing terrible odds that that is a lavender what that can't be a normal oh my gosh yes the jedi baby is a lavender so you look at the difference we've got this dark brown there and then over here look at that light color it's hard to see it might be even harder on cameras oh my gosh i believe that is a lavender okay this is our other lightsaber this was the blue lightsaber yep blue kind of weird look yeah blue coloration of uh sharpies fades uh during incubation what a weird experiment that was didn't even mean for it to be an experiment yeah so use black marker over blue for egg for exes yeah oh man i'm all shaky i'm so nervous about this clutch three and excited two one huh that looks like a normal you think well look at the size there on camera i was looking through the camera it's hard to tell oh man that is hard to tell that's a mystery that's a mystery okay mystery baby so all of these will eventually come out and they'll be easy to tell then yes okay to the next container oh we've got dark bulbasaur yes we have bulbasaur you've already lost all your creds so why not i mean that looks a lot more like bulbasaur than darth vader because it does look like bulbasaur okay next baby that was opened really easily yeah it did i liked it three two one that's definitely a normal all right okay we've got a stormtrooper i'm gonna cut this guy open oh emily's got the neck down now yeah i do okay blood is normal those were just the veins we saw earlier stormtrooper could be lavender in three two one what are you normal that looks pretty brown to me yeah yeah look at that i think normally i think that's a normal okay we are not getting good luck or it's just hard to tell or yeah there could be some in here that are just yeah very light lavenders yeah okay r2d2 will r2d2 be a lavender or a normal we know it's a conda okay three two one oh oh well there's our face can't tell on camera i see your face there are you still incubating i'm sorry i think oh yeah look at the browns here yeah that's a normal we have two left come on have one convincing lavender for us although i'm pretty sure we might have one already i'm pretty sure that one was yeah okay here's our droid egg goop looks good yeah only one that didn't look like good looked like it was good yeah this isn't bad three two one oh that's a lavender that's totally a lavender oh my gosh look at that lavender face it's like 2 out of 17. yeah we still have yeah we have one more egg but that one is definitely a lavender r2d2 and jedi yes yes oh my gosh you are such a cute lavender okay now i'm convinced because even the jedi i was like oh maybe it's not but that is a lavender which means the uh the the jedi egg is a lavender and there's more some of these could be in some more too harder to see they'll be very easy to tell when they're out oh my gosh we have lavenders now that i'm convinced i am i'm stoked okay last egg last egg okay i've learned that the calcified part of the shell is the easiest part to cut okay okay so this is uh the millennium millennium falcon yep so is it a lavender or normal three two one normal that's definitely a normal it's pretty normal to me oh my gosh so we have at least two at least two lavenders which for a 50 50 chance we got terrible terrible odds but maybe there's more in here that we just can't tell because of all the goop in there it's covering up their colors okay now let's look back now that we know what we're looking for that one's definitely it's gonna oh look at that belly yeah the belly's so light that's definitely a lavender so we have yeah definitely two lavenders maybe more that one might be a lavender we won't really know well let's take a look do you think this is a lavender maybe that it might be it's just so hard to tell for the egg i think we're just gonna have to wait until they're they're out to see them gosh okay we're gonna put them back in the incubator but before we do one last look at our for sure lavender baby hog the first lavenders we've ever produced oh look at him and he's responding to the touch yep yep sucked back in sorry i poked your nose wanted to make sure you were healthy oh my goodness we have lavender i guess we'll come back in a day or two and see if they're out of the egg okay [Music] oh my gosh it's next day other babies out are their babies out oh my goodness oh my goodness they're hatching oh my gosh i see a lavender right there okay come here come here let's take a look oh babies oh there's babies okay players pick up the babies oh my gosh look at them we're actually open right now do you want to see them yeah oh my gosh look there's a ladder oh my god right there oh my gosh this is i think that was the first one to pip yesterday surrenders coming in but oh my god they're so cute oh my gosh okay babies yeah it's okay it's not here we don't have to work that one died not literally but he's like upside down oh oh oh oh no so he's oh my god this is amazing i wonder how many more lavenders we're gonna get i guess we'll give them another day and we'll check back later [Music] come on lavenders come i know there's at least three lavenders which is amazing and now let's finally figure out what we have if they're out okay ready yep three two one oh my gosh they're coming out oh there's a lavender completely out right there yeah i saw that oh hi cutie oh my god oh you're so scary this is the sassy one from there you got a perfect example of lavender versus normal yeah you can see the oh like right here yeah underneath yeah oh are you so mad oh my gosh look at this sassy lavender hello he was doing this from the egg yesterday too only his head was out come here i'm gonna steal you oh my goodness so he might look on camera like a normal colored hognose snake because the camera doesn't really do the colors justice for la yeah for lavenders but when you put a normal colored one next to a lavender now you can really see that difference and this is even a lighter colored normal too look at that condom by the way yeah that's an amazing condom that's a really faded pattern i don't know that's a lame conda look at how lame that conda is yeah that one has a ton of spots this one has like none of it well like very faded faded spots oh my goodness okay you guys are so cute all right we're going to set you back in here who else is hipping out now yeah okay so those are the two that came out we have a normal head oh that's definitely a lavender here's a normal normal sideways for some reason yeah and another normal right there okay okay so two of six in here were lavenders yeah for a 50 50 supposed odds uh it didn't quite hit them there but that's okay container number two there's a couple out in this one yeah who's all out i see two lavenders there's one two threes that's that looks like it's eleven or two that's four lavenders oh my goodness two three and four and then there's is there still someone in here could you be another oh that's the oh there's i think that is a lavender that's a lavender oh oh wait where's the gross one that we were like that one's not going to make it i think no that wasn't it was this one yeah i think you're right i think it was this one huh oh yeah because that was the huge egg well not huge but the lavender look at that condom this lavender oh my goodness you're gonna be so pretty yeah okay so for condo what we're looking at guys is the lack of a pattern so there's very few spots wow this one's like pink on its head there yeah that's a really beautiful lavender oh awesome oh my gosh and then this one's a lavender that's a lavender that one's eleven and that one's a little three four eight so five out of eight in here we're lavenders okay so six plus eight is what fourteen yeah fourteen and then how many lavenders did we get seven fifty fifty fifty oh my gosh we hit the odds perfectly now we know when we're cutting them they don't look like lavenders yeah now we know because now that they're coming out they obviously are lavenders however it does look like we have one baby that this sometimes happens take a look his head is actually swollen because he cut not quite big enough of a hole and he's trying to tuck back into it so we're gonna they're not very smart even at young age your head is huge he came out he didn't come out of the hole we made him that's why yeah dude you should have come out over here okay let me help you out so you can at least suck back in apparently you're not the brightest little hog nose baby there you go okay you are welcome all poor dude his head is so swollen it is look at his chin buddy i'm sorry well you're the one who did that to yourself though so let me uh sit this down here oh that'll return to normal he'll he'll turn back into normal he'll be perfectly fine yeah he'll be okay it's a good thing we caught that dude okay you just take it easy how about the hole we give you it's so much easier why did you have to go through that other one oh my goodness look at all these babies since we have baby lavenders let's take a look at those beautiful purple bellies oh my gosh it's so purple wow and it's a condom so he has a solid purple belly and those beautiful white walls still along the sides stop touching my belly you are so sweaty i don't like you guys he's got the purple eyes and do you have a purple tongue can you flick your tongue oh oh flick it flick it can i get another tongue flick oh yeah it's like a dark purple is he a boy or a girl oh let's see i guess are they a boy or a girl you are this is a girl look at that short tail so the cloaca is this lighter spot right there the rest is the tail so since it tapers pretty much right away and it's a pretty short tail we have a female here i wonder if we can find a male to compare this guy to oh like this perfect that actually was not planned so we have a lavender female on the right and a normal colored male on the left see the difference in those tails a lot longer and a lot thicker at the base before it starts tapering out on that male so yeah that's how you tell with babies oh so we have a female lavender condom hog nose holy moly we should put them back i know you're enjoying yourself but they need to stay warm check back tomorrow to see how many more are out yep we'll check tomorrow [Music] i think all the babies are out looking through the lids and there are so many lavenders oh my gosh let's take a look this one is just so purple yeah it's not a good example of a condo because it has a lot of spots also another good example of on the camera of a lavender next normal lawn care oh bomber well what if we put a normal next to it there we go okay so con er lavender and normal can you kind of see the color difference there at least i mean it pretty much looks faded oh really yeah oh bummer unfortunately yeah because it's like purple in person ah that's the one downside to lavender's is you just can't really tell what they look like unless you see them in person or you take a really good photo of them yeah honestly this is one that you you'd probably still take a picture of and have to photoshop it to change the color to what it actually looks like so yeah that's a gorgeous lavender lavender though guys now let's take a look at the wild type of two lavenders yep had two of seven i think were lavender so we've got uh five over here this one it's so funny like usually you'd be like oh my god condas yeah next time we're like yeah we don't need to look at them we got lavenders i know well yeah what's cool is all these babies are condos just different examples of condoms this one's a really lame condom yeah has a lot of spots that's a really pretty one with the line kind of down his back wait speaking of lines look at that condom oh wow get out of the way get out of the way look at that stripe that one's really pretty oh and this one has even more of a stripe oh my gosh look at that one he's like a racetrack yeah wow you are really pretty can you see the difference of colors between these two um lavender and normal color yes you can you can it kind of shows there the purple okay slightly ah not as good as it is in person okay well yeah and even the normal colored ones in here are het lavender which is really cool okay so that's that half let's take a look at the other half that has more lavender yes it's like the reverse of the colors sideways okay in three two one oh oh my gosh so many babies so much my favorite yeah it's so pink yeah i'm with you this one you're right this one is like pink near the head yeah you are so pretty oh my gosh okay we have you this one over here which is a nice condo like super faded kind yeah considering that's just a kind of i mean i know the super kinda has nothing but that's a super faded condom it is a really high expression condo pink spot on his head no he does yeah you're really cute weird there we go so that's a high expression condos what that's called if they have a lot of spots and they're therefore not a good example of a condo then they're considered a low expression conda take a look at this one this one has like polka dots oh wow and it's like patternless near its head oh it's also wakanda or it's also lavender yeah and it's lavender so this one's less lavendery than that one looks completely normal on camera oh does it really yeah oh that one there we go side by side so you can see the difference yeah so you can kind of see it there yeah a little bit there you can also see the spot pattern on this one it's like divided yeah yeah it is kind of like a leopard spotted one oh this one's shedding his skin for the first time oh look at his face coming off oh this is going to be so uncomfortable here can i help no i have to do it myself ah there i got i got it off your face at least okay i'll put you back oh look at this lavender's belly yeah wow that's a really pretty purple belly oh my gosh all right you can see on camera oh good okay i got distracted sorry we'll set you down there what else do we have in this pile this one's like he she this one is a girl okay really short tail this one has a nice stripe behind her head i like how it goes to like it's like morse code stripe spot stripe spot stripes yeah spot stripe oh my gosh this one's more like bluish gray almost yeah it's cool a cool version of a of a lavender you're really pretty yeah the lavenders want to get out okay over here we have two condas that are normal colored but they're getting a good stripe on it this one has a cool stripe and this one has a cool like leopard yeah that's a good way to put it yeah divided with the two rows of spots those are both beautiful examples of just how the conda jean can vary and you're getting out i'm off on my adventure in the new world go have fun okay you explore we're gonna check out the last two lavenders there's so many lavenders in here what was it completely 50 50. it was completely 50 50 and you are shedding can i help the first shed when they like hatch right away they shed it's so thin it's like not it doesn't even feel like anything here let me get this off your face okay no thank you i like it on my face you're welcome was it these two were that were the last ones yes okay chugga chugga chugga chugga chugga chugga chug just inch worming his way hey oh they're like france aren't they cute together yeah you can definitely see like okay this one looks normal but that is a lavender that looks like a zanthic oh really yeah that's how light it is on camera huh i wish that there's a way for people to see them in person there we go there you go now you can see it yeah i can definitely see the color change there wow that's awesome yeah it is oh he's like mama you're hi cutie boop oh sorry i wonder if we can get a shot i think i can get them all in my hands at once all the hogs are all the lavender all the all the lavenders let's start with that i think that's more of an achievable goal than the entire clutch so they all should be in there i think they're all in ready oh my gosh a handful of lavender condo hugs oh my gosh so it's such a shame still that they don't it just doesn't look like kittens yeah there's so much purple here okay can i flip them over you can see all the lavender bellies you try i'm gonna try maybe you can at least see that on camera whoop bellies oh you can kind of see it sorry guys they're like what are you doing stop it that stripe is so pretty okay we're gonna we're gonna have such a problem trying to see what we actually want to sell out of this glitch man i think we're gonna keep all the female lavenders and we really don't need more than maybe one male lavender from this group and put you over here are we gonna do all okay so we'll put them all in one bin yes yes let's figure out what our holdbacks are right now so people who are on the waiting list will know what's going to be available oh my gosh look at that that's their way there's not gonna be a whole lot of this okay and we're going to switch it out for one of the baby bins perfect we'll put keepers in there and non-keepers in this one how about that all right let's start with the normal colored ones actually we don't need to keep any of the normal colored ones right they're really pretty if anything maybe the striped one yeah do you want to maybe male or female it's female female okay keep it okay keep pile pet lavender i guess he's saying he wants to go okay you can go to somebody else i don't think we need to keep any other normals genetically yeah so i'm sorry guys well i mean not sorry you're just going to go to an awesome new home on our waiting list probably going to breeder most likely yeah most likely to a breeder so there we go you're all going to go over there and now that's oh well that one wants to be a keeper are you a female you want to stay with you you are you are a male that is a very long tail so we're going to leave put him in a maybe yep maybe the males are going to stay in here for now so let's figure out which ones are girls this is the feisty one that hatched first i think it gets a keep for now yeah i guess i keep for now that's a i don't know and we have you this is a nice faded conda oh that's a girl that's a girl yep short tail yeah that's definitely a girl okay keep pile how about this one this nice lavender you are a boy okay so you stay in here yeah you're a maybe i don't remember what the other one was that might have been the other one actually i think this was the other one okay let's see actually i'm gonna put them in a separate bin altogether okay okay so maybes are going to go in another bin off camera just so i don't like double sex them or get confused so this one is a boy and a half right there okay he's going in the baby bin this one's beautiful i hope you're a girl girl come on girl what girl there we go short tail keep okay we have two left this is a girl all right we might let one yeah maybe we won't keep all this is the pink one yeah i hope this one's a girl if it's a boy that might be our cute boy that might be you are a boy all right oh this is the one with the leopard spots too yeah i'm sorry this is the boy we're keeping well okay let's get rid of this okay okay can you bring that back over here are the three boys we have to choose from that one can go the yep the faded one okay that one we don't need to keep so it's down to these two oh man both those are really pretty they are both really pretty from a conda standpoint i think i'd have to choose this one though all right go for it okay this is the boy we are keeping that's the boy we're letting go how many out of this clutch are we actually letting go quite a few actually two three four we're only keeping six we're letting eight go that's not too bad no we're coming out of a clutch of 14. keeping six yeah just shy of half unless do we need that many females okay if nothing else we can let them go in the future that's true we can start raising them up now and then this will give us a good chance to see which ones are really good eaters we are also trying to expand our hogwarts breeding yes we are so we should be holding back a decent number okay well it's decided we're going to let two male lavenders go now you just told me to not keep this one you said this one definitely goes better everybody else and i like him no well he's not a good example of a lavender though cause he's not purple so we should be encouraging the color of the lavender yeah yeah so it's a i think we have a good set here all right should we set up baby bins sure all right so do you want to explain what we're gonna be doing as far as setting these guys up oh like with the multiples yes yes we can absolutely so last year we experimented a bit and we kept hog noses because we were kind of low on space in pairs and sometimes trios depending on how many bins we had available there was a huge weight for more racks to come in which is what we were uh it was not in our favor so we put two or three together and it turns out they eat a lot better maybe this was 20 20 actually i don't remember i remember we recently experimented and discovered that baby hogs tend to eat a lot better when they're kept in at least four years or trios yeah at least for that year so we're going to actually do it again this year i don't know if it's like replicating in the wild when they hatch they don't disperse right away so they're used to being with other siblings at first i don't know but i think we're gonna do the same thing and keep like three together in a bin this size that's plenty of room for three hatchlings that's six in one yeah this one's escaping so you mister missus there that's six and one yeah so we're gonna do three in the each of these bins at least for the start and then we're gonna split as they grow obviously but yeah we're going to set up baby bins just like we always do and uh we'll go from there since this is our first baby clutch of the year i'm going to kind of review how we set up our baby bins in case you haven't seen uh how we do it before or if you just want a refresher the back end of these baby bins is the heated end and the front is just kind of room temperature so what we're going to do for the substrate for all these bins is set a paper towel down and we like to do a paper towel even though this isn't the recommended substrate long term for hog noses because this allows babies to eat their food without risking impaction or like eating substrate that gets stick to theirs to get stuck to their meals so a lot easier for feeding but we're not going to just do a dry paper towel we are going to mist it down slightly to help keep them hydrated since they just came out of those fluid-filled eggs and this will also help them shed as well in the back of the enclosure we are going to put a hide which i was going to do this awesome hide that a a fan made for us and gave to us in our zoo unfortunately the top doesn't really sit in place so i think i'm just going to turn it into two hides by flipping each piece that way so we still have a hide it's perfect in the front we're going to do a water dish which we'll fill up later and then we're going to add a rock for them to rub up against to shed their skin some of these i might do a piece of malaysian driftwood because maybe that'll well i'm going to do both yeah or cork there we go okay and then we just need some enrichment which this also acts as enrichment we can also add a couple of leaves maybe a flower and there is our baby bin for our hog noses so we're just gonna do this for all how many bins do we need five five five five bins [Music] tada we have our baby bins i added a ton of enrichment because i felt like spoiling them yeah so we have our keepers yep and ours let-goers let goers yep assuming they all eat well obviously so next what we're gonna do and it won't be part of this video but we're gonna slide all of these in place into their little baby rack and then the next step will be in about five to seven days we are going to offer them their first meal which will be a frozen thawed pinky mouse probably a day old pinky so it's as tiny as possible but they will be able to handle the entire pinky we won't have to chop it up for these guys at all just day old pinkies yeah and hopefully it'll be a frozen thought one obviously unscented hopefully they all take it on the first try that'd be nice like that's gonna happen that's the goal anyway these are hognose snakes so i'm sure not all of them are gonna be good eaters but that's why as breeders we hang on to them until they start eating regularly and they take several meals before we send them to their new homes but yeah we're just gonna make sure they're eating and then send them off to their new homes we do have a waiting list for these guys it is already full but we as you can see we took six of them and we kept a lot of them we won't be keeping this many of any of our other clutches it's just lavenders really yet maybe we'll hatch some really cool ones who knows no all deaths are off when it comes to holdbacks but uh what we're planning on doing is half of the babies for any species all species here this year half of them were going to sell to our people on the waiting list and then ship them off to different states and the other half of our babies roughly were going to sell in our store so that we can reduce a little bit of shipping stress and sell to local people which will be fun yeah so yeah i am very excited we have lavenders yeah look at this lemonade little lavender this is the boy that we're keeping really tell that's a lavender and it's all here throw him up there with him yeah okay okay there we go now you can see the color difference oh lavenders this is probably the like highest end clutch of hog noses we have ever hatched there are some fancy snakes in here for sure which is why we're keeping half of them yeah so let us know which one is your i think these are my top two favorites of the clutch maybe hang on i'm also going to include this one even though it's not a good example top three favorites yes these are my top two favorites these three snakes this one just because of its color this one because of the conda pattern and this one because of the stripe yeah those are good ones can you guys let us know which one from this clutch is your favorite maybe the drama queen sorry i had to fix a bunch of hog noses trying to you're escaping so yeah we've got hugs thank you guys so much for watching uh thank you to our patreon backers for your amazing support and welcome 20 22 baby season hooray happy baby season that one's got gunk on his head it's shed you
Channel: Snake Discovery
Views: 1,755,063
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Hognose, hognose eggs, snake eggs, snakes, snake breeding, lavender, lavender hognose, lavender snake, reptiles, pets, snake discovery, eggs, eggs hatching, baby snakes, snakes hatching, baby snakes hatching, snakes pipping, egg cutting, snake hatching, hognose breeding, hognose snake morphs, hognose snake breeding, baby snake, baby snake hatching, snake egg clutch
Id: R4-ClPadRSo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 36min 19sec (2179 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 16 2022
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