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last week one out thank you for joining us tonight and um for those who were joining us by Facebook and they tried this week to get it fixed and then they saw that they could not get it fixed and it was absolutely too warm over there for us to be over there and so Pastor allowed us to come over here but because we are master class students we don't um we don't shake we shift a man somebody a man somebody you all get your Bibles open because there is something that is tremendously on my heart tonight and I want to I want to get to it right away and you might as well call this in our power sort of speak because I don't want to hold you beyond time but this this this this lesson is is going to bless you in so many different ways like it did me earlier today and this past week I want to give God praise for my Nana being here yeah somebody get God praise for my Nana being here she traveled out with me to Louisiana and I'm sorry y'all on Facebook I gotta fix myself and for my clothes that's that's so ugly I know but I said I'm on just the wrong way but um that's the part about going live because you don't get a chance to you know say wait a minute I just got to see it all but um she was out with me in Louisiana and I kind of talked her into coming back to New York with me and just spend a couple days she not doing nothing she just retired and looking gorgeous and looking like a jazz rolling back on us she getting ready to be who at 68 soon 68 stand up turn around she getting ready to be 68 and she is a real black Nana I'm kind didn't knock you out you don't get time out she put diapers on me when I was little and beaten me and tried to make me go to bed and and I wouldn't and just all of the above sprayed me with spray starch cuz I wouldn't get up and go do something she was saying when she was honored so she just sprayed you with the spray starch and that was the one that would put our food on the table and you're paying cakes and your eggs on the Necker table when we would have to spend the night with her siblings cuz they we've had about seven or eight of them and my mom had five so when she wouldn't have to babysit she's the oldest cousin Oh God she would put all our food on the table and we would be like where's I where's our plates she said you don't get no plate so we had to eat everything and you have to hurry up and stop your pancakes because the series running off the table beside the table and she and I said it's running off she said that's cuz I want you to hurry up and eat so I we would get our bacon i-x and I pancakes right there on the neck of table when we get through eating she would take a dish towel and going around the whole table and make everybody go outside and said don't come back in this don't know more until I called you so that went right there that one right there was a mess but we all loved her and Rihanna her and all of my cousins yeah oh we got to do when one of us is cutting up and said I'm calling nano and we be like wait a minute let's talk about it they're talking about it before you called nano cuz Nana get you straight she will come for you with all of it and I thank God for her I do I thank God for her in man amen what's on my heart tonight and I want I wanted to get a chair on purpose because I wanted to really really get an opportunity to dig a little in this lesson that I have been ministering about because we are embarking upon everybody that's a part of this master class the one thing I do know about master class students is that you don't come and become a part of a master class unless you have a master plan nobody wants to be taught by master if you don't plan to do anything with it somebody may say well dr. Bynum would you know what are you a master teacher legitimately legitimately yes I am anything that you have been doing for 10 plus years and you you are literally can do it in your sleep and not only can you do it in your sleep but you have you have a record that proves that not only have I done it but I've redone it watch this and I might help you tonight you cannot be a master at anything unless you have learned how to become a professional failure you're not taught something just because somebody teach it to you you're taught something when you get what they have taught you and you apply it to your mistakes when you say I am I have made a mistake in this and how can I correct it and because I don't know how to correct it I use the instructions of a master teacher like like Kentucky for our chicken fail nine times before he became successful some of y'all didn't know that he went bankrupt nine times trying to do Kentucky Fried Chicken and he finally succeeded at it the average person that you would see that succeed at anything have had to have failed in the process or it would not be successful today I'm going somewhere with this tonight so when you talk about my journey for the Lord what God has called me to accomplish and the reason why the master class is such an endearment to me is because I could see the potential of what God is getting ready to do in the lives of many of you and when I see somebody striving to get to where God is trying to take you it is no more than right that I help you to understand that pathway that I help you understand the highway like I've been in this church I've been in Bethel like 30 years we've been in this building about what pastor 17 17 19 19 years well when we first walked into the building from the red church the red church is over on Linden Boulevard and which we me and pastors we trying to talk about making it a master center or something doing something over there but when we when we did that that that particular building I could never been a member of a church that when you walk in the church it slopes and so you have to walk down like you're walking down so when you can when you're getting your praise on it's different running around the church in better than it is any other church cuz you know you running on flat surface and you're going BuChE BuChE you you you run and get your praise on their bed you gotta go up here and then you gotta be careful about how fast you're gonna run coming back down here cuz I don't seen him run right into the poor they just can't stop me just you know I don't blame dr. Johnson sometimes she's in the wheelchair and she had to sit back there you not rolling me down they said at an island can't stop rolling yeah yeah but beginning the first church it taught me how to become accustomed to the road of the second church that's good so when we got over here and it slopes going down it wasn't an unusual thing for me I was accustomed to that because somebody taught me how to practice in a church that has a slope the problem is God has called us to do a lot of things that we watch this that this generation they don't have anybody to teach them how to operate and go about handling the highways to success yeah that problems I'm saying something the highways to their breakthrough or to their deliverance or trip to the multi-million dollar business that God has given them the caring and so because they don't have anybody to teach them that or some of them are not subjected to hearing that then we become Jesus we become the kind of people that we're doing a whole lot of little stuff but we're not landing in anything successful we're not landing in anything that causes your life to say I've made my mark I think that's what I'm trying to say that I made my mark I mean you cannot live your life and leave this world and not have made your mark to be able to say I'm known for this you know what I'm saying I mean they're gonna call you a lot but at least I can say if I were to close my eyes today I'm known for prayer come on somebody I have left the contribution in the earth realm that people can go back to my tapes from years ago and they can learn and be consumed about prayer come on somebody so if I can't teach you anything else I can teach you that hello hello church and so when you're only a way to trying to find out what it is that God is calling you to pursue the thing that I have to tell you is that the road is the same for everybody I don't care if you're going to be a person that owned your own beauty shop I don't care if you're gonna be a doctor I don't care if you're gonna be a lawyer you have to learn how to walk down the road to build because if you don't learn that you're gonna always have setbacks all the time I don't care God called you to be a prophet if you don't learn the road that I'm trying to tell you about right now you would never make it because the enemy will be sure to know without a shadow of a doubt he could stop you don't you know right now that the devil knows who don't know the highway I hear nobody talk to me right there yeah I want to know who speaking in tongues in here whoo shouting whoo whoo book any book or book everybody don't know how way she don't know how to get to the road of success and I'm not afraid of her so I don't have to listen I don't have to throw a lot of hard stuff in they pass because all I got to do is catch them with a lot of little bitty stuff I'm not hearing y'all because they have no tenacity they have no real power and the reason why they don't have real power and they don't have tenacity because you think the tenacity and real power and the strength to go on is in your emotions and it is not it is a substance that is put on the inside of you and the reason why God have to put that substance in you because the enemy is going to try to stop you why I didn't get nobody saying then right there he's going to try to stop you I'm gonna say that one more time and I believe my head this way he's going to try to stop you how do I know that what God has given me is legitimately from God because I have to contend with a potential stopper y'all better come over here where's my glasses I got to encounter you I got to embrace you I got to meet you there's no sense in us talking about now I'm talking to my master class students there's no sister I'm talking uphold the devil and I you know I'm just go I'm just gonna stay away I don't care how much you try to stay away from the devil you gotta meet the stopper I don't care if you move to California you're gonna meet the stopper when you get there I don't care if you move to Texas you're going to meet the stopper I don't care if you join an organization in the church and you're the only member you're still going to meet a stopper I'm not giving up because the stopper is not always in another person the stopper can also end up in you you know sometimes the devil will make you stop you it's not teaching anybody tonight you don't careful he uses he'll use you he'll use your mind and if you don't know how to contend with the stopper you will always be stopped okay the book of Nehemiah well do you have scripture for that go with me to the book of Nehemiah up in here it's awful quiet first of all here we have I have to get about that ship or the devil tried to throw me down here we have Nehemiah and this is this is this is thisis this is so this is so such a great lesson because here we have Nehemiah and Nehemiah have been given an assignment by God how do I know that I have an assignment by God because I have a passion for it I'm not hearing y'all when I was working as a flight attendant I had a passion still to preach you have a passion for it it doesn't matter what comes or what go you just you just in love with it I used to love I had a passion for tennis I used to love tennis I don't care what I can be walking out of television as soon as I see it I gotta stop come on somebody when you got a passion for something that's that thing that make you keep doing it when you keep telling yourself you're stupid what am I talking to that's the thing you keep on that when you telling yourself you ain't no good at this that's the thing you keep doing when people start telling you you should quit make something in the kitchen you that you'll never be as good as this one over here I'm not hearing y'all I'll never be as good as this one over here and so the first thing you must not ever do when God has called you to do something as a master student you should never compare yourself with anybody you should never look across the room and say I came doing like her or I can't do it like them is that how God told you to do it you are becoming an original that's why you cannot do it like them because the way that God is going to give you to do it has never been done before heard somebody say he called me to be an original no sin again he's calling me to be an original and how do I know that I'm an original because I can't find nobody that I can find that association with that's why he called Noah to be an original he called him to build something that had never been done before and the reason why he called him to do it because he gave him not the opportunity to be able to go to somebody else and say how do you build an ark because anybody that he asked they were going to say I don't know I can't help you with that well how do I get how do I get the second floor I don't know I don't know how you gonna do that well then what am I gonna do you got to go back and ask the person that called you to do it [Applause] I'm not hearing y'all you got to go back and ask the processor they're called you two doing I know somebody because if you don't then you'll end up doing it like somebody else and if you do it like somebody else then that's the reason why you're going to get there warfare some warfare is not even yours it's the warfare of an image that you borrow from somebody else and the devil knows what he needs to attack and so when he has an assignment to attack a yellow and you go put yellow on cuz she got yellow all you have encounter in a spirit that didn't even belong to you somebody is somebody hearing this is somebody here in this you've been attacked for no reason cuz you got somebody else's garbage on you got somebody else's image on is anybody listen to what God is saying you've got to become an original I don't care how difficult it is you can never borrow somebody else's image you can never power the way somebody else do something you have to remain an original and why because just like you've been an original has its demonic warfare it also has its help so if the Holy Ghost said I'm going to design somebody that's going to help somebody that every time they see the color yellow they're gonna give him the million dollars and then she went yellow I think and then if I wanted with it cuz she got on pink and I like that pink I'm gonna put that pink on and then you wonder well well when is God gonna bless me financially because the person that he's designed to bless people that wear yellow you took yell off and now you wearing pink so you really missing your blessing because you don't have on the right outfit you don't have on the thing that's going to attract your support I'm not hearing y'all talk to me you're not wearing what's going to attract your support adabo shia me being in original is what is attracting my support me not trying to preach like nobody else me not trying to get up and be I'm not hearing who am I talking to me Chesapeake who I am is what I keep attracting God to send favor and bless it in my direction and that's why I tell people over time I'm sorry if you don't like the way I teach I'm not Joyce Meyer I love her I'm not hearing y'all I'm not giving up I can't minister like that this is the way God has given me to minister because there is a certain kind of people that I am to preach - are y'all hearing this you got to be yourself you got to be yourself he don't bless you he's not gonna bless a lookalike he can't bless you he not gonna bless who you trying to be my god Nehemiah is in another man's kingdom what a passion for what God called him to do he could have stayed there he could have said you know what I'm over here with Ralph y'all I know y'all watch this I know y'all over there in another part of the country and y'all struggling and y'all tryin to make ends meet and I'm sitting up here in a palace I'm over here in a palace I got listen I'm under the leadership of a king and a queen and I'm doing well now I'm gonna hit somebody I'm doing well how do I know when I am moving toward what God has called me to move toward because he will call you to leave something that is prospering and people will call you crazy but why is they walking away from that why they've even that good government job I'm the world shutting that down big I'm not giving up because sometimes God will let you walk away from looking like it is a wealthy place because what the devil is trying to do is rob you out of your divine place for a wealthy place I just said something right there I just sex up my bear when God was calling me to become full-time in ministry I was like I know he called him me but I don't know if I'm ready for that he said full time in ministry by this time I had got a little whatever little favor with my supervisors and I was taking all the long trips taking all the long trip so that pen American flight attendant I was getting all the best flights I was becoming supervisors on the main big overseas flight big checks big checks you going over there and you in Germany and all of Italy and I was going places Paris and it was like how you get all them trips cuz you have to be a senior you have to be here five years or more to get trips like that but God was just giving me favor and the Lord was just opening up doors and I'd love to my job and God stopped it all started with dr. Johnson I blame dr. Johnson for all my troubles I blame dr. Johnson for all my troubles dr. Johnson came up to me one Sunday said we haven't a women's luncheon and I just sense in my spirit that you you need to speak and I was like no no no that jumps and I don't minister like that I mean she said but don't you don't you minister I said I have but I ain't ain't no speaker like that she said no but God said you gonna do this and you know when you were you in your church you're the new girl you the flight attendant everybody don't like you for no reason you don't even know you then you got to get up and preach at a luncheon when you got some that why she didn't ask me and ain't nobody never heard her preach it all of that I mean my I was in knots I was like Lord Jesus what in the world and I get there and dr. John said bring me to the head of the table and I'm just seeing everybody look at me like yeah I got a little bit of respect in the church and I but back then they wasn't giving you none not none and I'm standing up there and dr. Johnson said we may not have ever heard her speak before but I believe God got a word for us and I got up there and the Lord used me dr. Johnson gets her yeah I was shot in my own self I was shocked my own self the Lord used me he really used me and so after that day my spirits are saying you need to travel and preach and I start saying back to my spirit you need to tell people about Jesus why you are flight attendant I'm not giving up my job I'm not giving up free flying I just came from parents I just came from from Germany I'm not doing that I didn't calling me to do that that's stupid that's the devil every day the enemy was like you ought to just for time before time and then I got this this this this I don't wanna hear mother else she saw tape so I started listening to prayer tapes and it never started you know you better I said no I can't I can't they're not that full time ministry stuff I can do that cuz people too fickle I've been start the death no cuz you know I I was raised up during the time when they was preaching and making you a cake for offering I listen I came up during the time when you preach you stayed at the people's house whether they have roaches or not they cook you a pound cake and told you thank you for preaching for a whole week no I can't do that are y'all hearing this and I kept on going and then finally my roommate said I had a drink this she wasn't even say why leave him say she said woman I had a dream last night and I said I dream about what she said I dream all these people and you was you were standing up there she said and you was like prison I was like you dream that she said yes and I said Wow she said I mean I think I think I think the man upstairs just calling you I said no you don't know nothing about Jesus and don't be trying to prophesy to me no no the man upstairs is not calling me she said no room and I feel that she said because when you talked I just get chills and it's just like every time I get in trouble and I ask you something like you just have that answer I just know that you being called and I said no I'm not being cold I'm not being called I've got up one day getting dressed for work she had an earlier flight than me few minutes later she come back in the door I said what happened she said roommate you're not gonna believe this I said what she said you wouldn't answer God and they just shut down Pan Am I said what she said it's your phone everybody lost a job because you wouldn't answer God and he shut down the whole airline y'all they given this then delta hired me and they said we won't you I won't know but then I'm sitting in the office and the ladies like you got a perfect record we want you here and she said and welcome to Delta and out of my mouth like somebody was taking control I was like I can't fly for you and that was like wow I did not just say that she said you can't promise I said no I have to preach I was an experiment took me over I'm just talking out of my head I'm not giving y'all but how do you not listen this is how you know that God has called you to do something because he would cause you to make ridiculous moves he will cause you to do things that is beyond your natural understanding why am i doing this why picking up and moving to another city is anybody hearing this what is wrong with me well I'm out here looking for prayer building I'm an intelligent person I can be working on Wall Street y'all ain't saying nothing but when he calls you to do something everybody around you well tune in to the fact that you're not in the right place the King sector Nehemiah what's wrong Nehemiah sorry I just I'm all right he said no he said your countenance is sad he said well I'm all right he said no something is bothering you and he said well I got this wall back here that I'm supposed to be building and rebuilding for God and I got a burden about it watch this and he said okay so what do you want to do he said I gotta go back if you just permit me some time to go back and build this wrong I'll be back y'all ain't saying done with that blip watch this the minute you decide with your whole heart that I'm getting ready to do what God has called me to do he will give you support that will blow your mind he will cause people to connect with you you never thought would now you act in another man's kingdom talking about you got to leave and the weather and instead of the man saying if you leave I kill you he give you the letters so that you can get wealth on the way why are you oh you're way to do what God has called you to do and by the time you get there you I have everything that God says you're supposed to have why because it's my obedience to the passion that God has given me that opens up doors that closes me to have a natural faith whose listen no tell somebody my own natural favor is coming okay I can't get y'all to say that you didn't you didn't you didn't say that you didn't say that like you believe that my uncommon favor is coming see I still can't get y'all to say that cuz you're still saying that you still say that like you don't believe it I said my uncommon flavor it is Bobby I know is coming because my passion whoa yo sit down yo yo yo the Spirit of the Lord has stirred up my passion I can't sleep at night because my passion has been stirred and why is he staring my passion because my divine connection is on the way I'm hearing y'all Oh God the divine connection have already been stirred as well there's a divine connection happen Who am I talking to Who am I talking to you ain't gonna break or person is already there what are they your passion your yes Lord Jesus Lord Jesus who is God talking to right now who is God talking to right now wait wait wait a minute wait a minute how do I know my passion is stirred up how do I know my passion is stirred up wait wait wait how do I know my passion a stirred up because I will start getting ridicule for no reason how do I know my passion is stirred up because all of a sudden people who start doing things and you said but what did I ever do but why are they doing that because my passion my passion is a scent that is coming out to every spirit that opposes what God has called me to do it's an aroma that's going out against every spirit that's coming against what God has called me to do and the spirit that are coming against the plan of God have been aroused my scent of my passion it's like when you exercise and your body gives off an odor and I Messiah when you stop exercising your passion it will give off an aura and the devil can smell it you better check somebody said the devil can smell you come in Orion get nobody say it stronger than that I said don't touch nobody dead don't touch nobody a student question about whether or not they want to succeed and what God gave them to do I said touch your neighbor and tell your neighbor let your passion is arousing a shed [Applause] oh yeah the demons the demons can smell you they said some coming oh my god I can smell Danielle I could smell a fashion designer host some coming oh my good I can smell I'm not here young I'm not hearing you could smell it okay I can see y'all yo yo yo yo but what does it Lord dude he's already sent you help before the hindrance come ha he's already sent you help before the hindrance get here uh-huh so the enemy once that slowed your focus off with what the enemy is going to do because the reason why he's coming attached to it because he already know you got help so Nehemiah four and one said but when sanballat heard that we were building the wall he was angry and in a great rage and he ridiculed the Jews wait a minute hold on Sam belly Sam belly Sanballat want to let you see some here Sanballat and Tobiah Lord Jesus Sanballat and Tobiah Sam ballot they call was a horror night only because he was from Horner iam but he was really an ammolite who was known for slander in lies [Applause] how did you know when you have aroused your passion because it will provoke slander and lies I'm not hearing y'all talking back to me ain't nobody saying nothing ain't nobody saying nothing y'all better come on and talk back to me y'all better come on and talk back to me I'm not hearing nobody talk to me like you're supposed to I'm here to tell you the truth up in here I'm here to tell you the truth up in here it says here that this was the spirit of slander and lies this is the voice of the opposer Tobiah was just an assistant he was just a person that went along with it Tobias Tobias was a servant Sam bellick means the private enemy of God Sam Beckman is the secret enemy of God how do I know as a secret enemy because he surrounded himself with papaya because Tobias name means Jehovah is good so this is a spirit that will surround itself by what looks like God I'm not giving up and what feels like God but really in the belly of this spirit it is a lying spirit and a gossiping spirit and a slandering spirit [Applause] the private enemy the secret enemy why can't you try to say no why can't get no no no this ain't no bol devil it's a secret enemy it's an enemy that criticizes they said what they gonna do how they gonna rebuild this how they're gonna rebuild this cuz ain't even got no no real bricks but we got a real God how much time I go how am I gonna rebuild this look at them they feeble they ain't got nothing but watch this watch this what the Bible said they got angry about it's because when they left when when Nehemiah left the king the king gave him a letter and the letter said on your journey when you see him bless him oh yeah when you see him help him I'm not giving up see the reason what the devil hate you it because you got your letter from the king ah lord have mercy I wish somebody would say something right there you got your letter from the king and that's what y'all y'all who am I talking to right now that's the reason why God just keep on pressing you he keep on pressing you Takuya they keep on blessed you because guess what man did not me the king and every time I get to a new realm there's gonna be somebody there that's gonna read thank God that says bless him yes take away I put my Torah tip over uh y'all come over here somebody better call the plays right there touch the money so I got my letter [Applause] touch your neighbor so I got my letter [Applause] I got my letter now they saying that I got my letter I can go past go I've got my letter K nothing stop you called up a shot hey I got a letter from the king I can't be stopped come on somebody it's a one of the first stops he made they said give him the lumber to build the gate NOT a messiah in other words I'm just gonna let up he's giving me the rabbit all to be a gatekeeper I'm not giving up I'm going to determine what's gonna come in and what's going to go out nah I ain't saying nothing when he was my man got the power to Shepherd a who am I talking to [Applause] and he who builds it controls it touch your neighbor SEF you build it you can control it watch this so a couple of deceptions of the enemy why you over here in prayer asking God to give you the strength to make it to the vision elijah ship the light ship was the relative of sembalun light ships granddaughter Mary Sanballat grandson so because they was related y'all understand the priests ended up he lied ship the priests Elijah ship the priests got to make that clear because sometimes the enemy will use people he'll use people that you shout win [Applause] sometimes he'll use people that you pray win and he went and took Tobias and put Tobiah in the main room where all the ties in the offering and the oil of the anointing was he put a spirit in there y'all he put a spirit in there and set him in the room and the Bible said when Nehemiah got back from getting his letter from the king and walked back in with all of the necessary tools to do what God had given him passion to do said when Nehemiah heard about it he threw him out of there I'm not see I just felt something in my spirit right there I just felt my myspace cccc the first thing that God is going to give you the authority to do when you own your Germany and you are back in the place where God has told you the bill he will give your mouth the authority to dispel the spirit that is trying to sit over the anointing and trying to sit over the finances and the will that is going to take the bill what God has called you to bill and this is where master class students open up your mouth you've got to do damage in the spirit world you got the command that will be cast out the place that God has commanded the resources will support you I'm not giving up I'm not giving up I'm not giving up no you gotta stop and rebuke the spirit oh y'all harness what God is about to do for you somebody because you can y'all think I'm saying somebody you can really stop right now they said the spirit abaya they're sitting in the place that is supposed to be used to help me build I cast you out right now okay I'm just saying y'all think y'all think this is hard is not the spirit they're sitting kotodama ha say that in the o shahe and because the anointing destroys the yoke the Bible said that to all of the anointing was in the same room the spirit that tries to hinder the anointing Carrabba Shia that sits over the well here a terrible Shia I break it right now in the name of Jesus I cast it out of the wealthy place right now hold on ma che cabeza and I put back in a poverty those that are submitted to God in this room right now that's watching my internet in your hands you you you you you you have to be the one that have enough passion for it that you look around and anything that's trying to hinder it I'm not hearing y'all talk back to me you got to have the kind of passion that my dog is not going to hinder it I'm not giving up I'm not here nobody can allow anybody [Applause] [Applause] see that there there are some there are some some levels to this that I have to be a person that have the power watch this and you do have it and you do have it if you were if you receive everything that you say and you look at the results in your life then a lot of ugly that have happened in your life is based upon the ugly you've said I'm not hearing y'all talk to me I'm not hearing y'all talk to me you are you have the result of what you have said i-i'll y'all hearing me see why do you think the scripture said when he said o magnify oh come magnify the Lord with me and let us exalt his name together do you know why he said o magnify the Lord with me because there is a mechanism inside of the mouth of the believer that contains the power to magnify so everything new to talk about that's what will people used to say things about me and and my mentors would say don't don't you touch that because if you touch it you make it bigger because right now if they say it is only as big as they aura but if you touch it it goes bigger because you are the magnifying I'm by hearing y'all talk to me see see see see you the magnified and out here God's saying you can expand what it is that God has given you tonight you can unleash that thing out of the confines of the bondage of the devil opening up your mouth because when you open your mouth it expands because you say so because you put it has to I'm the magnifier I've been that way since I was a kid maybe I'll stop playing but not call my mother's no 15 kids out there everybody in front of my house can either boo come outside come on y'all like y'all can't play without her it just ain't no fun if she ain't out there can she come outside and when mother said no they said I set up a house or they go down better about the alleyway and I'd be hanging out the side of the bathroom wonder still talking to him come on somebody I've always been a magnifier Oh y'all ain't saying nothing y'all ain't saying then they said let's go steal the shopping cart from the store never tell you the truth they in the shopping cart they down in the shop or I'll push the shopping cart well how many times about going down the alleyway it's all demand down they're fixing cars so I wouldn't snow the shopping cart took it in the back of the alley and told the man can you cut the basket off this he cut the basket off I've got a piece of wood and put it on the front and had a go-cart everybody start doing it the whole neighborhood again get go cars we painted him named him head go kart races yeah y'all ain't saying nothing see I can't get nobody to talk to Chrissy what the devil is afraid of is your ability to magnify he's afraid that when God give you something to do and you touch it that fingers go next bell whoo god I wish I had somebody in here I wish I had some up all the enemies afraid of you because you make it go bigger he hates you because you even make bigger so he says this one I kind of stop cuz if I listen if God tell her to open up a grocery store she go have a chain of them of course this one is a magnifier [Applause] who is God talking to boys god he ain't scared of nobody that can't do nothing ain't afraid of nobody that came that can't have a compass nothin is anybody being be a minister to mrs. Fields cookie stop making cookies in her kitchen and passing them out to restaurants and not a one of the biggest cookies in the world a magnifier see I'm Ali that alone no I don't leave it alone because some of y'all some of y'all don't understand that the reason why your life has gone the way is gone because if you are in this building everybody everybody in the world don't have what you have the people that the devil have raked over your life the worse is because he's afraid of your magnification if you in this building tonight and if you watch him by internet you was born with the it factor and the devil is afraid of back okay I'm gonna leave that alone i'ma leave that alone i'ma leave that alone i'ma leave it alone because somebody else ever some of y'all have been so whipped by the enemy till you can't even recognize it why do you think he won't you listen let me tell you something when Nebuchadnezzar got ready to build his kingdom he came after the children of Israel that was a smartest that looked the greatest that knew all kinds of languages he went after the it taught the kids with me second Abednego and Daniel were not the only children in that camp but they were the ones that were born with the attractor if you are in this building tonight if you are watching by Barna Jimmy crater you wanna be a magnifier that's why the devil page [Music] get your neighbors I was born with an ick factor I said touch your neighbor tell your neighbor I was born with an ick factor [Applause] dr. Johnson will tell you the truth tonight she got students into the school that you look at those students is her he said about this one right here uh-huh all of them are special but there's something special about some of us y'all insane that's why he called you to a master class because he said you cannot miss the fact that you were born to be queen your teachers you knew it your family knew it your mama knew it your daddy knew it and so the devil he a messin with a person he messing with greatness see I can get hacking it I can get y'all to swallow that I can't get you to swallow then we're not good binder man I ain't got no money you go to have some okay I'm gonna leave that alone cuz I don't believe you believe that I don't think you believe dr. bottom man got into finances you got a letter in the hole shut about casaya thank you Jesus I just felt that I'll pick that Bible I'll pick that Bible up cuz you got a letter that's your letter that's your letter oh ha ha ha my god from Zion you got a letter you gotta you gotta [Applause] [Music] [Applause] some mo got to come somebody better say something right here no no you may not have no money today but it's coming it's got to come because because he called me the greatness he got to keep on supply and I'm o shahe come on somebody he gots to keep home financing Cano somebody he got to keep home making precision for his vision I'm not hearing y'all y'all come over here somebody hey no you don't shake because you don't have money you wait for it because it's calming you just keep moving sit down let me just save you something sit down for a second [Music] keep moving keep moving keep moving keep moving keep moving keep moving lies don't come keep moving craziness gonna come keep movin it's supposed to it's supposed to coz the night the Lord gave me a middle name I need a Nehemiah Bynum it's supposed to come on somebody come on add me am I in your middle name it's supposed to why is it why come on come on come on why does that name such an anointing on Nehemiah because when he got a passion to do it the Bible said he built that wall in 52 days and they could not build it in 50 years because when you have a passion and you've been called by God God will speed up the time and what it took of the people years to do he'll let you do it in a matter of days who am I talking to I give the Lord said stop telling me your age stop telling me how old you are because I can speak and cause you to do something in a matter of days then take it other people oh my god company shut your neighbor sound like a baby [Music] wait a minute and I'm matter [Applause] in a god he's punished speech at in its sit down for a second sit down for a second sit down for half a second number one the gift that you must embrace is the fact that when when Nehemiah got ready to do what God had called him to do the Bible said he got up that's true there's something that happens to both I see it happening in Nehemiah the man and married the woman when she went to the tomb of Jesus and she was the first one that he revealed his resurrected self - she was the first one to receive the revelation the Bible said she got up with her with her friend and they went in the dark so she went in the dark and got a revelation of Jesus and he got up and went in the dark and got a revelation of how to build the image of what God was saying okay I don't think you hit it he went in the dark and he only took a few people with him and he didn't take no extras he took her he took one donkey and even some parts of the wall that he had to assess the scripture said that the donkey couldn't make that journey because he couldn't fit so he even had to lead his own provision in order to be able to properly assess what it was God wanted him to do I'm not hearing nobody talk to me I'm not hearing about to see if you if you afraid of the dark you ain't gonna make it cuz when God tell you to go you gonna have to go in the dark I'm not hearing y'all talk to me I'm not here and you can't take everybody with you can't take everybody with you I said okay God so what you're saying here what you're saying he said I'm rebuilding your ministry but not with the people that used to be with you sometime you gotta get all way down by yourself I ain't getting nobody talked to me I ain't get nobody talk to me cuz I'm a look at Miss Cameron tell some of y'all half of the people you think you need you don't I'm not here nobody talk back to me he had to be in the dark and the Bible said he assess the damage in the dark and didn't tell nobody what he was getting ready to do I know some people say well what Amy see over there in the dark he walking around the wall dan even got no material they ain't even got the right kind of material but the scriptures say they put a sword in one hand and working tools in the other and the sword said if you come this way while I'm trying to do what God has called me to do I will cut your throat I'm not hearing young because the Bible said that the enemy even tried to deceive Nehemiah and they were gonna kill him and they said come over here so we could have a meeting with you but when the Lord has put a passion in you he'll reveal to you when people trying to kill her and he will tell you to stay away from them have you ever been like that you just look at someone down no just some summary am I'm just so nice and you're going something right uh-huh no no because because watch this when you've been given an assignment and that thing is a passion your passion become eyes for you your passion become the revealer of deception I'm not even y'all talk to me y'all better say some up in here somebody better talk to me no no no no that's what's your passion does your passion looks out for you come on somebody your passion says not this way your passion said turn around or go back that way come on your passion said no don't get no rap on them your passion said no didn't leave that not your phone your passion said no put them on mute come over here somebody your passion will tell you go answer that call because that's somebody that's trying to lure you so they can kill you but rush this but your passion will be able to speak back to the enemy of destruction and say I'm on this wall here somebody Wow I'm not coming down nobody better shout back you better praise your way to it he called you to build it he called you about it he called your name he gave you the passion [Music] [Applause] you better give God a plate you better get better place the wall made about you the wall is for years to come the wall is a legacy come here somebody the world inspire children and your children's children it's me somebody coming back [Music] I'm gonna walk I'm on the wall I'm on the wall I'm on the wall I'm on below come on yes everybody open the mouth you don't know what God is doing I just wanna go say we kept waiting and we can operating you I'm blessing your man I'm restructuring your man I please your spirit I'm recalibrating you I'm repositioning you I'm putting you in the right posture somebody stop right now [Applause] somebody give him a break somebody give him a break [Music] I gotta go I gotta go I heard that earlier I heard that earlier wait a minute I heard that earlier wait a minute my god my god kirara basso tsurara bahasa rowrrr a bahasa oh yes no Jesus oh yes no yes no yes look oh yes sir oh my god I heard that earlier I heard that [Music] it said recalibrate to determine to check or to rectify listen to this to determine to check or to rectify the graduation of any instrument or measurement in other words you going up but I got a rectified the way you going up [Music] Naga I got a check the way you graduated tell somebody I am graduating say he brought me in here tonight to get the way I'm going on and to rectify whatever is wrong with the way that I'm growing up who did somebody get that somebody said recalibrated come on say recalibrated uh-huh so when it looks like when it looks like he said to me he said to me when it looks like it's going wrong when it looks like her daughter's being thrown I'm recalibrating I'm rectifying your movement I'm determining how you're gonna move in this wait a minute then he said these are this watch this it says to determine the correct range for an artillery a gun or mortar by observing where the fired prod projectiles hit in other words when you shout from your passion I'll have to mark where your challah landing [Music] is it just a church praise or a passion Prince did it land to anywhere somebody better get this tonight please don't walk out of here with no litter member panting please not tonight come on you watching my internet don't give god no no internet plays cuz you sitting at home behind your desk or you sit in your car you better give them a real place you better go to the poke another Walmart some mobile you can open up your mouth because tonight the Lord is recalibrated your place he trying to see where your range is doesn't reach heaven does it push back the gates of hell [Music] come on come on push back the gate you're half ghetto land that place land [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] come on you got opened up map tonight tonight is an open map late that night is it open pathways you gotta let God stretch your wings you gotta let God give your range power you better let God cause your weight get be like a shooting billet open up your map [Music] shunda come on give it to it I'll shake it [Music] [Applause] [Music] come on in hello I'm deliberate has been shot in this place by your place [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] yes [Music] come on right there on the Internet come on come on right there with the Internet come on God's doing something in here I know you think it's been a setback I know you think the enemy has won but he hasn't I know you think you in a losing manner but you're not the Lord is recalibrating hello tiger he's recalibrating your spirit he's recalibrating your assignment he's recalibrating your mind he's recalibrating your passion let him blow it [Music] listen at this last definition - it says to plan or devise something carefully so as to have a precise use I don't figure they to plan or devise something carefully you want the Lord to hurry up but he's saying I'm devising the plan carefully because I just don't want to use you I want to precise you I want to precise way that I'm going to use you God why is taking so long because I want it to be precision I don't want nobody to look at you and get you confused with nobody [Applause] if I'm giving you the bake I want your cookies it tastes like nobody's ever I'm giving you to be a fashion designer I know what I'm doing if I'm giving you to go in the medical field I know what I'm doing if I'm giving you to open up mental institutions I know what I'm doing I know what I'm doing and I have to let certain things happen so I can thicken your skin I have to permit certain things that happen because I need to know can you survive under it it's a whole lot of people that can look at the TV and say I want to be like Beyonce but you couldn't take half of the stuff that she took it's a whole lot of people that look at the screen and said I want to be like jay-z but you couldn't conquer half of the stuff they do there's a whole lot of people that may say I want to be like the Kardashians but they talk about him like a dog and some of y'all wouldn't last a day I'm not hearing you talk back to me some things the Lord has to allow so he can precision you some things the Lord has to allow so he can know how how to take you can you stand that kind of height or will you lose your breath and that kind of atmosphere touch three people and say he's recalibrating you let him touch three people and say he's recalibrating you let him [Music] tell somebody disappointment is a part of the recalibration I said tell your neighbor disappointment is a part of the Greek calibration tell your neighbor tell your neighbor disappointment is a part of it tell your neighbor being uncomfortable sometimes is a part of the recalibration tell your neighbor bein somewhere that you don't want to be sometimes is a part of your recalibration tell your neighbor happen to enjoy some stuff that you would have been walked away from is a part of your recalibration tell your neighbor having to take some stuff that you wouldn't normally take is opponent of your recalibration tell your neighbor shutting your mouth when you wish you can cuss him out is a part of your recalibration giving up your right to be right is a part of your recalibration [Music] [Applause] he said to me in the master's class I'm going to start also giving us in this class a new word every week recalibration you got to shift some things around in your life sometime you're gonna you're gonna encounter some things you're gonna be in grocery stores and people gonna go left on you and you're gonna be ready and you're gonna hear recalibration because God is trying to see how much I can take my god that's what he said to me he said I want to see how much you can take I want to see what to make you act a fool I want to see conservative buttons still be pushed will you still become reactive I want to see your endurance level because when they push go and you sitting on that TV reaching 120 million homes that's gonna be a whole nother level of Samsung you can't handle what they say on Facebook don't go up on TV [Music] lot of people hate the Kardashians but it ain't takin no checks that they pocket lot of people hate Angelina Jolie but it ain't taking no checks she still commanding 10 million dollars a movie Christians are the only ones there fold when it's time to prosper because we don't understand the road we don't understand and I gotta run into the stoppers I gotta run into the slanderers I gotta run into the Liars I got to run into the people that hate what I'm doing the Bible said Sanballat and Tobiah and get some hated them for rebuilding something that they thought should have been dead hated them when God gives it to you I don't care if it's a beauty shop I don't care what it is when God said rebuild it redo it people are gonna hate you because God has given you a passion [Music] my passion is in Manhattan my passion is in Manhattan my passion is to be able to get off the elevator and I'm standing in my living room overlooking New York City my passion is to get back on the elevator and go downstairs and the studios is like NBC and ABC this right here with the practice on the wall [Applause] the power that calls them to finish is because Lia Maya found the people and God said this week he gonna start letting you all meet some new people he said can i prophesy please can I come beside this to somebody that's watching my television he said one of the reasons why you haven't been able to get it done because you have too many associations with familiarity you've got too many associations with people that think they know where God want to take you you got too many associations with people that are okay with the vision being common but they can't help you build it God said this week he's gonna start letting you meet new people and he said don't be surprised if you meet him on the bus stop don't be surprised if you standing in line at Starbucks and you just start talking to somebody because God said you had enough friends now I'm getting ready to start letting you meet divine connections somebody that can help you build the vision somebody but if you got a grace are you listening back Internet God's cameras send your divine connection he's kidding me to send you people that you don't know but God said he's getting ready to serpent Joe ability Joe ability to be congenial to be polite because God said he's sending them and you don't know that they are your divine connection but it's time to bill the law somebody give God a point [Music] you watch is happening already [Music] and how do I know that God is getting ready to bless you how do I know you watching Mac Internet how do I know in this room that God has given with a bless you your confirmation that God has given me to send your divine connection is this if you have no record well you have helped anybody build anything you ain't got nothing coming why do a man's loan you don't have a record where you served as a nurse as a garbage lady as a sunday-school teacher if you ain't helping nobody bill nothing don't you look for nothing I'm not giving up I'm not giving up your confirmation that God is getting me to do it because you have been just this diligent with another man's vision well you were that God giving you your own somebody better give God a praise right there somebody gotta give God a praise right there somebody better give God a play it's servanthood that get you help come on somebody god knows what you need now what you have already done I'm not giving y'all who am I talking to right now come Oh some of y'all looking for a whole nother camp when you ain't been but a little bit of help you better tune it up you better turn it up I'm Oh somebody who am I talking to Nehemiah saw of the king and when he get ready to build a wall god SiC him to people that was here [Music] the way you asked for help is you be the help that you looking for I said no way you ask for help you be the help that you look [Music] you don't know what it means to be the help you would never get help [Music] my air conditioning was on I went upstairs in my office my air conditioner was on what am I saying I don't need an air conditioner but when you be the help that you're looking for then the Lord would help you [Music] right now I'm sitting in this floor because you would never know but what God has called me to do the things that I have on my plate and I'm and I'm not talking about the studio because that's really finished thanks to some amazing women in this building [Applause] who I was sharing with miss Cummings earlier that I wanted to ask pastor if we can do a a banquet for all of them just a showing appreciation a luncheon for them but I'm here to tell you right now I've stood in this place so many times and I'm talking to people that that's a part of church and the air and people want to know where what does that mean because I've heard people talk about children the air church in the air was a vision that God gave me some 10 years ago and God gave me this vision because he said there were people that were all over the world that watch the Facebook live at 3:00 with me as well as this master's class and you're not a member of anybody's don't go to church maybe where you live there's not a church in your facility but God gave me to start church in the air and it's not for people in New York because if you live in New York we have an awesome church here but it's people that's in other cities in other countries that need to be a part of a church and God gave me Church in the air for people to be able to join the ministry and I become your pastor and every three months we meet in a different City and have a fellowship service so that I can reach out to you so that I can touch you and so when I refer to people that's on Church in the air I just want you to know my god I feel the presence of the Lord Jesus on Thursday I'm coming back online so what I can open up the opportunity for you to become a part of the church in the air for you to join the ministry and so I'm talking to those that are already the member I'm telling you I feel something tonight in the offering that is heavy I know many times I have looked in this wonder and I have said you know hit the contact us button and so but tonight is different tonight is different I hear the Spirit of the Lord saying tonight you have to be intentional because of what I'm doing in you because of what I'm getting ready to do for you you have to be intentional we're talking about the building of plans we're talking about building the wrong we're talking about the vision that God has given you and what you make happen for somebody else God will make happen for you oh that was a good place to praise him the seeds that have come across this broadcast have been used to build the kingdom they have not been used for shopping sprees they've been used to build the kingdom all that you see opening new floors new curtains camera equipment that you don't even know that we've gotten and put in there because of what God is using you to do and that's why I said to somebody a long time ago when I wanted to be on television I sold the biggest seed that I ever had to a ministry that I was not a part of and God to this day watch this people that was about 20 years ago but the Bible said he will not forget your operate and what God used me to do 20 years ago it's coming to pass right now because when the Lord said so I didn't slap my hand when he said do it now I didn't question God when he told me how much I did not ask him why you watching tonight and God has been giving me this 121 seat but he said about people that are watching tonight that I'm getting money to upgrade you I'm recalibrating you I'm taking you to another level and he says not just 121 but there's people out there that's going to hit that contact button because God said he 21 some of you reset 3:21 421 1021 because what we have to stop doing is missing the moment what we have to stop doing and sitting back saying if God said one more time what we have to stop doing is missing that time when God opens the portal for you to step in and be obedient because you don't know what God is doing you can't trace him your job is to trust him and if you're watching tonight he's called you to this master class that's why you keep tuning in you're not tuning in because you watching good video you're not tuning it because all one need upon him is oh no you're tuning in because God is giving you a master plan and he 6 you a master teacher and now it's time for you to act like a master student and move in the way that God has ordained to the moon and get your head out of the game and put your heart in the Word of God the Bible said whatsoever man's Treasuries there also lies as hard you can tell when a person's passion is for what God has called them to do because they were window every time to see it happen I know what I'm talking about they will wrinkle every time just see it happen and right now somebody is watching and there's a plan that God has given you and you don't have enough money for it but I kept the Holy Ghost say you so tonight and watch and see don't God cause this see to make a divine connection for you you can't say for it you have to so forth that's what dr. John leesport senior taught me you don't say for what you want you so for what you want and when you want to come out of debt you sell your way out I said when you want to come out of debt you show your way out of there you hit that contact button that you write up above my head and you said today I'm being intentional tonight I'm not being emotional tonight I am doing this deliberately in the face of the enemy in the face of opposition in the face of turmoil in the face of my sin palette and Mahamaya I'm staying on the wall and how I'm going to prove that I'm still on that wrong I'm going to sow my seed and make a divine connection to what God is trying to build and watch and see when God started putting up doors that you never expected somebody you got plans and I held up right now watching see don't got a lot to plan some of you you wondering how you gonna do it and I just heard the Holy Ghost said the thing that you're looking for it's right under your nose but sometimes the Lord will keep the revelation hidden until you come to a place of obedience hit that contact button and show it and watch and she won't God do something supernatural for you I feel these things are not in the other time I get through ministry and I just come to the camp and tell you to so but God said tonight tonight I'm talking to this in people tonight I'm talking the people that strauder struggling with your vision that night I'm talking to people that said it's been long enough tonight the Lord is talking to people on this Facebook page that he has saying to you that I'm gonna cause you like nehemiah to build it in a matter of days what has taken other people years I'm gonna speed up the process when you be obedient to what I'm asking you to do one seed can change your life forever one seed can turn everything around for you one seed can open up doors that's been shut be obedient he said 1:21 he said some of you are too 21 that's been saying so in 1:21 there's somebody that's watching the day the Lord said a thousand 21 parable Shia yes Lord he said 33 people that are watching right now I'm calling you to the supernatural place no 121 is not even your seat 121 doesn't even scratch the surface but how do I know that I'm showing I see the sacrifice because God said you gotta feel it it's gotta be something that the devil truck fill your mind about and tell you don't get it don't hit the but don't show it by line it's gonna be a see that at the enemy is not telling you what you shouldn't give it it's not the one that's about to do the damage and throw your vision to victory be obedient and watch and see won't God keep his word although the members took Church in the air I feel this the seat is bigger than one 21.9 you watch it in you a child member of the trust in the earth God is calling you to another level he's saying now you're not just sowing because you're sowing in the ministry you're sowing because you're sowing to water visit its wall building time set the spirit of the Living God somebody clap your hands for jesus said here come on somebody open up
Channel: Dr. Juanita Bynum
Views: 74,665
Rating: 4.8294392 out of 5
Keywords: juanita bynum, bynum, jb, master class, master student, intercessor, recalibrated, keep moving, Dr. Bynum, Dr. Juanita Bynum
Id: g7YLCjGaG24
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 98min 53sec (5933 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 19 2018
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