Frequently Asked Questions Volume 5 (500k Subscriber Special)

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This video made my Friday yesterday.

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/StiffLeather 📅︎︎ May 09 2020 🗫︎ replies
[Music] hi we're not on the range today we're at one of our training facilities so hopefully you won't have to put up with too much gunfire in the background but what I want to talk until the handle breaks off and you got to call a doctor to pull it out again but what I really want to talk about is recently we went over 500,000 subscribers and at milestones like 100 and 200,000 and so on we've done renditions of frequently asked questions so today has frequently asked questions volume 5 and we have a lot of new subscribers asking new questions so there will be some new material but we have a lot of subscribers asking the same old questions so there will be some redundant material and what I want to start with are the same two things I always start with hearing protection and eye protection this is a military issue ear plug case I wear ear plugs with every shot I take sometimes I wear ear plugs and earphones I also have safety glasses and although I don't consider them necessary when shooting paper targets are using the coronagraph I do wear them when I'm shooting things that have a potential for blowback however when I'm shooting targets like that usually you're looking at the target and I am off-camera so you don't see me wearing the glasses and I typically take them off before I get back on camera sometimes I see them sitting on the table I don't like to wear them on camera for several reasons primarily - and yes I've covered this before one is I'm dependent at least in part on facial expressions to get my point across and the glasses hinder that secondly they look dumb one of the things I've had to deal with and I've mentioned this before too is sometimes when people see me they immediately come to the conclusion that I'm of significantly subpar intellect now I could bore you for an hour with anecdotes about the times the police have stopped me because they thought I was appends who had gotten away from my handler yes really but the short version is when this is what I have to work with I don't need to exacerbate that one by wearing the glasses but I do wear them when I'm shooting things that have a potential for blowback like cinder blocks or steel plates or the meat target or soda jugs and speaking of soda jugs let me show you something this is what I sometimes refer to as our favorite target a soda jug and I'll use it to illustrate various points but there are some people who will say that you can't learn anything from shooting water jugs or soda jugs and although I'll be the first person to say that this is not the industry standard test medium the blanket statement that you can't learn anything from it is in my opinion erroneous let me show you what I mean I've got two soda jugs and I've got two rifles this one's loaded with Remington 22 long-rifle brass wash round nose this is loaded with Remington 223 Remington copper-jacketed spearpoint the diameters of these two projectiles is virtually identical and even though this is a brass wash and this is a true copper jacket they're both basically jacketed non expanding projectiles and there are those who would argue but just because this has a lot more velocity with the similarity in the diameter in the design of the projectiles this one won't really be any more effective than this one let's see if these two soda jugs can help us test that hypothesis I'll shoot the soda jug on your left with the 22 the one on your right with a 223 and let's see if there's any difference in effectiveness now before we take a look at those soda jugs I want to take a moment to point something out when you saw me shooting you may have noticed that the camera appeared to move minutely this camera has a self centering feature and sometimes it will appear to move when it isn't moving I do have a camera operator he's standing behind the camera right now but when the camera is in such close proximity to the target he activates it and then moves behind the firing line there's never a time when the camera operator is in the line of fire recently in one of our presentations I was shooting soda jugs and a viewer noticed the camera appeared to move and he was alarmed that the camera operator was in such close proximity to the target and he actually wrote quote shame on you the camera is somewhat expendable it can be close to the intended target the camera operator is never in the line of fire okay let's take a look at our soda jugs I usually like to shoot Shasta products today we're shooting what's available this stuff purports itself to be a great value I doubt that but anyway here's the one we shot with the 22 here's what we shot with the 223 now a definitive test medium no but can you really say we didn't learn anything from this I'd say we did on the subject of Shasta products I like to shoot Shasta products because they're readily available at my local stores reasonably priced and they come in cool designer colors and this has led to the question am i sponsored by Shasta the answer is no we do not have any corporate sponsors but it also leads to the suggestion that I should be sponsored by Shasta well there's a story that goes with that a while ago we came up with the idea of filming a test commercial sending it to the Shasta corporation and seeing if they wanted to sponsor us and I wanted to do it in that vein of the old TV shows and radio shows where the star of the show would advertise the product on the dragnet radio show Jack Webb would tell you how great for tema cigarettes are in the black and white television episodes Jack Webb would tell you how great Chesterfield cigarettes were in the black and white episodes of The Andy Griffith Show Andy Griffith himself would tell you how great jell-o chocolate pudding was and we wanted to do an homage to that well it didn't really work out the way we planned but let me show you what we did get rolling and action hi Paul Harrell here for Shasta soda after a long day at the range whether it's sunny or rainy there's nothing quite as refreshing as Shasta red-colored carbonated beverage cut Paul it's fruit punch is there any fruit in it no I can't call it fruit punch rolling and action hi Paul Harrell here for Shasta soda at the end of a long day at the range whether it's sunny or rainy there's nothing quite as refreshing as Shasta red punch geez cut rolling is this stuff gonna taste any better yes okay and action hi Paul Harrell here for Shasta soda at the end of a long day at the range whether it's sunny or rainy there's nothing quite as refreshing as Shasta orange colored soda that's even worse cut rolling okay well this is : I can't screw that up too bad well what's with the glasses oh I got some of that nasty stuff in my eye last time okay and action hi Paul Harrell here for Shasta soda at the end of the long day at the range whether it's sunny or rainy there's nothing quite as refreshing as Shasta Cola huh rolling and action Shasta it's really great I drink it all the time okay just let me do it my way Shasta it makes a better target than it does a beverage cut another concern people have expressed in the area of safety is that they become alarmed when I shoot at the target without looking at it okay there's three things to take into consideration first this is a live fire range that's the impact area secondly I have people here monitoring the situation for safety and third I have fairly good peripheral vision I can see that target at that target and there you go I do have fairly good peripheral vision a question that's been asked a lot lately it's about my shooting jackets in general and especially about my newest one so for this occasion I dug out my original shooting jacket you can see why I don't wear it any longer it's pretty much a rag when this jacket started out it was actually closer to this color now this has pockets and then lower pockets with shot shell loops and then a game bag where you can put dead rabbits squirrels Birds whatever this jacket is similar it's got a padded shooting shoulder it's got the pocket it's got the lower pocket with shot shell loops but the game bag instead of being an integral part of the jacket is attached to the outside and it's a zippered pouch you can take it off and launder it separately now most of the jackets that I've worn have a Sears or JC Higgins label this one was made circa 1975 by Bob Allen fashions and speaking of fashions let me show you something on the subject of fashion recently quite a few people have asked yes really the question is there a Paul Herold fashion doll or action figure and the answer believe it or not is yes one-of-a-kind custom made by Chuck let's take a close-up look at it I've got this m16a1 loaded with Remington green and white box 223 Remington 55 grand Full Metal Jacket spearpoint and this colt government model loaded with Remington green and white box 45 ACP 230 grain Full Metal Jacket round nose and from a distance of 7 yards I'll shoot this meat target which is followed by the new and improved high-tech police bullet stop ok the origin of this was that chuck found an action figure that kind of sort of looked like me altered its hair to look more like mine and then custom-made this clothing this jacket even has a game bag on the back of it now people will ask and the answer is no you can't buy one this was labor-intensive enough Chuck would have to sell them for $100 apiece now since our action figure had an a.1 platform rifle this is a good time to discuss my a one platform rifle recently this was featured in a presentation and I said it was an a.1 and I got quite a bit of commentary from people doubting that they thought it was an a2 if you look closely clearly a1 sights clearly a 1 barrel this is an a1 it just has a 2 hand guards on it the a2 hand guards are a little more durable than a1 hand guards and if I do break these these days a2 hand guards are a lot easier to get than a1 hand guards ok now we are on the man so please bear with gunfire and the next thing I have to discuss is the question mode why do I feel the need to respond to haters and the advice that I shouldn't okay the great majority of the time I don't respond to such things but there are some things that I have to deal with let me see if I can explain this I try not always successfully but I try to read all of the commentary that process is made more difficult when I have to read 40 different versions of the same erroneous comment such as when I'm explaining something that's complex and I say you start with a and a bumpy B become C and C becomes D I'll read commentary from people telling me that I neglected to discuss D no I discussed E in detail but people made the comment before they watched the entire segment and that's why I will sometimes say before you send me any hate mail watch the segment in its entirety to reduce the number of erroneous comments that I get thus making it easier to read all of the commentary a good example is right now online we have a presentation on my top five guns for home defense however what you currently see is the second version of that I had a version of it that I had to take offline because I was overwhelmed with hate mail the great majority of that hate mail having to do with people telling me how unsound my advice was and how poor my recommendations were even though at the beginning of that presentation I said what I thought was very clearly that I'm not making any recommendations I'm just showing the firearms that I use and then I repeated that at the end of the presentation my favorite comment that I got was someone who described me with several different colorful adjectives and I'll try to get the quote right for him then he wrote James Yeager would have a field day with you you're going to get someone killed with your stupid recommendations close quote now when I read that I thought that was a note but then I realized that no it wasn't it was the archetype for an entire genre of commentary and I don't want to get into the sad testing that makes to the condition of our public schools but obviously this was from people who hadn't gotten the disclaimer I'd made at the beginning and I had to take it off and on refilm that presentation in its entirety and that's the currently see and that's why I repeat that thing about not recommendations just showing you the firearms that I use several times over and that brings up another question which is people sometimes ask me why does it always sound like I'm condescending to you that's why I've learned the hard way that there are certain things that I have to repeat several times to get the message across to some members of the audience the rest of us just have to put up with it but the subject of responding to haters and the advice that I shouldn't has recently come up a lot some events occurred in ahead make the presentation entitled the bottle that's a good point right there the word is titled I say entitled because that's easier to understand for some of the audience especially people who have a little bit of hearing impairment but I have to explain that's why I say the word entitled to reduce the number of comments I get from people trying to correct my grammar but in doing the rebuttal presentation I had people telling me that I shouldn't have done it that it was unnecessary and giving haters traction and giving them the attention that they want and people were quoting Queen and there's a Heinlein quote about trying to teach a pig to do something okay let me give you another quote and there's different versions of it but the version I'm going to say is a lie left unchallenged and uncorrectable eventually become accepted as the truth now I'll give you a hand test if you've said that but the thing is when fictions are perpetrated even if they're unintentional that can sometimes create trouble to the people about whom those victims were perpetrated let me tell you a couple of anecdotes when I was in the military we were doing a painting exercise and we're doing amphibious operation and we hit B to mean even women off people and fairly close to us a brush fire got started well it starts moving pretty fast so our training plan changed to let's do a road march out of this area while we're going this way the fire department's going that way and one of the troops decided he'd be funny and he yells over at private Santana hey Santana why'd you start that fire okay that was funny then one of the other troops wanted to jump on that bandwagon Santana started that fire the next thing you know that rumor is moving faster than the fire and it goes from the platoon to the company to the battalion level and the battalion command element becomes aware of it and it ended up with the platoon commander and or the platoon sergeant having to have a face-to-face with a battalion commander and XO and battalion sergeant major explaining to those people that no that was just troops goofing off Santana did not start the fire but there remained a cloud of suspicion over Santana for a long time sometimes fictions offered in jest still have consequences now let me tell you another anecdote and this one might not make a lot of sense because I'm taking a 30 minute story and reducing it to hopefully three minutes but it goes like this I was dealing with a mentally ill woman and side note Wilberforce I'm not talking about you not everything's about you in fact virtually nothing is about you you are not special and you're not the only mentally ill person who stalks the channel okay to get back on task dealing with a mentally ill woman who had bipolar disorder the schizophrenic features now on her meds she was as sane as anybody but unfortunately Mike sometimes go off their meds she had and has accompanies me patients like this when they are delusional it is very common that the divisions include fantasies that they're spies or secret agents or they work for the government this particular woman's fantasy included the delusion that she was an FBI agent it also included the delusion that I was an FBI agent which I most certainly am NOT and that I was her partner not only that she was a single woman and she had the delusion that she was married to me well she ended up in her unmedicated wanderings doing something and being taken into custody by the police a police officer called me and I had to explain to him that no she is not and never has been in my spouse and then he starts asking me some really odd questions about my affiliation with the federal government it's been getting it then it occurs to me he's trying to use the unmedicated delusions of a mental patient as the basis from which he can charge me with impersonating a federal agent sometimes fictions can get people in trouble and that's why when someone in this format publishes something where he said what was the word he used not polygamous polygonal Pollyanna someone said that I present the Pollyanna version of policing and then deposited that I do that because I'm a retired police officer and when someone says that kind of fiction I have to and I have on previous occasions have to find out with I am NOT a police officer I'm not a retired police officer and I have never represented myself as such and I had to say things like that because sometimes those fictions can get people in trouble now there's one more thing I have to discuss on the same topic recently somebody published something in this format talking about how I know when my firearm is about to run out of ammo because I'm custom mode magazine different ammunition something to that effect okay no fella I don't do that as astonishing as it may sound I successfully completed grade school and I can count 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 ok 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 you want to do that one alright 3 6 9 12 15 18 21 24 27 30 33 36 39 40 to 45 48 51 54 57 60 63 66 69 70 to 75 78 81 84 87 91 - one more all right 4 8 12 16 20 24 28 32 36 40 44 48 52 56 62 64 68 72 76 80 84 88 92 96 100 I can count I've talked about a few negative things but I want to end this by talking about a couple of positive things one we get various different versions of the question is it always raining and the answer is no just almost always and really I've been out in the rain so much ugh you'll notice and if I waited for the rain to stop I would never get anything done the second thing I want to talk about is reaching 500,000 subscribers is quite a milestone and it's been a lot of work for the crew and for me however it is something that we could not have accomplished without you and I don't want this to sound like a bastardized version of the Tony Awards but to everyone who has watched hit the like or dislike icon made commentary shared donated on patreon and of course subscribed I want to say thank you [Music] you
Channel: Paul Harrell
Views: 447,667
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: paul harrell, paul harrell 500k subs, paul harrell 500k subscribers, paul harrell frequently asked questions, paul harrell faq, 500k subscriber special, frequently asked questions, faq
Id: jCmt5OgA48g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 8sec (1328 seconds)
Published: Thu May 07 2020
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