Rebuilding the Oroville Dam Spillways

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hilarious to see contractors cleaning off rocks with shop vacs and home depot buckets around 11:50

👍︎︎ 25 👤︎︎ u/CantaloupeIcy7171 📅︎︎ Dec 21 2021 🗫︎ replies

Blancolirio has a four part series where he was given a tour of the construction project.

Part 1

Part 2

Part 3

Part 4

👍︎︎ 9 👤︎︎ u/999mal 📅︎︎ Dec 21 2021 🗫︎ replies

Grady is a homie

👍︎︎ 6 👤︎︎ u/AlluvialPlain 📅︎︎ Dec 21 2021 🗫︎ replies

How much did it all cost? Is there an estimate anywhere?

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/mynewme 📅︎︎ Dec 22 2021 🗫︎ replies
This video is sponsored by Warby  Parker. More on them later. In February 2017, the world watched as the main  spillway on one of the largest dams in the world   suffered a catastrophic failure, prompting a  series of events that led to the evacuation of   nearly 200,000 people downstream and hundreds  of millions of dollars of damage to critical   water infrastructure. I made a video about the  failure of the Oroville Dam spillway in California   after the independent forensic team released  their conclusions about why the structure failed,   summarizing their 600-page report. There wasn’t  enough time in that first video to cover the   monumental project of rebuilding both the primary  and emergency spillways after the event was over.   I got flooded with requests to cover the repairs,  and I love a good construction project as much as   anyone else. So how do you rebuild one  of the biggest spillways in the world   after a catastrophic failure knowing that the next  winter flood season is right around the corner?   The answer might surprise you. I’m  Grady, and this is Practical Engineering.   In today’s episode, we’re talking about  rebuilding the Oroville Dam spillways. Oroville Dam in northern California is  the tallest dam in the United States.   It was built in the 1960s, creating  one of California’s keystone reservoirs   to smooth out the tremendous variability in  rain and snowfall from their climate of hot,   dry summers and flood-prone winters. The dam  itself is a massive earthen embankment. To   the northwest is the main spillway, also known  as the Flood Control Outlet or FCO spillway.   At the top are radial gates to control  the flow. They release water into the   enormous concrete chute before it passes through  gigantic dentates that disperse the flow as it   crashes into the Feather River below. It’s nearly  impossible to convey the scale of this structure,   which could fit eight American football fields  with room to spare or more than 150 tennis courts.   Beyond is the emergency spillway, a concrete weir  set a foot above the maximum operating level to   provide a backup path for water to leave  the reservoir during extreme flood events. If you want more detail about the failure,  I encourage you to go back and watch that   video after this. I do want to summarize the  damages here because you can’t really grasp   the magnitude of the reconstruction project  without an appreciation for how profoundly   ruined this event left the spillways of Oroville  Dam. Just about all but the upper section of the   main spillway chute was wholly destroyed. The  flows that broke free from the chute scoured   the hillside around and below the structure,  washing away concrete and eroding an enormous   chasm as deep as 100 feet or 30 meters in some  places. At the emergency spillway, overflows   had similarly scoured the hillside, creating  erosional head cuts that traveled upstream,   threatening the safety and stability of the  structure and ultimately leading to the downstream   evacuation. In total, more than a million cubic  meters of soil and rock were stripped away,   much of which was deposited into the Feather  River below the dam. Both spillways were rendered   totally incapable of safely discharging  future flood flows from Lake Oroville. Even before the event was over, the California  Department of Water Resources, or DWR,   was planning for the next flood season,  which was right around the corner.   Having the tallest dam in the United States  sitting crippled and unable to pass flood   flows safely with the rainy season only six  months away just wasn’t an option. As soon as   the extent of the situation was revealed,  DWR began assembling a team and plotting   the course for recovery. Rather than try  to handle all the work internally, DWR   contracted with a wide range of consultants  from engineering firms across the country   and partnered with federal agencies, namely the  Corps of Engineers and Bureau of Reclamation,   who both have significant knowledge and  experience with major water resources projects. In March (less than a month after the incident  started and well before it was close to over),   DWR held an all-day workshop with the  design and management teams to collaborate   on alternatives for restoring the dam’s  spillways, focusing on the main spillway.   They were facing some significant challenges.  With the next flood season quickly approaching,   they had limited time for design, regulatory  reviews, and construction. Steps that would   typically take months or years needed to be  compressed into weeks. On top of that, they were   still in the midst of the spillway failure without  a complete understanding of what had gone wrong,   making it difficult to propose solutions that  would avoid a similar catastrophe in the future.   Although they had a laundry list of  ideas, most fell into three categories   nicknamed by the design team as “Use the  Hole,” “Bridge the Hole,” or “Fill the Hole.” “Use the hole” alternatives involved taking  advantage of the scour hole and channels carved   by the uncontrolled flows from the spillway. If  they could protect the soil and rock from further   erosion, these new landscape features could serve  as the new path for water exiting the reservoir,   eliminating the need for a replacement to  the massive and expensive concrete chute.   The engineering team built a scale model  of the spillway at Utah State University   as a design tool for providing hydraulic  information. They constructed an alternative   with a modified scour hole to see how it would  perform when subjected to significant releases   from the spillway. Sadly the model showed  enormous standing waves under peak flows,   so this alternative was discarded as infeasible. “Bridge the hole” alternatives involved  constructing the spillway chute above grade.   In other words, instead of placing the structure  on the damaged soil and rock foundation,   they could span the eroded valleys  using aqueduct-style bridges. However,   given the complexity of engineering such a unique  spillway, the design team also ruled this option   out. The time it would take for structural design  just wouldn’t leave enough time for construction. “Fill the hole” alternatives centered around  replacing the eroded foundation material   and returning the main spillway to its original  configuration. There were a lot of advantages to   this approach. It had the least amount of risk and  the fewest unknowns about hydraulic performance,   which had been proven through more than 50 years  of service. This option also provided a place to   reuse the scoured rock that had washed into  the Feather River. Next, it had the lowest   environmental impacts because no new areas of the  site would be permanently impacted. And finally,   it was straightforward construction - not  anything too complicated - giving the design   team confidence that contractors could accomplish  the work within the available time frame. Once a solution had been selected, the design team  started developing the plans and specifications   for construction. Over a hundred engineers,  geologists, and other professionals were involved   in designing repairs to the two spillways, many  working 12-plus hour days, 6 to 7 days a week,   on-site in portable trailers near the emergency  spillway. Because many of the problems with the   original spillways resulted from the poor  conditions of underlying soil and rock,   the design phase included an extensive  geotechnical investigation of the site.   At its peak, there were ten drill rigs  taking borings of the foundation materials.   The samples were tested in laboratories to support  the engineering of the spillway replacements. The design team elected to fill the scoured  holes with roller-compacted concrete,   a unique blend of the same essential ingredients  of conventional concrete but with a lot less   water. Instead of flowing into forms, roller  compacted concrete, or RCC, is placed using paving   equipment and compacted into place with vibratory  rollers. The benefit of RCC was that it could   be made on-site using materials mined near the  dam and those recovered from the Feather River.   It also cures quickly, reaching its full strength  faster and with less heat buildup, allowing crews   to place massive amounts of it on an aggressive  schedule without worrying about it cracking apart   from thermal effects. RCC is really the hero of  this entire project. The design engineers worked   hard to develop a mix that was as inexpensive  as possible, using the rock and aggregates   available on the site, while still being strong  enough to carry the weight of the new spillway. In the interest of time, California DWR brought  on a contractor early to start building access   roads and staging areas for the main construction  project. They also began stabilizing the steep   slopes created by the erosion to make the site  safer for the construction crews that would   follow. The main construction project was  bid at the end of March with plans only 30%   complete. This allowed the contractors to get  started early to mobilize the enormous quantity   of equipment, materials, and workers required for  this massive undertaking. Having a contractor on   the project early also allowed the design team  to collaborate with the construction team,   making it easier to assess the impact of design  changes on the project’s costs and schedule. Because the original spillway failed  catastrophically, DWR knew that the   entire main spillway would need to be  rebuilt to modern standards. However,   they didn’t have the time to do the whole  thing before the upcoming flood season.   DWR had developed an operations plan for  Lake Oroville to keep the reservoir low and   minimize the chance of spillway flows while the  facilities were out-of-service for construction,   but they couldn’t just empty the lake entirely.  They still had to balance the purposes of   the reservoir, including flood protection,  hydropower generation, environmental flows,   and the rights of water users downstream. The  winter flood season was approaching rapidly,   and there was still a possibility of a flood  filling the reservoir and requiring releases.   DWR needed a spillway that could function before  November 2017 (a little more than six months   from when the contractor was hired), even if it  couldn’t function at its total original capacity. In collaboration with the contractor, the  design team decided to break up the repair   project into two phases. Phase 1 would rush to  get an operational spillway in place before the   2017-2018 winter flood season. The remaining work  to complete the spillway would be finished ahead   of the following flood season at the end of 2018.  In addition to the repairs at the main spillway,   engineers also designed remediations to the  emergency spillway, including a buttress to the   existing concrete weir, an RCC apron to protect  the vulnerable hillside soils, and a cutoff   wall to keep erosion from progressing upstream. To  speed up regulatory approval, which can often take   months under normal conditions, the California  Division of Safety of Dams and the Federal Energy   Regulatory Commission both dedicated full-time  staff to review designs as they were produced,   working in the same trailers as the engineers.  The project also required an independent board of   consultants to review designs and provide feedback  to the teams. This group of experts met regularly   throughout design and construction, and their  memos are available online for anyone to peruse. Phase 1 of construction began as the  damaged spillway continued to pass water   to lower the reservoir throughout the month  of May. The contractor started blasting and   excavating the slopes around the site to  stabilize them and provide access to more   crews and equipment. At the same time, an army of  excavators began to remove the soil and rock that   was scoured from the hillside and deposited into  the Feather River. The spillway gates were finally   closed for the season at the end of May, allowing  equipment to mobilize to all areas of the site.   They quickly began demolition of the remaining  concrete spillway. Blasting also continued   to stabilize the slopes by reducing their  steepness in preparation for RCC placement   and break up the existing concrete to  be hauled away or reused as aggregate. By June, all the old concrete had been removed,  and crews were working to clean the foundation   materials of loose rock and soil. The contractor  worked to ensure that the foundation was perfectly   clean of loose soil and dust that could reduce the  strength of the bond between concrete and rock. In July and August, crews made progress on the  upper and lower sections of the spillway that   hadn’t been significantly undermined. Because  they didn’t have to fill in a gigantic scour   hole in this area, crews could use conventional  concrete to level and smooth the foundation,   ensuring that the new structural spillway  slab would be a consistent thickness across   its entire width and length. Of course, I  have to point out that the chute was not   simply being replaced in kind. Deficiencies in  the original design were a significant part of   why the spillway failed in the first place. The  new design of the structural concrete included an   increase in the thickness of the slab, more  steel reinforcement with an epoxy coating   to protect against corrosion, flexible  waterstops at the joints in the concrete   to prevent water from flowing through the  gaps, steel anchors drilled deep into the   bedrock to hold the slabs tightly against  their foundation, and an extensive drainage   system. These drains are intended to relieve  water pressure from underneath the structure   and filter any water seeping below the slab so it  can’t wash away soil and undermine the structure. As the new reinforced concrete slabs and training  walls were going up on the lower section of the   chute, RCC was being placed in lifts into the  scour hole at the center of the chute. This   central scour hole was the most time-sensitive  part of the project because there was just so   much volume to replace. Instead of filling the  scour hole AND building the new spillway slabs   and walls on top during Phase 1, the designers  elected to use the RCC as a temporary stand-in   for the central portion of the chute during the  upcoming flood season. The designs called for   RCC to be placed up to the level of the spillway  chute with formed walls, not quite tall enough   for the total original capacity, but enough  to manage a major flood if one were to occur. By September, crews had truly hit their stride,  producing and placing colossal amounts of concrete   each day, slowly reconnecting the upper and  lower sections of the chute across the chasm   of eroded rock. Reinforced concrete slabs and  walls continued to go up on both the upper and   lower sections of the chute. With only a month  before the critical deadline of November 1,   the contractor worked around the clock to  produce and place both conventional and   roller-compacted concrete across the project  site. By the end of the day on November 1st,   Phase 1 of the massive reconstruction  was completed on schedule and without a   single injury. The spillway was ready to handle  releases for the winter flood season if needed.   Luckily, it wasn’t, and the work  didn’t stop at Oroville dam. Phase 2 began immediately, with the contractor  starting to work on the parts of the project   that wouldn’t compromise the dam’s ability  to release flows during the flood season.   That mainly involved a focus on the emergency  spillway. Crews first rebuilt a part of the   original concrete weir, making it stronger and  more capable of withstanding hydraulic forces.   They also installed a secant pile cutoff wall in  the hillside well below the spillway. A secant   pile wall involves drilling overlapping concrete  piers deep into the bedrock. The purpose of the   cutoff wall was to prevent erosion from traveling  upstream and threatening the spillway structure.   A concrete cap was added to the secant piles  to tie them all together at the surface.   Finally, roller compacted concrete was placed  between the secant wall and the spillway   to serve as a splash pad, protecting  the vulnerable hillside from erosion   if the emergency spillway were  ever to be used in the future. Once the flood season was over in May, DWR  gave the contractor the go-ahead to start   work back on the main spillway. There were two  main parts of the project remaining. First,   they needed to completely remove and  replace the uppermost section of the   chute and training walls. Except for  the dentates at the downstream end,   this was the only section of the  original chute remaining after Phase 1. At the RCC section of the spillway, crews first  removed the temporary training walls that were   installed to allow the spillway to function at a  reduced capacity during the prior flood season.   They never even got to see a single drop of  water, but at least the material was reused   in batches of concrete for the final structure.  Next, the contractor milled the top layer of RCC   to make room for the structural concrete  slab. They trenched drains across the RCC   to match the rest of the spillway, and finally,  they built the structural concrete slabs and walls   to complete the structure. All this work  continued through the summer and fall of 2018.   On November 1st, construction hit a key milestone  of having all the main spillway concrete placed   ahead of the winter flood season. Although  cleanup and backfill work would continue   for the next several months, the spillway  was substantially complete and ready to   handle releases if it was needed. It’s a good  thing too because a few months later, it was. Crews continued cleaning up the site, working on  the emergency spillway, and demobilizing equipment   throughout the 2018-2019 flood season.  In April 2019, heavy rain and snowfall   filled Lake Oroville into the flood control zone,  necessitating the opening of the spillway gates.   For the first time since reconstruction, barely  two years after this whole mess got started,   the new spillway was tested. And it performed  beautifully. I’m sure it was a tremendous relief   and true joy for all of the engineers,  project managers, construction workers,   and the public to see that one of the  most important reservoirs in the state   was back in service. As of this writing, Oroville  is just coming up from historically low levels   resulting from a multi-year drought in California.  It just goes to show the importance of engineering   major water reservoirs like Oroville to smooth out  the tremendous variability in rain and snowfall. It’s easy to celebrate such an incredible  engineering achievement of designing and   constructing one of the largest spillway repair  projects in the world without remembering what   necessitated the project in the first place.  The systemic failure of the dam owner and   its regulators to recognize and address the  structure’s inherent flaws came at a tremendous   cost, both to those whose lives were put at  risk and evacuated from their homes and to the   taxpayers and ratepayers who will ultimately foot  the more-than-a-billion dollars spent on these   repairs. Dam owners and regulators across the  world have hopefully learned a hard lesson from   Oroville, thanks in large part to those who shared  their knowledge and experience of the event. I’d   like to give them a shout out here, because this  video wouldn’t have been possible without them. California DWR’s commitment to transparency  means we have tons of footage from the event   and reconstruction, much more than I was able  to share here. Engineers and project managers   involved in the emergency and reconstruction  shared their experiences in professional   journals. Finally, my fellow YouTuber Juan  Brown provided detailed and award-winning   coverage of the project as a citizen  journalist on his channel, Blancolirio,   including regular overflights of Oroville  Dam in his Mighty Luscombe. Go check out his   playlist after this if you want to learn more.  As I always say, this video is only a summary,   and it doesn’t include nearly the level of  detail that Juan put into his reporting. Finally I want to thank the sponsor  of today’s video, without whom I could   not see faraway objects clearly, nor could I  maintain this air of confidence and charisma. Warby Parker is all things vision care,  including stores that offer eye exams,   but I’ve been using them for my glasses for  many years now. Let me show you how it works.   You choose 5 pairs of glasses from their  website to try at home for free for 5 days.   I love this option because there’s  less pressure to make a decision than   at the optometrist’s office, and  I can get feedback from my wife.   I always pick at least one pair I know I’ll  like … and one pair that isn’t my normal style.   Once you’ve tried them on, pack them up and send  them back with the pre-paid label. There’s no   obligation to buy, but glasses start  at only $95 with prescription lenses,   and you can use FSA or HSA dollars too. It’s  such a fresh take on purchasing eyeglasses,   and I really enjoy the process. If  you are a fellow glasses wearer,   try 5 pairs of glasses at home, completely  free at   Supporting our sponsors helps support the channel.  That’s   Thanks Warby Park and thank you for  watching. Let me know what you think.
Channel: Practical Engineering
Views: 2,086,997
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: spillway, catastrophic failure, Oroville Dam spillway, reservoirs, Flood Control Outlet, Feather River, dentates, scour hole, roller-compacted concrete, secant pile cutoff wall, Juan Brown, Blancolirio, practical engineering, engineer, grady
Id: ekUROM87vTA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 37sec (1237 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 21 2021
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