How Do Flood Control Structures Work?

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Every year floods make their way through  populated areas, costing lives and millions of   dollars in damages, devastating communities, and  grinding local economies to a halt. If you’ve ever   experienced one yourself, you know how powerless  it feels to be up against mother nature. And if   you haven’t, be careful in thinking it can’t  happen to you. Nearly every major city across   the world is susceptible to extreme rainfall  and has areas that are vulnerable to flood risk.   Luckily, we’ve developed strategies and structures  over the years to reduce our vulnerability and   mitigate our risk. We still can’t change how  much it rains (at least in the short term),   but we’ve found lots of ways to manage that  water once it reaches the earth to limit the   danger it poses to lives and property. Hey,  I’m Grady and this is Practical Engineering.   On today’s episode, we’re talking about how large  scale flood control structures work on rivers. This video is sponsored by Curiosity Stream and   Nebula. Get 26% off at the link in  the description. More on that later! We all know generally what a flood is:  too much water in one place at one time.   But, I think there’s still uncertainty in how  floods actually occur. Part of the reason for   that confusion, I think, is the huge variety  of scales we have when talking about flooding.   Most river systems are dendritic. The  topography of the land and the long-term   geologic processes mean that streams join and  concentrate the further you move downstream   just like the branches of a tree. A watershed  is the entire area of land where precipitation   collects and drains into a common outlet;  it’s a funnel. And as you move downstream,   those funnels start to combine. The further  you go, the larger the watershed becomes   as more and more streams contribute to the  drainage. So watersheds can be tiny or gigantic. Your front yard is a watershed to the gutter  on the street. If it happens to be raining hard   directly on your house, the gutter will flood,  maybe even overtop the road onto the sidewalk.   At the complete opposite end of the spectrum,  more than a million square miles (or three million   square kilometers) make up the drainage area of  the Mississippi River in the U.S. A big rainstorm   in one city is not going to make a dent in the  total flow of this river. But, if everywhere in   the basin is having an unseasonably wet year, that  can add up into major flooding as all that water   concentrates into a single waterway. This seems  simple, but it is a real conceptual challenge in   understanding flooding, not to mention trying  to control it. Smaller watersheds only flood   during single intense storm events, called  flash floods. Usually, this water is already   long gone by the time the next storm comes. In  contrast, large watersheds flood in response to   widespread and sustained wet weather. They aren’t  really affected by single storm events. Of course,   in a dendritic system, there’s everything in  between which means a flood can be a local   event affecting a few houses and streets for a  couple of hours during an intense thunderstorm   or a months-long ordeal impacting huge  swaths of land and multiple communities. Riverine flooding is also a  challenge because it’s not linear.   This is a generalized cross section through  a river. You have the main channel where most   normal flows occur. Every unit of rise in  the river doesn’t equal that much extra   width in inundation. Plus there’s not much  development within the banks of a river:   maybe some low bridges and a few docks. But,  above the channel banks, things change. The   slopes aren’t so steep and you end up with wide,  flat areas of land. And you know what we humans   like to do with wide, flat areas near waterways -  we build stuff, like entire cities. That or use it   as farm land. The problem is that, once a channel  overbanks, every unit of rise in the river equals   much wider extents of inundation. You can see now  why this is called the floodplain. And looking at   a cross sectional view, it’s easy to see one of  the most common structural solutions to flooding:   levees. If overtopping the banks of the river  creates the problem, we can just make the banks of   the river higher by building earthen embankments  or concrete walls. Levees protect developed areas   by confining rivers within artificial banks.  That means areas outside the levees flood less   frequently. It doesn’t mean they have zero flood  risk at all, since it’s always possible to have   an extreme event that overwhelms the levees. For  earthen structures, overtopping of a levee can   cause erosion and even failure (or breach) of the  berm. That can make the flooding even worse than   it would have been otherwise, especially if people  weren’t evacuated from the area ahead of time.   So, even though they are a pretty simple solution  to the problem of flooding, levees aren’t perfect. Sometimes getting that water out of the  channel is exactly what you want though.   Another tried and true flood control technique is  diversion canals. These are human-made channels   used to divert flood waters to undeveloped  areas where it won’t be as damaging. Often   it’s not possible to widen an existing river  because there’s already too much development   or for environmental reasons. So instead, we  create a separate channel to divert floodwater   around developed areas and back into the natural  waterway downstream. In most cases there will   be some kind of structure at the head of the  diversion channel to help control which route   the water takes. For normal conditions, water  will flow through the natural river, but when a   flood comes, most of that water will be diverted,  reducing the flood risk to the developed areas. But, it would be nice if all that water didn’t  make it into the river in the first place.   That’s only possible with the other major  type of flood control infrastructure:   dams. These are structures meant to impound or  store large volumes of water, creating reservoirs.   Dams meant for flood control are kept  partially or completely empty so that,   when a major flood event occurs, all that water  can be stored and released slowly over time. The   theory here isn’t too complicated. We can’t change  the volume of water that comes from a flood, but   with enough storage, we can change the time period  over which it gets released into the river. Big   sloshes of water into this bucket come out slowly  over time. As long as the sloshes are far enough   apart and the bucket is big enough, you almost  never see significant flooding out on the other   side. But, not all dams are built specifically  for flood control. Many reservoirs are intended   to stay as full as possible so the water can  be used for hydropower, supplying cities, or   irrigation of crops. If a water supply reservoir  happens to be empty at the time of a big flood,   it will work just like a flood control reservoir,  storing the water for later use. But, if the   reservoir is already full, they have to open the  floodgates to let the water through. This can be   frustrating for the residents downstream who may  have thought they had protection from the dam. In many cases, a dam can serve multiple purposes  at the same time. Different zones, called pools,   are established for the different uses. One  pool is kept full to be used for hydropower or   water supply and one is kept empty to be used for  storage in the event of a flood. Finding the right   balance point between how much storage to keep  full versus empty is a complicated challenge that   considers climate, weather, the maximum amount  of flow that can be released without damaging   property downstream. Some dams vary the size of  these pools over the course of a year depending   on the seasonality of flooding, and some even use  risk indicators like the depth of the snowpack   within the watershed to dynamically adjust the  volume available to store a potential flood. I’ve been using the term “flood  control” throughout this video,   but the truth is that term is falling out of  favor. Now if you ask an engineer or hydrologist,   they’re more likely to talk about “flood risk  management.” Our ability to quote-unquote   “control” mother nature is tenuous at best,  and the more we try, the more we realize this:   even if expensive infrastructure is helpful in a  lot of circumstances, at best it is an incomplete   strategy to reduce the impacts of flooding over  the long term. For one, flood control structures   (especially levees) can protect some areas  while exacerbating flooding in other places.   For two, overbanking flows are actually  beneficial in a lot of ways. Just like wildfires,   flooding is a natural phenomenon that has positive  effects on the floodplain like improving habitat,   ecology, soils, and groundwater recharge.  And for three, we are understanding more   and more the true value of resiliency - that is  instead of reducing the probability of flooding,   instead reducing the consequences. This  is normally accomplished with strategic   development like reserving (or converting)  the floodplain for natural wetlands, parks,   trails, and other purposes that aren’t as easily  damaged by flooding. In fact flood buyouts where   high risk property is purchased and converted to  green space is often the most cost effective way   to reduce flood damages in the long term (even  if not the most politically popular strategy).  It’s not likely we’ll ever have the ability to  reduce the volume of rainfall during major storms,   and in fact, many locations are already  experiencing more extreme rainfall events   than they ever have due to climate change. But,  we will continue to develop strategies, both   structural and non-, to reduce the risk  to lives and property posed by flooding. If you’re here at the end of this video,  I’m guessing you spend your valuable free   time learning new things about the world. 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Channel: Practical Engineering
Views: 436,811
Rating: 4.9505873 out of 5
Keywords: flood, flooding, storm event, rain, spillway, stormwater, watershed, rainwater, runoff, drainage, gutter, flood risk, flash flood, dendritic, inundated, embankment, levee, levees, channel, dam, reservoir, flood risk management, Practical Engineering, Civil Engineering, Engineer, Grady
Id: 5mCJh5SJEis
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 18sec (678 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 05 2021
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