What Really Happened at the New Harbor Bridge Project?

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Another great video. This one is on a tough topic and Grady does a great job walking through the background of the issues and each side's contentions.

👍︎︎ 50 👤︎︎ u/nforrest 📅︎︎ Sep 20 2022 🗫︎ replies

Love his work!

👍︎︎ 14 👤︎︎ u/Sasquatch126 📅︎︎ Sep 20 2022 🗫︎ replies

When things like this happen, whether bridges or other construction it's tempting to think it's 2022, shouldn't we know how to build bridges by now...

Some things I really appreciate about this video are how Grady helps reveal the assumptions that get made in designing, that while they should have been validated can get overlooked, the changing load conditions that are required in the assembly process and the momentum of a design and build that is in motion is not easily to stopped.

👍︎︎ 11 👤︎︎ u/pauliamthewalrus 📅︎︎ Sep 21 2022 🗫︎ replies

Given the issues with the cap on each pylon, is there an external or additional structure that could be created to negate some of the flex and keep it within standards?

Or would the entire pylon need to be pulled and the cap be re-created to withstand the stress?

For the delta frames, how would internal steel reinforcement be introduced?

👍︎︎ 9 👤︎︎ u/flavorjunction 📅︎︎ Sep 21 2022 🗫︎ replies

The instant Grady said design build my brain went, "Oh no".

👍︎︎ 16 👤︎︎ u/spiffy956 📅︎︎ Sep 20 2022 🗫︎ replies
In July of 2022, the Texas Department  of Transportation issued an emergency   suspension of work on the half-finished Harbor  Bridge project in Corpus Christi, citing serious   design flaws that could cause the main span to  collapse if construction continues. The bridge   is a high-profile project and, when constructed,  might briefly be the longest cable-stayed bridge   in North America. It’s just down the road from  me, and I’ve been looking forward to seeing it   finished for years. But, it’s actually not the  first time this billion dollar project has been   put on hold. In a rare move, TxDOT released  not only their letters to the bridge developer,   publicly castigating the engineer and contractor,  but also all the engineering reports with the   details of the alleged design flaws. It’s a  situation you never want to see, especially when   it’s your tax dollars paying for the fight. But it  is an intriguing look into the unique challenges   in the design and construction of megaprojects.  Let’s take a look at the fascinating engineering   behind this colossal bridge and walk through the  documents released by TxDOT to see whether the   design flaws might kill the project altogether.  I’m Grady and this is Practical Engineering.   In today’s episode, we’re talking about the New  Harbor Bridge project in Corpus Christi, Texas. By the way, my new book comes out November  1st. Stay tuned to the end for a sneak preview. Corpus Christi is a medium-sized city  located on the gulf coast of south Texas.   But even though the city is well down the list  of the largest metropolitan areas in the state,   it has one of the fastest growing cargo  ports in the entire United States. The Port   of Corpus Christi is now the third  largest in the country by tonnage,   due primarily to the enormous exports of crude  oil and liquefied natural gas. But there are a   couple of limitations to the port that are  constraining its continued growth. One is   the depth and width of the ship channel which  is currently in the process of being deepened   and widened. Dredging soil from the bottom of a  harbor is an engineering marvel in its own right,   but we’ll save that for another video. The second  major limitation on the port is the harbor bridge. Built in 1959, this bridge carries US Highway  181 over the Corpus Christi ship channel,   connecting downtown to the north  shore area. When it was constructed,   the Harbor Bridge was the largest project ever to  be constructed by the Texas Highway Department,   later known as TxDOT. It was the pinnacle of  bridge engineering and construction for the time,   allowing the Army Corps of Engineers to widen the  channel below so that the newest supertanker ships   of the time could enter the port. The Harbor  Bridge fueled a new wave of economic growth in   the city, and it’s still an impressive structure  to behold… if you don’t look too closely. Now,   more than 60 years later, the bridge  is a relic of past engineering and   past needs. The Harbor Bridge has endured  a tough life above the salty gulf coast,   and the cost to keep corrosion from the bay  at bay has increased substantially year by   year. The bridge also lacks pedestrian  and bicycle access, meaning the only way   across the ship channel is in a watercraft or  a motor vehicle (which is not ideal). Finally,   the bridge is a bottleneck on the size of ships  that can access the port, keeping them from   entering or exiting fully-loaded and creating an  obstacle to commerce within Corpus Christi. So,   in 2011 (over a decade ago, now), the planning  process began for a taller and wider structure. The New Harbor Bridge project includes  six-and-a-half miles (or about ten kilometers)   of new bridge and roadway that will replace  the existing Harbor Bridge over the Corpus   Christi ship channel. And here’s a look at how  the two structures compare. The new bridge will   allow larger ships into the port with its  205 feet (or 62 meters) of clearance above   the water. The bridge is being built just a short  distance inland from the existing Harbor Bridge,   which is a good thing for us because the Port  Authority wouldn’t give us permission to cross   the old bridge with a drone. It will eventually be  demolished at the end of construction. The project   also requires lots of roadway reconfigurations in  downtown Corpus Christi that will connect the new   bridge to the existing highway. The crown  jewel will be the cable-stayed main span,   supported by two impressive pylons on either side  of the ship canal across 1,661 feet or 506 meters.   The bridge will feature 3 lanes of traffic each  way plus a bicycle and pedestrian shared use path   with a belvedere midspan that will give intrepid  ramblers an impressive view of Corpus Christi Bay. The project was procured as a design-build  contract awarded to a joint venture between   Dragados USA and Flatiron Construction, two  massive construction companies, with a huge   group of subcontractors and engineers to support  the project. Design-build (or DB for those in the   industry) really just means that the folks who  design it and the folks who build it are on the   same team and work (hopefully) in collaboration to  deliver the final product. That’s a good thing in   a lot of ways, and design-build contracts on large  projects often end up moving faster and being   less expensive than similar jobs that follow the  traditional design-bid-build model where the owner   hires an engineer to develop designs and then  bids the designs out to hire a separate qualified   contractor. When an engineer and contractor  work together to solve problems collaboratively,   you often end up with innovative approaches and  project efficiencies that wouldn’t be possible   otherwise. You also don’t have to wait for all  the engineering to be finished before starting   construction on the parts that are ready, so the  two phases can overlap somewhat. However, as we’ll   see, DB contracts come with some challenges too.  When the engineer and contractor are in cahoots   (legally speaking), the owner of the project  is no longer in the middle, and so has less   control over some of the major decisions. Also,  DB contracts force the engineer and contractor   to make big decisions about the project  very early in the design process, sometimes   before they’ve even won the job, which reduces the  flexibility for changes as the project matures. Construction on the New Harbor  Bridge project started in 2016   with an original completion date of 2020. But, another bridge halfway across the country  would soon throw the project into disarray.   In March of 2018, a pedestrian bridge at Florida  International University in Miami collapsed during   construction, killing six people and injuring  ten more. After an extensive investigation,   the National Transportation Safety Board put  most of the blame for the bridge collapse on   a miscalculation by the engineer, FIGG,  the same engineer hired by Flatiron and   Dragados to design the New Harbor Bridge  project in Texas. I should note that FIGG   disputes the NTSB’s assessment and has  released their own independent analysis   pinning the blame for the incident on  improper construction. Nevertheless,   the FIU collapse led TxDOT to consider whether  FIGG was the right engineer for the job. In November of 2019, they asked the DB  contractor to suspend design of the bridge so   they could review the NTSB findings and conduct  a safety review. And only a few months later,   TxDOT issued a statement that they had  requested their contractor to remove and   replace FIGG Bridge Engineers from the design of  the main span bridge. That meant a new engineering   firm would have to review the FIGG designs,  recertify all the engineering and calculations,   and take responsibility for the project as  the engineer of record. Later that year,   FIGG would be fired from another cable-stayed  bridge project in Texas, and in 2021 they were   debarred by the Federal Highway Administration  from bidding on any projects until 2029. It took   about six months for the New Harbor Bridge DB  contractor to procure a new engineer for the   main span. The contractor said it expected  no major changes to the existing design. Construction on the project forged ahead through  most of this shakeup with steady progress on both   of the approach bridges that lead to the main  span. These are impressive structures themselves   with huge columns supporting each span above.  The bridge superstructure consists of two rows   of segmental box girders, massive elements that  are precast from concrete at a site not far from   the bridge. For each approach, these segments are  lifted and held in place between the columns using   an enormous self-propelled gantry crane. Once  all the segments within a span are in place,   steel cables called tendons are run through  sleeves cast into the concrete and stressed   using powerful hydraulic jacks. When the  post-tensioned tendons are locked off,   the span is then self-supporting and the crane  can be moved to the next set of columns. This   segmental construction is an extremely efficient  way to build bridges. It’s used all over the world   today, but it actually got its start right here in  Corpus Christi. The JFK Memorial Causeway bridge   was replaced in 1973 to connect Corpus Christi to  North Padre Island over the Laguna Madre. It was   the first precast segmental bridge constructed  in the US. And if you’re curious, yes qualified   personnel can get inside the box girders. It’s a  convenient way to inspect the structural members   to make sure the bridge is performing well over  the long term. The Harbor Bridge project will   include locked entryways to the box girders  and even lights and power outlets within. Work on the main span bridge didn’t resume until  August of 2021, nearly 2 years after TxDOT first   suspended the design of this part of the project.  And by the end of 2021, both pylons were starting   to take shape above the ground. Early this year,  the contractor mobilized two colossal crawler   cranes to join the tower cranes already set up  at both the main span pylons. These crawlers   were used to lift the table segments where the  bridge superstructure connects to the approaches.   The next step in construction is to begin  lifting the precast box girder sections   into place while crews continue building the  pylons upward toward their final height. Rather   than doing the entire span at once, these  segments will be lifted into place using   a balanced cantilever method, where each one is  connected to the bridge from the pylon outward. But, it probably won’t happen anytime soon  after TxDOT suspended construction on the   main span in July and has continued a very  public feud with the contractor since then   that is far from resolved. During the shakeup  with FIGG, TxDOT hired their own bridge engineer   to review the designs and inform their decision  that ultimately ended with FIGG fired from the   project. When the DB contractor hired a new  engineer to recertify the bridge designs,   TxDOT kept their independent engineer to review  the new designs. Unfortunately, many of the flaws   identified in the FIGG design persisted into the  current design of the bridge. In April of 2022,   TxDOT issued the contractor a notice  of nonconforming work. This is a legal   document in a construction project used to let a  contractor know that something they built doesn’t   comply with the terms of the contract. And when  that happens, it is the contractors job to fix   the nonconforming work at their own cost. The  notice included the entire independent review   report and a summary table of 23 issues that  TxDOT said reflected breaches of the contract,   and it required their contractor to submit  a schedule detailing the plan to correct the   nonconforming work. But they didn’t provide that  schedule, or at least not to TxDOT’s standards.   So, in July, TxDOT sent another letter enacting a  clause in the contract that lets them immediately   suspend work in an emergency situation that  could cause danger to people or property,   citing five serious issues with design of  the main span. So let’s take a look at them. The first two of the alleged flaws are related  to the capacity of the foundation system that   supports each of the two pylons. Each tower  sits on top of an enormous concrete slab or   cap that is the area of two basketball courts and  18 feet or 5-and-a-half meters thick. Below that   slab are drilled shaft piles, each one about  10 feet or 3 meters in diameter and 210 feet   or 64 meters deep. The most critical loads  on the pylons are high winds that push the   bridge and towers horizontally. You might not  think that wind is powerful enough to affect   a structure of this size, but don’t forget  that Corpus Christ is situated on the gulf   coast and regularly subject to hurricane force  winds. The independent reviewer estimated that,   under some loading conditions, many of the piles  holding a single tower would be subject to demands   of more than 20% of their capacity. In other  words, they would fail. The primary design   error identified in the analysis was that the  original engineer had assumed that the pile cap,   that concrete slab between the tower and the  piles, was perfectly rigid in the calculations. All of engineering involves making simplifying  assumptions during the design process. Structures   are complicated, soils are variable, loading  conditions are numerous. So, to make the process   simpler, we neglect factors that aren’t essential  to the design. And with a pile cap that is greater   in depth than most single story buildings, you  might think it’s safe to assume that the concrete   isn’t going to flex much. But, we’re talking about  extreme loads. When you take into account the   flexibility of the pile cap, you find out that  the stresses from the pylon aren’t distributed   to each pile evenly. Instead, some become  overloaded, and you end up with a foundation   that the design reviewer delicately labeled as  “exceedingly deficient to resist design loadings.” The next critical design problem identified  is related to the delta frame structures that   transfer the weight of the bridge’s superstructure  into each cable stay. These delta frames connect   to the box girders below the bridge deck using  post-tensioned tendons. But, these tendons can’t   be used to resist shear forces, those sliding  forces between the girders and delta frames.   For those forces, according to the code, you  need conventional steel reinforcement through   this interface. Without it, a crack could  develop, and the interface could shear apart. The fourth issue identified is related to  the bearings that transfer the weight of   the bridge deck near each pylon. The independent  reviewer found that, under some load conditions,   the superstructure could lift up rather than  pushing down on the tower. That would not   only cause issues with the bearings themselves,  which need to be able to resist movement in some   directions while allowing movement in others.  It would also cause loads to redistribute,   reducing the stiffness of the bridge that  depends on a rigid connection to each tower. The final issue identified, and the most  urgent, is related to the loads during   construction of the bridge. Construction is  a vulnerable time for a bridge like this,   especially before the deck is connected  between the pylons and the first piers of   the approaches. The contractor is planning to  lift derrick cranes onto the bridge deck that   will be used to hoist the girder segments into  place and attach them to each cable stay. TxDOT   and their independent reviewer allege that the  bridge isn’t strong enough to withstand these   forces during construction and will need  additional support or more reinforcement. For the contractor’s part, they have denied that  there are design issues and issued a statement to   the local paper saying that they were “confident  in the safety and durability of the bridge as   designed.” In their letter to TxDOT, they cite  their disagreements with the conclusions of the   independent design reviewer and accuse TxDOT  of holding back the results of the review while   allowing them to continue with construction and  ignoring attempts to resolve the differences.   Because of TxDOT’s directive to suspend the work,  they have already started demobilizing at the   main span, reassigning crews, and reallocating  resources. In August, TxDOT sent another letter   notifying the contractor of a default in the  contract and giving them 15 days to respond. It’s hard to overstate the disruption of  suspending work in this way. Construction projects   of this scale are among the most complicated and  interdependent things that humans do. They don’t   just start and stop on a dime, and these legal  actions will have implications for thousands of   people working on the New Harbor Bridge project.  Just the daily rental fees of those two crawler   cranes alone is probably in the tens of thousands  of dollars per day. Add up all the equipment and   labor on a job this size, and you can see that  the stakes are incredibly high when interrupting   an operation like this. It’s never a good sign  when the insurance company is cc’ed on the letter. If the bridge design is truly flawed (and  clearly TxDOT thinks that it is since they   are sharing the evidence publicly), it’s a  good thing that they stopped the work so the   issues can be addressed before they turn into a  dangerous situation for the public. But it also   begs the question of why these concerns were  handled in a way that let the contractor keep   working even when TxDOT knew there were issues.  Megaprojects like this are immensely complex,   and their design and construction rarely goes  off without at least a few complications.   There just isn’t as much precedent for  the engineering or construction. But,   we have processes in place to account for  bumps in the road (and even bumps in the bridge   deck). Those processes include thorough quality  control on designs before construction starts. So who’s at fault here? Is it the DB  contractor for designing a bridge,   then recertifying that design with a completely  new engineering team, that apparently had a   number of serious flaws? Or is it TxDOT for  failing to catch the alleged errors (or at   least failing to stop the work) until the  very last minute after hundreds of millions   of taxpayer dollars have already been spent on  construction that may now have to be torn down   and rebuilt? The simple answer is probably both,  but it’s a question that is far from settled,   and the battle is sure to be dramatic for those  who follow infrastructure, if not discouraging   for those who pay taxes. The design issues  are serious, but they’re not insurmountable,   and I think it’s highly unlikely that TxDOT  won’t see the project to completion in one   way or another. Some work may have to be replaced  while other parts of the project may be fine after   retrofits. The best case scenario for everyone  involved is for TxDOT to repair their relationship   with their contractor and get the designs fixed  instead of firing them and bringing on someone   new. In the industry, they call that stepping  into a dead man’s shoes, and there won’t be many   companies jumping for a chance to take over this  controversial job halfway through construction. Two things are for sure (as they almost  always are in projects of this magnitude):   The bridge is going to cost more than we expected,   and it’s going to take longer to build than  the current estimated completion date in 2024.   There’s actually another, much longer,  cable-stayed bridge racing to finish construction   in the US and Canada between Detroit, Michigan  and Windsor, Ontario. Barring any major issues,   it is currently scheduled to be complete by the  end of 2024 and will probably now beat the Corpus   Christi project. Every single person who crosses  over either one of these bridges, once they’re   complete, will do so as an act of trust in the  engineers who designed them and the agencies   who oversaw the projects. So, I’m thankful that  TxDOT is at least being relatively transparent   about what’s happening behind the scenes to make  sure the New Harbor Bridge is safe when it’s   finished. As someone who lives in south Texas,  I’m proud to have this project in my backyard,   and I’m hopeful that these issues can be resolved  without too much impact to the project’s schedule   or cost. The latest headlines make it seem like  things are headed in that direction. Until then,   if you’re in Corpus Christi crossing the  ship channel, as you drive over the aging   but still striking (and still standing) old  Harbor Bridge, you’ll have a really nice view   of an impressive construction site and what was  almost the nation’s longest cable-stayed bridge. And if you want to learn more about the various  kinds of bridges we use to cross waterways or how   to spot and identify the most interesting aspects  of tunnels, dams, sewers, and the power grid, I   have the book for you. I mean… I actually have it  now. My new book, Engineering in Plain Sight comes   out this November. But, I got an early copy in the  mail just a few days ago, and I couldn’t be more   proud of how it came out. Engineering in Plain  Sight is a field guide to the constructed world   full of colorful illustrations of all the things  you might not notice in your built environment.   When I was studying engineering in school, every  class was like a lamp turning on to illuminate   some innocuous part of my surroundings that I  had never even paid attention to. Engineering   In Plain Sight is my way to share that joy and  help you further your journey as an enthusiastic   beholder of the constructed environment. It’s  basically 50 new Practical Engineering episodes   crammed between two covers. The book is available  for preorder pretty much anywhere you buy books   and comes out on November 1st. If you want a  signed copy for yourself or as a gift, I have   them on my website at practical.engineering, and  all preorders come with an exclusive enamel weir   pin taken from one of the book’s illustrations.  I worked so hard on this project, and I’m so   excited for you to see the final book. Thank you  for watching, and let me know what you think.
Channel: Practical Engineering
Views: 1,832,087
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Corpus Christi, TxDOT, megaproject, Harbor Bridge, Dragados USA, Flatiron Construction, Design-build, design-bid-build model, Florida International University, FIGG, NTSB, box girder, gantry crane, post-tensioned tendons, JFK Memorial Causeway bridge, crawler cranes, nonconforming work, pylons, delta frame, derrick crane
Id: CZxqVC_tBdc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 52sec (1312 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 20 2022
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