Rebuilding (And Heavily Modifying) My Blown $100K McLaren 675LT Engine In 7 Days

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how's it going guys my name is tavarish and this is my 2016 McLaren 675 LT only 500 were ever made and when it was new it cost more than 400 Grand [Music] but I couldn't afford it new or even used I bought it wrecked [Music] it took my team and I two years to build it into a one-of-a-kind supercar we changed the color added a functional roof scoop and installed a totally bespoke interior it was the most beautiful most expensive and fastest car I owned but unfortunately the fun didn't last long oh no oh well what do we do oh I think oh my God I think the engine just blew [Music] and that brings us to right now you see I wanted to issue myself a little bit of a challenge I want to remove repair and modify this car's hundred thousand dollar engine then take it across the country to the world's most famous car lover Jay Leno to see if he gives it his seal of approval and I have one week to do it [Music] foreign like this but uh the car is broken and I'm waiting for a ride in fact the guys from Cannonball garage are on their way down here right now to pick up the car and take it to their shop in Chicago actually I called Arnie the Shop's owner and I asked them if we can get this engine build done in a small amount of time and he just said I'm on my way and hung up the phone who does that [Music] [Applause] [Laughter] look at that [Music] [Music] so here's a quick rundown of what we're gonna do uh Ivan and I are gonna tag team the back end of this car that didn't sound very good so we're gonna take off the fender liners then we're going to take off the suspension and then we're going to disconnect about 3 million hoses and a bunch of oil and coolant and stuff is going to fall into the ground we're going to get super dirty and then at some point that engine is going to come out of the bottom of the car at some point part a mid-engine Supercar may seem like an impossible task if you're doing it yourself but it's actually quite simple first we remove all the bottom body panels then we drain the coolant and oil but since my engine had three big holes in it there really wasn't much to drain [Music] then the active spoiler comes off and we can start taking apart the body so we actually get to the engine [Music] and as you can imagine McLaren never intended for owners to work on these cars themselves so there are a few extra bolts and panels before we can even see the power plant [Music] the exhaust comes off as does the wiring harness [Music] the brake caliper rotor and suspension are removed so we can see the bolt for the transmission mount which is located inside the frame [Music] and then comes the process of removing every last hose electrical connector hydraulic line and fitting that attaches the engine to the chassis including axles and the subframe brackets that are so sharp that they might as well be made of razor blades [Music] and finally we roll a workbench over to the car take out about 10 bolts and the engine slides right out and none of the busted Knuckles or swearing made it into the video so it all looks very easy foreign this is how your move an engine from a McLaren 675lt believe it or not this took all day and I got here a little bit late this morning uh and I haven't here was uh doing some work on the AC and cooling systems he got those all drained and now many hours later we have this thing out of the car but now is where the fun starts because we have to disassemble this whole thing don't we we got to separate the transmission from the motor get the motor up on a stand and start disassembling it so get some work to do still okay so let's say by the end of tonight we're gonna have a brand new engine in the car right hell yeah no no let's take this thing apart it's gonna be fun oh now that the powertrain is out of the car the next step is to get it on the ground so we can separate the transmission from the engine [Music] foreign [Music] While most people would use an engine hoist a forklift works just as well and you can then Flex on people when you say you're certified to use it [Music] and after a few bolts holding the bell housing on the transmission comes off to reveal the build's first disaster so it's two steps forward and one step back because this thing that kind of looks like a flywheel is actually called a dld what does dld stand for Driveline damper and uh what does this thing do so basically cushions the input shaft of the transmission using these Springs this is keyed to the crankshaft this is keyed to the input shaft so the Springs are in between to take up some vibration problem is is it moves around and it wears and you can see right here it's almost worn through the tip of that spring and when that spring wears through it it sends spring material all throughout here and it gets stuck in the starter and the car won't start it breaks the starter it could break you know the flywheel or the crank position sensor lots of bad things so we have to replace that they actually have a newer part uh right it's a it's like an enclosed thing it's uh it's it's not for the p11s it's for the p13s but we've used it on the p11s and it works perfectly fine completely enclosed you don't see the Springs you don't have the spring shedding issue I mean look at this one this one's ready to break right now oh wow yeah so this car only has about eight nine thousand miles on it so this is I mean for an engine that has 8 000 miles on it for this to happen that's that's that's pretty silly our very first one was a 675 LT that was Road raced 3 300 miles already broke one of these pieces and shed it into the starter burnt the starter out um yeah it's expensive proposition for only 3 300 miles yeah so I mean it's not it's not a pain in the butt to uh change this but you do have to take out the transmission and everything like that and then see what else it broke but I'm glad that we got to this and we're taking this apart and hopefully they can get one on order um and you know by the time we have everything else together but but uh what else do we need for this thing so we're uh we're gonna do head gaskets obviously we're going to pull the heads off go through the heads make sure those are good 675 uses thicker head gaskets uh we only have thin head gaskets in stocks and we're going to put those on order we're going to need water pump gaskets both for the water pump and for the cover front rear main seal uh actually I mean 9 000 miles could be a little sketchy with the cam phasers it's crazy to me that the 9 000 mile engine needs that much stuff the the design wasn't too good they did update and revise them so the newer ones are better but they still fail they don't lock back into zero that creates some issues on Startup we need a new oil pump because the oil pump is it had some had some damage uh oil cooler that's going to have some debris in it one probably do a uh an oil cooler housing at the oil filter housing at the same time and then we have to clean out the oil tank itself oil tank uh yeah new oil tanks 3 300 so rather than spend the money we're gonna send it out and have it ultrasonically clean yeah get all the material out so I mean there's a lot that's going to be involved in getting this thing back together and 100 and where we feel good putting it back in knowing that it's going to be good to go yeah all right um I I feel less confident now I mean you gave me the thumbs up but I feel like I feel like we're we're digging ourselves into a real big hole we're definitely digging ourselves into a hole but uh we're gonna dig ourselves out we got shovels here we're gonna dig ourselves so loose hey I found our new frisbee oh yeah look at the wear inside that that's terrible yeah bad McLaren bad all right now I do have to admit that the odds are stacked against us but if I was a betting man I would still say that we're gonna get this bill done on time now if you're into betting and you're a fan of the NFL then today's sponsor DraftKings 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now here's a fun game check out the difference between a professional and an amateur Ivan manages to remove the intake manifold all front brackets lines and hoses and even manages to help me a bit before I can remove one of the turbochargers I'm glad I don't do this for a living [Music] after the oil filter housing is removed we move on to the accessories that are actually on the side of the engine and driven by gears not belts like in any other car foreign [Music] I get to work on removing the second turbo but Ivan is so far ahead he's already removing the timing chain oil pump drive and taking the entire front end off the engine did I mention I'm really glad I don't do this for a living [Music] and finally it's time to take off the cylinder head bolts to see what actual Carnage happens when a McLaren engine turns into a grenade I hope you're sitting down [Music] that one's almost in its in its spot it's a little cattywampus it's crooked and it's also looks like it's probably smacked a valve or two that got hit right there this doesn't look terrible though so hopefully that is the worst of our problems pop that bad boy off that you notice that none of these are where they should be so look at that that's nice that's fun so it cracked the Piston right here not connected to anything nope okay cool that's a nightmare there it goes okay [Music] that's uh wow so take a look at that uh can you tell me in your expert opinion whether this is what kind of Rod is that broken oh it's broken it's a broken road in your expert opinion this is broken okay it's not going back together definitely not going back together that's that's a shape yes but look at this it can still it look it's still got some range of motion look at that you're rocking the small rods too okay so small rods yep well it's not about the size of the rods it's about the size of the rod so out of eight cylinders two of them have heated themselves out of existence we got one bent one bent this one looks a little bit bendy that one's definitely bent so do we have like any good mods maybe two maybe two out of the eight but I doubt it yeah that is not a passing grade many parts look at that we got part of piston ring I feel like a little JB Weld and she is good to go okay we just took a good piston out of this engine and uh take a look at that that's uh I wonder how long it's been like that a while I mean it's side loaded the bearing oh yeah extensively oh my goodness so I was I was driving on bent rods for a bit 100 bent a hundred percent bent I think we have two that we can double check that'll be easy we'll check I honestly think every single one has been to some degree some more than others I mean look at look at that guy that's that ain't supposed to be like that so this looks sort of Not Bent and then you look at it like this and look at the bearing layer yeah that's not very good so what are you thinking this uh the rod on my right is bent okay so if you look at the gap between the top yeah and if I flip it around the Gap changes gets wider on this side yeah this one's bent that direction so this must have been an early Engine with the smaller rods yeah this is our record eight yeah before this it was seven bent rods this this one eight so we got eight and I mean honestly it's not like these were bent these just disintegrated yes [Music] so yeah before this seven seven bent rods um this this you took a high score yeah high score all eight rods Ben this is the difference that we're talking about when it comes to small rod and big Rod yeah so this is like a toothpick this is like a bigger toothpick you can still see even being a bigger toothpick yeah she's bent too do you think it's because of the way that the metal is formed I I think it's um undersized probably under spec for metal yeah um you know our our rods the rods we're going to put in here are a different design a different material it's going to be much stronger I can grab one of those and we can yeah do a little comparison oh yeah okay so width wise we're radically different you can see these are I-beam style here the factory ones these are h-beam style okay um this is going to take care of that issue with the bending um so yeah much stronger much stronger design wonderful much stronger material 200 horsepower per Rod no problems get these out of my face let's let's just like throw them in the carpets all right let's let's put that in but not into this engine and we are wasting no time this is the new to me block this is not a 3.8 liter it's a 4 liter it's an m840 T block from a 720s and Ivan is already putting some stuff together so this is like a two-piece block right uh yeah got a upper half bottom half they call this the ladder frame um it's uh parted right on me or it's uh split right on The Parting line for the crankshaft so bearings go in here the enclosed bottom end goes on top buttons it all together uh bolts through the bottom half have to have ceiling washers keep the ocean out in case it happens to sink it's just a strong design from like the crankshaft perspective but the rods they they seem like they're they're the weak link so we're replacing those we're also replacing the Pistons right yes so we're putting in some forged pistons they're hard nitride coated for the Rings we've got some slip coating some Teflon coating on the sides to keep the scuffing down it's going to be a nice combo yeah I think this will this will make some some good power uh now how much power can this hold this is the internet so I need something north of uh 5 000 horsepower I think oh yeah yeah easily so these are designed for 1 million horsepower each good so yeah eight million horsepower I have to have the Cannonball stickers on the car because they add another million eight and nine million horsepower so realistically uh all these components were designed around 200 horsepower per hole so we're talking 1600 horsepower um so yeah I don't think we're gonna get there now with the turbo shoes no no but uh I think half of that maybe 800 maybe that's a great goal I like it okay all right let's do it uh this is going to be a lot of measuring and double measuring and then fitting stuff in taking stuff out measuring again and then putting the engine together cleaning it and then hopefully we have an engine that works yes [Music] and the engine is in in now I bet you have a lot of questions like how does an internal combustion engine work and how do you put one in a McLaren well thankfully I will answer all those questions in voiceover [Music] McLaren's V8 engines are known for being lightweight and Powerful but their reliability can sometimes leave something to be desired so in order to make as much power as possible their engines need to be hand built by people that actually know what they're doing an engine block is sourced from the most reliable place in the world a junkyard and then it's rotated and cleaned it's vital that every part of the engine is spotless because it's an absolute pain in the butt to rebuild these things and no one ever wants to repeat this process the new Pistons are put on a table to Mark the last time they'll ever be this shiny again the engine's oil squirters are little metal fittings that shoot pressurized oil on the bottom of each piston to help cool it under heavy loads they're cleaned with a solvent in a rag and then installed into the engine block to ensure that maximum squirtage is achieved the crankshaft is what's used to convert explosions into cylinders into turning force that moves a car forward it rides on a high pressure oil-fed metal bearings to rotate on its own and it also holds the connecting rods in place precise and accurate measurements between the bearing and crank mean that the engine will run for years without issue unless the driver makes YouTube videos for a living the connecting rods are measured against the crank for the same reason and special h-beam rods are used in this High horsepower build to ensure that the engine doesn't end up looking like a Taco Bell bathroom at closing time the piston rings are filed and wrist pins are inserted mating the connecting rod with the piston and it's time to insert them into the cylinder bores using a tool that compresses the Rings without scratching the cylinder wall or exploding in your face they're simply tapped in and bolted to the crankshaft which Now lies in the middle of the engine block and every bolt is torqued down with a special tool called a torque wrench even though many people in the industry simply use the German standard of guten tight a thin film of silicone is applied to make the bottom of the block to the top and the main bolts are installed and torqued with a special grease that looks almost exactly like an oil leak so it'll be fun to look under the engine later when that fact is long forgotten it's then time to check how smooth the engine rotates all right so let's see if she turns oh look at that smooth like a baby's bottom dude that is so awesome take a feel I think you'll like the way that feels oh this is lovely so this is what's going to be happening uh 8 500 times a minute wow dude hell yeah awesome let's go home [Laughter] the cylinder head is a very important part of the engine it's what allows air in and out of the cylinder and it also houses the spark plugs as well as the fuel injectors and camshafts it's what's known as a top end of the engine a head gasket is installed and the cylinder head bolts are torqued down in a specific sequence and if you're a Subaru owner you'll know this by heart the second cylinder head gets the same treatment and has to be installed the exact same way or else it could get jealous the valves in the cylinder head are what open and close at specific times to let air in and allow it to escape through the exhaust these valves need special shims and they're measured to make sure their clearances against the camshaft aren't too big or too small the shims are measured changed and re-measured are process so repetitive that it makes stamp collecting look like an extreme sport the camshaft chains are installed using special tools that lock the camshafts and crankshaft in place the valve timing of the engine is vital to the running of the engine and since this engine has variable camshafts it requires a specific torque and sequence of bolt tightening it's just like dancing except missing a step means you blow a hundred thousand dollar engine [Music] the accessories are bolted onto the engine block as well as the turbochargers coolant lines and vacuum hoses the entire engine is then lifted by a certified forklift operator and placed on the ground where another potentially build destroying issue can be discovered okay so this is going to get really really geeky but we have a problem as you can see the engine is almost ready to go with the engine and transmission right here and you'd think they've made up but that isn't the case because this is a four liter block and this is a transmission from a 3.8 liter and while all the bolt holes line up the starter which is over here while the starter is right here and it lines up to this hole right here problem is on a 3.8 this is supposed to be recessed so like right here and when we put on the Driveline dampener which is like a flywheel uh there's no actual way for this starter to engage that flywheel so there's no way to start the car and we have a few options number one is just to cut into this I don't want to do that because there's like a bearing and stuff in there but option number two which is what I think we're going to do is there is a 720 transmission up there somewhere in the rafters and we are going to cannibalize it and take some parts off and we're going to take the bell housing portion we're going to bolt it on here hopefully it bolts on and then we're going to take this Mount because on the 720 this is a little bit of an offset Mount we're going to put the new mount on and then the car should believe that it's a four liter and everything should go together and then I'm not gonna have a heart attack there we go oh look at that let's compare and contrast [Music] my brother in Christ those look the same so that's the clutch right that is the clutch is that the Dual clutch that is the Dual clutch sweet I'm not gonna touch that seems expensive don't touch it this spins at the rate of the engine so this is always spinning on the outside and then you've got well it's also you can see it's geared directly to this this is going to be your oil pump that's going to pump uh for all the Hydraulics to make everything work and then you've got your two clutches in there and basically when one engages you're engaging uh one shaft and then when the other engages you're engaging the second shaft so you got your even gears and your odd gears and that's how you go like it was meant to be my friend look at that you gotta swap that with the other transmission but other than that she looks good oh it's real good I mean I'm not sure this should fit right I'm I'm fairly certain but yeah I'm not as confident as I was previous about an hour ago it should come as no surprise that we were all relieved that the transmission now bolted to the engine flawlessly what wasn't as comforting was what happened when we tried to test the starter [Music] is that one of the intake guys I think that's one of the intakes yeah one of the one of the Plastics on the intake or one of them yeah oh yeah did that give you a heart attack it did well we have compression ladies and gentlemen oh my goodness you get a good paint job okay starter works let's get a high five yeah I think we killed Ivan six long days of work the engine and transmission now mated as a Powertrain could be fit back in the car and for the sake of time let's just say the installation was reverse of removal [Music] now Ivan and I have been tirelessly working and when I say tirelessly working I mean he's been getting up at the crack of actually Before Dawn sometimes they don't let me go home they don't let me go home that's not true that is not true we let him go home I want him to go home but this is a Sunday and we are about to start this car but there's a few things that we have to do before we have to put the coolant tank on we have to fill it with coolant we have to make sure that the engine is primed because we don't want to starve that thing of oil after we just built it so uh this is fingers crossed that everything goes smoothly but in the next scene you guys should see a running McLaren hopefully hopefully think can you cross your fingers for me at home just please do that so we're under the car and we are about to turn over the engine we're not going to start it we have to turn it over because the engine needs to get primed that means that all the oil in the dry sump tank has to make it around the oil passageways of the engine that way when we actually do start it it doesn't run dry and it doesn't ruin the engine so uh you're just gonna do it the old school way yeah I've got the switch right here that I use to uh yeah calibration tool yep just like that so we don't have any any leaks so far you know that's always good you should have oil going to everything yeah take a look cool all right let's start this thing okay so the culmination of our work is right now Ivan is going to try to start the car we bled the coolant we made sure that there's oil in it we have trans fluid brakes are good everything is torqued the way it's supposed to and I am really really nervous because this car hasn't started for a very long time and if we hear this start up I I've made just get very emotional all right let's do it [Music] really [Music] so it is the next morning and Ivan is wasting no time in putting this car on the dyno everything seems to be okay the oil pressure temperature and level is okay we're not leaking anything and now we find out if this car makes as much power as it did before well before it before it blew up I think it's going to make some good power I hope it makes some good power I'm still if you guys have your fingers crossed keep them crossed because I'm gonna I'm gonna need some luck so we're not going for power runs just yet right now we're just doing break-in miles so we're gonna have this as you can see he's doing some calibration and stuff uh stuff that's above my pay grade but right now we're just going through all the gears making sure that the the piston rings seat with the sleeves and then we can go for some real power [Music] oh [Music] [Music] oh now this is right after turning it on it's still hot this is the oil filter and we're gonna see if we have any Sparkles so it should not look like a strip club and the grand reveal that's not bad that's really good that's really good I like it yep there's some slight whatever from you know breaking in this is about as clean as we see them the next filter will come out even cleaner but yeah this is uh this is nice cool like it awesome all right I have my hearing protection on it's time to make some noise foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] all right so we have some final numbers they're not final final but for right now I think these are really really good so let's take a look now we did a bunch of runs here and our final number is 682 that's horsepower at the rear wheels and 680 torque if you look at right here these are the stock-ish power numbers I mean these are tuned but you can see that the lines are a lot lower it was making 400 foot-pounds before 3000 RPM yeah and now we're making 600 foot-pounds at 3 500 RPM so that's the difference this is horsepower at the tires this is torque at the crank but measured at the tires okay so this is what the engine will do if this was the actual torque that you were seeing at the tires the car would barely move so it's multiplied by gear ratios and final drive and also okay gotcha this is engine torque measured at the tires with all the Driveline loss and everything like that so okay 680 680. so um as far as why aren't we making a ton of horsepower up top all that time and energy that we put into putting this engine into here um why aren't we making it yeah turbos turbos are a big choke point right now even on these huge torque runs it's still plummets it still drops there's just no way to hang it out they won't move enough air simple enough to resolve just some big turbos on there and we're good to go but I think that's going to have to wait for another time yeah I think what we have accomplished here is we have made a torque monster but also a reliability monster because uh I want a car that not only drives well but also I can drive it any day of the week without having the rods fall out of it like like the first engine did so this is exactly what I wanted now we could put some race gas in here and then we can make about a hundred more horsepower and that is because we can throw more timing at it maybe some more boost I don't know with those turbos but definitely we can make some more power and then it would be around like a thousand crank horsepower somewhere thereabouts um I don't feel the need to do that right now because we need to get this car on the trailer and uh yeah times times are ticking but here's the thing dude you have been the best guy to work with on these cars not not only because you're knowledgeable because I mean we get along man I I consider you like a really good friend now um thanks to the guys at Cannonball garage you guys are are just amazing so if anybody wants any McLaren work done they are the not only the Specialists they are the experts at this stuff uh we took a car in one week and this is not the regular Pace by the way uh this is because don't expect that please no don't expect that but like this is me and you working 14-hour days sometimes more to get this thing off the ground and I I absolutely cannot be happier so thank you so much I mean we still gotta still gotta drive this thing we still gotta put it up on the rack we got to do an oil change we've got under covers to put on it we've got to drive it on the street street logs loaded on the trailer we got a lot to do okay all right let's get to that a really good component of any tune is is the straight portion of the tune and uh I decided to let Ivan Drive because he has had a lot of experience in driving very fast cars and I've never been a real passenger in my car so this will be fun we're in for an experience both of us [Music] yeah yeah holy hell so trash control off it blows the tires off speechless I was like oh that's a huge difference in first and second gear yeah massive massive massive difference wow that felt great and it's so controllable oh yeah absolutely great that was I like it that's good give me a 675. wonderful let's let's do it you want this one oh my goodness a buck 40 . okay yeah that's uh gets there fast yeah it does it does this thing scoots that was fun holy crap one big hurdle was behind us but another lay ahead Arnie Stan and I loaded up my newly running McLaren and set off on the more than 30-hour journey to LA to see one of my Automotive Idols Jay Leno [Music] and even though the past seven days left us all exhausted the thought of a road trip just felt right [Music] okay so it took quite a while took a few days but the McLaren is here at Jay Leno's garage and I am really nervous uh I I say that a lot about these builds and these projects but I am like actually actually nervous Jay Leno is one of the people that inspired me to do all this car stuff so I want to know what he thinks of my car now I want to thank Arnie who is unloading this car Arnie and everybody at Cannonball garage because without them we wouldn't be able to do this and Arnie not only treated me you know like a good customer but like he treated me like family and that is so important when you have to do an engine swap in seven days absolutely so thank you so much man like this is this is a this is a dream come true we made it yeah we made it we made it we did it we're there okay uh now I need to stop shaking and get this car off the trailer and then we'll see what Jay thinks thank you this is wild [Music] I can't begin to tell you how much this all meant to me filming with an automotive Legend in my dream car built by my friends and I was almost more than I could handle oh but weirdly I held it together and so did the car it did so well in fact that Jay had a few Choice things to say about it and we are done I'm here with the man himself Jay Leno and we just drove this car now if you want to see what that looks like you have to go to his channel that's going to be coming up in the next weeks or months uh that usually takes a little bit longer about a month and a half or so but I was very impressed with that I would never have guessed this was a a salvaged car wrecked car with a different engine in it I mean you've done a beautiful job but handles it feels like a brand new car it feels like a 720. it's got way more power than the 675 well I I appreciate it that is praise that uh honestly I'm just I'm taking it back because I've I've watched Jay for you know my entire adult life and to be here on Hallowed Ground I know it's a garage to you and this is yeah it's great how many of you because I watched you too and you're an inspiration too because so many people will never ever even get to see one of these guys so if you were to take one apart show how vulnerable it is and inside it's just the cars yeah pistons and connecting rods like everything and you got to work to put it together so you've done a great job my son well thank you very much I appreciate it uh definitely go check out Jay Leno's garage and uh we're gonna do way more stuff on this car in the coming videos awesome [Music] I've done a few lovely people at home remember but the last time I was here with my pal Freddy things escalated quickly they did didn't they and although I kind of feel like I should take some of the blame I wasn't even driving I was in the past no no no but I think you're Aura it was too much for the engineer and uh actually the the engine on my car exploded in uh in in large fashion but I have rebuilt it it's built better there's more power and now uh I think we can give it a proper Shakedown run it's actually dry it's running right now it's been running for a while yeah nice and warm nice and warm all the fluids and everything and we're not gonna hit it right away we're just gonna make sure we're gonna leisurely dry leisurely dry oh and the engine didn't Escape the Car no I didn't scared as long as live right this is it oh I could fill my brain going to the back of my head that is something else man engine's still together yeah we did I'm not a bad Omen after all I tell you what for me one of the the [Music] Ducks of the vehicle and go and watch air this vehicle takes in when you're driving it oh I'll even when you back up you get that yeah come through oh my God that is something special man thank you so much I'm so glad that I wasn't like the bad luck person that like every time I go out with you you can damage your car but yeah I'm struggling to breathe now wow it's fun isn't it fun is an understatement it is a smile machine right oh thank you so much man ah all right good car yeah great guy so my success rate is now 66 of supercars are reliable awesome man thank you thank you bro [Music] foreign
Channel: Tavarish
Views: 1,867,014
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: aston martin, mercedes, amg, hyundai, bmw, lamborghini, ferrari, toyota, supra, mr2, sw20, 3sgte, 2jz, 1jz, sl55, r230, r231, m113k, vantage, v8, v12, v10, v6, gallardo, turbo, cheap, budget, diy, wrench everyday, doug demuro, chrisfix, hoovies garage, tavarish, jalopnik, mightycarmods, motor trend, roadkill, hack, bendpak, tools, lift, 4 post, 2 post, quick jack, welding, how to, tutorial
Id: r0ETvWWrgVg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 49min 26sec (2966 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 05 2023
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