Building A Custom Supercar!!!

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Oh what is up guys welcome back to the channel so today we got a new build something unique something different in something absolutely epic we actually already had it but we are gonna be building a custom supercar so let's go ahead and pull it out of the garage and show you guys what we're talking about all right so we got pops out here we got my cousin's out here got Sam Dennis we called him out here just to help us pull this sucker out so heavy yeah and he came down from Vancouver Canada so in it an a we're ready to pull this sucker out let's do it [Music] who read what have as all dentists right there but man what have we got ourselves into what do you what's the plan here we've been thinking a lot about this thing it's been sitting around in our garage we were planning on getting rid of it and then we were thinking about what we can do to it if we can possibly get this thing running so one of our main goals first is to get this thing running and maybe do some kind of crazy epic build maybe do like a sick roll cage or roll cage engine exposed no quarter panels racing seeds and it is a spider so we'll take this off it's gonna be basically just a no top exactly that's the perfect thing about this because look at the tub it doesn't require a structure piece from here to here that's the thing about our spiders is their tub is or whatever you want to call it it's actually built to tamaño hump yeah monocoque is actually built without a top structure piece so very durable easily put a roll cage on it and easily make this thing super crazy so that's our biggest plan forest just to get this thing running once this engine starts running that means we can go ahead and throw some suspension on this thing throw some crazy maybe twin turbos I definitely twin turbos that's that's without a question this would be a twin turbo built for sure twin turbo turbo sticking out the back maybe no exhaust you just go full out of it but the part another perfect thing about this car is it is all wheel drive so we can put tons of power to it and still have the traction we can also make this thing a complete drag beasts you know what I mean drag strip car all the way drag your core track car I'm honestly thinking we should do like a supercar basically we build our own supercar based off a Lamborghini so yes there's gonna be insane I'm super excited to start digging into this thing and a lot of you may not know but I don't even know that that if that engine can run honestly so though we're gonna actually we're gonna find now we're gonna dig right into this thing remove basically everything in the rear and everything get to that bare engine start taking off the intake manifolds whatever needs to get took it off or during wiring harness hiring Hornish man maybe the intern the debt the wiring harness up here maybe good the steering wheels still good air bag is still good so you gotta worry about nothing else seats still look intact you know you got your metal headrest yeah dude this is gonna be something absolutely insane but the first thing that we got to do is start ripping it apart then we're in we're gonna do the rear end yeah because we want to get that engine running so let's start and start tearing this thing apart alright guys so before we get started there is a few little things that we need to get together starting with some bangs so let's go get some bangs first and then we're gonna get something else no stank building a lot of you guys have been asking about it so here it is we're driving it I don't know what we're gonna do to yet but there's more important bills on the way bigger bills more exciting build so we're just gonna use this as a daily driver and it is amazing just how it is we've got four bangs we're gonna have Dennis helping us and also Sam so let's go ahead and grab our Torx bits right that's all we need to take this thing apart here there's a little surprise in here but yes mostly Torx bits like anything whole entire car probably be taken apart in Torx bits we got all of them the whole set that's all we're gonna need so let's go ahead and drink these up and get straight to work [Music] [Music] [Music] oh dang check out the top of that tail line yeah I thought we could salvage that I mean this if it works it's still usable you know what I mean all it is is that all that stuff is hidden so okay I may use it for the supercar may use these tail lights definitely probably clean car build yep that's legit [Music] look at that dude that is pretty insane look at the ECU sitting way far back so this whole entire frame structure is a lot different because you see how it has to go around here literally stops goes around for that soft top to lay right yeah it's a whole different tub chassés whatever you want to call it but this right here this is probably fried we do need ECU's if we want to get this thing started right yep PC use long wiring harnesses so basically get a wiring harness with all this stuff you know what I mean yeah that is insane look at this what is this computer for to take some other sort of probably to control the soft-top [Music] yeah yeah this sucker right there is actually easy to remove yeah look how much it opened up dude that is amazing so it looks like we got a great transmission in good condition right yeah looks good well dirty better debris here and there man this sump right here is demolished oh maybe we could pump it off is it loose a little of some more wire yeah some lines and oil lines we're gonna have to unscrew then we can get this sump off for sure but that's awesome that is starting to look even even better honestly this is like kind of what I had envisioned it's crazy look at that so let's keep on ripping into it you know finding out what's damaged finding out what's good and just have fun ripping it apart seeing what this thing is made of oh it's awesome let's keep going [Music] mix with water yeah crazy oh yeah cuz it's been raining I guess man that's crazy so I'm guessing since the fire department probably was trying to put it out got a bunch of water in it or something like that maybe it was just exposed at the auction that water yeah water oh yeah you can see it right there real good I don't think they ran it like that I think it just happened from sitting over time so hopefully we're still good here or we're just gonna keep sending it and I think we're gonna be all right we're gonna need some more rocks for sure probably a few more of these bags we should be good but what do you think that is why do you think there's water in there I mean when this car was on fire definitely open opened up a big hole right here and right here just come over here on this side you see that yeah when the fire department is over here spraying they're like 5,000 psi jet directly into there just filled up with water but not a big deal car wasn't running so we're good all right so quick autozone stop we're gonna get some of those rocks if that's what I call them rocks but they're gonna absorb all that all that we spilled so let's go inside grab what we need and we'll head right back we're actually needing this so we hook at the drag strip I should do right there [Music] everybody can grab come grab a bag I got four bags not much are you gonna cost them to you I'm just trying to be more effective more productive but where I'm gonna throw these they're dead sighs oh that's good oil we like that yeah good sign seen some good things all right four bags of sand right go ahead and pull that leave it right here that's crazy look at that yeah you melted it I mean aluminum melts pretty dang so there's probably two chambers in here you know since Bloodgood all came out of one and that mixed with water oil came out the other so there's definitely two chambers in here that's insane what is that there's just a bunch of some globs of globs of burnt oil you know that oil got so hot probably started like chunking up yeah that's weird let's keep moving I guess let's do it man let's get more and more in debt [Music] right there's like 400 bucks oh yeah if we're talking about parting it out dude I think we got around the $12,000 transmission maybe like a $10,000 block here what do you think $7,000 door $7,000 door air suspension for rebounds and all our air suspension just for that air pump the the shocks and stuff I was a whole system the whole system we will call it three grand and then what else do we got here this bench in parts spinning parts oh yeah dude we're definitely we got a good bit of money here we can make our money back is what I'm trying to say it easily we can make our money what we spend on it as you guys know he spent $38,000 but we could turn this thing into something even more valuable than just a parts car an actual crazy something that they were fun to do yeah something that's super fun something that nobody's ever done before nope and this absolutely epic supercar build [Music] these hydraulic lines right here that's hydraulic lines yeah there's hydraulic lines you seen they're burnt off they run this little hydraulic shock right here that hydraulically unlatches it's an actuator probably yeah run off a hydraulics that's pretty crazy you know that is pretty crazy but what we're trying to do is actually drop this top that way we can unscrew it completely as one unit yep so we just got to figure out how we can open it up I'll match it yeah so he's getting in some boats over there he's over here trying to see which method [Music] all right guys check that out we got the soft top to open manually took a lot of power because this thing is rusted but we got it to a point where we can actually unscrew it right here and actually remove this entire thing but check this out dude it's a convertible now awesome and so comfortable we did we did find some goodies in here look at that you got your paddle shifter aluminum and check this out right in the seat your emblem that came off the airbag that is crazy so it didn't blow their bag didn't blow it isn't completely burnt up look that still works oh yeah dude might throw like a carbon fiber custom steering wheel in there check that out bart lamborghini emblem that is proof once the package who wants this package that's gonna be valuable one day once we're done with this oh yeah we actually may need that whole column area cuz we do want those electronics to work like that custom steering wheel that's already on it you know yeah it's like the f1 time actually look like a fighter jet or airplane something like that but that's insane let's try to unbolt this completely and remove it remove it yeah we're kind of just tear those down down to the bones and make it look like a skeleton pretty much that's the goal let's keep going [Music] all righty yeah so we finally got that soft top frame off pretty much it was really easy actually there's only two bolts they're just tough to get to so there it is right there but now it is time to probably wrap this thing up clean everything up we got a big mess got a huge mess I mean just look at everything going on these parts but look at the engine bay look how crazy it looks it's getting it's getting there you know it's slowly getting there there's a tons of wires we've still got to chop up maybe get a vacuum cleaner to this thing here real soon but what are we doing next is gonna do a big major cleanup right now yes sir we're gonna do a major cleanup and then we're gonna catch you guys [Music] all righty guys so it is the next day and we're actually just gonna focus on the rear end here where the engine is try to rip out all these wires and go ahead and pull out the vacuum cleaner and just try to pick up all this out of here and see if we can discover anything else [Music] I think we hit a main power wire here this is pretty crazy I'm hope I hope that we could uh I think we can rewire this when we get a new wiring harness we just need to find out where it goes shouldn't be too difficult but that's the main power hunt wire I guess if you will but let's go ahead and cut off the rest of these wires we're not gonna be needing that [Music] all right so we've got some more cleanup done to this engine and actually guys it looks like we're probably gonna have to drop the engine and transmission as a whole which means to bring in the skid steer lift this thing up and start wrenching from the bottom so we got a good bit of progress done in today's video guys hopefully we can get this thing started be sure to drop your comments down below and let us know what you think guys so with that being said that's probably gonna be a wrap for today's video be sure to leave your post notifications on so you don't miss out on anything also guys be sure to follow us on Instagram where you can get an inside scoop there before YouTube and if you want to copy some merch and support your boys be sure to visit so thank you guys for all the love and support be sure to stay tuned and we will catch you next time peace [Music] you [Music]
Channel: goonzquad
Views: 1,386,665
Rating: 4.8424549 out of 5
Keywords: rebuilt, wrecked, salvaged, building a custom supercar, custom super car, rebuilding a wrecked lamborghini, rebuilding a wrecked lamborghini huracan, rebuilding a burnt lamborghini, rebuilding a salvaged lamborghini, rebuilding a salvaged huracan, custom supercar build, rebuilding a wrecked supercar, rebuilding a wrecked car, rebuilding a salvaged car, rebuilding a fire damaged car, copart build, copart rebuild
Id: 8nYYYid5D2Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 28sec (1108 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 04 2019
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