Rebuilding A Wrecked Jeep Trackhawk Part 15

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away you go away she's gone boys Lucia's gone and what is up guys welcome back to the channel so today we're gonna continue working on the 2018 Jeep Grand Cherokee track Hawk and as it seen in the previous video we knocked out all the bodywork on this thing which means we can go ahead and start prepping for a fresh new paint job with the wet sand the whole entire body of the Jeep as well as all the new body panels including the front and the rear bumper but before we do any of that what we want to do is actually jump into the interior here because it is super filthy and we do want to give it a nice clean and also ask for the new piece that we spliced in there that's a new inner quarter panel piece it's gonna need a little bit of primer as well as some red paint probably out of the rattle-can so I say let's just go ahead jump inside not waste any time and just get straight to work [Music] [Applause] [Music] dying Sundara they're cleaned up Naha still yeah dude it took all the little rust away and what that rust is actually from is that that grinding dust and stuff like that got a little wet got a little bit moisture and actually started rusting but as you can tell just surface rust and it came completely out with a brush we're trying to get most of it with the vacuum cleaner as well but this this thing is a little struggling right now think of the filter just completely clogged because everything hot at the top so turning sarcone for me it's not even blowing like the air out like it should be it's letting out some sort of stank to be honest with you out of this side do you want to just pop it open and see what's going on going on with the filter a viewer discretion is advised right now they're nasty no when's the last time we changed it's been a while Oh sorts of big old pieces that's hitting have been in there to be over yeah well you gotta go grab a new filter so do you say run to a local hardware store grab a few filters yeah let's head that way probably the home depot and then I think that's all we need this stuff right here we just you know we like to try new things and I guess hey I don't know what that is but it is all over I don't know what it is but it's awesome so I guess yeah let's run through the home depot and we'll go from there let's do it [Music] we read line in that thing they just go who's made this thing go this so we just pulled up on over here to the Home Depot and we got our filters back there somewhere but though this Jeep right here gets the job done as right now get mister from store to store is a pavement princess s right put it to work you don't mean that's true man we got to take this thing into the mud or into the woods somewhere but here soon we probably will if if you're wondering about that but eyes right now we're gonna head back to the house and just continue cleaning this truck off let's do everything that's about three years of detailing history right there yes askin probably y'all know how old this sucker right here couple months did we clean set the car so many times and we get him somebody so that was a quick probably two three months right here this new filter should make this thing working a better [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] son this thing is looking spiffy over here way better than it looked before dude we finally got this sucker guys clean as possible took a few things off the floor and they check out the floor dude that looks pretty dang crazy that is insane is that like the frame rail right there I think so I think that's part of the frame rails this will runs across the bottom like that but imagine you're replacing that thing about suck for sure because you'd have to replace all this stuff man I would hate to do that you do not married a butt off I'm I'm really liking to see that all that rust is coming all that rust is gone it like I said it was just surface rust so I easily wiped off and we did actually break one thing well we didn't do it intentionally I don't know what this thing is what would you call this it was sitting underneath the driver's seat as you can tell look inside there dude it's like corroded in there that's weird it's just one plug that got corroded and one of the little pins actually broke right at the pin and when I pulled it out it just pulled out with it so we're definitely gonna have to order one of these I don't know exactly what it's for maybe some kind of tire pressure sensor or something oh yeah that's a good guess right there hopefully it allows us to still start this sucker up and drive it around because then that means no launching no no no there's no ripping no ripping mean I haven't start at all but this is like the key a reader or something like that you know could be that easy right there but I guess we're just gonna have to find out later when we put this stuff back together but what's the next thing that we're gonna do I say let's just go ahead and throw that four back in here and get on the inside or on that stuff in [Music] all right so right before we were about to jump into the track Hawk interior and get the priming and all that good stuff curiosity got the best of us and we just took this sucker apart and we found out what it is and this is actually called transfer case controller module a transfer case control module and we just took this thing completely apart and pulled out one of these bad pins and we're gonna look in this old cop car which is still a Dodge it should have I mean this thing doesn't have the transfer control module because this is a real Road it was all-wheel drive it might have had this whole entire unit dying it's coming over here to check out what we're doing man what you saw you know working but we're gonna try to find like a connection or something on this thing that way we can actually pull one of these little pins out and shove it back in the air cuz we really need to fix that because we honestly don't know the track Hawk will function without it oh yeah and it's like I think this thing is like a pretty expensive - you checked it out actually it wasn't too bad but it was up there's a hundred and sixty-two bucks and they got it in stock so that's a good thing if it comes down to it we'll just run up there and get a new one but if we can fix it it shouldn't be too hard - if we can locate a pen then we'll be able to picture will mean this is a Dodge after all so I'm gonna go ahead look through here and see what I can find [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] hey y'all was quacking whoo suckers are loud man I just went ahead and caught this one sudden sunbathing over there so just picked it right up they're growing so fast man away you go that way lay some eggs are they laying egg yet I haven't checked it out maybe there's 50 of them over there mom and pop take care of that but that's right now we looked around all over the place and we can't seem to find a module guess trees gonna keep looking if we can't find one here we'll go elsewhere oh yeah [Music] [Music] all right so everything is finally put back together including the new PIN into that little computer module and we actually pulled one out of that Dodge we found some kind of I think it's just like the monitor for that other dodge and we found some kind of pin similar hopefully it works because we just put that sucker in so a little bit short but I believe it actually still clipped in yeah you want to just see if this thing will at least fire up we just plugged up the battery if it'll start up yeah that's gonna be good sign I guess right it'll start up and go into gear you know because ain't like that's for the transfer case I don't know if they'll have you won't even know until probably our dashes in yeah let's at least see if they'll start up there okay it fires up those do it whoo let's go the scent let's see if this thing will go over hurt [Music] weird man good yeah so we really don't know if that module is 100% fix but I guess like he said we'll find out once we put the display on and all that good stuff but what do we got going on in here the next thing that we're gonna do is actually hop onto the back first see if we can like scuff that down a little bit and actually spray a little bit of primer throughout all this stuff because as you can tell there's some spot wells all over here all over here to where this molding is that we're probably gonna just go ahead scuff it real quick make sure everything's nicely prepped and then pull this off maybe do a little bit of tape and stuff like that and spray some primer and then some red paint is well yeah then we we got that rattle-can paint so we'll just spray this sucker in oh look almost OEM after that [Music] [Music] [Music] all right so that is it everything is finally primed in and painted and I mean it's not a perfect match but I guess it'll do for the inside you know that's good enough for the inside something that you're never gonna see he's gonna be covered up by rest of its life and I'm getting the reason why I don't think it's a perfect match is because I guess they don't really throw that much metallics in here or something that's not as much Mitama it's like 50% of the metallics that the actual paint has cuz that metallics is just insane just like straight metallics this thing is just like half of it you know exactly not enough metallics but you know what I think that'll do just fine oh yeah what are we next thing that we're gonna do on the interior here is actually well I've got to go ahead and actually spray not spray we can go ahead and shoot some foam right along these edges over here on the inside along every single seam over here because as you know that's original foam and it's not actually sticking to this we just left them there that way it can sit back in its original spot so we're just gonna go along the edges and just put some foam there and this stuff should dry out pretty dang quick it doesn't in like ten seconds so we've gotta like kind of hurry up and do every single one of them because this thing is gonna dry we're gonna have to like change the tip out or something like that but anyways let's go ahead foam this sealing out and I think I'll be in for the interior [Music] [Music] dang-son do that stuff right there is crazy did I have to do all those robes in under 10 seconds which was pretty dang crazy to do but as you can tell it completely filled all the roads and it's already dry which is insane and as you can tell it's already sticking to these rails right here so this roof is basically one percent complete now you know officially say it's 100 percent done with that freaky foam you know they got that crazy glue but but this right here is some freaky foam but as you can tell we are I mean this is it for the interior unless oh one more thing I didn't remember these holes are here that run along these edges we're gonna have to put like some rib nuts or rib shirts in there whatever you call them because I believe our roof rails screw down to them oh yeah that's right we're gonna have to buy like some 10 millimeter whatever they're called I don't really know but after that dude we should be done with the roof yeah the roof is gonna be 100% done after that but before we actually get out of the interior what we need to do is actually clean up all these wires right here we can screw them back into place because that's it that's pretty much everything is gonna start going back together and then after we get these wires on I guess we'll just jump onto the exterior do some stuff out there yeah let's go ahead and reorganize these things and jump on the exterior [Music] [Music] all right so check that out guys all the wires are finally back in place we figured out where every single wire goes which is awesome we thought it's gonna be a little bit more difficult but all this stuff was time-consuming just to get up to this point you know hey just to get the interior clean took a couple hours because do those so much metal shavings in there from drilling grinding cutting and all that stuff man but to check that out dude is basically ready for the interior man ready for the interior I mean yeah definitely that detailing did take the longest and then that what we paint do but dude it's starting to look good it's ready for the interior but as we mentioned before we're gonna hold off on that interior until we paint because they don't want any overspray gun on the Alcantara that leather over here because it's just you can slip through any crack through there so much just look at the inside look at much holes there is there's like millions of them everywhere yeah so we were just actually about to jump onto the exterior and start wet sanding and start preparing for a fresh new paint job but we did mention a while back that we are gonna be selling the gt-r and we had a ton of people actually interested it interested in it and we finally got a serious buyer that's coming out here tomorrow I guess I just walk over there and look at that so please go maybe I better wash this morning and this may be the last time we see this thing do you know what I mean I actually ripped it this morning and now I miss it again I don't know if I want to sell it dude who might not let it go honestly man but we're giving it away for a killer price dude I don't think we should do anything else to it but we're just going to do like some polishing to this trunk lid right here cuz it did fade a little bit I guess that son doesn't got the best of it look at that dude I'm sure we can actually just get the buffer to it probably sand it down with like a 3000 and just polish it right out see if we can get that sucker shiny again if it comes down to it what are you thinking throwing some clearcoat tonight we can use we can easily throw the clear coat on now I mean it's not that big just 600 that whole thing and throw some clear man after we do that we'll probably even polish out these tips as you can see here look at that dang man them suckers are hurting me polish now you get him back to goal I need them golden again because I guess these twin turbos are irresistible spit flames oh yeah definitely got a video of this thing spitting flames but I don't know how to have to look for it but I mean this thing is a beast is tuned it's got the wheel setup it's lowered I just love how this thing looks but you know what it's got to go because we're gonna move on to bigger and better things dude some awesome things coming here soon amazing things coming but I guess let's just go ahead try to knock out these little things because the buyer will be here tomorrow in the morning and we just want this thing to pop I guess you know what I mean and then after that we'll get back onto the track hog [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] dude look at that that looks like we just threw some clear coat on it yeah is that honestly but polished out or buffed out a lot better than I thought and is nice and shiny looks practically brand-new looks better than when we got it man we should have did this a long time ago I mean just check that out this right here reduces the air friction or the air racer this horsepower everything in between the tips alone are giving it probably about 35 horsepower just because of how cold they are they look like they're shooting flames dude I almost forgot we had gold tips they were black for such a long time because of the turbo spooling all the time this whole entire rear end looks oh yeah amazing right now and when you crank it up it sounds amazing you know I guess this is exactly how I want to roll up if I was pining for a GTR dude for sure dude this thing is clean all the way around dude but it's ready man it's ready to go but I guess we're just gonna have to find out tomorrow dude actually shows up what if it's a no-show dude that would kind of suck just go ripping in a in a clean GTR exactly yeah we could probably just go ripping around town and show it off for ourselves or something like that but anyways I guess we're just gonna have to catch you guys tomorrow and see what happens all right so it is the next day here the buyer should be at the bank in a couple minutes here but this is the last time that we're probably gonna see this GTR let's just go ahead and check out that interior I guess cuz we showed you guys the exterior already interior it's fresh and clean exterior sparkly clean sucks that we're getting rid of it but you know what is for the better and honestly I don't know if we're gonna record the whole entire process at the bank just for privacy reasons let's just go ahead and head that way and see what happens [Music] she's calling boys who she is gone and sad to see her go but love to see her drop I mean it's I kind of having second thoughts right now but there's no going back [Music] this sounds so good this sounds so good sounds amazing but it is what it is maybe we'll get another one in the future maybe hopefully all right so we are finally back home and that is gonna be all for the GTR that sucker has gone to a new home and that is pretty much gonna be a rep for the track Hawk video today as well got a lot of work done and we kind of just run out of time so we're just probably gonna have to continue in the next one but with all that being said make sure your post notifications are on so you don't miss out on anything and also be sure to give us a follow on Instagram where you can get an inside scoop there before YouTube and you might have noticed our brand new hat here we got it in the camo and also got the super fire logo up on the front and honestly there's not very many of them so these are very limited and if you want to copy one and help support your boys definitely be sure to visit goon squad com but with all that being said thank you guys so much for all the love and support be sure to drop your comments and thoughts down below who catch you guys next time peace [Music]
Channel: goonzquad
Views: 1,146,175
Rating: 4.9436588 out of 5
Keywords: rebuilt, wrecked, salvaged, rebuilding a wrecked 2018 jeep trackhawk, rebuilding a wrecked jeep trackhawk, rebuilding a wrecked trackhawk, rebuilding a trackhawk, rebuilding a salvaged jeep trackhawk, rebuilding a salvaged trackhawk, wrecked trackhawk, goonzquad trackhawk, goonzquad, rebuilding a wrecked car, rebuilding a salvaged car, Copart build, Copart rebuild
Id: smvxEP-nH9Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 34sec (1354 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 30 2020
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