REALLY?! How do $90 bicycle grips stack up against $5 grips?

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so welcome to another early morning burn peak Express sorry from groggy still waking up so what we're gonna do today is we're gonna review some grips we're gonna start by unboxing and taking a look at them and then we're gonna move out to the trails and see how they actually work so these are basically the cheapest bicycle grips that you can find on Amazon ship to your door $3.99 and there's yeah plenty of Chinese writing on here you can see they have the little rubber ends they just slide on to the handlebars and I gotta be honest they don't look half bad now here are the cheapest set of lock-on grips that you can get on Amazon I'll tell you what they cost in a second when these were available I paid four dollars and 86 cents for them they are black lock-on grips with metal bar ends but these look almost too good to be true then we have ninety dollar grips you are not gonna find these grips for cheaper these were on a reputable website and it they had good reviews you know you're in trouble when there's a picture of like the cross section of the grip on the box our patented shock-absorbing system suspends your grip completely eliminating contact with the handlebar and on the diagram here it shows that the grip is indeed a little bit larger than the handle bar and it's sort of suspended between it so let's see what the quality of the materials here is about okay so we have all of our parts here and there's there's a lot of them I'm actually a little bit intimidated by what I'm gonna have to do to assemble these we have a sticker that's always a plus that's a nice addition they include some instructions this is gonna be a project I gotta say the packaging is really good it better be for 90 bucks it better be the best packaging ever really nice locking mechanisms and then we have the grips Wow these are really nice bar ends the construction and build quality and fit and finish of the grip is absolutely perfect but I don't think we were expecting anything less for $90 it should be so before we review any of these grips I want to show you guys just a normal set of grips everybody recognizes as set of ODI lock-on grips as reputable quality and a good price they have really good bar ends that are that are stuck on they've got a good rubber compound they lock into place so we can use these for comparison we're not gonna be reviewing them today because this is what I normally run lastly we have a potato now I'm not just trying to be funny or ironic I'm actually gonna demonstrate something but this potato this is the end of your handlebar without a bar end all right that's what happens to your body if you don't have a bar end now if you have a bar end on there I'm going to use equal force yeah you're gonna get a bruise on the end if you don't have a bar end you're gonna get core sample to every single time so bar ends are really really really really important right now we got to figure out how the hell we're gonna get these out I've actually got an idea for that alright so first let's remove my box ODI grips loosen the clamp pull it off now these grips it's just rubber so you can try to force it on but what I find is if you push from the end it sort of gives you like a slinky effect where it sort of makes the grip wider as you compress it and give it the ability to just push right on the handle bar but normally you get to a certain point and it won't push on anymore it's just too gripped on the handle bar now these ones it appears we can just kind of twist and force on that's not good you don't want a grip that's gonna move and the the kind of softer gummy err grips like this you can't just get them on like this and I'm gonna show you how a lot of people do get them on and you show you two ways actually the first way is with an air compressor you can go into the end here you can go over here you shoot some air in and you can very easily push the grip right to the end I'm gonna clean the handlebar a little bit with a paper towel not a rag because I don't want to get any sort of contaminants on it so what you do is you get a little bit of rubbing alcohol inside the grip not too much and the grip simply slides on you can sort of twist it mess with it and in not too much time the rubbing alcohol will evaporate and your grip is good to go all right now these are on a bike let's do the potato test okay kind of what we expected alright so here we are on top of the flight deck to test these grips I'm going to do the same line each time as you can imagine it's been raining lately so we have wet wood we have some slick roots and I'm gonna be holding on for dear life on these three dollar grips here goes cheap grips [Music] all right so they held strong they I had plenty of grip but if you look here even after that one relatively not that technical run there already sort of twisting that's not good but for a kid's bike a cruiser they're probably fine for $3.99 but I wouldn't put them on a high performance mountain bike I did quite a few runs with these before and they kind of hurt it's almost like sandpaper because the rubber is so hard so I would say you might just want more comfortable grips and just spend like an extra dollar for less than a cup of coffee in the morning you can just have grips that feel better for months and months and months so what do you expect for three dollars so let's take these off and let's put on the cheap lock ons so as a reminder these ones were under five dollars appear to be not bad let's do the potato test yeah they seem to be pretty safe they fit a little tight that's okay now you can see you can push them further than the handlebar if you want to where as these ODI lock-on grips they have a hard stop at the end you can't push him any further so we're gonna line them up with the end of the handlebar that's where our grips gonna be so I'm just gonna tighten them on you know what's hilarious about these bar ends is that it actually displays the torque rating one in 1.5 Newton meters of torque that's a really nice touch zito grip number two I'm so impressed that they come with like machined aluminum is not easy to get these in actually they feel really good I'm not gonna lie these aren't even a dollar more than our cheapo grips and I'm gonna stop short of recommending these until I take a trip down the trail so here we are once again at the top of the flight deck and we're about to drop in with our as far as I'm concerned best value grips there are lock-ons for under five dollars let's see how they go [Music] [Music] not bad they feel good they really do they didn't move at all there's no visible wear on the grips they're impressive for the price one thing I will note about these grips in the first run they have these ribs across the grip and actually I have a set of deity grips on my dirt jumper which also have ribs but the ones in the deity grips are at a much higher frequency when you squeeze the grip it gives you a more sure grip with this my hand is like almost moving to one side as the ribs flop over which is kind of weird again not something you can really complain about for a sub $5 grip but it is notable like they're not ideal grips this looks really complicated I'm gonna have to get a little more of this do this ice I want to drink it right now and I turn my tongue and all right let's figure out how to install these grips oh my goodness what the frig is this so it looks as though we just kind of tear these off of here or cut these off of here I assume they gave us extra we'll cut a bunch of these and put them aside I have got to show this the pad please read entire document before installation you know what I'm gonna do that check clamp screws before you try it oh I can already tell this is gonna be useless information okay the grip will feel softer in all directions as Tuning washers are installed from zero tuning washers medium-firm one on each side so the more of these nylon rings you add to the grip the softer the grip feels oh I see that goes over it to hold everything in place gotcha it is very very hard to get these on I don't know how I did it on the other side this is like the cush core of grips Oh glad I remember to put in the tuning sure could you imagine if we did all that and forgot the tuning washer I can't believe I just used the word tuning washer I need another tuning washer I think I can get another second out of that one let's use the included wrenches Oh No there we go okay very carefully very carefully it does slide on remarkably smooth tighten the bar in first so that we can push the grip up against it the bar ends are really nice you can even see once it's tight it still moves a little bit because it's rubber holding it in place and that's a nice touch these aren't gonna come out it's like almost a built in torque limiter and torque the outer clamp screw to 1.7 Newton meters they included a wrench it's not a torque wrench so obviously they they assume that you are gonna tighten these down yourself let's figure out what that actually feels like with the torque wrench I have my torque wrench set to 1.7 Newton meters so I know what 1.7 feels like because I can't say that I really know what 1.7 feels like okay it's firmer than you might think so we're gonna tighten down the outer clamp first so we're gonna push it 1.7 Newton meters of torque 1.7 Newton meters not the slightest bit more wow it moves it really moves that suspension technology whoa this is weird yeah I'm gonna have to see if this is a gimmick we're gonna put these on the bike before we put the screws in mm you're damned if you do you're damned if you don't suck oh it's gonna be really hard for me not to hate these I'm gonna have to like take a sip of coffee before I ride and like let the pain and suffering of this installation subside sure over tightening this affects the suspension technology in some way so as soon as you start feeling that allen key flex that's at 1.7 that is bizarre so it moves it's very consistent and smooth it's not like it's creaking and grinding and stuff they obviously put a lot of time and thought to it it also it looks expensive you know like the end I can't wait to take these out on the trail and see what the hell they're all about yeah you know what I don't know if these are as safe as some of the other grips like to me the pinnacle of safety would be this the end on the ODI grips this smooth plastic that goes all the way to the edge this looks like if it really hits you it would hurt more than the end of the ODI grip okay first lap on the Rev grips [Music] [Music] verdicts out on these I like them I don't want to take them off just yet hey look who decided to show up so grip that that's pretty impressive you see how when you move it back and forth why is it wiggle is it meant to do that yeah they're they're tuning washers in there you tell me there's tuning washes for the grips these took me like 45 minutes to install it's like they purposely gave you whiskey grip I'm not gonna lie they feel really good I'm not gonna tell you what they cost until you take a run yeah yeah definitely get your helmet I don't know if I can go with these because I'm having this wrist problem and now there's like a jiggle where I can't just like a lock in place what it is is it doesn't let me skip seated do these have good reviews is there any free riders using these are they like you know like Guinness in style yeah it's weird for the grip to move though look look see this is the problem okay so these are carbon bars right it's tight enough for you I like death grip them sometimes and like this is moving Plus that and like what oh the whole things moving oh loose I thought I tightened it down enough so these whole grips came apart I really I tighten those down pretty good I mean you were really gripping I mean trying to turn them just not really really like I would be I would be that rough with my regular bike like like I wasn't doing anything oh look at that I just broke it I was like something's weird but honestly what are you gonna do on a downhill run so I have another grip for you to try real quick let's go in the garage this is ridiculous oh no man is the average Joe gonna not mess up this installation what happened to Kevin that happened on a downhill run you could die even if you had a shop you know with like really meticulous bike mechanics install this how am I gonna recommend is they do feel pretty good but like you're not safe man that's a good cease what about the actual grip bill just the rubber part okay now we're gonna try these so we got Kevin's slopestyle bike here it's where I take his death grips off and we're gonna put these on and see how they work as you can see these are pretty sweet we've got these metal bar ends and everything and these are definitely more of my style when I first heard riding BMX this is the grip style I had how all the time was this he's feel better they feel locked in place on these like when you grab ahold of that it still has some given it because it's so thick right I don't need any extra and I've never ridden this bike here so I'm actually kind of scared now but go fast don't crash oh yeah dude even keep it on slick tires in one break it was way more comfortable these grip because they weren't moving I'm Pro these grips anti the other grips I'm not sure how much these grips were oh man the other ones are how much that's wild this is these are less than five bucks and I would use these any day of the week over $90 ones sweet doesn't mean I got new grips now let's go through each grip and I'll give you my thoughts so the cheap ones these are not worth buying they're really hard they're really brittle bit difficult to install and the fact of the matter is for a tiny tiny bit more you could have the grips that are now on Kevin's bike which are below $5 shipped and they we all agree they feel great so to me it's it's not that these are bad for the price is that you could do so much better for under $1 more those are the grips they get they are hands-down the best value the Zito's they should be called the hands down because those are hands down the best grips you can get for $5 as for these guys are they good are they well thought out I don't know it's hard to tell they did have a pretty good feeling if you're just riding some light XE or something and you want a little more active suspension technology or whatever yeah be my guess if you got money to burn I torque these down I put them back together maybe I didn't have them tight enough I don't know they don't seem like like even if you were really violent with them they don't seem like they would come apart so let's chalk that up to an installation error I really want to give them the benefit of the doubt but the fact of the matter is if a normal set of tried and true lock-on grips come a little bit loose during your downhill race run you go and you pull off to the side and you tighten them with these they start disassembling themselves as parts of the grip start coming out and that's terrifying I'm gonna put my ODI grips back on I'm sorry it's just it that scared me a little bit too much alright today is four days later and of course it's 5 o'clock in the morning last night we posted this video on patreon and got a lot of feedback from people who have the rev grips now I went back to the installation instructions and they seemed really really concerned with making sure those clamps are tight they even said you should put some friction paste in there the company seems to be aware that if all this isn't really pressed together you're gonna have problems I also got a lot of feedback from patrons that just makes me intrigued enough to give these another try they really helped with fatigue when you have to deal with breaking boats I run rev grips also to help with arm pop I switched from fat paws due to my hands going them and they have helped you will have to pry them from my cold dead hands I finally gave in to the crazy price of the Rev grips and I'm completely happy with it I bought and still use the Rev ripp I have run the rev drips for eight months now Who am I to jump to conclusions I think these deserve a long-term review so I'm gonna keep the rev grips on my heart ale and I'm gonna take it to Sedona next week I'm gonna ride them there on some pretty gnarly stuff and then I'm gonna take them back here and continue to ride them and give you my long-term opinion but for now my opinion is they feel really good but they're complex and there's a lot that can go wrong and that scares me a little bit so time will tell alright jump back to four days ago let me know in the comments did you think I was fair to the Rev grip did I give them enough of the benefit of the doubt and which grips would you buy you haven't noticed this isn't the normal set spike hacks channel this is burn peak Express is our second channel we do content like this so if you liked it make sure you subscribe and thanks for riding with us today I'll see you next time we're gonna need a thumbnail [Applause] [Music] just thumbnail perfection [Music] [Music]
Channel: Berm Peak Express
Views: 2,998,375
Rating: 4.9177613 out of 5
Keywords: diy, home, mountain biking, cycling, outdoors, mtb, bike parts, product reviews, product test
Id: z-t4Mx_H22g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 52sec (1192 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 01 2020
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