10 Rapid Fire Product Reviews for Mountain Bikers

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welcome to another episode of burn peak Express and today we're gonna do something a little different although Who am I kidding we're doing the same thing we're reviewing products got a whole bunch of different products here I'm not sponsored by any of these companies I'm not paid by any of them people just send me stuff a little send me emails can I send you this and I give them all the same disclaimer I'm like we're probably gonna make fun of it let's get right into it so these are some water bottle accessories from dawn to dusk they make a bottle cage they make an adapter to attach a bottle cage to a frame that doesn't have mounts and they make this bottle with which what is it called the dirt mask so let me explain to you the concept of this water bottle so on a normal bike water bottle you have the little mouthpiece over here and it gets covered in dirt pretty nasty they have just put a cap over the water bottle to prevent dirt from getting in and then you can flip it open and you can use it now the other thing is this bottle is insulated if you look at it very carefully it has this sort of bag on the inside so that it's almost double pane I actually take away points for that I hate insulated bottles because I want the bottle to contain as much water as I can possibly fit in it and in this case part of it is taken away by this insulation I want to hold as much water as I can I've seen a lot of fancy ways of holding water bottles and dawn-to-dusk has taken the sort of simple approach and just made it squeeze the bottle a lot it is tight it's like crushing down the bottle over here they didn't do anything creative beyond making it really really stiff I agree with that approach it's pretty good my one criticism of the bottle cage as well as the bottle itself is I think the branding is a little bit aggro it's like dawn-to-dusk captive 10 I like stuff that's a little more understated and then there's one other product that came with all this and that is the bear hug storage where you want it this is a mount that you can attach to your bike and it will allow you to either screw in a water bottle cage or use some of their storage options which they've included right here so we're gonna put this on here cinch it down really pull tight put the bottle cage in the top here cure it down we're gonna put a water bottle in here yeah I can't see any reason why that wouldn't work of course it just pees out water straight on my stem any time I hit a bump that's probably not gonna be a good place for it so I gotta say it was a little distracting having the bottle here and it threw me off I even taste the little rock jump I'm actually gonna do a different test here it's an old video is back at Burma Creek I did a bottle Smasher video where I had a big 2x4 that just came smashing down to test the effectiveness of bottle cages and my thinking was if I tested for an underside of the downtube mount that's the absolute worst place for the bottle cage to be so if it performs well there it'll perform well anywhere and dawn-to-dusk referenced that video when they sent me the bottle cage they said we took your exact line of thinking when we designed our bottle cages so I'm gonna put it on the bottom of the down tube and just wail the driveway jump I'm extremely surprised I mean I clapped my suspension that was a really hard hit very impressive from dawn to dusk this is a really really good product I suspect this would have fared well with the bottle Smasher I'm gonna put on these shorts these are from Tasco I loved Tasco every time I run into the guys from Pasco they're just good people they make great gloves they make great clothes they sent me these Tasco scout shorts which are brand new I decidedly love the kind shorts that's all I wear it out they fit me and they're comfortable but Nate from Tasco assures me that these are really comfortable and really good put these on see how they feel while I'm moving around I'll do some pedal testing so these Scout shorts are actually very well thought out this pocket is designed for a cellphone and actually goes on sorta at the back your leg and you don't feel it so you're pedaling and you don't feel the phone which is cool and then the cellphone is not blocking anything in this pocket of course has a zipper as well and then you can put energy choose multi tools whatever in these pockets all velcro over here which is cool quick access and the material I don't know how to explain it it's very tech fabric it wicks moisture evaporates very easily it has a good amount of stretch to it in certain places very light breathes well overall really comfortable if it sounds like I'm just saying positive things about these shorts it's because they're very good shorts so if you watch my other channel you've seen some of my other product reviews and one product that we already reviewed was the crud cloth it's basically a wash cloth sealed in plastic and pre-moistened with I called it hippie oil so my criticism was that it's disposable we're making more garbage we don't want to do that you're paying more money than you should for a moistened washcloth and then the other thing is it's can expire so the very thing is good for which is leaving your glove compartment is no longer even applicable so they made a new one this is a new improved crud cloth and the first thing I notice is there's no expiration date on it they have a few different flavors this one is lavender this one's unscented the other thing about this new crud cloth is that the cloth is dry the way it works is you take this thing you smack it oh there goes it releases the alcohol onto the cloth I guess it's not supposed to go out like this I guess you're supposed to then you open it up ooh yeah it smells like isopropyl alcohol this is pretty good you do feel really clean after this my hands were all sweaty and stuff from riding my bike before and yeah the alcohol evaporates and it gives you a nice cool feeling and it's definitely a good way to clean yourself off but we are left with the same criticisms of the other crud cloth which are you know the disposable nosov it is this something you're gonna want somebody to use after every single ride I don't know good people who make this pretty good product for what it is but I personally wouldn't spend my money on it so the next product that we're gonna review is a product from toe pique and it's been sitting in my review bin for months and months is this flash stand so it's a stand for your bike and Alexander is over here with his bike leaning against the couch who's just installed on a bottle of cage so Alex does this thing work for you I think it's got the you try jiggle in it yeah I can take that out and then there's a smaller underneath it freakin garbage if it doesn't fit your bike because you have a pretty common crankset size so this thing on here actually rotates which is cool if you're standing up your bike and you want to move the cranks around or something this has a bushing in it that allows it to turn oh look yeah it's a little smaller good thing about these is that it lifts your back wheel off so that you can work on your bike so it can actually double as like a repair stand for like your van you can do that you can slide it like pretty much under your couch I give the flash stand high marks but it's a little pricey see if you can find a good deal on it if you're gonna pick one of these up I gotta say that's way more impressive than I thought it was gonna be I was about to rag on that thing for just being an ugly bike stand because it is kind of ugly so another product from toe peak this is called the power lever and what this is a master link remover and tire lever all built into one so when a chain is on a bike it gets joined at the end with a master link and that makes it easy to remove and clean or service and put back on you put one side in here you put the other side in here and then when you want them to lock together you got to put some pressure on it either by pedaling or whatever and now it's just like a normal chain link now getting it apart you can't do this by hand we take it we put it in here squeeze it and it's popped apart very very easy Naoto peak has the power lever this is either something you can leave in your shop so that you have both of these tools but I think it's better to actually take this with you so the power lever looks like it clicks together like that so you put it in here you squeeze it and it comes apart it's not bad master link to a little clunkier than the dedicated one but not bad another thing that this power lever is supposed to do is store a master link you can see these two little holes here one side of the master link goes in this hole and it does click into place nicely so that it doesn't move and then you just fold up and stow just like they did before now this thing also comes with another tool now what do you reckon this is for I'll show you what this is for so you put this here and now when you take your chain apart it holds it together so that your chain doesn't go flying how many people are actually gonna use it I don't know the power lever retails at $13 I would say that's a pretty fair price for this good job toe peek this is this is pretty sweet my hands are all covered in grease from just demonstrating all that chain stuff and reach the old crud cloth that was sitting there it's still moist and not bad I think how much you like this product is directly to scale with how bad you need it at that moment so again it's one of those things you want to leave around so the next product I'm gonna have to demonstrate out on the trails just started sprinkling outside so maybe we should have saved those crud cloths for later but anyway it's called to true and it's invented by a 17-year old entrepreneur and inventor with this 3d printer at home and it actually solves a problem that I've never seen before these little guys go onto the handlebars of your bike and then you can put energy chews onto it and you can just grab them as you're riding when you're doing something extremely difficult and athletic and you are suffering you have to eat or you will cramp up you will donk out you have to keep putting calories into yourself and so they have these sort of gummy bears if you will that are designed to pack as many calories and electrolytes and grams of sugar as possible for you to take with you so basically these little guys go on to the handlebars of your bike and then you can put Energy Chews on to it and you can just grab them as you're riding now the question is is it good in practice my hands actually slip on the handlebars gloves are important man alright so interesting point to be made well every single one of these gummies is now completely covered in filth because they're just out here and yeah okay you're not gonna ride in the rain and tumble over your bike like that's never part of the plan but dust kicking up definitely is and these things are sticky so if you're riding in anything but perfect conditions I could see these shoes being maybe a little better off in your pocket then out here so right off the bat there's a little problem with this so one thing is for certain if you had any doubts about these staying on your bike while mountain biking not a problem they're definitely gonna stay on I mean these actually made contact with the ground and remained on the bike so that's impressive okay so pedaling up the gravel road and grabbing one of these it's probably a more realistic scenario and it is great it's really tempting to just take a dive towards the bars and just grab on with your teeth but you're gonna you're gonna knock your teeth out if you do that so when they're wet these energy tubes are so slippery that I can barely get them off the thing and then mmm yeah better for perfect conditions I would say a cool product for sure the next product is very appropriate crash pads somebody emailed me about these and I said I don't know I don't even know when I would need that over normal bandages but then I saw how committed this freakin guy is I mean he has to belt Sanders going and he's putting his forearms on the belts and there's like this so that he can test his bandages and these bandages are designed specifically for road rash I got a really bad one in Whistler it was a perfect example of the type of crash that I would consider road rash it let's take one out of the bag and see what they look like so first of all they're a lot bigger than most bandages that you would normally have so I suspect the theory behind these bandages is that they perform more like scabs than do normal bandages normal bandages breathe they allow moisture from the wound to evaporate these seal it all in I didn't get any wounds today luckily but I did get nice and dirty over here let's try applying this bandage I'll tell you what I would rather use this than a band-aid I suppose if I were to spray my leg with water this would be the only part that's dry it should work in Reverse I guess we could try that right now guess I gotta hose my leg off anyway that wasn't nearly as bad as I thought really not a lot of hair on them yeah it's bone dry underneath here so it kept the moisture out so it would keep the moisture in I've got a lot of friends and family members that range from medical assistants to our ends to surgeons and they all deal with wound care this guy Jeff Watson he doesn't say doctor before his name and all the claims are from his own testing he's this better I absolutely cannot say I'm not I can't really touch that on this channel with my set of expertise maybe keep an eye out for them and see if they do get verified by physicians and wound care professionals until then I I can't recommend you use these because you know all the claims are from his own tests the inventor who's gonna sell them and make money from so the next product is a multi-tool called fix it sticks it's kind of embarrassing that I've never reviewed these before because they've been around for a long time and they're kind of popular now the claim is here extremely compact multi-tool so let's take inventory of what we have looks like a tire lever looks like some kind of bit holder it looks like it all just goes into this pouch here that's very small especially if you are a backpack or a lumbar pack kind of person you could stick this in your pack and it really wouldn't take up much space let's give it a try on the bike oh yeah that's way better than a multi-tool yeah you can feel kind of how much torque you're applying it's not moving around I actually really like these I think what's immediately a pair about this fix-it stick is that it's extremely easy to use in comparison to a multi-tool so in a multi-tool you have these little tiny bits and you're holding onto this little tiny handle and try and get it to work with this you have a real tool there making the claim that this is an extremely compact multi-tool but in average multi-tool is more compact so I would not say this is an extremely compact multi-tool now what it is is it's a multi-tool that takes up a little bit more space than an average multi-tool but gives you way better ergonomics so it's almost like using shop tools in a multi-tool and it's definitely something that some people are gonna want like if let's say your mountain bike guide so you're working on people's bikes all the time where you might be a bike Packer and you're using your multi tools to really work on your bike because you're out there for weeks at a time this might be the answer for you so speaking of real shop tools these are my Allen wrenches and you can see they have these T handles which allow you to use leverage this way and then also turn something this way with a little ball head and park tool sent me the new version of these and they're supposed to be better so let's check them out okay let's see we got here okay they have a nice kind of shop stand that it comes with so this gets mounted up on the wall here are the wrenches themselves and Wow this is way different whoa okay so it has like a bushing sleeve I guess so that you can kind of hold on to it and turn obviously you can still turn this way you can still turn this way they don't have ball heads though so this right here is a ball head and what I like about it is you can get in at weird angles if you can't get it totally straight you can still sort of get it in crack a bolt loose or turn it or whatever this not coming with a ball head I gotta say is a little concerning why is this all twisted up over here okay so they're calling this weird and the strip gripper so if you have a bolt that's a little bit stripped out you put this in there and then as you're cracking it loose this sort of bites in and gets it loose that's cool maybe we can find something to test that with all right so I have to screw up a bolt and sure we can't get it out with the proper size to see if this works let's see if we can mangle a bulb and then try and get it out with this there ain't no way we're getting it out with the proper size you can see I'm just turning it I really really hope that the grip stripper works still does not come out yeah now it's even more stripped out remind as well get this bolt out I am going to use my screw extractor kit for this so we got it unstuck with a screw extractor that's what it's designed to do I don't know if the strip gripper is a screw extractor replacement so as a normal tool it's real nice I would venture to say it's a little better in some ways than its predecessor this whole handle can occasionally get in the way of things even when you're turning this way with these there's way less stuff in the way I mean if you just look at the bulk of that handle compared to this and it's even a little bit longer so it reaches further so if you're doing something like taking stem bolts out while traveling you crack it loose you can just hold onto this turn it the bushing kind of stays still in your hand I will say that's nice but again I'm a little disappointed that the ball heads are gone because those were really useful for getting into weird places time will tell which ones of these I like better one thing's for sure I can't recommend that as a consumer who's just getting into mountain biking that you go out and spend 130 dollars on hex wrenches if you're a professional or you're just a dude who likes really nice tools I don't know just seems to be needlessly fancy when the old ones really worked so final product new burn peak shirts so we've made quite a few burn peak merch items at this point but this is specific to this year this is a spring 2020 burn Peak shirt and you can see this one we have the whale tail we have the gator we have the airbag we have the pups of course we have a lot of things that we've worked on this year at least the most iconic ones and we made this shirt to represent that and we have it in youth sizes women shirts it's all super high quality super comfortable they're available right now in the link below they won't be available for long because like I said we're just gonna do one run of these this is burn peak as it stands in 20 20 if you miss out we'll have a different one next spring so that's it we made it to the bottom of the product bin and I was happy to share all this product with you and had a lot of fun demonstrating them I hope you learned something I hope you found some products that you like if not I hope you at least found it entertaining so if you've been enjoying the videos on this channel be sure to subscribe we're trying to make one every single Sunday the next time my product bin gets right full of stuff we'll do another video like this and thanks for riding with me today I'll see you next time what t-shirt contest
Channel: Berm Peak Express
Views: 3,392,742
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: do it yourself, diy, tools, home, backyard, mountain biking, cycling, outdoors
Id: Kb43zPaAKMY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 23sec (1223 seconds)
Published: Sun May 31 2020
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