Quarantined on Berm Peak for 50 Days

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I've just gotten back from Sedona and Brian had arrived at my house and we were like man alexander's god I get out here like what is he doing why is he back at home what he hasn't been making videos everybody's like where's Alex and we got to work on him we got on the phone we put it on speaker we're like come on this co vid things happening and he's like I don't know we're like all right so Alex would make a decision in like six months the next day I'm in the car and Alex calls he's like I think I'm I think I'm gonna leave I'm thinking I'm gonna leave today we're like no way [Music] [Music] last year when Seth was out here buying burn peak I was knee-deep in a van project with Johnny and it was only after I had left Asheville that Seth pulled the trigger on this place yeah I actually had never even seen any of it and I was just really excited to get up here and see it after watching this place come together with everyone else on YouTube I was very much ready to finally see burn peak for myself [Music] ridiculous at the beginning things were actually pretty awesome coated hadn't yet escalated in for now it was just really good to see my friend again and get to share in the excitement of everything he's been working on kind of felt like a party at first I got here there in the middle of a build the whales yeah yeah just diving right in I'm like man this is awesome look at this place you know we're gonna get to work and we're having fun we're like taking pizza breaks at once and stuff and then things got a little bit more serious and and we shut her down we shut it down so we've actually been here on burn peak without leaving for going on 50 days we were being really really really careful leaving Amazon boxes outside for 24 hours before touching them spray everything down with Lysol it's in a while you need something repaired at the house there'll be a service person delivery person and it's like [Music] wife's we're living in a weird time when people look back on these videos they're gonna be like what is what are they talking about what was happening it's like the zombie apocalypse I consider us extremely lucky first of all I have an awesome friend that's letting me crash second of all we still have most of the amenities that we would internet we have food and what I'm probably most grateful for is that we can keep working and there's a lot of stuff to work on at burn peak if you thought hanging out with Seth on burn peak was all bike riding and beer drinkin you've got another thing coming I've never met anyone with a work ethic quite like Seth whether he's on the computer producing a video or on the yard building Seth stays busy from the moment he gets up to the time the Sun Goes Down as for me well you know the saying When in Rome and that's what life around here at burn peak is you around Seth and you are working hard there is always a new project to be done there is always something to be achieved it's not out of the ordinary to wake up and before you even have a cup of coffee you have shoveled a ton like a tonic just carry all this stuff down before travel out of the out of the trailer that's normal see you ready for your first start to finish trail project though the rest of the world was slowing to a halt things that burnt peak only continued to ramp up as Seth and I set out to begin construction on the newest addition to his collection of backyard mountain bike features all right we're out here at the jobsite what's the master plan here you haven't really explained it to me yet so this is kind of a case of opportunism there was a storm branches fell everywhere but most notably we're gonna ride our bikes on this hell yeah so a milot flat flank it out to feel like kind of a seat skinny rolled down then we're gonna connect to Knob deep down there so it's gonna be a connector trail the area that we're gonna be building in is currently sick with brush so the goal of the first day was to clear out all the debris while Seth got to work clearing off the tree itself I got going on the run up in the exit trail that he had flagged it proved to be a long in physical day but to be perfectly honest it was kind of nice not only did I enjoy being out in the woods all day but I also found the tedious manual labor to be almost meditative in a way not to mention it was the perfect distraction to help take my mind off of everything else that was going on in the world that being said it was hard work alex is a little more fit than I am when it comes to climbing on mountain bike trails and so his legs are pretty strong he's got good cardio but hiking up and down that slope with stuff is like different and the other day he wakes up he's like we got to do this again my legs are freaking shot like I can't walk and then we've got up and kept going and did it all again the next day with all the menial work complete things really started progressing on day two yo everything is looking pretty cool right now it's coming together man it was so cool to see such vision of this things start coming together and as we wrapped up on day two I began to get excited about the prospect of writing a feature that I had helped build from the ground up all right so that's about to drop in on the first run ever on this everything we've worked towards culminating right here all right coming in sender dawg what it's dialed holy cow I can't believe how faster this went down that bro it's the most intuitive feature we've ever built you a you try hey ya ready when we gonna build a feature that I can just roll up to and not be even the slightest bit nervous dog [Music] [Music] [Laughter] [Music] but top to bottom down and a woodpecker all the way to bottom not be always bottom all the way [Music] it [Music] all right many down full run successful that was super fun I cannot even explain how fun that was alright that's a wrap on Elmer Fudd dude yeah I would say so and it works flawlessly there is something really cool about starting from nothing building something and then riding it you're addicted it's awesome in a normal week it's right about at this point when I would head out for an awesome bike ride with friends followed by a visit to one of Asheville's many delicious breweries or maybe I'd called my buddy Johnny and head over to hang out and play some video games unfortunately these aren't normal times so instead of dwelling on what could be I've been doing my best to take advantage of this time and focus on things that are hard for me to accomplish when out on the road staying healthy staying physically fit is actually really important to me and there's something just about being on the road and being in a different place pretty much every day that makes it really difficult so while I've been here at burn peak I've been really taking advantage of it seth has his entire unfinished basement so I've just been coming down here pretty much every day and doing it at least a little something I don't like to work out for a long so when I do work out I just go SuperDuper hard I do like you know 45 minutes and by the time I'm done I can hardly walk and it feels really good but my favorite thing actually has become these gymnastics rings have you ever did they're so hard they're so incredibly hard you want something to make you feel weak you get a set of these I wonder if I can even like a standard position so I've been working on like just standard gymnastics so you start like this and then like as you progress you turn your arms out and then eventually you start like tucking which is squat you say 1/3 shaking how red is my face ha here's the thing quarantine will be over eventually and when it does I want to be able physically to go out and pursue like the biggest adventure I can fine you know so that's why I've been keeping in mind while I'm here and just trying to prepare for when we when I do have my freedom again when I can head back out in the van and that's kind of been keeping me like looking forward to something - so don't know I do this this is my extracurricular down here there is one well two things that have played a large role for both of us and keeping our spirits high while online technically we're not actually pointing alone we're quarantined with two kids I'll say it as joyous as sometimes it's infuriating and the others I mean this food is basically the same as having a baby in the house he's still a little and he's crazy I mean he never ever he can't sit still for one second when we're trying to work it's terrible actually you can't get anything done plus watch him you can't do anything plus watch Oscar it's impossible yeah productivity just goes out the window with Oscar around you know the funniest thing about Oscars is it's been noise as he made [Music] he's a menace is going to the bathroom all over the house if you don't watch him he's sneaking off and doing something's not supposed to putting everything in his mouth literally anything and every anything except for his toys and get it running zoomies this is a Swiffer by the way this is just a cleaning supply but drama is like in angel he's like the best pup ever drama does his best to avoid his little brother at the moment well sometimes pretty well but when drama's done with it he's done with it and then Oscar still follows him around and drama doesn't drama wants nothing to do with it okay I think he's over it man so he runs in high he jumps up on he jumps up somewhere where Oscar can't get to you like he jumps up onto his chair which is actually he's running out of places to do that because Oscar almost went up the stairs the other day he's starting to learn how to jump and climb and then I got real worried because as of now dramas the only one that can come up everyone wakes up and Oscar's going crazy in dramas like he'll I'm not ready to wake up I hear them I hear them walk up the stairs they like pause at my door oh my I don't come in come on anybody you can hop up in bed Oscar is still just a pup at 11 weeks old and as you can see he has a bottomless energy supply whether we're out running on the trails or playing with him and his toys it is absolutely essential that we make sure he is completely and undeniably popped out at the end of every day he can't he denies it and he's like only then are we insured a quiet and productive evening [Music] I'd imagine that everyone handles being quarantined slightly differently and Seth and I are no different it's kind of been the same just getting things done going to you changed everything for me alright kind of crack the window and he's like you're really worried about this thing aren't you I'm like yeah you know I stay in places sometimes when I want to but now I'm being told to and this that changes things a little bit I wanted to rent a wood chipper nobody will rent me a wood chipper there D like Ark of ren21 three weeks I've got this old keyboard over here I've been carrying this thing around in my van for the past two years and I haven't gotten out once but here in quarantine I actually have pulled it out here and I've been playing and it's been awesome I mean I'm I'm not bored at all I don't feel cooped up I'm doing exactly what I was doing before this the person at the register had the mask over their mouth with their nose out I don't know man I don't know anymore even with Alexander here and everything it does feel a little bit lonely I actually consider myself an introvert guy recharged by being alone I clean the shop multiple times per week just I'm an insane person it drives me nuts when the shop is is messy and I'm trying to edit I'm a video gamer I really enjoy video games I like to be pinned seven days a week I've been playing some really fun games man the games are so good these days it has been that long since I played video games one thing I will say is I feel like we've lost momentum I don't know maybe we haven't really lost momentum maybe everything's actually the same you change things up new opportunities arise and you are able to focus on things that you haven't focused on in a while when you're in situations where you're forced to be more creative sometimes you get even kind of more remarkable results first of all I'm so grateful that I actually have a place to stay that I can work and hey you know I've got this really big comfortable bed up here so upgrade even I've got a bed in the van but it's not this nice I don't have anything to complain about quarantine changes everything for me but it's not but not in a bad way I would say honestly it's not much to complain about we have a pretty good dude I'm so in trouble he just followed us up here right he did didn't bring him up here he's trying to find a place to make movies Oh No how'd you find your way up here little dude this is not good this was my last safe haven from him and now it's gone forever because he can climb the stairs this is this is a terrible day
Channel: The Singletrack Sampler
Views: 1,506,161
Rating: 4.9503727 out of 5
Keywords: seth bike hacks, seth's bike hacks, singletrack sampler, the single track sampler, berm peak, quarantine, Drama, Singletrack sampler vanlife, mountain biking, mtb, build and ride, backyard trails, dogs, french bulldog, Quarantined, COVID-19, corona virus
Id: LV_xfEC4qhw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 23sec (983 seconds)
Published: Fri May 08 2020
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