Photoshop Tutorials - How to make 3D text

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[Music] what's up guys today we're going to learn how to apply this 3d extrude effect or custom lettering piece in Adobe Photoshop now this is obviously an effect that we can achieve using 3d features in Photoshop or other software's like cinema 4d but today we're just going to be using good old layer adjustments so if you're not familiar with 3d and lighting and all that kind of stuff or if your version of Photoshop doesn't support it then don't worry you'll be able to follow just fine alright let's get started all right so we're going to start by creating a new Photoshop document by pressing new or you can either do command end if you're on a Mac or control an econ PC and we're going to set the values to three thousand five thousand pixels and leave the resolution at 72 pixels per inch and we're going to change the color mode from CMYK to RGB now we want to create our background so what we're going to do is we're going to select the rectangle tool over here and hold shift and drag down to have a nice square shape that's going to act as our background and then we're going to change the color so to do that we want to double click right here in the image of the layer so double click and change the colors to a soft gray press ENTER and now we want to add a gradient overlay to this shape to so it kind of gives the impression that we have a light source coming from the upper right corner over here so what we're going to do is we're going to select the layer Styles down here and go to creating overlay now we'll just leave it as fading from black to white and we're going to change the blend mode from normal down to soft light and change the opacity to 50% I'll go down here to the angle and we're going to change this to 40% that's okay now as you can see I don't know if you guys can pick this up in the video but you kind of have these these tabs in the gradients it's not really smooth and that's the kind of an effect that you get when you when you play with gradients it's called banding and there's a way to remove this so I'm going to show you how to do this so first of all just right-click the shape layer that we have over here so right click and convert to smart object and go up here to filter and go to noise add noise and you can leave the value to about 16 or 15 pixel that's fine leave a uniform check and make sure monochromatic is not checked and press ok next once again go to filter until like blur and then Gaussian blur and change the value or the radius to 30 pixels press Enter now as you can see it's still not perfect but it's much better than it was before this fight I kind of check it and uncheck it like you can see the lines for the steps in the in the gradient now and if I check it it just smoothes and everything else so now we have our background we can group this layer by pressing command G and let's just call this one background [Music] all right so now that we have our background we want to add our import or custom sex now there's two way you can do this you can either type in your own text by selecting the text tool in Photoshop and just type in your text as such and then convert this guy in to smart object over here so you just right click on the layer and select convert to smart object but for this tutorial I'm just going to go ahead and select my logo in illustrator and paste it into Photoshop I'm going to open up my logo and select it and then press command C to copy it more control C if you're on PC and close this guy and then paste it into my Photoshop file by pressing command V and make sure you you keep smart object checked that way we can kind of scale it up and down without losing resolution hit OK kill it up a little bit all right so now that we have our text we're going to apply some effect to it so we're just going to go down here to the layer style and go ahead and select color overlay [Music] now here you want to set the blend mode to normal and change the color to a light gray so I'll go it there you go that's fine and leave the epatha T at 100% next we're going to move on to a drop shadow over here and change the blend mode from multiply to overlay and set the color to white next we're going to bring down the opacity all the way to 15% approximately there you go and change the angle to minus 145 actually is fine so next for the distance we're going to set it to 10 pixels leave the spread to zero and for the size we'll put in 25 pixels all this is fine so we can move on to bevel and emboss [Music] now we're going to change the style to pin or bevel and go ahead and bring the depth down to 75 0 75 percent the direction is up that's fine and we're going to change the size to 1 pixel and we'll be soft and value to 0 pickle and now for the angle we're going to set it to 45 degrees make sure I use global light is unchecked so changes to 45 degrees and the altitude will be 30 degrees now here we're going to change the highlight mode from light in to overlay and leave it at white and we're going to set the opacity to about both 50 let's say 50% and change your shadow mode from normal to overlay again I'll leave it at black and will be the opacity at 40% and next we're going to add some inner shadows so it's like inner shadow over here and we're going to change the blend mode from normal to linear burn [Music] and leave the color to black and set the opacity down all the way two to three percent we go we'll change the angle to 45 degrees and once again just make sure that you use global light is unchecked now for the distance we're going to set this guy to 30 pixels will leave the choke at zero and will set the size to 40 pixels all right so we can go ahead and click OK all right so now that we've applied a texture to our text we want to go ahead and add some shadows and they kind of look and feel that we're going for here as you can see is this type of double cast shadows so it would kind of mimic as if we had kind of two light sources kaping shadows in different angles so you we have this one angle over here and this one here now I find that this adds a lot more realism to the effect as opposed to just having this kind of one kind of spotlight casting shadows which could just be replicated by adding a drop shadow but the thing is it's kind of a tedious process to achieve so essentially what you want to do here is if you want to duplicate this text layer underneath it and then nudge it a little bit about 20 times so that it kind of follows this path and each time you want to gradually decrease kind of the opacity and increase the Gaussian blur so it kind of blurs super gradually and once you've done this 20 times for this angle you want to kind of repeat the process for this angle over here and now I'm not going to have you guys duplicating layers 20 times and like just adjusting each one of them one by one if this would take forever and would make for a really boring video so I kind of cheated for this one and I've created a PSD files for you to download so what you can do is you can just find a download link in the description of the video and just unzip the file and you'll find this cast shadow dot PSD file so it's a Photoshop and you can just double click on this guy so essentially I just created this Photoshop files for you to just drag and drop your your custom text in there and it'll automatically generate the shadow so to do this you just want to go over here to the 0 it says drop your text and double click and d image over here and then go back to your main piece and select this text layer and drag it to this Photoshop tab now if it's kind of too big for the frame I would suggest not resizing your text instead just go over here and select the crop tool and make sure you keep out pressed and just make it a little bit wider now we don't need these uh all these layer effects that we can go ahead and drag them in the trash and you can either kind of uncheck the I for this custom text layer just delete it altogether so once you have your lettering inside this Photoshop document you can just go ahead and press command S or control s if you're on PC to save the document now again this might take a little while [Music] and once this is done you can go ahead and close this tab right here and if you go back to your cast shadow dot PSD file as you can see the whole the whole shadows change too much your custom lettering piece so once that's done you can go ahead and select the shadow layer group over here and just drag the whole group to your main piece [Music] so once you've imported your shadow just go ahead and feel like a layer group and drag it underneath your main mass text piece now we're starting to have quite a bit of layers so I'm just going to clean everything I'm just going to call this guide text and also like this layer and this layer group the shadow group by keeping command press and clicking on the on both of them and then press command G or ctrl G on PC which is going to group all the layers and I'm going to call this vice to text as well I'm just going to open it now you can go ahead and select the shadow layer group and kind of zoom in and try to match the position of your shadow to your your main text layer here so just going to go as precise as possible with the mouse [Music] and then I'll just nudge it up with the the arrow keys on your keyboard [Music] [Music] so just try to match it as precise as possible all right this looks pretty good now it's a bit strong so I'll just go ahead and like the shadow layer group and bring it down at maybe to like 80% or even 75% [Music] all right so now that we have our shadow which is going to add a little bit of reflection just to softened everything out a little bit and add some realism to our piece so the way we're going to do this is we'll select this text layer over here and duplicating it by keeping alt press and just dragging it down like this now we don't need these uglier effect so we can just get rid of them by dragging them to the trashcan next we're going to add a little bit of blur to it so we'll go up here to filter and go to blur and select Gaussian blur and we'll set the value to about 55 pixels and we'll bring the opacity down to 15% maybe 10% next we'll keep this texture actually you know if I'll just rename this guy reflection now keep it selected and just nudge it down by holding shift and pressing down and left or they down and left arrow on your keyboard as you can tell they kind of softened the shadow if I kind of toggle it on and off like this so if I toggle it off you can see the shadow is kind of it's very precise and I feel it gives it a bit more natural kind of feel it's very subtle but I do feel that it adds to via the realism of this piece I'm just going to nudge it down a few times again and maybe bring the opacity to 15% all right now that this is done we're going to add some again some reflection but this time we're going to add it to the kind of upper right edges all right X as if this light source that's in the upper right corner of our composition is casting light this way and it's bouncing off the edges over text and reflecting on the on the background layer here so the way we're going to do this is well again duplicate this reflection layer by keeping alt press and dragging it down and we'll change the opacity to 45% and then we'll adjust the ID Gaussian blur by going here with discussion blur double clicking and change the radius from 5 to 10 pixels this is the enter and now we're just going to nudge this player up and right a little bit to the opposite from what we did before so again keep shift pressed and press the up and right arrow on your keyboard [Music] again now as you can see it kind of looks like there's a light reflecting from the edges of our text I'll just zoom out so we're almost done with this one what I usually like to do is adjust the levels a little bit just to try to make the whole composition pop a little bit more so to do this I'm just going to go ahead over here to the adjustment layer and select levels now on your properties panel if you don't have this panel open you can just go up here to window and then select properties it'll make it appear for you now you can just go to this slider and grab this white handle and just nudge it down a little bit towards the center like this as you can see everything kind of just pops a little bit more the white segment the contrast is a bit more faded and that's it guys we're done so we have our 3d kind of extrude effect apply to our custom lettering piece and I really hope you guys plan on using this effect for your future lettering work and if you do just make sure to let me know on Instagram because I'd love to see what you guys do with this after the last tutorial a bunch of you guys actually shared your your cuts and pieces using the paper cutout effect and I thought you guys did some an amazing job I thought it was really awesome that you actually has shared that with me so make sure you do the same thing this time around alright so I hope you guys enjoyed this video if you did make sure to drop a like subscribing all that good stuff and I'll see you in the next one [Music]
Channel: Made by Mighty
Views: 1,019,256
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: made by mighty 3d text, mighty 3d text, photoshop 3D text, photoshop tutorial, photoshop 3d text effect tutorial, photoshop 3d text effect, 3d text effect photoshop, white 3d text effect photoshop, white 3d text tutorial, photoshop tutorial white 3d text, white 3d text effect tutorial, photoshop 3D text white, how to create 3D text, 3d text photoshop tutorial, mighty photoshop tutorial, made by mighty photoshop, made by mighty, made by mighty tutorial, mighty, mighty tutorial
Id: xeEDAn8nPMk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 3sec (1143 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 26 2017
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