Real Talk with Anele Season 3 Episode 62 - Vusi Thembekwayo

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if you had the opportunity to live in a children's Wonderland would you choose anywhere else we don't just say we do it's the same city way [Music] today and welcome to real talk with myself I am daughter coming to you live and esidisi 3 where the stage of yours was Tuesday afternoon so I am excited about my guest today he is one of the most sought after and booked motivational speakers in South Africa having sold-out shows in Las Vegas yeah people go for services in Las Vegas so Lobby malicious and Dubai as well as Cape Town at the age of 17 he was ranked first in Africa for public speaking and third in the world at the English Union international competition he delivered his first professional talk in 2002 and over the years has shared many global stages with government such as Levi Strauss & Co executive vp James Kelly Arianna Huffington of hazards in post and crisis management gurus Judy Smith he is the youngest director on a JC listed company having made his first million at the age of 23 what are you doing at 23 huh hailing all the way from Bologna the man known as the rock star of public speaking booty timber buyers in the building and your shells are good shoes yeah did you see that good use oh man I thought it was Fox Monday not because you it's like they say I've got money you know you see it is a bow tie but you bought them in Milan oh I get your pair we got the hook-up oh I have a lot of people on the show name right I have rappers and actors I have comedians and I always play game with myself to see how many people is in the entourage right how many play Leon - oh it's just me god is good it's just me oh yeah I can tell I don't do this but oh don't do that really under yeah look I mean you you you you work look you work a lifetime to build a reputation it's important to make sure that you protect it that's all it is oh is that what they do they're like this you need you need you need mirrors in your life you need you need people are going to make sure that you are honest to who you are just true to who you are and and also not you'll understand it because you fairly public there's a lot of noise coming at you true so you need somebody who can make sure that you listen to the signals and not the noise otherwise it's just too much noise it's too much too much yeah it's too loud so I spent a brief amount of time with them downstairs true they strike me as the type of people who are not in all of you yeah and that's very important right so why is that important well because you need people who can call you out you need people who can say ah that's not consistent with who you are you need people who can say yeah maybe not now and I'm a cuz I'm an entrepreneur I'm very impulsive and dude something I wanna do it now get it done now and sometimes timing is important so you need you just need people around you to make sure that you are on the path and you are protected sometimes from yourself because often were our own worst enemy of course you know so there's that old expression about people is load exactly yeah exactly so just make sure you don't get in your own way and I tend to do that and like a bit yeah okay let's go back to Echo Canyon oh okay you have my attention hahaha how on earth do you know but every Canyon but that's a first school man yeah that was a black school hahaha yeah if by that you mean there were no white folks yeah you're right not even a teacher okay yeah so I would I went to this most of I mean volcanoes so cool we had a principal to Tonya Tilly I still remember him he passed from cancer shame lovely old man god bless his soul and he was very strict you know England would West : and he'd have you know those sticks though like from the tree but also long and he could he could hit you with it and the stick had its own character would like swing back and forth you know so he'd hit you once in this thing would hit you twice was like that stick had his own life oh I love that's back in the day where you could kids attended school 100% you might I'm saying 100 and then they'll send you home and then they're like you tell your mama we worked you and then your mom is like now - aya food I'm also gonna get you in on it haha I mean I I don't know if you remember they used to give us those packets for school good at the beginning of the year it had the books in it yes I remember folks with the pen yes yes and then you had did you guys get the peanut butter as well the peanut butter sandwich no we had Nutella get outta here a part of the government was feeling of like people to tell us oh okay you were three Bantu Stan welcome to Joburg just like it I know which end the cat runs like so like okay so you think you an idea with such Ethan I love that yeah Echo Canyon II would use the one selling boiled eggs and so you weren't that kid no no I I nada you know it's it's like I'm not I'm not the favorite type I was never the cell chappies at school kind of kid oh yeah I wasn't that all to academic like I was I was I was very focused on the studied so when you were a table canyon a year or two years I hate yes because they promoted you salute over that's life how did you know this is not a legit like decade during interviews I've never had people who've been able to get this kind of information so yeah I was two years ahead of my own grade I was um yeah so I fired site I was gifted I was gonna you know all the genius yes and I had then still do now actually the ability to retain information so people people to work in my businesses will tell you you tell me something today I won't write it down but I'll remember and I'll remember exactly what you said and exactly how you said it and exactly what you committed so I'm it's a it's an important trait to have to retain information that you choose to commit to memory so when you grow up knowing that you a little bit of a Matilda right and then you go to the white schools as we call them I'm sure to be one of the fifth legs to go to the school yeah and they take you back two years that must knock your self-esteem - no way I fought it hard you know so they I was irritated and and and the hardest thing for me was so my father my father and I had the most amazing my dad was a black belt karateka and as a result he got me into the sport so so my father and I had a very I would say a relationship where I could relate with him at a peer level but also is very clear Baba you know like this there'd be a point where he'd call it and I wouldn't argue it all right so so it the only reason I accepted it was because my dad was like what's the rush like you joining this new school and I take I take you know how they they committed me two years back yeah they used to do these tests so they put me through the math test ace it just put me through the English test ace it then they put me through the Afrikaans test oh good like I don't speak Afrikaans I doubt it yeah it's perfect you know and then I and then they I'll never forget the lady mrs. ollie field said to me what is this in Afrikaans and it was a kitchen and I don't know what kitchen is come back on there so I don't know and just for that alone they put me back two years while your English that you brought to the white school this English yeah no they William a delegation gallery shine happy now deficit I see them now watching you know because there's particular people on MultiChoice they learning the tribe in I'll be Nadia yeah no we're not new to this game listen I am pretty sure you have got many patient's many comments Lucy we want to hear all of them so please send us a voice not on our watch that line will see the number on the screen as I'm saying this booty and I will be factory right now don't go anywhere you and the back you watching will talk with myself I may leave Oct McGuire United States that you kind of choreography as my face mostly timber why is that globally renowned speaker who has straddled between Commerce and motivating people to build an impressive global profile that's what I'm trying to say you've been named as one of the greatest youngest ever speak of under the age of 40 and today he is here so when when I google you make yeah it says receipt in losing over comes up first you're gonna have to talk to someone about it that's the thing again yeah we need to echo Google it just means we like romantic music we like it I'll call Google I'll have a check I'll show you what they never name must be done okay call it Google guys so it is with the Chamber Choir and then and age some people are more interested in how old you ask right how old are you 32 32 okay cool and then it saves net worth hey next no no I don't even it with water are cruising okay okay and then his wife yeah okay so people are interested in how old you are how much money you're making any money yeah I you know I made a decision I made the decision a long time ago that first and you'll know better than me I never but my sense is that public life we don't we do items I certainly didn't set out to live a public life yeah I just said how to do really good work that's all that's all I'm interested in I want to be the best at what I do but if you study history also realize people were the best of what I do tend to get public profile so the curiosity yeah because I just want to know what makes it tick exactly well so why does it pick this is how did it pick this yeah yeah any in any pursuit if you get to the top of the game you're going to attract public attention so so when for me I made the decision that I wanted to be the best there was and the best there ever will be at what I do I knew it was going to come with a bit of public attention and quite deliberately made the decision that that would be my burden to carry not my families and as a result you keep it that I keep it that way because I you the anonymity that I grew up with that I could grow up and make mistakes and that I wasn't judged on those mistakes the back of what's back home on on the back of who baba was right so and i think it's important for my kids it's important for those guys it's important for everybody in my life to live their lives and and that my work is my work in my life is my life did you close the doors on your life earlier on because your family went through a lot of financial struggle after your dad passed away for you you know you're like everyone can go to people's houses for the weekend and to go play games but no I was coming to my house because my house was not what I want anyone to witness sure sure I I suppose a bit of that um but I you know I have to say my mother to this day is my hero I don't know I'm in jail I don't know how she kept it all together so so first when my father died we come from a very traditional family and there was expectations around whether or not we would keep the house in the first place then expectations around whom of my fathers brothers would would take my father's place then then you know and and my mother was just just like she was a super woman so she fought all of this off and after having fought that which I thought would have been emotionally exhausting then went on to raise us and it's the going on to raise us to this day I don't know what tomorrow Wednesday and John because it she wasn't we were not people of means you know I I don't want to dishonor my mother's memory and say you know but it was it wasn't easy and I recognize now being a father and being and being a person of the world I recognize how tough it was a given example I've calculated that what my mother made a month when I was in high school is probably less than my fuel bill for my cars a month so Kyle yes I so I don't know I don't know how she did it I cannot tell you how she did it but there's the most amazing thing I think to learn and realize it would t you know that old expression where there's a will this way man that's true like she just made it happen my mom made magic happen you know Tupac is that beautiful song about how you make miracles happen everything yeah my mom was that my dad let's say that understand that's it that's it when you're in it right and when you're a child it's in hindsight divine scientist all right hi that is easy to like to be quite spiritual about it but when you're in it as a child when you are in the school where all the other kids can afford you love is if you didn't like Stevie's day yeah tell us why you like see all right I whoever does your research I mean I need to find them and post them from you so you know first first when you're a young person brand is everything yeah so Leela you know yeah so you know it's like it's not just you're wearing shoes it's what shoe are you wearing not just you wearing jeans it's one jeans what pair jeans are you wearing right so you never want to be the kid who's wearing jeans from a certain store because you know yeah like if it's a mr per se it doesn't carry the same currency as a lever oh so so I hate I read I hated civvies was because I only ever had like a single set of things I could wear at a year and any year that were socially appropriate oh right most of the stuff vomited took Shauna my mom did the most amazing thing she took my dad's clothes and she had them resized for me right so but I can't go I'll give an example how I god I've never actually said this with anyone but on opening day when we went to benoni high I was wearing my father's suit and and it's hard when you stand there in these rows and rows of kids anyone's looking at you like like you come from a different planet but that's all I could wear do not I mean like that was it there was there's nothing else that he proved about I said grab our bike off about like this is and and but I recognized that for me I'm not here for this I'm here for what this place is going to give me this thing called education you know for well what's using this vehicle for like I'm not here for a long time I'm just glad to get education and I'm gonna be great out of sin and I just want to serve I think an important part of the mental conditioning a part of the reason I've God has been so good in my life and I've been able to achieve the things I've achieved is precisely because every time Society is try to dictate what I should do I didn't understand it at the time but when I was a kid I was building on this emotional capital to be able to tell society actually I'm not going to play by your rules and a part of that is going to an opening day and everybody is talking about oh nice Sheriff nice pair of feliz or those are the new jet toward Islam and that's the next 23 and you're like cut loss gobble is you know but this is where we are you see a more car and and and I recognize it and I'm thankful I'm thankful to God that I'm privileged enough to be here because I'm here to get the education nothing else that discipline did that comes from the fact that your dad putting martial arts as well so you were able to decipher what matters and what doesn't know that came from mama oh I'd love to you know I'd love to be able to say it was that but it wasn't my mother was wasn't still is my mother was my mother has the most amazing and uncanny ability to decipher what matters from what doesn't very quickly and then she would go through this thing where she would iteratively tell you all the time this is what's important this is what's not this is what's important this is what's not so sooner or later you begin to know how to do it yourself do you not I mean like I was like you know your own second your default setting it - exactly yeah exactly you know like certainly Paula I will soccer boots I don't have shin guards I'm just I want to Humble Bundle poor animal is not vanish increase or flower like go go do this thing right and it's um I it's just been it's been a big lesson for me that I've learned from mama which is justice I for what matters from what doesn't and focus on what matters because sooner or later society will forget the other stuff it moves on its trends anyway and it'll pass and then you'll live the life you want to live invariably listen bring more like them no you have questions our contrasting I'll give you a child and yet a quick reminder of our weekly at-home competition you can really solve a 5,000 rounds ecard is up for grabs check out our social media pages to find out how to enter after the break we continue this marvelous chant with mr. Kimber while you stay with us so the idea here is that you want to be is to aim to be the best in what you do not the best size will come size always comes so people lie to us when they said it's size that matters it isn't it's simply being the best if you've just joined us aha shame join me in studio with me self confessed perfectionist who only demands high standards and always expect people to bring their a-game global motivational speaker Rockstar public speaking OCT mariah is our guest today Tudor is in love with you right now which is ready we're going to get to that welcome okay terrific right now my little aces I can relate shame I too was in the township school and on the way to the other schools I was too poor to be supposed to be in private school but to reach to be in Township School and oh my word Lucy your story is so inspiring Lucy's mom sounds like an incredible mom I love that to her so I just want to session it quickly and I don't know if I'll be rooted want to you know speak about your father like that quickly but you witness your dad getting shot nine times yeah tough okay every time you speak about it you say your little brother went for therapy your little brother went for counseling did you go for counseling no why not yeah I think I counseled differently I think so for me for me the dojo became the place of council it became it became the outlet it became the place it became the place to which I could refer when I felt that I was not within my element and I also have to say to you that I think a chi we had with my sister you know yes in one dimensional apparently Namba nam cares yeah my sister went to go get a bar and I think that that for me that that was tough it's one thing to see loss of life it's quite another to see life lost especially of your hero you must if you're just alarming my dad was a rock star but like a proper rock star like if you any part of what ville if you go and say you don't like the others are wrong I hated walking around with my dad and everybody knew him why are you greeting this guy and this like a five minute walk becomes a two-hour gangsol stroll now good thing is think I'm numb be something sink was Wicca's order right so so so that was a so a so I think for my sister it was harder because she watched the hero gone yeah and she watched the shell remain um yeah as I said I think I deferred I always defer to the dojo and by the way to it's a big part of even today how I've built my work ethic and my discipline discipline Iran so I I just put in the hours man you know martial arts is martial artists is special you're not sighted martial arts I did music I play the violin etc but everything else I did is as a result of the martial arts of course it is a violin course because yeah I mean you know the idea that you've got to do your cutter over and over and over and over and over they move in same rotation it went even today is an entrepreneur when you build a business you've got to do the simple things over and over and over and it's it is in the application of the it is in the iteration and application that excellence is achieved and I think that's what people don't understand so he goes how do you get to number one of the thing you actually just have to do the simple things but do them every day religiously and each time with a consistent discipline that's that's the mark that's how you get there so how does a troubled teenager become the best public speaker and Africa at 17 completely by chance English teacher yeah my missus we can in mind this teacher was amazing and uh at the time overseas as a teenager I thought oh you know if I go look she's as they say while sitting in our sitting in our sitting in class actually having a common with a friend about a young lady I'd seen during break and I was trying to explain to John Thompson young white kid about this girl and John doesn't get it like and you know so being expressive you know I'm trying to explain with egg too ya know okay it's there with ya if something's we just have to scream another oh yeah so I'm trying to expect but he doesn't get it and in my trying to explain it to him she heard the conversation she didn't hear the substance of it but she heard with this balancing yeah so she comes to me she says mama Lola you're either I'm putting you in detention oh I've just explained my mother to you I'm not going home to sign a detention slip I'm like come on yeah so I begged her I begged her at the end of the period I in fact I remember I was late for my next period I begged him like not plan anything about detention and so she says well you know I'm in the public speaking Society there's a competition taking place if you agree to come and compete I'll put you off the detention and that's kind of how I got into it okay now this was at voice vote for you it's rather fitting for this moment let's have a listen yes it's a kid you wants to know how to start public speaking is that volume up good evening child case bonuses annealing my name is Kumar sanjuana and I'm in the chick I'd like to know from our case data and what are the carriers that are available to people who are public speakers and can someone really make a little from it without having anything on the side that's a good question mmm that's a great question yeah so the second one first which is cancel and make a living from it absolutely I mean there are there are ample Pete just quickly say there are different types of speakers right so there are professional speakers who make a living purely from speaking there are those of us who are business speakers who run businesses and of the fact that we run businesses are not successful at it we get invited all over the world to tell people how what we do and how we do it right so the the importance here is to understand which of those you want to be but then the first question which is can you make a living from public speaking I say this to every person I meet which is public speaking as a skill it's a tool and it is in my view the single most important skill of any person who sees themselves as a leader in the new age the ability to communicate or the lack of it often determines the extent to which you will succeed in life so when you're going into an interview it's about whether or not you can sell yourself precision exactly right it saw like a CEO spin 90% of they times are failing people to do things recycle yeah and so your ability to communicate to speak in public as a result of it often will determine how society perceives you and how successful you become at whatever pursuit you do now knowing full well and I'm going to continue from his question Oh Buddha Lowe knowing full well that we can't follow your steps how would somebody who wants to get into public speaking how would you tell they'd start so the first thing I say to anyone who says I want to become a speaker is it's like wanting to become a singer see right so the practice in the iteration is the single most important Meena when I started I did a lot of work pro bono so I get invited by Rotary clubs and I go and speak at places because I wanted to get into the into the application of the skill so I could get better at it right so there is a difference between being a paid speaker and a speaker so the first thing I say to people is just speak if you get invited to speak at your kids I don't know graduation ceremony go if you get invited to speak a chair to do it you get invited to emcee a friend's wedding do it start practicing this thing you want to do when you make the decision that you then want to become a professional speaker the best thing to do is to ask yourself the single most important question which is speak about what and most people don't do that so people go I want to speak sure about what Kyle thinks the content is important because once you know about what you then answer to whom so if I know I want to speak about X then I need to ask myself but who needs to hear it once I answer the question who needs to hear it I know who to talk to that's the market built right this is just this is the foreigner ship 101 really so I'm well dressed and I'd like to speak about fashion okay to whom well typically people who are one who want to dress well are people who are in corporate and want to be perceived to be successful right so who do I need to go to I need to go to corporates who employ people and one day people to look a certain way so that I can get them to invite me to come and speak there that's where I go okay speaking of that I'll go I want to get into a car you 17 years old and I learnt to drive and my destination is you making a first million rent I need to know which Street returned which PI we bought like I want to know all of that we'll be right back with all of that that GPS rides in the new age and what our research shows us is that $10,000 is important as a premise but in the modern day speed is more important than time spent it doesn't follow that because you've spent two decades doing something an incumbent couldn't beat you having done it for two years all they have to do is learn at a rate faster than you and deliver value at a rate faster than you are and so in the modern day speed is critical time spent not as important is adjustable in conversation with global business speaker boost agenda by amazing ways internationally the thought-provoking yank business leader with many ideas on solving economic issues in Africa do you have any other clothes beside the suit I was never ready yes are you yeah yeah yeah I'm it did a limited it oh my yeah man like I rock my daily lives with my Tim sometimes you what would happen by the way I have to tell you I live in all stars like my favorite pair of shoes is converse allstar like I collect like I'm a huge converse we weren't saying anyone get down with us like when we on with the P we can do this like we we understand under here we can go if you come - I mean it's everywhere in the city I go I've got a similar anytime I go to a new city anywhere in the world got to get a pair of Converse All Stars from that place a huge congressman what area you travel a lot you are away from home a lot yeah and I believe that the service you are away from home is the clearest in mind ever beach wave your mind the clearest um-hmm there's a there's a beautiful place in and of all the places in the world I've been yeah but there is and I'm sure you've been there in Zanzibar we have not okay well there's a beautiful place in Zanzibar it's called hideaway of non GUI so you fly I typically like the Tanzania flight so I fly into Dar and then I connect to Zanzibar but you can fly to Zanzibar directly and it's about two and a half hour drive and you get to this beautiful place called Hardaway of Norway it's middle of nowhere and then you drive into it and as you drive in you can it's got this beautiful infinity pool you can see from reception and it sits at the back of something that looks like a mountain valley so all the rooms cascade down so when you walk in at reception you see this beautiful infinity pool and the ocean oh wow sorry heaven ah I haven't and now I go why is that we were driving there there's no Wi-Fi you can do all sorts of things it's uh there's no Wi-Fi which is why I like it because they just disappear from the world that is without question one of my favorite places on it okay we've got a what's up with your eye will see I missed a date because when you were coming you are unimportant I had one question for you however would you in this day and age in this economy in those needs circumstances number would you advise young like some Africans to go and pursue tertiary education and why wow that's a question yeah without a question yes you know well because I my own view is one of the biggest challenges we face in South Africa is we've got a we've got a we've got a leadership class that is not driven by that is not motivated by academic knowledge and research as a result it makes decisions based on what seems popular not what is what is proven to work partly our self-serving yeah so remember the you know it's proven all over the world the more people you educate you elevate the level of conversation you see it on Twitter the reason the reason it's hard on Twitter for something that is of substance to trend is because people don't want the stuff that is that is of substance they want the flaky stuff so if you elevate the level of education and conversation then you just see it changes the way people behave so I would say to that question yes but second is regardless of where the country is now around availability of jobs and economic growth etc etc we need more particularly young black people who are able to fend for and think for themselves and a big part of that is just getting an education and getting an education would enhance you as an entrepreneur because I think where the country is now is we need to breed more entrepreneurs hundred percent and you are saying that you will be a better entrepreneur who's got education than 100 you know this morning I was speaking to a group of entrepreneurs invited by the innovation hub and I had to spend a solid ten minutes of my time building an income statement because so why would I build an income sidon for entrepreneurs because I was trying to explain to them why the the hardest way to create wealth it's also the most rewarding way to create wealth but the hardest way to create wealth is to be an entrepreneur because if you follow the flow of the income statement and you see who gets paid first you just go through the incomes first of suppliers then you pay your staff then you pay the government taxes then you pay the bank interest then you pay yourself dividends so the entrepreneur in the business gets paid lost but unless we go through an education system that teaches us these things what happens is we breed entrepreneurs you sing it now who think entrepreneurship is instant money you see where any person who's a real entrepreneur and I'm a with respect I'm not talking about people who pose as entrepreneurs I'm talking real entrepreneurs will tell you that it takes a long time and it's very hard so that's why you need an education for people who to be on entrepreneur and it doesn't have to be commercial education the in real study architecture doesn't matter though that he studied the disciplines are missing repetitions like study the ZigBee in the thing and and then a last note on this we also I think at a stage where we need to begin to have critical thinking conversations and the greater or less the extent which we are educated is the greater or less extent which we can have conversations that Center on actual critical thoughts like Panetta says something am I going to challenge what she's saying we're not going to challenge how she's saying it I'm not a challenge who she is so again just watch what what is trendy Woolsey says something I don't detect what he's saying I said why did he talk like that yy-yeah McGann G Alabama may not be like can we have a conversation about this thing I'm saying so this ad hominem it's called but this way of attacking the player not the ball is typically what happens when we don't focus on breeding a culture of critical thinking sometimes our politicians can take us for granted and take us for a ride in other words that I had a you know I had a tour recently with someone and the masala and me me and the Minister of police went and said something on my timeline and I was going to respond and I didn't and my response is going to be my father was gunned down when I was 13 years old the the docket was lost twice there was no reward issued for the people who killed my father please get off Twitter and go find those people but that's a critical thinking conversation and South Africans need to ask themselves why are our people in public office being on places where they are seen to be doing things why aren't they just doing the thing that's what happens when you lower the barrier and and and the standard of quality of conversation do you remember all of this just like well packaged executional self when you're angry no no ha ha ha I think recent events would prove that's not always the case I am look I I have come to accept on it NR I have come to accept that I'm a human being in return so so there are I think I spend a lot of time thinking I also read like in come to my office and all these uses of books or and everybody who comes to my office cause all the other nice books can I borrow one have you read it and I got anything you see here I've read I read religiously as a result my opinions are very informed but one phenom shortly in the moment of heat you gonna find out like if there's that it's going to come out there's the the heat of passion the the raw emotion and I suppose when I've had the opportunity to simmer I will then be more considered about my view and my perspective it says I'm saying I'm a growing person and and I'm willing to grow I'm willing to learn so on Sunday bluff handiness I don't Sunday are comfortable this past weekend I'm up to sleep again I wanna just came from how else I'd put this when an unstoppable force meets an immovable object we have problems we will discuss that when we return you know you want to come record hi guys so my inbox will be inundated with this whole morning detective striking in Joburg and people asking me what are my fault lines I just like to share a couple of thoughts with you as large noticeably works with entrepreneurs financing entrepreneurs and helping them build businesses I think they can be not better in industry for black businesses to realize exactly what the problem is and what I mean when I say we need to change our thinking this is exactly what I'm talking about so it turns out the protecting industry binds about a thousand two hundred Texans every year eighty percent of them come from tio2 specifically the problem is you get they don't group themselves and by bulk every time they go in bathroom - yo - they bind in civil units they don't get the right pricing margin in the right price in this house the second is why did buying from Toyota not manufacturing their own local brand of taxis do you think about if you own if you manifest in 2,200 Texas every year you know a business model there any business market and that's the post offense a thousand shifts towards Froy hahaha when I fight what do you want to say about that healthy first things first wait do the people think you here to Kim your image after that he was booked long ago in fact it was it was quite an issue for me because I was like I'm going to come into you considers like this frame right and I don't want to get involved with him if I say something you will be like i ki I'm not coming to your show anymore and I need me to come on cuz I want the country to hear from you I think you relatable so what do you have to say about it so you know I'm I'm I am of the era and I come from a time when if I have something to address with an N I'm gonna dress with an L I will not play to the gallery any gallery the Friends gallery the Twitter gallery I will not play to the gallery my point of anger was and I was angry then and I'm angry now with being angry about angry with myself with being angry about it was this we're talking about a person who has means he's invited me on his show before I've been on on their radio station before and he interviewed me there so we're talking about the kind of person who if he felt genuinely that I had in any way aggrieved him he could have reached out and said this is on reading the situation am I missing something so to yourself on day Ricky absolutely okay because if I have that issue with you that's how this is going to handle it at the very least at folio and say a just DM me your number one have a conversation with you well he just decided being aggrieved no and I'll tell you why so what do people not know I've just sold a large controlling share of my business to a us research and advisory firm do you know what my firm does research and advisory the reason I get booked to speak all over the world not just here spend more time outside as a than here is because what I speak about is what I know uniquely to be true I know it uniquely to be true because we invest in research proving it to be so so that post was based on research done desktop in the office and I was putting out the post in fact about five minutes after the post I was on stage presenting an entire business model around what Texas should be doing instead you and Caesar have the same views in the same way but this is so that there's a part of that that's coincidence but here is for me the broader point which is I now then went afterwards I then went and actually read the stuff he said there's half of what I said which he didn't say so I then spoke about not only the owning of the value chain of the industry but the need to create adjacent industries so financial services as an industry they need to create the repairs an industry the ties and these are all the Jason sees that you can create in the sect and in the industry but you have to own the core of it the argument was we have to own the core of it it wasn't based on the numbers and by the way by the way I wasn't the first person to say it neither was he it turns out people have been saying this stuff from social media all the time so you guys are just speaking past each other such as they know we were not my my problem with him then as it continues to be now was simply that if he felt it was he had used his information he could have reached out to us and said I think you're using my information is this the case who would have had a 30-second conversation but an LED it would have been no father but what he was doing and my view by the way regardless of whatever relationship is he was playing quite deliberately to the Twitter gallery it had to be I'm going to take you on and I want people to see it the reason I'm angry with myself is because I walked right into it I walked right into it and I walked into it because I felt this is a person I don't know him well but I've met the guy what you think you guys are similar though I can't add one thought what the main thing was it's basically like I say an unstoppable force running into an immovable object so I don't know him well enough to make that that that statement suffices to say and I say this with the greatest of humidity you don't reach my age and achieve what I achieved by allowing yourself to be bullied everywhere you go so there is oversee this but I've done well in business because if you come after me I'm very happy to have the argument with you right what I'm sad about and this for me is perhaps the only thing about which I'm truly said is there are young people who follow me as I imagine there are young black people who follow him who watched us behave this way and think it's okay and it's not and that for me was the point the point is we could have just had a conversation with it finished and would have taken 30 seconds and we move on but now what we've done is we've normalized to young black intelligent men having an argument over nothing really and the only winner in my view was black Twitter the only winner in that whole conversation was black Twitter but I didn't win certainly because I didn't need that kind of attention that's not what I'm about you know I'm busy building the largest venture capital fund in the continent can we have that conversation can we talk about the fact that I'm pan-african can we talk about the fact that I've just recruited 40 businesses can we talk about the fact the total sum total of the revenues of those businesses over 400 million can we talk about the fact that I'm matching them with CEOs of large and listed companies and we talked about the fact that I want to live a normal relation to an extent I was just like I'm entertained because outside of the excellence that both of you guys portray all the time so there is a short circuit and there is normalcy awarded so sometimes just be okay with that reflects no one's going to come into your bank account and climb in and take the money out we happen to like delayed the time use the little do you know them sale you and I think that's what that's the main thing I want to say to you today as I say to ceases like we're normal guys you are normal point taken when you see him and I'm telling you in the full view of the nation yeah tell him the way he handled that was very poorly it was just it was and I'm happy to say I handled it poorly the way I responded okay but I think certainly the way he initiated the conversation was quite poor and both of you are poor both of us are human beings not many ways hahahahaha I don't know you can check me out but I don't know no I wasn't going to go to the right night and that's how it ends was all Lucy's thank you for watching le feu you can follow Lucy and triple WCCO today this was amazing and you can also follow him at micros Fangio today we are back tomorrow looking at the state of public transport may be versa we'll be back to talk about that it on Amazon bye for now you can awesome you [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music]
Channel: Real Talk
Views: 128,203
Rating: 4.9053383 out of 5
Keywords: Real, Talk, With, Anele
Id: tDt57mIitVs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 45min 1sec (2701 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 29 2017
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