MyGrowthFund Osmosis Episode 6 | DJ Fresh (Thato Sikwane)

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[Music] [Music] hey everybody we're back what are we on now I think it must be like a hundred thousand views and our videos are communities growing to over 10,000 subscribers if you haven't subscribed yet then it's your problem I'm really looking forward to today's conversation I'm talking to a friend an icon a man who's seen it all done it all and still more to do and it's so much you can learn from him about how do you approach life how do you approach family how do you balance the two how do you approach business I'm just gonna stop the one and only the rock star himself DJ Fresh yeah you know it's true right like if it comes to me you know it's you know it's legit thank you so much for honoring us with this thanks for having me I love this I love this yeah yeah so so describe you in one word driven yeah yeah okay and that's how you approach everything I think of big driven probably from an early age where does that come from just from wanted to get things done but also from wanting to get things done my way but a lot of the stuff on it to do where things other people said no you can't do it like that yes so it's not done or as a black child you you know you don't have access to such right so a lot of what's driven me has been boundaries that either I subconsciously set myself right or from people saying know who quits Law School to be a DJ right so I'm like I want to quit law and I'm gonna be a DJ and I'm on damn well it it's right so a lot of my drive comes from that right because you're your dad and you know I don't want to jump the story but your dad was the one who felt that you should do law right you should practice as a as a lawyer yes my a my you know my dad I suspect wanted to be a lawyer vicariously through me that's one of those right cause we didn't manage to go to law school himself he's well educated you were at Cambridge go into the University of the sort we went in Gustavus wanna so he's an educated man right so you can understand where he comes from that his kids too must be educated right so so it was that and I think was a given that his mom literally educated him from selling Millie's and sorghum and sugarcane right she was a subsistence farmer right right and that money she sent into school a while to university in the sorter you know what I mean so so I think based on the sacrifices his mom made because his mom was a fourth and final wife of my polygamous granddad right so as the I guess the small men with one son she made him of one project there my son will be educated my son he well right so I understand why he would expected of me right I don't actually hold I don't have a any grudge yeah absolutely yeah I just kind of wish he believed me when I said I can't do this right right so take me to that time that moment when you knew DJ was it I think initially when I was 13 right and I did my first gig at a school social and boarding school okay but you know that thrill kind of just jolted me labeled and I kind of ignored it right and at the same time I was starting to fall in love with radio right radio Metro literally started when I started these radio metro oh yeah you going back I'm going back it's Radio Metro about what 87 88 87 I heard a radio Metro for the first time and I think Trevor shadows on the radio and it was on medium wave at the time and you not heard radio before but you've never really heard cool black guys speaking English on the radio because all radios always bound to radio as it was called right right so hearing these brothers and sisters just waxing lyrical on the radio I'm like I want to do that but I've heard of shelved it's and life carried on I carried on with high school you know he came on the side in high school right and then I did my first paying gig literally straight out of the tree yeah it was 50 bucks it was the best 50 bucks no man this thing can be a career right and but I'd still applied for law school so I did do you know I did two years of law school I was miserable at the same time that I started law school not even radio right you study gradient our starting no starting rate so right my radio career literally started out of high school okay as did my paying gigs right so now I'm conflicted I'm Britt in law school I got all this case law I need to study I've got all these cases I need to memorize I've got the L you know L 101 more yeah customary law hits the bullet until I realized that this is not for me I might actually flunk out because that's the only way he'll know I'm serious but that's hugely risky guy it is hugely risky but that's how much I believed in not only myself but in my vision and my can and if you don't take a chance on yourself who's gonna do that and who's gonna even believe you can do anything now if you are also scared of of taking that leap of faith in yourself just come back for me yes how did you get into the DJ thing like how did who said to you why don't you just come and put together a couple of checks at a party okay so primary school I was probably about 8 9 10 years old yeah I started collecting music yeah so by the time I got high school when I was 13 why were you collecting music because I love music right so I was just always collect I had like a massive it was cassettes then at a massive cassette flick cuz I did that thing you put the pencil and you put the big school I think my cassette collection there's so much music I collected but I was it was almost an obsession if there's a song a new song a beautiful song and and and and also had friends who lived in the u.s. right and the UK who knew that when stuff drops they need to post it stream host yes he says host post them like the physical post to post when you post a cassette or or new music and then that's how I collect music I'd record off the radio with a little tape recorder if my friends of mine Chloe mr. fingers because I was that stand where the breaks on the songs are yeah that's all the teachers going to speak after this yeah well after the bridge yeah so I became the guy so by the time I go to high school and the school DJed hadn't shown up for the beginning of your social so our entertainment minister I said to me why don't you come DJ the school social because we know you collect music and it's it's interesting for me because one of the things we talk to entrepreneurs about and is how important it is to love what you do yes and not the money what you do will make you write because you you put in what seems to me like thousands of hours and you didn't even have money in mind you were just like I just love music yeah so I mean if you're an account I've been I started DJ Mon 1985-86 right I started radio 1992 that's how much hours I put into it at seven years of pre-study pretty much and and and for instance I mean when you when you talk about for instance investing in yourself I mean that first 50 bucks I made my first paying gig I went aboard more cassettes so I could collect more music so already I had a sense that you need to invest in yourself need to invest in what you do in order to grow it right voices I mean people think we go to Miami every year for the last 18 years just to party yeah yeah it's a music conference it's investing in my career you call it to find out what are the new trends who's doing what how what are we doing differently here what can we learn from other doing things in the u.s. voice right so for me you know whether it's conferencing or an online course or whatever else it is that you do to feed you you have to feed your craft all the time yeah yeah a lot of us become complacent yeah because you think I've got the gig yeah I always see gigs jobs and relationships are the same it's actually harder to keep him or her and his job than to give it 100 percent often than not we think I'm in now I can relax ya know the work starts once you get the gig yeah the work starts once you get the guy or the girl yeah so for me that's the sourball is you know looked at relationships and you know what I do before we finalize a segment yes if you were talking to a 15 year old you today what would you say to him 15 year old me was a borderline depressed teenager right my mom had just left for the US so I felt abandonment of sorts my best friend is just relocated to Norway my girlfriend had just cheated on me so if 15oz a mess and like I said I was borderline suicidal I became with cluesive at 15 I remember reading a drum article about the late Piranha repeat right and that he was a recluse right and and and and that article for me actually woke me up to the fact that it's okay to be that you know like a big guy like Ray yeah yeah yeah he has issues with being a recluse Who am I I'm 15 yeah my flippin life is still ahead of me yeah so I'd probably say to myself you know that kid you're gonna be good let's stop stressing you know stop overthinking everything enjoy school yeah and let's isn't that a lesson just for all of us that is we often get so caught up in the moment that we forget that in the ocean of moments that is life yes that moment is just a speck like it is it'll pass right but oh man if you made every moment count desert will pick it up there we're back to stuff to this well back no time to do the intros DJ fresh six four two hundred and ten kilos we're going to get into it so 125 are you really 125 no you don't job to you cuz you can't carry hundred twenty-five kilos for like job I skill or a struggle to run past five kilometres because I get bad things out but eating as cleanly as I can right so that I don't need anymore yeah you know as I notice how they brought you that the tea you don't put any sugar yeah my avoid sugar all right so you and I just you know sort of oh shoot I'm we're having a conversation about this thing about respecting your craft ridin we spend a lot of time in our firm trying to get entrepreneurs to understand them but actually before you an entrepreneur you're a craftsman and it's got to be something a level of expertise you have that you bring to the marketplace that nobody else does and in your industry it seems to me that there almost isn't the same kind of respect from the external environment that actually what you do is a craft you know it's like just because I'm DJing at somebody's bash doesn't now mean get fresh exact you know like this time this hours this is this there's a level of expertise there you know I think especially in our industry where a lot of the time you are the business yes yes in fact yes the lack of respect sadly also sometimes comes from the very people who are doing the job where they treat it like it's just a gig or you know a kiddo come up to you and say it's my guy I also want to be famous so for me the manager said to me I also want to be famous III I dismiss you yeah because I don't want to be famous yeah in fact the less fame the better I just wanted to play records I sort wanted to be on the radio change people's lives as much as possible it was never about the fame if I ever could do this - the spotlights I'd actually be a happy man so you have kids who think it's you know a way to quick riches it's a way to get girls yes like you said that might be at a party it might be at a gig but I'm rendering a service and when you render a service you have to respect the service itself so a lot of people in our very own industry for instance don't respect their own craft so for instance they'll shop drunk that's right what they won't show up right although Shore plates for me little things like that are the difference between whether you get repeat business or not yeah because if I remember you as the guy that didn't show up all those lakes yeah although gave everyone attitude why should I use you again a repeat business yeah I mean you and I were honor you and I were literally on a cruise for four days yes and I I was you don't you you you would you would know this but I was on the upper deck watching you walk towards where you were going to DJ yes and I remember the first thing I standing with someone and the first thing I said to them is very early and you came you were early but you were behind the scenes and you almost watched what was happening you watch the people you watch the music you watched the DJ and what they were doing and then when you went on you murdered it thank you right yeah so so so I'm watching you so first first thing that happens is one watches the jump in experience between the consumers would the people enjoy the music yeah of your product versus the guy who was just on your product and then when it got to end time you kept going what's that about I like I'll tell you one thing people never forgets is how you made them right so I'll give you an example when I arrive at work right because that's what DJing is or at the sabc or even here when I arrived on set yeah for me first things first acknowledge everyone yeah I mean you're just not coming into my office like who knocks them in a fix and it go go it's a good habit to have right not to just walk into people's rooms right whether there's a door knock knock right announce yourself right for me it's rude to just you know impose yourself right and invade someone's face but that's a story for another but but for me when you do a job yeah where that's DJ you work at a company somewhere yeah you work in a factory even what's your role and you understand everyone else is wrong yeah so so for instance when I walk into a club the first person I greet is actually the car guard I don't even know the car guard I greet the lady at the door if there's a cleaning lady in the bathroom greet the lady if there's a bomb and as ammo compassed I create the present because we're all part of the product the product is will people be entertained nothing when we are done I love that but but a lot of the time we almost don't understand or appreciate that you're part of the clock and that if that bigger picture is probably only as strong as how we got it so for me this was because you couldn't you could kill on stage but if the bathrooms are filthy yes then a part of the customer experience is actually I am not sure of all if the person in the bathroom feels invisible but we still expect them to deliver I gotcha so there's also that gadget so even as management you know whether you're managing your company I got it or if you're just managing your kids yeah you know but a family's management yeah do you make everyone feel like they belong I love you make everyone feel like you know what you might just be a cleaner yeah but I see let me ask you this question yeah fresh I iron memories of I was like high school man yeah first job and you were hosting us on wine and I remember I used to walk those two days used to have the Wednesday battles hip-hop battles and I was religiously late on Wednesdays because I was like I'm not stepping out of this car and we've had the battle right I remember Pro kid versus Kato that I don't think this how how is it and today I'm a professional I'm since you know like so I've had my own journey yes how have you maintained the level of commitment to the job over decades now let me ask the question this way yeah how are you not jaded like how are you not like I got it goes back to what I was saying but I understand my role in every single thing that I do but also understand that I have to respect that role so like you were saying I mean I arrived at that event early just to check out what is happening you know a recce if you will but also to interact with the audience again like I said people never forget how you make them feel if I go to an event and all I remember is the fact that I said hi to you and you just come view your nose up at me yeah yeah that is probably the sum total of my experience of and who is it on so me because that's how I made you feel but my attitude is treat everyone like they belong they treat everyone like they matter and that will amplify the experience exponentially in all I mean but we we overlook little things like that and a lot of it is stuff your mom taught you just be nice to me to be a nice person right so when we come back in the next segment I want to get into the history of what you've done at a business level yeah but quickly before we can we leave this conversation about being a human being yes and and just how we show humanity so how do you make sure you don't get taken advantage of because a part of what happens in this dog-eat-dog society we live it is when you come across as human there is an expectation there almost an interpretation that human is we you know I get taken advantage of a lot because I don't always know how to say no right if I genuinely see that someone needs help break and I'm in a position to have them here and that's one of the reasons I do so much charitable stuff yeah because again that's how we were raised that if it doesn't break your back to help someone to give someone a leg up to point someone to the right door then do that I mean that's why I put on as many people as I have in this industry because again my III don't approach life from a fear of scarcity that things are gonna run out on the contrary I believe if I help your light shine there's more light on mine also so I get to see further I get to achieve me but if I tried in your light all I'm ever gonna see is what my lights are showing I don't know how far you like those but if I say yo let's shine our lights together we see so much wider and you realize how much more of a pilot but nobody's not everybody's like you not everyone is like that but I'm here 25 years later put him on easily a hundred two hundred deejays a year I'm still here surely there's a lesson in that sure we're back after this the next conversation is going to be about history track record and the business of music stay tuned we're back we continue our conversation with the one and only tempest equiano's you know him DJ Fresh we spoken a little bit about his early life is love for music the tens of thousands of hours put in we jumped on to the craft and how much time you spend perfect in what you do now want to get into the business of it so it's a business right yes sir I mean you've got a live yeah how do you how have you modeled your business so are you the are you the guy that goes I'm gonna run my own ship I want to manage my own bookings I'm gonna do order that myself or I'm gonna let somebody else worry about that because I'm just a talent in fact because I approach everything as a empty sponge everything I do I wanna learn right every single thing right but my problem also is because I am that guy that loves a challenge right I wanna watch you for instance the way I learned how to drive was from watching my mom drive I was 10 as like mama I can drive she's like my kind of like know I've been watching and she moved over but in the kind of drove so I drew that with every single thing that I do so for instance when we started off at wife and 21 years ago myself in Fat Joe had the same manager level guru sir right never going to lose his company exposure manage myself a fetch all right and then we moved from small the world is exactly and then from there so I think they managed us for about six months to a year and then after that we were managed by suppose emini right right from universal right yeah he actually unlocked our belief in ourselves because we were charging fair amounts safe amounts and see procurement said fresh federal stopping while charging a thousand literally doubled our rate card in one week in one week did your bookings drop so so but but you as the person had to i mean you yourself had to be jolted into believing in yourself right exactly and I think sometimes that's what you need sometimes you need someone looking in from the outside to give you a perspective that you can't see because the operating from this is nice and safe that you know moving along why do I'm not disrupting yeah and sometimes that's where the magic is in the disruption in the fearless pursuit of no man I can do better I can do more I can deliver more there's so many gems there I had a meeting literally two days ago with a guy who walked in yeah and he put a number up on the board and I looked at one of my team members and I said wow I believe abide by any money you just write that number down like this he was like but that's it's just the number yes I know and I had to interrogate my my own relationship with this thing called money and the number right how did you how have you managed your relationship with with this thing called money so so we obviously didn't change management with spectrum so two years into being managed I realized that I couldn't do this myself like why am i paying people ten fifteen percent commissions when I can pay someone a salary and have more money come in now but also one thing that for instance I've learned from watching how my dad ran some of his businesses into the ground was the fact that and I don't know if it happens with everyone or with just black folk or with a young business where you don't differentiate between this is the business this is me so for instance sometimes see my dad arrive to take money from the till and go for petrol or take money from the tail and go to groceries so watching how this doesn't work is what said to me you are any money from TV from radio from cake from voiceovers put everything on the company charge fact enjoy salary that way the company runs and you are just an expense that way you are separating the tool and you're less likely to run it into the ground but sadly also the flip side of that coin is more than the not as black business cash flow is a problem yes yes so you can't help but say and you're 200 bucks for petrol because that's the only money you'll see yeah you know so so yeah how have you just on this and it's not part of my scripted questions but now that you've raised it yeah so how have you managed your own enthusiasm right because you're also in an industry let's be honest that's about fast things fast cars fast all sorts of things I was that guy that bought a new car every 6 to 12 months literally every 6 to 12 months and go pick up a new car or trade in order of else and so one day a skiddo arrived at my place in a Toyota Corolla and I was like where's your ml he's like enough so dude and is that my man then just stop wasting money on cars I must put money into property rather and at the time I owned a little class than in a home and as like I seen those killers right I need to move out of this faster also and get a proper property you know like a free-standing house so those actually auskey toes had to be someplace too many own cars Wow I'm going to property and in fact he's advised a lot of us in the industry about that that cars are nice to have but if you don't have a roof over your head that you own what's the point he scaled down from an ml to a Corolla yeah in fact to give an example of what hold on Oh fresh it's if you can't arrive at the club a Corolla you see that's another problem that we actually need to deal with right especially as black folk right this thing that what will people say yeah yeah yeah I mean I remember there was a time a minister Malouda window still Minister police was talking about celebrities who take taxis or don't own their own cars and the back of my mind I'm thinking it's not an achievement that you donate yeah it's not practical for everyone to own it ah sure I mean depending on how many hours you spend on the road that car is actually reached quite rightly so so I think the minute you find your own lane and you realize the race you're running is yours then you stop looking around at who's watching you run your race you're more likely to focus on the goal and get to the goal so what do people say about what I'm driving come on but our obsession with that is part of the reason we live beyond our means yeah is part of a reason that we we tank our own businesses that you know I've nothing against you saying to the government give me a tender I have everything against you getting a tender and going to buy a car before you've delivered what you need to do I got and you see a lot of that all the time yeah well you think I am the business or you think because there's money I must they all out of control yeah gonna build him wealth you just kind of look like a bowling for a sec here but long term what are your kids getting out of it how do you understand what is your understanding of the concept of wealth so when you when you are having a conversation with yourself Mount wealth and what you want your life to look like yeah and the quality of it and what you want to leave to your kids so what does that look like you're not for me I am building more for the kids that for myself right because my life is halfway done right but I want to build such that if my kids didn't really want to work they wouldn't have to but I think one thing we we also forget to do especially without girl kids is we leave wealth but we don't specify that if it goes to the girls if I stay within a family line then some loafers gonna marry your daughter and all of a sudden he's working yeah you know what I mean so but he hasn't learned the habits of well sex yeah so for me little things like that all add up that if you wanna marry my daughter cuz she's got money it's actually the family - not Herman yeah any mustaches don't do your own so I think little nuance is even in how we decide were gonna leave wealth time for kids or how open up I mean my daughter's nine and already she knows how to say and say I want this she'll say she comes to dad they do extra chores like that's right yeah yeah yeah so that I can make extra money so I can get to my goal yeah I mean this bracelet I'm wearing here this was their businesses in December just making these and selling but beautiful you know guests come over she'll ask in unto your nails it's 50 bucks so already she's seeing the value of creating your own money busy creating your own income and he's connecting the dots between labor yes and and in this and the outcome of it which is money coming in right she's not unbelievable nine and and and a lot of it is from us reminding them that I am DJ fresh my wife is tabby so yeah you are not us how are you building yourself because that's my relationship with money I learned from my dad I mean my dad was clear with us as kids that my role is simple I brought you here I will feed you I will clothe you I'll send you to school if your Nikes you must go get them yourself if you want anything that is not is beyond just functional like the luxury stuff when you must I started earning an income from its 1314 how so just doing odd jobs whether was washing cars I'm working at the tuckshop care but I started earning my own income about 1450 so your dad was like get Oracle at their job will give you one 90s yes you you have to pay fellows who taught me to appreciate working for stuff myself right right initially I thought this guy hates me right right the Nike portes just drop [Laughter] their stories and that is how I develop my relationship money yeah that I realized that a lot of the time we almost want money to be the end-all in the beer yeah as opposed to money facilitate it's a facilitator that says that is it it just don't it's not a deep I gotta tell you I heard this quote the other day this guy says you need a relationship with money that's the same as your relationship with oxygen yes what it says you don't think about where your next breath is coming from you just breathe in and said that needs to be your relationship with this thing called the reflux yes like but he was saying the only way to get there is if when you acquire it stop treating it like it's a novelty like ink and I'm telling Dominic lash it I must show it this money it's a tool takes relax and sadly sometimes I try advice some of the younger kids in our industry but you almost get a sense that they think you're hating yeah or you're jealous for that listen you've been through it why can't I go through a change and I always say you know I'm not having changing cars every 6 to 12 months but my relationship with money has always been such that for instance I remember my dad saying when you wouldn't when you buy anything find out what the bank is willing to give you and spend 1/3 of that so she can keep up with us say that again find out what the banks willing to give you it's been testing the third only a third of the bank says I'll give you a hundred three hundred you won't take a hundred what find out what you can do with a hundred so that you work within if the bank can trust you three hundred trust yourself with a hundred and service that instead I got that way you're not in over you because you know banks will always give you rope to hang yourself that's right yeah so so so that's how I've always approached most purchases that I make there might be impulsive but they're also calculated though the can I afford it a lot of the time will you buy your first car but you forget that there's insurance yeah but this tires you there's incidentals that we're never budget for yeah cuz there's money and I must just you know we treat money like we're hungry don't want to eat everything but you're a lot of you're a lot like fat is not the right word you're a lot of ice right yes what's your one thing that you you know so for me for me it's watches I know if I see it I gotta have it what's it for you you know what it used to be cars yeah then watches yeah and then fragrances so I've stopped with the cars but I call it I mean I I will spend 30 40 grand on fragrances a month just fragrances but also because I want stuff you know when I get at a risk wave fragrances like asking me what I'm wearing yeah cause chances are you're not gonna smell it on the streets that's right yeah because I noticed it actually when you walk into my office cause I think for me is people again never forget how you made them feel right people don't forget since yeah people don't forget especially a guy how you smell yeah how clean or kept you look yeah and you watch people notice those little things so for me the sort of is even if all you never remember about me is he smells good yeah yeah gasps yeah your your you know I mean I mean I mean you look at majority of hotels on the planet right now have signature sentence you won't be spending millions on that stuff you spent you you go to a fifteen on Orange it has a distinct sense right Gloria different distinct said there's a science behind smell yeah and we sleep on it yeah you know a friend of mine runs a dealership yeah and he was telling me that you know that new leather smell - yes they manufacture it now yeah so you're saying they buy second-hand cars and then they dispense the smell in the car and it increases the value of the car because you know it smells new therefore you know but they say the same about if you're selling your property mmm if you're selling a property bake bread when people walk in and there's that smell of home the house becomes more attractive but it feels homely because it smells of bread might remind them of Grandma we used to bake all the time and it lowers their defenses is exactly so it's little things like that that are the difference between if you're gonna you know rocket to just get by quickly on the business front yes how have you set up systems in your business so you're sitting here with me we're having an hour and a half conversation yeah how have you set up systems in your business to know what's going on at any time we have a booking system that allows me to log in yeah up in the back area so basically this system on invoice this system Ariel attracts everything so it allow it it sends a contract invoices so in the back and you can literally check how much you're making every month yeah how much of that just so it's it's technologies your friend and at the beginning of the year do you forecast and plan what you're gonna make for that year or do you kind of go see how it goes I give my team a target right just so that they don't sleep on the job because you know a lot of gigs you wait for people call us right but I always try to centralize them that bring more bring money in and you get a cut if we're not incentivizing people you know what what's the word should they keep coming to work kind of said if it's just the same wallpaper every single time yeah so systems are important but it's also important to let allow people to feel like that part of everything you're 37 albums now right about there they're about yeah how have you how have you navigated the nuances of the music business because you know it's famous for creating famous poor people because my approach when I started for instance of the fresh house flavor yeah series my approach has always been that this is just a CV to send out just to keep your name top of mind so for me there's never a business venture for me was about let the product be out there and if people book you based on the product but that's where you make your money so I'm actually not even when it comes to giving our music that's not particular about that if my music is on a download site let people have it I don't care because in fact it's a vote off of exactly if a hundred thousand people have downloaded my song illegally I'm in a hundred thousand home absolutely that's how I view it so you know I can either fight that or I can say I'm in a hundred thousand homes and those are people that are more likely to come to you then because they can relate to you in that way your ocean sort of franchise right I know being an entrepreneur like what it takes to capitalize something yes so I remember seeing the ads and I was going this is a big deal yeah did it hurt oh ship partnership between myself you for me it's right and the guys at revel eight that's right the first three four years we broke even if not we lost but my faith was in that and know that it's such a hot property it'll start paying cell phone and and and and again it goes back to what I was saying earlier on I don't obsess about money right I'd rather give people something they'll never ever forget yeah I'll buy it over and over again but how do you not lose your enthusiasm in those first three years of making loss because you're selling something that is your passion anyway you see so it makes it difficult for me to be disheartened because we're still throwing a massive party yeah I mean I mean I mean it's it's what which way in June oh ship is in December yeah well ninety five percent sold out rather than advertised once because the product now is so credible people just buy it yeah you know when you said coke can you just pick it up you don't even take it as an expiry date if it has Flair yes yeah ego give you trust yeah yeah that's what we've done with all we've built a brand people can trust that people get off the ship on a Monday and Tuesday they booked for the next one for the next one twelve months later that's the kind of brand it has become and I think that's the magic of building a property if you're patient enough you'll be amazed at what he can do Wow yeah so last question yeah if you were sitting across an entrepreneur mm he's in his first 3d three years yeah he's been losing money he's got demo he's demotivated yo his team is demotivated and he's about to give up mmm what would you say to that guy gee that is a difficult question because I haven't necessarily been there right because I've got a never-say-die attitude about everything you know for me the more difficult it seems it becomes the more attractive it is the more driven I become younger because I reef mean I have failed in you know business ventures that have failed yeah but I didn't go in there with the illusion that it's gonna pop because we've almost romanticized entrepreneurship that's human are you're gonna kill it so you wanna get your favourite car in a massive house you're building so don't go in there with the illusion that you it's gonna pop off them if anything expects to fail more than to succeed but let that probability be what drives you you not have been so I don't know how that would help someone who's about to give up I'm part for me saying that's where you need to push a bit further yeah cuz it takes as long as it takes yes and if you stop then you just didn't have them the mouse exactly but also be realistic you know how many businesses go up and come back down majority yeah so be realistic we we we love almost using other people as yardsticks and and and and I've learnt that never compare yourself to anyone you have school because school is not a yardstick for anything I'll give an example the kids that are probably the dummest when we were in primary school for successful because for me school or the keys the current system almost just teaches you how to memorize that's right it doesn't teach you how to yeah yeah how do you activate yourself yeah how do you think critical here and and and until the system changes we want to continue just churning out mediocre kids yeah we have mediocre adults who Morphin to not fail because that's all they've known mediocrity so you know until you realize that your race is your race stop looking at what Bruce is doing or stop thinking because this was the dumb kid I'm gonna do what he's doing yeah and I'm gonna do better than him yeah yeah you don't know what other people are packing run your race focus on your race fresh I gotta tell you it's been a it's been a privilege and an honor are we done yeah every time I talk to you every time well every time I listen to it I like I could write a book right just so many pearls of wisdom will they be apocalyptic yeah let's do it this time you bring me the fragrance bring you a nice decent fragrance that you've never smelt in your life my man is it but it's for free right and that's how we ended thank you for joining us in our final episode of season one osmosis Cheers
Channel: MyGrowthFund SA
Views: 112,684
Rating: 4.923429 out of 5
Keywords: DJ Fresh, Radio, DJ, Music, Business, Vusi Thembekwayo, Thato Sikwana, Vlogs, Business Vlogs, MyGrowthFund, Osmosis, Episodes, South Africa, Start-ups, mentorships, entrepreneurship
Id: ksd20zM9T04
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 42min 7sec (2527 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 04 2018
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