Real Talk with Anele Season 3 Episode 61 - Cassper Nyovest

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if you had the opportunity to live in a children's wonderland would you choose anywhere else we don't just say we do it's the same city way [Music] [Music] good afternoon and welcome to a brand new week of Real Talk so imagine being a 16 year old kid I don't laugh again telling your parents that you're dropping out of school to pursue a career in hip-hop it sounds a little scary and it's came for any parents here but my guest today had a dream and nothing was going to give him his way of realizing it his achievement so far include releasing three studio albums now I'm not sure of this but I believe they all went platinum he'll tell us but yeah it says two of which went double platinum his business savvy and singing pulled an independent record label as well as launched a family tree clothing store he's got big brand begging him to put his name alongside vapors was mended and he's raised the bar that his competitors can only dream of matching with his Philip Stadium series who else if not oak would you Philip himself cast on your world enjoy neither you need an audience don't you train stuff with an audience because there's always pre-cut following every time I see you for an audience this it's an entourage but that's why I'm saying that life is here to cap it no the - cool - clairebear here buddy - cool okay so in future I'll just make sure when you come around I've gotta meet an audience you'd be the first to do it is not the first but Alicia did Alicia did it but she was shaking away pillows I don't have pillows and there was no social media as well see what so if you had like you know like 100 people on their phones and tweeting one of the things going on be there so when it happens I came up with the idea yeah anyway that's the other photo do you know what I figured as I was reading up on you again because we watch a first-time your repeat offender so thank you for coming back I think immense I'm doing well you're doing very well because we could sit and talk about the same things here last time but we can't could you learn so much something's right but I was thinking you are like our JLo whoa why JLo because she started out of the fly girl right dancing for all these eggs and then she became just mogul of know think about JLo now let me tell you a funny story I'm not fond of story but these two me J knowing in high school the women cause the women like my butt yeah so girls used to come up and hook and touch my butt so when the school magazine came out they call me JLo so when you say J loves like did you read that buick to my history and pull that out for anyone yeah I came up I was jobless hype man yeah yeah and then I used to perform at Cooley shows as well I remember opening up for jr. yeah yeah yeah Willie Nemo believe me as well I lived in his own demons the linings from verbal assassin no yeah yeah yeah with Jabba yeah yeah yeah yeah for Jabba and then he released his own album then I was a tassel as well uh-huh so there's so many people you know I used to like piggy back on there that's exactly what JLo did and when she dated a famous person and so did you whoa yeah do you see the similarities yeah yeah and she's still hot and she still hot she just gets hotter with eight and she's sexy as well and I'm a sexy guy exactly yeah so now do you expect your Jail owners are accepted thank you for that year and almost but also you know you don't have the the time anymore cause you've been I do I still really bum ya it can't go it yeah even if even though he was not yeah just firma yeah I wish I could actually I don't want it to go but it's just something I have my lower body's quite firm alright so when you think about my shaking I like something you said you said you were just average kids with extraordinary dreams yeah the lots of you and that's why by the time you can't be joke oh I don't know what I said there but I do yes I can read it were average kids with extraordinary dreams and the beauty about being in masking was that there was nothing else to do so you could shop in your crown by the time we got to Joburg you could not be distracted you just followed your dream here you say so I watched you say it in an integrand I wrote that though waiting to sharpen your cost now because obviously there's a there's a lot going on and your highway is very busy now so where do you find that place to so be Casper I think it was difficult at a point because I was trying to do everything cuz I love money so and I'm pretty smart so I was trying to apply myself everywhere I can and then the music started struggling a bit and then I'm blessed with amazing management so I was so for this album - the reason why I was so dope is because last year we literally planned it from January up until March I don't want to do an interview I didn't want to be in a business meeting I just wanted to be in studio life yeah so I got time also to be in studio and my sister moved into my house and I felt like I was like that kid back in my town and I was it was just me and the music and my family at home so I think scheduling right now is it's very important because you also have to have time to be a human being and you know where you don't you don't you're not working you just like to living and that that equation come here the content comes from the content comes from this living so that's the best thing I could have done for myself I just asked for time off and just chilled and made music which sister wouldn't you have to do to do the over line my album entitled to take oh yeah when do you decide I had you always known that this coming one is going to be called to toe yeah I always knew but is it's beautiful how it happened and I always knew I am your sister - no sir yes but she's my dad my youngest offering in terms of I didn't know what I was doing it was the dumbest offerings and then the receiver was me in here while I was trying to find myself you know and then to toe is my most personal album and she had just moved into my house and also she's very very emotional so that's why this album is so emotional and it's so personal so she does it bully you a little bit are you like I love the kid of her I'm the bully at home I've always been the boot okay at home because I've got a big voice so she's the one that runs a shop yes Tito yes she's doing an amazing job do you ask permission to name your album I'll stay and sister no I really don't ask everybody I just do it here I didn't ask for permission the funny thing is they're always competing at home of who sold the most because my little sister's album is the one that saw the most yeah and my album sold the least and now total of them you know it might outsell the first time so they're always competing at home but I'm sure your parents waiting they like move up and sit alone and my parents Gayle are born at my my friend my friend thing I'm going to name albums after them I'm like why would I mean and album Zulu more now yeah what Phil avoid nickname guys Kapoor ah when they would care for our kind no it doesn't make sense ah so I mean that was named in the Internet season because of ages and my last album is gonna be named also your last one um how do you know when your last album is gonna be I don't know when it's the last album I don't know for now I still I still have a lot to say and a lot to experience yeah my next album I don't know what I'd name it I'm still looking for a name the other deal that you I'm gonna come on my album read carefully anyone looked at me like now so now so I don't know what the next series is but I'll find it once I'll find it but surely with like a plan like a royalties plan if I was to toe you know they get too much money from me I couldn't no okay so you are you put my visa not like they'll put the sake of my family yeah all the way from Ed time to like serious problems okay so do you do does offend the kids I'll I can staple allowance from you and then you the kind of I get salaries yes and do they really long is who gets the most no they don't no no hahaha sorry you like HR you know that HR across the world they never once I don't know about that would really cause a fight you know they all good get nice checks to live but everybody's comfortable I mean I always say comfortable because then they wouldn't work you know so but they cool I a you know I'll try and balance it to say everybody knows that they still fighting they see but don't you think they like look at each others like that one just bought a pair of Louboutins oh she affording that if I'm getting this I don't know I don't know yeah maybe we comforters probably but Solomon here cuz he we've been hustling for the longest of time together so he doesn't like people isn't careful the one that had a driver when you guys are growing out here why does he need fastly say the driver back when we were all poor you know life happened and he loves like both his parents are oh and then we got on this journey together I like your friendship you must keep it up yeah yeah by his hectic no yeah so he yeah he's the one who's always checking like you how much is that one making why is that guys she was so clean I they knew did you buy me shoes so he's the one who's always checking everybody he's like basically Solomon is like nobody must steal money from me but him okay well then is fine as long as it's going to one person video listen only real talk will give you the opportunity to output Phillips anything you want send us your voicemails or what's up line but now stop your relationship with boy he was great please can we stop the bridge questions they're still friendly to college either he said happy birthday she said happy birthday very happy send us your voice no 20 seconds and layers to the number that you see on the screen right now caps on your vests will respond to you after the break [Music] while Avenue CVC 3 where the stages your giving you a throwback to 2040 with caps on your vest doc Cheryl era doc three years reading we still here yeah once still the biggest yeah I my heart is only growing it's so funny because we did number when he came out I was with defunding and I was like I'm and guess what what's this analysis and then like two days later America and he's and he's he's there as well Amy sees me coach Josh I'd like a fluorescent yeah sorry the funny thing is before he's that song I told you funny I was at Black Caucus house he was he had like a lunch yeah and his new house amazing house so I was like yeah I finally figured out like the balance of the industry of the type of songs to release his singles and albums and I told him I'm going to read this song called Eden Bellini and people are gonna you know say it's trash for a week and then after that's going to be the biggest song and he left for real around yeah so I released a song and it was big and like yo man you said exactly what you were going to do so yeah I thought musicals I'd listen to the lyrics I'm like Casper man what are you saying yeah yeah it's a vibe like not every song is about what you think and some songs I like a vibe yeah yeah the whole song is it to make to make your shoulders move and now actually when I listen to any of the interviews that you do the bed music they use is always a bit number one it's like that it could live in it and I'm just like no I don't want to dance with us I said I'm not going to dance through it wave it like yesterday's like the big songs like Scarborough maliki old song yeah it's not really about what you saying it's just a vibe it's okay I actually did you a favor you owe me - for somebody save some money I I like money and you have too much money no you have too much money during a presidential rolling for those who don't know an Ellen watches too much the presidential runner hope I keep talking about put it oh that was liquor free just by the way just very quick so listen someone once said something about you and it was very confusing I country so finally I had him sitting there and I asked him a question and this was his answer another friend why did you say cast on your vessel TSN is not me he did say that I still want to repeat and they use paper people and buy Negev and Ghana material they're always a destroyer because once you're a journalist you have to work of lies you get tail flies and destroy other people you see because if that don't get any use that don't get paid end of the day it's not when I'm talking by myself in the TV he is a liar that boy is innocent he came to me as a Malaysian to him okay and then I asked a picture and we take the picture I posted to the media but they will look like you know that thing too and more than terrestrial we look like who look like we are African people of course he did gold colour people you know I'm not a black I'm a gold color photo Steven says you see so now the country knows it wasn't you know that man was actually very serious for me because the media doesn't matter well they do understand but I don't care really the lies that they say about me is it the involved my mom yeah my dad so when you say you know they said that he slept with my mom at a hotel why it was a hectic story and I was like man how are you gonna disrespect my mom like our mom is respected in my hood besides me being kept by my mom herself and her family and my dad being a teacher my dad is a legend in the hood because of like so many how many people he's taught and all of that so I was like this that's what really you know made me angry so it it was taken to court and he had to apologize in who at apologized the judge agreed me and then and the magazine really help you sue them here because of defamation of character he took it that seriously I did it's my parents I don't care like even if stories come out about me I don't care because I'm now immune to it I've grown a very thick skin so but when you of my parents and something else they're not famous B so now I'm part of this thing so how come the story about you running out of petrol at McDonald's didn't make papers I don't understand but that's always saying man these these journalists are very lazy there's actual real juicy gossip I think that is funny by the way people don't know about you tell us about the story so I bought when I bought my first Bentley I didn't know oh sorry when I bought my first BJ I have carry on good fine iishe I didn't know like you know like how big the tank is and when it when it says you know pleased with you does it talk to you that's like keys know it's just like any other crisis the sign comes up start thinking yo man I could probably drive yeah and so I'm in McDonald's I'm with some fly girl and in the car stopped and I'm thinking oh maybe there was something wrong I try to start it the car stopped sound like you what is like a thing so this girl looks at me like it was going on and I'm like man so as the cost of the the cops also come to and now I'm thinking you what am I going to do it looks like a stolen car doesn't have number plates and then what happened and then I had to leave the car there because I didn't know what was going on so you didn't know I didn't ever touch them yeah so the cops got me pegged wrong and it had to the petrol and hadn't gone into the tank so I didn't know it had it didn't effort oh we lifted the girl didn't leave me though although we went home and then the next order another one no I will single them oh no I'm cooking another pinky or no Jonah does you probably my second beer okay yeah so and then I went home and in the morning I wind it with my friend and the car started and that's when I you know learned that when I Bentley says cheese refueling you know it means business so now that you are putting and then people are passing here people want to take pictures you know and it's like it was weird people don't came and people just want to take pictures when you're eating they don't care and when you tell them you I'm eating yeah rude but if I saw you pouring petrol in a Bentley not infinity good cousin and then I will now use gas not don't buy things you don't know sauna don't buy things you don't know and it just looks Bentley scoop of petrol did you know say you're just got enough for this car yeah I'm saying it's like where someone rolls up let's say in an ex-fix right and then they say sister and petrol you just like my men but sometimes way sometimes what about what am I supposed to do well I mean an excellence is not read that expensive but I'm saying what am I supposed to do if you caught that okay what if my card is that how what if both my cars are at home and you know that the light just went on and I'm really just trying to get home and all I have on mine it's a sixty bucks what am I supposed to do you don't have a garage cat I actually don't you know really yeah dude so you pay for all of official cash yeah not cash but you know the business good okay so now the blendable oh the black card excuse and I've always wanted to ask you to sort of wondering that is yeah this convo you're always traveling in there when it's time to pour petrol is one patterns what all of them next one car so somebody was has it had that and say can we go in the I need petrol we just follow the guys in front okay yeah if he goes into the presentation we all go yeah and then you take him all of that do you know am saying that became broke no I don't know no no mg/ml my dues actually I'm sure if you do this how did you become broke because he just always had an entourage it to me was always putting maple know all of my friends are always working with me also they part of the machine I don't have people around me who are not doing anything then there's so they know hang out others no no no it's my photographer okay someone is a DJ somewhere is a keyboardist does the road manager there's a merchandising guy couples of the machine as gonna be on the road schedule cell VCD there's promo guys while we had the show we promoting our own show that's coming in a month so I don't have friends just hanging around you know but other friend papi we have a construction company together okay so I don't just have just people around no okay I'm glad all right look seeing as though it's man-made means a brand new opportunity for you to win that 5,000 you gift cards no you can't win careful you've got enough money competition entry details are on your screen right now world will soak up the brake and a bunch of voiceless I promise your monthly them I promise [Music] and welcome back to realtalk estefania vessels come a long way since being a 16 year old with ambition and I'm sure today he reflects on that decision he made to take a leap of faith in following him following his passion while I was pride all these years later and it gets a serenade he's Superman aka dead through that song that we're going to play you guys Superman is cook with pepper to LA trust me it was my favorite song on to to actually well done I love it I absolutely love it right now let's go to the tweets from ed cherry cases kappa you like your butt yeah I told you I'm JLo baby Castle I need to find a name but let me tell you those a bit like okay anyway uh capsule fine though yeah there's in capital fine I mean sexy chubby was the one but I'm not a chubby anymore like just exists 60 years okay 60 cash don't let some super sexy I'm saying I see you baby where is the camera I see you baby oh seven eight haha I'm joking no you're not that's the thing you're not joking I'm actually not but I know that there's a voice mode lizard Jojo chuckles Wow if you can buy years ago from Gucci Lisa listen I just need to know just tell me what's your biggest fear as somebody who's the speaker entertainment what to make is he ever my biggest fear to go to hell man yeah the biggest fear going to hell yeah I'm good at heaven that's my biggest worry a dad of all of this how are you ensuring that you're gonna go to I try and be as good as I can and I talk to God you know almost every day didn't you say it because he is also going to jail yeah by this is my biggest fear okay so one of you is jail yeah I saw it hell and then getting sick and then it's jail okay so when when you say getting sick do you I go for tests all the time like full-body no I just I live I try to live a healthy life and I protect myself okay yeah so no I'm not yeah you won't be hearing about kids anytime soon but what is your mom feel about that could you know this you know parents who do that hoping if you did bring a child yeah I'm with my mom is like boys now so she wants it better than she wants yeah I just love money too much so I'm not ready to share my money with but who can someone like you trust on that level to settle down with and has a lot of good women out there is there I think guys are bored by them you always go for the crazy girl so when I when I want to have a kid you know he has a little I know I know a girl that I'd have a baby with are you gonna tell us who she has no no she knows herself she's probably watching hey yeah wrapping her time with you I'd have a baby I'd marry her man yeah Ricky live here I was born I'm ready yeah but here's the quick thing we all crazy no no no no this yeah I'm talking about crazy for no reason I was like women were crazy for no reason okay and there's like women were crazy for you know so reasons they are reasonably crazy like men push them there uh you know I mean if you if you come back to my house and find me with a girl in my bed and you stab me I'm allowed I don't I'm not sure where I'm at Grandstaff anybody I'm just saying man do crazy things and hurt men and also men play with I also speak about an album play men are so manipulated they played women's minds and emotions so they Drive women crazy and then they say that goes crazy but they don't tell what they did to make the girl you know and critically and potentially said who robbed this is why you can buy all of Catholicism here to go buy two dogs ha ha ha have another lots of voice mode I can spot I just want to say I love you and I love your music and I'm so proud of you because I'm also from my seeking Oh dope keep doing what you do thank you um I just want to know why did you get rid of their Pony chain by the ponytail uh I had to uh I was growing up you know I had to I had to get rid of you know the stuff that made me you know cause people don't get Jeff Winger this was like a gimmick yeah and I was gonna you know say just like every other gimmick so i like reinventing myself and it was time for me to show like the more grown up the more mature side of me you know and i had lost weight it didn't make sense anymore cuz my head was a bit smaller and so i cut it off you know i'll starting to wear suits I couldn't you know his little love yeah yeah when I'm in a meeting and that's why I don't have tattoos yeah because I can't see myself sitting in in a meeting you know asking people for 6 million ran and I've got tattoos all over my body where's the ponytail now it's somewhere in the house so you didn't like put it in a glass cage I never said I'm honest I'm gonna no I'm gonna frame it in my hostel I don't know I just moved into my nose today Ricky how much of that was yeah i said i don't ii don't believe me oh really oh man see you weren't Leslie I'm going shout out your just coffee I say a lot of things on that phone that people actually missed I haven't speak about politics and people only way can't you just say I dropped in power how he is can we come back so are you gonna take the ponytail and also sell it in your shop like you're selling those 10 or 100,000 no the point is not for sale right now maybe later maybe later I doesn't look good you know I'm saying it's here so you never you never know I don't think someone would buy but that is all a very good buy it goodbye my ponytail and for how much yeah Sheila tweet us tweet annelid if you watch going to show how much would you buy my book ponytail for and if you would buy yes so speaking of being taken seriously I heard you gave a speech at Stanford you Stanford you I believe yes about what about basically just being an African in you know just day in age and through my music and what is it called - Bora oh yeah the dice pour only that word everyone is sick sick I had a lot of music yeah and I'm thinking man how do I talk to like these graduate you know and I just told my story of like just how I came up as an African boy who was just influenced by everything around the world and hard to find my identity and how I ended up being take you know giving a lecture at Stanford University would you say that's one of your biggest moments now what is buying groceries for my mom oh yeah so every time we buy groceries for you you feel like yeah not the very first time that was like amazing and every time I can help my mom or my sister this that's always the biggest moments for me because I'm thinking man if I didn't if God didn't bless me so much I wouldn't be able to take out my family from all these situations because I know how it feels to need and I'd be able to feed the needy I'm saying not be able to to survive I know how it feels you know I know how it feels to call a cousin and say bro I can't pay my rent can you please help me and have them say yes and switch off their phone you know that I'm saying and you know the guy has the money you know I know how we feel so I don't want to be that cousin I mean uncle or little you know son like when my mom calls me and they really need help and I don't help so those are like the biggest moments for me so you said that you used to be scared when your phone rings and it's your mom yeah now I'm not an implied she's getting my mom my mama's straight when we were kids she was really hectic like my mom she would beat you up for like not flushing the toilet good not doing your homework are not washing your uniform like maybe something that in anything that she finds wrong so basically when she drives into the yard we had like a pigment of stones yeah so you'd hear the car through here and you go through the chicken to avoid that plastic did you take a sheet if you if there's anything that you didn't do even if it took an hour you'd probably do it in 15 seconds before she steps into the house because when she rocks up with the rock in the building yeah you'll be lucky if you smell what The Rock is cooking my mom was really hectic so every time she called you you was just thinking what did I do wrong so I guess that's mine also when my parents were really going through a rough patch yeah you do about to you know separate and do both so when you kids you don't know what's going on you just feel like man you really hectic yeah I'm saying so my mama's but right now we're like very close best friends best friends so she actually even sent me a text you know thanking me for honoring my dad with the Superman song a22 Petula and she was like yeah I'm really gonna be blessed she called me a messiah for cover that songs about yo you actually sent here to the world you know for a bigger purpose and to send a message to our people she my mom cherishes me as much as like my fans do she sends me amazing messages like today she sent me a message about the house and and how much I inspires she's like it's crazy you my son but you inspire me like like a legend you know so my mom is amazing man what a wonderful wonderful man what was kept on your vest after the break [Music] their families are not really like the best of friends uh-huh so there was a moment where everybody got together and they were all celebrating and I'm sitting there thinking yo man you guys hated each other like last week so it was a dope moment and you know that you created that moment yellow God to me ah Messiah Messiah Messiah so when you went initially to the to the dome go buy the DVD by the way if you don't have it now go upstairs man win go fight activity nobody's really done you know by everything I can stop used by the vodka by by the TV - music affairs go get the album - dough and then get the DVD and then go get the serac and chill and is there a pineapple one big by credible yeah I wanna I'm gonna deliver how many no no I'm also here costly means so don't let a lot oh just one after the Crusades they appease the crew they drove into reality that's why very what already so when you were going because I know you said you went to the dome when you're still discussing with him and they said a million rand and they didn't flinch yeah it was all I didn't know if I'm right now I don't even know what to say I didn't know I was like am I ready for this and I ever spend in me cuz we do a lot of parties and we've never spent a million rent on the venue so we like so this million like why does it come with the comment sound and a cloud there's a couple three thousand people they like no you can just have the dome yeah is you have the dome that's all you have you decide to do whatever you want to do on the day Orlando Stadium how much of that alone the stadium was like 400 thousands okay but not with and then when it comes with it everything out that is comparable to board comes up to a million that's immediately and then the damage of the grass the millions of toupees or like 200 yeah yeah 200 to them so it's pretty much the same thing and I know you didn't make money from fill up the dome did you make money from Phillip Orlando yeah okay a little more Oh at least here was that thing of me me but you know shoutout to the Department of Arts and Culture was the sponsor shallot MTN who was a sponsor shout-out to who else did a forgettable Department of Arts and Culture and an empty a Department of Agriculture doing a great job I saw they coming on board for FMB please they have to we've been told us ocularly yeah I talked to the minister okay yeah I'll talk to friends in high places it's not friends it's just there's certain things you work to a cuz I'm going out doing the dome I was trying to meet nothing to tie but I couldn't because I was just an artist and after doing the dome now I have a voice I can ya know so you know just yeah and you put yourself with your own money yes with my own money so they know that it's not okay the money is going somewhere he knighted for a bigger purpose because the way we structure these shows that the budget of making the show is bigger than the return at the gate and ticket sale so it's kind of impossible to make money so the only way to we can make a little money is through sponsorships so you know and since we're doing it and being right now if there's a corporate company that's watching you know it is you could please sponsor us and jump on on on Phillip absolutely stadium we need 15 million to do we want a deal yes and how many people do I'd say 90,000 75 would the stage of all case only 5 because there's the rest the stage takes up to you so many 5,000 and it's the last one I'm doing really yeah I'm after after that it's a bit hectic up with a Phillips head al Qaeda filling up yeah maybe in Java maybe I'll move to another province or something but is the last one in Joburg and so on and people should come and see and with this one we be really going more South African and more African actually let me say that at the theme of the stages it's gonna be amazing people should check it out I like I've been drawing these things in my mind and a few meetings I basically wanna know let me not mess it up it's just going to be an amazing it's all be a surprise okay we're going to be good bye for now we'll be back after the break with one voice note from you then listen to us that quickly and there may be one person buy the album both sides by every one more voice not because I want to play that video that video Superman you have to see it be back and we are back with the world sexy Chaddock guy now shark will you help on your birth year the last witness your arm I just wanted to ask Laura Casper as a real inspiration to as much eatable cards I mean young and old so the question I would like to ask him is that if the ever really going to release a book so that Weekly know that he steps where he had to go through and stuff like that or maybe a reality show you know the thing about the book it's like I'm saying peace out now you have done it all you know I'm saying so I think I'm not ready for a book but I've started writing one you know so on my phone every time I think of something that's really profound that I learned throughout my journey I put it put on the notes you know so I have like an intro that I've written you know about my name and stuff so I'm writing a book but it'd probably take me five years maybe to write this because I really want to write it I don't want to get it right I was going to write my book you know I'll collaborate with the writer later in terms of a reality show I don't think it suits my brand well you know like I think the reason why people want more of me is because I don't give them everything even though I give them so much but people still want to know you know people want to know like am I in a relationship now and stuff like that because I don't give out too much so as much as I'd love to do I relate a reality show I don't think it suits my brand where and I don't think any channel will pay me enough oh I said we see what a challenge challenge accepted rather than gave me enough I see these contracts of like you know what they paying people for reality shows them you know me I like I'm a big brand and everything I do is like big so I wouldn't want to make a normal reality show you know it has to be okay and then finally before we play the music video I know you've got a hard driver java's house that's got like 500 songs crazy when are we going to get those songs I just met Jabba two weeks ago so I'm going back to his house soon he wants to play me some music and I want to play him some music as well so I think somewhere in the competition I just think that I'd Drive you know where he's not looking and then yeah we got here so yeah but right now it's the album two dollars out in stores and that's that's what I want to talk about me pushing that people are asking for more music and I'm like man I've dropped an amazing project it hasn't even been two months but people move on so quickly you know do you know what you can take your time I think tutors the best work you've done and I enjoyed your other work as well but this is the base work you've done and people who weren't even Casper fans are coming out saying that this is the base booking stance so and you keep that up and we will see you at F and D state and when you fill it up
Channel: Real Talk
Views: 229,031
Rating: 4.8136926 out of 5
Keywords: Real, Talk, With, Anele
Id: jpqhkELHuNA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 38min 17sec (2297 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 28 2017
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